The Canadian Seating & Mobility Conference
September 10-11, 2024
A forum for professionals in seating, mobility, and rehab technologies to share information, enhance their knowledge, and increase their skills.

Delta Hotels by MarriottToronto Airport & Conference Centre 655 Dixon Road
Toronto, Ontario M9W 1J4


One of the key components of the Canadian Seating & Mobility Conference is showcasing the latest advancements in products that you see every day. In our exhibit hall, we have exhibitors representing the leading brands in seating and mobility to share new products and much more. Click here to browse the list of our growing exhibitors to see which ones you’ll want to visit! This list is growing daily, so be sure to come back to add to your list of booths to visit!
The Canadian Seating and Mobility Conference is Canada’s foremost annual event dedicated to providing excellence in education in this specialized field. The two-day format features a full slate of interactive workshops on both days while providing an extended period of unopposed exhibit hall time.

Conference Locations & Accommodations
The deadline to sign up for our room block is Monday, August 12, 2024. Be sure to mention that you are with CSMC to get our rate of $191.00 CAD per night. Hotel details can be found below: Hotel Contact

Learning Objectives
The workshops provide a thought-provoking and interactive means to learn about techniques and emerging knowledge in clinical care, service delivery, product development, and research. The welcome reception in the exhibit hall affords a prime opportunity for professional networking.
Continuing Education Units (CEU)/Attendance Certificate
CEUs are only required by certain organizations, such as RESNA. Be sure to check with your organizations to see if CEUs are required.
CEU Credit will be awarded to attendees who successfully complete the following:
1. Insert the code presented at the beginning and end of the presentation. You must attend at least 90% of a session in order to earn continuing education credit for that session.
2. Complete the evaluation form for each session you attend.
Certificates of attendance will be emailed out to all participants after the conference.
CSMC Office
• Conference Director:
• Website:
• Phone: 905.257.7002
Registration Information
Full registration includes:
• Tuesday Continental Breakfast
• Admission to three workshops on Tuesday, two workshops on Wednesday
• Complimentary admission to the Tuesday welcome reception in the exhibit hall
• Access to the exhibit hall
• Lunch and coffee breaks
• Partner Networking Breakfast
Registrations including full payment received online by July 31, 2024, are eligible for early registration pricing.
Refund Policy
Registration fees are non-refundable. Special circumstances may be considered. Contact
Exhibit Hall And New Product Showcase
Explore the exhibit hall to view the latest equipment and to network with company representatives. New products are highlighted by RED balloons. There will be an online vote for the Harding Award for Product Innovation with the winner being announced on Wednesday at 1:15 p.m.
Video And Audio Recordings
Recordings of any type are prohibited during all presentations within the conference program unless written permission has been requested and granted by both the conference organizers and the speaker.

Tuesday, Sept. 10
7:30 a.m. – 5 p.m.
7:30 – 8:30 a.m
8:30 – 9 a.m.
9:15 – 10:30 a.m.
10:45 a.m. – Noon
Noon – 1 p.m.
1:15 – 2:30 p.m.
2:30 – 6 p.m.
2:30 – 6 p.m.
6 – 7 p.m.
Registration Desk Open
Continental Breakfast
Opening Remarks, Canadian HME Woman of the Year Award
Workshop Block A (75 mins)
Workshop Block B (75 mins)
Registrant Lunch
Workshop Block C (75 mins)
Exhibit Hall – Welcome Reception
New Product Walk in Exhibit Hall
Social Hour

7:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Registration Desk Open
8:30 – 9:30 a.m. Partner Networking Breakfast
9:30 a.m. – 2 p.m. Exhibit Hall Open
9:30 a.m. – 1 p.m. New Product Walk in Exhibit Hall
10:45 a.m. – Noon Workshop Block D (75 mins)
Noon – 1 p.m. Lunch in Exhibit Hall
1:15 p.m. Harding Award Winner Announcement 1:45 – 3 p.m. Workshop Block E (75 mins) 2 p.m. Exhibit Hall Closes

If you are a current student, please contact Nancy Hall at for a student rate. *Applicable taxes and fees will be added at checkout

