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Violet Ray Natural Health and Conscious Living Magazine the PoWer of Music can transforM your life

thinninG doWn in the neW year

Mexican Wild yaM - the natural solution for MenoPause and PMs

coVer art By Janice Blaine “sPider WoMan�

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VoluMe 13, issue 1 feBruary, March, aPril 2010

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Advertising in The Violet Ray has opened the doorway for me to access my local and provincial community. As an information resource, The Violet Ray has effectively spread the word about my healing sessions and workshops, helping my practice to grow and flourish. It is a viable asset, which has brought me immediate results. The Violet Rays dedication to the wholistic community is a service to us all. -S. SK., AdvertiserI am so glad I chose The Violet Ray for my profile, ads and articles because I not only received calls from Central Alberta, but also as far as Winnipeg! That told me that The Violet Ray is one of the best mediums for marketing my services and products. - Z.N.., Advertiser –

February, March, April 2010

Page 3

Soul Script By Carol J. Uchytil Welcome to the Spring Issue of The Violet Ray - Natural Health and Conscious Living Magazine that will be in circulation for February, March and April. This issue features articles on natural health, energy therapies and spirituality. Our regular columnists share guidance from the questions that you submitted in What’s Above, Ask Dr. Evers, Insights From The Dream Expert and Where Is The Joy. Our intent is that their guidance ignites new hope and comfort for you and provides you with the insight to assist you in your journey and helps you transcend to a level of greater knowledge and acceptance. In this issue we are reminded that opening our heart chakra is of utmost importance in this new decade. Pamela Shelly’s article “ The Shift of the Ages – 2012 Shift” states that “ ...we are leaving behind the cycle of living mainly in the mind, being a materialistic, self-indulgent, irresponsible, chaotic, fearful, warring society of beings to live and express the more enlightened soul infused, heart energy. This will be an age of peace, harmony, unity, abundance, heart based compassion, wisdom and action. It will also be a time where we take personal responsibility and are accountable for all of our actions and creations.” We are also reminded of our eternal and internal connection to creation and consciousness through God, Great Spirit, Buddah, Universal Power, Source or whatever you want to call it through Sarah Salter-Kelly’s article “Giving It Up To God”. To experience this oneness and access this Universal wisdom we need only devote time to sit with ourselves to allow this source of love and divine intelligence to enter our sphere of being. We learn in Brenda Forsey’s article “The Power of Music Can Transform and Enlighten your Soul” that “Music is the universal language to all people, and all will start resonating at a deeper level as they wake up to their spirituality. The human body will undergo terrific vibrational changes; leading up to their own ascension to becoming who they really are and a soul awakening will occur. Music can set the tone and speed of the awakening soul.” Since I am extremely connected to music and vibration, I find truth in Brenda’s statement since everything in the entire Universe is energy and is vibrating at different frequencies. As a child the piano was my way to disperse stress! My parents instinctively knew what kind of mood I was in by what kind of music I was playing. Each and every note carried a different feel, vibration, frequency and if I was sad the “A” and “E” melodies would surface where if I was happy, the melodies written in “C” would emerge. Over the past 15 years I have played mostly by ear and by how I feel and realize that the music flows more easily to me when I channel it with my feelings versus reading the notes. Page 4

Speaking of channelling, in my opinion all creations whether they are scientific discoveries, manufactured products, writing, art, or music are channelled information that are part of the Divine Blueprint or Universal Hologram. The concept that “there are no such things as coincidence” rings true when we consider the hologram. All information is stored in the Universe and we access this information through our thoughts which allows us to create those things that have already been created in the Holographic Universe. When things feel right we are vibrating in accord with the divine in when I play the piano by my feelings. “Every thought is stored in the brain and it is conceivable that this information could transform itself into some other realm” ...The Universal Hologram. “Where does the information go after the destruction of the molecules (the mass that compose it) since matter can neither be created nor destroyed...only transformed? It goes into the Realm of Spirit or Consciousness” – The Holographic Universe, By Michael Talbot - This Realm is the seed, spark, thought, idea of Creation! Music, Invention, Writing, Art, Thought ... is creation! We are pleased to be able to serve our readers by providing a forum that cultivates and nurtures positive growth in mind, body and spirit and that helps you with your spiritual or healing quest. We also express our gratitude to our advertisers and contributors who make publishing this magazine possible. For those of you who have taken the time to write me, I thank you and truly appreciate the feedback! Since you are the reader, feel free to share what you like, and dislike or want to see more of by submitting your comments, suggestions and insights directly to me at I would like to express a special thank you to Vivian for sending me the book “Divine Soul Mind Body Healing And Transmission System” by Dr. Zhi Gang Sha. I am truly grateful for your kindness and generosity! A Big Thank you to all who are alternative health practitioners, healers, energy workers and lightworkers for the spectacular work that you do! Your work is very crucial to the planet as each of us is ready to move forward toward peace, health, wholeness. Wishing all of you a Joyous Spring! May we all attract to us kind and gentle teachers, resources and messengers to assist us on Earthly quests. Until the next issue… With Love and Light,

Carol February, March, April 2010

The Violet Ray

on the coVer - “sPider WoMan” By Janice Blaine Words from the artist:

address: #41 - 6740 Johnstone drive, red deer, alberta, t4P 3y2 Phone:



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It has been said that one word can be worth a thousand pictures; that all creation begins with a single thought. It is within that idea that my work takes shape. My paintings are interpretations of the stories all around us. My personal work is fueled by a passion for storytelling and a love of nature. While my paintings may begin with a specific idea, they often take on lives of their own. They explore the universal language of myth and folklore.

carol uchytil

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spider Woman is the Earth Goddess from Hopi Mythology. She and Tawa the Sun God created all living things. She molded human figures out of the clay of the earth and together, she and the Sun God gave them spirits and life. For more info visit or

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in every issue 4

soul script - By Carol Uchytil


insights from the dream expert - By Irene Martina

The Violet Ray is published in print four times per year:

november, february, May, august The Violet Ray reserves the right to refuse, articles, advertisements or art. Advertisers and contributors accept sole responsibility and liability for the accuracy of their statements and claims. The ideas and opinions expressed by individual writers are not necessarily those of the publisher, printer or advertisers. The Contents of The Violet Ray should not be taken or used as medical advice but is intended to provide information only. Readers should consult their doctor or health care practitioner with regard to their health concerns and remedies. Readers are encouraged to do their own research regarding health claims found in The Violet Ray. The Violet Ray reserves the right to edit articles for length, clarity and content at the editor’s discretion. No part of this magazine may be reproduced without the consent of the publisher. Contributors: The Violet Ray welcomes articles by local writers. Tell us about your personal wellness journey or your musings on life. We encourage articles that educate, enlighten and entertain our readers. Contact the editor for article guidelines and submission deadlines. Subscriptions: Order online at Printed by transcontinental lGM-coronet

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What’s above - With Clairvoyant Kim


lessons of the drum - By Nadine Gordon


Where is the Joy? - By Sexual and Relationship Expert Juey Ann MacLeod


ask dr. evers - the affirmation doctor By Dr. Anne Marie Evers

in this issue 8

Giving it up to God - By Sarah Salter-Kelly


star Walker - By Carolyn Hines


the shift of the ages - 2012 shift - By Pamela Shelly


learning to coach - By Abe Brown


understanding equine Wellness - By Rhianne Weghnnar


i am a spiritual Being having a human Being experience - By John Batt Jr.


the Power of Music can transform and enlighten your soul - By Brenda Forsey


thinning down in the new year - By Marlene Buffa


Mexican Wild yam - the natural solution for Menopause and PMs - By Klaus Ferlow, HMH

February, March, April 2010

Page 5

Insights From The Dream Expert - Irene Martina dear dreamers, You are the writer, producer, director and star of all your dreams. Only you can really interpret your dreams. The language of dreams is symbols, metaphors and emotions. As our minds are unconscious in dreams, your dream “creator” can only pull information stored in your brain (data base) and try to use this to give you a dream message. I try to give guidelines to what the dreams may mean however you must ask yourself- what does the symbol, person, color, emotion etc. mean to me in my dreams? Only you really know the answer and if what I say should resonate in a small or big way then you are on track to understanding what your symbols are meaning. My suggestions below are only my ideas and not meant to be replacing your own dream language or interpretations. To access Irene’s interactive column or submit a dream question logon to For more on Irene please visit her website at

dear irene, dreams of a deceased loved one - submitted by lcr My mother passed away 21 years ago. Since her passing I've had fairly regular dreams about her. The recurring theme in my dreams is that she has moved away, and she has her own life. I'm always trying to get in touch with her but she is not interested because she has this new life sometimes she is in a new job, new city, new relationship. Sometimes I'm looking in a phone book and I find her name and I think, "Oh! If only I had looked years ago, I could have just phoned her!" She and my father were married when she passed, but in my dreams she is often having an affair and she has no time for us. On the surface, it seems obvious to me that my dreams are loss issues, but I know they aren't sensible. The sadness I feel every time I have one of these dreams is profound!

Intellectually you are right about this dream being of loss Page 6

issues, things not fully expressed such as grief. It is not only death that we mourn for but the end of the relationship and often not having closure. On an emotional level there may be unresolved issues with her but all dreams are about the dreamer. What emotional state is happening in your own life each time these dreams occur? • When the dreams show her in a new job, city etc. this could be what you are looking for; new beginnings of some kind. • When you think you could have called her this could represents wanting to communicate with someone in your waking life or even trying to coordinate our own inner thoughts about our present and future. • Her having an affair could be your desire for more love, deeper relationship and intimacy. The sadness you may be feeling at the end of the dream is for yourself and what you may be feeling about loses/events that were happening in your waking life when these dreams appeared. Next time the dreams return look at them from the perspective that it is about you and your current life issues. When we want to escape from our daily reality we put ourselves in a dream as someone else so we can either hide from issues or so the dream can stand out for us to see the issues. I hope this helps. dear irene, I keep having the same dreams (not sure if I'm dreaming it or am I only desiring it... like daydreaming) I dream about a man who has two children and we have an off ..on again relationship but we always seem to find each other together at the end. I cannot see his face just his body shape. I wonder if I am only dreaming this because I’m February, March, April 2010

lonely and desire to find someone to fulfill my life. When I think of a past life I think, I see an empty, lonely, sad little girl with anger around me. Please help me. - Submitted by Joyce -

