VIP-News Premium - Vol.155 March 2013

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MARCH 2013


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MARCH 2013



It’s been freezing here – how is it where you

may have to apologize for a possible lack of

News, we’re very keen to hear of all efforts

are? If it’s any warmer I’m coming to visit -

coherence in this Musing…

and enterprises involving the support and

now! Apart from the snow and the icy wind

Anyway – perhaps the green shoots of

development­of new talent – so please keep

we also have to cope with the breakdown of

spring will show themselves before I leave

us informed.

our transport systems – it took me over three

for Canadian­Music Week next week – at the

hours to get back to Brighton from London

moment it’s warmer in Toronto than it is here.

Talking of ILMC, the whole VIP team is recovering­from a sold out and very full on

after the ILMC debrief - it should take an hour! Maybe this year’s International Live

Right, enough of that complaining, for now

25th edition of the International Live Music

Music Conference’s time travel theme had

anyway… After all, apart from getting­there

Conference at London’s Royal Garden Hotel.

something to do with it. Also, as I’m laid low

when that mysterious white stuff falls from

The theme this year was time travel which of

with the heavy cold – ‘the lurgy’ as all those

the sky, in terms of places to live, Brighton,

course allowed for a review of the fortunes

who have contracted it recently refer to it – I

as all you Great Escape visitors will probably­

of the live business over the last quarter

have discovered, is not so bad. In fact I

of a century through the archives and the

noticed­in a recent announcement that

memories­and observations of delegates of

one of our local rock stars, that fine chap

an event that was originally intended to be

Roger Daltrey of The Who is to become the

a one-off, and which actually readdressed

first ever patron of the Brighton Institute­ the enterprises of a set of loosely connected

COLOPHON > VIP-News is published by: VIP-Booking 145-157 St John Street London Ec1V 4PW Managing Director: Ronni Didriksen

entrepreneurs as the live music ‘industry’,

that immortal line spoken by the main

something we all take for granted today.

characte­r as portrayed by actor Phil Daniels

Over twenty of this year’s delegates had

in ‘Quadrophenia­’, “I mean, nothing seems

attended­every edition – and a good majority

right, apart from Brighton.” – You see how I

of these were still coherent!

managed to cheer myself up there? Of course the overall business is even older In his new role Daltrey comments on one

than 25 years, and still active and interesting­

General Manager: Peter Briggs

of the topics discussed at the recent 25th

– amongst the big boys AEG has decided

edition­of ILMC (see reports in this issue),

to take itself off the market – so if you

Writer and editorial: Allan McGowan

that of the ‘grass roots’:

were thinking of buying the Corporation

Writer: Manfred Tari For advertising enquiries please contact: Peter Briggs +44 870 755 0092


of Modern­Music (BIMM), a reference to

“BIMM is a fantastic platform for talented­

– too late! – The Madison Square Garden



Company­has sold all its Live Nation shares

opportunity­to thrive and grow within the

– and it looks as though David Bowie has

music industry. I am very happy to support






new music in the UK and BIMM is helping to develop and nurture future talent organically

Right – while I’m still capable – yes, that

and successfully.”

was a sneeze you heard and thanks for the

This is of course an essential subject, and

Gesundheits - Ladies and Gentlemen – The

a concern, which very much interests VIP



MARCH 2013

Objections to Nationalistic Band at German Music Award Manfred Tari

An Italian band from The Tyrol that consider themselves a German

While Freiwild claim that they do not support right wing ideas, the

band and a “not amused” former First Lady from France are the

band is heavily criticized for their distinctively nationalistic lyrics.

two acts that outline this year’s political profile for the German

Earlier this year the German music magazine Visions withdrew its

Music Award, Echo.

media-partnership for the With Full Force-Festival when the festival

announced the booking of the band.

A nomination for the Tyrolean band Freiwild in the category “Rock/Alternative National” led to other German acts MIA and

However, shortly before the event on March 21 the Echo-organizers­

Kraftklub­refusal to be nominated in the same category. Both acts

announced the appearance of the French singer Carla Bruni, the

expressed their objection to this controversial band which sells very

former First lady of France when her husband Nicolas Sarkozy was

successfully­in Germany.

still on duty. Bruni will present her new song “Mon Raymond” which apparently is a love song for her husband. On her new album

According to the statutes of the Echo-Award the award criteria is

“Little French Songs” she also included a protest song regarding

apparently supposed to be defined by sales-success. For the Echo-

the current French Premier Minister Francois Hollande. In the song

organizers­it isn’t the first time that these criteria have enabled an

“Le Pengouin” Bruni sings about a penguin, which in France is also

act with a politically far right mindset to be nominated. In 2008 the

a synonym for a stiff, narrow minded person.

also highly successful act Boehse Onkelz was nominated but finally not invited to the Echo Award Show.