Andreé Gauthier, Occupational Therapist
Tabitha Knowles, Occupational Therapist, Stan Cassidy Centre for Rehabilitation
Sarah Timleck, Occupational Therapist, True Therapy Group
Kathy Fisher, Occupational Therapist, NRRTS
Lori Knott, Occupational Therapist, Partners in Rehab
Click on the title of the workshops for more information, speaker bios, and learning objectives!
Tuesday, Sept. 10, 2024 • 9:15 – 10:30 a.m.
Innovating for
Individuals: The Continuum of Manual Wheelchairs
In this session, we delve into the world of manual wheelchairs, exploring key aspects that impact users’ lives. With so many choices and options, how can clinicians match the most appropriate manual wheelchair to their client’s goals and needs? Join us in this interactive session as we bridge theory and practice, fostering a deeper understanding of Permobil’s line of manual wheelchairs focusing on the priority needs of our clients.
Presented by: Stuart Denny, National Technical Educator, Permobil; Brenlee Mogul-Rotman, OT Reg. (Ont.), ATP/ SMS, Stefan Morin, OT, Permobil
*This session is not eligible for CEUs.
Hands-On Mat Assessment
This session is for those who are new to the assessment process or who want to refine their assessment skills. We will review the components of the assessment including linear measurements and relative angles. The second half of this session will have participants actively practicing measuring and assessing postural tendencies and ROM. Yoga mats are welcome as participants will lie down on rows of chairs or on the floor for the practical component. Measurement tools will be provided for the duration of the session.
Presented by: Marlene Adams, OT, University Health Network, Toronto Rehab Institute; Markie Ryckman, OT, Enablement Therapy Services; Rebecca VanderBurgh, OT, Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital
Optimizing Client Outcomes with Mobile Shower Commode Chairs: A Case Study Analysis
This in-depth course examines a compelling case study of a mobile shower commode chair user who develops a pressure injury. It delves into the collaborative efforts of the client's family, allied health team, and commode manufacturer to identify and solve issues related to transfers and positioning with the mobile shower commode chair. Pressure mapping images illustrate how device modifications impact pressure distribution. Facilitating this presentation is the client's Occupational Therapist and a Clinical Education Specialist from the commode manufacturer, collectively providing a holistic approach from the initial assessment of the pressure injury through the detailed changes made to the equipment. This collaborative effort aims to equip healthcare professionals and suppliers with the knowledge and strategies needed to enhance the effectiveness of mobile shower commode chairs in promoting overall health and well-being.
Presented by: Alli Speight, OT Reg. (Ont.), MSc. OT, ATP, Motion Composites; Tanya Falkenberg, OT Reg. (Ont.), BSc. OT
Pediatric Wheelchair Cushions and Backs – What
are the Options?
For many years, there were two basic choices of primary supports for pediatric wheelchair users: custom configured or custom molded. The available options for primary supports, backrests and cushions, for the pediatric client have expanded considerably over the years, and today there are a number of off-the-shelf, outof-the-package products available. This greater range of products requires professionals to be more discerning regarding the choices before them, and recognize which product accomplishes the objective in a clinically appropriate way. We know that children are not just a smaller version of the adult client and that their needs can be different. What does the research say about what is important for the pediatric client regarding posture, tissue integrity, function, etc.? This presentation will explore the types of primary supports on the market, and discuss considerations and applications of the various primary supports for the pediatric wheelchair user.
Curt Prewitt, MS, PT, ATP, Director of Education, Ki Mobility, by Etac
Efficiencies in
Wheelchair Prescriptions Within Long Term Care
The Wheelchair Rapid Assessment and Prescription (WRAP) program is an innovative service delivery model for providing services for clients residing in nursing homes who require a wheelchair to meet their mobility needs. This model was created by an occupational therapist out of a desire to improve access to clients in nursing home where there were extensive wait times. A team driven process was developed to first identify barriers to care which included three areas and then explore related actions for measurable change 1) Skill usage (What could only the OT do, and what jobs could be done with help of other team members?) 2) Time and equipment management (How do we get equipment to clients more efficiently?) and 3) Documentation (Could the burden of documentation be shared or lightened to allow more time for direct service?) This presentation will review the change process, barriers, solutions, and outcomes that were realized during the project.
Presented by: Jennifer Bachynsky, OT
Seated Stability for Propulsion and Functionality with the CG Air Cushion and Transfer Trellis Option
The physics of propulsion whether by hand or foot or both can create movement of the pelvis. This movement can lead to shearing and skin injuries as well as pelvic instability and sliding out of the wheelchair. In order to protect the skin and maximize functional pelvic mobility but overall body stability, one must first assess the client’s tendency to migrate away from midline and their capacity to reposition back to neutral. A seated support surface can then be determined to maximize pelvic mobility with reduced shearing while promoting pelvic stability on the surface to reduce sliding. All of these components must also consider the client’s subjective comfort level and tolerance for maintaining a seated position throughout their daily occupations of life.
Presented by: Sheila Buck, B.Sc. (OT), Reg. OT (Ont.), Therapy NOW! Inc.
*This session is not eligible for CEUs.