Hi Joyce, Recurring dreams carry important messages that we need to pay attention to. A recurring dream message is one that needs to be understood for it identifies issues, such as fears or desires that are unfulfilled. These types of dreams will keep recurring until we pay attention and identify the message. Having dreams of a man/lover/soul mate/partner can be an indication that you are lacking intimacy in your life with a longing to end loneliness and find your illusive mate. Children in the dream can signify your desire for a family or if you have two children it strengthens the dreams message for a complete family. Children also represent our youth with unfulfilled childhood dreams and desires. Adults will often desire a life of innocence like we once had and sometimes childhood fears such as being alone and afraid will still appear in our adult dreams. What’s interesting in the dream is the “off and on again” and how you keep finding each other and come back together. This can represent patterns of your waking life with family, friends, job changes, restlessness, and being unsure about what you really desire. Who is that unknown shape/soul mate that you keep seeking? The dream can be expressing the pain in your heart, the desire for love and happiness and the fear that it will not be forever. On and off relationships could be your past history and an anxiety that it will keep “recurring” in your waking life as it does in the dream. I have a free exercise on “How to Manifest the Perfect (Job) or Mate” that if you request via email, I will send you. The mate one has given me over 200 weddings invitations so I know it works well and it might be worth your while to try it. Let me know if doing this exercise helps the recurring dreams. Sweet Dreams Everyone! Irene

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SOUL IMPRINTS By Carol Jay Uchytil A Soul Imprint is Custom artwork that I create and transcribe based on the energy vibrations of the client. It takes several hours to complete a Soul Imprint and since energy has no boundaries the client does not have to be present. My goal for each client is to Awaken…Inspire…and Delight… (AID) while providing them with a keepsake they are proud to display! For samples, information and to order your Soul Imprint see I just received the Soul Imprints ...they are STUNNING!! They look so much like my friends. The descriptions are very cool too, quite accurate, but I am blown away by the images. Thank you so much! I am very happy to have such a beautiful and unique gift for two very special friends. - M.W. “Carol Uchytil’s Soul Imprints are truly distinctive and utterly amazing. If you are looking for an unusual gift for yourself or a loved one this incredible intuitive and beautiful soul work is a life long treasure to have and enjoy...I must admit I am truly amazed by the degree of accuracy with regards to my personality and other key points!” - Irene Martina -

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Carol at 403-358-1656 February, March, April 2010

Page 7

Giving It Up To God By sarah salter-Kelly I have heard said that a modern day interpretation of prayer is equal to that of envisioning, intention and manifestation. That the ‘New Age’ is offering a solution to the soul loss of our culture, guiding us to believe that each of us may create anything we want at anytime. I believe this philosophy is lacking an ingredient. When we use Universal Energy as our most popular synonym for God, we create a thought system lacking the holiness of Spirit. We are afraid or uncomfortable to name divinity, to even use the word God… we have forgotten that you get what you ask for! Many have learned the tools of self realization yet are unable to create the lives they dream of. With so many of us still longing for the “Secret”…is it possible that the solution is as simple as my grandmothers saying of ‘Giving it up to God” We believe in the power of self. In what each of us as individuals create and how we bring that creation into our communities, and our world. Yet within this creation lies a tangible absence. Our focus is stuck on what we create, rather than how we create. We have forgotten we are cocreators. Whether we call in God, Buddha, Jesus, Great Spirit, Goddess, we are not in this alone. Each of us is capable of miracles beyond measure when we embody that divinity. When we allow our perspective to shift beyond what we can conceive of and ask for the guidance of God we attract the infinite possibilities of our destiny. There is much to be learned by being humble, asking for help and remembering to pray.

Medicine Spirit Center Sarah Salter-Kelly - Reiki Master Teacher - Integrative Healer - Aromatherapist

- Full Moon Fires - New Moon Circles - Inca Medicine Wheels

- Ceremonialist

- Peruvian Expeditions Page 8


We live in a culture of doing, measuring our self worth by a list of accomplishments and credentials. It is unfortunate that we do not give value to ’being’. Sitting in a quiet place where we can recharge our batteries, and ’tune in’. It is only in the present that we may access the presence of God. Where we may listen long enough to observe ourselves and see who we are. This disengagement from doing is difficult, a leap of faith if you will. Knowing you do not have to worry about that thing you might not finish, or what you will do about what happened yesterday. Trusting that this moment is perfect right now, filled with all the possibilities of everything you could ever need. Saying to God, show me what needs to be done right now in this moment, trusting your answer, and going with it. When we feel we must justify our belief in God with physical evidence of his existence we become blinded to the magic of now. We lose our connection with faith and prayer. We have been taught that we are separate from God, and we have believed it. As we searched for his specific location, we lost sight of his place inside or our hearts, inside our spirit. We cannot know God outside ourselves if we cannot know him inside. How absolutely amazing, beautiful and precious it is to hold that spark within us, embody it and become it. This is available to all of us. There are no rules of who may or may not hold this gift. We were born with it. We need only be willing to sit with ourselves, go inside and find it. With the spark of our intuition we have the means of accessing our personal connection with God at anytime. What a gift! We all have our “AHA!” moments. I had one a few years ago when I was immersed in the Inca Medicine Wheel training program. One of the guiding principals of this tradition is recognizing that we are not separate from anything…in nature or in spirit. I had no problems with connecting with the stone people, plant people, elements, four legged, or mountains; this made sense to me. We were doing a grounding exercise and one of the components was connecting with the energy of above, the heavens, the stars, the moon, the sun and yes, GOD. I usually ’grounded’ with the ground, and was pretty certain that I was more of an expert on this than our teacher (Renowned Healer, February, March, April 2010

Humanitarian and Medicine Woman, Denise Kinch), however I decided to participate in the exercise. As I opened myself up to the energy of above and breathed it deep into my body I felt instantly humbled. On my knees humbled. I had spent my adult life totally ignorant of above. In my desire to be certain and right that there was nothing up there, (such as an angry God) I had blocked myself to the infinite realm of spirit that is there! I felt my head expand in my understanding that there was a force, holy, beautiful, divine, alive, and REAL! I walked around in shock for 2 weeks! Looking up, saying in my head, ‘there really is a God…..O my God!” Therein lays the great discovery. When we ask for God, we get God. I think back to my grandmother’s voice saying ‘Giving it up to God” and you bet there was a time when I would have rolled my eyes and I would have gone on a patriarchal organized religion rant. I would have talked about the loss of the Sacred Feminine or how organised religion has destroyed the holiness of the divine to its state of non existence. Now I see all of that does not matter! It is my relationship with God and how I live it that matters! I see her wisdom. And though my method, my ceremony may be different, my prayers are the same. I speak to God all the time. It is much easier than talking to the ’Universal Energy’! I pray with gratitude, I give offerings of cornmeal or tobacco. I ask to learn how to be a better person, mother, partner, teacher, and healer and how to walk this path of healing without ego or attachment. How I may be brave to face all the new things that show up each day and trust that I will be shown what to do at the right time. In that trust I may experience the freedom of the present moment. In that moment I may ‘Give it up to God.’

sarah salter-Kelly is a ceremonialist, teacher and healer. Her history is laced with Integrative Holistic therapies such as Reiki Master Teacher, Andean Soul Retrieval, Alchemical Healer, Stone/Crystal healing, and Aromatherapy. She weaves these healing strands together to assist you in your healing process, working out of Medicine Spirit Center near Pigeon Lake or at the And Now Center in Edmonton. Sarah teaches the Inca Medicine Wheel in Alberta with Medicine Woman Denise Kinch. For more information on workshops or to book a session contact 780-314-9150 or Please see ads previous page and on page 31

February, March, April 2010

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Tapping into the "Quantum Nano Potential of the Universe"! We offer a wide range of break-through products designed to enhance and enrich our lives, through a process called "Quantum Nano Technology". Our products are programmed to clear the cellular memory and alter the vibration and atomic structure of the object. This allows it to function in a manner that is harmonious to our wellbeing!

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Carol: 403-358-1656

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Page 9

W hat’s Above With clairvoyant Kim dear Kim, My husband passed away. i really thought we were especially close but i don't feel that i have had any contact or messages from him since he passed. is he still close and can he see me? ~ sherri c.,red deer, alberta ~ I’m so sorry to hear about the loss of your husband. Yes, he can see you and can still feel the love that you have for him. Messages can be very subtle and easy to miss if you are not aware of some of the common ways that souls let us know that they are with us. Reoccurring thoughts are probably the most common sign. "Why am I thinking about my Grandma all day today"...or memories of times with my father keep popping into my thoughts"....any spontaneous thought or memory of a passed loved one is a signal that they are trying to get your attention and make a connection with you. Any smell, sound, song or anything that makes you stop and think of's him. We really do not die, we just change form. Everything in the universe, including humans are made up of the same matter, energy. Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only change form. We change form when we are conceived and change form again when we "die". So, our loved ones are not separate from us, they are close and walk with us. They are not "there" and we are "here"....we are all together just operating at different vibrations. Ask your husband to give you an indication that he is with you, release the thought and go about your day......before the day is done, he will give you a sign that he is with you. i had a reading with you a few years ago to contact my mother who passed away from coPd. i felt very much at peace after the reading. My sisters and i want to know if we did the right thing by taking our beloved mother off life support. (she passed a few hours later)

tarily and we leave voluntarily. Nobody goes before their time. It is always the soul’s choice when and if to leave at any given time. This principle is true in all cases including abortion, miscarriage and suicides. If it was your mother’s intention to stay and recover, she would have. So, even though you may feel that you and your sisters made that choice for her, you did not, you just helped her carry out a decision that she made herself, and for that you should feel blessed. She is certainly at peace now, for without a doubt, she was very tired. i have been trying to makes some serious changes in my life but so far i have failed to achieve them. i am trying to stay focused as a new year is here. any thoughts or advice as to why i am struggling with making these changes and what can i do to make sure of success in 2010? ~ Marley J., campbell river, Bc ~ Awesome question! If you want something in life and it is not showing up, you are doing something wrong. The something wrong is that you truly do not believe that you can have it... money, love...etc. You may think that you want it, even very much, but if you do not have the belief that you can have it to back it up, it will not show up for you. The universe responds to what you believe and feel not what you think. When you feel it, you believe it, and when you believe it, that is when the magic of the universe will bring you what you desire. Be clear about where you are and be very clear about the end result. The universe will take care of everything in the middle. See it in your life, feel it in your life, believe that it is already in your life and it will, like magic, appear in your life. i am really trying to listen to my inner voice, but it seems that i am always getting more than one answer?? can that be? ~ alice s.,high river, alberta ~

~ Kathy B. ~ Great question! We all come into this physical world volunPage 10

Your inner voice is your compass, your guide and your navigator through life. It is the voice of God. This February, March, April 2010

inner voice will always guide you to the best and or optimum choice for yourself. It is always right and always there. If you are having trouble hearing it, then you are simply thinking too much. The noise of the world will drown out the voice of God / Universe if you let it. That is why meditation is so important. If you feel that you are hearing multiple answers, the thinking is over taking your feelings. Cast your problem or dilemma to the Universe, ask for guidance and then let it go. Before long, the answer will pop into your thoughts. Nobody is ever alone to make a decision themselves...the Universe is there to help at all times...just ask.

