Does anyone know of affordable family health insurance?

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Does anyone know of affordable family health insurance? Does anyone know of affordable family health insurance? Related

Can anyone recommend a good dental insurance company that offers orthodontic coverage? ? I have to get braces for my daughter and would like to get a good dental plan for her so that I can get as much the cost for her braces covered as possible. I know that there are few good plans out there that cover any significant amount when it comes to braces, but there must be one or two out there that are the best for orthodontia services. HELP!!!" What is the insurance of Maybach car? I live in the UK. I don't want sites referred to me, but just want an estimate of how much insurance would be" Health insurance for full time college student? I realllyy need to see a doctor about some issues im having with my health, but the onlyproblem is i dont have insurance... Are there any affordable insurance plans i can get??.. im a full time student and i really need it." How long can a Insurance company in the state of Tennessee look back on your driving record? I had a wreck two years ago this October, I was wondering how long an insurance company can look back on my record? Its been two years since I have had any wrecks or tickets but my rates are still high, I was thinking if I switch companies and didnt tell them about the wreck I would have a clean record?" 1 Day Car Insurance? Any way I can get car insurance for my car for only 1 day? I NEED to take it somewhere for a couple of hours and it NEEDS to be insured. Thanks. Will my car insurance represent me in getting claim from other person's car insurance company? Wife got in accident with teenage girls that was at fault. Other driver had insurance, and I'm dealing with them, but because they say my car is totalled as its older and not worth a lot, they offered me some money, but when I go to buy a similar car online, I see I'm short a few thousand. They are being a bit difficult and have my car at a lot ( I know mistake but they said they only were going to look at it, now its gone). I don't have a lot of pull but will complain as much as I possibly can - was on phone for nearly

hour today. Question: Do you think that my insurance company will help me get money from the other insurance company of the at-fault party? I have not contacted them yet." Car insurance questions? I was parked in front of my house and a lady came along and hit my car totalling it by the looks. I think I just signed up for basic insurance. Because she hit my parked car, is the towing and cost for keeping my car covered on my insurance or hers? And also don't know if I can get a car rental at all? And I was also wondering if the car is totalled will they pay me to get a new car? Or just pay me some money back for the car? It says under collision actual cash value. Thanks for any answers because I can not figure out what I have on this paper or if it goes on hers!" Car accident and they got old insurance.? I got in a car accident last November and they tried to hit me with 6 duis with no evidence. We got the FDLC results 6 MONTHS LATER, and it came up with nothing. I have no idea what they had to charge me with 6 DUIs, however... It was reduced to reckless driving. Anyways, when I got in the accident, I left in an ambulance. The police gave out the wrong car insurance (I had just got statefarm the day before.) They gave like esurance to everyone, which was the WRONG insurance. So, I ended up having to tell the hospitals etc that they gave out the wrong insurance. Then I got a call from one of the people I hit's insurance, and they queried about what insurance I had (They said the policy they were given expired in like 08.)... Part of the deal of reckless driving is that I pay restitution. My lawyer is unaware that the police gave out the wrong insurance, but he told me that there should be like nothing (insurance should cover all of it.) I just got a letter in the mail yesterday saying that I owe 2500 to some person. Is it possible that he was given the wrong insurance as well, thus me getting charged for this?" How much will a Toyota Spyder increase my insurance? I'm looking to buy a 2000 Toyota Spyder. But i'm only 20 years old, so i'm questioning whether or not it is a good idea! Its will cost me about $10,000 after tax + the insurance. I'm not so worried about the actually cost of the car, because I can make about a 60% downpayment, and take out a small loan for the rest... But the insurance is the big issue..." Insurance will go up for me? My sister drove my car and was hit from behind. Her insurance is not under my policy. Will this affect my insurance premium? I just had a accident last month also (I hit something on the road which cost $6000 to repair and my insurance covered it without increasing my premium). "If I have no car or house, do i still have to pay taxes and insurance?" When I'm 18, i will use the bus and an apartment in Miami do i sitll have to pay any type of taxes? (besides the money taken from my paycheck at work) Also, is the only insurance i have to pay is life insurance and health insurance? How much will those cost me?"

