Unity Art Nov, 2021

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Viktor Savior RL and VR Russian artist. In virtual reality since jan 2018.

UNITY ART project by Viktor Savior founded Nov 4, 2021 ****************** is created to support and promote Art in SL unites Artists, Bloggers and Creators inworld who feels a passion to express yourself in creative way, reveal into Art, connecting artist's and own vision, express feelings with words and picture. ***************** Participants: Artists/Photographers /Bloggers /Designers

Our Aims Promote Art, creating an unique new Story, based on existed picture/photo Dive into Art, feeling and reveal a story behind a picture, beeing a part of it Express Art via own vision, collaborating with other Artists

ARTISTS Viktor Savior Đrαgση (dragonangelvs) Vita Theas Jaelle Faerye Orpheus Paxlapis ʟօօӄɛʀ ʟʊʍɛȶ (looker.lumet) Kitten (joaannna) Dante Helios (dantelios) AmandaT Tamatzui Sheba (sheba.blitz) CΛRELYNΛ (carelyna) Moora McMillan AlexeyArtist DESIGNERS *ARKONA* *Find the Fish* Belle Mode Just Imagine Goood Balance FLO Star Journey Slavia BLOGGERS Viktor Savior Orpheus Paxlapis Girasol (GirasolMx) Vickie A. Maidstone (vickie.maidstone) tilly Opaline ㄥⓄяεƵ (lorez.aichi) Edwiigee Jascha Bailey A'mira Sylver Lumeria (sylver.vendetta)

DRAGON SANCTUARY ARTGALLERY The only one Russian gallery for artists in SL. It is located on the skybox on the Russian sim Dragon Sanctuary and you can get there through the Teleport at the Main entrance at the Castle (teleport -> Exhibition). The gallery is a two-floors modern building with a beautifully planned and decorated space. Each floor can easily accommodate up to 30 works and additional information. Large windows and plenty of light give a lot of air, and wide double aisles allow you to feel free even with a large number of people. Sim easily holds 80 people or more. Outside, in front of the gallery, there is a plaza with tables and a large fountain, which has been used several times as a stage for a model and dance show. There is a small park and a wide road around the building. This is a perfect place for different events and expos. Sim owner, Jia Dragon Allen, supports artisitic creativity and talented people, providing a nice place and prims. Artgallery was built his daughter Darina Allen.

November theme: Light in the Dark

Model: Orpheus Paxlapis Art: Gate of the Sun Artist: Đrαgση (dragonangelvs) Brand: Slavia – Avery mask *Find the Fish* - Fairytale tattoo *Arkona* - Colorful shalwar

«In everybody’s life there’s a point of no return. And in a very few cases, a point where you can’t go forward anymore. And when we reach that point, all we can do is quietly accept the fact. That’s how we survive».

Model: Orpheus Paxlapis Art: Sunset in Tuscany Artist: Đrαgση (dragonangelvs) Brand: Slavia – Avery mask

«The sun sliced through the windshield, sealing me in light. I closed my eyes and felt the warmth on my eyelids. Sunlight traveled a long distance to reach this planet; an infinitesimal portion of that sunlight was enough to warm my eyelids. I was moved. That something as insignificant as an eyelid had its place in the workings on the universe, that the cosmic order did not overlook this momentary fact».

Model: Orpheus Paxlapis Art: Nightsky Artist: Viktor Savior Brand: *Find the Fish* Colorful Galaxy Deep blue tattoo

«I dream. Sometimes I think that's the only right thing to do. The answer is dreams. Dreaming on and on. Entering the world of dreams and never coming out. Living in dreams for the rest of time».

Model: Orpheus Paxlapis Art: Fish Artist: Jaelle Faerye Brand: none

«Inside that darkness, i saw rain falling on the sea. Rain softly falling on a vast sea, with no one there to see it. The rain strikes the surface of the sea, yet even the fish don't know it is raining? Everything keeps being peaceful in the depths».

Model: Orpheus Paxlapis Art: Astral Wings Mandala Artist: Sheba Blitz Brand: Goood Balance – Clock with glass

“Unfortunately, the clock is ticking, the hours are going by. The past increases, the future recedes. Possibilities decreasing, regrets mounting”.

Model: Orpheus Paxlapis Art: Carousel Artist: Kitten Brand: none

“Snow floated down every once in a while, but it was frail snow, like a memory fading into the distance”.

