Department of Culture and Tourism Abu Dhabi - Annual Report 2022

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Annual Report 2022

Enriching lives together

It is thanks to our partners, collaborators and friends across Abu Dhabi that we can fill these pages with stories of growth and success across a range of projects and initiatives - all made possible, of course, by our dedicated team here at DCT Abu Dhabi.

Over the past year, we have restated our purpose as a guiding message: that we exist to enrich people’s lives by sharing Abu Dhabi with the world. In our every action, we have strived to deliver on our promise to promote, protect and progress Abu Dhabi as a cultural and tourism destination, creating unforgettable experiences for our visitors and building a brighter future of limitless opportunities for our youth.

Culture is at the heart of everything we do. From our welcoming Emirati hospitality to the evolving Saadiyat Cultural District, we ensure that what we offer to our visitors and our communities is consistently relevant, credible and differentiated.

As champions of our nation’s rich traditions, we safeguard and celebrate Abu Dhabi’s strong sense of national identity, empowering future generations to make their mark. Both culture and creativity are increasingly woven into the fabric of day-to-day life, playing an integral role in our growth as a society and helping to drive the economy forward.

In 2022, we celebrated major museum announcements, taking our visitors and residents on a journey 14 billion years into the past for the pop-up of the Natural History Museum Abu Dhabi, before looking to the future with a preview of the immersive, multi-sensory experience that is teamLab Phenomena Abu Dhabi.

In 2022 we harnessed the power of culture, which showed us the pathway to resilience, recovery and revival. It was also a year where we embraced the transformative power of collaboration, bringing a new-found sense of energy, partnership and innovation.
Annual Report 2022 3 Chairman’s foreword
Al Mubarak Chairman The Department of Culture and Tourism Abu Dhabi

Within that same timespan, we unearthed archaeological breakthroughs on Ghagha Island, revealing societal discoveries that date back 8,500 years, explored ‘A Living Culture’ at the fifth Culture Summit, released a landmark co-publication with UNESCO about the impact of Covid-19 on global culture, and marked five years of Louvre Abu Dhabi’s celebration of the shared story of humanity.

This sense of a living culture can be seen - and heard - in Abu Dhabi’s status as a UNESCO City of Music, with an increasing focus on the performing arts. Meanwhile, the Arabic Language Centre has transformed our book fairs into festivals in Al Ain and Al Dhafra, providing unique opportunities for more communities to enjoy reading and knowledge in all their forms.

These are just a few highlights within a report that documents a variety of memorable moments in time. Through the power of our partnerships - from local stakeholders to global IPs - we invite the world to share in Abu Dhabi’s journey and ensure our destination proposition is second to none.

This was expressed through the launch of Experience Abu Dhabi, our new destination brand which re-engaged markets across the globe, placing Emirati hospitality at the core of all the unique and immersive moments that the emirate offers.

Through the lens of our destination platform, we distilled what sets Abu Dhabi apart, offering thoughtful experiences that inspire, that everyone can enjoy at their own pace - a

resounding message that also applies to our growing number of business travellers from across the globe, and all of us who call Abu Dhabi home.

Throughout 2022, our focus on Culture and Creative Industries (CCI) continued to shape the future of both culture and industry, with fresh exchanges of ideas, new jobs created and creative communities working together. Animation, gaming and esports are thriving, and we can see the direct link between creativity and economic prosperity, with Abu Dhabi emerging as a front-of-mind destination for innovators, entrepreneurs and those with the power to imagine.

In terms of performance, the numbers for 2022 are strong and we have already raised the bar higher for 2023. With these ambitious goals, I am grateful we have a wealth of talent across the Department, and I want to again thank our leaders, experts and rising stars.

Together, we continue to progress Abu Dhabi innovatively, introducing new sustainable tourism guidelines for the sector and a robust strategy guiding all our activities and initiatives - now and for the years to come. We remain committed to the UAE’s 2071 Centennial Plan, under our nation’s wise leadership as we work towards becoming the best place in the world to visit, live, work and play.

As we embrace our heritage and focus on the future, our ambition for Abu Dhabi is limitless.

NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM ABU DHABI Annual Report 2022 5 Chairman’s foreword

Our year of collaboration

What we have achieved in our mission to promote, protect and progress Abu Dhabi is enabled by the power of partnerships. This is a key element of Abu Dhabi’s economic engine, with our partnerships defining the emirate’s tourism offerings and infrastructure, enabling us to re-engage visitors following the impact of Covid-19. We are grateful to everyone within the Abu Dhabi ecosystem, from airlines to hotels, all working in concert, connected for a common purpose.

It is culture that strengthens these connections. Culture is the bedrock of our story. It is also significant in terms of economic diversification, from job creation to increasing the attractiveness of our destination as a place to live and work. In a multitude of ways, we delivered on our mandate to protect our heritage, and sought pioneering ways of using contemporary creative expression to both transform our community and connect with the wider world.

Protecting our past allows us to progress a broad range of talent across Abu Dhabi. House of Artisans helps to nurture the crafts and traditional practices that fuel small business growth and entrepreneurship - with upskilling through training and development. The Arabic Language Centre has safeguarded and advanced the language which is so central to our identity as a people, and events such as the Maritime Heritage Festival ensure we directly support families committed to heritage industries.

For the Department of Culture and TourismAbu Dhabi, 2022 was a year of harnessing the power of collaboration to unlock our potential and set new standards for our industry. We built on our valued partnerships, locally, regionally and globally, and collaborated internally and externally to leverage team synergies and opportunities, with ever-greater efficiency.

The Department of Culture and Tourism Abu Dhabi

Al Hosani Undersecretary
Annual Report 2022 7 Undersecretary’s foreword

These celebrations promote our unique culture to a global audience and enhance the wide variety of events within our refreshed Abu Dhabi Calendar, which has taken us to new heights as a destination for major sporting franchises, global entertainment and family events, including bestsellers like Disney on Ice and Disney’s The Lion King.

Showcasing cultural attractions, festivals, performing arts, sports and gaming, we targeted markets in sectors and territories with high potential and amplified our online presence and digital touchpoints. Our Meetings, Incentives, Conferences and Exhibitions (MICE) offering went from strength to strength in 2022, as we revamped our incentive programmes to ensure Abu Dhabi was front of mind as a regional centre for doing business.

One notable example of this was our successful bid to host the 13th Ministerial Conference (MC13) of the World Trade Organization (WTO), further cementing Abu Dhabi as a destination of choice with the capacity and range of capabilities to convene globally significant conventions. Placing the UAE at the heart of the ministerial meetings will shape the immediate future of global trade.

All the activity you see in this report, from small projects and grassroots programmes to major initiatives and

infrastructure development, is contributing to making Abu Dhabi a better place for residents, investors and all those who visit the emirate - while we nurture our homegrown talent and support innovation and opportunities for youth.

The words of the late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, founding father of the United Arab Emirates, speak for all of us at the Department of Culture and Tourism: “We are like those who had climbed a mountain and reached the top. When we looked down, we still wanted to go higher to realise our goals. Despite all the achievements, we still have an ambition for more.”

Our message moving forward is this: collectively, we thrive. Collaborating to succeed, we continue to unify and integrate to find new efficiencies. We reaffirm our commitment to delivering excellence for Abu Dhabi - driving new opportunities for creativity, youth empowerment and entrepreneurial activity, while elevating the emirate’s status as a global centre for culture, entertainment and business.

Our aspirations remain high and, collectively, we honour our heritage and foster creativity while ambitiously driving forward.

AL AYYALA AT QASR AL MUWAIJI Annual Report 2022 9 Undersecretary’s foreword

We are The Department of Culture and Tourism Abu Dhabi

We enrich lives by sharing Abu Dhabi

Promoting, protecting and progressing Abu Dhabi with culture and tourism at the heart of everything we do.

Visionary at heart, sustainably driven –collaborating to succeed.

Annual Report 2022 DCT AL WATHBA FOSSIL DUNES A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 0 2 2 11 Department of Culture and TourismAbu Dhabi

Collective progress in 2022

From our Culture and Tourism sectors

Enriching people’s lives by sharing Abu Dhabi with the world

3m culture sites visits with a 99% satisfaction rate




countries at Culture Summit Abu Dhabi 2022 highlights

Mawhibaty applications for talent development

78% destination awareness across 12 strategic markets

70% hotel occupancy

80% visitor satisfaction total visitors to Abu Dhabi Annual Report 2022 13
AL WATHBA FOSSIL DUNES Culture Tourism p. 16 - 79 p. 80 - 105 80. Tourism sector 90. Event highlights 96. Developing excellence 98. Abu Dhabi Convention and Exhibition Bureau 16. Culture sector 22. Platforms & public engagement 28. Policies & heritage preservation 40. Sites & programmes 54. Saadiyat Cultural District 72. Abu Dhabi Arabic Language Centre p. 106 - 133 106. Strategic Marketing & Communications 126. People and Performance 128. Future focus 130. Foundations for success 132. International awards Annual Report 2022 15 Contents C ultu r e T o u r is m Empowering the business p. 16 - 79 p. 80 - 105 Tour ism sector Event excellence A bu C onvention E x hibition Culture sector 22. Plat for ms & public 28 Policies & her itage preser vation 40 Sites & progr ammes Cultur al Distr ict A bu Ar abic L anguage C entre p. 106 - 133 Str ategic Mar keting & C ommunications and Per for mance 128. success Inter national awards A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 0 2 2 C o n t e n t s


Abu Dhabi is rooted in cultural heritage and creativity, and culture is a driver of social and economic development. We preserve and sustain Abu Dhabi’s cultural heritage, stimulate creativity and enable artistic expression in all its forms, while nurturing talent and building capacity across the sector.