"Cheap, but safe cars with low insurance [group 5 or less]?" Are there cars [excluding super mini cars] that are big [i.e. saloon cars etc], but are generally cheap to insure for young drivers. As it seems the only ones that have cheap insurance are the super mini cars, and I don't really want one." Car insurance for 17 year olds - UK? Im about to turn 17 and wanted to start driving, how much would car insurance be for a Ford Ka? Are there any cheaper companies to go to and any ways of bringing down the price like installing trackers etc. Would it be much cheaper to be put onto parents insurance, even if they are really bad drivers!?" Do you like or dislike 21st Century auto insurance? A long time ago, when they were named 20th Century, their rates seemed competitive. Does anyone reading this have their insurance now? What advantages do they have, that would make you choose them over other insurance companies?" "Just got a speeding ticket with my uncles car, will his insurance raise?" I just received a speeding ticket while driving my uncles car, i don't have car insurance nor a car. Will his insurance go up from this." "I rear ended someone with no insurance, whats gona happen?" i was on a motorcycle and rear ended someone in a car, the car has a lil dent on the bumper and their insurance already covered it. i do not have insurance and im going to court for it. what is going to happen? is my drivers license going to be suspended eventhough it was on a motorcycle? i have insurance for my car just not my motorcycle." Prelude vs Subaru on Insurance ? Which one is typically cheaper? Between a 97 - 01 Prelude and a 00' Subaru 2.5rs Iv heard prelude insurance is expensive. I know wrx insurance is insanely high but im thinking the 2.5rs must be cheaper since its not turbo'ed. "Friend hit my car, wont give his insurance information, what to do?" Two years ago, I was sitting in a parking space waiting for my friend. He pulled in on the left side, and his right front fender crashed into my rear left quarter panel, causing some ugly damage. Long story short, I didn't get his insurance information. He said he would give it to me later. It has been two years, and the past few weeks I've really gotten on his case to get the information or for him to fix the damage. It has been excuse after excuse, and he now wont answer phone calls. I can get his license number, name and address, so I'm wondering if I need to call my insurance company or the police to get this fixed. I don't need friends like this but I'm wondering if the statute of limitations in california has run out, or if I won't have any luck calling the

police. I just want the car fixed, and the damage is estimated at 500 dollars. Any ideas?" How much does your insurance go up when you get in a fender bender? My brother got in a fender bender. He is 16 and got his license about 9 months ago. The other car wasnt badly damaged, just minor. We live in California. Anyone know about how much his insurance policy will go up?" "For my roads test, do i need to have insurance on the car i use (virginia)? I am 19 years old and I am long over due to get my license. My mother let her insurance lapsed and she is the only person who's car I can use. Do I have to provide a insurance card when I go to take my roads test Minimum insurance for heating/plumbing business in Ca? What is the minimum insurance that an owner of a heating/plumbing business must have in California? Car Insurance in CA - Question? If my dad added me onto his insurance policy (Farmers) on one of our family cars, am I allowed to drive the other car as well? I believe that both cars are under the same policy, since the insurance company asked my mom which car she was driving when she was making a claim. Would I be allowed to drive both cars?" Cheap car insurance UK? any tips to bring the price down? or any insurers going cheap atm? 24 yr old guy 1 yrs no claims citeron saxo desire 03 reg park it on a drive way How much should I expect my car insurance to cost? I am 20, female, in college, decent grades, this will be my first car, i will be driving a relatively cheap car. 199? Honda civic/accord...something along those lines. I live in a very small town. I will only be driving about 10 minutes a day commuting to work and school. i wont be added to my parents policy, i will have my own. I tried doing a free quote thing, but i guess my town is too small, it didn't recognize my address! but from people who actually pay car insurance and know a think or two about it, i am curious as to how much i should expect it to be!" My insurance company will not renew my auto insurance as I had 2 accidents. What do I do now? Will other insurance companies provide insurance for me? Does anyone know of affordable family health insurance?

