Causes - Nose Bleeds | ENT Specialist | Vikram ENT Hospital

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What causes nose bleeds and how to overcome them? Nose bleeds are a reason for worry because they indicate serious medical problems to the identified patient. Capillaries on both the front and rear of the nose's surface are sensitive, and deformation cases are especially vulnerable to haemorrhages.

In medical terms, nose bleeding is referred to as epistaxis. A nosebleed is simply the loss of blood from the tissue lining inside your nasal passages. There are two kinds of nose bleeds. The most common type of nosebleed is the anterior nosebleed, which is generally not severe and caused due to dryness and irritation in the inner lining of the nostrils. The second type is posterior nosebleed, which occurs deep within the nasal passages and is a severe form that necessitates medical help. These nosebleeds are typically caused by large blood vessels, resulting in heavy bleeding that can be risky. This type of bleed necessitates medical attention, particularly if it occurs because of an injury and the bleeding has not yet stopped after twenty minutes of directly applying strain to your nose. First and foremost, let us look at the causes of nose bleeding. ● Cold weather: The cold weather can sometimes cause a bloody nose. The inner layer of the nose, like our dehydrated skin and chapped lips, may crack when it becomes dry due to the cold weather, resulting in bleeding. The best treatment is to keep humidifiers in the house, stay hydrated, and use petroleum jelly to soothe and moisturize the nose lining.

● Dry air: Dry air is the major cause of both acute and chronic nose bleeds. A dry atmosphere or high-temperature indoor air disturbs and dries out nasal membranes, resulting in crusts that cause irritation and then bleed if scratched or picked. Colds can also annoy the nose lining. Bleeding may occur as a result of recurring nose-blowing. ● Sinusitis: Respiratory sinusitis, common cold, and other lung infections can all harm the nose's delicate inner surface. Your nose may eventually become irritated enough to crack open and bleed. Blowing your nose too frequently while suffering from an illness can also result in nosebleeds. ● Nose picking: The mucus layer surface that lines the nose is densely packed with blood capillaries. Too much nose picking can affect the lining, resulting in nosebleeds. Scratching and digging in your nose may cause delicate blood vessels to cut or rupture. ● Deviated nasal septum: Individuals who have a nasal septum deviation experience frequent nosebleeds that appear out of nowhere. The unevenness in nostril size causes one side of the nose to dry out, which can lead to nosebleeds. A rhinoplasty treatment can help individuals with nose bleeding. ● Other contributing factors to nose bleeding, aside from the common sources, include nasal polyps, foreign particles inside of the nose, aspirin use, blood clots, chemical allergens, cold symptoms, and physical harm How do you keep your nose from bleeding? You can't stop nose bleeding, but you can reduce your chances of getting one. The following are some suggestions for avoiding or reducing the occurrence of nose bleeding. ● Maintain the moisture inside your nose. Nose bleeds can be caused by dryness. Consult your doctor before using an antibiotic ointment such as Bacitracin or Polysporin. Use a saline nasal spray. By spraying it into your nostrils, you can maintain the insides of your nose moist. ● Make use of a humidifier. Because the atmosphere in your room is dry, your nostrils may be dry. ● Cigarette smoke can irritate and dry out the inside of your nose. ● Excessive picking, rubbing, and blowing of the nose can scratch the thin layer and cause nose bleeding. ● Cold allergy medication may cause nose bleeding by drying out the nose. It is critical to discuss the prescribed medication with your doctor and take the proper medication. Vikram ENT is among the best ENT hospitals in Coimbatore, offering patients complete, comprehensive, and specialized care. Strives to provide the highest quality of care possible, utilizing technological developments and the best ENT doctors in

Coimbatore. From prescribing medications to rhinoplasty treatment, the specialists ensure medical care and support according to the individual health conditions. Vikram ENT stands as one of the well-known hospitals for ENT consultation and rhinoplasty treatment in Coimbatore. However, seeing blood come out of your nose can be frightening, most nosebleeds are minor and can be treated at home. Some, on the other hand, should be confirmed by your doctor. If you experience nosebleeds too often, it is advised to consult your doctor.

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