AL AIN OASIS Annual Report 2022 17 Culture

Through culture we all belong

Our vision is to foster a strong cultural identity that is deeply rooted in cultural heritage and creativity, that we can project and share with the world.

Our long-term cultural strategy for the emirate is based around three main pillars:

1. Preserve and sustain Abu Dhabi’s cultural heritage

2. Increase engagement with the emirate’s culture scene

3. Build and enable capacity in Abu Dhabi’s culture sector

The museums we develop, the cultural centres we create, the historic buildings and cultural landscapes we adapt and the creative industries we support are all a source of sustainable economic development and diversification.

Attracting and nurturing talent as well as building capacity is at the core of our aspirations, as Abu Dhabi evolves into a globally known centre of cultural talent and a leading producer and exporter of creative content.

Abu Dhabi has always believed in the important role culture plays in shaping societies
LOUVRE ABU DHABI Annual Report 2022 19 Culture
Our aim is to position Abu Dhabi as a recognised cultural capital rooted in cultural heritage and creativity, a place where culture is a driver of social and economic development.
Annual Report 2022 21 Culture

Culture platforms and public engagement

Through a range of platforms and initiatives, culture has the potential to build community cohesion, leverage knowledge creation, promote understanding, and inspire creativity and innovation.

Traditional Handicrafts Festival

A celebration of traditional Emirati handicrafts featuring a variety of activities, including demonstrations, competitions, and workshops. The festival was held in the Al Qattara Heritage Souq in Al Ain.

Al Hosn Festival

An annual celebration of the emirate’s cultural heritage, set across Al Hosn’s historic buildings and outdoor areas. The event showcases Abu Dhabi’s traditional heritage and its contemporary creativity through a wide range of activities including performances, film screenings, art installations, live craft and design demonstrations, competitions, creative workshops, retail pop-ups, and a variety of culinary experiences.

Manuscript Exhibition and Conference

In coordination with the National Marciana Library of the Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage, the University Library of Bologna in Italy, the National Library of Spain, and Royal Library of San Lorenzo de El Escorial.

Maritime Heritage Festival

Held at Al Bahar on the Abu Dhabi Corniche, the festival is a celebration of the UAE’s maritime heritage and traditional practices.

Archaeology Conference

Organised with the Zayed National Museum, the conference supported DCT Abu Dhabi’s cultural mission to preserve and promote the emirate’s rich cultural heritage and history.

Abu Dhabi Music Programme

Bridging the gaps between Arabic and Western classical music with a rich and diverse selection of performances from programmes such as Abu Dhabi Classics, Umsiyat, Sounds of the UAE, and Youth Orchestra.

Annual Report 2022 23 Culture

Abu Dhabi Art

Abu Dhabi Art Fair 2022 was the largest edition to date, with a record-breaking 80 galleries from 28 countries, guest curators and collaborators. In addition to the fair, Abu Dhabi Art runs a number of year-round programmes, including exhibitions, workshops, and talks, which promote contemporary art in Abu Dhabi and build a strong community of artists, curators, and collectors.

80 28 galleries featured participating countries

27 UAE-based artists supported

6 UAE emerging artists supported

Annual Report 2022 25 Culture

Culture Summit 2022: A Living Culture

Culture Summit Abu Dhabi is a gathering of leaders from the fields of arts, heritage, media, museums, public policy and technology. The annual summit has been held five times since its inception in 2015 and the 2022 event, themed “A Living Culture”, was attended by over 1,000 delegates from 90 countries, driving change in the culture and creative industries and the wider culture landscape.

Ahead of the summit, the Culture Sector published a global report in partnership with UNESCO: Culture in Times of COVID-19: Resilience, Recovery and Revival.



3k 100 participants speakers

15 13 +150

cultural partners performances students and faculty

Annual Report 2023
Annual Report 2022 27 Culture

Learning from the past to inspire our future

Preserving Intangible Cultural Heritage elements

From storytelling to performances and social expression, ‘intangible heritage’ is the cultural practices, traditions and knowledge, passed down through generations – with the unique ability to promote cultural diversity, social cohesion and creativity.

On behalf of the UAE, we have proudly preserved, documented and inscribed on UNESCO’s ICH lists, the distinct communication practice of Camel Hidda (camel calling), and the life-giving date palm.

ICH has also been developed into a curriculum that can be blended with a range of educational subjects. Moving forward, schoolchildren in Abu Dhabi can connect to their cultural roots and heritage through inspiring and engaging platforms.

2 I.C.H. elements inscribed

- Camel Hidda

- The date palm

Organising the 10th GCC Heritage and Oral History Conference

The practices of recording and preserving spoken memories, stories and experiences are vital to humanise our history, challenge narratives and provide insights into modern social change. This annual gathering was held in October 2022, hosting Emirati and Arab expert speakers, examining our past to inform a range of present-day issues.

Annual Report 2022 29 Culture
Artisans Certified in 2022


Valuing our heritage by safeguarding its future

Digitising and streaming Emirati music

We partnered with the leading music streaming platform Anghami to make traditional Emirati performing arts music accessible to local, regional, and international audiences. 2022 marked the third phase of the partnership - with one million streams across six genres.

Musical terms

Al Shillah

Sung poetry, often accompanied by the playing of a rebabah. Poems are either descriptive, laudatory or offer words of wisdom.

Al Azi

One of the traditional arts of poetic recitation in the UAE, performed by a group of men without music or percussion.

Al Razfa

A traditional performing art comprising poetry and rhythm, deeply rooted in the heritage and culture of the UAE.

Developing the handicrafts sector

Al Ayyala

Considered one of the traditional performing arts of the UAE, it includes group singing performed on social and national occasions.

Al Taghrooda

Traditional poetry that sheds light on Bedouin life, related to camels and movement through the desert.

Al Rebabah

An ancient musical instrument with a single string. It is part of the Emirati heritage and is the companion of the Bedouin in his travels.

Promotion and support of the Emirati handicrafts sector in Abu Dhabi included several initiatives across the value chain, from licensing artisans to activating channels with private sector retailers. In 2022, DCT Abu Dhabi completed the set-up of the Abu Dhabi Register of Artisans, a physical space in Al Ain’s Al Qattara Souq area, and developed a dedicated catalogue for Abu Dhabi Crafts.

Annual Report 2022 31 Culture

Earthen architecture and publications

Building on legacy

Earthen architecture has a rich history in Abu Dhabi and the wider region, dating back thousands of years. The use of mud and other natural materials for construction was a practical response to the desert climate, providing thermal insulation and protection from the sun and wind.

Some of the most significant examples of earthen architecture in Abu Dhabi are found in Al Ain, where a number of landmarks and sites form the UNESCOdesignated Cultural Sites of Al Ain. From historic Al Jahili Fort to structures found in the Al Ain Oasis, these traditional buildings are constructed from mud bricks and palm fronds and many feature wind towers that provide natural ventilation and cooling.

In October 2022, the Second International Course on the Conservation of Earthen Architecture took place in partnership with the Getty Conservation Institute, further enhancing the practice of earthen heritage conservation by providing practical training for professionals from the Middle East, North Africa and South Asia regions.

Inscribing Abu Dhabi’s cultural story

In 2022, Abu Dhabi’s cultural research and policies were highlighted through 28 print and digital publications. These included the DCT Abu Dhabi-UNESCO report ‘Culture in Times of COVID-19’, CultureSTATS-AD cultural statistics reports, World Heritage Site maps and six Braille booklets to share our story with those who are visually impaired. The dissemination was expanded by 39 new channels, including 28 design, print and e-publishing projects.


A total of 11 scientific papers were published:

1. Al Ain Museum excavations: Bin Biduwa House Conservation Journey

2. 20th Century Historic Thematic Framework with Getty Conservation Institute

3. Scientific paper on Abu Dhabi Oman border archaeology

4. Aflaj Discoveries

5. Modern Heritage

6. Palaeolithic Archaeology

7. Scientific paper on Ghagha 14

8. Scientific paper on Ghagha 63

Scientific paper on Ghagha 63

9. Scientific paper on Marawah

Scientific paper on Marawah

10. Publication on Bin Aati excavations

Publication on Bin Aati

11. Publication on Qasr Al Hosn archaeology

Publication on Qasr Al Hosn

Annual Report 2022 33 Culture

Developing the Abu Dhabi Historic Environment Record (ADHER)

In 2022, the Abu Dhabi Historic Environment Record (ADHER) system was completed adding more than 500 new sites to the database. ADHER is a geospatial database of all known immoveable cultural heritage sites in Abu Dhabi and a management tool for the documentation of sites. In the long term, it will also improve public access to information about Abu Dhabi’s heritage.

Modern heritage conservation

The Modern Heritage Initiative aims to conserve, rehabilitate, promote, and reuse Abu Dhabi’s modern heritage. 2022 saw the registration of the first 64 highpriority modern heritage sites, as well as the creation of the Modern Heritage Nominations Committee, resulting in a policy issued for the registration of Abu Dhabi’s modern architecture. In addition, a series of workshops were held in partnership with the Getty Conservation Institute, to explore the application of the 20th-century Historic Thematic Framework for the Middle East.

high-priority modern heritage sites registered

Identifying and protecting the historic environment of Abu Dhabi

To ensure any new developments are sensitive and compatible with Abu Dhabi’s historic environment, we have established development regulations and urban design guidelines.

