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Violet Ray Natural Health and Conscious Living Magazine

inside: interview: morris “the miracle man” goodman

Cover Artwork by maja larson “fancy frost”

energy transfer to snooze or not to snooze


music, the sacred catalyst surrender and power

Volume 11, Issue 5 December 2008 / January 2009

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December 2008 / January 2009

The Violet Ray

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S oul S cript By Carol J. Uchytil

With this year coming to a close, I look back with gratitude for the people I have met and lessons I have learned; some lessons more difficult than others. Since the magazine industry was and still is new to me, I've had to find my path through trial and error. I have discovered my inner radar, am learning to trust my gut instincts and am starting to listen to my intuition. I now recognize those nagging little inner voices as my signals to retreat, re-assess and re-align. Another thing I learned is that there is a tremendous amount of time and energy that goes into publishing a magazine. I have also learned how to ask for help. I am very grateful for my old and new friends that have stepped in to help me out when my time was being taxed or I needed a break. You are all angels! Speaking of help, I would like to welcome the following new people to the team: Northern Alberta Advertising Sales Representative

We express gratitude and appreciation to our interactive columnists, contributors and artists who continue to inspire, awaken and touch the lives of others. Through the contributions of our advertisers we are able to print and distribute The Violet Ray Magazine and for this we send a Big Thank You out to them. If you are looking for a product, store, service, advice or workshop please check through The Violet Ray, as we are sure you will find what you are looking for. If you do not see what you are seeking in-print or require more information, we suggest you check out our On-line Business Directory and Go-Green Practitioner Profiles. The practitioners in our profile pages have amazing stories to share with you - stories of their experiences that led them to become healing practitioners. Who knows what you will discover.

Doreen Broska - 403-783-2296 Email: Southern Alberta Advertising Sales Representative Joette Lees - 403- 257-0526 Email: Manitoba Advertising Sales Representative Maja Larson - 204-453-3810 Email: I am pleased to announce our latest interactive columnist, "Ask The Animal Intuitive - Miss Alex". We invite you to check out her column on page 18 and email your questions to Alex through The Violet Ray website.

December 2008 / January 2009

For those of you who have taken the time to write me, I thank you and truly appreciate the feedback! I am listening! Changes are still in the works…one step a time. Since you are the reader, feel free to share what you like, dislike or want to see more of by submitting your comments, suggestions and insights to me at

We also invite you to Go-Green by subscribing to the free member area on-line at Download the current issue or past issues of The Violet Ray to your desktop to access all the articles and resources and read them at your leisure.

We wish you and your family a Season of Joy, Abundance and Health! With Love, Light and Peace, Carol

The Violet Ray

Page 4

The Violet Ray

On The Cover “FANCY FROST” By Maja Larson

Address: #41 - 6740 Johnstone Drive, Red Deer, Alberta, T4P 3Y2 Phone:

Maja Larson is an Intuitive Artist, Wife and Mother, among many other titles. She is currently developing her Intuitive abilities through free Readings, using the Runes, Sonia Choquettes Oracle Decks (Ask Your Guides, Trust Your Vibes, Souls Purpose) as well as her own Kabblah Cards intuitively designed while working with the Hermetic Tree of Life.


E-Mail: Publisher, Editor, Design, Layout Advertising:

Carol Uchytil

General Advertising Information: Carol Uchytil - 403-358-1656 Email:

Northern Alberta Sales Rep: Doreen - 403-783-2296 Email:

Manitoba Sales Rep: Maja - 204-453-3810 Email:

Central Alberta Sales Rep: Carol - 403-358-1656 Email:

Business Profile Strategist: Sharyn - 403-343-6679 Email:

Her purpose is to work towards her own personal spirit and to inspire others to do so, by trusting the wisdom that comes with following your Higher Self. See Page 17 for more samples of Maja’s artwork.

Southern Alberta Sales Rep: Joette - 403-257-0526 Email: DEADLINE FOR RESERVING ADS ARE AS FOLLOWS:

15th of December, March, June, September

In Every Issue

Contact one of our representatives for a media kit or information about current rates, ad sizes, circulation and distribution locations.


Soul Script - By Carol Uchytil

Advertising Payment Terms: Payment for advertising is due promptly when ad is booked. Payment can be made via Visa, Mastercard, Amex, cheque, cash.


What’s Above - With Clairvoyant Kim

General Information The Violet Ray is published in print four times per year:

November, February, May, August The Violet Ray reserves the right to refuse, articles, advertisements or art. Advertisers and contributors accept sole responsibility and liability for the accuracy of their statements and claims. The ideas and opinions expressed by individual writers are not necessarily those of the publisher, printer or advertisers. The Contents of The Violet Ray should not be taken or used as medical advice but is intended to provide information only. Readers should consult their doctor or health care practitioner with regard to their health concerns and remedies. Readers are encouraged to do their own research regarding health claims found in The Violet Ray. The Violet Ray reserves the right to edit articles for length, clarity and content at the editor’s discretion. No part of this magazine may be reproduced without the consent of the publisher. Contributors: The Violet Ray welcomes articles by local writers. Tell us about your personal wellness journey or your musings on life. We encourage articles that educate, enlighten and entertain our readers. Contact the editor for article guidelines and submission deadlines.



Ask Dr. Evers - The Affirmation Doctor By Dr. Anne Marie Evers


Lessons of the Drum - By Nadine Gordon


Insights from the Dream Expert - By Irene Martina


Ask The Animal Intuitive - Miss Alex - By Alex Vanwells


The Violet Journey - By JC Page


Advice U Seek - With Psychic Counselor Sharyn LeMasurier

In This Issue 10

Music, The Sacred Catalyst - By Robert James Haywood


Energy Transfer - By Judy Blais


The Violet Ray Interview With Morris E. Goodman “The Miracle Man” - By Nadine Gordon


Surrender and Power - By Joette Lees


A Spiritual Relationship - By Vladimir Kanizaj


To Snooze or Not To Snooze - By Barbara Watts


Spirit Tracks - By John McIntosh

For More Information Visit Us On-line At:

December 2008 / January 2009

The Violet Ray

Page 5

W hat’s Above With Clairvoyant Kim

I had to have my precious pet, Misty, put to sleep. She was everything to me and I truly considered her my child, as I do not have any human children. I am struggling over her loss and I am wondering if you would be able to tell me what happens to our beloved pets when they pass. Do they go to our loved ones who have also passed?

is usually a fleeting encounter, because it takes a great deal of effort to lower themselves to our level so that we can see them. We cannot see microwaves, radio waves, or electricity, but we understand that it exists. Pets and small children (aged three and under) see them all the time. They do not understand that they are not supposed to see "those people", so they do.

~Karen W.,Calgary, Alberta~

Think of him as your invisible Dad. So, that said, they are always aware of us and the lives that we are living. They are also very aware when we need to hear from them; they are always drawn to who needs them the most. I, too, was missing my Dad one day, so I sent out a thought for him to send me a message that he was close and, within moments, Johnny Cash came on the radio (my Dad was the biggest Johnny Cash fan) and Walk the Line was the song. I played that song at his funeral. Even though I know better than most that my Dad is always around, it was still comforting to hear from him. Remember, they still "walk" with us.

Great question. I am very often asked about pets that have crossed over. Anybody who has loved a pet knows that they have a soul. They are a different type of soul, but they certainly have one. Pets "cross over" the same way that humans do. They separate from their physical bodies or change form. They are then healed from any illness, trauma or the limits of age. They are young again and, yes, they do reunite with our/their loved ones on the other side. Many times I have read for someone and their whole family who have passed will come through in their reading. Mom, Dad, young brother, Grandma.... and the whole time the client is holding it together emotionally. Then, as soon as I mention the cocker spaniel.... well, they burst into tears! The unconditional love from a pet can be a very difficult thing to lose. So, never worry if your pet is happy and safe once they leave us.... and always remember, "All dogs really do go to heaven."

My father passed away 16 years ago and I still miss him terribly. My mother misses him just as much. She has not been well and I know that she talks to my father often. Can he really hear her? Sometimes when I am driving, a special song that my dad would sing to comes on the radio. It always happens when I am feeling sad or when my mom has had a bad day. Does he really understand and know what is happening here in our world? ~Bev R., Calgary, Alberta~ Oh yes, Bev. When souls separate from their physical body, they do not go to some far off land or to some vortex somewhere. They still walk among us. They are always very, very close. They are just operating at a vibration that our physical eyes cannot see.