Kim dennis is a proven clairvoyant medium who resides in Calgary. She is the author of the book What's above?, a radio host on 1060 AM in Calgary, Thursday evenings at 7 p.m. and is currently producing a second television program. Her CD is available on at We invite you to send your questions about the afterlife to Kim by logging onto The Violet Ray Website at

star Walker By carolyn hines


At night I search the sky for messages left in the dreamtime; ones I may recognize-remember. I use my fingers to move across 3-dimensional glistening crystals feeling each stone, trusting the information embedded below the surface, like Nature's brail. Each day I am blessed with hearts, flowers, hope, enough to "Save A Nation". carolyn hosts a weekly radio show, 92.5 F.M., Cable 106.1 at TRU, Thursday at noon, called "the Goddess & nellie", to do with Native Spirituality & Storytelling. You can connect with Carolyn at the following websites: February, March, April 2010

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Page 11

the shift of the ages 2012 shift By Pamela shelly As we approach the year 2012, I have really been noticing things ramping up. Anything that is out of alignment in all areas of our life is coming to a head. Many old souls are experiencing a lot of pain and suffering rather than the joyful bliss that is available to each of us when we are willing to connect to our Higher Self, Guides and Angels and follow our soul’s path.

enlightenment and beams of love and light are constantly being sent throughout our Universe from the Great Central Sun to wake us up, raise our consciousness and connect us to our Higher or Soul self. We have been much too comfortable being the followers and hiding behind our true power. We will be called now to be in our Power and become the leaders we truly are.

We are currently living at a time where we are experiencing the ending of a number of cycles and going from the Piscean Age to the Aquarian Age. In 2012 the plane of our Solar System will line up exactly with the plane of our Galaxy, the Milky Way. This cycle has taken 26,000 years to complete. Two other galaxies will line up with ours at the same time. A cosmic event! What this means is we are leaving behind the cycle of living mainly in the mind, being a materialistic, self-indulgent, irresponsible, chaotic, fearful, warring society of beings to live and express the more enlightened soul infused, heart energy. This will be an age of peace, harmony, unity, abundance, heart based compassion, wisdom and action. It will also be a time where we take personal responsibility and are accountable for all of our actions and creations. No longer will we blame, project or hide behind our leaders to save us from our destructive behaviours. Mother Earth and all living things will be honoured, respected and treated with love. We will take responsibility for all of our garbage on and off our beautiful planet and see the bigger picture of our unconscious actions. This will include our negative thought forms as well as the multitude of refuse orbiting our beautiful planet. Just because we don’t see it won’t allow us to hide from our responsibility. This is a time of

Many times in the past, the earth and mankind have gone through the cycles aspiring to become an enlightened peaceful civilization. Unfortunately we have ultimately ended in destroying ourselves over and over. A few examples of previous civilizations that started with a higher enlightened consciousness that ended in destruction were Lemuria, Atlantis, the Roman Empire and the Mayans. A number of souls have reincarnated in these times to experience what is being called the Great Experiment. They have agreed to be the human guides also known as lightworkers or wayshowers to show the way to those who also agreed to wake up, evolve spiritually and make a difference. We are being called to heal and release our core karmic issues and anything that is of a denser vibration. This is necessary so we can hold more of the love/light vibrational frequency shift our cellular DNA from carbon based to crystalline form and bring it down into our physical being and ground it into Mother Earth. This is what is known as Bringing Heaven To Earth or Ascension.

Reiki Master / Teacher - Reflexologist - Regression Therapist / Intuitive Counsellor

We all have a number of Guides, Angels, Ascended Masters and Star Family assisting us through this great shift. It is up to each of us to open up to their guidance and take the action required for us to move fully into our purpose. We need to be the warriors of light and just like Archangel Michael carry a sword to cut through the illusory fears, challenges, and roadblocks that we will encounter along the way to enlightenment and offering our service. Many people are creating diseases and physical symptoms to escape from having to step forward into their purpose that they signed up for. It is just too scary for the terrified ego, as it believes it will be annihilated. It only has the cellular memory from the many past lives that we were burned at the stake, hung, persecuted, and the list goes on. Its job is to keep you safe but someone forgot to tell our egos that we are completely safe in this lifetime. Some

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February, March, April 2010

of my clients have endured verbal abuse and emotional and physical trauma due to desperately trying to stay in a job or career that they were supposed to leave long ago. Our Higher Self has to do anything in its power to assist us in completing our purpose and ultimately circumstances are created so we can ‘Get It!!� We are never victims, but rather we are terrified of leaving what we have known and sometimes worked for many years to achieve. We have been so conditioned to measure our success as to how much salary we earn or what our job title or educational background is. Each one of us are sorely needed to balance the light on the planet and unfortunately many lights are blinking out as they get stuck, create illness, retreat into their comfort and safety zones or ultimately check out. What feeds and fuels our fearful ego is our unresolved emotional issues, not only from this lifetime but what we have brought in with us to heal and release from many previous lifetimes. Many of us have themes of being unworthy, inadequate, unsafe, not deserving and the list goes on. While we still carry these deep core issues, we automatically go into fear and reaction when they are triggered. Many of us have also taken vows from lifetimes of religious conditioning which are profoundly affecting us. If you are not living moment to moment with clear guidance and peace of mind then you have unresolved karmic emotional issues. Because we live in a world of duality, there are and always have been the forces of light and dark. The few who desire to control the masses previously by religion and now by corporations and the pharmaceutical industry are using every means they have to keep us in fear and not standing in our power. We have been negatively impacted, brainwashed, conditioned and become robotic followers so that we can continue to be controlled. We need to become aware of how we are influenced by every form of media and all the fear based tactics they use. We need to become much more discerning and not always follow the mass consciousness. More is required and expected of us as the Masters and bearers of light and wisdom in these times. The Mayan fifth world finished in 1987 and the sixth world starts in 2012. At this time we are "between worlds" and we are creating the new world. It is up to each and every one of us to grow up and become the powerful co-creators that we are. here is a wonderful excerpt from archangel Michael via ronna herman:

Beloved masters, the great drama of the present era is swiftly coming to a close. Every soul on Earth is in the midst of a major transformation process regardless of whether they are aware of it or not. The precious souls who are still stuck in the limitations of the third and fourth dimensional illusion are having a difficult time maintaining the status quo. Those who are caught up in a poverty-consciousness reality find that it is more difficult than ever to create abundance; and for many, even their limited source of income has diminished or disappeared. Relationships February, March, April 2010

are suffering as ego-driven conflicts become more intense and frequent. Self-doubt and dissatisfaction with life are rampant as the Light of Creation bombards the mass consciousness belief paradigm of fear, bigotry, greed, judgment, limitation and lack of confidence or a distorted sense of self-worth. Those of you who are firmly on the path of ascension are being asked to examine any residual negative thought forms of the past as well as any impacted energy that is keeping you from incorporating the maximum amount of Creator Light..........Your human nature should be in a constant state of change as you grow in experience and wisdom; however, many dear Souls become rigid and structured in their beliefs and, therefore, their human nature stagnates and they become closeminded.........In each incarnation you are given an opportunity to awaken to your Soul-Self. If you listen to the nudgings of Spirit, first comes the battle between the ego and the Soul-Self. This can be the longest trial, depending on how much energy you have allotted to the ego down through the ages, and how willing you are to patiently work through the process of healing and clearing past negative thought patterns. Every one of us are being triggered NOW to offer our service, gifts and abilities in whatever way we wrote into our Soul Contracts. For some of you that are offering your planetary service it may be the time for you to expand or shift into a new focus and let go of what you are comfortable with. Many of you have lived thousands of lifetimes and this was the life we chose as a large group of Advanced Souls to burn much of our karma, learn our lessons and offer our service and make a difference. Some of you signed up to be World Healers and World Teachers and because of the many, many lifetimes of persecution which is in your cellular memory, your ego will do anything in its power to keep you safe. This takes the form of self-sabotage, resistance, staying in toxic jobs, relationships, being in denial, finding ways to distract you and keep you 'safe'. Now is the time, no more preparing, time to take Action.

Pamela shelly is a Transformational Teacher with years of multi-faceted training and works closely with the Archangels and Ascended Masters. She teaches the Advanced Tools For Self-Mastery workshop to assist you in discovering your unique gifts and abilities, move through your blocks and fulfill your Divine Life Purpose. see ad on page 31

Page 13

WE RECOMMEND! ecocafe’ the Village at Pigeon lake, #10 Village drive, rr #2, Westerose, alberta t0c 2V0 780-586-2627 Nestled in the village at Pigeon Lake just off of Highway 13 is the quaint, cozy ECOcafe’. The cafe honours Mother Earth and supports the rural community of independent local farmers who share their vision about the environment and philosophy of eating healthy safe foods. The ECOcafé believes in ''Food as Community''- which means consuming and producing healthy organic naturally raised foods to bring a wholesome and unique meal to your table. All of their breads and desserts are prepared in house. If you are looking for a weekend outing I recommend taking a little drive to the ECOcafe’ in the village at Pigeon Lake for a wonderful, healthy, home cooked meal! The ambience is peaceful, the staff are attentive and the prices are inexpensive! Prepare to plunge into Anastasia's brilliant world as the author (Vladimir Megre) takes us on an extraordinary real-life adventure deep into the remote Siberian wilderness. Here, in a paradise-like glade in the forest, your understanding of everything you thought you knew will be turned upside-down! Anastasia paints images of exquisite beauty, abundance, peace and harmony—images which will fill you with renewed hope and inspire you to begin creating a very different life for yourself—one far better than anything you might have previously imagined. People everywhere are starving for some practical commonsense. With Earth's transformation already upon us—we really need this wisdom now! The Ringing Cedars Series (9 in total) reveal just how this transformation will happen and what you need to know so that you get prepared. These books are loaded with profound "uncommon" sense—things that people once knew but have long since forgotten. In the Ringing Cedars Series this ancient wisdom is made practical—so that anyone can begin to apply it in their life right now! Check out your local metaphysical shop or book store to pick up your copies!