Urban Treasures initiative

DCT Abu Dhabi presented awards to 15 long-standing businesses and hidden gems that have played a key role in the emirate’s vibrant urban fabric.

Culture sites visitation

In 2022, culture sites’ visitation exceeded targets by welcoming 3 million guests and recording 99% visitor satisfaction.

culture sites visitors visitor satisfaction 3m 99%

Annual Report 2022 35 Culture

Stimulating creativity and inspiring young people are a crucial part of our culture mandate. In 2022, we engaged youth and talents through a wide range of interactive initiatives and activities across a number of sites and platforms

Berklee Abu Dhabi programmes

Located on Saadiyat Island, the first Middle East outpost of Berklee College of Music welcomed professional musicians, artists and enthusiasts to speak, discuss and learn from each other. The second edition of the Berklee Abu Dhabi Music Summit hosted themed panel discussions with local and international experts, performances by both local and regional emerging talents, and a series of valuable networking opportunities.

Intangible Cultural Heritage Curriculum in schools

A new ICH Curriculum outline and narrative approach was developed in 2022. It will pioneer modular curriculum teaching in Intangible Cultural Heritage in a way that can be blended with a broad range of educational subjects. The benefits include connecting students to their cultural roots and heritage, fostering social cohesion and solidifying community identity.

Engaging youth and the community in all domains of culture

Mawhibaty Talent Development Programme

Established in partnership with the Department of Education and Knowledge (ADEK), Mawhibaty identifies and supports talented students in Abu Dhabi in visual and performing arts.



student visits across all sites

+2k 12%

student artworks were presented at the 2022 Student Showcase Exhibition

Mawhibaty applications for 2022-23

increase in the number of students enrolled


The first end-of-year concert highlighted the talents of students

Annual Report 2022 37 Culture

Policies, research and reports that document cultural impact

As we seek to inspire creativity and innovation, documenting the impact of culture provides valuable sources of knowledge and enables effective plans and policies.
This has a range of benefits, from education and research, to facilitating the creation of new initiatives that celebrate and narrate Abu Dhabi’s story.

Calculating cultural impact with CultureSTATS-AD

The first fully-integrated specific cultural statistic programme in the region, CultureSTATS-AD provides a platform for statistics that are internationally recognisable and comparable while also reflecting the unique culture, character and diverse forms of cultural expression that define Abu Dhabi. It helps define the fundamental economic, social and culturalrelated baselines and monitors the impact of cultural projects and initiatives.

In 2022, CultureSTATS-AD delivered its baseline reports on the economic and social impacts of the culture sector in Abu Dhabi, in accordance with EU standards of cultural statistics. The World Cities Culture Forum 2022 Report included an Abu Dhabi data-based profile for the first time in this report series. A total of seven performance reports were published.

Published in 2022: ‘Culture In Times of COVID-19: Resilience, Recovery and Revival’

DCT Abu Dhabi and UNESCO co-published the ‘Culture in Times of COVID-19: Resilience, Recovery and Revival’ report, presenting a global overview of the impact of the pandemic on the culture sector since March 2020, and outlining directions for its revival.

Using data from more than 100 industry reports and 40 expert interviews and economic analyses, the publication underscored the need for an integrated approach to the recovery of the culture sector.

It also called for a reframing of the value of and support for culture, as a critical foundation for a more diverse and sustainable society. The report was distributed during the UNESCO World Conference on Cultural Policies and Sustainable Development — MONDIACULT 2022 — held in Mexico in September.

Annual Report 2022 39 Culture

Engaging visitors across our unique cultural sites

From archaeological sites to historic forts, cultural landscapes and museums, Abu Dhabi’s unique array of cultural sites span the emirate. Programmes, exhibitions and performances at each site focus on community engagement and ensure our youth explore their creativity and take pride in their Emirati identity and diverse cultural scene.

Manarat Al Saadiyat

Dedicated to the latest in arts and popular culture experiences


The exhibition explored reinterpreted memories from the 1990s - dissected, reflected, and responsive to a time of change and expansion. Artists were commissioned to present nine interactive installations that address the remnants of the 1990s and how they have contributed to this present time.

House of Artisans

The House of Artisans promotes the preservation of the UAE’s rich heritage and crafts

Fashion Showcase

A two-day celebration of cultural experiences featured fashion and jewellery, with the first day dedicated exclusively to ladies to allow the dissemination of Emirati fashion identity.

Cultural Foundation

Dedicated to creative expression and appreciation of the arts and literature

Farah Al Qasimi: General Behavior

This exhibition of the Emirati artist’s work explored the layers of multi-culturalism and consumer culture in the UAE while challenging our perception of reality.

YAS Theatre Residency

For the second year, the Cultural Foundation hosted YAS Theatre for a six-week residency to develop their new production for the Dubai Youth Theatre Festival.

Qasr Al Hosn

The nation’s living memorial and the narrator of Abu Dhabi’s history

Winter at Al Hosn

For the annual winter celebration, Al Hosn became a vibrant destination showcasing the heritage of Abu Dhabi and hosting Emirati music performances and workshops.

Annual Report 2022 41 Culture

Al Ain: a living oasis

Qasr Al Muwaiji

Playing a major role in UAE history for 100+ years

Story of a Leader

A digital art show on the walls of the fort’s courtyard, narrating the life story of Sheikh Khalifa, from his childhood and education to his selection as the President of the UAE.

Al Qattara Arts Centre

Where artistic practice can be studied and developed

Al Qattara workshops

A wide selection of art classes covering many disciplines are organised throughout the year.

Al Qattara Cinema

Al Qattara Cinema introduced new audiences to independent films from the Arab world. The event celebrated filmmakers and connected them with their audience, as well as reinforced the link between the local community and the arts.

The Al Suwayea programme

A showcase of traditional handicrafts from Emirati women, including workshops that promote and preserve traditional items and techniques.of the UAE.

Al Ain Oasis

147,000 date palm trees, 100 varieties of vegetation and relics of the past

Weekends at the Oasis

The social event and cultural programme presented family-friendly activities including live performances by local and international artists and educational workshops.

Al Ain Palace Museum

The former home of the UAE’s Founding Father

Al Ain Traditional Arts Days

This featured a programme of traditional performances from the region – Al Ayyala, Al Razfa, Al Maled, Nadba, Rawah, Razfa, Rababa, Shalla, Tarej, Taghrouda, Ah Allah, Al Nahma – as well as cultural talks about heritage elements.

Bait Mohammed bin Khalifa

An historic house within the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Al Ain

Ramadan Musical Performances

Celebrating the spirit of Ramadan through melody, traditional Arabic music featured oud, qanun, violin and flute.

Culture Annual Report 2022 43 Culture

Uncovering Al Dhafra’s ancient past

Liwa Forts

Activating sites that reflect the historic defence of the land

Liwa Forts Activations

Traditional performances, heritage souq, workshops, film screenings and activations were held at Al Meel fort, Dhafeer fort and Mezair’ah fort.

Delma Museum takes shape

Known for its rich history and cultural significance, Delma Island has been inhabited for thousands of years and has played an important role in the region’s history. Now home to key archaeological sites, 2022 marked the successful completion of the redesign and restoration of the old Delma Museum into a new museum and visitor experience, bringing the history of the island and the emirate to life.

Ghagha Island’s Heritage

Master Plan

Part of the Marawah Marine Biosphere Reserve, the uninhabited Ghagha Island has a rich history, with archaeological excavations on the island revealing remnants of ancient settlements, tombs, and other structures which indicate human habitation there 8,500 years ago. 2022 resulted in the successful development and completion of a Heritage Master Plan and Site Management Plan for Ghagha Island, as well as a restoration and conservation pilot project. Three buildings will be the base for the next phase of the overarching eco-tourism project.

Annual Report 2022 45 Culture

Reviving the rich dialogue around music

Contributing to the emirate’s status as a UNESCO Creative City of Music, the Abu Dhabi Music Programme includes Abu Dhabi Classics, Bait Al Oud Series, Sounds of the UAE and Umsiyat. The programmes present major Arabic and Western classical music artists, showing how the lines between the so-called ‘western’, ‘Arabic’ and ‘local’ classical music have become blurred, while at the same time offering an extended programme dedicated to regional heritage music.

Delma Museum takes shape

Known for its rich history and cultural significance, Delma Island has been inhabited for thousands of years and has played an important role in the region’s history. Now home to key archaeological sites, 2022 marked the successful completion of the redesign and restoration of the old Delma Museum into a new museum and visitor experience, bringing the history of the island and the emirate to life.

Ghagha Island’s Heritage Master Plan

Part of the Marawah Marine Biosphere Reserve, the uninhabited Ghagha Island has a rich history, with archaeological excavations on the island revealing remnants of ancient settlements, tombs, and other structures which indicate human habitation there 8,500 years ago. 2022 resulted in the successful development and completion of a Heritage Master Plan and Site Management Plan for Ghagha Island, as well as a restoration and conservation pilot project. Three buildings will be the base for the next phase of the overarching eco-tourism project.

Annual Report 2022 47 Culture AQASR AL MUWAIJI

Sounds of the UAE – Memory of the Emirati


Taking place in Al Ain, this programme features Arab and Emirati artists and safeguards the musical traditions and heritage of the UAE. Highlights included a packed concert by Harbi Al Amri, an Emirati artist known for performing heritage songs, taking place during the Traditional Handicrafts Festival.

Returns and debuts with Abu Dhabi Classics

Annually bringing a dynamic and diverse programme of classical and traditional music to the capital, Abu Dhabi welcomed the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra - returning to the region after a decade, with Daniel Harding and Leonidas Kavakos. The Israel Philharmonic Orchestra also delivered an historic debut performance in the region.