Does anyone know of affordable family health insurance? How much will insurance cost for me? I'm 18, Male, i'm going to be driving a rx8, And i live in Washington state. I know you can't tell me exact, But around how much." Which car is best for a new driver with cheap insurance im 25 and a female? Which car is best for a new driver with cheap insurance im 25 and a female? How much will car insurance cost? I live in Ontario Canada, I'm an 18 year old male, I completed drivers ed, I have good grades and I will be primary driver of a 1991 Buick park avenue. Any ideas of how much my car insurance might be?" How much would a 1995 dodge dakota be roughly for insurance? i was going to tailgate off of my parents insurance (i just got my lecense and i wanna pay what my parents pay til the dmv tells my insurance company) both of my parents have a clean driving record and have been on the road for 30 years. i just wonder how much insurance would ROUGHLY be Unemployment Insurance Question? I was sent an approval letter in the mail from the Nashville Unemployment Claims Center. They had already called my last employer and confirmed that I was let go due to lack of work. I have been trying to contact them via the phone for the past week and a half during different times throughout the day in order to establish a PIN. Every time I do, I get the same message of due to extremely high call volume, we cannot take your call at this time. Several friends suggested going to the local career center and ask about it there. The local career center told me that they now have extremely limited access to unemployment claims and to contact the Nashville claims center. I sent them an email as a last ditch effort to contact them a few days ago and have yet to receive a reply. Any suggestions?" Is Car Insurance paid Monthly or Yearly? I was reading an article about the Toyota Prius and it said insurance is about $1400. Is that $1400 a month or a year? How expensive of a car can i get if im military? I'm looking ahead into the future a bit but in about a year i will be an E3 in the USAF. I will be bringing home about 1700 a month before taxes, so about 1300-1400 after taxes. I only have about 100 a month of bills and obviously live for free(housing and food). I was wondering, how much of a new car can i finance through a dealership. I have about 1000-1100 after i set aside some money into the bank. So that leaves me about 1000 a month that i could set aside to car, and insurance. I know my insurance will be pretty high, but i was wondering if anyone has any first hand experience as to how much of a car i'd get approved for. BTW: I have good credit, i dont have anything

big on my credit report, but ive had credit cards, and cell phone, and furniture and insurance payments for about 3 years, and never had any problems with payments. So my credit is good with what i have, but i dont really have anything big so i would need a codigner if i were to try and get a car today. But from what ive read dealers usually approve anyone in the military, and especially if they have decent-good credit. THANKS!!!" "Car insurance, Help!?" I crashed my car into another car, both card sustained minimal damage, I just payed for my car to be fixed without consulting my insurance, is this illegal? And furthermore could I settle a money agreement with the guy I crashed into? is this all legal? Also if the guy decided to go through insurance would someone come inspect my car or inspect his... Basically what would the whole procedure be? I haven't contacted him yet" Getting car insurance? I just got my license and i have paid for a car at the dealer but i cant drive it off the lot untill i have how do i get would be with state 18 years old im a how do i do i get insured?.how long does the process take??..and how much do you think my monthly payment will be..are there any deposits/extra payments you have to pay at first up front??? Auto insurance? which auto insurance should i get for my 2005 chrysler sebring? i have farmers but its so freaking expensive! i pay 200 dollras every month and i know theres people who pay less i wanna know which insurance would be cheaper? but i want full coverage and everything. I was wondering about my insurance? i was wondering if my insurance will cover a tubal reversal? i have blue care its a goverment paid insurance cause i can't afford it.. i was really wonting this done and i have searched high and low on the computer and can't find anything so if u can help me out thanks a lot Does anyone know any cheap insurance companies for me.? i got my boyfriend a street bike and its under my name so the insurance has to be under my name to. "New driver, car, insurance etc..?" I've started saving for my first car, driving lessons and tests, and obviously insurance. Any tips on choosing a car, and a teacher? How much would it cost, roughly? Detailed answers really appreciated, thankyou x"

