The Influential Greek Heroes of All Times

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The Influential Greek Heroes of All Times Greek mythology has had a significant influence on Western civilization’s arts and literature. You may be familiar with the names Hercules, Achilles, and Odysseus, but do you know how they came to be famous? They are all Greek heroes whose legends have been passed down through the generations. 1. Hercules Hercules is the most well-known and arguably most admired Greek hero. Many people relate to his narrative because of his courage and perseverance in overcoming several labors and challenges during his life 2. Prometheus Prometheus was a Titan god by birth. He was in charge of giving humans things to help them live and thrive. Prometheus gave mankind the gift of fire, although there are several versions of how the gift was given. Prometheus is said to have searched Hephaistos and Athena’s workshop for a gift for man in one version of the myth. 3. Achilles Achilles was born to Thetis, a sea nymph. Thetis drowned Achilles in the River Styx while holding him by his heel to make him eternal. His demise could be linked to the fact that his heel stayed exposed. 4. Odysseus During the Trojan War, Odysseus, the King of Ithaca, offered much knowledge, counsel, and intelligence. Odysseus enlisted Achilles’ help in leading the Trojan War, which helped the Greeks win. While Odysseus won the Trojan Battle, he is best remembered for his gallant return to Ithaca after the war ended. 5. Hector Hector is said to have killed 31,000 Greek fighters during the Trojan War, making him the greatest warrior for Troy. Hector appears several times in The Iliad, although his encounter with Achilles is the most well-known. Hector chooses to protect Priam’s house in the city of Troy, embracing his wife and kid before he goes. In Greek Mythology, heroes were individuals of special strength, courage, or ability. They were often of divine ancestry and noted for superhuman courageous acts. If you’re planning on writing your next novel, you might want to consider featuring a great Greek hero or two!

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