The sound of a new generation with the Abu Dhabi Youth Orchestra

This relatively new platform provides an opportunity for young musicians in the capital to express their musical talent, through educational programmes, rehearsals and concerts throughout the year. The 2022 music programme created The Youth Orchestra in partnership with the International Music Institute in Abu Dhabi. Seventy local musicians and 50 choir members received regular training and performed concert programmes.

Teaching music through the Demos Project

In collaboration with the Philharmonie de Paris in France, 80 schoolchildren were trained in various musical instruments. After a 20-day intensive course, these students with no prior musical experience were able to play a short concert programme.


This annual series showcases Arabic and global music, promotes openness and cultural diversity and supports the preservation of regional musical history, featuring a variety of artists from across the Arab world and beyond in a wide range of musical genres. 2022’s Umsiyat crosscultural music programme included Le Trio Joubran and India’s most famous sitar musician, Shujaat Khan.

Bait Al Oud Concerts

This concert series promotes classical Arab music and highlights the role of the musical academy. In 2022, Bait Al Oud played a central role in the Ramadan Arcade programme at Manarat Al Saadiyat, with musicians from the academy holding open classes and jam sessions as well as a concert with teachers and students.

Annual Report 2022 49 Culture

Abu Dhabi’s libraries and literature

Abu Dhabi’s public libraries aim to promote a culture of reading in the emirate, increase access to knowledge, and nurture the cultural and literary creativity of library visitors. In addition to offering physical and cutting-edge digital resources, MAKTABA organises a rich programme of creative and educational workshops and events for youth and all ages, as well as academic events dedicated to research and furthering knowledge.


The Library Management Department of DCT Abu Dhabi, MAKTABA equips the public - particularly youth and students - with knowledge and tools that will enhance their ability to adopt innovation as a work and life skill.

Programmes cover a wide range of areas including technology, science, programming, robotics and artificial intelligence.

Annual Report 2022 51 Culture

Abu Dhabi Manuscript Conference and Exhibition

The 2022 conference featured a group of scholars, specialists and experts in the field of Arabic manuscripts from Italy, Spain and across the Arab world - with 65,000 visitors to the exhibition.

The accompanying ‘Pearls of Wisdom’ exhibition at Qasr Al Watan deliberated the influence of Arab culture on Europe through a showcase of valuable manuscripts that highlight the leading role of Arab civilisation in generating a religious dialogue and building knowledge, which paved the way for European renaissance and enlightenment.

exhibition visitors 65k

Honouring our librarians

The Annual Librarians Gathering is an event for UAE-based librarians to discuss their challenges and accomplishments, as well as connect with different suppliers and talents.

Inspiring young readers

Combining learning and fun, the Back to School Programme inspires creative and analytical skills in children and encourages them to read. The programme also features workshops for teachers and school librarians.

The KPL Art Hub

Located at the Khalifa Park Library, this annual hub for talented young artists is a place to showcase their artworks and creations and conduct workshops. The November exhibition featured multimedia works by 24 UAE-based emerging artists spanning visual arts, crafts and design and is part of MAKTABA’s attempts to leverage and contribute to the emirate’s culture and its artistic environment.

Creative Reader Competition

Bolstering the creativity of talented readers, the competition targets students in Cycle 1 and Cycle 2, from both public and private schools. It encourages students to read more, promotes visits to public libraries, and highlights the importance of the Arabic language as a cultural enabler.

Embracing the future

UAE Innovation Month involves a wide range of activities, events and workshops that cover practical and theoretical aspects of topics related to science, technology, engineering, language, mathematics, robotics programming, critical thinking, creativity skills and principles of innovation. It also includes lectures on A.I. and events on space exploration.

A month of literary celebrations

In March, MAKTABA celebrated UAE National Reading Month and encouraged reading through a series of cultural events and activities, tailored for the whole community. Activities included storytelling, reading, competitions, panel discussions and poetry evenings.

Half a century of transformation

As part of UAE National Reading Month, the ‘Treasuries of Knowledge in 50 Years’ exhibition showcased libraries’ prominent role in the life of intellectuals and learners, and explored the history of libraries in the UAE during the past 50 years.

New training programmes with Khebraty

Held several times throughout 2022, the Khebraty programme enables the professional development of teachers and librarians at schools, universities, and other institutions - enhancing their expertise and professional development. DCT Abu Dhabi unveiled a revamped calendar of training programmes and Emiratisation initiatives for the second half of 2022.

Annual Report 2022 53 Culture

Saadiyat Cultural District

A cultural project of unmatched scale and ambition

One of the world’s major cultural projects, Saadiyat Cultural District will span an area of 27 square kilometres, providing a home for a variety of museums and cultural institutions.

Currently featuring Louvre Abu Dhabi and the Abrahamic Family House, the District is the future home of Zayed National Museum, Guggenheim

Abu Dhabi, teamLab Phenomena Abu Dhabi and the Natural History Museum

Abu Dhabi.

Annual Report 2022 55 Culture

Five years of Louvre Abu Dhabi

In 2022, we celebrated five years of Louvre Abu Dhabi. The region’s first universal museum is a dynamic and innovative institution which facilitates mutual exchange between the global museum landscape and the regional cultural ecosystem, and welcomed more than 620,000 visitors throughout the year.

Through its collection of works of historical and cultural significance which span human history, alongside prominent loans and an ongoing programme of temporary exhibitions, Louvre Abu Dhabi explores the links between global civilisations through time and reveals stories of cultural connections.

LOUVRE ABU DHABI Annual Report 2022 57 Culture

The region’s most comprehensive Impressionist exhibition

Impressionism: Pathways to Modernity

(12 October 2022 - 5 February 2023) Featured pioneering works by Manet, Degas and Monet, Pissarro, Renoir, and Cézanne - alongside an exciting line-up of activities and events. Throughout the celebrations, Louvre Abu Dhabi welcomed over 30 partners, as well as a French delegation from the Ministry of Culture.

Stories from the seven emirates

On display throughout 2022, artefacts have been loaned from key UAE institutions, representing all seven emiratestelling the story of the country’s history and highlighting the unity of the nation.

Outstanding loans from our French and international partners

Celebrated pieces from the Musée d’Orsay and the Bibliothèque Nationale de France have been featured at Louvre Abu Dhabi. These hand-picked loans sit alongside new acquisitions and allow visitors to experience masterpieces rarely seen in this region. From 28th century BCE Mesopotamia to the height of Impressionism, visitors can experience new stories of cultural connections at every turn. Louvre Abu Dhabi also unveiled two new loans of items from the Ayala Museum in the Philippines - the first pieces from the Southeast Asian country to be displayed in the galleries.

A masterpiece arrives in Abu Dhabi – a fifth anniversary celebration

Saint John the Baptist by Leonardo da Vinci made headlines around the world when it arrived at Louvre Abu Dhabi on 15 November 2022. The Tuscan master’s final, unfinished work has been loaned from Musée du Louvre to mark Louvre Abu Dhabi’s fifth anniversary.

Pierre-Auguste Renoir, The Cup of Chocolate, 1877-1878, Abu Dhabi, Louvre Abu Dhabi, INV, © Department of Culture and Tourism – Abu Dhabi / Photo Sylvie Van Roey Léonardo da Vinci, Saint Jean Baptiste © RMN - Grand Palais - Tony Querrec

Welcoming a world of art through travelling exhibitions

Versailles and the World

(26 January – 4 June 2022)

Created in partnership with Musée National des Châteaux de Versailles et de Trianon and in collaboration with France Muséums, the Versailles and the World exhibition focused on 17th-18th century Versailles as a unique meeting place for different civilisations.

Stories of Paper

(20 April - 24 July 2022)

Created in partnership with the Musée du Louvre and in collaboration with France Muséums as well as several leading international institutions and private collections. The exhibition examined the rich artistic legacy of this fragile material from the first century to the present and from ancient Asia to Europe and contemporary Arabia.

Emotions! The New Art Adventure

(18 June 2021 - May 2023)

Taking place in the Children’s Museum, this exhibition invited kids to discover the secret world of feelings in artworks.

Sea turtle rehabilitation at Louvre Abu Dhabi

A sea turtle rehabilitation area was created in the waters surrounding Louvre Abu Dhabi to boost conservation efforts and highlight Abu Dhabi’s role in sustainable tourism to visitors. The project is the last step of the rehabilitation cycle before the marine animals are released back into the sea and is an extension of the Wildlife Rescue Programme developed by the Environment Agency - Abu Dhabi and The National Aquarium.

Annual Report 2022 59 Culture

Guggenheim Abu Dhabi A museum for the now

Guggenheim Abu Dhabi aspires to connect cultures and inspire people by celebrating art from the 1960s to the present.

With a mission to expand perspectives around art, the museum presents an international collection focused on West Asia and the wider region. Rooted in the UAE and built for the world, the museum is a public forum for cultural exchange, inspiring a more connected global community through art.


Engaging the public with collection artists

Guggenheim Abu Dhabi’s Fall 2022 University Engagement Programme introduced a three-day workshop led by collection artist, Najat Makki. This initiative served as a unique opportunity for students to work with a UAE-based artist. The students learned from her craftsmanship and gained hands-on experience under the guidance of the artist herself, enriching their interest in Guggenheim Abu Dhabi.

The programme was composed of an introduction to Guggenheim Abu Dhabi and a brief artist talk followed by a process-oriented masterclass. Participants were able to learn about Makki’s research process, artistic practice, and delve deeper by drawing inspiration from her DailyDiaries series, which is in the Guggenheim Abu Dhabi collection.