"How Much would Car Insurance cost for a 2002 or 2003 Subaru WRX, not the Sti. Anyone know? Thanks! =]?" How Much would Car Insurance cost for a 2002 or 2003 Subaru WRX, not the Sti. Anyone know? Thanks! =]?" Why is my motorbike coming up wrong on insurance quotes ? I Have a Gilera Runner VX 125cc, When i go onto gocompare & all other insurance websites it asks for my reg & when i put it in and select vehicle its coming up as a VXR 180cc, when i go on to HPI its 125cc & on my logbook its 125 could anyone explain why this is happening ? thanks for your time." Car insurance in Arkansas? I know there are so many factors that play into car insurance but I need help. I am 18 years old. How much would it cost to add this to my car insurance policy? okay, i am 16 years old and just got my liscense a couple of days ago. my parents are now paying an extra $800 to add me to the insurance but they want to buy me a really cheap car to drive for about 2 years so i dont crash the other expensive cars we have say i got a '93 honda civic for around $2,000 with around say 100k miles on it, how much do you think it would cost to add that to the policy?" Anyone know of an insurance company in Alabama that covers Suboxone? Ive been checking around and BCBS said that I wouold have to wait till after a year of coverage untill they would cover that drug for some reason, also would it be considered a pre-existing condition if I was prescribed the drug before I obtained coverage?" What insurance covers a driver to drive any vehicle? I am looking for this type of insurance and I was told about it but I don't know if it has a specific name Does U.S. car insurance (Allstate) cover you in Puerto Rico? I'm going to be renting a vehicle from Thrifty car rental in Puerto Rico next week and I would like to just use my own insurance for the car. Does anyone know if Allstate covers driving in Puerto Rico? Thanks. Car insurance for my car? I'm looking for cheap full coverage for my car , I only need comp and collision for my car , that is all I need. Any advice or help would be appreciated , I live in Texas"

I need some help with insurance please? Hey. I'm getting my 'Learners Licence' in the year of 2014. I own a 1984 Datsun/Nissan 300zx turbo. 2 seat, rwd. I live in abbotsford British Colombia and I just wanted to know how much insurance would cost per year with drivers ed. How much it will cost with my L, N and full licence. Thanks." "To obtain my permit in the state of California, do I need to have my parents get insurance for me? Or when I apply do I have to show proof that my PARENTS have insurance? What auto insurance company will give me a good price after lapsing insurance? I had geico and my insurance lapsed. Everyone wants so much money now since i lapsed previously. Ive tried all the major companies. Does anyvody know of a cheap insurance that i can look into? Right now everyone wants around 7-800$ for 4 cars liability. Rediculous. Car insurance help :(? would your insurance go up after you graduate high school? Does anyone know of affordable family health insurance? Does anyone know of affordable family health insurance? GUESSTAMATE of 2000 Mustang insurance..? can you please GUESS on what my insurance might be (i always ask but everyone says it depends) on a 2000 mustang i am 17 male and live in panhandle of Florida. and how much more a month for convertable of the same car..? thanks.. Cheapest Car Insurance for a teen ? Hey everyone I am 18 and...still live with my parents for 1 more year :/ Anyways, I finally bought my own vehicle with my OWN money and it feels great doing so :) But now I have to pay for my own insurance, and where I work (LongHorn SteakHouse) doesnt quite make me any bank haha. What would be the cheapest possible car insurance for me ? CAR : 2000 Ford Ranger 2 Door Only front seats (not an extended cab, or doesnt have the pull down seats) I have NEVER been in an accident nor have i gotten any tickets if that helps." How much is comprehensive insurance for a Kawasaki ninja 250r? I'm 20, never had a crash nor any fines, am on my graded license (just off l's) have done rider safety courses and have a 2008 Kawasaki ninja 250r and live in queensland (australia). i just want to get a general idea of the cost" Does my aunt need insurance to drive with a learners permit in CA?