Are there spirits who are deliberately mischievous and give us wrong information on purpose? And, if so, why do our guides stop them from contacting us? ~Christina C., High River, Alberta~ Interesting question. I can only answer this based on my personal experience. I have only had contact with spirits who are friendly, helpful, loving and insightful, souls that work with a higher, enlightened energy. I am sure that there are other souls who operate at a lower/negative vibration. I have never had an encounter that I am aware of, with any of them. I do believe where there is light there is dark...where there is on there is off...where there is good there is also evil. I feel and expect to be very well protected when I do my work. If you feel a presence that is uncomfortable for you, ask it to leave. You do have control over the visits that you have. As for spirit guides, I believe your guide is your inner voice. That "person" that you talk to all the time within yourself. When we want help, where do we look? We look inside ourselves. All the answers about any of us are inside us. Where else would they be?

Sometimes they will lower their vibration and we will see them at the foot of our bed or standing in the kitchen. This

December 2008 / January 2009

The Violet Ray

Continued on next page...

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What’s Above With Clairvoyant Kim continued...

I've had so many jobs that have added richer life experiences for me, but I have not found my passion yet. ~Sherry M., Edmonton, Alberta~

Total Body Muscle Therapy Ltd.

You are right. The reason you keep shifting from job to job is because you have not found the right career for you. Thank goodness that the bank did not really work out for me or I would not be working as a medium now. Usually, the main element that is missing in a career that is unfulfilling is that the work you are doing lacks meaning. Teachers and nurses often feel over-worked and under paid, but they do not feel empty at the end of the day. They feel as though they have made a difference. This brings "Karma" into play. There is no "good" Karma or "bad" Karma, just Karma. Karma is cause and effect, everything that you make other people feel you will feel or experience as well. If you put out good, you will receive good. If you hurt someone, you, too, will feel the same pain, maybe not from the same person, it may come from another direction, but it will come. So, the easiest way to make a great life for yourself is to work at a profession where you are making a difference, either with people, animals, the environment, etc. If this is not possible, then find some volunteer work. Honestly, spiritually speaking, you will receive more from helping someone, than the person you are helping.

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I truly have a charmed life and it is not because I am a medium, but because I help people all day. Be a good person and help other people and you will truly have a blessed life. Kim Dennis is a proven clairvoyant medium who resides in Calgary. She is the author of the book What's Above?, a radio host on 1060 AM in Calgary, Thursday evenings at 7 p.m. and is currently producing a second television program for the fall. Her new CD is also available on her website at We invite you to send your questions about the afterlife to Kim at or through her Interactive Column on the Violet Ray Website at

Carmen Lacey BEd.


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December 2008 / January 2009

The Violet Ray

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Page 7

ANNOUNCEMENTS The Alberta Natural Food Co-op has started a co-op to bring producers of natural foods together with those who choose natural and organic foods. Currently they have organic grains, beans, flours, honey, flakes, natural grass fed beef, natural grass fed lamb, all natural wools, seasonal vegetables, and free-range eggs. They are limiting the types of producers to smaller operations, not large corporate farms. This is a grass root movement to help the little farmer so that the rural way of life can be maintained, the farmland can be preserved, good nutritious food is available to people at a reasonable price and consumers know the people producing their food. Contact Corwyn at or 403-742-8252 if you are interested in getting involved by bringing your natural and organic foods to others, or connect with producers of natural and organic foods.

The Calgary Women's Emergency Shelter is delivering a special Wish Book to 76,000 homes in Calgary at the beginning of December. Using the Wish Book you can support the shelter by purchasing items for women, children and families struggling with abuse. For only $35.00 you can purchase pajamas and toys for a child coming to the shelter. For $140.00 you can purchase food for a women and her children during her shelter stay. For more information please contact Theresa at 403-213-5166 or or visit the Calgary Women's Emergency Shelter website at and download your copy of the Wish Book.

Alberta author, Maxine Kerr, introduced her new book titled Vibrational Messages from Your Energy Centers on November 9th at the Art Beat Gallery in St. Albert. This concise text is an introduction to the vast topic of energetic medicine, and provides the fundamentals of physical and spiritual well-being. Dealing with the body’s energy system, the book explores the vibrational energies radiating within and from the 12 known energy centers or chakras. These centers serve the body in many ways, bestowing many remarkable benefits. They act as collection points and gateways, accommodating the flow of energy and life into your physical body. Each correlates to certain parts of the physical body, and affects one’s emotional, mental and spiritual health as well. Vibrational Messages from Your Energy Centers offer valuable information to identify a center that is out-of-balance , blocked or not functioning properly. The book comes with 12 beautiful cards, each representing a specific center and which helps to pinpoint certain areas in the body requiring attention and or specific issues that need to be resolved. Maxine Kerr is a Reiki Master, Quantum Touch practitioner and a student of Vibrational Energy Healing. She also channels past lifetimes. Vibrational Messages from Your Energy Centers is available from Kerr & Friends. Phone 780.459.1353 or e-mail:

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December 2008 / January 2009

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Page 9

Music, The Sacred Catalyst By Robert James Haywood The connection between music and us as human beings is stunningly obvious. Music is energy vibrating at frequencies creating what we perceive to be sounds, and, indeed, we beings are energy, vibrating at frequencies creating the appearance of a 'solid' body. Some lovely beings can actually see and hear us as sounds as well! We all know this to be quite true because we know we are made up of a bunch of atoms, flying in close formation together. Without going into detailed history, let's have a look at what can happen when we combine the two ~ music and human beings ~ and we throw in creative self expression, both written and drawn, with free form dance for entree and dessert. There you are driving to work, perhaps, or walking through a shopping mall, and THAT piece of music comes on ~ you know the one. After thinking to yourself, 'oh no', your knees go a little weak, your heart starts to crumble with emotions connected to 'you know when' and you battle valiantly (or otherwise) to keep it all together berating yourself all the while, 'you idiot that was years ago, what is the matter with you? It's all over, gone, done and dusted - get a grip.' The wise outside observer and mentor may suggest that what you just experienced was a great blessing! You digest that thought not too graciously in your mind, while keeping that little fixed, non-aggressive smile on your dial, you continue to feel that you are a little bit stupid to be feeling so at the mercy of these feelings that have surfaced, and you wonder what the heck to do with them. 'Yeah, right. There is a great blessing here. Is this an Irish joke or something?' The blessing is that when sounds and humans interact, energy moves. This energy can take many forms. These can be the aforementioned uncomfortable memories some may refer to as blocked energies; they can be inspirations and insights and wisdoms; they can be energies moving in their own little sacred dance without any conscious understanding of why, how or where from. When one places oneself in a sacred space of stillness or supportive nurturing, great healing / growth / release / nurturing is given permission and space to take place.

from where they have been locked away, hiding, into the conscious ~ their story is, 'scuse me, I know it has been a while and you may think that simply forgetting me and 'moving on' actually heals me; well, I am still here - would you like to let me move now? Confirmation of this movement comes in a very personal way - some blessed day, down the track, having done some of the above and understood that what is still locked in now has a way to move ~ you will hear that piece of music, sometime, somewhere - and nothing will happen. The heat, the locked away energy of that experience, has now moved and been freed. Nothing, no heat, no reaction is left to happen. Beautiful - and you did it all yourself! Bliss! To not end up like 'War and Peace' here, the first thing to do is b r e a t h e , and in the appropriate space, writing, drawing and dancing those feelings that arrive into the conscious mind then allows those parts of us that usually trap and hold these uncomfortable energies, to express, free and allow them to move from body, mind and emotional, buried and triple locked deep inner chests that we all have, but few acknowledge. How could something so simple be so powerful? Most of you reading this already have discovered that answer through the growing and changing journey of your own life tapestry. Simplicity. Not 15th level, disassociated toast making. Not hanging out for the alien taxi service to come and rescue the chosen few. Simplicity. Be it healing, growth, release, insight, inspiration, or inner adventure - it is simply the movement of energy. To experience simplicity, in the gentle guiding hands of a music shaman, releases that incredible beauty and divinity that we seem to find so hard to see in our earthly mirror. Healing ~ our understanding of what it is and why it all does come from within, in the next issue. Aum Shanty, Robert

So, what happens when that piece of 'nasty' music moves us and stimulates long forgotten feelings? They release

December 2008 / January 2009

The Violet Ray

Robert is a Music Shaman from New Zealand and Australia soon to be on his first tour of Canada in 2009. For more information visit his website at