Visiting Artist Programme

Guggenheim Abu Dhabi invited collection artist Kabir Mohanty for this year’s Visiting Artist Programme. The artist developed An offer from the desert, a project which consists of a series of nine masterclasses on sound art, and a display of a proposed installation featuring the sound pieces produced by the participants during the masterclasses. This was displayed from December 2022 to January 2023 at the Abu Dhabi Creative Hub.

In the Studio

Guggenheim Abu Dhabi’s ‘In the Studio’ programme introduced the public to three UAE-based artists through a series of virtual studio visits and art tours. The programme was created to give artists a platform to showcase their creativity and work, in addition to inspiring conversations around arts and culture. The three UAE-based artists were Afra Al Suwaidi, Ahmed Al Musallami and Jumairy.


Guggenheim Abu Dhabi has collaborated with six international and three regional institutions on 16 loans from the permanent collection. In support of Guggenheim Abu Dhabi’s global role within the international network of museums, collaborating with prestigious institutions around the world fosters important relationships and introduces global audiences to the permanent collection of the museum.

Annual Report 2022 63 Culture

Zayed National Museum A new home for UAE history

Zayed National Museum is the national museum of the United Arab Emirates. Located at the centre of Abu Dhabi’s Saadiyat Island Cultural District, it celebrates the rich history, culture and stories of the UAE and the timeless values of the country’s founder, the late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, whose enduring example continues to guide the nation and its people today. Through its exhibitions, research and public programmes, Zayed National Museum explores the origins of the values that Sheikh Zayed embodied throughout his life and their lasting influence on the country that he founded.

ZAYED NATIONAL MUSEUM Annual Report 2022 65 Culture

Paying homage to our maritime history

Setting sail to celebrate UAE heritage

The Bronze Age Boat project has recreated a 30-ton trading vessel from the Umm an-Nar period of the late third millennium BCE.

The outer hull of the ship consists of bundles of reeds, coated in bitumen and lashed to an internal structure of wooden frames. The vessel, which carries a rectangular sail made of goat hair, was completed in 2022 and will be the centrepiece of Zayed National Museum’s atrium - an iconic reminder of the UAE’s links to the sea, trade and maritime technology.


metre-long, seaworthy vessel

New acquisitions in 2022

Zayed National Museum acquired 93 new pieces via donations, with 55 records of Intangible Heritage inputted within the ‘EMu’ collection management system.

new pieces via donations

Advancing our archaeology mission

The ‘Advances in UAE Archaeology’ conference took place in Abu Dhabi in December 2022, followed by visits to a number of archaeological sites. The conference welcomed more than 200 attendees and 32 speakers - 10 of whom were Emirati. DCT Abu Dhabi’s archaeology department continued their excavations across Al Ain and several offshore sites, including Ghagha Island, resulting in a post- conference proceeding book, adding a new milestone to our line of publications.

Engaging the public through education

Zayed National Museum planned and delivered six live online sessions in partnership with SEDRA, about UAE history and culture for local and international Youth of Determination.

‘History at Home’ saw 85 children participate in six inperson workshops and 260 students took part in seven online sessions. Periods of history spanned from the Iron Age to the 16th century.

Seven in-school pilot outreach programmes were delivered in Al Ain and Abu Dhabi for a range of age groups in both government and private schools - reaching 249 students throughout November 2022. The museum also facilitated a teachers’ advisory group with 10 teachers and nine sessions during the year.

+93 Annual Report 2022 67 Culture

Major progress for Natural History Museum Abu Dhabi

A quarter of the construction of the Natural Histor y Museum

Abu Dhabi was completed in 2022, bringing us closer to welcoming a new scientific research and teaching institution, as well as an educational resource for learning about the evolving stor y of our planet. When completed, the museum will ignite a life - long passion for the natural world in visitors of all ages.

Igniting curiosity for teamLab Phenomena Abu Dhabi

Anticipation for the launch of teamLab Phenomena was initiated in an exhibition on Saadiyat Island, introducing the concept of an immersive, experiential journey through cutting-edge installations sitting at the intersection of art and technology.

98% 780m

of visitors curious to explore the full experience social media impressions

Annual Report 2022 71 Culture

Abu Dhabi Arabic Language Centre

Elevating Arabic language leadership in Abu Dhabi

Mandated to develop and safeguard the Arabic language, Abu Dhabi Arabic Language Centre (ALC) sets strategies and implements specialised programmes for the promotion and advancement of the UAE’s mother tongue – enabling Arabic language leadership in the fields of culture, creativity and education.

Abu Dhabi ALC supports research in the field of Arabic Studies and promotes the Arabic language in scholarship, education, culture, and media. It promotes learning among native and non-native speakers, leads efforts in research and linguistic development and actively supports research, knowledge transfer, creativity, authorship, translation and publishing.

Annual Report 2022 73 Culture

Arabic language development and advancing readership

Arabic language studies

The UAE Curriculum Study ‘Experiences of the Present and Future Potential’ is a comprehensive assessment of the Arabic language curriculums in the UAE benchmarked against five select countries, published and launched during the Arabic Language Summit in December 2022.

Arabic Language Perception Index

One of the key metrics developed by Abu Dhabi Arabic Language Centre as part of its integrated research programme aiming to assess and track Arabic language status and usage. The Index measures the perception of Arabic language as a language of knowledge, culture, and creativity, based on multiple attributes under each pillar. The measure is an outcome of a continuous in-depth survey, polling more than 6,000 respondents per year across the emirate. ALC is currently working on expanding the measure nation-wide across the UAE in partnership with Federal Competitiveness and Statistics Centre.

300k books sold including print, digital and audiobooks

Bringing books on the road

The Book Closet contributed to 12% of total ALC sales via 14 mobile book sale events in malls across Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah and Ajman.

New publishing milestones

150 books were published in 2022, a 25% increase above the target of 130. The “Kalima” translation project achieved its 2022 target in full, publishing 100 translations from six foreign languages. The Esdarat project overachieved its 2022 target by 150% with a total of 50 books - due to fast-tracking prominent works launched at international book fairs.

101 Reference Book Lists

ALC launched the second volume of the ‘One Hundred and One Books’ series, 101 Novels, featuring the greatest Arabic novels authored in the 21st century. The series aims to publish the 100 best titles in the Arab world in the fields of humanities, philosophy, history, and literature.

Grants to advance and promote Arabic

Sheikh Zayed Book

Award translation grants

— 9 titles

24 books published

Spotlight on Rights

135 grants for publishers

— physical, digital and audio

Research grants

7 grants awarded topics spanning literary and linguistic studies

Annual Report 2022 75 Culture

Arabic language on the world stage

Book fairs and festivals

DCT Abu Dhabi delivered a highly successful Abu Dhabi International Book Fair, Al Ain Book Festival, and Al Dhafra Book Festival. These three major events spanning the emirate welcomed almost 260,000 visitors and generated more than AED 2.5 million ($680,735) for the publishing industry from direct and indirect sales - and boosted readership among visitors by 86%.

First International Congress of Arabic Publishing and Creative Industries (Congress PCI)

The annual forum showcases the latest trends in publishing through crucial cross-disciplinary conversations, aiming to establish a knowledge-sharing hub for regional and global publishing and creative content developers in the Arab market.

The Congress’ inaugural edition in 2022 attracted more than 380 in-person attendees and welcomed 35 inspiring speakers from a range of sectors across book publishing, film, video streaming, gaming and social media, with 700,000 digital engagements across congress content.


Regional and international events

ALC promoted its programmes and initiatives at a total of seven book fairs, including: Frankfurt Book Fair (Germany); Riyadh International Book Fair and Jeddah International Book Fair (Saudi Arabia); Kuwait International Book Fair (Kuwait); Bologna Book Fair (Italy); Cairo International Book Fair (Egypt); and Sharjah Book Fair (UAE).

Arabic Language Summit

The 2022 edition was themed ‘Language and Making of Identity’ and resulted in a list of recommendations to promote and enhance the Arabic language. The Summit was organised by the Ministry of Culture and Youth in collaboration with ALC, and in conjunction with World Arabic Language Day.


Celebrating Arabic through awards and contests

Sheikh Zayed Book Award

The 2022 Sheikh Zayed Book Award recognised eight laureates from seven countries, with a total prize amount of AED 7 million ($1,906,058). This edition received 3,151 entries in nine categories, from 60 countries around the world.

Kanz Al Jeel Award

Inspired by the poetry of the late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan and aiming to elevate Nabati poetry in the region, Kanz Al Jeel Award’s first cycle received 234 entries across six categories.

Winners included poets Obaid bin Qadlan Al Mazrouei, Salem Saif Al-Khaaldia and artist Abdelkader Daoudi. Dr. Ayesha Ali Al Ghais won for Studies and Research; Dr. Khaled Al-Masri won for Translation; and diplomat Marcel Kurpershoek won for Creative Personality.

Golden Narrative Award

A new annual award launched in 2022 to support the popular art of Arabic storytelling across the Arab world. The award was created to recognise the longstanding tradition of storytelling in Arabic, including the constant spread of folk tales and legends.

Arab Pals Contest

The contest directed at youth rewards user-generated digital content in the Arabic language. With close to 270 participants (+35% on 2021), the contest granted prizes to three winners.

Annual Report 2022 77 Culture

Promoting Arabic language through new media

Scan and Learn Arabic app

This innovative new app encourages adoption and mastery of the Arabic language. Entirely free, Scan and Learn Arabic allows users to scan objects and text at key facilities, helping visitors and residents from all segments of the community in the emirate to learn the Arabic language and use it in more areas of their daily lives. Phase 1 of the project covers the Abu Dhabi Corniche, with many sites in plan to be covered.