The Echo is considered to be the most important music award in Germany.

While Freiwild claim that they do not support right wing ideas, the band is heavily criticized for their distinctively nationalistic lyrics


Carla Bruni



MARCH 2013

ILMC Celebrates a Quarter Century with another Sold Out Edition Allan McGowan

Martin at Flight Attendants briefing The 25th edition of the pre-eminent live music

well find its way into the main agenda next

Apart from the socializing and the networking­,

industry event, and quoting John Gammon

year to see how the problem has been

all the panels pulled good attendance, with

in Pollstar’s report, ‘...probably its greatest

addressed­in the intervening year.

the ‘informative’ panels, such as the now

social event.’ sold out yet again welcoming­ eleven hundred delegates from 62 countries

Although the Conference has made obvious­

the Market Focus – ‘From Russia With Live’

to the Royal Garden Hotel, London­– as ILMC

efforts to feature younger professionals in

providing­attendants with new knowledge.

founder Martin Hopewell said in his opening

the panels the ‘more venerable’ speakers still

speech, “I’d find it difficult to write out the

pull a crowd, in some cases too much of a

The Festival Forum, ‘Past, Present and Future­

names of 62 countries…!”

crowd, the ‘Dragon’s Den’ sessions featuring­

Tents’ brought some humorous moments as

Leon Ramakers, Thomas Johannsen, Carl

Chairman John Probyn of Live Nation after­

ILMC itself officially ran from the Friday


describing his battles to cope with deluged­

March 8 till Sunday the 10th, but private­

were set up in a room for 30 or so people,

grass surfaces at Hyde Park following­









intended­to be seen as mentoring sessions

dreadful­weather conditions was told by

early as did the associated Green Events

for newer and younger delegates to get ‘up

panelist festival organizers including Dany

and Innovations­conference, and the

close and personal’ with these luminaries to

Hassenstein of Paleo in Switzerland and Baris

second­edition of the bolt on Production

hear the stories of their careers and to ask

Basaran of Turkey’s One Love Festival of their

event on the Thursday attracted over 130

questions. However in the actuality it seemed

necessity to bring in snow machines to cool

professionals­. Topics discussed in this event

that even those who could quite reasonably

the punters down! John’s eyes rolled to the

were referred to in the main event with co-

arrange lunch with these ‘Dragons’ wanted

heavens, as he demanded of a certain panel

organize­r­Carl Martin delivering a summary

to attend the sessions, leading to a crowd

organizer of your acquaintance: “Did you

in the Tour Party session on the Saturday

in the corridor outside the room, and some

pick these panelists just to wind me up?!”

morning at ILMC. The outstanding topic


dealt with Fatigue, with evidence showing

can’t do right for doing right! In the end the

The theme of cooperation was mentioned

that many members of touring crews were

final­Dragon session saw Harvey Goldsmith

in several of the panels at ILMC. Although,

struggling to get by with as little as three

leading­his audience into a bigger room and

of course, competition exists, particularly

hours sleep a night – both an unhealthy

conducting what became more of a panel

between­the bigger companies such as

and dangerous situation, which was also

than a more personal session.

Live Nation and AEG, there seems to be a

referred to in the Festival Forum, and may


regular­ , ‘New Technologies’ session and




willingnes­s to share information. In the Tour


MARCH 2013

Party - Keeping the Customer Satisfied­ , The work of Festival Associations like

legendary Sunday morning interview, this

Herman­Scheuremans of Arthur winners

Yourope and the AIF in areas like Health and

time with Pink Floyd drummer and founder

Rock Werchter revealed that his crew often­

Safety and Green concerns are also evidence

Nick Mason, who proved to be an extremely

passed on information about particular acts

of this continuing trend.

entertaining and informative speaker. A

production­needs to other festivals in other

triumvirate of drummers was made up by

territories due to host that act, with particula­r

Ex Dire Strait’s manager Ed Bicknell, also a

a front row guest in the person of Brian

emphasis on anything unusual or problematic.

drummer, conducted his regular and now

Bennett­, the drummer of The Shadows.