Page 10

GO-GREEN PRACTITIONERS V isit our G O- G REEN P RACTITIONER P ROFILES located on The Violet Ray website at Simply subscribe to the FREE Member area and DOWNLOAD the Practitioner Profiles to your Desktop! Cora Rennie Sundreems Studio Angel Stardust Journey Pamela Shelly

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“The b ody c an, a nd w ill, naturally h eal i tself” Therapeutic Kneads Massage Therapy

Kathy Snyder, RMT, COTT Student of Ortho-Bionomy 4626 - 49 Street, Red Deer, AB Located at Hair Masters


Therapeutic Kneads JOY Inc. Watersong Wellness Nurturing ‘NerGy

Within The Wave The Financial Guides The Studio Holistic Health Centre Essential Energy and Laser

CanAm College Irene Martina Living Energy

Intuitive E nergy W ork

Ivonne Plankey

403-6 619-2 2116

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Nadine Gordon

Personal Growth, Sexual Abuse & Relationship Coaching and Workshops Past Life Regression

Juey Ann MacLeod, CTE 403-7 782-2 2559 1-8 888-3 358-8 8789

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Contact Carol at 403-3 3 58-11 656 or December 2008 / January 2009

The Violet Ray

Page 11

ASK Dr. Evers

Ask Dr. Evers is a regular feature in The Violet Ray. Contact Dr. Evers at 1-877-923-3476 or send your questions to:

- The Affirmation Doctor

Even if your question does not appear here, Dr. Evers will answer each one in the order in which it is received.

By Dr. Anne Marie Evers Today there is a great deal said about creating our lives as we wish them to be by using the power of our minds. The processes of the human mind constitute one of the greatest unsolved mysteries of the Universe, yet most of us take our minds very much for granted. We think, act, and live, rarely stopping to think about how the mind works or how we control it. Affirmations (whereby we repeatedly state our desires so that they become imprinted upon the subconscious mind) represent the key to unlocking the secret door to mind-power. Learn how to use this unlimited, inexhaustible power to create your heart's desires. To do this requires consciousness-a state of mindful awareness, alertness, and aliveness in the present moment. You become what you are in life from what you are in consciousness. To be conscious is to think and to think is to give form to thought. With a positive focus, you attract good things and happy experiences to you. When you lower your consciousness, you give away your power and attract thoughts, situations, events, and people that reinforce this lack of power. Dear Dr. Evers First of all, I thoroughly enjoy your wonderful information that you so graciously share via your column in this magazine. I feel that you are writing 'just for me' and saying exactly what I need to hear at that particular time. I have read, and people tell me, that I create my own reality, so WHY am I creating unhappiness for myself? Is the mind really that powerful that it can and does create our reality? I have always been very interested in the study of the mind and how it works. I have been accused of being too inquisitive. Is there a way I can program my mind for more money? Also, I have heard we have TWO minds and I find this hard to believe. I would appreciate any light that you could shed on this and I gratefully wait for your reply in your column. ~ Doris, Computer Programmer and A Very Inquisitive Person, Calgary, AB ~ Dear Doris, Thank you for your email and I am very proud of you that you are searching for information on topics that interest you. I, too, have always been intrigued by the mind and how it works. And to answer your first question-Yes, I do believe that we create our lives as the world within

creates the world without. Everything you find in your world without was first created in your world within. Ask yourself, "Just what am I creating in my life at this time? Am I happy with situations and things in my life, or do I need to uncreate the negative ones and begin creating positive, new and happy experiences and to release any negative blockages that are hindering me?" And, Doris, I do believe that the first step is to become aware of what you are creating, thinking, saying and doing. Do some 'Thought Watching' and find out just where your thoughts are residing. Are your thoughts-The same as yesterday, Negative or Positive? You may be surprised at what you learn about yourself. I certainly was when I did this exercise. You and only YOU can make the changes you desire. As for your 2nd question, yes you can program your mind for receiving more money. MASTER AFFIRMATION FOR ADDITIONAL MONIES (Your order to The Universe) "I, Doris_______ deserve and now receive in excess of $__________ *extra money (net or gross-monthly or yearly). I use this money for my desires and (here state whatever you wish). I am safe, healthy, happy and prosperous to the good of all parties concerned. Thank you, thank you, thank you." I fully accept Signed _______________________ Dated_________________ (Now you have made a firm and binding contract with your Higher Self, God/Creator, Universal Mind or whomever you believe in.) *It is important to say extra as you are already earning a certain amount of money. Also be certain to specify net or gross and monthly or yearly. When you say 'in excess, of' you are not limiting the flow of money and could receive more, much more. Your 3rd question-I believe that we all have ONE mind with two distinct yet interrelated functional characteristics. ~ One is the conscious, objective, outward, or waking state. ~ The other is the subconscious, subjective, inward, or sleeping state. Continued on next page...

Access Dr. Evers Interactive column on The Violet Ray’s website at

December 2008 / January 2009

The Violet Ray

Page 12

The Conscious Mind - External The conscious mind is your objective mind and deals largely with the external world. This part of the mind has the power to reason and to decide what is right or wrong. It is the source of all thoughts, concepts, and ideas. The conscious mind's chief powers are reason, judgment, logic, form, calculation, and moral sense. The conscious mind also sets in motion the creative power of the subconscious mind. The conscious mind is the one and only force to which the subconscious mind responds. It tells the subconscious mind what is required-which is one of its most important functions. The subconscious mind controls the conditions and experiences of your life. Through your conscious mind, you can clearly and specifically tell your subconscious mind what is desired. For example, when you state that you are broke or cannot afford a certain item or thing, you are instructing your subconscious mind to prepare conditions in your life to manifest being broke or not being able to afford what you wish to purchase. And, through The Law of Attraction, which states that "Like attracts like; what you think about you bring about; what you are seeking is seeking you"-you attract more of the same to you. The subconscious mind, (Humble Servant)?always willing to oblige? immediately goes to work to create that condition in your life. You are made up of billions and billions of beliefs about your body, your material worth, God, sin, life, after death, etc. You have taken on some of these beliefs from others and created some yourself, accepting them as the truth. Removing old, negative beliefs and replacing them with positive ones is an essential part of creating what you want in life. The Subconscious Mind - Internal Your subconscious mind is like a highly sophisticated computer. When you were born, it began to record every feeling, action, thought, or word in your world. You accepted some information from your parents, teachers, peers, and others-all of whom had their own weaknesses and negative patterns. Your subconscious mind takes in the exact details of every situation. Over the years it accumulates an astronomical amount of data. It has a perfect memory and stores everything in the present moment. Even though one event in your life may have taken place on July 28, 1982, and another on February 8, 2008, to your computer (subconscious mind) it is all happening now. Your subconscious mind does not differentiate between a real and an imagined event. Your subconscious mind knows more about you than anyone. It can change its viewpoints, often retaining or reverting back to childhood ideas, concepts, and beliefs. It stores your own interpretation of reality. If something very important happened to you at age 14, for example, your subconscious mind may continue to see it from that 14-year-old perspective.

December 2008 / January 2009

Your subconscious mind represents the sleeping or subjective state. It is dependent on the information received from the conscious mind and is not normally in direct contact with the outside world. One of its roles is to handle all involuntary functions of the body, such as heartbeat, breathing, circulation, blood flow, and digestion without any instruction from anyone. This mind is beyond space and time, with many powers, including inspiration, imagination, organization, intuition, emotion, certitude, deduction, suggestion, and memory. It is a part of the Universal mind, which is also timeless, ageless, and boundless. How I Witnessed the Power of the Subconscious Mind When I was a child, it became quite clear to me how thoughts and the power of the mind affect our lives. At a dinner party one evening, my Aunt Bea served a delicious cream dessert. Everyone raved about it and most of the guests requested a second helping. Four hours later, someone asked Aunt Bea for the recipe. She started to name the ingredients and, when she came to cream cheese, my cousin Alice gasped, put her hand over her mouth, ran to the bathroom, and vomited. It turned out that Alice was extremely allergic to cream cheese! I could not understand her reaction and asked my mother why it took Alice so long to get sick. Nor could I understand why she became so violently ill when she heard those two harmless words, cream cheese. My mother said, "It has something to do with thoughts and her mind, dear. Don't worry. She will be okay." The incident stuck in my memory and clearly demonstrated to me the tremendous creative power of the mind. Such is the power of the subconscious mind. This is your magnificent tool to make your dreams come true-- And all you need do is become aware of it, learn how to use this power and then use it positively to reap the wonderful results. Please keep in touch Doris and let me know how you are instructing your subconscious mind (Your Magic Genie) and the wondrous results that occur. Remember that Affirmations When Properly Done Always Work! Love and Affirmation Blessings, Dr. Anne Marie Evers