Online learning: Arabic Language Lexicon

A modern lexicon with 5,000 lexical units in its first phase, including the most common Arabic terms, to create an integrated digital reference for both Arabic and non-Arabic speakers. The lexicon is set to double its database by end of 2025, and is now available on the ALC website and through a mobile application.

Digital engagement across platforms

Overall engagement with ALC Arabic language content in 2022 overachieved the target by 128%, by implementing the renovated digital strategy aiming to promote the Arabic language, boost engagement as well as optimise events’ promotion and exposure among target audiences. This resulted in a year-on-year increase of 27% among followers across all social media platforms.

Annual Report 2022 79 Culture


As the destination brand of DCT Abu Dhabi, ‘Experience Abu Dhabi’ promotes the emirate as a top-of-mind global destination for tourism and doing business. Our tourism strategy for Abu Dhabi encompasses two main elements: leisure and MICE (Meetings, Incentives, Conferences and Exhibitions), achieving lasting value and economic impact through increased tourism receipts. With our year-round events calendar, wide range of cultural and leisure attractions, and worldrenowned accommodations, we deliver the experience promised to visitors to increase their length of stay, and we focus on attracting the right MICE visitor segments that match with Abu Dhabi’s unique offering.

JUBAIL MANGROVE PARK Annual Report 2022 81 Tourism

A leading destination for leisure, entertainment and business

Our strategy for guiding and growing this dynamic sector focuses on both leisure and MICE tourism (Meetings, Incentives, Conferences and Exhibitions).

We ensure that all types of leisure visitors can find what they are looking for in Abu Dhabi, at their own pace. Thoughtful experiences inspire, excite, entice and restore every type of traveller, across a diverse range of touchpoints.

Abu Dhabi offers a wide array of unique venues to suit all types and sizes of business events. The emirate’s wider offering of culture, entertainment and thrilling attractions ensures delegates ample opportunity to make lasting memories during down-time, training or team building.

Tourism is a major economic engine for Abu Dhabi, indicating a compelling opportunity for future growth.
TELAL RESORT AL AIN Annual Report 2022 83 Tourism

In collaboration with our valued stakeholders, we are ensuring that Abu Dhabi is a top-of-mind destination for all leisure and business travellers, offering exceptional natural beauty, an unmatched array of unique attractions and enriching experiences that are seamlessly connected – all anchored by our warm Emirati hospitality.

Annual Report 2022 85 Tourism
Director General for Tourism

Tourism sector highlights


overnight hotel guests


year-on-year increase

4.1m 603k

MICE visitors

hotel occupancy reached higher than Middle East average of 67%


new holiday homes

170 hotels with +34k keys

3 nights

average length of stay



973 8.7k licensed gatherings in 2022

total visitors to Abu Dhabi tourism restaurants licensed

170 licensed hotels and hotel apartments


MICE events year-on-year revenue increase from tourism receipts hotels and attractions in second round of the ‘Go Safe’ certification

20 desert camps licensed

Annual Report 2022 87 Tourism

Enhancing inclusivity across

the emirate

Ensuring access to tourism facilities and promoting social inclusion across the emirate, DCT Abu Dhabi has prioritised inclusivity for People of Determination, leading to a more diverse customer base.

The People of Determination

Workshop for tourism and hospitality industries

Frontline employees in hospitality and tourism industries attended workshops related to People of Determination as part of the emirate’s strategic vision to make Abu Dhabi an accessible destination. Highlights included etiquette coaching and sign language basics - ensuring that tourism is an enriching experience for everyone.

Measuring the feasibility of People of Determination access at hotels and tourism establishments

Progress was made in the improvement of tourism services, ensuring key locations were ready to provide high-level services and facilities for People of Determination – in partnership with Hotels and the Zayed Higher Organization for People of Determination.

Annual Report 2022 89 Tourism

Tourism event highlights

From global sporting franchises to starstudded concerts and family-friendly entertainment, visitors and residents can experience a wide variety of year-round events through the Abu Dhabi Calendar.

Abu Dhabi Culinary Season

In 2022 Abu Dhabi Culinary Season launched its fifth edition and engaged over 1,000 restaurants across the emirate over eight weeks. Two internationally acclaimed chefs and four local Emirati chefs headed up the programme, with the launch of the Miami Vibes food festival attracting over 150,000 attendees.

IIFA 2022

Honouring the best in the Indian film industry in partnership with Miral, IIFA 2022 featured breathtaking performances by renowned Bollywood stars. This was one of the most globally viewed Indian award shows and the world’s biggest Indian media event - with a star-studded green carpet.

The return of MOTN

The region’s ultimate entertainment festival, Mother of the Nation draws inspiration from some of the world’s most recognisable theme parks to bring visitors an exceptional experience that fuses local and global entertainment offerings.


sold out concerts



MENA’s 50 Best Restaurants

The first edition

The culinary stars of the restaurant world convened in the UAE capital in February 2022 for the debut of the Middle East and North Africa’s 50 Best Restaurants awards, sponsored by S. Pellegrino and Acqua Panna.

7 3 46

restaurants in Abu Dhabi listed in the MENA top 50 Annual Report 2022 91


international chefs from the World’s Top 50

Best-selling events and entertainment spectacles


The biggest Korean music extravaganza

Club Social

A weekend of music, food, drinks and feel-good vibes

3.3k 5.3k

attendees attendees


Eid Al Fitr

Breathtaking performance by the most renowned musician in the Indian entertainment industry

Featuring illuminating fireworks and concert celebrations


attendees attendees

AR Rahman - Diwali Andrea Bocelli

The record-breaking Italian tenor headlined a special one-off show

The Lion King

The world’s #1 musical and a legendary Broadway show

8.5k 49.5k

attendees attendees

- The National

National Day Concerts Liwa Festival

A series of Arabic and Khaleeji concer ts to celebrate Eid Al Adha

One of the largest motorsports events in the Middle East - in the Liwa Desert

5.5k 78k

attendees across three concer ts visitors over three weeks

4th Abu Dhabi Showdown Week

A week- long mar tial ar ts festival, hosting key UFC events

Peppa Pig’s Adventure Disney on Ice

A live, fun - filled show with the popular children’s character Peppa Pig and her friends

A touring ice show featuring stories from Disney’s animated films, with ice skating and music

10.7k 29k

attendees attendees

“The Lion King is the fastest- selling musical in Abu Dhabi”
A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 0 2 2 93 T o u r i s m

FIFA World Cup 2022

A game of two halves – dual fan zones on Yas Island and Al Ain

Providing an elevated FIFA World Cup experience for visitors by showcasing live games on the largest screen in Abu Dhabi, the Fan Zone included various football-themed activations, a FIFA e-gaming tournament as well as diverse F&B options, retail stores and a VIP viewing experience.



visitors with five sold-out days average daily visitors

Al Ain Fan Zone - FIFA World Cup Viewing Experience

A corresponding Fan Zone was established to provide the same FIFA World Cup viewing experience for domestic and international visitors in Al Ain. The venue attracted many influencers and Al Ain club players, with a partnership with Al Ain club and Al Qattara increasing the publicity around the event.


visitors attended - with an additional Kids Zone area

Annual Report 2022 95 Tourism

Developing excellence

in the tourism sector


Raising standards through ‘mystery shopping’

The monitoring and evaluating framework was revamped to map, measure and enhance the endto-end experience of our visitors by continuously monitoring the quality and customer service standards across the different touchpoints. We conducted over 1,607 mystery shopping exercises, with year-to-date meetings, and a roadmap for the Integrated Transport Centre (ITC), Careem drivers and Yas Island.

Revamping Emiratisation

In collaboration with MOHRE, the ‘Revamping Emiratisation’ employment programme saw a total of 53 students graduated from the camp, with a 100% attendance rate. In 2022, a dedicated two-week programme for Emirati students (aged 17-21) comprised workshops, field trips and hands-on experiences - to give students a taste of the tourism industry and the chance to meet and learn from experts.

ensuring best-in-class accommodation and attractions, DCT Abu Dhabi delivers high-quality experiences that meet the needs and expectations of travellers while maximising positive contributions to the environment, culture and communities.

Abu Dhabi Tourist Guide Training and Licensing Programme

This is a blended learning method where applicants experience self-paced digital training modules on the Abu Dhabi Tourism Talents Platform. The programme also includes in-person practical sessions to apply the knowledge and skills in real-life scenarios. Graduates from the training programme are given a licence valid for two years. Three cohorts were completed in 2022, introducing 55 new tourist guides (23 Emirati), with 276 licences renewed through the online platform.

Partnering with hotels to raise the bar

In 2021 the total number of under-performing hotels was 105 - this has been vastly reduced to just 23 in 2022.

DCT Abu Dhabi monitors hotel performance through the Trust You Platform - while analysing and assisting a number of hotels to raise knowledge in opportunity areas and tracking performance on a quarterly basis.

Sharing Abu Dhabi at major trade shows

We showcased the best of Abu Dhabi, alongside our key partners.

May Arabian Travel Market


World Travel Market


ILTM Cannes

Annual Report 2022 97 Tourism

Building the business destination of choice

MICE (Meetings, Incentives, Conferences and Events) activity brings significant economic benefits to Abu Dhabi. With the upgraded Advantage Abu Dhabi Meetings and Incentives programme, and a range of key wins in 2022, the Abu Dhabi Convention and Exhibition Bureau (ADCEB) continues to enhance Abu Dhabi’s reputation as a hub for commerce and innovation, while supporting local businesses and communities.

