2012 VISION Vocation Guide

Page 18

prayer & discernment Lea este articulo en español en linea.

Ten things to know about discerning a vocation

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Courtesy of Saint Meinrad Archabbey

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“Before we can be an apostle, ‘one who is sent,’ we must first be a disciple, ‘one who follows.’ ”

Out of a long and sometimes challenging journey to religious life come these ten suggestions for others still in discernment.


Father Christian Raab, O.S.B.


N January 25, 2008 I made solemn vows as a Benedictine monk of Saint Meinrad Archabbey. Eighteen months later, on June 7, 2009, I was ordained a priest by Archbishop Daniel Buechlein, O.S.B. of the Archdiocese of Indianapolis. These

Father Christian Raab, O.S.B. is a monk and priest of St. Meinrad Archabbey in St. Meinrad, Indiana. Before entering the monastery he was a high school teacher.


two events were, for me, not only the celebrated beginning of a new level of committed service to God and church; they marked the end of a long and sometimes difficult path of discernment. Joyfully and gratefully I reflect upon the fact that the many hard years of going back and forth over whether I should give priesthood and religious life a try, or make a commitment to them, are over. Nonetheless, my heart goes out to those who are still in the throes of vocation discernment. I know that it can be one of the hardest tasks someone undertakes in life.


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