Reverend Dr. Anne Marie Evers is an ordained Minister and Doctor of Divinity and Philosophy. She is also a best-selling author of many books on positive thinking, some of which are, Affirmations Your Passport to Happiness 7th edition. She co-authored the best-selling series Wake Up and Live the Life you Love in Spirit with Dr. Deepak Chopra and Dr. Wayne Dyer. For more information, please visit Dr. Evers website at We invite you to send your questions to Dr. Evers at through her Interactive Column on the Violet Ray Website at

The Violet Ray

Page 13

Energy Transfer By Judy Blais Have you ever noticed how your mood affects those around you? It is easy to witness this phenomenon when there is a newborn baby in the room; they noticeably react to the energy of the person holding them. Did you know this energy transfer is also at play with the thoughts you have, the feelings you feel, the beliefs you live by? Even if these thoughts, beliefs and feelings are never voiced or even brought to conscious thought, they affect the people in your genetic line. Your children are very sensitive and easily tune into your energy; in fact, anyone close to you is feeling your energy. Therefore, everything you do to help yourself feel better affects those close to you. This also applies to your pets. Animals are very sensitive to energy healing. They intuitively know what their bodies need to heal, so when they feel someone healing them with conscious intention they lap it up with enthusiasm. They even know when they have had enough and then actually come back for another session when they are ready for more. They know without judgement that this energy is an expression of pure and unconditional love. Whenever you allow your body to absorb this energy of pure love and joy, your body thanks you by healing you in some way. Then we, in turn, thank our body for healing. This energy transfer of love and gratitude is the secret to letting healing start.

sunlight and water energy for their own beauty everyday of their lives. Every time you utilize the electricity in your home you are transferring energy, which you pay for with another form of energy - money. Transferring energy, as you see, is the natural way of things in our lives. So, using energy to heal is just another natural way of doing something for us. Many healing modalities, such as Reiki, use energy transfer. The practitioner is the conduit from source to client. When universal energy is transferred with conscious intent, our bodies know exactly how to use this energy for our highest benefit; therefore, when a three-point connection is made (client-practitioner-universe) wondrous events transpire. When we change the way energy flows through our bodies, we notice a change in the way we look at our life and the way we respond, not react to the events in our daily lives. Bless all the energy transfers you become aware of everyday.

Judy is the owner of New Intentions and an alternative healing practitioner, located in Sylvan Lake. AB please see ad this page


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There are examples of energy transfer all around us. Think about flowers and plants. They are transferring

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December 2008 / January 2009

The Violet Ray

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Lessons of the Drum By: Nadine Gordon

"Soul Keeper" Do you believe in a soul walking into someone who is still alive? Can the two souls cohabitate in one body? ~ O. H.~ Thank you for these excellent questions. They are much more in depth than they might appear at first glance. It is extremely important to be physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually balanced. When your heart chakra is fully open, you are open to the emotional energy of many other sources. This may cause you to receive too much feeling energy, even if balanced. There is a possibility that if you are too open, you may absorb negative auras or lower energies into your own because the light you emit copies that of heavens gate, so to speak. Energy absorption can be either involuntary or voluntary. Those who unknowingly absorb spirit or soul energies are called Ghost Keepers or Soul Keepers. Tell these energies to leave your body at once. Remember, you are in charge of your own body, mind and spirit. Then, help send these wayward energies Heavenward, with much love and blessings. Be prepared to feel some grief as these energies may have shared your body for a while. Now, alleviate the problem of absorbing spirits. Ask your guides to help you procure the proper balance, color and energy for your heart chakra. Also ask that all of your energetic and auric fields be repaired as well. Entities and negative auras are attracted to our auras but may attach to weak and unbalanced areas of our physical being as well. If your heart chakra is blocked, you will be receiving very little emotion. For anyone with a blocked heart chakra, this is just as bad as having your heart center too open. This is because if your heart suddenly re-opens full force, the range of feeling emotions will bombard the heart center and cause much physical, emotional and mental pain. Some people have actually had a heart attack because their heart chakra blew open when they were unprepared for it. It is important to be balanced. Remember, if you are an energy or aura absorber, you become responsible for that energy. Remember to release then heal it. Turn it into the positive healing energy of love. Do not for an instant imagine that once

December 2008 / January 2009

you evict energy it somehow becomes someone else's problem. This is how poser energies or rogue energies are allowed to roam around the universe causing havoc. Negative rogue energies ping around us humans from person to person and lifetime to lifetime if they are not healed when released. Our life's work comes with a variety of responsibilities. It is important for us to remain in balance but we are also responsible for the balance of others. Stay responsible. Remember to keep your ego and judgments away. This also helps the heart chakra to stay open and in balance. The ego creates doubt that causes a sense of unbalance. Two souls cannot cohabitate peacefully in one body. One soul pops the other soul out, giving the recipient of absorption an off balance persona similar to dementia or like that of a schizophrenic, in worse case scenarios. Power Animals are different. They are a part of our assumed character. In other words, we can relate animal characteristics and emotions to our persona and we are born this way. These energies are not absorbed. Neither do our guides, angels nor totem animals enter into our bodies uninvited unless we are about to pass on and it isn't our time. Do not take another's soul into your own intentionally. If you are conducting healing work, always ask permission of the participant and make certain it is for the highest good, equal of or better of all concerned. To balance energy absorption, work with butterfly energy in the northwest direction. Identify and transform any repeated traumas, suffering and past lessons from weakness into strength. Learn to smile inwardly; this radiates outward. Past mistakes give us experiences that allow growth. Allow yourself to be vulnerable but use prowess and discernment. Be kind to yourself. Love life. It's all good. Learn to love. Love to dream. Dreams cost nothing. Neither does a smile. Smile from the heart more often. It may mean the world to someone who is really suffering. Just start small. Take the first step. Start with yourself.

Nadine Gordon is dreamwalker and the founder of Nurturing ‘NerGy, a sanctuary for all those who wish to journey and heal. She loves to share by teaching others about their gifts. To learn more about Nadine please visit her website at We invite you to send your questions to Nadine at or through her Interactive Column which focuses on exploring animal wisdom, everyday blessings and latent energy on the Violet Ray Website at

The Violet Ray

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Page 15

Insights from the Dream Expert - Irene Martina Dear Dreamers,

Dear Barb,

If you are thinking of submitting a dream, please include your ideas on what you think your dream means. By doing both you will gain faster knowledge and experience on understanding your dreams and who you really are. To access Irene’s interactive column be sure to logon to We invite you to email your dream question to:

You are the only one who can interpret your dreams for all the symbols and meanings are uniquely yours. I can only give you some suggestions and if any of them feel right / fit that is what you could accept for some greater insight or understanding and just leave the rest aside.

For more information on Irene please visit her website at please see ad next page

# 1- The element of time is quite common in dreams as it is a measurement for our daily life in so many ways: time of day / year, time of our life, appointments, moments in time, etc. Being late usually suggests that you may be lacking or not paying attention to details or you feel that you are running out of time on a project or during the day. Are you feeling stressed out? If so, try and find a few minutes during the day to sit quietly and rest and get grounded. Your second dream has similar meaning.

Hi Irene, # 1- I usually always dream the same things - being late for school, for a plane, etc., and also about losing teeth. But, this one is a new one and I can't get my head around it. # 2- I dreamt that I went into the kitchen to get a utensil and when I opened the drawer it was overflowing with utensils. My husband kept putting more in and I couldn't stop him. I kept asking him, "What are you doing? We have enough." Then I awake. Thanks so much if you interpret this for me! ~ Barb M., Olds, Alberta ~

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Manitoba: Maja: 204-453-3810

I am putting the two dreams together below.

