Stop Procrastinating- Break Your Negative Habits

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Stop Procrastinating - Break Your Negative Habits

How often have you heard someone say they want to change their life but procrastinate until the last minute? Procrastination is a bad habit that affects everyone at some point in their lives The good news is that you can break free from these bad habits

So, if you don’t want to get stuck in a rut, you must stop procrastinating This article from Virtue Map will give you some helpful tips to overcome procrastination Why Is Procrastination So Hard To Overcome?

Procrastination is such a common problem that psychologists call it ‘the number one enemy of productivity’ Most of us are guilty of procrastinating at some point in our lives – even those who consider themselves highly efficient and disciplined

There are several reasons why people procrastinate Some include lack of motivation, fear of failure, or feeling overwhelmed by too much to do In addition, there may be external pressures, such as meeting deadlines or being under pressure from others But the real reason why procrastinators fail is that they don’t take action They allow their fears to stop them from taking action says Virtue Map‘s experts

The solution is simple: start by identifying your fears and then acting on them Once you’ve taken action, you’ll build momentum and confidence and eventually become unstoppable

The 3 Types Of Procrastinators

There are three types of procrastinators: The optimist, the avoider, and the pleasure seeker

Each has its personality traits and ways of coping with stress The good news is that you can change your behavior and become a better version of yourself Read on to learn about each type

1. The Optimist

● Has Overconfidence.

● Ignores deadlines and the consequences of not meeting them.

● Cannot notice when they are making the wrong decision.

● Never develops safety measures.

● Attracts people with their optimism. But cannot hold onto them because of their overconfidence

2. The Avoider

● Puts unpleasant tasks on your calendar well in advance

● Convince others that you don’t have time for them

● When others discuss the job they’re avoiding, they become apprehensive

● Makes justifications for why the work isn’t completed

● Makes numerous to-do lists to persuade yourself that there are more important things to do.

● Has problems coming up with specific ideas because they allow for completion.

3. The Pleasure Seeker

● Consistently reject suggestions or suggest alternatives

● Is impatient when you don’t enjoy your job

● Lacks time for thinking or planning since they have a live-in-the-moment mindset

● Switch the topic to something else you’re passionate about

● Others criticize them for being careless or lazy

The 4 Steps To Stop Procrastinating

Step 1: Set Up A Daily Routine

To help you be more effective at working in your job, you should set up a daily routine. Start your day with a list of thoughts you want to accomplish, and add to it every morning Also, set up a list of tasks you want to tackle each day so you can complete them promptly

Step 2: Start Small

Begin with small, attainable goals to build your confidence and become more comfortable with the process Break everything down into a series of small tasks, and do them in the order given Try to complete the tasks just one at a time so you can get them out of the way When you complete a task, reward yourself with something you like

Step 3: Find Support

Finding support is important because there are so many different options out there A support system can help you get your motivation back when you need it, make you more aware of your patterns, give you a sounding board as you go through hard times, and provide you with a safe environment to share and receive support

Step 4: Build Momentum

Building Momentum is a process where you reinforce the positive effects of your actions You attempt to do one task and then do another until you build momentum Momentum builds over time until you are constantly building momentum.

Start by ensuring you are as busy as you can be, but also take time to go out and do things

This step is critical for every habit to be broken. Even a small, seemingly insignificant habit can be the spark that ignites a positive change in your life.


Procrastination is a common problem for many people, but it doesn’t have to hold you back from achieving what you want. By setting yourself up for success with a daily routine, you’ll find it easier to stay focused and motivated throughout the day. Virtue Map‘s experts suggest that you should have a daily routine that is at least 2-3 hours long.

Now, are you willing to make a change and stop procrastinating? If so, go ahead and start right now! Comment below if you want to share your experience.

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