Alia Dann & Allan McGowan


Nick Mason proved to be an extremely­entertaining and informative­ speaker.



Carl at dragons den













MARCH 2013

The Arthur Awards Allan McGowan

These Awards started life as a spoof – a lighthearted take on the

their pride and pleasure in receiving their ‘Arthur’, as with the Rock

pomposity­of certain Awards, ‘Arthur’, not too far from Oscar, being

Werchter response following this list of winners.

based on a certain ‘wheeler-dealer’ TV character. Now these Awards are taken very seriously with local and international press commenting­

This year the Awards were presented at a Gala Dinner at London’s

on the winners, and many winners issuing press releases expressing

famous Savoy Hotel;

The Royal Albert Hall

2013 Arthur Winners: First Venue to Come Into Your Head: The Royal Albert Hall (UK) Services Above And Beyond: EPS Liggers Favourite Festival: Rock Werchter The Golden Ticket: The Ticket Factory Most Professional Professional: Gillian Park (MGR, UK)

Oliver Hoppe

The People’s Assistant: Charlie Renton (Primary Talent, UK) Tomorrows New Boss: Oliver Hoppe (Wizard, DE) Second Least Offensive Agent: Emma Banks (CAA, UK)

Emma Banks

The Promoter’s Promoter: Folkert Koopmans (SKP Scorpio, DE) The ILMC Bottle Award: Ed Bicknell (Damage Management, UK) Folkert Koopmans









MARCH 2013

The ILMC Experience 2013 Manfred Tari

The 25th edition of the ILMC proceeded very smoothly. The days

technology­relevant to the live music business. “Sell out on twitte­r

of overwhelming rhetorical contributions by UK-top agents to the

alone “, as someone says underlines how massively the settings for

conference­agenda definitely seem to be history. In the past the

communication­have changed in just a few years. Buzz phrases such

Conference­was particularly highlighted by occasionally emotional

as “permissive marketing” as Grimaux called it, “referring to today’s

and opinionated declarations by some of its top speakers.

much more personalized marketing tools. Today’s marketing­inventory­

has made available a multifunctional complexity that opens up yet

This though has changed. Some of the elder statesmen of the ILMC

almost unthinkable new opportunities for the live music business­.

hold themselves back or leave more room for younger and new faces

When the speaker for the Dutch agency Friendly Fire stated that he is

that appear on this conference. Does the IMLC lose any of its on

not interested in “giving Mark Zuckerberg all the data” he indicated

attraction­as a result? No, not at all.

that the live music industry is on the verge of a new phase.

The new conference spirit of ILMC has rather become more factual

For years the live music industry delivered data for ticketing supplier­s,

and informative. Like every music conference ILMC is able deliver

but since RFID technologies now enable promoters to run their festival­s

interesting and inspiring information for those who are interested

on a cashless basis, and since social media apps allows promoter­s to

in new developments that drives the music business into the future.

interact with punters directly, promoters such as Friendly Fire are able

And the ILMC stands foremost besides the Amsterdam Dance Event,

to set up “editorial rooms” for festivals to follow up to four weeks

Midem and SXSW in confirming that it is a meeting place for the

of post-event-communication, it is now obvious that the live music

global music industry community. But, compared to other flagship

business has access to new additional values that are of enormous

conventions, the ILMC is also still a much more intimate industry

interest to other industries.

event, benefiting from being able to maintain its highly personnel


Certainly l some of the new applications are still under development­, but in particular this ILMC panel documented how times have


The ongoing meet & greet in the lobby and in the bar of the Royal

changed for this sector of the music industry. Occasionally it is just

Garden is certainly one of the key assets of the ILMC, but besides this

a side note that underlines how significant the changes for the live

it is some of its conference topics that deliver an often underestimated­

music industry are. In the ILMC “booking ring” it was Rob Challice

added value towards this event.

from Coda Agency who emphasized that the live music sector is a

much greater income supplier for artists than the record industry.

One of this year’s highlights was the panel “Selling the show:

Settin­g this conclusion in context with the findings as mentioned on

Going­to market”, hosted by Serge Grimaux and Geoff Meall. This

the panel “Selling the show...” proves that the live music business is

panel impressed due to its up to date overview of new media and

currently undergoing a thorough conversion.


