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Designed for sustainability

Xmo Strata Limited were selected as a branding partner on the Shell Recharging Station in Fulham. Xmo Strata used the Visive Hi-Lite™30 Duo solution in Shell colours to ensure this global brand’s colour scheme shines brightly and highlights this unique architectural design.

Shell Canopy with unlit Hi-Lite™30 Duo

Shell Canopy with unlit Hi-Lite™30 Duo

Close up of Hi-Lite™30 Duo fitted to Shell fascia

Close up of Hi-Lite™30 Duo fitted to Shell fascia

The Hi-Lite™30 Duo with its 30mm diameter perfectly complements the sleek lines of the Shell Recharging Station and is powered through our unique, patented CSC safety device.

Hi-Lite™30 Duo perfectly illuminating the Shell colours

Hi-Lite™30 Duo perfectly illuminating the Shell colours

When installed, this was only the second Shell location in the UK to benefit from our dual coloured Hi-Lite™30 which can be seen across the Netherlands and other global regions.

Incorporating sustainable materials including solar panels, double-glazed roof and shop windows into the design, Shell have designed this new location with sustainability in mind. Shell Fulham features nine highpowered, ultra-rapid 175kW charge points which can charge most vehicles from 0-80% within 10 minutes –three times faster than more widely used 50kW rapid chargers.

Hi-Lite™30 Duo framing this amazing structure

Hi-Lite™30 Duo framing this amazing structure

Hi-Brow™30 and Hi-Lite™30 are the LED contour tube of choice, installed across the globe and seen on major brand outlets as well as prestigious building structures.

With their rugged composition, plug and play design making for quick installations and our patented safety circuit constantly checking on the health of the installation, the Visive border / contour products are the ideal solution for brightening any retail, commercial or public building.

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