5 minute read

Life s a Soap OperaLife s a Soap Opera 13

By Monica Chard

...So says Shepperton’s Carole Boyd, whose alter ego, Lynda Snell, has provided us with such an entertaining character on air for the past 35 years of The Archers. Lynda Snell is one of the village stalwarts. She will always rise to the occasion when a cause needs a champion. With her superior attitude and blind determination, she is the character who always manages to cajole villagers into taking part in one of her projects; the Christmas pantomime, the village fair, or the campaign most recently against the change in name of the much loved village pub. But she also has a soft and sensitive side and will do anything for anyone. Like her or loathe her, Lynda Snell gets things done, makes her presence felt and the village would be incomplete without her. Villages thrive on community spirit, getting things done, creating events and groups to bring us all together, to fight against plans or threats which will spoil the integrity of our locale. Ambridge has a lot of Shepperton about it, indeed Carole has been known to refer to Shepperton as Ambridge on Thames! We spoke to Carole recently about art imitating life, or the other way around. She told Shepperton Matters that she developed the character of Lynda Snell over many years, based on observations of people she has met along the way throughout her life, often investing Lynda with attributes she really doesn't like: “she is a snob, a social climber. She is bossy and self important. She is devoid of a sense of humour and is totally delusional” says Carole. But the character has proved to be a much necessary cog in the wheel of Ambridge, the fictional village where The Archers is set. Villages nominated her for an MBE, which she was duly awarded in the 2021 New Year’s Honours list. So when news of the MBE got out, imagine Carole’s surprise at being congratulated herself on the honour. “What’s this about an MBE. Carole? What did you do to get that?” Carole explained patiently that no, the MBE was for her fictitious character, her alter ego. But living with such a character for so many years, of course must be akin to having a split personality. Carole is most definitely not Lynda. She is nothing like her. But to hear her transform in an instant from Carole to Lynda is quite something. The slightly nasal whine of Lynda Snell is easily recognisable and when Carole was talking to a friend on the phone on Waterloo station one evening and slipped on her Lynda voice, the effect on fellow commuters was instant and she instantly mobbed by fellow passengers! The Archers is the world’s longest running soap opera and this year celebrates 75 years on air. Soap operas allow us some comfortable escapism from the daily treadmill, which explains their popularity. We observe the lives of others, albeit an exaggeration of what is normal (think EastEnders!). Then we go back to our own lives. But start to look around at Shepperton and the characters who live here, the driving forces of our own village. They are alive and well! That is what community is all about. Thank goodness for the Lynda Snells of this world. I wonder what she would make of the Eco Park! She would probably have arranged a sit in on the roof by now.


Ambridge on Thames! (AKA Shepperton)

Signature Senior Lifestyle stays ahead of the curve with vaccinations and safety procedures

Signature Senior Lifestyle is leading the way with the roll out of the Covid-19 vaccine, providing reassurance and reflecting an unwavering commitment to creating the safest environment possible.

At Signature’s Parklands Manor, all residents and staff have now been vaccinated. By the end of January, all residents and staff at the group’s 13 care homes across London and the Home Counties have been vaccinated, well ahead of the Government’s national March target.

This comes in addition to Signature’s ongoing robust testing programme, with Signature utilising rapid 15minute antigen tests to provide almost immediate peace of mind at its communities.

Spirits are high at all of Signature’s homes, with the vaccine roll out providing light at the end of the tunnel during this challenging time, while it’s adapted social and activities programmes are also keeping residents happy and engaged.

John Marshall is a resident at Parklands Manor, Chertsey who has been vaccinated, he comments: “I’m very pleased to have been vaccinated so quickly. The process has been extremely smooth and professional with clear communication. It helps provide peace of mind and I’m now looking forward to the future with optimism. Of course, there are always some risks that we can’t control but now I feel as safe as can be.

“Generally, the leadership, home and staff have been exceptional, responsive and supportive throughout all of this. I’ve also been truly amazed at the ingenuity of the events team who are always coming with up fun new ideas week in week out. There is no pressure to participate at all, it’s all very relaxed.” Signature has adequate PPE stocks, while its health and safety protocols and ongoing testing regime are proving robust, weekly and daily testing as required. Each home is acting in accordance with Public Health England guidelines, while additionally all homes are fully equipped with technology including Microsoft Teams, Zoom and Facebook Portals to help keep people connected.

To find out more about Signature at Parklands Manor in Chertsey, please call Sonia or Judy on 01932 282943 or visit www.signaturecare-homes.co.uk

Shepperton Village Fair is a huge event that brings together thousands of people in close proximity to celebrate community life. In 2020, its continuous run of 47 events was interrupted by the Covid-19 pandemic, an intrusion that has since caused widespread disruption, distress and for some, irreparable loss. While we all continue to wait for the combination of remarkable science and amazing community response to recover a position of stability, the pandemic and its effects rumble on.

Shepperton Village Fair must do its bit too. The Committee has concluded that in the interests of public safety the Fair cannot go ahead in 2021, a decision that has been endorsed by Spelthorne Borough Council. The fact is, we cannot risk an event whose very format depends on large numbers of people doing the exact opposite of what we have all been doing for over a year.

Our hugely supportive Council has made it clear that they will work very closely with us to help bring about the best possible re-launch of the Fair on Sat 11 Jun 2022. We very much hope to see you then.

Shepperton Village Fair Committee, February 2021