MARCH 2013

So, besides the good old heavyweights many new players were to be

By the way, this year’s ILMC theme “Back to the future” is also in

seen at ILMC. Some of the pioneers of the live music business such as

line with the statement of Rob Challice, remarking that before the

Marcel Avram, Barry Dickens or Carl Leighton Pope just to mention

invention­of the gramophone it was just the live music and the

a few still enrich the ILMC with their presence, but ILMC is on its way

publishing­sector that fed the music industry...

to become the home of a new generation of live music entrepreneurs and workers...

Delegate Comments re ILMC 2013 Rob Challice - Coda Agency

times can help to improve the safety standards at events. Also many

“Returning for my first weekend at ILMC in 6 years it brought home

technology innovations were introduced at ILMC and besides this it

how much the live business’ relationship with the record business has

is a pleasure to see that there is young generation of promoters that

changed in that time. Whereas once artists used to rely on record

have been successful in establishing themselves in this business.”

labels for their income, now the main source of their income comes from live work. We, the live business, are creating the opportunities

Neil Vasavada: EPS America llc

and strategies that enable bands to have sustainable careers.”

“EPS America was impressed by the organization, execution and quality­of the panels presented. The access to industry veterans as

Ivana Draglia and Renzo Wellinger

well as colleagues and customers who are at the top of their game

(Editors at

was an experience that would be hard to replicate.”

Please let us hear your comments on this year’s edition of the ILMC?

Of the many new insights, one thing that stands out is the direction­

– “Martin Hopewell brought it to the point when saying: ‘It was

and health of the industry. We understand how important festivals and

fucking­good!’ The ILMC is a perfect occasion to make new contacts,

EDM events remain, got to hear very insightful things about evolution­

to gain input and to inform you about new trends.”

in the ticketing industry and what kinds of things are becoming­more important to promoters. Communication and personal­relationships

Did you gain any new ideas or inspirations out of ILMC 2013?

are still among the most important things, even in this age of Twitter

– “Loads of coffee and a nap in between are highly important. But

& Facebook.”

seriously: We found out a lot about how important regulated working



MARCH 2013

Which music convention you will visit next?

Philipp Styre, Creative Talent:

– “Pollstar for sure, probably more but don’t know right now.”

Are you pleased with this year’s edition of the ILMC? – Yes - I met a lot of old friends and partners and made some new

Andrew Stone:

ones and also made new contacts. With winning the ILMC table-

Managing Director EPS Australia pty ltd

socce­r­­cup the 2nd year in a row we may have made some new

“As a first time ILMC delegate, it was a far different atmosphere to

enemie­s as well.

many of the other conferences I’ve attended in the past. There was a wide range of industry delegates in attendance from an even wider

Did you gain any new ideas or inspirations out of ILMC 2013?

range of countries. To hear people become actively involved with the

– International touring even to very new places has gotten easier. The

Panel discussions and openly discuss topics which are relevant within

world is becoming a smaller place.

the industry right across the globe, made the conference well worth attending. I’m looking forward to registering for 2014 already.”

Which music convention you will visit next? – Reeperbahn Festival and CMJ New York...

Adam Saunders X-Ray Touring: Had another great year catching up with a lot of old friends, drank a

Rainer Appel - CTS Eventim:

load of beer, did a load of business... business as usual!

“ILMC 25 was a truly intense experience. It was great to meet so many peers in one place over a weekend - and in many cases be able

Did you gain any new ideas or inspirations out of ILMC 2013?

to finally put a face on the e-mails you’ve been getting and sending

– It’s possible to fit 10 cowboys on stage at the Underworld in

all the time. And it was particularly great to get so much positive

Camde­n, courtesy of The BossHoss (Friday night)!

feedback on Eventim’s new FanTicket – it seems we really hit the spot with our latest innovation! Thanks also to Serge Grimaud and

Which music convention you will visit next?

Geoff Meall for inviting me to their marketing panel. See you all at

– SXSW for a change


Rob Challice, Coda Agency


Andrew Stone, EPS Australia

Adam Saunders, X-Ray Touring


MARCH 2013

26.-28. sepT.

InternatIonal talents, trends and trade –

more than 400 musIc-related events coverIng concerts, showcases, art, conference, networkIng In 70 unIque venues.

