Crossroad Summer 2016 Issue

Page 8


When is the last time you dreamed? Remember when you were a kid? Dreaming is focusing on the future, seeing beyond our current circumstances into the possibilities of what could be. We develop dreams, visions, and ambitions at all stages of life. They are an integral part of the direction our lives take. While its great to have friends and loved ones protect us from following misguided or unsafe dreams, we must be careful that their concerns don’t completely discourage us from dreaming. At times, people discourage us from our dreams and other times, our own internal judge is the discourager. If we ignore or suppress our dreams long enough, they will simply become distant memories stuffed in the recesses of our minds and will never have the opportunity to 8 | CROSSROAD

be realized. No matter our age, background, or circumstances, we should all be encouraged to pursue worthwhile dreams in our life.So what is a worthwhile dream? One important element in determining if a dream is worthwhile or not is to put it in perspective by asking yourself, “is this dream based on something I believe God would want me to do?” Or “is this dream based on selfish desires?” God has God sized dreams for us if we are willing to move beyond where we are. If we set aside time with the Lord, He will begin to reveal where He wants to take us. God’s dreams are beyond what we can think or imagine and He is the one who can open the doors to our dreams if we are willing to submit to His plans and allow Him to lead. Bruce Wilkerson, author of the Prayer of Jabez, wrote a great book on following your God-given dreams. Consider reading The Dream Giver and learn steps that can lead you on a journey to your dreams.

“The journey toward your Big Dream changes you. In fact, the journey itself is what prepares you to succeed at what you were born to do. And until you decide to pursue your Dream, you are never going to love life the way you were meant to.” Bruce Wilkerson



friend and I were meeting for lunch one day when we happened to look over and see a small child with his hands and face pressed up against a glass window. This cute little boy was longing to jump in the sparkling pool of water with the other kids that were just on the other side of the glass. Without someone holding him back, he likely would have found a way to make it to the water. Thankfully, his parents were there to protect him from the dangers of his dream.

We all have the same amount of time in each day, but it’s how we steward our time that matters. If we will take the time to dream, consult God regarding our dreams, set goals, and begin to put a plan in place, we will be amazed at what dreams God will lead us to realize in our lives! So what are you waiting for? Start today! 1. Write your dreams down on a piece of paper and pray over them. 2. Ask yourself if you believe these are dreams are ones that God desires for you. 3. Ask God for wisdom, discernment, and to reveal His dreams for your future. 4. Seek wise counsel, set measureable goals, and begin following your dreams! In Grace - Ann

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