10-2013 Village Voice

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Village Voice Newsletter • October 2013



Vol. XXII, No. 10 | October 2013

Editorial The Chair

What could interest the members of the Master Board more than the selection of a chair? What could the general population of this community be more interested in than The Chair? The Chair, being considered at a recent Master Board meeting, was revealed as the model planned to replace the 30-year-ancient plastic and wire ones currently being used in Abravanel Hall. Those have been a source of complaints by residents for years as uncomfortable, unsightly and cheap. So it became incumbent upon the Master Board to replace them with 500 or so new ones. (Never mind the fact there is no place to store them.) Some say The Chair is far from contemporary, depending on one’s aesthetic sensibilities. Others say, forget the appearance as long as it’s comfy. At the meeting, a volunteer stepped up and placed her tush on the four-inch foam seat and declared the seat was unequivocally and undeniably comfortable. (Applause) Upon closer examination, it was discovered that The Chair weighed somewhere around 20 pounds. These upholstered chairs are to be stacked eight together in a special conveyance rack. Fully loaded, that comes to about 160 pounds and that is a pretty hefty weight to haul in and out of storage. If the board purchases enough to fill the 500 seat auditorium, that would require the maintenance crew EDITORIAL cont’d. on Page 3

OHCC’s Ukelele Group, our own version of a flash mob.

OHCC Flash Mob

You’ve seen it a dozen times on television. A small group of people gathered in a mall or plaza commence a dance routine. Suddenly a few on-lookers join in and start to dance. Surprisingly more people add to the growing crowd and mysteriously, everyone knows the steps and you witness dozens and dozens of people performing the routine. Another instance, a man in a plaza plays Beethoven’s Ode to Joy on a cello. Another musician joins in with a French horn, then violinists chime in. Spontaneously you have twenty or so musicians playing with no conductor or leader. Common sense will tell you this has all been staged but it’s fascinating nevertheless. Technically, we don’t have a Flash Mob here in OHCC. But what is currently going on is a group of people with a common interest who join together without any formal organization. Some examples include the Ukelele Group, Nubees, Helping Hands,

Dixieland Band, Foreign Film Group, Book Group and Discussion Groups. Each may have a leader, but offer no membership requirements or fees. They have no charter, no treasurer, no incorporation and no financial obligations. The just gather and do their thing. Could this possibly be the future of clubs in our Village? Now, on the other side of the coin, there is concern with the existing clubs. Some clubs have vanished as members have become disinterested. Others have moved away. Further, many clubs have had difficulty in filling their boards and officers. The plea goes out, but there is little response. The clubs need people who can offer their services as presidents and board members. Without leadership, clubs simply fade away. And without clubs, OHCC loses its distinction of being an active community and merely becomes a residential resort. FLASH MOB cont’d. on Page 3

The Village Voice is a publication of the OHCC Journalism Club


Village Voice Newsletter • October 2013

Village Voice Newsletter • October 2013

EDITORIAL, cont’d. from Page 1

Maintenance staff Ernesto Aveytia and Isaiah Cazares showing the proposed chair

to haul 10,000 pounds of chairs into position. Three hours later, the chairs must be replaced in storage and that means again moving another 10,000 pounds. Moving that much weight around in a matter of a few hours could be a major task for our maintenance crew. The Master Board should consider all aspects of replacement chairs that include permanent storage, maintenance (durability) and portability. The Board has a big decision to make; let’s hope they make a wise one. ******* FLASH MOB, cont’d. from Page 1 Residents are urged not only to join the clubs, but also to participate in leadership roles. On Saturday, January 4, of next year, you will have the opportunity to join a number of clubs when Do Dues Day solicits residents for membership in Abravanel Hall. It is a big day for our community. As one wag commented, “It’s more like one of those political conventions you see on TV, but ours has a lot more hugs and kisses.”



Village Voice Newsletter • October 2013

Editor-in-Chief: Bob Wong, 806-1310

Mary Jane Matthews, President Gilda Barnard, Vice President Charlotte Pichney, Secretary Bob Wong, Editor-in-Chief Russ Butcher, Managing Editor Marileen Johnson, Director

Dora Truban Debbie McCain Tom Brennan

Village Voice Newsletter • October 2013

Seniors Advised To Get Flu Shots

It’s already early fall, the best time to get your flu shot before the flu season gets under way. Manufacturers have begun shipping flu vaccines for the 2013-2014 U.S. season. Between 135 million and 139 Flu season approaches. Get flu million doses of vaccine are shots as soon as possible. being produced. While some vaccine was available in August, ample supplies should be available by October. Everyone 6 months of age and older should get their yearly flu vaccine, ideally by October. At one time, flu shots were administered by doctors. But in this world of changing times, most drug stores, markets and clinics have qualified personnel to give you your shot. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the greatest impact occurred in the 2010-2011 flu season when the vaccine averted an estimated five million flu cases, two million medical visits and 40,000 hospitalizations. (Source: PLOS ONE, June, 2013) ********

Costs of Falls Among Seniors


According to the most recent report from the Center of Disease Control and Prevention, falls among seniors aged 65 and older costs the U.S. health care system $30 billion in direct medical costs. On the average 33% of adults in this category fall each year and 20% to 30% of those who do fall suffer severe injuries that make it hard to get around or live independently. They Seniors advised to be proactive also increase their risk of early in fall prevention. death. Among community-dwelling older adults, fall-related injury is one of the 20 most expensive medical conditions. Fractures were the most common and most costly nonfatal injuries. Just over one-third of nonfatal injuries were fractures. Hip fractures are the most serious and costly of fractures. Hospitalizations accounted for nearly two-third of the costs of nonfatal fall injuries with a cost of $17,000. Advice from Mission Home Health, Hospice and Home Care


Village Voice Newsletter • October 2013

warns that seniors must be proactive in fall prevention. If you fall once, your chances of falling again in the next year are doubled. Be aware of slippery floors, objects that can be tripped over, poor lighting and exposed gutters. Participate in physical activities, especially those that exercise your core muscles, which are essential for balance. Consult your doctor if you are afraid of falling. He can prescribe a physical therapist in an outpatient setting. The important thing to remember: take necessary precautions; avoid falling as that can change your entire life-style in just a few moments. *********

Recycle Your Cans and Bottles

You can recycle your aluminum cans and plastic bottles at the recycling center located alongside the parking lot of the Home Owners Association. As you enter the parking lot, turn right and you will see the blue containers. In addition, a tall cabinet is placed nearby that will house your used fluorescent tubes. The center barrel is used to accumulate aluminum cans (not steel cans) and the right barrel is used for clear plastic bottles (no frosted or colored). Please remove the caps from the bottles before depositing the bottles. Do not put plastic milk bottles into the barrel. To safely dispose of used batteries, use the can at the Clubhouse. The can is located by the side entrance door to Abravanel Hall near the tennis courts and parking lot.

Recycling helps the environment and our Woodchucks. The Woodchucks, who sponsors the recycling program, use the money to help defray the cost of materials used in the making of some 500 toys for children of families living at Camp Pendleton. ********

Village Voice Newsletter • October 2013


Camp Pendleton Donations To Be On Hold Due To Government Shutdown

This is a notice to residents who have generously donated clothing, shoes, toys and household goods to the Thrift Shop at Camp Pendleton. It was revealed last week, the remodeling of the shop has been delayed due to the government shutdown. Anticipated plans for the conversion involved the removal of walls separating several tiny rooms in order to create a large sales floor. In addition, restrooms were to be revamped, new lighting installed and carpets and fixtures replaced. Currently, the time line as to when the work will resume or when the shop may be re-opened is unknown. The Thrift Shop is sorely needed for the benefit of returning veterans and their families. Customers line up around the building during sales days to shop. Camp Pendleton Thrift Shop, the largest Navy/Marine thrift shop in the continental U.S., processes an unbelievable amount of merchandise donated and resold. Much of the merchandise donated comes from comes from our village. When the operation commences, Tom Brennan, Joe Ashby and Bob Wong will continue to transport donations to Camp Pendleton. And of course, new volunteers are always welcomed. ********

Starbucks New Edict

The corporate management of Starbucks has just sent out an edict discouraging patrons from bringing guns or rifles or AK 47s into their coffee houses. If any seniors from OHCC have a need to arm themselves at Starbucks, they are urged to check such weapons at the counter before imbibing a latte or cappuccino. (Note: The Starbucks located at the far end of Albertsons Market has been shuttered. According to the manager, the branch was not profitable as most of their customers consisted of students from the high school who used the facility as a comfortable hang out.) ******** Don’t let aging get you down. It’s too hard to get back up. -- John Wagner

Tom Hogan, Landscape Director, shows his “parts storage” warehouse.