MARCH 15 NEXT ISSUE AD BOOKING DEADLINE For 2010 Rate Sheet or to Book Your Ad Contact

Carol - 403-358-1656

Advertising in The Violet Ray has opened the doorway for me to access my local and provincial community. As an information resource, The Violet Ray has effectively spread the word about my healing sessions and workshops, helping my practice to grow and flourish. It is a viable asset, which has brought me immediate results. The Violet Rays dedication to the wholistic community is a service to us all. -S. SK., AdvertiserI am so glad I chose The Violet Ray for my profile, ads and articles because I not only received calls from Central Alberta, but also as far as Winnipeg! That told me that The Violet Ray is one of the best mediums for marketing my services and products. - Z.N.., Advertiser –

Page 14

February, March, April 2010


Yuen Method™ Of Chinese Energetic Medicine With

Stephanie Monsen

Yuen Method™ Certified Practitioner & Instructor In gaining proficiency in eliminating blockages in all of the energy systems of the body and mind, students and practitioners of the Yuen Method™ are provided the opportunity to improve their own wellbeing, as well as the ability to enhance the physical, mental and emotional health of others. In the Yuen Method™ Classes you are trained to work simultaneously with the microcosmic, intrinsic (DNA) and macrocosmic life force energy systems thereby effecting change on all levels of existence at once and eliminating the root cause of an issue. Often immediate and lasting results are available with this touch free technique. In the Level 1 Class you will learn the fundamental theory underlying the Yuen Method™ as you become familiar with all levels of existence and your energetic anatomy. You learn how to target energetic weaknesses in yourself and others and eliminate it through energetic corrections. In the Level 2 Class you learn how to speed up the process to achieve immediate and lasting results with fewer energetic corrections. You will gain a working knowledge of basic physiology and become proficient in eliminating physical aches and pains. In the Level 3 Class you learn specialized protocols for dealing with weight loss, tumors and other complex conditions. Relationships, finances and rejuvenation are covered in depth in this module. Anyone can learn the Yuen Method™. It is a simple and straight forward technique that can be easily integrated into everyday life. All participants will witness and feel the powerful results of this technique. The instructor, Stephanie Monsen, will ensure that each participant is doing the technique correctly and getting good results. February, March, April 2010

CLASS SCHEDULE Level 1 Class February 20 & 21 Calgary, AB Level 2 Class March 20 & 21 Calgary, AB Level 3 Class May 15 & 16 Calgary, AB Contact Stephanie for more information and to Register. Class location will be provided upon registration.

Available for private appointments

Stephanie Monsen Yuen Method™ Certified Practitioner & Instructor

403-614-5789 / 866-281-2166

Page 15

learning to coach By abe Brown, ,, c.P.c., c.M.c. how can learning to coach enhance My leadership role in My Business, My Work, My family, or My sphere of influence? There is a growing conversation today about the field of Life Coaching, and its influence. This is an unlimited field which began in the late 1970s, and is gradually gaining prominence and has now spread worldwide. Studies indicate that 90% of the participants in coaching relationships reported significant increases in their areas of focus. Several participants described immediate beneficial changes, and 95% cited the process as worthwhile. Coaching is now estimated to be over a $5 billion/year in the U.S., and about $500 million/year in Canada. 60% of American companies use or have used an Executive Coach. Each of us is in a leadership role in different areas of life. We naturally desire to make a positive and abundant impact upon those we lead. Wanting to enhance that leadership role is normal, and it is healthy. Coaching is a natural tool to enhance that impact. Coaching is the path that serious people take to reach their goals. It is a tool to have a “purposeful relationship” with people around the following… coaching is connecting – As we connect with people, we listen deeply. Many people have not really been listened to for a long time, and so by listening, we become a safe harbor. l coaching is collaborating – As a result of our connecting and listening, we begin the process of locating exactly where a person is at. It is difficult to help a person get where they need to go without locating exactly where l

they are currently. Once we locate where a person is right now, and help them to clarify their goals, we can begin to collaborate with them about how we can partner together to move them to their ultimate destination. l coaching is crafting – Through our collaboration, we begin to work with them to craft a precise strategy for achieving their goals and actualizing their dreams. An abundant world awaits if we plan our goals, and then work our plan. Ken Blanchard said, “I believe providing feedback is the most cost-effective strategy for improving performance and instilling satisfaction.” In other words, the feedback we provide through coaching helps people realize more abundance than they would have without coaching. l coaching is clarifying – The difference between a lack of focus and focus is as great as the difference between a light bulb and a laser beam. One can throw out some light; the other can cut through steel. So many of us have so many great ideas and plans and hopes and dreams…a good coach helps us to drill down from the general to the specific; from the dream-able to the do-able, from what we want to have to what we can’t live fully without. The answers to most people’s challenges are within; and a good coach helps to explore those possibilities and clarify those solutions. l coaching is caring – As a coach, we do what we do because we care for people. We see the potential in our business partner, co-workers, family and friends, and we want to help them achieve it. We all have a tendency to measure ourselves against the people around us. They become our point of reference. A good coach will evaluate your performance against your potential. A coach helps you measure your performance against your strengths instead of against someone else’s.

BecoMe a certified life coach or executiVe coach Our 2 day intensive course will teach you everything you need to know to succeed. All Certified Coaches Federation graduates also receive admission (at no additional cost!) to our 1 year CCF Continuing Education Program! Only Certified Coaches Federation™ graduates earn the esteemed Certified Life Coach Practitioner™ designations!

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Buddha said: “your work is to discover your work, and then with all your heart, to give yourself to it.” All of us need to be coached… but we all also need to develop our potential to coach others. This will not only enhance the success of those we lead, but also, it will enhance our success. Become a coach today!

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866.455.2155 or 403.389.1190 Page 16

abe Brown is the Certified Master Coach Trainer and Regional Vice President for the Certified Coaches Federation for Alberta and Manitoba. He has been a professional Life and Executive Coach for over 15 years, and also trains others to be Life Coaches. More information can be found at, or by calling 866-455-2155 February, March, April 2010

lessons of the drum By nadine Gordon

When nature speaks “the first story ever told” In the beginning, there was heaven and earth but all was in darkness. Then, a voice heralded, “Let there be light.” And, there was light. It was only the tiniest of sparks. But, everything has to start somewhere or there would be no beginning. So, the tiny spark was very special; for it gave creator the heart to continue designing within heaven, the Great Star Nation. This tiny spark became so special to Creator that he gave it a wondrous task. It became a wishing star and is most prevalent in times of stress, chaos and sorrow. It gives all peoples something to look forward to. But it is not relegated to heaven alone, it travels. Now, this tiny light is sent earthward on many occasions. This light arrives on wings and conquers all fear. This light is known today as the spark of hope.

Wish upon my star often for I am always among you. I feel your vibration calling. You will feel me most strongly during your silent reveries or perhaps when you are among nature. Remember, when nature speaks; listen. Peace is at hand, there is no end, only a new beginning. The cycle of life is infinite. It begins anew at every sunrise. “Within the still waters of the high mountain pool, I gaze down into the clear reflection that is mirrored upon its obsidian moonlit surface. I see there a pulsing Universe, vast and wide. I see many such Universes, for containing boundaries are nonexistent. A slowly rotating Medicine Wheel, its symbols most exquisite, mystically turns…its core a vibrant blue and green living earth. A regal Thunderbird. Flaming Mesas. Crystal streams coursing through verdant woodlands. Multicolored prisms of snowcapped mountain peaks. I see there within the midnight pool, an aged woman whose time-etched lines trail outward from clear eyes that have scanned the eons of time.

Hope is one of the three theological virtues according to ancient tradition. Hope is a combination of the desire for something and expectation of receiving it. The virtue is such that it hopes for Divine union which eclipses into eternal happiness. Like all virtues, hope arises from the will, not the passions.

A brilliant blue stone. Whispering pines. Ancient Tablets. I see wondrous secrets, magic, and power that must remain unspoken-remaining cherished within the tender heart. And I perceive bitter future sorrows that must be bravely shouldered.

Hope is opposed to vices or negative habit forms of despair and presumption; refraining from them is adhering to the negative precept of hope. The positive precept is required when exercising some duties, as in prayer or penance.

A running Buffalo. A smoking Pipe. A beckoning Woman. Sequestered articles of ancient Wisdom. A hidden Pyramid. Within the still waters of the high mountain pool, I gaze down into the clear reflection that is mirrored upon its obsidian moonlit surface. And, woven within the shimmering multiple exposure of images…I see myself.”

Mortal humans should not deny themselves the desire called hope as it is a virtue and when linked with faith constitutes a firm assurance that we are worthy of the promised better world. Hope can sustain mortals through the trials of faith, human tragedies or difficulties that may otherwise seem overwhelming. Hope is seen as "an anchor of the soul." It is said that the first dawn on a flower stands for hope. My name means hope. But I was given more than one name. My second name means bright shining star. It also means mustang. A mustang is a horse. Anagrams from horse are hero’s and rose. I have been born of the sun and the rose. But, I was created in the beginning so was born into more… I am Rider of the White Winged Horse. I am conqueror of fear and bringer of hope. I have no true face for I wear many. Those of you who are not ready may not recognize me; for at times, I walk among you in the shadows and am invisible to the naked eye. At times, I visit you in dreamtime for I am Dreamwalker. And, I bring you back to the beginning. The age we are in now, is not new. It is very old. It comes from an ancient part of our being that lives in your subconscious. It has been there from the start. It shows in the windows of your soul. I see it there for it is in the beginning. Be not haunted for I am the true essence of love. I live within your heart. I am a bright shining star. I am hope. February, March, April 2010

Mary Summer Rain, “Dreamwalker, The Path of Sacred Power” nadine Gordon is a dreamwalker and the founder of nurturing ‘nerGy, a sanctuary for all those who wish to journey and heal. To learn more or to order Nadine’s book “the rose Path” see Her book is also available at Chapters in Red Deer. Please see ad below

Nadine Gordon 403-729-2144 Leslieville, AB Author, Dreamwalker, Animal Specialist

Page 17

Where is the Joy?

By Juey Ann McLeod - The Sexual and Relationship Expert Juey ann Macleod is a Life Coach assisting individuals and couples to resolve Sexual and Relationship Issues, Sexual Abuse Patterns and facilitates Personal Growth Steps. Joy inc. was created 10 years ago along with the first Art of Joy-ful Loving Workshop. The continually increasing variety of JOY Workshops has assisted many people to empower themselves and enhance their relationships. Juey Ann will provide answers to the questions you always wanted to ask about sexual and relationship issues. For more information call 888-358-8789 or to submit a question to

dear Juey ann,

had to totally block their experiences just to survive.

I have never had an orgasm and I have always faked it. Is there anything I can do? Or is there something wrong with me?

connection: Obviously the sexually abused may have disconnected sexually but other types of abuse also shut down awareness of your feelings. Being able to feel in the moment is an important part of the orgasmic process. Thought forms also block connection, by sending messages from your largest sexual organ – your brain – to your body and unknowingly deign your natural responses. For example: shame or dislike of body parts – you might say “my breasts are too small/big, legs to thin or fat”; thoughts or unconscious beliefs that might sound like “sex is a sin or good girls don’t do it or feeling sexual is being a whore”, etc.