Organizer: Reeperbahn Festival GbR and Inferno Events GmbH & Co. KG


MARCH 2013

Rock the House

– UK Parliament Supports Live Music Allan McGowan Rock the House is a Parliamentary live

the Terrace of the House of Commons in the

your fellow MP’s are a lot more aware of

evening at the finale reception.

the situation now? – Definitely, some 250 MP’s have responded

music­and venue competition founded by Member­of Parliament Mike Weatherley. The

The categories for the competition this

to requests to propose bands and venues

competition­aims to celebrate the very best

year include:

from their constituencies. There’s a surprising

of up-and-coming unsigned British artists

Best solo act under 19

number who are musicians and have played

and the live music venues that support them.

Best band under 19

in covers bands for instance.

Best solo act The initiative of the competition is to raise

Best band

So do you think it’s true to say that attitudes­

the political profile of the importance of

Best music video

have changed and the importanc­ e of

intellectual­property rights, and live music,

Best small venue

‘popular’­music is now being­taken more seriously by the powers­that be?

among Parliamentarians. The very laudable and increasingly­important aim of Rock the

MPs nominations will close on March 31st

– Yes, I recall that not so very long ago two

House is to underline just how is hugely

2013; The under 19’s finals will take place

Labour MP’s tried to ban Alice Cooper from

importan­t the UK music industry is in terms

at The Bedford, Balham, South London on

playing in this country, but recently I hosted

of employment and overseas earnings­. The

May 28th 2013, and the Awards ceremony

him at The House of Commons, and the

organisers state that this must be encouraged­

will take place at the House of Commons on

Speaker of the House joined us for tea! He

and protection of copyright is essential to the

June 26th.

is now one of the patrons of Rock the House.

VIP News spoke to Mike Weatherley MP

What else are you trying to achieve in

about the Competition and what he hopes

this area?

How it Works

to achieve:

– There are various aspects that we’re trying

Every MP is invited to nominate their favourite­

to push up the agenda, we’ve been very much

act from each category in their constituency­.

Many people in the music industry and

A panel of international music industry

particularly in the live industry have

involved in the successful bringing to law

expert­ s and musicians then determine­the

been lobbying the Government for

of Lord Tim Clement-Jones Live Music

finalists­who will compete in a live battle

assistance­with the problems of breaking­

Act. The easing of licensing restrictions

of the bands. The lucky winners will receive

and supporting­new talent for quite

for live music venues instituted by the Act

some once in a lifetime prizes, while some

some time; it seems that your initiative is

originally applied­to venues of up to 200

will also get the chance to play a live set on

helping to move things on. Do you think

capacity, but this has now been raised

ongoing ability to pay artists for the work they create.

Rock The House launched 2013 at Speakers House, The House of Commons



MARCH 2013

Fatboy Slim, Commons House

Rock The House, Alice Cooper

to 500. “I’m very proud that ‘Rock the

Abatement­Society, but I don’t want to see

a different genre we also had Fatboy Slim

House’ has helped nudge legislation­in

more venues closed if we can help it.

performing­at the House last week – under

the right direction­, reducing­needless red


the banner of ‘House the House’!

tape for small venues. I hope many small

Do you have plans to increase your

venues­will enter the competition­this


I’m also getting interest from the US and

year, and hold gigs with up to 500 people

– This is the largest Parliamentary Competition­

Europe­ , so perhaps we could consider

attending­– with no need for a license!”

by far. This year the prizes are much bigger

extending­the Competition, to run it on a

Also many venues­have been closed, or

and the competition’s Patrons range from

Europe­wide basis.

threatened with closure­, because of noise

rock legends Alice Cooper, Mark Hoppus,

complaints, we’re urging venues to fit air

Ian Gillan to Charlie Simpson, Matt Tuck,

More information:

lock type doors. I’m a member of the Noise

Rick Wakeman and Yngwie Malmsteen. In



MARCH 2013

Mama & Company Acquire Hoxton Square Bar and Kitchen Allan McGowan On Thursday 14th March 2013; MAMA & Company announced the expansion of its venue portfolio with the purchase of East London’s highly regarded Hoxton Square Bar and Kitchen. Considering the number of Londo­n venues closing, or in danger of closing­of late, this is good news for the capita­l. Following the management buyout from

High-profile musicians that have played the

Laura Marling to name just a few. The future

HMV in December, CEO Dean James set

Hoxton Square Bar and Kitchen stage in

line-up­includes shows with form Bleech,

out MAMA & Company’s plans to develop

their infancy, include; Mumford and Sons,

Story­Books, CSS, Ewert and the Two

the live music arm of the business, and this

Paloma Faith, Vampire Weekend, Jessie J and

Dragons­and Akron Family.