Parts For Our Irrigation System

What happens when a sprinkler head in your front yard is broken? How does O’Connell rapidly repair a broken main on the golf course? Where can you find a joint for a 3/4-inch pipe in the middle of the night? For Tom Hogan, Landscape Director, the answer lies not in a trip to Home Depot, but rather here in the Village for the part. Tom carries thousands, yes thousands, of spare parts in a container housed in the maintenance yard. Each part is located in a specific bin. Each bin has been categorized much like the books in a library. Some parts are large, like six-inch PVC pipe sections, others are tiny nozzles from a wide range of manufacturers. When a maintenance person goes out on a repair job, he takes with him the necessary tools and parts to accomplish the task. This could not have been achieved without such a large inventory of parts. When a pipe or nozzle is broken at your home or on the common area or on the golf course, you can be assured that there will be a spare part available here in the Village. ********


Village Voice Newsletter • October 2013

What’s With Our Grass?

By Russ Butcher For those of us who serve on a village landscape committee, the most common complaint we typically hear from residents concerns the appearance of our front-yard grass (turf). Why is it turning brown? Why don’t you get rid of the weeds like the creeping oxalis (whose 3 heart-shaped leaflets superficially resemble clover)? Why don’t you just rip out the pathetic-looking lawn and start over with new grass? Why don’t you get rid of the lawn and plant some type of “waterwise” ground cover? First, let me provide just a bit of background on the mixture of grasses that we have in our front yards. Among the most common is Kikuyu grass (Pennisetum clandestinum). Native to tropical Africa, it is a warm-season perennial that was introduced into Southern California years ago to promote the control of soil erosion. Because Kikuyu thrives where water and nutrients are limited, it is now found throughout much of California. Kikuyu was not intentionally planted in Ocean Hills CC. But as our irrigation has been gradually reduced in response to mandated conservation and the rising cost of water, this drought-tolerant grass has moved in, taken advantage of our water-conservation strategy and aggressively spread to become the dominant grass in our community. However, Kikuyu does become semi-dormant during the winter, which explains why it then often looks brown, as if it were dying. As warmer weather returns, Kikuyu’s creeping stems (culms) put out new green shoots. Over-seeding in winter as well as

de-thatching every year or two to remove dead leaves and stems help enhance the turf’s overall health and appearance. Kikuyu also resists damage by rabbits. In addition to Kikuyu, we have other varieties and blends of grasses within three basic groups: Fescues (Festuca) -- the most Kikuyu. commonly planted turf in Southern California, Bermuda grasses (Cynodon) that thrive in the warmer months, and Ryegrass (Lolium) that thrives in winter or in shady places but dies back in the warmer months. Over time, our front yards have unavoidably become a conglomer- Bermuda. ation of all these varieties, as wind, birds and weekly mowing have spread grass seeds from lawn to lawn and from village to village. With some of our grasses thriving in the warmer months and others thriving in the cooler months, it’s a mission impossible to have our lawns always looking healthy and Fescue. green throughout the year. Add to this the reality that our lawns are now 20 to 30 years old -- way beyond their ideal five-to-ten-year, fast-growing but short-lived growth cycle. Plus the soils are compacted and relatively sterile. To bring in new soil and install new turf in front of every home would Ryegrass.

Village Voice Newsletter • October 2013



Village Voice Newsletter • October 2013

be prohibitively expensive. Then there is the matter of a technologically outdated irrigation delivery system. To install the most sophisticated Toro water-saving sprinklers throughout OHCC would also be very expensive (but perhaps cost-effective in the long-term). And finally, it’s the water – or the cost and mandated conservation thereof -- that promises to increasingly challenge our community’s best ongoing efforts to maintain the lush green appearance. Which is to say, while it’s far from perfect, overall it’s about as good as it’s going to get. ********

Help Wanted

Jack Collar, distribution coordinator for the Village Voice, has asked for a few residents to act as back-up distributors for our monthly publication. OHCC has been divided up into 24 sectors, so that each sector can be handled easily by just one person. The Voice is usually distributed on the 15th of each month. Some sectors are larger than others and are normally covered by a person with a golf cart. Most, however, are covered by foot power. If you can spare a few moments, once a month to help Jack, it would be greatly appreciated. He is by his phone now awaiting your call: (760) 598-0580. ********

O’Connell to Relocate Nursery

At the end of the grounds where the Woodshop and maintenance workshop are located, O’Connell houses their storage, machinery and nursery. With the task of maintaining the lush grounds of OHCC, O’Connell purchases pallets of mulch, fertilizers and nursery supplies in enormous quantities. Tom Hogan, Landscape Director, reported the nursery of trees, bushes and other greenery will be relocated to the unused area behind the RV lot. Much of the nursery products represent purchases made by various villages. The relocation will provide additional parking space for the Woodchucks and others. ********

Village Voice Newsletter • October 2013

features Village Happenings

By Selma Leighton As all of you who read my column know, I like fun-ny. I thought about how many funny stories the presidents of our eight Ocean Hills Villages could tell me: Like the time the sprinklers went on in the middle of a party and everyone got soaked — or the time 10 houses were painted the wrong color – or the time nine healthy trees were cut down by mistake. All the presidents I spoke to sound happy. Maybe I’ll be president of something some day. Nah!!! Jean Hefler, president of Hydra, has lived here four and a half years and has been president two and a half. She hails from L.A. County and besides her role in Hydra, she is active in the Nubees and loves water volley ball. As she put it, “my home owners seem mellow and innately happy,” which leaves her time for her first love, volley ball, and her second, David. The president of my village, Majorca, Rich Obsitnik, has lived here 13 years and has been president for five. He lived in Pittsburgh, PA., and Indiana and was in the steel business most of his life. While in California on a business trip, he fell in love – not with


a lady, but with the sunshine. He almost bought a house in Temecula, but the realtor brought him to Ocean Hills; they played golf instead of looking at houses. That was it; he was sold. And that’s how we got our president. Wilhem Anderson moved here one year ago after moving 35 times. I can only guess that 35 moves have taught him a lot, because he became president of Portofino after three months. He feels his board is a great team and though sometimes things are intense, they are very dedicated people and lots of fun! He is also president of the wine tasting club. I hope he doesn’t open that bottle of wine at the wrong meeting. Martin Stern, president of Zante, moved here from Long Island, N.Y., (my home state) and has been in office for five years. He couldn’t think of anything funny. He laughed when he said, “Well, we paint houses, fix roofs, take care of landscaping AND have parties.” That part might not be funny, but it sounds like fun. Don Olson, president of Cyrus, sounds so proud of his people, especially his treasurer Betty Connell, who he says he couldn’t manage without. He has been president for nine years and when he speaks about his village, he sounds like a proud father. So, have funny things happened? No. However, I got to meet and talk to some very nice people, whom I never knew before. It wasn’t fun-ny, but it was fun. ********


Village Voice Newsletter • October 2013

By Charlotte Pichney

I Love Pho

3809 Plaza Dr., #115 Oceanside (760) 630-8889 Open Daily 10 a.m.-9 p.m. I must admit this is my .first Phð restaurant experience due to the mistaken belief that they only served varieties of Vietnamese soups. In fact, I Love Pho offers an extensive menu of delicious dishes. And by the way, it is pronounced “fuh” in English. The descriptive menu is diner friendly by having all dishes numbered, along with the names of ingredients in English for those of us unfamiliar with the original Vietnamese names. All the BÚN dishes are vermicelli based, CÓM denotes rice plates, and PHÓ are soups. I chose Bún Ðâc Biêt, number B-11, rice vermicelli with egg rolls, chicken, pork, beef and shrimp. It was served in two bowls – one holding the main entrée while the second one seemed to be a broth with carrot slivers floating on top. Now I wondered, is the liq-

A bridge crosses a stream at entrance. uid in the little bowl a dipping sauce? Noticing my puzzlement, the owner came over. He explained, “In his country the sauce is poured over all the vegetables in the larger bowl and then stirred.” My entrée contained a bed of vermicelli at the bottom and was topped with sliced scallions, bean sprouts, carrots, shredded lettuce, mint leaves, cucumbers, cilantro, plus sliced egg rolls, grilled shrimp, pork and chicken. Once I finished the main items, it was easy to pour the sauce over the vegetables and enjoy their crunchy, fresh flavors.

