Pte essay large shopping malls are replacing small shops output (4)

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PTE Essay Large shopping malls are replacing small shops. What is your opinion about this? Discuss with appropriate examples. ( PTE study material )

The small shop's culture is reducing day by day, large shopping malls are replacing small shops. In last decade shopping mall are increasing rapidly, big corporate are also promoting malls. But there is an ongoing debate that replacing small shops by the large mall is benefiting customers or not, in my opinion, yes malls are more convenient for customers as compare to small shops. But small have their own value, we cannot ruin their business at cost of large malls.

However, I am saying that large malls are convenient and comfortable for costumes like they provide proper parking in an appropriate manner. The customers have more security in these malls as compare to small shops. We can have anything under one roof like in mall you can buy almost everything which we need in our daily life. Small shops are specialized in one kind of product, so there was a limitation for customers. But I am not against smalls shops, they provide their products on reasonable price, in malls, they have a monopoly on prices. So smalls shop have their own customers, which is good for them.

Large malls have more benefit them small shops like people can shopping in a very comfortable environment, a family can spend time at their favorite place. Shopping mall provides large food courts, cafeteria and children's entertainment spaces. Apart from that malls are generating employment opportunities, which is very good for our economy. That is why the trend of large shopping malls are increasing day by day.

In the end, these points prove that large shopping malls have more benefiting for large numbers of customers and it is good for an economy. So the trend of the shopping mall is good for us.

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