Film Comment, Jan-Feb 1975

Page 19

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BOB ClA,\oIPETT. Top lefl ~eries of four: PORKY IN WACKYLANO 0938). Porky Pig Ir.lcks Ihe l.lSl of the Do-Dos , worth trillion s, s urro u nded by ClampeW s w.lcky h,l lluc in.I!Ory effects. Above : DAFFY DOC (19 40). 15 there.lnything funny .1I)Qut .lJl iron l ung~ The .1rtilic i.11 lung gag, wh ich tllJ y .11 o ne time have seemed u nutter.lbly grotesque, in re trospect was only.m excuse fOf Clampen to ('XI)lo it h is sense of r u bber~' ChM.IC!er Illotio n : the fun of the .1ccident's .litermath (tighU, ,IS Daffy's head , h.lnd ~, ieet bulge in .lnd out like inhJling-ex hJling lungs. Setles of five, top to bottom, ,It right: TIN PA, ALLEY CATS (19 4 2 ). Given the mor,' l .1I tl!nl.ltiv('S of Uncle TomC"II 'S Miss ion or the Kit Kat Club (top), whi<h would rou choose r Our prot.lgonist opts for the latter; and in the middle of J j.}m sess ion , he e~hOfl s his trumpet player to "SEND me out of this world" in emul.ltion of F.lIs w.lller, on whom his char'}cler is based (second p.l nell, He hallucinates the "ou t-of-this-world" lips (fourth) ami In unforgettable " rubbe r band " Ififth l. cited in a CI"m pett interview by .Inim,ltOhl nim.ltion histori.In Milton Groll', in fUflfl)'World :# 12. left : Bob Clampe" ,l nd friend , c. 1945.

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