latest addition to their roster of venues and award-winning festivals marks a further step in MAMA’s growth. The 450 capacity restaurant, bar and live music­venue, situated in the heart of fashionabl­ e Shoreditch, East London, is one of London’s most popular locations for intimate­live performance­and has played host to numerous breaking acts. MAMA & Company – once known as the Mama Group, has a long history of promoting emerging talen­t through its venues and festival­s and will continue to programme new music at the Hoxton Square Bar and Kitchen. CEO Dean James said; “Hoxton Square Bar and Kitchen is one of the premier venues in London for showcasing­ new talent. We started 15 years ago with The Barfly in Camden and gave first London gigs to bands like Coldplay and Muse. The axis of London’s music scene has definitely shifted East over the years and we have long coveted­a space where we could do what we do best – promote up and coming artists. With Hoxton­we think we have got the best site in East London.”

Hoxton Square Bar and Kitchen



MARCH 2013

Live Nation to Stage even More Shows throughout Europe Allan McGowan Reports in the Financial Times and elsewhere indicate that the world’s

Portugal­and elsewhere this seems to indicate a reversed trend.

biggest concert promoter is to present even more Concerts across

However­Live Nation has apparently already seen a 25pc increase

Europe after significant increases in ticket sales this year. There is talk

in ticket sales fuelled by sales for Rihanna and Bruce Springsteen,

of gigs at a 1,000 new venues, although I’m sure this doesn’t mean

(who will headline Hard Rock Calling at the Olympic Stadium this

absolutely new venues, but venues new to Live Nation, which also

year) since the start of this year, with the UK doing particularly well.

seems a mite questionable. Still, I suppose this may be possible, and

They’ve done well with One Direction in the US as well.

I’d love to see a listing!

Live Nation staged around 22,000 gigs and festivals in 2012, attracting­ 16.75m visitors. That helped to fuel a 4.8pc increase in operating

The figures bandied about mention 1,100 new arenas, producing a

profits to $459.1m, and an 8.1pc boost in sales to $5.82bn. 100,000

total of nearly 5,000 to be used by the giant, in order to capitalis­e

tickets were sold for The Wireless Festival on the first day.

on ‘buoyant European demand’ for live concerts. Considering the expressed­worries in the last year of promoters in France, Spain,

Is everything on the up again? Watch this space!

Live Nation to Stage

CLICK-A-GIG.COM enables artists to MAIL their music to more than 6.000 venues and agencies worldwide…



MARCH 2013

WeGotTickets Reveal the Environmental Impact Results of Varying Ticketing Processes Allan McGowan At the Green Events and Innovations

The report, available­

conference­ , part


from the WeGotTickets­

Live Music­Conference in London by

web site, is a first step








reveale­d the results of their ticketing survey­.


They revealed mailed-out tickets consume­

primary­ticket market

over a whopping 100x the amount of

that puts customers first

energy­of completely paperless ones, where

and makes purchase,

the ticketholder­just presents their ID and

delivery­ and redemption­

booking­reference to gain entry.

of tickets­as transparent


print-at-home­tickets produce over 40x


as possible.

analysis of the environmental­

more carbon­than the completely paperless variety­.

impacts of products and services, and is While there’s scope for energy savings to

described­by the International Standard

be made across the events business, from

Organization’s­(ISO) framework 14040 [1].

To put this in context, the energy used in

using refillable bottles and cups instead of

ticketing­a sold-out O2 Arena show via

disposables­ , right through to low energy

The three ticketing options were modeled

paperless­tickets would do less environmental­

equipment, ticketing also has its part to

using a life cycle approach, similar to the

damage than if a 200 capacity venue like The


ISO 14040 LCA methodology, to compare

Lexington had sold out using paper tickets­.

their environmental impacts, particularly to

The ticketing from a sold-out paperless­ Estimating conservatively that there are over

understand­what the Greenhouse Gas (GHG)

ticket show at Brixton Academy would have

40m entertainment tickets sold in the UK

emissions of these systems are.

less environmental impact than a barely

each year, the environmental impact of 40m

half-full print-at-home ticket show at the

mailed-out tickets equates to a London bus

The study was based upon WeGotTickets’

aforementioned­ Lexington.

circumnavigating the globe five times. That

business activities over the 12 months from

same bus would have to go round the world

July 2011 to June 2012, which equated to

Newton used the presentation to deliver a

a little more than twice before it had the

approximately 60,200 tickets and 28,000

call to action to industry and consumers alike

same impact as 40m print-at-home tickets. If

emails per month, equivalent to 2.15 tickets

to make paperless ticketing work.

the ticket industry were to go truly paperless

per order.