Village Voice Newsletter • October 2013

BBQ pork, chicken, beef, or shrimp, and egg rolls can be added to all rice vermicelli and rice plates. Specials listed are egg noodle wonton soup; crispy fried egg noodles with shrimp, pork or chicken with vegetables and Pad Thai noodles with shrimp or chicken, vegetables and tamarind sauce ($8.95). The Cóm Tay Câm entrée with Vietnamese style rice cooked in a clay pot with shrimp, chicken, fish ball, imitation crab, mushrooms, baby corn and vegetables sounded very interesting. There are 19 versions of Phð beef noodle soups ranging in price from $5.95 to $7.25. It is said that Vietnamese soups possess healing power over ailments and hang- A variety of food on a plate. overs. Their foods are healthier, based on a heavy reliance of using fresh vegetables, herbs and grilling instead of deep-frying. The appetizer list offers tempting combinations of ingredients such as shredded green papaya salad with shrimp and pork, and shredded green and red cabbage, onion, crushed peanuts, and fresh mint with shrimp and pork. Appetizers range in price from $4.50-$8.50. In addition to soft drinks, there are an assortment of beverages and desserts that include espresso, Boba iced coffee, egg yolk with


‘I Love Pho’ located in the corner of the shopping center. condensed milk and club soda. One dessert is combination of tropical fruit and tapioca in coconut milk. I Love Phð is located two doors down from Rite Aid, tucked into a corner of the shopping center. You enter by crossing a charming bridge as the sound of tinkling water from waterfall of the nearby fountain greets you. The restaurant is clean and bright with prompt and attentive service. All tables are stocked with chopsticks and selection Vietnamese condiments. For a change, when dining out, drop by I Love Phð and try Vietnamese food. ********


Village Voice Newsletter • October 2013

The Movie Scene By Joan Buchholz

Blue Jasmine

This has to be Woody Allen’s most serious film to date. It is heavy drama and leaves you stunned with a perfect casting of characters in a perfect scenario of wealth, failure and sanity. The movie starts out with Jasmine (Cate Blanchett) arriving in San Francisco, broke, but still flying first class, a victim of a financial scandal involving her former husband, Hal, played by Alex Baldwin. Homeless, she is forced to live with her estranged sister who is a grocery cashier and involved with a blue-collar jerk named Chili. Drawing deep into the shades of A Streetcar Named Desire, Woody Allen brings the story into the contemporary world with a Jasmine who lived in a spacious Fifth Avenue apartment in Manhattan and a requisite beach house in the Hamptons, now faces a working-class world. She is shocked by her sister and her lack of sophistication and of high culture. But Jasmine, with reliance on Xanax, martinis with a twist of lemon, her habits of talking to herself and a touch of mental illness is a reminder of Blanche du Bois. Beneath the façade of elegance, Jasmine exposes her fears, panic and vulnerability. This movie is hard to take, unless you are prepared for another Streetcar. But it is pure drama and shows what happens when wealth and lies are stripped away leaving naked the true value of one’s self. I give it 3-1/2 smiles for a very emotional afternoon.

Instructions Not Included

This film comes from Mexico, a rarity in the U.S. film industry. Directed by Eugenio Derbez and starring Eugenio Derbez, this starts out as a goofy comedy. He plays the part of Valentin, a playboy in Acapulco with a different woman in bed every night. Suddenly one of these women, an American, Julie (Jessica Lindsey) drops off at his doorstep Maggie, a girl who she claims is his. She is broke and even asks for cab fare, then disappears. Now you wonder what a single hapless father is to do with a daughter played by an adorable Loreto Peralta. Valentin has the brilliant idea and heads for Los Angeles to look for her mother where he can drop her off. Unfortunately, they can’t find her and they wind up living in L.A. for six years. He finds a job as a stunt man, a job where he is afraid of everything involved. But his devotion to Maggie grows and he spoils her to the hilt. So far, so good, but Valentin attempts to keep her mother alive through a series of letters he writes pretending they are from her. They involve a fantasy world and Maggie finds it difficult to distinguish fantasy from realism. But one day Julie steps back into their lives and the movie takes a more serious turn. Derbez switches the tone of the film from comedy to love to drama, but all the time Valentin is optimistic and his love for Maggie is moving. I loved every part of it and the fact that the film was mostly in Spanish did not interfere with the story. I think this should warrant an Academy Award and I think it deserves four smiles out of four. ********

Village Voice Newsletter • October 2013

Memories of Cabo By Tom Fuller

A trip to Los Cabos in days of yore where the sea and the ocean meet was a fun experience to dazzle the mind in spite of the blistering heat. The waters were calm when we were there, the beaches pristine and quiet; delicious fruits were exquisite to our taste and pelicans would dive for their diet. The flowering trees and multi-colored plants were something so beautiful to behold; rainbows were many and sunsets were bright and would give us a luster of gold. Only we humans can reflect on our past in such vivid color and detail; but wouldn’t it be nice to see Cabo again if only for a very brief spell. ********


The Crusty Curmudgeon Hamburgers

It was a special occasion: my birthday. My wife suggested we dine at a fancy restaurant, with fancy service, with a bottle of champagne. But no, I wanted something very ordinary, reflective of our lifestyle. Well luckily, in our Oceanside neighborhood, fancy restaurants are as scarce as hen’s teeth. So I selected a place nearby, very ordinary and one that would reflect my rather slim wallet. How about Chili’s? At least it was affordable, not like some new restaurants in Escondido and Carlsbad whose prices are stratospheric, while entrées on hub capsized plates could be balanced on a teaspoon. Pat chose the baby back ribs; I, the hamburger. Now what I have been accustomed in our past experiences with hamburgers is a patty of ground beef, a slice of tomato, lettuce perhaps with a garnish of pickle relish. Oh, don’t forget the catsup. But this is the new generation and they don’t serve just plain old hamburgers. We’re living in the 21st century and hamburgers are now “designer” hamburgers. Go to the Counter in the Forum shopping center and you will find a line-up of people clear out the front door. Go to Smashburger (as described in the last issue of the Voice) and guess what? They smash the burger before they serve it. I doubt if I like any of


Village Voice Newsletter • October 2013

my food smashed right before my eyes before I eat. It’s cruel and inhumane. Now, my hamburger arrives leaning slightly like the tower of Pisa. The base is half the bun as a foundation to the following: mayo on the bottom, followed by carmelized onion, then red Bell peppers, then green, followed by roasted jalapenos, a patty of drippy hamburger, melted Monterey Jack cheese, hot freshly fried onion rings and finally topped with an over-load of creamy guacamole. The entire ensemble was crowned by the other half of the bun that makes the sandwich measures some seven inches tall. Despite its formidable size, I thought I could conquer it. I opened my mouth as wide as I could but suddenly I found I couldn’t bite down. I had dislocated my lower jaw. I pointed to my wife who was calmly cutting into her baby back ribs while I frantically pointed to my opened mouth. I couldn’t talk. “Yes, dear,” as she politely ignored my signaling, “I understand you are in awe of your burger. What you can’t eat, we’ll take home.” The waiter, seeing my predicament, rushed over and gave me a karate chop to my head and the mandible unlocked. “It happens all the time,” he explained, “And we execute karate chops whenever our customers attempt such a dumb thing.” “Thanks, mister,” I said, “I’ll never eat here again. You forgot the catsup.” ********

Tips For Safe Senior Driving

Aging does not automatically equal total loss of driving ability. There are many things you can do to continue driving safely, including modifying your car, the way you drive, and understanding and rectifying physical issues that may interfere with driving.

