2 minute read

Laptops Needed for Home Learning Laptops Needed for Home Learning 7

By Monica Chard and Rebecca Dix

We are all guilty of having clutter in our cupboards. How many of us have an old laptop sitting around gathering dust? Well, now is the chance to put them to good use. Home schooling and remote learning has uncovered the needs of many families who do not have access to basic equipment. Assistant Head at Thamesmead, Miss Campbell explained “Remote learning through lockdown has brought many challenges for Thamesmead. One of them being to ensure that all of our learners have access to laptops that will allow them to access MS Teams to engage with lessons that are being taught live on a daily basis. So far we have issued 93 laptops out to students who do not have access to a device at home. 42 of these laptops came via the government scheme, 43 have come from school funds, and 8 have come from donations. We currently have 14 students who are either working on their phones or are sharing one laptop between two or more siblings”. Hearing about the problem experienced by so many schools, Spelthorne resident and former teacher, Rebecca Dix decided to launch ’The Digital Class’, an initiative to match donated devices from the community with children living in the borough. Donated laptops and tablets will be collected and made safe to use, ready to distribute to local schools and allocated families in need. As school staff continue to go above and beyond to provide learning and support during the pandemic, children’s access to technology at home remains a barrier to these incredible efforts. With an overwhelming 1.14 - 1.78 million UK school children with no access to a laptop or tablet at home (Ofcom, 2020), Rebecca felt moved to develop an idea to help support home learning in her community. With a background in education, she was aware of the many challenges today’s parents face and the positive, sometimes life-changing impact a consistent education can have for children. “I started contacting local schools and it became clear how some children without a laptop are still unable to participate in any online learning. My aim for this initiative is to ensure all children can reconnect virtually to lessons with teachers and peers. Enabling fair access to digital technologies will support the provision of a quality education and create opportunities for all children to fulfil their potential.” So, can you help our local schools and students access remote learning? Schools are looking for donated devices (laptops/tablets with chargers). Collection will be arranged and carried out following guidance and safety measures. Devices will then be matched to a local school who will allocate it to a family or pupil in need. It is advisable that you clear all personal data from the device prior to collection, but all devices will be wiped clean either by the school, if their IT department has the capacity, or by a specialist and verified company.


If you can help by donating a device please contact rebeccalouisedix@gmail.com. Do please also spread the word via social media @thedgtlclass. Thank you!