My aunt just got passed the written test in the DMV and got a learners permit. I will be the one who will teach her how to drive. I have a valid CA license and the car we are driving is my uncle's. It is insured in his name, but he added me to his policy. Do we need to go to the insurance company and add my aunt to the policy or can I just teach her because I am insured with the car." How much is insurance for a single male under 25 on a DODGE CHARGER? ?? 350z/RSX Owners - Insurance question? I'm thinking of getting either the 03 RSX or 350z early next year but some people tell me that insurance will be quite high even if its just liability. So if you own either one of the two, how much do you pay for insurance? I know mine would be slightly higher since I'm only 22. Thanks for any help on this. :)" Estimated teen car insurance in NY? I know that there are a lot of things that factor into how much insurance will cost a teen but i just want an estimate. I have no clue will it be $20 a month or $200 a month... Someone help I have a 2002 toyota camry and took drivers ed so have 10% off insurance. What is an affordable life insurance for a cigarette smoker? What is an affordable life insurance for a cigarette smoker? "How much do you pay for car insurance in dorchester,ma ? 2006 Nissan Murano SL AWD or similar car. "Hit and run accident, should insurance pay for my auto damage? Here is my situation that I'm confused about. About a week ago I went to church and parked my car. Next thing I know is that someone was driving stolen (Yukon) car and has hit the more CAR INSURANCE I NEED HELP!? Me and my boyfriend wants to buy a car but were concern about the car insurance we cant afford to pay 200 dollars or more a month just for car insurance but we refused to drive with out insurance we have a baby on the way and we don't know what to do and we really need a car bad please anyone can you please help us out if so can you leave numbers if you know something we just need help How much do you pay for full coverage?

I pay 375 for my car note a month and 250 for full coverage a month. Does this seem about right? I'm 20 and about 8 months ago I had gotten a ticket for something I didn't do and finally went to court and was proven not guilty. But I don't know if state farm insurance was high because of my age or because of the traffic ticket. Maybe both. Would I be able to get a cheaper price anywhere else. I'll be 21 in 6 months. How much does it cost to insure a new driver? How much does it cost to insure a new teen driver? My insurance company sent me a sample price, and it was 5,000 for a six month period on a 2010 ford, and 3,000 for a 2008 toyota in the sample, so my question is, how much less would it be to insure a peice of crap car? Like a 91 honda" Looking for good medical insurance? I know blue cross/blue shield is good, but, what other insurance is out there? I need to insure myself, my son, and my fiance. I need to find some fairly cheap insurance as well. Know of any? And also, dental." How much would my motorcycle insurance cost? i might be purchasing a 1999 honda cbr 600s4. i have no riding experience. i live in NJ. i am 22 years old. i have 4 points on my license (from careless driving tickets), besides that, a clean driving record. any sort of educated guess would be much appreciated." Am I legally insured to drive my car? I live in the UK and hold a provisional driving license. Recently I became the registered keeper of a car, and to cut down on insurance costs, my mother insured it in her name with me as a named driver. As I am still not fully qualified I always drive under supervision. A friend has suggested that unless I make my mum the registered keeper of the vehicle, my insurance is not valid and I am breaking the law. Is this true?" Can I dispute my insurance adjuster's estimate of value of a totaled vehicle? I have a vehicle which was totaled. Insurer is Progressive. I live in WA, so the adjuster is not allowed to use NADA or KBB to determine value. He's supposed to provide fair market value. He got two estimates, both of which seem very low to me--less than half the replacement cost of a vehicle from the same year in the same condition. I've asked whether I can submit Craigslist listings from my half of the US to prove the value is higher. He says any documentation must be from within 150 miles of my home, which puts me at a disadvantage since I live in a rural area. I'm wondering: 1) Is my insurance company obligated to accept competitive estimates of value in determining my vehicle's value if I can find local shops that determine that the value is higher? 2) What mechanisms are in place to ensure that value estimates made by dealers are accurate, and can a dealer's estimate of value be disputed? 3) What other options do I have if my adjuster refuses to budge on value?"