“This report resoundingly illustrates how

then that bus wouldn’t even have to go from

a modern ticketing system would reduce

London to John O’Groats and back.

It concluded that the energy and Greenhouse­ Gas (GHG) emission burdens of digital ticket

greenhouse gas emissions by over 100-fold.


It behoves the ticketing sector to make sure

The Report

delivery, such as WeGotTickets’ standard

that paperless becomes the norm and that

The report, The Carbon Assessment of

model, are dramatically lower than the

gig-goers are educated and encouraged to

Ticketing­Delivery Systems, was compiled­ other ticket delivery systems, at 0.0672g of

never print out an email confirmation again.





carbon-equivalent emissions released per

The message is clear: there’s simply no need




paperless­ticket. If the customer prints their

for people to print out tickets, a booking

life cycle assessment­ s.

It took the Life

order confirmation email, then the associated­

reference­is all that’s necessary.”

Cycle­Assessment­(LCA) approach, which is

emissions will rise to 2.83g, an increase­by

commonly­used by industry professionals for

a factor of 42.1:1. This is compared­to the




MARCH 2013

Dave Newton, founder of WeGotTickets

traditional­approach of ticket order delivery­ that



Commented Chapman:


“It’s fantastic to see ever greater emphasis

emissions­of 7.23g, an increase by a factor

on environmental issues in the entertainment

of 107.6:1 in environmental impact over the

sector, especially since it is such a key part of

electronic approach.

modern life and indeed a good message to

To see the full report visit: report.pdf

younger generations.”



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Music in Shares Manfred Tari


Live Nation

Sale cancelled

Appoints New Chairman

Live Nation has appointed Greg Maffei, the president and CEO of Liberty­Media as non-executive Chairman of the Board, he had The sale of the Anschutz Entertainment Group (AEG) announced in

originally­joined the board of directors of Live Nation in February 2011.

September 2012 has been cancelled. Various media sources report

At the beginning­of the year Liberty Media already held 26.4 percent

that offers for the Group simply did not meet the sales target The

of the share capital of Live Nation. After the departure of Irving Azoff

company, owned and founded by Philip Anschutz owns and operates

as Chairman in Decembe­r 2012 Liberty Media also bought 1.7 million

more than 100 venues and arenas such as the Staples Center in L.A.

shares from Azoff.

and the O2 arenas in London, Berlin and Hamburg and hold interests

Shortly before the news of Maffei’s appointment the Madison Square

in several sports teams.

Garden Company (MSG) sold its 2 percent stake in Live Nation. MSG previously held 3.9 million shares in Live Nation and sold for around $44

Investment firm Blackstone handled the sale procedures. The former­

million. The sale was a consequence of one of MSG’s main shareholders

price target was estimated at between $7 and 11 billion. But

James Dolan leaving the Live Nation Board

apparently­offers received were no higher than $4-6 billion. The news sparked a little share price rally for Live Nation as peaking the $12 border for the first time for a year. Earlier this month Live Nation revealed its business results for 2012. The company has been able to increase its revenue result from $5.383 billion the year before to $5.819 billion and almost doubled its net loss results from previously minus $83 million to $163,2 million.

Philip Anschutz


Greff Maffei



Preliminary 2012 Results by

CTS Eventim

CTS Eventim released its preliminary business report for the business year 2012 on February 21. The full business report was supposed to be released at the end of March, while the current figures are as yet unconfirmed As usual CTS Eventim reported a higher revenue result. In 2012 it went up 3.5 percent from 502.6 the year before to 520.3 million­Euros.


The Earnings before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortisation­

artists to MAIL their music

(EBITDA­ ) rose from 94.6 to 118.9 million Euro, a jump of 25,7

to more than 6.000 venues

percent­. Also the EBIT result grew: from 72.1 up to 96.1 million Euros.

and agencies worldwide…

While in the past the ticketing division of CTS Eventim appeared to be biggest gainer for the company, last year the live-entertainment department­was also able to increase its revenue result by 5.5 percent­. While in 2011 the revenue was 281 million Euros, this part of CTS Eventim last year produced a turnover 296.4 million Euro. The EBITDA went up by 41.6 percent from 18.8 to 26.6 million Euros, the EBIT even went up by 45.4 percent, from 16.9 to 24.5 million Euros. The share price of CTS Eventim stood at 27.14 Euro on March 15. Earlier on in January 2013 the share once stood at 27.87 Euro.