Thank you for your very brave question that most women are very silent about. The answer is plainly “NO” there is nothing wrong with you. The pharmaceutical companies have attempted to get the medical community to create a “sexual dysfunction syndrome” as an accepted medical condition but sexual therapists have successfully lobbied against it. More than 50% of the women on the North American continent have never experienced orgasm. The major reasons for this are the lack of: awareness, connection, skill and knowledge.

Desire More: Connection? Intimacy? Passion? Contact Juey Ann at 1-888-358-8789 Page 18

awareness: Studies show that at least 50% of the women, who say they do not have orgasms, actually have them but are so disconnected or unaware that they do not realize they are having one. Can you say you are really aware of the sensations of your sexual organs? If not, why? Have you been sexually abused? Physically or emotionally abused? No, can’t remember your childhood? Many survivors of abuse have

When feelings are closed down or unconscious thoughts manifest it keeps your attention in your mind and often manifests as control. Control is the total opposite of orgasmic response where you are “just being in the moment, experiencing feelings and sensations in your body”. The Tantric perspective is that orgasm is not the goal, but to be able to feel and experience all the sensations. They accept that orgasm is often the by-product of the full experience. This approach takes away the anxiousness of being able to perform which can sometimes turn into control. Knowledge: Have you ever gotten any encouraging information about your beautiful and unique sexual organs and their responses? Do you know the body’s response to stimulation? In North America most people have not had positive sexual information passed down to them. Therefore, women expect to have the bliss filled, mind blowing orgasm they read or have heard about through part of their body that they may consider to be unattractive or bad. Attracting a knowledgeable and skilled partner is another difficulty. Few men have had sexual intimacy training and naturally treat women like they would like to be treated until they learn different information. February, March, April 2010

skill: Knowing what you need to reach orgasmic states and then mastering the skill to ask for it is another issue. We as women need to accept the responsibility of knowing what we need. The most efficient way is to self-discover and self-pleasure. Then ask for what you like! Traditionally women have put themselves last and this is often a very large hurtle to overcome. It is very empowering to your partner to feel he can pleasure you – most women do not realize they have to softly lead, by expressing their desires, in the bedroom. Do you? How is a man going to learn what you, a woman, want unless you tell him? To save face on the faking it issue, I would recommend the truthful approach. Tell your partner you want to experience “multiple orgasms” and from all the reading you have done it requires your participation at a different level. Then ask for support and encouragement to express your desires, this puts the two of you aspiring for higher goals together. I believe co-creative sexual intimacy will continue to expand and deepen your relationship and your orgasms. May you experience the full spectrum of joy!

Spiritual Readings by Mercedes

Spiritual Psychic Medium Past - Present - Future Tarots - Palm - Crystal Ball Channelling - Chakra Cleansing Development Classes Home Parties - House Clearing Hex Removal & More Call today to book your reading, home party or class


SOUL IMPRINTSBy Carol Jay Uchytil A Soul Imprint is Custom artwork that I create and transcribe based on the energy vibrations of the client. It takes several hours to complete a Soul Imprint and since energy has no boundaries the client does not have to be present. My goal for each client is to Awaken…Inspire…and Delight… (AID) while providing them with a keepsake they are proud to display! For samples, information and to order your Soul Imprint see February, March, April 2010

MARCH 15 NEXT ISSUE AD BOOKING DEADLINE For 2010 Rate Sheet or to Book Your Ad Contact

Carol 403-358-1656

Hypnosis is a tool for unlocking the deep power of the human mind...

Jo-Ann Chambers-Groenewegen Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist

P: 403-356-0006 C: 403-505-3233 304-4805 - 48 Street, Red Deer, AB Available evenings and weekends by appointment

“Thanks Carol it was very positive for me to see myself so clearly and put in such away that I seen my whole self developing, everything made sense in my current journery, and my hope for the future. thanks so much. ” - D.Z.-

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Page 19

Business Profile by Beth Sawula

Wholistix ~ Your Natural Wellness Shoppe When body, mind and spirit are in harmony, the whole self will create vibrant health, happiness and prosperity Wholistix ~ your natural Wellness shoppe is Red Deer’s new retail and knowledge source, providing products and services that proactively work to enrich people’s body, mind and spirit. The owners, Kelly and Beth Sawula are excited about being an active part of a widespread wholistic movement for physical, emotional and spiritual well-being. The Sawula’s became involved with holistic health prevention and natural healing therapies several years ago when Kelly was diagnosed with progressive Multiple Sclerosis. Unsuccessful conventional medicines caused Kelly to become more aware and active with his condition. After researching natural health modalities, successfully, he has chosen nutritional supplementation, magnetic therapy, energy practice and relaxation techniques for managing the condition. The endless possibilities of body, mind and spirit integration was most noticed by Beth after she became more aware of the energetic, metaphysical realm. A profound and enlightening personal experience has erased skepticism from her path … “everything has validity and meaning through the eyes of the beholder!” “There is real magic all around us – living life with an open-mind, awareness, passion and compassion, is the greatest and most constructive trick of all!” With their experiences and accumulated knowledge, Kelly and Beth can make sound recommendations for all the products available at Wholistix Wellness Shoppe. “We’re not about gimmicks and frills,” “We focus on basic health essentials that make good wholesome sense for everyone’s wellness.” Customer feedback, enthusiasm and support, provides guidance with their decision-making of more new product lines and holistic therapy services. Wholistix offers a wide selection of wellness solutions all under one roof, also sharing knowledge and concern for the consumers wellness needs, thus enabling everyone to take charge of their well-being. Wholistix provides quality

vitamins and herbal remedies by Canadian companies such Natural Factors, Prairie Naturals and Strauss, specialty loose teas by Metropolitan Tea Company in Canada, leading edge health devices by Canadian companies such as Dr. Ho’s, Sota Instruments, Magna-Pak magnetic mattress pads, Sabona magnetic bracelets, NanoAge Health products, Woodstock tuned chimes, aromatherapy, relaxation and home-spa body care, singing crystal/gemstone bowls and Tibetan bells, natural gemstones, jewelry, assorted divination cards, books, music, unique gifts and a whole lot more for your body, mind and spiritual wellness. Within the store, there is a therapy room where Reiki Energy Master and Intuitive Counselor, local teacher and author, Deb Suchy provides clients with energy treatments. New services such as iridology, reflexology, massage, intuitive card and astrological readings will soon be available. Wholistix opened its doors November 2009 in the southside strip mall on Gaetz Avenue, next door to Subway and ABC restaurant. Wholistix began as a website, presenting leading edge holistic products and knowledge sharing. It grew into a small retail shoppe located in Delburne, where it has been well accepted and attracted clientele within central Alberta. With a strong sense of “knowing”, the owners moved the store to the larger location. Join us february 27 for a Wellness celebration at Wholistix! Book signing from 1:00 – 5:00 by local author, deb suchy – Bellowed Whispers free nutrition and tea samples store specials and Gift Basket draw For more information, contact or visit us at 2085-50th Ave, Red Deer – Alberta (south on Gaetz next to subway and ABC restaurant) Phone: 403-346-3393 Visit our website at

YOUR NATURAL WELLNESS SHOPPE Holistic Health Tools, Vitamins & Loose Teas

Ionizer Salt Lamps, Incense & Beeswax Candles

Crystals / Gemstones, Jewelry & Unique Gifts

Aromatherapy, Home-Spa & Body Care

Self Knowledge Tools, Card Decks, Books & CD’s

Woodstock Chimes, Tibetan Bowls & Bells

Wholistic Choices for your Body, Mind and Spirit Health #2085 - 50th Ave., Red Deer, AB (next to Subway & ABC Restaurant on Gaetz) Ph: 403-346-3393 Mon - Sat 10 - 7 Sundays 10 - 4 Page 20

February, March, April 2010

understanding equine Wellness By rhianne Weghnnar Most well-intending horse owners develop a twinge of empathy when witnessing their horse in pain due to injury or illness and often turn to prescribed drugs to acquire a sense of comfort regarding their horse’s welfare. But what most horse owners, even the most compassionate and responsible owners don’t understand is that by overlooking the witnessed issue and administering a treatment or drug for the symptom only brings consolation to their own feelings while creating subsequent problems for the horse. When this route is taken the symptoms are suppressed or soothed yet the original cause is still discernible and can then lead to compounding issues. Suppressive treatments for common symptoms are the most grievous to the horse as the primary cause may take shape in another form and then affect other levels of the horse’s health. Palliative care is used to sooth or calm current irritations yet when the treatment or medication is halted the symptoms return therefore never creating genuine whole health. When an equine health professional, either a vet, equine sports therapist or other alternative practitioner, approaches an ailing horse they first need to assess the horse’s current condition and develop an understanding of what is

causing stress to the horse on all levels of being; physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. By identifying the originating cause of strain on the horse’s system they can then establish a cure; which is undoubtedly the best outcome as it addresses the initial issue as well as alleviating the symptoms. However, the conventional course for the majority of horse owners is to use suppressive or palliative methods as they seem quicker, more cost efficient and donate immediate relief to the owner. By developing a cure the horse’s whole system and all surrounding influential factors must be taken into consideration, incremental change transpired and a new approach for balance cultivated, this process requires time, patience, knowledge and a willingness to treat each horse and instance individualistically - frequently involving more than one type of practitioner or modality. rhianne Weghnnar has been a passionate equine and animal enthusiast since she was a child and expresses that passion through art, writing and teaching others about integrative ways to work with and for horses. For more information please contact her via email at

Health Quest

Karen Hillier Certified Colon Hydrotherapist Health & Wellness Facilitator Spiritual Guidance Energy Balancing Vibration Machines For Sale (no interest financing)

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Phone: 403-346-3393 to book your appointment

(403) 309 - 9955 111 Piper Drive Red Deer, AB T4P 1L5 February, March, April 2010

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I Am A Spiritual Being Having A Human Being Experience By John Batt Jr. There is four non - fiction events that I have experienced that could be considered life blessings and miracles. I am sure many of you will relate to these events and come to realize that this life is only a beginning of our human being experience. We have lived before and will continual to live after our life ends in the human form, our Soul is eternal.

“there is one and the same soul in many bodies” ~ Plotinus (204/5 - 270 c.e.) ~ Throughout my life I had a clear memory of me floating outside of my body and viewing my mother coming down the stairs outside our home in Vancouver. She is carrying a small child or a baby in her arms. It was a cloudy morning and it did not look like a great day to be going for a walk. I watched with calmness her coming down the street at a fast walk and then suddenly I am visiting myself on an operating table with a large overhead light above me. I must be about three years old. This memory keeps coming to me over the years and finally I asked my mother in 1994 of my experience. She said that one morning when I was three years old, she found me unconscious and soaked in blood. She had to carry me to the hospital, which was about ten blocks from our home, as I lay helpless in her arms. Once she got me to the hospital the nurses and the doctors took me into the operating room and stopped the bleeding and got me breathing again. Mother told me I had a bleeding ulcer in my nose and I must have bled most of the night and she found me in a comatose state. Today this would be called a “near death experience” and that my soul left my body known as “astral travel” today. The experience was moments or even seconds to me, still I was mentally alert and had a sense of control while my soul was apart from my physical form.