Take charge of your health

Regular check-ups are critical to keep you in the best possible driving shape. Other steps you can take include: • Getting your eyes checked every year. Make sure that corrective lenses are current. Keep the windshield, mirrors, and headlights clean, and turn brightness up on the instrument panel on your dashboard. • Having your hearing checked annually. If hearing aids are prescribed, make sure they are worn while driving. Be careful when opening car windows, though, as drafts can sometimes impair a hearing aid’s effectiveness. • Talking with a doctor about the effects that ailments or medications may have on your driving ability. For example, if you have glaucoma, you may find tinted eyeglass lenses useful in reducing glare. • Sleeping well. Getting enough sleep is essential to driving well. If there are problems, try to improve nighttime sleep conditions and talk with your doctor about the effect of any sleep medications on driving.

Drive defensively

In these days of cell phones, GPS devices, and digital music

Village Voice Newsletter • October 2013


players, drivers are even more distracted than they used to be. This means you’ll want to take extra steps to drive safely, like leaving adequate space for the car in front of you, paying extra attention at intersections, and making sure you are driving appropriate to the flow of traffic. Avoid distractions such as talking on the phone while driving or trying to puzzle out a map, even if it’s a GPS on the car; pull over instead.

Know your limitations

What a relief to see Twinkies If a driving situation makes you uncomfortable, don’t do it. again. Many older drivers voluntarily begin to make changes in their driving practices. For instance, you may decide to drive only durThe new Twinkies box will ing daylight hours if you have trouble seeing well in reduced light. If fast-moving traffic bothers you, consider staying off freeways, look very similar to the old with highways, and find street routes instead. You may also decide to the tag line, “The sweetest comeavoid driving in bad weather (rain, thunderstorms, snow, hail, ice). back in history of ever.” The If you are going to a place that is unfamiliar to you, it is a good idea price has remained the same as Can it be; Two Buck Chuck to plan your route before you leave so that you feel more confident before — $3.99 for a box of 10. at more than two bucks? and avoid getting lost.

Listen to the concerns of others

If relatives, friends, or others begin to talk to you about your driving, it may be time to take a hard, honest look at your driving ability: • A number of self-evaluation tools are available to help. • You might choose to brush up on your driving through a refresher course given here at OHCC. • Talk to your doctor. Your doctor should also be able to provide an opinion about your ability to drive safely. ********

Shopping Around Good News

Despite the barrage of bad headlines, bad politics, bad shootings, there arises one ray of hope, an event anxiously awaited by hundreds of thousands of shoppers: the return of Twinkies. Daren Metropoulos, owner of Metropoulos and Co. bought the rights to Twinkies from the bankrupt Hostess Brands earlier this year. Hostess brands liquidated its 82 year-old business about a year ago and Twinkies have vanished from grocer’s shelves since then.

Bad News

Weep your eyes out, party goers; Two Buck Chuck has upchucked the cost of its Charles Shaw wine. It’s now two and a half Buck Chuck. Yes, it went up 50¢ in California, so those planning a year-end party should factor in the price increase. We have sipped an array of red and white varietals cheaply in the past when the twodollar price held steady for the past decade.


Village Voice Newsletter • October 2013

According to a spokesperson from Trader Joe’s, bad yields at the company’s vineyards in 2011 and 2012 contributed to the price hike. But consider ourselves lucky. In some states with higher distribution cost and taxes, the wine can retail at $3.79. Trader Joe’s sells some five million cases of wine each year. So drink hearty, my lads; Two and a Half Buck Chuck could foreseeably be Three Buck Chuck. ********

The Street Where You Live: Milos Way

By Dora Truban Worldwide iconic Venus de Milos is ancient “Melos’” best known artistic creation dating back to 150 B.C.E. This enduring classical beauty depicting Aphrodite was discovered in 1820 when local farmers were digging up stones for reuse in their houses. Taken to France, Venus de Milo became one of the Louvre’s treasures. On its base it bears the Colorful houses line the beach front. name “Alexandros from Antioch.” Milos is also known as the “Island of Colors” due to their spectacular colorful rock formations. Their seventy beaches and a prises 220 major islands with familiar names: Mýkonos, Santori30-minute air proximity to Athens turned Milos into a popular wed- ni, Andros and Paros. A salute to all our Milos neighbors, and to their connection to ding and honeymoon destination as well as a haven for water sports Venus de Milo. devotees. Milos is part of the Greece’s Cyclades Archipelago that com********

Village Voice Newsletter • October 2013



Village Voice Newsletter • October 2013

Cooking With Beverly By Beverly Nickerson

Comfort Food

In the fall when the weather becomes cooler, we think of Comfort Food like Mac and Cheese. This month I am presenting two old favorites, choose one and all you have to add is a vegetable or salad for your complete meal.

Mother’s Macaroni and Cheese

(No Bechamel Sauce) 3 cups small, not tiny (1/2 inch) Durum Semolina elbow macaroni (about 1 lb.) 3 cups whole milk Salt to taste (You need Mother’s mac and cheese. quite a bit of salt in Mac and Cheese) 1 lb. Tillamook Special Reserve x-sharp cheddar cheese (in Deli at Costco, a 2 lb. black brick), sliced ¼ inch thick OR 1 1b. Kraft extra-sharp “Cracker Barrel” cheddar cheese. The success of this dish is all in the cheese, do not substitute cheese. Freshly ground black pepper

Equipment: Large cooking pot, 2 ½ qt deep casserole, sprayed with “Pam” Temperature: 350° Servings: Eight Cook macaroni in a large pot of simmering, salted water 8 to 10 minutes, until al dente, drain in a colander. Place 1/3 of the macaroni in the casserole and pour 1/3 of the milk over the top, salt to taste. Place 1/3 of the cheese slices over the top. Repeat layers twice with macaroni, milk, salt and cheese. Sprinkle with a little black pepper before you put the final cheese layer on top. Bake on center rack of pre-heated 350 oven 45 to 55 minutes, until the top is golden brown. Remove. set 10 minutes before serving.

Beverly’s Skillet Beef Mac and Cheese

1 ½ tablespoons Canola oil 1 lb. ground beef 1 medium onion, cut in ¼ inch dice 1 (28 oz) can whole or cut tomatoes with juice 8 to 12 oz. Penne Du- Beverly’s skillet mac and cheese. rum Semolina pasta, medium size (1 ½ inch long, angled tubes). Salt, freshly ground black pepper to taste 1/3 to ½ lb. mild cheddar cheese, shredded on large side of a box grater. Equipment: 11 inch straight sided sauté skillet with lid, box grater. Servings: Eight. Sauté beef in oil in a large skillet, breaking up the pieces over medium heat until half cooked. Add onions, combine mixture, salt and pepper and cook uncovered over low heat 10 minutes. If tomatoes are whole, pour juice into the skillet, cut up tomatoes still in the can into large chunks and add these to the skillet, salt and pepper mixture, cover, simmer 10 minutes, stirring twice over low. Add the cooked Penne, stir. Sprinkle the cheese over the top, cover, lower heat and simmer about 2 minutes until cheese is melted. ********

Village Voice Newsletter • October 2013


Travels With Joe By Joe Ashby


I was awake in anticipation even before the 4 o’clock wake-up call. After a breakfast of a cinnamon roll and coffee, we took a boat Building still stands after 3,200 years. across the Nile River to a flat farmland area. It was pitch dark but cool in Thebes, but we could see dozens of hot air balloons flicker to life as gas flames engorged their bulbous bodies. I climbed into the wicker basket with three other passengers and a captain. Periodic blasts of hot gas flames kept the balloon inflated and our heads warm. After preliminary instructions, we were launched and marveled as the ground below quietly became more distant. As we rose higher into the Luxor heavens, Luxor Valley and the Valley of the Kings and Valley of the Queens came quickly into view with the approaching daylight. We counted twenty other balloons, each colorful and different, and each brightly illuminated. As we began our gradual descent, life in Luxor was beginning to awake below. The sound of roosters in an otherwise silent morn-

School children greet me.

ing air was magical. Having returned to the hotel and after a brief rest, Ahmed,our guide, led us to Karnak, one of the largest temples on earth, filling more than 200 acres with colossal pillars and structures devoted to Amen. Even so, only two of the original 117 massive stone carvings of Ramses, the Great, remain, the others removed to museums across the globe. The statistics are staggering: Ramses had 204 children by his sixty wives (104 were sons) who occupied the building.