Go online -



ARTIST AVAILS Diana King Territory: World Period: 2013 Agency: GLP Agent: Walter Laurer E-mail: Homepage:

Grazia & Jay

Barclay James Harvest feat. Les Holroyd Territory: W orld Period: Summer 2013, Autumn/Winter 2013 Agency: Kultopolis Agent: Markus Sollner Phone: 0049-6861-939980 E-mail: Homepage:

Foreigner Territory: Europe Period: 2013 Agency: GLP Agent: Georg Leitner E-mail: gleitner@glp.a

MUSICAL YOUTH Territory: THE WORLD Period: MARCH 2013 - MARCH 2014 Agency: STRATOSPHERE MUSIC Agent: STEVE HUGHES Phone: +447779257295 E-mail:

Martin Turner’s Wishbone Ash Territory: Europe excl. UK, E, B, NL, G Period: Summer 2013, Autumn/Winter 2013 Agency: Kultopolis Agent: Markus Sollner Phone: 0049-6861-939980 E-mail: Homepage:

“Adesso” – in English “Now” – is the title of Grazia & Jay´s brand new album. “Now” because after more than 500 live shows all over Europe (on the Formul­

TV Off Territory: Europe Period: 2013 Agency: RedBerg Agency Agent: Juha Juoni E-mail: Homepage:

One circuit and at the Laureus Media Awards a.o.) it was high time to immortalise­ their idea, with which this dream team has inspired their international audiences for years, on a CD. The idea? As simple as it is resounding: Singing world hits of the 80s and 90s in Italian and embellishing them with an orchestral pop sound, which transforms these songs into a unique and never heard before musical cocktail. How it all


happened: It certainly has to do with Munich’s ambience, “Italy’s most northern city”. No other place manages to combine tradition and modernity with such an abundance of charm, vitality and lightness of being than this city, which the Spiegel magazine named “Diva of the South”. Further highlights of this debut album are new versions of famous duets like those by Joe Cocker & Jennifer Warnes (“Up Where We Belong”), Kenny Roger­s & Dolly Parton (“Islands in the Stream”), Jason Donovan & Kylie Minogue­ (“Especially­for You”). Also Barbara Streisand´s “Woman in Love” and the Italian­rendition of “Senza una Donna” (Zucchero & Paul Young) sparkle in their orchestral­versions in new splendour. Read more about Grazia & Jay:


Martin Turner’s Wishbone Ash



Evdokimov Show Theater We would like to present you Evdokimov Show Theater. It is Russian

We are pleased to inform you that at the moment EVDOKIMOV

sensational show that is one of a kind in parody genre of the most

SHOW THEATER ( is looking forward

famous celebrities.

to extend its performance outside Russia and we are looking for an agent and promoters .

Instead of stereotypical Russian kalinka-malinka or classical Ballet, it is groundbreaking cross-culture and cross-eras costume performance

We are looking forward to any possible mutual projects. Thereby, we

covering incredibly different historical music eras – jumping from

can offer for you the EVDOKIMOV SHOW which can be part of your

Egyptian gods to Tina Turner, Lady Gaga, Kylie Minogue and etc. Now

entertainment programs .

the Evdokimov Show struts its stuff in big concert halls all over Russia and abroad, at private events for the rich and famous, such as Naomi

Evdokimov show theater - Discover new emotion -

Campbell and Vladislav Doronin party in Switzerland, jewellery house


De Grisogono show at Cannes Film Festival, Marc Jacobs party. e-mail: Established in 1998 by its unchallenged leader Anatoliy Evdokimov,

today it is the only show in Russia presented in parody genre of the

most famous and beloved celebrities.­/evdokimovshow

Having gained popularity in Russia and CIS countries, we want to

Yours faithfully, Denis Boldyrev ,”EVDOKIMOV SHOW THEATER”

expand the geography of our shows and focus on long-term and

director +7 905 775 0057

mutually­beneficial cooperation. We are open for any kind of projects.

About Our Company enables artists to MAIL their music VIP-Booking’s core product is the Internet’s oldest and Today VIP-Booking offers a range of tools for the to more 6.000 venues agencies worldwide… industry­– including VIP-News, VIP-Booking, VIP-Book largest database forthan the European Live and Entertainment

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