Annual Report 2022 99 Tourism

603k Growing Abu Dhabi as a global MICE destination

MICE visitors across +1.2k events

Association convention major wins

bids won in 2022 visitors +26.7k 27

October 2022

May 2023

January 2024

February 2024

February 2024

The Confederation of Real Estate Developers’ Associations of India (CREDAI) Conference

International Air Transport Association (IATA) Ground Handling Conference 2023

International Desalination Association (IDA) World Congress

World Islamic Economic Forum

13th Ministerial Conference of the World Trade Organization

Major meetings, incentive and destination wedding wins in 2022

Destination Weddings are a new visitor segment that DCT Abu Dhabi is driving. Activities have included the inaugural GCC Wedding Planners familiarisation trip; the first certification workshop training for Abu Dhabi suppliers on servicing Indian weddings; as well as two major destination wedding trade shows - The Destination Wedding Planners Congress (DWP) and Bridelux.

Anchored exhibitions, conferences, and new wins for 2022 and 2023

ADCEB achieved significant new exhibitions secured in 2022 between 3k-11k delegates

Amway India (Incentive) Forever Living (Incentive) Lupin Labs (Incentive) Ultratech (Incentive) 3-8 March 2022 9-14 May 2022 5-8 October 2022 21-24 August 2022 World Utilities Congress Middle East Rail Abu Dhabi Road and Traffic MENA Middle East Design and Build Week Middle East Manufacturing and Technology Abu Dhabi International Food Exhibition 9-11 May 2022 17-18 May 2022 5-7 December 2022 17-18 May 2022 5-7 December 2022 6-8 December 2022 Fortune 500 Global Forum November 2023 (dates TBC) bids won
visitors +23k
Annual Report 2022 101 Tourism

Partnering for a better business destination

In 2022, ADCEB launched the enhanced Advantage Abu Dhabi Meetings and Incentives 2.0 and the MICE Agencies Reward programmes. ADCEB presents organisers and planners with a subvention scheme, designed in collaboration with Etihad Airways and key MICE stakeholders, to attract corporate meetings and incentive groups - supporting them by providing value-added benefits and assistance throughout the planning cycle.

Complementing the year-round programmes, Abu Dhabi Business Events Week is the premier platform for the MICE industry in Abu Dhabi and the Middle East North Africa (MENA) region. In 2022, its second edition was attended by more than 450 international and domestic visitors and 40 notable speakers who delivered 14 highly insightful and engaging sessions.

Creating milestones for the MICE tourism sector

The ADCEB and MIRAL Joint Business Event Fund

Launched in the first quarter of 2022, the ADCEB and MIRAL Joint Business Event Fund is a pilot public-private partnership to support bids for events that involve more than 500 delegates.

Uniting with our stakeholders at a range of roadshows

We collaborate with key stakeholders to showcase the best of Abu Dhabi

Israel: The first roadshow in Israel, with 140 guestsboth VIP and travel trade.

GCC: Roadshows in Dammam, Riyadh, Jeddah and Kuwait, connecting with more than 600 agents.

DACH: Roadshow held over four days, covering three markets - Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

APAC agents training

Six thousand agents were trained in 2022 for the AsiaPacific region, including India, China and many more.

Expanding into new markets with the DCT Abu Dhabi Tel Aviv office

The International Operations Team set up DCT Abu Dhabi’s first representation overseas office in Tel Aviv, Israel, in December 2022 - with a MICEfocused mandate.

Targets exceeded for South Korea partnerships

Four joint marketing programmes (JMPs) were signed with Dubai’s Department of Economy and Tourism. The first sales mission was successfully held on 12-14 December, facilitating meetings with 10 travel agencies, two OTAs and several trade partners, all expressing interest in joint partnerships for 2023. DCT Abu Dhabi overachieved its target with more than 1,640 connections made.

Activating new markets

New emergent markets in Europe were launchedincluding Belgium and The Netherlands, as well as a landmark JMP with Spain.

Annual Report 2022 103 Tourism

Elevating B2B communication in China

DCT Abu Dhabi launched B2B WeChat communication in December with seven insightful articles. The initiative connected and shared destination resources with Chinese trade partners.

200m 100k

views likes

Launching the UK Abu Dhabi Showcase

The first-ever Abu Dhabi Showcase in the UK was a fully dedicated event with +400 face-to-face and networking meetings, 42 UK buyers at Managing Director, CEO or Product Director level, and 21 suppliers from Abu Dhabi.

Global MICE trade events in 2022

Representing Abu Dhabi alongside our partners at:

IMEX Frankfurt: 31 May - 2 June 2022

IBTM Barcelona: 29 November - 1 December 2022

Won best large booth award

Reaching the world through global partnerships

A total of 180,000 visitors were reached via eDreams, Lastminute, Kayak, Hotelbeds, Expedia, and Amadeus. Abu Dhabi was the first destination in the Middle East to be featured on ‘The Next Turn’ series of Expedia and debuted a first-in-the-region partnership with

Welcoming more guests from India


joint marketing programmes were signed in 2022


visitors were reached in 2022


Collectively we Empowering the

Collectively we the

In order to promote, protect and progress

Abu Dhabi’s cultural and tourism industries, we ensure that all of our activities are underpinned and enabled by a range of in-house experts. From supplying data-driven insights, to facilitating seamless visitor experiences through engineering and risk management, DCT Abu Dhabi puts people, innovation and efficiency at the heart of everything we do.

thrive business

thrive business

Annual Report 2022 107 Support services and awards
A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 0 2 2 Empowering the business

Strategic marketing and communications

With a mandate to share Abu Dhabi with the world, our Strategic Marketing and Communications (SM&C) team harnessed the power of collaboration in 2022, redefining the Abu Dhabi story and brand, as well as creating its own content studio.

With a focus on data and insights, there was an emphasis on new ways of working, to create a truly integrated 360° marketing function that is stakeholder-led.

Destination and brand recognition increased through impactful global campaigns, new partnerships and participation at major international travel trade events, helping to drive greater numbers of visitors to the emirate.

Annual Report 2022 109 Empowering the business

In a year of transformation and collaboration, we established the destination’s North Star and strengthened partnerships that delivered our vision to enrich lives by sharing Abu Dhabi with the world. As a data-driven marketing communications sector, our role is to deliver and enable excellence in integrated communications and unified storytelling for DCT Abu Dhabi and its stakeholders.

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Introducing Experience Abu Dhabi

Experience Abu Dhabi. Find Your Pace

A global campaign, powered by our new destination positioning

The ‘Experience Abu Dhabi. Find Your Pace’ campaign brought to life the new destination positioning and articulated Abu Dhabi’s offering, while connecting with different audiences through targeted messaging. It was also the platform through which our new destination brand “Experience Abu Dhabi” and communication line “Find Your Pace” were introduced.

The campaign created familiarity and drove consideration for Abu Dhabi as a tourism destination. It also delivered on our promise to deliver thoughtful experiences that inspire, excite and restore, for our guests to discover at their own pace. It featured more than 30 locations and experiences from the known to the unknown, the high-octane to the relaxing, from quiet reflection to pure adrenaline and the spaces in between, taking the world on a journey of discovery.

Experience Abu Dhabi was designed to create a long-term, meaningful relationship with visitors, by connecting with them in relevant, differentiated and credible ways that are authentic to Abu Dhabi. These all reflect the true spirit and ambition of a place, highlighting hidden gems, honouring our culture and heritage while putting the diversity of our visitors front and centre.


impressions 467m 85.2m

video views website visits

Experience is the very essence of visiting Abu Dhabi – a destination that is welcoming and sharing at heart. Our new destination brand is empowering, bold and genuine.
Annual Report 2022 113 Empowering the business

Sharing Abu Dhabi through inspiring campaigns

Getaway to Abu Dhabi

Getaway to Abu Dhabi showed visitors an alternative to their local winter weather, and how Abu Dhabi can provide the ideal holiday experience… “The time is now, for making new memories!”


engagement rate


pieces of international media coverage in five languages

global impressions

94 22m 461

link clicks on Twitter at $0.0395% below the benchmark

influencers visited Abu Dhabi during the winter campaign

Ramadan 2022

Putting experience back into the heart of Ramadan and re-engaging our audience, we bounced back with the first experiential Ramadan campaign and invited residents to ‘Rediscover Ramadan’ with us.



22% 141 impressions

awareness in reach

engagement rate (15% in 2021)

pieces of local PR and international coverage

Annual Report 2022 115 Empowering the business

Summer Like You Mean It

Positioning Abu Dhabi as a year-round destination, we launched our summer campaign with a focus on everything visitors can experience during the summer season. With a shareable and humorous campaign, we put people at the heart of the message. We shared what Summer in Abu Dhabi really has to offer – both the known and the unknown.



impressions via PR and news pieces of local, regional and international coverage


influencers engaged


YouTube views

Capturing the spirit of Abu Dhabi with influencer parternships

We engaged a vast range of influencers to boost destination awareness, share our attractions and offerings, and highlight new and exciting projects. With an innovative and creative approach, we partnered with these key opinion leaders to challenge common misconceptions about Abu Dhabi.

1k impressions



+40k 3.7bn

influencers publications

Annual Report 2022 117 Empowering the business

Big News with Shaq

Relaunching Abu Dhabi Calendar with Shaquille O’Neal

Abu Dhabi Calendar was taken over by entertainment, comedy and NBA legend Shaquille O’Neal. To present our biggest ever line-up of events, we mixed news with entertainment in a TV chat show-style format, highlighting the partnerships and backstory behind our events programme. This was amplified with vibrant, shareable content – including Breaking News with Shaq.