Model: Edwiige Gothly Art: The Amazing Sky from Bay of Bel Artist: Carelyna Brand: Belle Mode - Laurence sweater and pants

“Edwige was fascinated by the amazing sky, mountains and sea. These magical iridescent shades that are reflected in her soul and in her clothes”.

Model: Edwiige Gothly Art: Carousel Artist: Kitten Brand: Belle Mode - Laurence sweater and pants

Edwiigee grabs her winter sweater from Belle mode and pulls on pants. On this sunny day, she walks in her mountains and I discover a magnificent carousel of great beauty.

Model: Jascha Bailey Art: Winter is coming Artist: Looker Lumet Brand: Belle Mode – Winter coat Rosie

“Visiting the Dragon Sanctuary Artgallery in my lovely warm WINTER COAT ROSIE by Belle Mode, I was immediately touched by the dreamy painting WINTER IS COMING by Looker Lumet. It reminds me of a lost childhood with laughter playing in the snow. At the same time, it sends a warning to those who rob polar bears of their habitat. We cannot get back our innocent childhood, but we can shape the future in harmony with nature and its living creatures!”

Model: Tilly Opaline Art: Carousel Artist: Kitten Brand: Belle Mode - Ballerina Costume, Nouvelles chaussettes, Tip Toe Shoes

“I have always loved fairy tales because they are full of magic and there are things around us that inevitably bring that world back to my mind: the dancers ... so light as they follow the music ... they seem to be able to fly, the carousel ... that by turning seem to be able to take us on a journey through time .. and the snow, silent and white that transforms the landscape before our eyes. For this I have chosen these dresses and this background”.

Model: A’mira Sylver Vendetta Art: The amazing sky from Bay of Bel Artist: Carelyna Brand: Belle Mode – Morgan Shoulder Top With Shawl and Hair and Pant

"Missing You" A'Mira sat on her bed in the dark, in her favorite PJs. Something whimsical, and her jewelry her mother had given her when she turned 18. The hood of her Pj's obscured her face a little and she was fine with that. She didn't want anyone to see the pain in her eyes that she tried to conceal. It had been 3 months since that fateful day on her favorite beach when her beloved told her he had been called to war. As a Princess, she knew this was a normal outcome for her beloved who was also a member of the Royal Star Guard but that fact made the pain no less. With a kiss and an embrace, words of loving her forever uttered, he left and joined his regiment as she stood there on that shore on that fateful day. She has been writing him ever since, at least a letter a week. She has yet to hear from him. Her heart yearns for him and she wonders if she will ever see or hear from him again. Inspiration for this piece came to me from seeing the painting "The amazing sky from Bay of Bel" by Carelyna at the Exhibition located at Dragon Sanctuary, and was added upon by the outfit "Morgan Shoulder Top with Shawl and Hair and Pant" by Belle Mode. These two things were the perfect ingredients to inspire the story above and I could not be happier with how it turned out.

Model: Lorez Aichi Art: Mist-ical Woods Artist: Dante Helios Brand: *Find the Fish* Colorful Galaxy Deep Blue tattoo.

“Existance” 3427 AD an ambassador of the universe, traveling in time, destination planet Earth, comes across what remains of its ancient origins, it was the year 2050 ... when the man forced to take shelter and with considerable delay, finally became aware of existence, avoiding further destructive natural catastrophes and its complete extinction, giving rise to a new era and its consequent evolution. Background work "Mist-ical Woods" by Dante Hellos, exposed at Dragon Gallery, the work in question inspired me a futuristic landscape where to set the photography scene, a perfect work both as a setting and in the colors, excellent also the combination with the article I chose to wear "Find the fish" Colorful Galaxy Deep Blue. Tattoo with bright colors tending to blue, well defined and designed by the designer, well distributed on the body, excellent item that lends itself to multiple style creations.

Model: Vickie A. Maidstone Art: Mist-ical Woods Artist: Dante Helios Brand: Belle Mode – Rowana Fur padded winter coat

“Shrouded in a mist in the woods wearing her Belle Mode Rowana Fur Padded Coat for warmth against the evening chill. She wanders and thinks of the magical feeling she has that she can share with her friends and love ones the world over and to bring light to a darken world”.

Model: Girasol Art: Light and Darkness Artist: Alexey artist Brand: Belle Mode – April dress

“Have you ever thought of what would you find if you dive in your light and dark? Could you show it in an art work?”

Model: Girasol Art: Reflection on solitude Artist: Vita Theas Brand: Just Imagine – Enough!