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resenting the future of Luxor, were in the hands of a mere seventyfour teachers. The small children, with their friendly smiles, waved goodbye as we continued our trip toward another adventure. ********

Balloon ride over Luxor. The main room is the largest ever built by man and is supported by 134 massive columns, artfully carved and decorated in hieroglyphics. Some of the original color remains after 3,200 years exposed to age, the weather and vandals. Only three percent of the roof remains intact. The temple was to represent for the ancient Egyptians their Garden of Eden. Having completed our tour at Karnak, we headed toward our ship, stopping briefly to visit a small elementary school. The school housed twelve hundred students, but as the population increased, the resources for education have not kept up. These children, rep-

John Will with Taffy under the new canopy.

Kippel’s Pet Korner By Ellen Kippel

Dog Park Update

The Recreation Department recently provided two canopies for shade at the Dog Park. Here, owners can gather comfortably while their pets romp in the newly installed artificial turf. The new turf was created through the efforts of Karen Hastings and Dan Golembiewski. Ellen Kippel, president of the Kennel Club has extended her appreciation and those of the club members for their research and hard work. There will be a new set of rules for the dog park. These rules were based on those established by other dog parks. As time progresses, a set of rules for the OHCC dog park can be augmented. 1. Dog owners are asked to be diligent in picking up after their dogs and washing down the areas if the poop cannot be easily picked up. That is what the hoses are for. Picking up after your dog applies to all areas where you walk your dog, not just the dog park. 2. Because of the possibility of food aggression, most dog parks do not allow either human or pet food in the park. This will be one of our new rules at our dog park in Ocean Hills. 3. If two dogs get into a fight and if the dogs cannot be easily separated, consider using one of the hoses to get the dogs separated long enough for them to be leashed (you should never get into the middle of a dog fight). 4. In the event of a dog fight and there is injury involved to either the dog or person, please exchange names and phone numbers to confirm the dog has been properly vaccinated. Ellen says she wants everyone who uses the dog park to come away with a positive experience, have fun socializing and meeting new people. ********

Village Voice Newsletter • October 2013


Watching Wildlife By Russ Butcher

Why Some Birds Vanish

Do you ever wonder why some of our Ocean Hills birds that breed and raise their young here suddenly seem to vanish into thin air? By early autumn, the flashy black and yellowish-orange male hooded orioles, their greenish-yellow mates and their offspring simply disappear. Black-headed grosbeaks that sing their melodious songs in spring and early summer are now gone. Various swallows and most of the perky little warblers also vanish. Yet there are other birds that do not fly away, such as the goldfinches, house finches, song sparrows, house wrens, towhees, thrashers and scrubjays. Instead, they are year-round residents. Why the difference? The short answer is that songbirds such as orioles, grosbeaks, swallows and most warblers and flycatchers dine primarily on a wide variety of insects. Yes, they can supplement their diet of bugs with berries and small fruits. But they thrive on consuming lots of insects. Consequently, they migrate south to tropical forests and other bug-rich habitats where they spend the winter in such countries as Mexico, Guatemala, Costa Rica and Panama – and even as far south as Peru, as does the five-inch-long yellow warbler. Other birds, including sparrows, towhees, thrashers and jays, are primarily seed-eaters and are thus able to remain here where there is a year-round abundance of their preferred food. Woodpeckers remain through the winter because they thrive on a diet that includes acorns and bark beetles. As with most things, though, there are exceptions. Here in this part of Southern California, where we are blessed with mild winters, a few insect-eaters do remain. The little brown wrens continue to forage for beetles and other insects and spiders. Resident flycatchers -- the black phoebes and Cassin’s kingbirds – and our resident western bluebirds stay through winter, shifting their diet from mostly insects to mainly berries and small fruits. And contrasting with birds that either depart or remain are yellowrumped warblers and white-crowned sparrows that migrate down from their breeding habitat at higher elevations or farther north to winter along the coast. What we experience of the autumnal avian migration is but a tiny example of what is now occurring on a far grander and more dramatic scale all across the Northern Hemisphere. Millions upon

Barnacle Geese during Autumn migration. millions upon millions of migratory birds are flooding southward from as far north as Alaska and Canada. Vast numbers of sandpipers and other shorebirds wing their way southward in late summer and early autumn, soon followed by enormous numbers of waterfowl and songbirds – all hastening to depart before winter closes in. So if you’ve been curious why some of our birds vanish around this time of year while others remain, be assured that this migratory vanishing act fundamentally relates to the availability of food. As certain as our planet’s changing seasons, the winged songsters that have departed from Ocean Hills will once again be magically returning next spring to sing their songs and raise their young in our bit of paradise. ********


Village Voice Newsletter • October 2013

Out and About in San Diego County

By Jack Shabel I have been meaning to get over to the Antique Gas and Steam Engine Museum in Vista for some time. When I finally got a chance to visit this 55-acre rolling farmland site, my immediate reaction was “WOW.” The Museum’s collection focuses on the period of 1849 through the 1960s. It extensively covers agriculture, construction, and early industrial trades. But it goes far beyond just gas and steam driven equipment. There are wagons and buggies and there is a blacksmith shop which offers classes in blacksmithing as well as a wheelright machine shop. There is a vintage school and farm house, each with a peek back in time. The farmhouse kitchen contains a gorgeous cast-iron and enamel wood burning stove and other items like a butter churn, ice box, and yellow-ware crockery. The farmhouse also has a vintage parlor with parlor stove and a Victorian pump organ. Another interesting area is the Weavers Building which contains over 50 weaving looms dating from the Civil War to the present. Some of the weavings done here are available for purchase. Another great featured building is the Short Tractor Railroad which contains 4 model railroad layouts. At the present time they are working on a scale model of the Southern Pacific RR crossing of Donner Pass. Of course the name of the Museum says what the theme is and it certainly doesn’t come up short in displaying a vast array of steam engines, gas engines, gas and diesel tractors and harvesters. The fields behind the Museum (the boneyard) are

Above: A vintage tractor. Right: The museum is located nearby in Vista. loaded with equipment awaiting restoration. There are a number of special events at the Museum throughout the year which are listed on their website. Some of the upcoming events are the Fall Tractor Show on October 19, 20, 26 and 27, and a Civil War Reenactment on March 8 and 9. In August they host a bluegrass festival called Summmergrass. There is a designated camping area set aside for some special events. The Antique Gas and Steam Engine Museum is located at 2040 N. Santa Fe Ave., Vista, CA 92083. Their phone number is (760) 941-1791 and their email address is www.agsem.com. The museum is open for self-guided tours seven days a week from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.. They are closed December 25th and January 1st and also on

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rainy/muddy days. The price of admission is $5 for adults, $4 for seniors and $3 for children 6 to 12 . The hours and admission prices for special events may be different for special events. I think a visit to this museum will surprise you with the extensiveness as well as the quality of the exhibits. Check it out, it’s pretty special. ********

The Real Estate Corner By Tom Brennan

For Sale By Owner (FSBO)

Many homeowners are tempted to sell their property, without the use of a real estate agent (a process commonly known as an FSBO). This type of sale is very popular when the market is moving quickly and inventory is at a shortage. However, for most FSBOs, finding qualified buyers is a challenge. According to statistics provided by the National Association of Realtors, FSBOs accounted for 9% of home sales in 2012 and the typical FSBO home sold for $174,900 compared $215,000 for agent assisted home sales. Many of the FSBO sales involved relatives, close friends and work colleagues of the owner. Not surprisingly, the majority of FSBOs eventually ended up listing the property with a real estate agent. There are several reasons that homeowners find difficulty in selling their home without a realtor. Among the most common are the following: 1. Overpricing. FSBOs frequently overprice their homes. Overpricing a property can cause it to languish unsold for months or even years. A real estate professional can readily provide an update of market conditions, an assessment of the likely selling price and advice for improving the home’s overall appeal. 2. Lack of Exposure. FSBOs, for the most part, are not permitted to put their homes in the multiple listing service (MLS) because these industry membership organizations are open only to licensed real estate brokers and agents. Further, FSBOs are also locked out of many home search engines and websites. Consequently, the property is just not going to receive the exposure necessary to rake in the universe of potential buyers to maximize the home value. 3. Reluctant Agents. Most real estate agents will not show the FSBO propertyto their client buyers. In the usual home sale, the buyer’s agent receives a percentage of the listing agent’s commission. However, without a listing agreement between the seller and

a realtor, there is no guaranty that the buyer agents will be compensated for their services. 4. Intimidation. Some potential buyers feel intimated in a FSBO home and usually spend less time on site when an owner is present. Buyers are also less inclined to make an offer if they know they are dealing directly with the owner. 5. Legal Issues. Real estate transactions are replete with potential liability (both contractual and statutory) for the seller (and buy-