# 2- The house is often taken to represent the body and or the soul. The rooms can be parts of our personality and events that are taking place in our life. The main floor represents the present time period and the kitchen is the "heart" of the home where women spend a lot of their time. The kitchen can also represent the heart of the body. As utensils are useable tools, you might want to look at this dream as being overwhelmed with a "to do" list given by others in your life. As a wife's domain is often considered to be the kitchen, you may have all your "things" in order and yet feel overwhelmed with demands or requests from your spouse as he is the one trying to make use of or giving you more than you need. Another consideration is, perhaps, you may be feeling like you are just part of the fixtures and not feeling cherished at the time the dreams took place. With the first dream relating to time pressures and stress and the second dream causing the same reaction of stress, the dreams could be saying that you need to look at time management, take control of things, reduce stress, look at demands from other loved ones and know that there does not seem to be any time for you. Start scheduling time to rest and do something for your soul and peace of mind and, in this way, you can maintain a healthy, happy heart and home. Blessings, Irene

December 2008 / January 2009

The Violet Ray

Page 16

Irene Martina

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“Bright be the light of your days, gently be the light of your nights” -ML-

December 2008 / January 2009

The Violet Ray

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Page 17

Ask The Animal Intuitive Miss Alex To gain greater awareness and insight about your pet or other animals in your life submit your questions to Miss Alex - The Animal Intuitive at or through her Interactive Column on the Violet Ray Website at

Hello Miss Alex Vanwells, I have two cats: Lily, whom I adopted on July 31, 2007 and Purrcilla (whom I call "Cilla" most of the time), whom I adopted on May 8, 2008. I got Purrcilla initially as a companion for Lily, whom I thought was lonely when I was away from home, at work or out and about. She would sometimes plaintively meow this long, drawn out, lonely sound (similar to a Siamese cat) and drop a ball in the hallway. I would come home to that ball many times and know that she had come looking for me when I was away. I came to refer to this as her "lonely ball". I thought she was in need of a friend, so I thought the addition of a second cat would give her a playmate. I saw Purrcilla on the website of a rescue organization and decided to go see her that night. It was love at first sight. She has the sweetest personality and I couldn't bear not to have her (although I took a couple of days to finally decide to bring her home). Lily was NOT impressed and the two had a shaky start, with Purrcilla giving chase to Lily at the beginning. I was very afraid they would NEVER get along. They do get along much better now (although Lily has assumed "Queen" position once again), but I don't think they will ever be cuddling up with each other to sleep / groom, etc. They "play" sometimes, but not too often. I think that Lily takes it too far and I'm afraid that she doesn't really understand the concept of playing with, rather than trying to beat the crap out of, Purrcilla. Am I being overprotective of Cilla? I don't want her to get hurt. One minute Lily is giving Cilla a quick lick and the next moment she is trying to bite her neck (and it does NOT look like play to me). Note: Both cats were de-clawed by previous owners. Incidentally, Lily still does her "lonely ball" thing…. even after having Purrcilla join our household. She still makes that mournful drawn out meowing (even if I am at home and she doesn't see me… like, when I am in another room) and I can't quite figure out what she is trying to tell me. Is she lonely? Does she want to play? (She never looks terribly energetic when she does this, so I don't think that is it). Is she trying to just show me her toy? What is she saying?! It haunts me to some degree not knowing! Can you tell me what my cats are thinking about me, our home and each other? Do they know that I love them very much? Are they healthy and happy? I feel like Lily and I have a strong bond, but she has like a split personality…. one minute she is nice and cuddly, needing special

December 2008 / January 2009

attention and then sometimes she is testy and tries to hit me if she is unhappy. I hear that might just be a "tortie" trait, but I'm not sure. Purrcilla is ALWAYS in a good mood, friendly, cuddly and really wants someone to play with her. Sometimes she shies away from my petting her, picking her up or brushing her and it makes me wonder if someone has hurt her before? I am also a bit worried that she is too bored as most of the time Lily doesn't really play with her and I can't ALWAYS play with her. I am worried that she isn't happy with us. I am running out of ideas as to what to do / buy for, or give them to stimulate their minds as they are house cats (although I take them outside in summer on their harnesses and leads) and they are cooped up in the house all day. I am also worried that they wouldn't be OK to leave at home alone (with someone checking in on them) if I went away for a week vacation. Lily wakes me up every morning early to get her wet food served and I'm afraid she wouldn't adjust to nobody being there to do that (on "her schedule"). I would also be afraid that with nobody there to referee, Lily might beat up on Cilla. Please help! ~ Dana ~ Hi Dana, First of all, cats take a minimum of 6 months to settle into their new surroundings. They need to acclimatize to the new home and the other animals. The same applies to Lily in allowing a stranger to enter her territory. They need to establish their hierarchy in the Clowder. Allow them to be and figure it out. Lily is just Lily. She needs to be allowed to do whatever she wants to do. I would think that she is born on either a 1 - 5 - 7 day and this puts her into the group of independent thinkers; however, very sensitive with somewhat different logic. Resist Nothing. Purrcilla, however, is from the Air Group, so, born on a 3 - 6- 9 day and wants lots of attention and has the "look at me" attitude. Since they are both declawed, let them work it out. We, as humans, interfere with the natural instincts of the animals. They won't kill each other. Mother Nature is instinctive in them and so they will work it out. It is how it is supposed to be. Regarding the meowing... Lily is expressing her emotions, that's Lily. Let her be Lily. Honour her in her differences.

The Violet Ray

Continued on next page...

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Ask The Animal Intuitive - Miss Alex continued...

Alex Vanwells

What you need to understand is that animals are not like humans. Humans spend every second thinking. Animals can't be bothered. They don't operate like humans. They live in the peace of now. Humans are just now trying to learn this. So, what they think of you, in the now, is how it is supposed to be right NOW. They have everything they desire... Right NOW. They aren't bored. This is how things are Right NOW. Observe them without Judgment. See how they come and go in their own way and own time. Cats are awesome to watch. We, as humans, have so much to learn from them. In the 20+ years I have been working with animals, I have never seen one starve itself. Remember, they work on energy, so the saying "Thoughts become Things" applies here. Could you change your thoughts and begin to think more positively? Worry is from stepping out of the NOW; so, could you come to peace with what is right Now? What they understand is calm, clear, concise communication. When you are worrying and fussing, all they get is a messed up energetic message. Try something; meditate in front of them, watch what they do and how they react. Animals love Meditation, as they know that the human has finally slowed down the thoughts and is connecting with the Inner Consciousness. My wish is for you to experience them in the Now. Miss Alex

This next email is sent to the Caregiver of a GoldenDoodle named Ruby. My operating system went down last week and so many emails have been lost in the fixing of my computer. Ruby is experiencing much anxiety when the family leaves and throughout the day. What I pick up from Ruby is this... She is experiencing her family's emotions. Some dogs are very sensitive and they take on the family's emotions. The following is a list of trapped emotions that Ruby has. This is just a short list. Talk too much Incorrect Perception Alienated Distraught Harassed Punishing (self & others) Unappreciated

Trembling (minor) Inner Pressure Antagonistic Gloomy Harsh Rattled

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As part of my services, I offer a free, 20-minute phone consultation in which I can explain how we can release these trapped emotions from Ruby. Thank you for your Inquiries. Animals are our Greatest Teachers and we are blessed to be honoured with their presence. For more information on Alex please visit her website at please see ad this page

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Page 19

Morris E. Goodman "The Miracle Man" The Violet Ray Interview by Nadine Gordon Morris E. Goodman has been cast as one of the members in 'The Opus,' a movie created by Douglas Vermeeren which will be screening in Red Deer, Alberta, Jan. 29, 2009 at the Central Alberta Memorial Theater.

parts in healing. That's your part and God's part. God doesn't expect you to do His part; you can't anyway. But He does expect you to do your part. The main thing is to concentrate on your part."

They call Morris Goodman 'The Miracle Man' because, 27 years ago, he miraculously walked out of the hospital for Christmas after having survived a near fatal plane crash.

"Healing journeys depend on the individual, their goals and objectives. I think you should be on a path of such deep faith and belief that you can tune out everything negative. You see, it didn't matter what other people said or thought about my recovery. It mattered what I thought. You have to have that internal belief yourself, that you can do it or you'll never accomplish it. Belief systems are very dominant and very, very important in a life. A belief system is, simply, something you think and believe about yourself. Unfortunately, most beliefs are formed by about the time we are six years old. That doesn't mean I want a 6 year old running my life and that's what most of us have. If your belief systems stay where they are, behaviors, objectives, goals or whatever it is that you internally believe will continue. Until you change that, you're going to be stuck. The problem is that we all get stuck. We have to change."