How would a Universal health care public option put private health insurance out of business ? How would a Universal health care public option put private health insurance out of business ? Where can i get cheap Car Insurance? here you go a website that can help you find the best auto insurance in your area How can i claim for a new alternator under insurance- it cost me 400? I am selling my car, and I would like to get some cash from my insurance policy. I just had a new alternator fitted 2 weeks ago- any ideas??" How soon does actors get their health insurance? How soon does production company offer health insurance for their workers? And, what other insurance does the production company offer their workers; and, how soon?" Car accident/ car insurance/ what happens? I had just got into a car accident. The other lady was at fault, she got a ticket and I didn't. I have no-fault car insurance. How does this work? I've never been in an accident. Does her insurance pay for my damages? What happens??" How can obtain malpractice insurance in USA? adresse of companies that offer malpractice insurance Loisiana,Wiskonsin,Georgia California" Does full coverage auto insurance cover theft of the car? Does full coverage auto insurance cover theft of the car? If you don't have auto insurance can you get auto insurance from enterprise to rent a vehicle? i don't have auto insurance at the moment.. will enterprise give me auto insurance for a rental? how much does that cost usually? Does anyone know of affordable family health insurance? Does anyone know of affordable family health insurance? I am looking for a second hand HOT-HATCH for around about 1250 (not worried about insurance cost)

Which cars in this price range do you recomend. Thanks Pregnant with health insurance but no maternity coverage? Would I qualify for Medicaid for pregnant women if I have cigna health insurance without maternity coverage? I live in Florida. If not does cigna offer maternity coverage? Car insurance!!!!? i need to know what the average car insurance for an 18 year old girl working in a hospital's peugeot 106 1.1 litre would be. How Much Does Insurance Cost? Okay, So Im 18. Ive Been Driving For A Year And Haven't Had Any Type Of Tickets, Wrecks, Or Anything. And, I Was Told That With This Your Insurance Is Likely To Go Down For Being more" If I have homeowners insurance do I have to have hazard insurance as well? I have home owners insurance already, do I need to keep paying hazard insurance? I live in New Mexico." Purchasing car insurance? I need a step by step guide to adding another car and driver to my mom's policy. I have a 1995 Ford Contour. How long will it take for her to get coverage on my car? How do I get proff of insurance? What is a Cool looking car but cheap on insurance? I am looking for a sporty looking car but not actually considered a sports car and is cheap on insurance. I like a Dodge Stratus and Dodge Intrepid type looks IS there any Cars that Have the cool look but Is cheaper on insurance I know they exist but could you give me a list PLEASE THANKS FOR THE HELP Increase in car insurance after DUI? Recently my friend received a DUI charge in the state of New Jersey, and is waiting for his court date. He is 19, so I assume this case as an underage DUI. He is worried about more" Cost to insure 2013 honda civic si? Cost to insure 2013 honda civic si? Does full coverage auto insurance cover tires?