This started me thinking about life and its true meaning in my mid-thirties. I had another experience that I wrote about for The Calgary Herald Newspaper in 1993. Their Religious Section requested true stories from the public that could be deemed as “miracles”. This is my true story, which I submitted titled, “Miracle Saved Drowning Boy”.

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Intuitive Energy Work

Ivonne Plankey


In the summer of 1954 I was eight years old. My mother would send her five children for two weeks to summer camps that were sponsored by the YMCA. My brother and I got to go to the Chief Thunderbird Lake Camp on Vancouver Island near Sooke, British Columbia. We lived near Victoria at the time, in the country, about fifteen miles from Sooke. The YMCA Chief Thunderbird Lake Park is off of the main highway on a winding gravel road with tall fir and pine trees on each side. The road then enters into a small lake with a large building and parking area. This large building is the kitchen and main hall and then in front is the lake with a dock and to the west small cabins that house the staff and children. The first night, we sat on the beach and roasted hot dogs and drank hot cocoa. There suddenly appeared Indians in their canoes. They were dressed up in their Indian costumes. In the head canoe was the real chief, Chief Thunderbird. They all had bows and their arrow tips were on fire. The arrows were shooting at a target that had been set up earlier. The arrows looked great flying in the air then hitting the target. We all gathered around the Chief and his braves as they told us stories about their culture. We all loved hearing about their way of life and meeting Chief Thunderbird and his braves. It was a very exiting night for us children and then it was time for bed. The first thing in the morning each cabin of children was instructed to run around the small lake but for an eightyear-old boy it seemed very big and a very long run. We were told before we could eat breakfast we must run around the lake and then go to the kitchen for breakfast. The path around the lake started close to our cabins on the west side. Our cabin housed about ten boys aged eight to ten years old. Once our group got about a third of the way another boy, of about the same age, and I saw a raft at the lake edge. We could see the dock across the lake and the main building. It was closer than running around the lake. Boys being boys, we both decided to take the raft across the lake. It would be much faster and easier, we thought, than running around the lake. However, about fifteen feet from shore the raft started to fall apart. It was not nailed together. A major mistake for me because I could not swim. The other boy could swim and he got back to shore. I started to drown, slapping my arms and legs in total panic. My third time down in the water I was totally exhausted and under water in a fetal position, my short life ran before me. Suddenly a beautiful white light entered the lake and seemed to cover me, giving me a great sense of calm and reason. I then reached up and grabbed a log from the raft and pulled myself up to get air. I paddled my feet still holding onto the log and reached the shore. I noticed right away the sun was shining brightly on the other side of the lake. The white light that covered me was an angel. This was in fact a spiritual intervention to save my life - I believe it was a miracle. The boy that was with me and the other boys in my group were nowhere in sight, February, March, April 2010

none of them had tried to help me. I walked to the kitchen by myself; none of my group came to me and asked how I had gotten out of the lake. I really did not know, but now believe it was not my time to die. I still needed to fulfil my purpose as a human being. My life begins February 15, 1946 in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada; the start of the baby boomers, a year after the Second World War. My Mom and Dad had five children together, married in 1940 and divorced in 1949. My mother settled in Victoria on Vancouver Island in late 1949. She had all of her children with her, my two older sisters, my older brother and my younger sister. My mother was living on welfare and living in a hotel for the first few months. My oldest sister was playing at the local park near the hotel and there she met a young navy man who befriended her. My sister told me she thought it would be nice if Mom met a man to date. So in her naïve understanding of bringing home a stranger, Robert came home with her. He was introduced to Mom and they soon developed a relationship even though he was ten years younger than she was. He soon moved Mom and the rest of us to Navy housing and soon they were married in 1950. Robert was too good to be true. He adopted all five of us children. He was released from the Canadian Navy in 1952 and was given money for his service in the Korean War. With this money they bought thirteen acres just outside of Victoria. Over the next year he built a home that we moved into. On the outside it looked like a normal family but he was abusing us right from the start of 1950. It was no accident that he had met my sister in the park. I had two concussions before the age of six, both caused by Robert. For eight years under his control Mom and we children suffered mental, emotional and sexual abuse. Robert would be classified as a paedophile and one with sociopathic personality disorder today. Robert never went to jail for the terrible crimes he committed on us. He was truly a dangerous person. We all had post-traumatic stress disorder living in fear for those eight years. We, as a result, developed dysfunctional behaviours that triggered late in life. Our behaviours included physical illness, mental health issues and addictive personality disorders. My future life can be directly related to the abuse I received from Robert. However, my healing process stems from a remarkable spiritual intervention. It took a miracle to save me from alcoholism. At the time, my Mom, older brother, younger sister and I attended a family reunion in 1962. We lived in Victoria at the time and Mom had just got a new car. She remarried in 1960 to a very nice man and due to their hard work their financial status greatly improved. She could now visit her mother and stepfather in Medicine Hat, Alberta at the 1962 family reunion. At the reunion my uncle gave me a small glass of wine; I was only sixteen at the time. My first alcoholic drink, it turned me on like a Christmas tree. I now believe I was addicted to alcohol from my first drink. My first treatment for alcoholism was when I was only twenty-three years old. Still, I was in trouble for the next twelve years. After my treatment at the age of twenty-three and prior to that, I had tried to quit drinking. I was always in trouble with the law, family and friends. I found myself in jail, mental health centres and treatment centres over those nineteen years. Being a pay-day drunk, I still managed to finish high school, college and got married and divorced twice. February, March, April 2010

In the end I lost everything. By age 35, I found myself living with my grandmother. She was 81. With her influence I got sober on November 16, 1981. I went to an AA meeting and had a moment of clarity that I was an alcoholic, I finally accepted that fact. There, I turned my life over to God and asked in a sincere and humble way for his help. I went back into the AA program and there the miracle of my recovery begins. After that day, I never had a mental desire to drink or a physical craving to drink. I must say as well that the healing changed me into a positive individual, developing spiritual and ethical principles with which to live by. A miracle, I believe! There are millions of like stories in the AA Program. There are other people who have gotten sober in other ways and we in AA do not have any problem with that. Most of us love the fellowship AA brings and we are thankful for that. Being sober is not the goal – to have sincerity and peace of mind on a daily basis and to fulfil my purpose as a human being is!

“When a child is harmed by evil, evil will conquer his soul, but once touched by love, evil can no longer grow!” ~ John Batt ~ Another experience came when I was 58. My sister had been sick for many years with Type 1 diabetes and lupus. She had several heart attacks and strokes over a period of a month. She had five children and a husband for close to 44 years. At age 63, October 22, 2004 she passed on. She was always aware of life after death and somewhat psychic. She could feel things that were going wrong for family members. In my case, being younger than her, she always knew when I needed help. We talked about this gift she had over the years and she said “I’ll let you know when I die if there is life after death.” I did not think much about her statement until the night she died. My sister lived in British Columbia and I lived in Alberta. Just after her death I got a phone call. It was my niece informing me that her mother had passed on. This call was about 12:00 a.m. An hour later, I got up to use the washroom and for some reason I felt the need to look out the window. It was not unusual to see deer in our back alley but tonight only one deer was walking by and she stopped and locked eyes with me as she stood by our pole which had a security light on it. Why the deer looked up at me was, in my opinion, my sister using this deer to communicate to me that there is life after death and that she was okay. Her children and grandchildren felt her presence after she died as well. There are mysteries in life. My life experiences tell me to keep an open mind and let life evolve when it’s time to move on to greater things. I believe my sister sent a message from the other side and my soul continues to live after this human form dies. I believe I am a spiritual being having a human being experience!

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ASK Dr. Evers - The Affirmation Doctor By dr. anne Marie evers dear dr. evers, Today we hear so much about the Law of Attraction that does this and that and brings us our desires. First of all I can’t figure out exactly what this ‘so called’ magic, wonderful law is and how it works. As well I got to wondering how we can utilize this law to affirm for what we want. For Example -- I feel terrible about my weight and appearance. I, like many others, gained several pounds over the Christmas and Holiday Season and added to an already overweight body, now I feel depressed, and defeated and my self-esteem is at a very low ebb. I really want to lose weight and feel better, look better and get my self-esteem back. Can I use this Law of Attraction to help me? Please I need help in a hurry. ~ Samantha, Programmer, Camrose, Alberta ~ dear samantha, Thank you for your email. Yes, I do agree with you that there is a great deal written about the powerful Law of Attraction. First of all I believe that the Law of Attraction is simply the magnetic power of the Universe that draws similar energies together. It works through the power of creation which is always present everywhere and anyone can tap into this wondrous power. The Law of Attraction like every other natural law of the great Universe is no respecter of person. It works every time for every person. Take the Law of Gravity, when you drop something it always falls down (unless you are in space). It does not say, "No I won’t work for you because you have misbehaved." Of course not, it simply works! The Law of Attraction is activated and manifests itself through our thoughts, ideas and the thoughts and ideas of similar people with similar interests. I believe the process of doing Affirmations works through The Law of Attraction which states, "Like attracts like; more gathers more; what you think about you bring about; and what you are seeking is seeking you." It is also about vibration. Everything in our Universe vibrates or resonates at a special frequency. Your thoughts and feelings are the signals sent out into the Universe as a vibration which acts as a magnet to attract to you what you are affirming. This powerful Law can be used to your advantage to create the life you wish. The process of doing Affirmations goes right back to the Bible times. When Jesus said, "Ask and ye shall receive; Knock and the door shall be opened; Seek and ye shall find.” He was creating powerful Affirmations for us. Let's look at these powerful statePage 24

ask dr. evers is a regular feature in The Violet Ray. Contact Dr. Evers at or a t 1-877-923-3476. Even if your question does not appear here, Dr. Evers will answer each one in the order in which it is received.