“If you really want to see... close your eyes! A special place is waiting for you to explore and find the answers you are looking for”.

Model: Girasol Art: Yin Yang Energy Mandala Artist: Sheba Blitz Brand: Belle Mode – Olivia ladies trench

“The universe in wise in all its forms. It has given us so many ways to work with our inner self and accept the duality we all have or even express it”.

Model: Girasol Art: I Tan e epi Tas (Return winner or on your shield) Artist: Orpheus Paxlapis Brand: Belle Mode – Aalis outfit

“Real warriors don't mind the environment conditions if they have a goal in mind. The light within is what moves them among the darkness..”

Model: Viktor Savior Art: Sunset in Tuscany Artist: Đrαgση (dragonangelvs) Brand: .:FLO:.

«I find inspiration in the colors of the sunset. This is the mood from the last flashing sun and the onset of the silence of the night. And I take a scribe's set to write a few lines to my beloved, who is far away now…”

Model: Viktor Savior Art: Astral Wings Mandala Artist: Sheba Blitz Brand: Goood Balance – Clock with glass

“The mystical mandala unfolded its pattern like a wheel of endless time. Its lines and patterns are intertwined, creating the energy of the astral wings. And time passes through the drawing, freezing in an elegant clock in the center of the composition. Will you dare to touch eternity?”

Model: Viktor Savior Art: Akhmatova Artist: Jaelle Faerye Brand: Just Imagine – Lyrical tee shirt Star Journey by Sheba Blitz – Lotus and Moon Dreamcatcher

“I look into the eyes of a woman full of sadness. A strip of darkness slides down her bright cheek, and her lips are ready to open with words of pain. Your poet's soul knows the depth of feelings. Let the sound of the moon and lotus shed light and dispel the darkness and touch your soul with a smile”.

Model: Viktor Savior Art: Rainbow Artist: Moora McMillan Brand: Belle Mode – Tom sweater with scarf

“A small butterfly flies across a monotonous endless field filled with cold light. It is alive and warm. The only one in this lonely and empty world as a symbol of hope and life. Her wings touch you gently and give you the warm color of life. The world will come to life soon…”

Model: Viktor Savior Art: Unnecessary precaution Artist: Vita Theas Brand: Belle Mode – Tom sweater with scarf *Arkona* Wicker Hat

“You walk in the loneliness of your thoughts in a rain of sadness and tears. You think that there is no end to this endless gray path and you hide under your umbrella, trying to hide in a refuge from warm delusions. Move your umbrella, look around! You are not alone. There is someone next to you who will wake you up from your sleep and bring colors into your life”.

Model: Viktor Savior Art: jumping for joy house Artist: Amandat Tamatzui Brand: *Find the Fish* Colorful Galaxy Deep blue tattoo

«Jump out of frame! Find freedom and colors of happiness. Dare! Jump!»

Model: Viktor Savior Art: Chouchou - cathedral interior Artist: Dante Helios Brand: Slavia – Avery mask and Lina necklace *Find the Fish* - Scarlet and Ancestor path tattoos

“The high vaults of the Gothic cathedral rise to the height and disappear in the darkness. The sunset shines through the long rows of narrow windows, ready to go into the night. Only there, in front, where the altar is located, the rays of divine light break the darkness, carrying hope”.

Model: Viktor Savior Art: Mist-ical Woods Artist: Dante Helios Brand: Just Imagine – Lyrical tee shirt Goood Balance – Clock with glass

“Twilight is a borderline state between light and darkness, a mysterious line between two worlds. The silence is disturbed only by the sound of the clock, which calmly measures every minute of human life. Stop in this silence, look for your ray of light in the darkness and think. Who are you? Where are you going? And why?”

Model: Viktor Savior Art: Nightsky Artist: Viktor Savior Brand: *Find the Fish* - Colorful Galaxy Deep blue tattoo Slavia – Avery mask

“The starry night opens its gates to other universes and unseen creatures appear. People may call them demons and fear in their ignorance. But these are only the creations of the stars that bring light in the dark. They have always been and will be. Even when the humanity will disappear”.

Model: Viktor Savior Art: Nightsky Artist: Viktor Savior Brand: *Find the Fish* - Colorful Galaxy Deep blue tattoo

“When the night comes to life and millions of distant stars flare up, and you hear the breath of the universe that you can touch, in vibrating colors that shine and illuminate in the dark your path along which you walk...”

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