Says Morris Goodman of the experience, "All I could do was blink my eyes. The crash destroyed all of my summary muscles and all of my bones were broken. I couldn't breathe. I couldn't speak. I couldn't walk. I couldn't talk or move a muscle. All I could do was blink my eyes. Once for yes, twice for no." Morris was lucky to make it through the first night alive. Told he was going to be a paraplegic and even a vegetable by doctors, Morris had to retrain himself to breathe, talk, eat and walk. He is the only person known to be able to breathe by stomach muscles alone as his diaphragm was crushed. Some parts of Morris' healing experiences are very private. He doesn't like to talk about them. Suffice to say, he believes in the power of the mind to heal. The Miracle Man attributes much of his drive, success and survival to childhood upbringing. He says, "I've always been pretty hard headed and tough all of my life. But, you know, I've been very positive. This was just a battle I was meant to fight." "When I got out of the hospital, I started on the speaker circuit and I was kind of the new kid on the block and traveling around with some pretty big hitters. We went around doing these PMA rallies with such notables as Zig Ziglar." Morris is now a world traveler and world-renowned speaker. His hero, Zig Ziglar, calls him the best motivational speaker in the world. Morris is very humbled by this endorsement. Morris is an inspiration. He traversed some incredible odds. To those of us in the holistic community he says this, "I believe faith is a big part of my healing. But, there's two

December 2008 / January 2009

'The Opus,' says Morris 'The Miracle Man Goodman,' "will have a tremendous impact on the audience. Everyone I've talked to that's watched it says it's really impacted and changed their life and given them a new vision and a new direction. You have to have a vision, but it's more than the law of awareness or the law of attraction because once we tune in and become aware of what we want, then we automatically start to find new things. Until then, it can be worse because we'll never see all the solutions and answers to our problems. Once we focus on what we want then those possibilities that are around us all the time anyway start to open up and we start to see them." Speaking of possibilities, what is 'The Miracle Man,' doing for Christmas this year? Morris says, "The Goodmans usually stay home at Christmas. It's important to be with your family and friends and to spend quality time with the people you care about." Visit Morris E. Goodman, 'The Miracle Man,' at for more information about his incredible life.

The Violet Ray

Page 20


Share your story or wellness journey with our Readers... Our contributors are passionate about writing and helping others in their journey to wellness. Most of our contributors are local and play an active role in healing our community.


This is your opportunity to submit an educational, informative, encouraging or entertaining article.... and through your words...perhaps help a few people along the way.

JANUARY 29, 2009

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The Violet Ray

Cindy's Teapot Gallery & Gift Shop Highway 2 South - Gasoline Alley Red Deer, AB, Ph: 403-341-4477

With gratitude we extend our holiday wishes to the readers, columnists, contributors and advertisers who have supported the magazine in 2008.

Holly's Vitamin Shop 10B, 7110 - 50 Avenue Red Deer, AB, Ph: 403-314-1401 The Studio Holistic Health Centre Red Deer, AB. Ph: 403-343-6679 As Nature Speaks #3, 4817 - 50 Street Rocky Mountain House, AB, Ph: 403-844-3016 Natural Solutions for Health Wellness #7, 5004 - 46 Street Sylvan Lake, AB, Ph: 403-887-5655 Trinity Solutions Sylvan Lake, AB, Ph: 403-506-5917 Elm Tree Health Store 5002 - 50 Avenue Stettler, AB, Ph: 403-742-0288 Total Body Muscle Therapy Ltd. 5004 - 51 Avenue (at the Chiropractic Office of Dr. David J. Hewko) Wetaskiwin, AB, Ph: 780-352-0200

December 2008 / January 2009

Season’s Greeting’s

The Violet Ray

May inspiration guide you to help lighten the burdens of the world and strive to be devoted to healing Mother Earth and all it’s creatures great or small. We wish you a healthy and enriching upcoming year and look forward to light filled adventures in 2009!

Page 21

Surrender and

Power By Joette Lees The depth and intensity of surrendering into moments with complete and honest trust, love and devotion honors the angels for the information they share. Messages may be received throughout the physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual bodies of all individuals. On a human journey, surrender IS in simple, placid moments of sharing between and with babies, young children, teens, siblings, parents, the elderly and animals. Surrender IS time in a favorite place, intimate non-controlling lovemaking or just being with the inner you. Surrender truly opens the vortex or doorway to intensity on both the inner and outer realms. When surrender flows with and is surrounded by unconditional love, faith or even forgiveness, the intensity ignites a joyous internal life spark, which illuminates equal, respectful unity. The wondrous, phenomenal perspective that engulfs every experience of surrender is the greatest elixir to innocent, youthful enthusiasm. Yes, surrender assists with the ease with which so many people remain in positive focus with spiritual journeys regardless of the challenges or temptations that could distract a person. After all, as the old saying states, 'perspective is everything!' Surrender gracefully allows the absence of struggle. True spiritual surrender is also absence of submissiveness. To truly surrender, you must stand in your power! Standing in your power or your truth lessens struggles because you let go of the desire to know when something will be. You stand up for what is for you with Rocky’s rock shop An inner experience

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grace. You let go of other people's words, ideas, judgments or even manipulative maneuvers. You become one with your divine connection to the divine plan. This connection opens intuition because with trust you know with every level of your being. This shift is huge because letting go of other people's expectations of success or failure removes your mind chatter. You stand up with conviction for your life purpose. You are empowered. You are ready to receive and give. The first gift each person needs to give is the gift of self-love, self-respect and self-forgiveness, thus releasing the inner need for daily competition through interactions with other people. The true experience of integrity then begins. To be honest with one's self allows personal growth and shifts. With the above gifts to self, inner power of being IS. Submission or control flows away and shifts into universal respect. The expectation of punishment or control becomes accountability and equality. The will to stand up for the individual journey, with unity, allows evolution. If not for this inner power, how would humans have expanded on the many developments such as electricity, telephone, flight, and awareness? People have surrounded most steps of evolution with doubt toward the inventor or messenger's credibility. Most inventors and messengers have huge heart chakra love regions and let go of other people's judgments. This chakra is where true giving is the greatest connection to intuition and holds the pure essence of harmony toward advancement for ALL. In giving, releasing occurs with synchronicity. Releasing of judgment is the greatest shift for self and others. Letting go allows acceptance with guiding in love and sharing information to educate. The statements "you're not good enough, only time can heal, follow these proven steps, how can this work, what about your pride, wait for him or her to call‌" become mind chatter of the past. Some people may still be in that stage around you and you can reach out with heartfelt love and give with confidence. Only each person can be willing to receive what is given. Let the old patterns and mind chatter go to Divine to be transformed into love and light. Some of the greatest unions on the physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual levels for humans have been lost due to the inability to surrender. Each personal life path has passageways for transition to surrender fear, judgment, and old patterns and habits thereby becoming one with awareness and education. Feel the power of personal surrender and celebrate with further awareness toward equal unity. Joette Lees is a Spiritual Healing Counselor and the owner of Angel Stardust Journey. She can be reached through her email at or her website at

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CALENDAR OF EVENTS DECEMBER & JANUARY EVENTS ANIMAL WISDOM WORKSHOP December 6 - 10:00 - 5:00 pm, Leslieville, AB By Nadine Gordon of Nurturing 'NerGy Class cost is $200.00. Deposit required at time of registration. Register early, limited seating. For more information call 403-729-2170 or visit

A NEW YEAR'S RETREAT - JANUARY 24 Start the New Year with an intention of wellness. We will explore meditations, introduction to Tai Chi and refresh your body with cleansing herbal teas. This day retreat is open to everyone. For more info call Abrah at 403-352-2820 Website:

USUI REIKI MASTERY January 23-25th 9:30 - 5:00 pm, Calgary, AB For those who choose to heal with the light. The Reiki Mastery class covers advanced techniques, the spiritual symbols, how to attune and teach others this healing art. Contact Jeannine Millan Usui Reiki Master 403-229-4840. Class cost is $650.00

THE HERBAL MEDICINE CABINET Learn about herbal remedies for the loved ones in your life including specific herbs and making remedies such as creams and syrups. Classes start February 24. For more info call Abrah at 403-352-2820 Website:

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A Spiritual Relationship By Vladimir Kanizaj I arrived late for the dinner / dance, so I had to sit at the edge of the dance floor. I noticed a friend swinging by and thought I would playfully pinch his bum; instead, he dropped his partner into my lap. She looked up at me, I at her, and we said, "hello," simultaneously. Instant connection! She got up and continued dancing.

Since we had nothing to hide, it took only a day or two for the "action" to start. I had difficulty accepting the lines on her pretty face and since it is about me, I did my processing around this issue and I realized the struggle was that I was not accepting the fact that I was aging. After embracing it, I was free and so was she.