ments. He told us to Ask (that is to affirm); Seek (decide exactly what we desire); and Knock (Take the appropriate action). Thankfulness is one of the most important keys that create our completed desires/Affirmations. Be grateful, live every day in an attitude of gratitude and watch the floodgates of heaven open and bestow more blessings upon you! Now Samatha let's discuss your question about Weight Reduction. First of all I like to say, melt, drop, release, etc. instead of using the word ‘lose’ as when we lose we find. I have lost and found hundreds of pounds during my lifetime. Here is my suggested Master Affirmation for Weight Reduction and Maintenance. Master affirmation - releasing (dropping) Weight & Maintaining - the Personal contract Method “I, Samatha deserve and now easily release/drop my unwanted, EXCESS, weight and inches from the right places in my body. I am healthy, happy and peaceful. I love, respect and approve of myself. I am becoming slimmer and slimmer until I reach my desired and ideal weight and size. I now set my set point at____ pounds which is the ideal weight for me. I now adjust my metabolism and my appetite. I forgive myself for overeating in the past and I now move on in my new life of weighing and maintaining the ideal weight for me, and of being healthy, happy and enjoying healthy self-respect and selfesteem. My body is the place where I live and I love it. I change my inner image of myself to match my desired outer image. I am safe. I give my body permission to weigh the ideal weight for me right here and right now. I desire only the foods that are for the highest and best use of my body. I am still powerful. I love exercising, eating nourishing food, drinking a minimum of 8 glasses of fresh, sparking water and doing my Affirmations regularly. My cells and every part of my body are now healthy and normal. I am happy to the good of all parties concerned. Thank you, thank you, thank you.” I fully accept, Signed __________________________ Dated ______________________________ When you create and read your Master Affirmation really get that feeling of excitement, anticipation and completion of your desired outcome. Congratulations, when you date and sign this Master Affirmation you have made a firm and binding contract February, March, April 2010

with Your Higher Self, God/Creator, Universal Mind or whomever you believe in.

sible eating regime which is essential to your reduction and maintenance program.

some suggestions

The hypothalamus gland is the weight regulating mechanism and is the primary co-ordinating centre between the nervous system and the endocrine glands. It is your body's set point that tells the pituitary gland when to release hormones. Mentally set your body's thermostat to the ideal weight for you.

Use the ‘Borrow Back Technique.’ Visualize in your mind a time when you weighed your ideal weight and looked your very best. Put yourself into that time and place and then visualize you coming back into the present at the same ideal weight and size. Another way is to say “Today I am 1% closer to my ideal weight.” If your mind cannot believe that you are at your ideal weight, do the step process by using the 1% process. You see your mind can believe a 1% change easily and will work towards the successful outcome. When you visualize yourself at your ideal weight your mind accepts it as truth as it does not differentiate between the real and the unreal, the known and the unknown. It simply acts. Write encouraging notes to yourself and place them everywhere. Put a ‘Weight Reduction in Progress’ sign on your refrigerator to give you a positive jolt of good energy. You can also put signs in your car, office, bedroom, bathroom, etc. declaring the ideal weight you wish to achieve. • Make your Affirmations fun by singing chanting or saying them out loud with lots of enthusiasm. • Raise your vibration. Put great feeling into doing your Affirmations. • Refrain from putting all the emphasis on the number that appears on the scale. It took time to gain that extra weight, so it will naturally take time to remove it. Some weight reduction programs suggest that you weigh yourself daily. I find once a week or even once a month to be more realistic when dropping weight. However, when maintaining your ideal weight, do weigh yourself daily. regular exercise Physical exercise slows down the ageing process and reduces excess fat and body weight. Some physical fitness experts say that with every hour of exercise, you add two-and-a-half hours to your life. The greatest fat loss and muscle gain usually occur with evening exercise. This could be due to the fact that the appetite is reduced for approximately two hours after exercise, at a time when you are likely to eat more. Endorphins, which are the body’s calming chemicals, are released from the brain during exercise. Laughter has the same effect. Start your exercise program very gradually tailoring it to your age, shape weight, lifestyle and individual health. Those who exercise regularly will have more lean muscle fiber to capture and burn fat particles before they have a chance to establish themselves in the body. You may wish to incorporate yoga and deep breathing exercises into your new lifestyle program. It is important to keep healthy while reducing your weight, and to maintain a well-balanced vitamin program in conjunction with a senFebruary, March, April 2010

Get agreement from your body. You may need to ask for and get agreement from the part of yourself that says, "You can never drop weight,” or "You are too fat." Often there is a part of us that is cynical about positive change. It is comfortable with the present condition and afraid to change. Talk to yourself and get all parts to agree that reducing your weight is beneficial to all. You may wish to affirm that all parts of your body are in agreement with your weight reduction & maintenance program and with you weighing your ideal weight. Give away your ‘fat person’ clothes. Doing this creates a vacuum which you can then fill with a new ‘slim person’ wardrobe. Watch your caloric intake, exercise, drink eight to ten glasses of water daily and do your Affirmations faithfully. And remember to love, respect and approve yourself, just the way you are. This acknowledgment gives you the power to change. Thank you, everyone for all your emails. I love hearing from YOU! With Love and Warm Affirmation Blessings Happy Weight Affirming, Samantha! Dr. Anne Marie Evers Please check out my brand, new website reverend dr. anne Marie evers is an ordained Minister and Doctor of Divinity and Philosophy. She is also a bestselling author of many books on positive thinking, some of which are, Affirmations Your Passport to Happiness 7th edition. She co-authored the best-selling series Wake Up and Live the Life you Love in Spirit with Dr. Deepak Chopra and Dr. Wayne Dyer. For more information, please visit Dr. Evers website at We invite you to send your questions to Dr. Evers on the Violet Ray Website at

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the Power of Music can transform and enlighten your soul By Brenda forsey Man understands music at an internal level. It resonates with the core level of his soul. Each individual gets his or her own message from the music, which radiates out from the soul to the physical brain. We then feel something from the music. The first thing man hears is the drumbeat or rhythm pattern. It resonates on a molecular level, which generates the electrical neurons in each cell of his body. The pulsating rhythm sets up a series of electrical waves, which permeates his human brain and lets him know and feel what the music is about. Each person will dance to his own drummer, as each individual resonates with his own specific beat.

resonating at a deeper level as they wake up to their spirituality. The human body will undergo terrific vibrational changes; leading up to their own ascension to becoming who they really are and a soul awakening will occur. Music can set the tone and speed of the awakening soul. Each person has a blue print and as the unfoldment occurs through different creative mediums such as music, the awakened soul will in turn create and help another group to wake up and so on until the planet as we know it will have a new vibrational frequency as each atom has been made brand new and when all are assembled, a new order of connection will take place within the human body.

Music has evolved into several different styles: jazz, blues, pop, rock, which all resonate at a core level with the individual soul. Fast or slow, each vibration carries it's own colors and pulsation, which enters the physical body and creates movement in that individual. Thus individuals move to their own rhythm or pattern selected just for him or her. This has created such diversity in the human culture. From Africa to Europe to Canada, everyone dances to his or her own style and flavor, for example, in Jamaica, steel drums plays out calypso music.

New ideas will appear on the horizon and there will be someone there to pick them up and develop them to a higher level. Thoughts are from the brain, spirituality from the heart. With the connection of both with the intent of the highest good in place, a new way of seeing the world will take place. Positive feeds positive and there will be no room for the dark energy to reside. Light will melt away the darkness. Fear will not have the threshold on life as the new wave of living and reasoning will be so far above it, it will be evaporated for without thoughts of fear, no energy can feed it. Positive energy can combat negative energy, love is a positive vibration or force, "May the force be with you" can overpower dark energy as each emotion vibrates at it's own level. The positive emotions evoked by books, music, art vibrates at a high level thus negating the anger, and dark feelings as they vibrate at a low level of around 200. Love vibrates at 500 level and can overcome anger.

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As the Waves or vibrations come down through the celestial realms, the vibration starts pulsating through people, and will resonate with the earth. Musicians will hear different sounds as they pick up on the new vibrations and will compose more New Age music, as well as enhance the original music. There will be a shift in the way we think which will cause us to question why the newer music is so much better than the old. The patterns are being changed, as more people are awakening and hearing the music from the celestial realms. Music is the universal language to all people, and all will start

Love yourself and who you are and you will vibrate at a higher level. As long as you keep love in your heart the darker forces, which bring worry, pain, anger, will not pervade your being and you will reap the benefits of the positive energy. By being positive you let in more light and sunshine into your heart and create waves of happiness all around you. Others will feel it and wonder at the new you, and even begin to start their own inner journey. They too will become enlightened and powerful beings. To bring the light through and shine it onto others will create the desired harmony each one of us has in our soul. The world will be a better place, as the plant, mineral, and animal kingdom will have transcended to a newer dimension of peace, love, and harmony. The world will rejoice and music and song will rise out of every heart and soul in celebration of the new millennium. Brenda forsey is a Reiki Master/Teacher and Reflexologist, Writer, Musician, and Artist. You can contact her at or She loves to bring harmony, balance, love and light through her Teaching and Healing Sessions. She has been working with healing energies for the past 30 years. February, March, April 2010

Thinning Down In The New Year By Marlene Buffa A new calendar year urges us to set new intentions for the coming twelve months. Often playful, sometimes serious, these resolutions allow us to focus on what we hope to accomplish and also allow us an opportunity to ponder the possibilities we map out for ourselves. Faced with a pencil and blank sheet of paper, we look up towards the ceiling as we strive to articulate our dreams, aspirations adventures for the coming year.

every year, our culture demands more and more of our attention to both the subtle nuances of life as well as the clanging cymbals (symbols) of reality. While we cannot control what and how much life puts in our path, yet we hold the power to determine how much affects us. By thinning out that which negates our highest and best life experience, we declare to life our focus and intention to live fully within what matters.