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er), particularly in California which has extensive state and local disclosure requirements. An FSBO who fails to provide the necessary forms or legally mandated disclosures could face a protracted and expensive buyer lawsuit. In most situations, a person’s home is their single largest asset and one whose acquisition and disposition should be carefully considered. Accordingly, it woulread make fiscal and abundant sense for a potential seller to seek the advice and counsel of an experienced realtor before embarking on a transaction of this significance. Tom has been involved in all aspects of real estate for more than 40 years, both as a lawyer and as a realtor. ********


By Dan Neilson

How Much Worse Could It Be

The other day my partner held the following hand x AJ9xxx xx AKxx. After two passes the opening bid on his right was one Diamond and he made the correct one Heart overcall. The hand is a little strong for a preemptive two Heart bid! His left hand opponent passed and holding AKx xxxx Ax xxxx, I jumped to three hearts. Our partnership considers this invitational as we avoid preemptive raises. A cue bid of two Diamonds is also acceptable if a Heart raise would be ambiguous. The bidding now stood at:

P P 1D 1H P 3H P ? and partner passed! There is a simple rule in this case; how much worse could the hand be? Partner could be missing the Ace of Clubs and have only five Hearts; so they have an additional two tricks more than they promised. After all, a simple overcall could have been made with as little as eight points and this hand has twelve. With an additional four points and an extra Heart, its hard to see why four Heart couldn’t be made rather easily. Incidentally, five Hearts made. When you review your hand, you should gage how much better it is than the values you promised. Don’t abort the bidding when you possess additional tricks.

Golf Game


By Peter Russell I recently wrote a column about teeing up the ball a little higher to allow you to hit the ball with your driver on the UP SWING, vice flat, or on the down swing. This is best accomplished by teeing up the ball a little forward of your front heel (left foot for right handed golfers). Among other reasons for doing so is to reduce top spin, and depending on weather conditions, you can hit the ball farther. Pay attention to where you feel your body weight during the downswing. Even though you want the driver to be slightly ascending at impact, make sure you transfer your weight to your front foot as you start down. The common mistake is keeping the weight on the back foot and trying to help the ball launch higher. You can shift forward and still hit up on the ball. For some time we’ve been seeing these new striped tees designed to help you set the ball at the same height ever time. But the right height varies depending on the shot you’re trying to hit and the playing conditions. Sean Foley, a teaching golf pro based in Orlando, FL, said “I tee it up higher on calm days and whenever the fair-

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Village Voice Newsletter • October 2013

ways are soft. This helps me produce a higher trajectory and less backspin. The loft of my driver is 10 deg, but only around the sweet spot. A half-inch higher on the face, the loft changes to 12.6 deg, a half-inch lower, and its 7.4 degrees. When you tee the ball higher, you have a better chance of swinging up on it and hitting the top part of the club face, which launches the ball higher and with less distance-robbing spin. Less spin means you have a better chance of getting some roll.” Just be careful not to tee the ball too high or too low. The highest it should ever be is with half of the ball above the top of the driver, the lowest is with the top of the ball only slightly higher than the top of the club. Remember, hitting it flush is what contributes most to controlling trajectory and spin. Last month’s golf column article spoke of the “A, B, C’s” of Golf for “D” with distance in mind. Let the club Accelerate on the down swing; hit the Ball squarely on the sweet spot; and increase your Club head speed. It is very important to also follow through as you continue your stroke. Don’t stop the forward motion of the club until you have fully “unwound” your body as far as you can. As with any sport, it helps to limber up before you play. In the case of golf, one of the exercises should be to swing your driver like a baseball bat (easily) from side to side, increasing the rotation of your body to support your increased wind up and follow through of the club. You will find that this will prepare you for your first drive off the tee. Good golfing! ********

Health, Exercise and You By Andy Truban

Power Your Nutrition: Kale

Kale, broccoli’s leafier cousin, no longer needs to be relegated as a side dish at dinnertime. This versatile vegetable can also be worked into your breakfast, lunch, a nutritious boost, even a tasty desert. On the Food Network’s “Iron Chef of America” one of the winning dishes last year was Chef Madison’s Kale Lemon Gelato with Streusel. “We buy more kale than any other related greens combined,” states James Parker, a buyer for Whole Foods Market. As further evidence of its popularity, web searches for kale recipes have nearly quadrupled in the last two years, according to Google Trends. Benefits: At just 36 calories, a one cup serving of kale is packed with vitamins A, C, and E along with calcium and fiber. Kale will also provide you with many health benefits such as: A reduced risk of certain eye diseases due to its contents of lutein, zeaxanthin, and other carotenoids. It is loaded with vitamin K, which helps blood to clot and builds stronger bones “People taking blood thinner warfarin (COUMADIN) should

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talk with their doctors before eating foods rich in vitamin K because it can undermine the blood thinner’s effect,” says Sarah Booth, PhD, director of Vitamin K Laboratory at Tufts University in Boston. Purchasing kale: Two most popular are: the bright green “curly,” which tastes a little tart, and the darker flat leaves “dinosaur” with a nutty taste. “Dinosaur” can also be found labeled as “Black,” “Lacinato,” or “Tuscan.” According to Don Johnson Blatner, R.D., author of The Flexitarian Diet, “all types of kale can be eaten raw. In the beginning people prefer to eat the tenderer dinosaur variety.” Buy organic if it is available. When shopping for kale, avoid yellowed or bruised leaves, limp stems, or any other signs of decay. Try packaged baby kale which tends to be tenderer and less pungent than mature Kale. Frozen kale is best used in casseroles mixed with other dishes where ingredients are combined since some of its texture is lost by the freezing process. Preparing Kale: Store kale in an airtight container or a sealed plastic bag until you are ready to use it. The stems tend to be tough, so strip the leaves from the stems especially if you are eating raw kale. Wash and blot dry all the leaves. Blatner states: “if you are put-off by kale’s tougher texture in raw salads, try cutting it into thin slices. Break down cell walls and


make it more tender by massaging it in an acid-based dressing that includes lemon, lime or vinegar.” Cooking it: Cooking will release the bitterness. Take care not to overcook kale. Mother Nature has provided us with a plethora of rainbow colored vegetables and fruit to insure better nutrition. Listen to Mother Nature. (Ref: Consumer Reports July 2013 article “What to eat now: Kale How to make this good-for-you vegetable tastier” ) ********

More on Scams By Ira M. Landis

I find the results of a recent new study by the Finra Investor Education Foundation quite startling: More affluent and well-educated Americans are sometimes the easiest “marks” for scam artists. More than 2,000 investors age 40 and older were surveyed; more than 80% of them had been approached with potentially fraudulent offers, and 40% of all respondents were unable to spot


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“classic red flags of fraud” — implicit warnings they were in danger of being fleeced. Investment pitches are all around us, and many of them are scams. The ability of most Americans to spot these persuasive techniques is dismal. The Finra Foundation, which is affiliated with the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, sampled a variety of fraudulent sales pitches taken from Web sites and the Internet: lottery bonanzas, penny stock enticements, not-so-free lunch and dinner seminars, Ponzi schemes and other dubious deals. People were asked whether they found the offers appealing. Many did, even though the offers presented were chosen because they contained

telltale signs of fraud. Here is one sample pitch that was used in the Finra survey: Friends told me about this investment program I’m really impressed with. It pays from 2% to 3.4% daily. The minimum term of investment is 180 days, after which you can either withdraw your original investment or continue further participation in the project. You can also invest on a compound basis and get huge returns. It guarantees the safety of the invested amount and even pays a 5% referral commission. Survey respondents found the guarantee appealing with more than 50% thinking it was excellent protection against any risk of loss. In fact, it should have raised eyebrows. They also liked the 5% commission although this is another sign of a scam. What can we conclude from the above discussion? The Finra study was conducted nearly four years after the Madoff scandal was exposed yet relatively few people see anything wrong with the scammers’ pitch described above, which only goes to prove the old saying, “There’s a sucker born every minute.” Fortunately, no one from OHCC would be greedy enough to fall for the bait. The above discussion is based on an article in the September 29, 2013, The New York Times by Jeff Sommer. ********