I finally located her in the giant ballroom and discovered that she was with friends and was "available". For the rest of the evening we spoke to each other with deep intimacy and danced every dance. The next day, on our eight-hour date, we shared our stories and expressed how we both wanted to have a spiritual relationship. We were both quite aware that our deep connection was about healing our core wounds, not about looks, sex, personalities or common interests.

Her trigger was with my lack of good physical health (even though I was addressing it) and, through her own work, became aware of her own fears around disability and death. At the same time, I didn't like that she made a mess in the kitchen and didn't clean it up; she disliked that I was too neat. By our continuing to be as we were, I deduced that I had never given myself permission to be messy and it dawned on her that my neatness represented the disorder in her life. Again, we gained mastery and moved on (to the next trigger of course).

We both believed that everyone is "perfect" just the way they are and, if we have buttons pushed, or old pain triggered, it is a reflection of ourselves and not about the other person. It is something we are and have not fully embraced, or it's something we secretly want to be, but have not given ourselves permission to be because of our judgment about it.

Abandonment came up for us when I chose not to visit her family out of town. She recalled being hospitalized at age three or four and no one visiting her and then making the decision, "I don't need anyone ever again" which, of course, blocked intimacy in every one of her future relationships. Dramatic healing occurred as a result of this awareness.

Our understanding was that there are no victims or perpetrators, no right or wrong and that we co-create everything in our lives. The key was not to just understand all this, but to put it into practice and live it everyday and, ideally, moment-to-moment.

For myself, there were times when we had plans and she would receive a "better offer" and I would feel so sad (yet again asked her not to change or rescue me) and it allowed me to grieve and heal all those times when my parents or friends did that with me. After that it was like a domino effect, one issue leading to another to another. The key was that we let each other be and, as a result, got closer and closer for four glorious years.

I know the most important issue for us was to experience a relationship based on love rather than fear and that, in itself, was frightening, yet that didn't seem to matter to me since I had long ago tired of fear based relationships and I was ready for a new way to love. So we signed up for the ride. The first thing we worked on was our language, speaking from the "I" instead of the "you", changed "but" to "and", "should" to "could", and "can't" to "won't" (or choose not to). We then tore up our memberships in the SKOWLED (secret, keeping, omitting, withholding, lying, embellishment, denial) club so, hopefully, the effect would be total exposure, vulnerability, and true intimacy. We then investigated our family histories. Interestingly enough, on the surface it appeared that we had two totally different up-bringings but underneath, at the core, we had run similar patterns such as low self esteem, unattractive, dumb, not funny, etc. We were conscious enough to understand that our parents ran the same tapes and recorded them onto us.

December 2008 / January 2009

One day I said to her, "I've got it. You can be, say or do anything you want without judgment or retribution" and she left the relationship. Our work together was done. I grieved for months with the most pain I have ever experienced. Then I got it. "I am the one I am waiting for. I am the one who loves me. I am the one who will never leave me. Since then, I want love, desire love, like love; however, I don't "need it" and that, to me, is the ultimate place of peace. Vladimir Kanizaj is a Life Mastery Coach based out of Edmonton, AB. For more information on his services please contact him by phone at 780-484-7575.

The Violet Ray

Page 26

J.C. Page’s

T he Violet Journey Within each of us is a purpose, a reason to want to be here; maybe to love and share a life with someone else. However, there is no easy path to this purpose and we have to understand how to connect to another individual. This may seem awkward and leave us vulnerable at times. After all, we are human and capable of greatness but inevitable change is required. - J.C.

A relationship issue from Tom and Sheri's perspective: The topic is time spent with one another. Is there quality or quantity in the relationship? Can we help them see each other's point of view or will they begin to realize this within their own perspective. Tom: There were times that I let Sheri be who she wanted to be. I didn't want to be a bully or put constraints on her like my father did to my mother. This was wrong and I can only remember how afraid and lonely my own mother was. My mother used to try to hide her thoughts and feelings from each of us (there were seven of us) but then she started to drink, and drink heavily. There was always an excuse at first and then she didn't bother lying to us as she just grabbed for the bottle. We sure had enough and I often could not take it. I was the oldest and the most responsible one. I couldn't believe how much she depended on me. She counted on me as if I was Dad. It wasn't fair to me or the other kids. She should have been more responsible. I soon had enough and I left home early.

Tom: Sometimes I wonder why she looks at me the way she does. It's almost like she is angry, but I think she is just so tired, probably with the kids and me. I know that she is also putting in long hours at work. I wish her boss would be more understanding. Does he not realize that she has a home life, too? They certainly don't need the money. The company has more than most. I don't get why there is so much greed nowadays. People are never settled. They don't give a thought to other's lives. Poor Sheri! I think she needs to change jobs. Yeah. She was happier with the other firm. Sheri: I was so close the other day to wanting a divorce. Why doesn't Tom get me and want to be with me? I wonder if he is having an affair. Maybe that is it. How dare he! I will have to take a closer look at where he is spending his time. I wonder where he really went last Wednesday. Maybe he really didn't have a meeting. What a fool I have been. My mother and father brought up a fool, an idiot. The start of a good conversation is what Tom and Sheri seem to need. It is apparent that unless they do something constructive for their relationship, instead of assuming things, they are on the road to disaster, a life of misery with each other or a life without one another. Either way, it appears to an outsider that a lot can change to stop the eventual fall of something wonderful.

Therefore, I don't want Sheri to feel like my mother: bullied. She needs to breathe and do what she wants to do. I don't care, even if we don't see each other for days at a time. She is important to me and I want her to be her own person. I can't even imagine her being unhappy. I want the best for her. Sheri: I don't know what the problem is with Tom. He practically ignores me. He doesn't even notice me when he comes home anymore. What am I, part of nothing that he cares about? Why do I even bother staying with him? Even the guy next door pays more attention to me than Tom. Tom needs to feel like I do for even one minute and then he would get me. Even yesterday, I was looking for several pieces of new furniture and he didn't care to give me his opinion. He doesn't even care anymore. Why should I spend time with him? Who does he think he is? I didn't get into this for him to act this way towards me. How dare he! I should teach him a lesson.

December 2008 / January 2009

The Violet Ray

J.C. Page is a Researcher, Writer, Counselor and a forever student of Ayurvedic Medicine. Email The Violet Ray at to share your input regarding this article

Cut-Off Date for the February Issue is

December 15 Book Your Advertising by contacting Southern Alberta Joette: 403-257-0526

Northern Alberta Doreen: 403-783-2296

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Page 27

To Snooze or Not To Snooze By Barbara Watts I heard it again the other day - "Change a Light Bulb, Change The World". What if the light bulb was one of those cartoon ideas that appear above someone's head - "Change your Ideas, Change the World". While I believe recycling is important for our environment, I am also concerned with the toxicity of war, poverty, and atrocities in general. Picking up litter and taking public transit does nothing to address our ability to change how we communicate with each other. Every day we assault ourselves, and others, with our so-called innocuous thoughts. Imagine our thoughts as paint on a canvas. Why are we continuously surprised when the outcome of our creative endeavor is drab and menacing - producing unease when we look at it - when we're choosing the very colors and textures that can only create such a piece of art. Every thought we form goes somewhere. It goes out into


the collective bank of beliefs, concepts, viewpoints, judgments, etc. Then, the collective stew is reflected back to us, forming our realities. Don't like what we see? No one wants to believe we contribute to the malaise on the planet. We think we conduct ourselves, day to day, in a tolerant and acceptable way, but, regardless of this, we know that thoughts slip out and make it past the moat of good intentions. Having - Doing - Being We're all experts on having. We have at a moment's notice. Immediate gratification is considered a right. Push a button and mass quantities of have are delivered to your door. We spend most of our time doing. We are impelled to do in order to have. If we're not accomplishing something we can feel we have no merit. We must do to contribute. But contribute to what - the having to show that we do indeed do? We are having and doing ourselves into oblivion. 'To Be or not to Be‌' The Art of being is under appreciated in our frenzied world. Being doesn't look like anything glamorous or shiny. We can't measure or display it. It's complete in itself. What do we have to do to be? Conscious breathing settles us into our Being. Be in your regular rhythm of breath and pay attention to your unique pattern of inspiration and release. Stay with this and feel yourself slowing to the pace of your breath. When we are experiencing, our mind is at rest - the chatter is silenced. We can't feel and think at the same time. In that space of silence, our true inspirational thoughts are able to visit. We've hung out the welcome sign by silencing the static. We've tuned the radio dial to receive our divine thought.

Get Inspired!