+100 impressions for Abu Dhabi Calendar throughout 2022


events announced across 180 days leads generated across every platform, for Abu Dhabi Calendar events

Annual Report 2022 119 Empowering the business

Taking Experience Abu Dhabi to major trade shows

The ‘Best Stand’ award at Arabian Travel Market

As our regional competitors invest in visibility, we are constantly elevating our approach at trade shows –presenting an immersive mix of experiences that are available in the emirate. Abu Dhabi was awarded the ‘Best Stand Feature’ out of 1,500 exhibitors at the show. Driving impact, Abu Dhabi announced eight global partnerships and strategic announcements that elevated the emirate as a top-of-mind destination.


pieces of international coverage globally throughout the four-day event

17.6m 35.6m

impressions on social media

total reach across five ATM campaigns

Finding our pace with the World Travel Market

To build on our success at the Arabian Travel Market, we took Experience Abu Dhabi to the global stage, alongside our tourism partners. Presenting a new look, new feel and crystal-clear brand identity, DCT Abu Dhabi showcased the tourism ecosystem, alongside new business partnerships and other activations, as well as immersive, themed content. The experience began upon arrival, with hundreds posting on LinkedIn for a chance to win a trip to Abu Dhabi - with interactive experiences that engaged visitors from start to finish.

3.9m 1.5bn 45 36

impressions during the show video views

media engagements following media training for WTM spokespeople

top-level partners working together for Abu Dhabi

Annual Report 2022 121 61 Empowering the business

Going further with groundbreaking partnerships

Manchester City F.C.

Experience Abu Dhabi became an honourary part of the Man City team, joining the US pre-season Summer Tour and generated our highest-performing YouTube video of all time. We turned Abu Dhabi blue, lighting the city’s most iconic landmarks in City’s colours during the Manchester Derby in October, while also hosting a live quiz competition at Etihad Stadium fan square.

We later held a shoot with six first-team squad members in Abu Dhabi, which we filmed and released across Man City and Experience Abu Dhabi channels. On October 22, we also co-hosted the global Trophy Tour with a football festival in Mamsha Al Saadiyat alongside Aldar, with more than 1,500 fans in attendance. The trophy also made an appearance at the DCT Abu Dhabi offices in Nation Towers.

1.9m 12m 3.3m

views of the global trophy tour across all social platforms

video views generated throughout the summer partnership social media impressions during the Manchester Derby takeover

Engaging stakeholders to go further together

Collaborating to enrich lives and enable Abu Dhabi to thrive, we are focused on marketing initiatives that communicate one destination narrative for the emirate. Ensuring stakeholders are aware of our campaign messaging throughout the year, we maintain open communication, organising four targeted meetings in 2022 – gaining visibility into marketing plans and seeking collaborative opportunities.


high-level stakeholder engagement events held in 2022

Annual Report 2022 123 Empowering the business

Collaborating with major media partners to share Abu Dhabi

Our valued media partners enable us to reach a wider global audience through trusted platforms. From feature articles and interviews, to digital advertising and engaging podcasts, we present Abu Dhabi as a compelling destination for every type of traveller.

Inspiring visitors with Would You Guess This is Abu Dhabi?

Engaging potential visitors with What Makes Abu Dhabi, Abu Dhabi?

Creating inspiring travel content with the Senses of Abu Dhabi campaign

Supporting 64 hotels across Abu Dhabi with digital advertising displays

Positioning the emirate as a must-visit destination with Abu Dhabi 101

Expanding our editorial offering across markets with a trusted global partner

Driving excitement and inspiration with The Wanderer campaign

Targeting the affluent Indian market with #AbuDhabiUnexplored

Evolving Abu Dhabi Unwrapped with five-episode Storyworks podcast

Showcasing adventures with the New Horizons campaign and content hub

Annual Report 2022 125 Empowering the business

People and Performance Department – human at heart

At the heart of DCT Abu Dhabi lies our most invaluable resource – our people. As strategic collaborators, our People & Performance Department cultivates talent and amplifies performance, steadfastly investing in our employees to forge an innovative, agile and synergistic workforce that propels sustainable expansion in Abu Dhabi’s cultural and tourism landscapes. The Department empowers colleagues to pursue exciting professional opportunities to actualise their potential and shape the future of Abu Dhabi, and is dedicated to attracting, motivating, and retaining exceptional individuals to work for and advance our organisation.

Talent development and Emiratisation

We continue to cooperate with partners and stakeholders to organise training programmes and courses that attract Emiratis and different nationalities to work in the tourism sector. This includes the Khebraty and 360° Emirati programmes, as well as the Tourism Youth Summer Camp. With regards to talent development, we operate the Tourist Guide Training and Licensing Programme, the Hayyak Programme for employees in the sector, and the People of Determination Workshops, ensuring Abu Dhabi is an accessible destination for all.

The best place to work

DCT Abu Dhabi won the “Top Places to Work” award from the Ragan and PR Daily Awards, which honours the most outstanding campaigns, initiatives, individuals, and teams in the communication, PR, marketing, and employee wellbeing sectors. DCT was recognised for having the best working environment based on factors like employee satisfaction, workplace culture, job satisfaction, benefits, and overall employee engagement – and was a finalist in the Corporate Social Responsibility/ESG Initiatives category.

Services Executive Director
Annual Report 2022 127 Empowering the business
People are DCT Abu Dhabi’s most important asset, and investing in our human capital is the driving force behind our success. Our skilled, motivated and dedicated workforce not only enables us to achieve our goals, but acts as the face of our organisation, representing Abu Dhabi’s values and culture to our partners in the UAE, the region and around the world.

Focused on the next 50 years

Our Foresight Planning team conducted 19 futures studies across various domains, helping the organisation to build its foresight capabilities. This saw the identification of more than 700 future trends and signals of change, the development of 92 futures scenarios, and the presentation of 61 recommendations.

Workshops conducted during these studies have facilitated collaboration and knowledge sharing among domain experts, practitioners, and futurists, leading to the creation of innovative solutions and approaches. The 17 futures radars gave a comprehensive and dynamic view of the future, allowing for anticipation and preparation for potential challenges and opportunities – developing strategies that are future-focused and resilient.

19 futures studies

128 participants

135 workshops

+700 future trends and signals of change

61 recommendations for the business

Annual Report 2022 129 Empowering the business

Ensuring safety through Licensing and Regulatory Compliance

Championing legal compliance, business reputation, risk mitigation, competitive advantage and employee safety, our Licensing and Regulatory Compliance team increase a sense of trust and confidence from our stakeholders, reducing risk and improving performance across the board.

DCT Abu Dhabi Health and Safety section recognition

Our Environmental Health and Safety team received recognition from Abu Dhabi Public Health Center and our Undersecretary - recognised as having the highest safety standards in terms of sector and as a government entity.

Health and Safety Certificate Ceremony

The team held two certificate ceremonies in 2022 for highrisk approved hotels that have developed a new health and safety management system - and for those who have closed all occupational health and safety audit non-conformities. A total of 40 hotels have been certified.

Business Intelligence: leading with data

Large parts of DCT Abu Dhabi rely on data-driven insights and deep analysis of the industries that we serve.

Our Business Intelligence (BI) team provides us with the solutions required to set effective strategies, innovate, and achieve our goals. With a close eye on hotel performance, visitor satisfaction and other key data sets, BI helps us shape our strategic goals and allows us to measure our success.

Maximising opportunities for success through risk management

Our Risk Management team recorded several milestones in 2022, including establishing best control practices, adopting visualised reporting methods, and implementing an overall digital transformation across projects.

Primavera Risk Management

The Project Controls team carried out risk analysis studies on contractor schedules to assess feasibility and confidence levels. The risk analysis software integrates with the project schedule for a full quantitative risk analytics tool, running 1,000 iterations to form a likely completion date.

4D planning at Guggenheim Abu Dhabi

Project Controls implemented 4D planning in Guggenheim

Abu Dhabi. The software links the Primavera schedule with the 3D model to visualise planned versus actual percentage completion. Microsoft Power BI is being used for reporting of planned versus actual quantities.

Abu Dhabi has been

Strategic Affairs Executive Director
built on a foundation of robust strategies, which allow us to set achievable goals, prioritise activities, allocate resources effectively, and make informed decisions. Importantly, our strategy aligns the efforts of all stakeholders, from employees to partners, suppliers, and investors, towards a common goal, ensuring a collaborative synergy that is essential to our long-term success.
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International awards

DCT Abu Dhabi is responsible for sustainable projects, achievements and products that adopt the best and latest international practices. The Corporate Excellence Department assesses the feasibility of participating in international awards and prepares all the requirements for submission in cooperation with relevant departments.

Winner of the Internal Design category

Architizer A+ Award

Mother of the Nation Festival

Public Procurement Project of the Year

CIPS MENA Excellence in Procurement Awards

Corporate Social Responsibility Team

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Campaigns/Initiatives


Department of Culture and

Tourism - Abu Dhabi

Cloud - Government Organisation

Middle East Technology Excellence Awards

Middle East’s Leading Business

Travel Destination: Abu Dhabi

World Travel Awards

World’s Leading Sports Tourism Destination: Abu Dhabi

World Travel Awards

Middle East’s Leading Wedding Destination: Abu Dhabi

World Travel Awards

Musalla, Al Hosn Site
Annual Report 2022 133 Empowering the business

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