Village Voice Newsletter • October 2013

Overseas Chinese Restaurant

2820 Roosevelt St. Carlsbad, CA, 92008 (760) 729-0348 Yes, it’s off the beaten path, just a couple of blocks north of Carlsbad Village Drive. But this gem is worth the search. Overseas has been a family fixture established about 20 years ago in the same location. Turn the clock back 20 years and you get the idea nothing has changed very much, the same well-worn booths, the same décor and the same good food probably prepared by the same cooks. Upon entering, you pass the kitchen revealing several Chinese cooks busy over flaming woks. Despite being mid-week, we observed a good number of tables occupied. “They’re tourists,” said our waiter, Tony. “They fill the restaurant during the summer weekends. That’s when it’s really busy.” Our first course is the sizzling rice soup. Tony slides a platter of hot fried rice into a bowl of tasty broth filled with slices of pork, mushrooms, bamboo shoots and napa cabbage and presto, it sizzles. This is followed up with mu shu pork. Tony spoons out a filling of diced pork, mushrooms and veggies in a delicious brown sauce onto individual flour pancakes. With a pair of chopsticks, he manipulates them into burrito bundles. Don’t try eating these with chopsticks; your fingers will suffice. Chinese dinners are best using communal plates family style. For the entrees, we ordered braised “yard long beans.” While these beans are rarely found at super markets, they are readily available in Asian markets. Stir fried quickly in a dark soy sauce, the beans emerge hot, tender and crispy. The crunchiness is an indication that there was an experienced chef who knew exactly when to remove them from the wok. Excellent!


From top: Pan fried noodles. Honey Chicken, a favorite dish with customers. Mu Shu Pork, similar to a burrito.

Honey chicken is also a must. Pieces of chicken, glazed with a sweet honey sauce in a bed of rice noodles, make this one of the most popular dishes at Overseas. The noodles are for looks only; they add nothing to the taste. This was followed by walnut shrimp, large braised shrimp in, get this, mayonnaise dressing. Don’t be alarmed, this treatment is ubiquitous among Chinese restaurants and most Americans seem to have taken this to heart. You will find it most everywhere. For something very tasty and unusual, try the deep fried egg plant. I have never seen this anywhere else except here. The egg plant is julienned into pieces resembling French fries, then dusted with flour and deep fried. It’s sensational. The last course is the pan-fried noodle dish. (Noodles symbolize long life.) A cake of fried noodles is smothered with a delicious combination of bok choy, beef and shrimp. It’s luscious. Ask for pan-fried noodles (and not chow mein) if you want something authentic. Most dishes are priced around $12, while house specialties are about $4 more. Lunch hours 11:30 to 3; Dinner from 5 to 9 p.m. Open daily. Parking is at a premium. ********


Village Voice Newsletter • October 2013

Veterans Profile By Joe Ashby

Bill Gnass

A 1963 graduate of the University of Georgia, and a long way from his agricultural roots, Bill entered Naval Officer Candidate School (OCS) at Newport, RI. He majored in food manufacturing but the Navy had other needs in 1963 as things were heating up in Vietnam. He liked seaman- Bill Gnass, an attorney ship and became adept at parallel rulers with sea legs. and naval navigation. Graduating from OCS, Ensign Gnass was to report to USS George Clymer (APA27), just before Christmas in San Diego. Bill attended a 16-week steam engineering school then was assigned to the engineering section, having responsibility for boilers, steam propulsion and ship’s machinists. Soon, they transported 1,400 battle-ready Marines to Sasebo, Japan; they returned to Westpac to Task Force 76 via Okinawa. While in Buckner Bay, Okinawa, a typhoon struck, and even though they sailed with only two-thirds of their complement aboard, they went through the eye of the typhoon. Bill earned his sea legs, while most of the crew were sick. The wind and waves battered the Clymer, which collided with an escort carrier causing a gaping hole in the bow of the ship. The Clymer limped back to Sasebo for repair.

The ship was in Sasebo when they got word of the Gulf of Tonkin incident: the USS Maddox was attacked and captured by North Vietnamese torpedo boats. The George Clymer returned to Okinawa to pick up 1200 combat-ready Marines for duty in the South China Seas. The Clymer was one of the first ships to arrive in Da Nang Harbor and he thought it was partly a test to see what the Vietnamese would do. The ship patrolled the shore line hour after hour in a boring routine. They made two landings without incident. Bill often considered becoming a regular officer when one day he received orders to report to a guided missile destroyer. He was now in his third deployment, and agreed to two additional years, Following the Pueblo Affair in early 1968, the Navy assigned Bill to assist the wife of the Pueblo’s executive officer until her husband was released. He was required to communicate any letters and photographs to her as they were released. He said that she was self reliant, and the Pueblo wives formed a support group and bolstered each other in many ways. The war was still going on but Bill wanted shore duty. He went to Officer of the Deck school in San Diego where he was also able to attend UCSD where Bill earned his law degree. In his civilian capacity, he taught for four years until 1972. He was a district attorney in Merced, CA. for three years and then went to civil side, as a deputy county counsel. He became a city attorney in Florida, then returned to Merced as a general council for eight years. Afterwards he formed his own law firm. Married in 1968, Bill and Betty Gnass have three children and seven grandchildren. Bill is a golfer, life member of VFW, loves to read, mostly fiction, play pickle ball, and credits his military service with shaping his adult life. ********

Book Review By Tom Lynch

The Athena Doctrine: how women (and the men who think like them) will rule the future, 2013, by John Gerzema and Michael D’Antonio. As the book subtitle asserts, their survey of 64,000 people from 13 countries that represent 65% of the world GDP, has led them to conclude a good majority of people, worldwide, are currently dissatisfied with the way men think and would rather be led by the thinking style of women. They first assembled 125 behavioral traits such as dominant, aggressive, proud, authentic, cutting,

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charming, committed, creative, helpful, and then had half, 32,000, rate each trait as either masculine, neuter or feminine. Then they had the other 32,000, without regard to gender, rate the importance of each trait to certain virtues: leadership, success, morality, and happiness. Their data showed 72 of the traits were deemed feminine, 13 neutral and 40 masculine. The data also showed the feminine traits, by and large, predominate in the minds of respondents, both men and women, when it comes to leadership, success, morality, happiness. The authors conclude that a majority of people, worldwide, “… recognize, at least subconsciously,… that men and women needed to meet the challenge of life with predominantly feminine sets of skills, traits and attitudes.” (p. 23). The authors then globe trotted to document that people around the world are thinking today. The bulk of the book describes what they found. Self-report data can be like a house of cards in reliability. How questions are asked is always influential, and readers are not show these details. The variability in thinking among men is great, as it is among women, and as women gain power, and men lose power, how will attitudes change as to how men and women express themselves and what attitudes will change? Nonetheless, this is a fascinating book, if only to ponder the 125 traits rated. They seem to have much face validity and are worth pondering in regard to what sort of human one wants to be. It is good to know that being sensitive, nurturing, charming, trustworthy, reliable, dependable, obliging, healthy, committed, helpful, flexible – all rated as feminine, are deemed attractive traits for leadership, success, morality and happiness. The data do seem convincing that both men and women perceive that if you want to be successful, to be a leader, to be seen as moral and a happy person to be around, the odds are considerably better to choose a woman as your role model rather than a man. If we become fully aware of this, will men adapt? And if men do, will the ratings change for men to be perceived in a more favorable light? Men and women do have biological differences, but these 125 traits seem available to either sex. They probably depend on how we are nurtured rather than being XY instead of XX. We live in interesting times. ******** As you get older, three things happen. The first is your memory goes, and I can’t remember the other two... -- Sir Norman Wisdom