With attention, our little space of peace and joy will expand with no limits. Someone sitting under a tree in Timbuktu may feel a breeze of joy float by and smile, not knowing that the breeze contains your signature.

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The cosmic winds wend their way, swirling energies that would fill you with awe. Why not attach a memo created exclusively by you? A raised field will not tolerate the functions of the lower Continued on next page...

December 2008 / January 2009

The Violet Ray

Page 28

To Snooze or Not To Snooze continued...

Spirit Tracks

fields - such as dis-ease, war, or adherence to outmoded political structures based on power grabs, greed, etc. By sustaining a higher field for periods of time during the day we make incredible differences in the quality of life around the world, not only for ourselves, but for the plants, animals, and the earth as well.

By John McIntosh

The Slumbering Spirit

If we're still enough, we can hear and feel the pulse of love arising from the earth. The beauty and grandeur of nature whispers grace and prayer and longs for our involvement.

Genius lies buried in the slumbering spirit of limited thinking.

All of our best intentions fall flat when we are sending out thoughts that reflect beliefs that we are less than, that we're in competition with each other, that we need to be in fear, etc. We can choose to contribute to the raising of our global consciousness of love.

Whether through the wretched experience of deep sorrow,

How can I give my life meaning? We can anguish over this, but anguishing puts us into dis-ease and then you know what happens…our lives will mirror our thoughts and how we regard ourselves.

The aching drama of profound loss, Or on bended knee at the feet of Love,

Take it on the road. Wake up to your power. Bring meaning to what's in front of you. Breathe into your doings and havings. Create the love you desire by breathing with awareness. It is up to all of us to realize that we are either with us or against us. Every thought contributes to the growing of something either more malaise or more peace.

Awakening eventually comes to all. Blessings, John

I choose peace. We've all done it - morning comes but we crave a few more minutes of sleep. We reach across and hit the snooze button. 'Just ten more minutes…' When the alarm sounded for the environment back in the sixties, some heeded the call and some of us hit the snooze button. 'Just ten more years…' It's time to realize that all is the energy of love and we're forming our world with every thought and vibration we create, whether we know it or not. Let's get up - don't reach for that button - I'll put the kettle on! Barbara Watts is an energy worker who specializes in multi-dimensional healing. She also distributes Vibration Technology - the newest innovation in home health. Contact her at 403-714-9449, or via email at

~Teach Only Love~ ~ Please pass on to others as you are guided ~ Spirit Tracks are inspired by Spirit and influenced by John's own personal experience. “Take what feels okay and leave the rest…we all walk toward the same Light from different directions” John is an author of Spiritual, Law of Attraction and novels including 10 published books, 1 CD, hundreds of articles and thousands of inspirations. He has traveled much of the world, spoken in front of a multitude of audiences and tens of thousands of people, trained, motivated, inspired and helped change and lift the lives of many, many people. For the moment, John lives in Toronto and is completely and totally committed to the spiritual world he spent 42 years finding. Feel free to contact John anytime on Skype: nine9friends, or

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Advertise With Us - Contact a Representative Near You! Southern Alberta Joette: 403-257-0526

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Central Alberta Carol: 403-358-1656

Northern Alberta Doreen: 403-783-2296

The Violet Ray

Manitoba: Maja: 204-453-3810 Page 29

Advice U Seek

With Psychic Counselor Sharyn LeMasurier Sharyn is a psychic consultant, medium and the owner operator of The Studio Holistic Health Centre in Red Deer, Alberta. Submit your questions for Sharyn by logging on to

Dear Sharyn, I have only recently started to acknowledge my spiritual side although, looking back, I do recall certain experiences as a child. Something or someone (probably me) is blocking me. I saw a Reiki healer who tells me I am blocking and that it's in my head; I should open up and trust. I found the experience very emotional. Any suggestions would be really gratefully received. Best Wishes. ~ Jackie O - Eastbourne, United Kingdom ~ Dear Jackie, Thanks for the note. Blockages are generally hooked into our emotions, manifesting as resistance to change, growth or taking on new challenges and working with new ideas. Most often, these blockages are based in fear of the unknown or fear of the repeating of painful experiences. The first thing to know is that they are yours and they belong to you. The next thing to remember is that anything that belongs to you can be altered by you. It is yours to do with as you wish.Some tools we were given at birth in this human existence come in very handy when we are trying to alter our behavior or thoughts. One of the tools is breathing. Simple, huh? Yet, we do forget to breathe and find ourselves dealing with depression or anxiety as we shallow breathe, often holding our breath throughout our day. It is a habit that can be changed. Here is an exercise you can have fun with: Get a candle and sit where you won't be disturbed for about five minutes. Light the candle and just gaze at it; love the colors of the flame, the movement and the warmth of it. At the same time, breathe deeply and slowly. Focus visually on the candle and energetically on your breathing so you are very conscious of each. Thoughts will come into your brain, but just lovingly release them and focus on the candle and your breathing. You can count your breaths if your thoughts are too invasive. As you practice this exercise you will find your body, as well as your mind, relaxing. As you relax, it is easier to deal with the more serious aspects of some of the habits you have created that you would like to change. End this five-minute session with an affirmation - something like, " I deserve love and

December 2008 / January 2009

happiness and I am grateful for the abundance in my life." Even if this affirmation feels like a lie, the Universe will respond to your thoughts as the reality you wish to create and begin creating it for you. Do this often. Repetition is the key to changing habits. Have fun and I hope this little step will be beneficial.

Dear Sharyn, Without getting into a long story, my son, who passed last year; was blamed for someone's death in 2003, Oct 10 and it's not true, but they are basically posting stuff on Face book saying things like payback is a B***** and what goes around comes around and the rest of them are going to go one by one too. Stuff like that. I haven't responded as I will not stoop to their level but I have had some really bad days trying to stay positive. Any advice? ~ M.C - Alberta, Canada ~ Dear M.C. In regards to the toxic energy that swirls around this human world, you have a choice to take it on as your own or to allow it to dissipate into the ethers from where it came. Remember your own journey; don't get tied into the journey of another who is making negative choices. Cruelty is a way of life for some, and the challenge others have to get past. Not everyone realizes how damaging their words are, nor how painful - but bitterness can blind the kindest heart. There is bitterness there and you know yourself how it is so hard to accept loss without having to blame someone or something. That is where the bitterness is resting with these people - leave it be - it does not belong to you. Instead, let your heart reach out to those who have lost and are still in so much pain they have chosen a hateful life instead of a loving one. Sounds like the next step in your journey to me. Your job is to be the best you can be and do the best you can do with joy in your heart. Just love all that is around you and embrace a compassionate nature to love those who hate, without judgment. Good luck - I wish you a magical week!

Namaste from Sharyn

The Violet Ray

Page 30

Life Change “It is with gratitude that I extend holiday wishes ishes to all d the services the clients and students who have engaged of The Studio Holistic Health Centre in the year 2008. edge and information to It is a great honor to be trusted with knowledge ish the best experiences assist my clients and it is with love that I wish and adventures for the upcoming year 2009. I encourage healing and growth in all areas of life, and welcome new clients and students as well as those returning for more information. Until I meet you for the first time or see you again, I send you joy.” Namaste from Sharyn.


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Who is Sharyn LeMasurier?

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SOUL IMPRINTS A Soul Imprint is Custom artwork that I create and Transcribe based on the energy vibrations of the client. Since energy is Universal and has no boundaries the client does not have to be present for me to create a Soul Imprint for them. There is a substantial amount of creative and intuitive energy that goes into each and every Soul Imprint. Starting with honing in on the clients energy, to creating the actual imprint, to the scanning, reading the imprint, writing / translating and finally to the minute details which results in the end product. The entire process takes

By Carol Jay Uchytil - Eyes Of Peace -

about 3 to 5 hours to complete.

My goal for each client is to Awaken…Inspire…and Delight… (AID) while providing them with a keepsake they are proud to display. For additional samples and information please visit

“Carol Uchytil’s Soul Imprints are truly distinctive and utterly amazing” - Irene Martina -

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“Carol's interpretation of my Soul Imprint is amazingly accurate. I look at this imprint daily as it has a life and energy of its own. It actually seems to pulse. I love it! I enthusiastically encourage other's to experience the allure of their own Custom S o u l I m p r i n t ! T h a n k -y you Carol for such an exciting work of artistic beauty!”

- Nadine Gordon -

“...I must admit I am truly amazed by the degree of accuracy with regards to my personality and other key points!” - Irene Martina -

See Page 23 in The Violet Ray Market to Order Your Soul Imprint

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