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Chart 13: 1998 Sawmill Softwood Sawlog Purchases of Mills within EOMF by Source 1998 Softwood Sawlog Purchases 12,000

Volume (m3)

10,000 8,000

Private Land


Crown Land Out of Province

4,000 2,000 0 Wood Source

Chart 14: 1998 Eastern Ontario Sawmill Pulpwood Purchases of Mills within EOMF by Source 1998 Pulpwood Purchases 300,000 Volume (m3)

250,000 200,000 150,000 100,000 50,000 0 Private Land

Crown Land

Out of Province

Wood Source

Based on a review of Table 15 and the charts above, the wood purchases in eastern Ontario can be characterized as follows: • The primary wood using industry in eastern Ontario consumes over 460,000 m3 of sawlogs and pulpwood annually. Pulpwood makes up 80% (369,000 m3 ) of this volume, hardwood sawlogs represent 17% (79,800 m3 ), and conifer sawlogs account for the remaining 3% (12,400 m3 ) of the volume purchased. • The bulk of this wood (73% or 336,800 m3 ) is imported from outside of the region with the vast majority coming from New York State. Private lands provide roughly 25% (114,300 m3 ) of the total wood purchased and Crown land only 2% (9,654 m3 ) • Sources outside of the province provide over 70% (56,500 m3 ) of the hardwood sawlogs purchased by local mills. Discussions with mill owners reveal that the 58

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