My car caught fire.. The problem is with the insurance companies... I'm not expecting anything because I gave liability insurance but my car melted my roomates car... She has full coverage.. Thankfully.. Her car is being covered except for the tires... If the tires got messed up in the accident why won't full coverage cover them... I think the insurance company is trying to pull a fast one Car accident and they got old insurance.? I got in a car accident last November and they tried to hit me with 6 duis with no evidence. We got the FDLC results 6 MONTHS LATER, and it came up with nothing. I have no idea what they had to charge me with 6 DUIs, however... It was reduced to reckless driving. Anyways, when I got in the accident, I left in an ambulance. The police gave out the wrong car insurance (I had just got statefarm the day before.) They gave like esurance to everyone, which was the WRONG insurance. So, I ended up having to tell the hospitals etc that they gave out the wrong insurance. Then I got a call from one of the people I hit's insurance, and they queried about what insurance I had (They said the policy they were given expired in like 08.)... Part of the deal of reckless driving is that I pay restitution. My lawyer is unaware that the police gave out the wrong insurance, but he told me that there should be like nothing (insurance should cover all of it.) I just got a letter in the mail yesterday saying that I owe 2500 to some person. Is it possible that he was given the wrong insurance as well, thus me getting charged for this?" Insurance companies for a 18 year old new driver? Ive just recently passed and im in need of a insurance company good for me. Money is tight as im a student and so i need something cheap. Ive been on money supermarket and its hasn't helped much. I dont understand how kids can afford a car and insurance? for me it will take about a year to save up for a decent car, but the insurance is like 5000 a year, how could someone afford that, is there something im missing? and is it only like this where i live (ontario)?" Car accident? insurance??? Long story short, I was in an at fault car accident (only because I crossed the double-yellow line) but thats beside the point. It came off as my fault. Now the other driver was driving a 2003 audi they're saying his car is totalled. So he's probably going to be getting a pretty hefty check. For my car insurance, I only have liability so its 1,300 a year. That's $108.33 a month. How much do you think it will go up after the settlement is given? I heard that it will go up so much percent for like 3 years??? I am 19 years old , and will be driving for almost a year at the end of October." The minimum amount your auto insurance must cover per accident is? The minimum amount your auto insurance must cover per accident is in california?? A. $15,000; 30,000; 5,000 B. $10,000; $25,000; $5,000 C. $20,000; $25,000; $15,000 D. $5,000; $15,000; $10,000"

Where can I get cheap kite insurance? Here's the hypothetical situation. I'm flying my kite at the local park. Then someone's RC plane hits the kite line. The RC plane stalls and falls 100 feet, hitting a soccer player and killing him. Then my kite, which has been cut loose, hits the windshield of a car causing it to have a collision with a pedestrian... So, where can I get insurance to cover a situation like that?" Insurance and tottalling cars.? well my husband totaled our car and we havent done anything with the insurance people yet and im wondering are they going to cover losing our car if we have the lowest insurance on a car that we are still paying payments on?? Can i get insurance on my car with out a licence? Im 18..and i have a car..i dont have a licence yet...only my can i still get insurance on the car with out a licence? Can a 19 year old get cheap car insurance? I just turned 19 and got my first car. I've been looking around for auto quotes and the lowest I've seen is $300 a month which is still too much for me. My parents won't let me be on their insurance policy for some reason and now I have to look all on my own. The vehicle is a 2000 ford focus. What I would like to know is is there any body out there around the age of 18 or 19 that has cheap auto insurance without being on their parents policy? And if so how did you get it? Thanks Need help with car insurance. ? Im 16 and got my first car, i have been looking for a place to get cheap car insurance .... please tell me some good places to get the absolute cheapest car insurance." Is aviva car insurance website down? aviva car insurance says its unable to process your quote? Its been doing this since yesterday:s I'm just looking at quotes for different cars, just looking what will be better for me, i don't actually want to get insured yet until I've found the best price! It just keeps telling me to ring them up!! Any ideas? Oh and btw ive tried changing my email address to see if i was just doing too many but it still comes up with it? And its not because its too high for me to be insured which ive seen from looking into it because some cars ive put in again because i lost the quote reference? Nothing works:/" I need a form for allstate car insurance good student discount? I need a form for allstate car insurance good student discount? Blackjack: What is insurance?

How much does the player put down for insurance, and what do they win? Also, if their is anything else about it, I'd like to know that too." How will the affordable healthcare act affect the unemployed? I have a friend who is unemployed and living under my roof. They're not being claimed by anyone (over 21, not being claimed by parents or myself). They're not in school. They receive no income whatsoever. How will the Affordable Healthcare Act affect them? Will they still be required to get health insurance? I'm sure, legally, the answer is yes, but how will the government *know* they even exist?" NCAP rating effect on car insurance.? I'm looking to buy a car and noticed that some of the models I favour, such as Ford Puma; Vauxhall Tigra, have not been crash tested by NCAP. Does a car which has not been crash tested by NCAP necessarily attract higher insurance premiums?" Does anyone know of affordable family health insurance? Does anyone know of affordable family health insurance?

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