I Love A Mystery


By Ira M. Landis Fans of Daniel Silva, author of The English Girl, will remember his skill in interweaving the worlds of art, international intrigue, and Israel’s Mossad. He doesn’t disappoint readers in this latest mystery featuring Gabriel Allon, master assassin, art restorer and spy, his protagonist. I have read all sixteen novels in this series and can testify Silva is only improving in “hooking” readers with his “twist and turns” plotting. Madeline Hart is a shining star in Britain’s ruling party. Driven by


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an impoverished childhood to succeed, she is beautiful, intelligent but also carries a dark secret: She is the lover of Prime Minister Jonathan Lancaster. Somehow kidnappers have learned of their affair, and they intend to make the British leader pay dearly for his sins. Fearful of a scandal that will destroy his career, Lancaster decides to handle the matter privately rather than involve the British police. This approach is quite risky, not only for the prime minister but also for the operative who will conduct the search. Need I say more ? Can you guess who that might be? A ransom note from the kidnappers states: “You have seven days or the girl dies.” With the clock ticking, Gabriel leads a desperate attempt to bring Madeline home safely. His mission takes him to Corsica, the criminal underworld of Marseilles, to an isolated valley in the mountains of Provence, to the corridors of power in London, and finally to a suspenseful climax in Moscow, where many wish Gabriel’s death. This book is a timely reminder that in today’s world, money often matters more than ideology. **** Brad Thor has quite a following in OHCC. I am consistently asked about his “next book.” His latest, Hidden Order, deals with the Federal Reserve, which many perceive as America’s most secret organization. Confused by many as being part of the American government, it actually operates with power beyond measure. In this thriller, when the five candidates being con-

sidered to head the agency suddenly go missing, covert counter-terrorism operative Scot Horvath is called to Washington and set loose to find the missing individuals. However, as the candidates begin turning up murdered, the chase becomes an all too public spectacle. Every indicator suggests that the plot has its roots in the 1700s. Horvath has his work cut-out to untangle a web of conspiracies centuries in the making. Along the way readers are provided with some little-known historical insights. This book is good reading for the beach, our pool, or just curling up with an interesting read. ********

Computer Tips

(Excerpts from the The Club Connection, a publication of the OHCC Computer Club, with permission of Jim Kaminsky, President.) I just got back from a couple weeks’ vacation in the northwest, so I thought it would be good to write about one of the best apps I’ve found for vacationers. It’s called TripIt. TripIt organizes the major aspects of your trip. No mor4e frantic searching for confirmation emails in your inbox or hunting down that pesky manila folder with your itinerary. TripIt automatically takes your trip details and creates one trip itinerary and that’s there when and where you need it – on your iPhone or iPad synchronized with your calendar, and online at tripit.com. Whenever you receive a confirmation email from anywhere you book, simply forward it to plans@tripit.com. TripIt instantly recognizes reservations from 3,000+ booking sites including cruises, restaurants, concerts and more. You can easily share trip plans with family or colleagues directly, or let Facebook and LinkedIn contacts know when and where you’re headed. The included screenshot helps you better understand how TripIt informs you of the milestone of your trip. Click on any of the listed events and additional information is available such as confirmation number or the address of activity. “TripIt,” as we said in Alaska, “is pretty cool.” (TripIt is available for iPad and iPhone, at the iTunes store. ********

Village Voice Newsletter • October 2013


The cantilever allows for theatrical lighting.

Behind The Moonlight Curtain

Theater goers from OHCC look forward each year to the performances at the outdoor Moonlight Theater in Vista. They thrill to the magnificent revamp of the recent renovation in 2009 when new seats and theater lighting and sound system were installed. Just how can a little city like Vista afford to put on presentations equivalent to any New York show? The financial picture is monumental. The operating budget is $2.2 million. There are four summer musical presentations and several Avo winter productions that require a part-time staff of 300 people a year. (A presentation represents a performance where costumes and sets are rented. A production involves costumes and sets that are created and constructed locally.) In the summer production of Young Frankenstein, all the


sets and costumes were rented from the New York performance at a cost of $20,000. The casting of any performance is a major project. This past year, over 650 actors were auditioned. While many come from Los Angeles and Orange County, most come from San Diego. Those Equity Actors must be housed in hotels, while others are housed by local residents to reduce costs. Those involved in a presentation have a two-week window for rehearsals. During any performance, hundreds are engaged in ushering, ticketing, sound and lighting experts, directors, stage managers and stage hands, choreographers, costumers, actors and countless others. This necessitates a large payroll and we in OHCC are fortunate to have Moonlight almost in our backyard. Small-town musical theaters have all but vanished because New York productions have become so expensive and to recreate them, even on a small scale, is impossible. (Starlight Theater in Balboa Park has been silent for the past three years.) In analyzing the entire entertainment spectrum, Moonlight theater manager Dan Kays says that musical theater represents a small margin, operas occupy a smaller margin and symphonies, even a smaller margin. In this era, Rock and Roll performances and concerts with big name performers occupy the majority of live-show audiences. So he realizes that Moonlight cannot have a full-house for every performance. The core of faithful theater goers in OHCC are fortunate to see New York original productions here with ticket prices that cap at $50, a price that is a far cry from those in New York ($200) or even San Diego. ****** **


Village Voice Newsletter • October 2013


On Friday, Nov. 8, the Ocean Hills North County Chapter of City of Hope is offering a bus trip to Julian. The deluxe coach will leave the overflow lot at 10 a.m. and proceed to Julian where the group will enjoy a selection of one of three luncheon entrees and apple pie at the Rongbranch Restaurant. The group will have time to explore the town or shop before boarding the bus for a return trip. The cost for the day is just $55 for members and $65 for non-members. Contact Regina Aulisio or Rona Cole for further details. Reservations with menu choice will be accepted until Friday, Nov. 1. Besides raising money to support City of Hope, the chapter hosts numerous events and trips. Besides the upcoming trip to Julian, other activities such as the return of Kovin’s Kasino Night, and lunch at Grand Tradition Estate and Gardens in Fallbrook.

In childhood, we yearn to be grown-ups. In old age, we yearn to be kids. It just seems that all would be wonderful if we didn’t have to celebrate our birthdays in chronological order. -- Robert Brault

You are invited to join in the good times while we raise funds for City of Hope. Membership is only $25 per year. Call Joyce Lazarus at 760 806-1063 for further information. ********

Constantino De Franco • Edward Canfield Winifred Cass • Eileen Moulton Ann Vomel • Alexander Frey Rosalie Cagan • Roger Rose

Village Voice Newsletter • October 2013



Village Voice Newsletter • October 2013

Village Voice Newsletter • October 2013


other sorties. His duties include being a Commanding Officer, instructor and stationed at the Headquarters of the Strategic Air Command. Don’t miss this exciting meeting! The Village Vet meeting will be held on Thursday, Oct. 24, 2013 at 3 p.m. in the Mykonos Room. ********

Ocean Hills Holiday Gift Fund

Village Vets Meeting

The B-52 Bomber has been the preeminent American heavy bomber now in its fifth decade of operational service. The eight-engine, 390,000-pound jet was the country’s first long-range, sweptwing heavy bomber. It began as an intercontinental, high-altitude nuclear bomber, but these planes have been modified to include ballistic missiles that can be launched hundreds of miles from their targets. The B-52s saw active duty in the Vietnam War and were used in the Persian Gulf War in 1991 and over Afghanistan in 2001. Our own resident, LtCol. Greg Coffey, USAF (Ret.) will address his experiences as a B-52 bomber pilot over Vietnam and as well

As the holiday season rapidly approaches, it is time again to remember those persons who work in the clubhouse, in the homeowner’s office and in the property protection department making our life here more pleasant. The Ocean Hills Holiday Gift Fund (OHHGF) was established over 25 years ago to recognize the many services these persons perform for the residents of Ocean Hills Country Club. Contributions by residents are voluntary, of course. From about November 1 until December 20, a box will be on the desk in the Clubhouse lobby for your checks (please, no cash) made out to OHHGF. Please help to brighten their holidays with your vote of appreciation. If you have further questions contact Dorothy Miller (dottapper@cox.net) ********


Village Voice Newsletter • October 2013

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