One popular goal, appearing for many of us year to year, is to lose weight. We try one diet after another, struggle with exercise programs that get boring after a few weeks, and deny ourselves even infrequent simple indulgences, to lower that number on the ever truth-revealing scale. We believe achieving a lower body weight in our earthly vehicle, raises our value on life’s scale. Our spiritual weight hopefully increases, thereby improving our chances of satisfaction and contentment in all of life. In the divine balance of our consciousness, we learn that by releasing one unit of measurement, we gain in other, more powerful aspects of who we truly are.

thin skinned We’re human. We take things personally. We allow the microscopic disturbances of life to permeate our spirit and burrow into our very being. Absorbing the positive and negative components swimming around us, we lack the filters necessary to differentiate between that which empowers us and that which may harm us. Thin skinned may present as gullibility, vulnerability or instability, resulting in an unfortunate adaptation and consumption of energy separate from ourselves.

thinly Veiled Very often, the essence of our humanity hides behind a thin veil we generate to separate us from the world around us. Holding up a translucent shield, just thin enough for us to view life from the inside out, projects the illusion of mystery or secrecy. Somehow, we believe that others can’t see through the armor of a thinly shielded persona, so we allow it to float around us like the dance of scarves as a coy partner with life. When we examine what we are hiding by holding up a veil, we realize the answers reveal more than the veil disguises. The parts of ourselves we reluctantly divulge to outsiders, hide from clear view, yet cannot muster the courage to openly appear as components of our true self. When we realize that others seem intrigued by the illusions we set forth, we later know we cannot hide from the Infinite, or, more authentically, ourselves. thinning out Beginnings as with endings, finds us making choices of things we choose to keep in our lives and that which we freely release. From people who no longer empower us, to bad habits, to possessions which will better serve others, we consciously make decisions for our new year by thinning out the herd of our life. Forgiving, removing and releasing the old worn out patterns of thought and beliefs, taking a stand for yourself in a new beginning speaks loudly your resolution for change. No matter what you choose to discard in your life, it all points to your spiritual center – what you allow – or don’t allow - to exist and affect you in your world. With the cacophony of society rising February, March, April 2010

Differentiating between toughening and thickening the barrier of our spirit to prevent the invasion of foreign negativity, offers a vital challenge throughout our life experience. While our perceptions may bring us a wide range of understanding and acknowledgement about what we choose to admit into our consciousness, thickness (or depth) still provides for an interaction between the world around us and our inner selves. If we toughen our essence, we no longer observe the impact of potential good – or bad – on our lives; we simply construct a defensive barrier to all new ideas, thereby possibly denying the gift of growth in the process. Most importantly, remember that which happens outside of us, need not be incorporated into our spirit. Whether who you are hiding behind a superficial veil of illusion, or your make conscious choices to simplify your pool of options, or you strive to allow life to impact your spirit, remember a new calendar year presents opportunities for growth and for thinning out your life. Return to the basics of your nature – acknowledge who you are and proudly display your unique qualities! Keep those people, things and attitudes in your life which empower and bolster your journey, and finally, know what to absorb and to repel when the energies around you appear as a challenging opportunity for growth! Taking a quiet sideways glance at life, Marlene offers insight through her words from experiences. A student of newthought teachings, Marlene finds practical spirituality around every corner and seeks wisdom through observation of life’s inter-relationships. Sometimes playful, sometimes poignant, always thought-provoking, her writing inspires readers in meaningful ways.

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Mexican Wild yam – the natural solution for Menopause & PMs By Klaus ferlow, hMh In North America, there are an estimated 40-60 million menopausal women and some 30-40 million baby boomer women on the brink of menopause. Many people associate menopause with mood swings, vaginal dryness, irritability, hot flashes, cramps, insomnia and other dreary symptoms. With even more baby boomer women entering the menopausal years during the next decade, new attitudes about menopause are transforming the way people view this pivotal time in a woman’s life. It seems that many in the allopathic medical profession have treated menopause as a disease and the risks have been known, but downplayed by the Medical profession and in fact they have encouraged women to take the HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy) for being attractive, halting the aging process and it would increase bone density. They fed on the fears of women and being in a baby boomer time, what a captive and willing audience. But menopause is not a disease, nor is it a process that requires a one-size-fits-all treatment. It is a normal stage of life that might present certain challenges. Dr. Elaine Chin from the Beresford Clinic, who specializes in menopause management said, that HRT has undergone a dramatic shift from being a “wellness option” for many women to a “medical tool” that is appropriate for only some women and in most cases she recommends herbal therapies and lifestyle changes such as diet and exercise. Perimenopause usually starts between the ages 39 and 51 and lasts from two to eight years and the average age of menopause is in Canada 51. Some women however might not have problems at all experiencing debilitating physical symptoms that effect one’s emotions and quality of life. In the past many GP’s recommended Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT), Estrogen Replacement Therapy (ERT) and Menopausal Hormonal Therapy (MHT), also PREMARIN, a preparation of conjugated estrogen (50% estrogen, 50% equilin for women as they enter menopause stage in their lives and it has been questioned as to the benefits, but more importantly, its health risk. Estrogen is naturally occurring in humans; however, equilin is obtained from pregnant mare’s urin. Although Premarin is a combination of naturally occurring estrogen, this product would be best utilized if you are genetically modified to possess the DNA of a horse! Page 28

All estrogens are not the same, simply as a matter of patent protection. Things occurring naturally in our world are for everybody to use and it is a public domain. In the early 1900’s most Pharmaceutical companies were content to patent biochemical processes that extracted or synthetically produced natural equivalent products.Monopoly is for them very important because you have no direct competition and profits skyrocket. This has been the agenda of larger drug companies since their goal has always been high profits and shareholder dividends. Let’s just go back a few years to July 2002 when the Journal of the American Medical Association published the findings of a long term study (initially 8 years) from the Women’s Health Initiative, overseen by the US National Institute of Health, stopped three years ahead of schedule because of the concerns for the health and welfare of the 16.608 women aged 50 – 79 involved due to overall negative results. Here is the headline in the newspaper Globe and Mail, Jan. 30, 2003 based on a poll conducted by Eli Lilly Canada “44% of Canadian women end Hormone Therapy in 2002” The dramatic abandonment of the once popular Hormone Replacement Therapy treatment is largely the result of a bombshell study released last July that found that long-term use of HRT results in: • Colon cancer was reduced by 37% • Hip fractures were reduced by 1/3 • Risk of breast cancer increased by 26% • Risk of heart attacks increased by 29% • Risk of stroke increased by 41% • Risk of cardiovascular disease increased by 22% • Rate of blood clots doubles • Another study found later that more than three years in a row on HRT could increase the risk of Alzheimer disease by 50% In addition, it showed the following side-effects: Nausea, breast tenderness, PMS like symptoms, depression, liver disorders, enlarged uterine fibroids, fluid retention, blood sugar disturbances, headaches, asthma, weight gain, loss of libido, loss of scalp hair and growth of pre-existing tumours. In the Women’s Health Initiative study from USA, 373.092 women were screened for heart disease, obesity, breast February, March, April 2010

cancer risk, diabetes and a number of other factors. Only 16.608 women were selected to participate in the five year study. According to Aeron Lifecyle Labs of California, based on the testing of hormone levels in women of all ages, more than 90% of women may be estrogen dominant! That’s why some young girls start with their period already at age 12 – 14 and some women with menopause at age 35 – 40. When I was growing up as a child girls got their period at the age between 15 – 17 and women menopause between 55 – 60 years of age.

ica, licorice, chaste tree (vitex), black cohosh, ginkgo biloba and wild Mexican yam have been used treating symptoms of this otherwise transformative time in women’s life, called menopause and PMS. The Wild Mexican Yam cream is best applied to the largest area of relative thin skin. Rotate the site of the application daily. These include: inner part of thighs and arms, face, neck, upper chest and abdomen. With continued use, the natural progesterone produced by the women’s body levels in the fat, become stabilized and further doses increase the blood vessels and stronger physiological effects are felt.

The hormone “progesterone” was first isolated by William Alien and George Corner in 1934. Since then, approx. 5000 plants have been identified as containing substances with progesterone like chemistry. Russel Marker in 1943 successfully extracted a phytoestrogen from the roots of the Mexican Wild Yam plants called “diosgenin” inexpensively in large quantities. The majority of this was purchased by Pharmaceutical giants who further synthesized it to an unnatural progesterone like compound, called “progestins” for use in patented medicines. Two of the most commonly prescribed progestin drugs have over 30 negative side effects and health risks, including breast cancer and tenderness, ovarian and uterine cancer and migraines.

As we age, our skin becomes thinner and dryer and we need to apply a good herbal cream which works also on inflammation, insomnia, against swelling and sciatic nerve pain. After applying the cream is instantly absorbed by your skin into the bloodstream and not your liver and nourishes and moisturizes the skin. For how long should you use the cream? Till you are 99 years of age! It also helps to prevent osteoporosis and increases bone density. And remember: menopause and PMS is NOT a disease and women have the choice to take care of their own body and health - THE NATURAL WAY!

What is for women the alternative?

Hormone Replacement Therapy, YES or NO?, Betty Kamen, Ph.D. Your Hormoneous Life, Calvin Ross It’s not in your head, It’s in your hormones, Melinda Bonk Hormone Balance, Dr. Carolyn Dean, MD, ND, Acupuncturist, Nutritionist Natural Therapies for Menopause, Nancy Beckham Natural Hormones, Carlson Wade Natural Hormone Balance for women, Uzzi Reiss, MD, OB, GYN

Mother Nature has provided us with something called Mexican Wild Yam, which has an active phytoestrogen ingredient called “diosgenin”, scientifically recognized to balance the women’s menstrual cycles and reproductive hormones rather than causing extreme changes like the HRT = Hormone Replacement Therapy, ERT = Estrogen Replacement Therapy, MHT = Menopausal Hormonal Therapy does to the body. Diosgenin acts as precursor and triggers the production of natural progesterone in the women’s body after she applies the herbal cream to the skin and affects the estrogen level. This suggests that it has the ability to self-adjust according to the bodies need. It balances the progesterone against the high levels of estrogen due to the environment (food, water, air) and symptoms such as hot flashes, insomnia, cramps, headaches, migraines, vaginal dryness can eventually completely disappear without any negative side effects because the herbal ingredients in the Mexican Wild Yam cream are all botanical derived. The dosages suggested in the therapeutic fact sheet, attached to the herbal cream is just a guideline and you can either increase or decrease the amount of cream to be used. It some cases it can take up to three month before women feel any improvement, so please be patient. You should be also aware that many Wild Yam creams are using progesterone powder derived from soy beans and many of these are GMO, genetic engineered and modified and nobody knows what this can do to the body long-terms and they are only available from MD’s. Historically, over thousands of years, herbs such as angelFebruary, March, April 2010


Klaus ferlow, MhM, innovator, lecturer, researcher, writer, founder, President & coowner FERLOW BOTANICALS, Div. of Ferlow Brothers Ltd, Vancouver, B.C., founded 1975, manufacturer of organic toxin-free herbal medicinal and personal care products to health care practitioner and selected stores with holistic practitioners on staff in Canada and parts of USA since 1993. Published by permission. Copyright, all rights reserved. HMH = Honorary Master Herbalist, Dominion Herbal College, Burnaby, B.C., est. 1926 His educational articles have been published in Health Magazines, Women’s Magazines, Newspapers, Newsletters in Canada, United States, United Kingdom and numerous websites around the world. This information is offered for educational value only and should not be used in the diagnoses, treatment, or prevention of disease, contact your health care practitioner.

Page 29

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By Carol Jay Uchytil

A Soul Imprint is Custom artwork that I create and transcribe based on the energy vibrations of the client. Since energy is Universal and has no boundaries the client does not have to be present for me to create a Soul Imprint for them. There is a substantial amount of creative and intuitive energy that goes into each and every Soul Imprint. Starting with honing in on the clients energy, to creating the actual imprint, to reading the imprint, writing / translating and finally to the minute details which results in the end product. The entire process takes several hours to complete. My goal for each client is to Awaken…Inspire…and Delight… (AID) while providing them with a keepsake they are proud to display. For additional samples and information please visit

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