Click on the title of the workshops for more information, speaker bios, and learning objectives!
Tuesday, Sept. 10, 2024 • 10:45 a.m. – Noon
Letting Kids Get Their "Rock 'n Roll" On: When is the Right Time to Consider Power Positioning Options
It can be challenging to determine when to consider power mobility for kids. This is determined by a thorough assessment of the client’s current and developing skills, but it is equally important to consider family readiness. Once we have determined that power is the appropriate mobility solution to facilitate independence, we then need to consider what positioning features can benefit the child both from a postural and functional point of view. When is it the right time to add power positioning options? Can these options be added to an existing power mobility system once the child is ready? Can these options facilitate both physical and social development? Do we need to consider all options at once? In this presentation we will explore what positioning options are available and when they can be utilized to foster a child’s independence and function.
Presented by: Kathy Fisher, B.Sc. (OT), Motion Concepts
Hands-On Mat Assessment Continued
*You must take W2 to attend W8
This session is for those who are new to the assessment process or who want to refine their assessment skills. We will review the components of the assessment including linear measurements and relative angles. The second half of this session will have participants actively practicing measuring and assessing postural tendencies and ROM. Yoga mats are welcome as participants will lie down on rows of chairs or on the floor for the practical component. Measurement tools will be provided for the duration of the session.
Presented by: Marlene Adams, OT, University Health Network, Toronto Rehab Institute; Markie Ryckman, OT, Enablement Therapy Services; Rebecca VanderBurgh, OT, Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital
Power Assist Devices: The Evidence and Experiences
A power assist device or ‘add-on’ is a device that attaches in some manner to the manual wheelchair and provides assistance with propulsion through the addition of power. There are various types of power assist devices; front mounted, main wheel (hub) mounted, and rear mounted. Power assist devices can be operated through the use of a dial, joystick, pushrim sensors, handle bars, or a ‘wearable’ (SmartWatch) connected via Bluetooth. There are a number of programming options, settings, and configurations of each type of device. This workshop will provide a review of the various types of power assist devices and the supporting evidence. We will then have a panel discussion to highlight the process of evaluating for and procuring these devices, client perspectives on use and participation benefits, as well as time for questions and answers from the audience. The panel will consist of a prescribing therapist, manufacturer clinician, and power assist device end-user(s).
Presented by: Brenlee Mogul-Rotman, B.Sc.OT. , OT Reg. (Ont.), ATP/SMS, Permobil; Sarah Timleck, MSc. OT, OT Reg. (Ont.), True Therapy Group
Maintaining Posture by Providing Movement
A primary goal of wheelchair seating is to maintain the client’s optimal seated posture. As many clients extend against typically static surfaces and move within the seating system, posture is often lost, and the client needs to be repositioned. For clients with increased muscle tone, large and forceful movements, or rocking tendencies, contact is lost between the client’s body and the seating surfaces, resulting in suboptimal positions, such as a posterior pelvic tilt, when extension or movement ceases. While perhaps contra intuitive, providing movement within the seating system, using Dynamic Seating, can allow client movement and return their body to a neutral seated position. This course will dive deep into exactly how clients lose optimal posture within their seating systems and how to maintain posture through movement.
Presented by: Michelle L. Lange, OTR/L, ATP/SMS, Access to Independence
Introduction to Basic Wheelchairs
This course starts with the basics of manual wheelchairs and will provide a practical overview as to why we have the broad range of configurations of product available to prescribers. Attendees will gain an understanding of how to measure including the importance of centre of gravity, and how to configure a chair for specific patient diagnosis. This course will aid the prescriber with improved outcomes for their patients. The course format will be interactive, hands-on with the actual equipment.
Presented by: Anthony Despoja
*This session is not eligible for CEUs.
Beyond Drive Control Selection: Maximizing Function and Independence Through Programming Options
Power wheelchair drive controls are constantly evolving with advancing technology. There is a wide range of these products, and complex rehab equipment professionals often have limited exposure to the options that are available. This class will provide evaluating clinicians, Assistive Technology Professionals, and other seating/ mobility professionals with knowledge of various drive control options and programming options available to provide maximal benefit to the end user.
Presented by: Kevin Cook, Regional Rehab Product Specialist - ON/MB, Quantum Rehab; Jeff Mosher, Senior Area Sales Manager - Atlantic Canada, Pride Mobility Products

Click on the title of the workshops for more information, speaker bios, and learning objectives!
Tuesday, Sept. 10, 2024 • 1:15 – 2:30 p.m.
Psychosocial Factors and Clinical Considerations Bridging the Transition from Ambulation Aid to Wheelchair
In Canada, there are approximately 1.125 million community-living adults and seniors who use ambulation aids (Charette et al., 2018). Though ambulation aids are prescribed to reduce the risk of falling, studies demonstrate that ambulation aid use over time may be associated with falls and injuries (Liu et al., 2023; Charette et al., 2018). With increased falls risks, a wheelchair may be considered for mobility (Finlayson et al., 2014). Although there are benefits to wheelchair use, integration of a wheelchair into a person’s life is linked to psychosocial stress (Rebelo & Soares, 2018). Though a wheelchair may be purchased, dissatisfaction with the wheelchair can lead to device abandonment (Garcia et al., 2015). Thorough assessment is necessary to understand the client's needs, goals, and expectations (RESNA Wheelchair Service Provision Guide, 2011). RESNA's Assessment Guide is useful in analyzing psychosocial readiness and clinical factors when transitioning to a wheelchair.
Presented by: Cathy Choi, OT Reg. (Ont.), MTS, Certified ATP, Seating Clinic, Hennick Bridgepoint Hospital, Sinai Health
Power Lateral Tilt: Clinical Implications and Benefits
For clients with a non-reducible or mostly non-reducible lateral spinal curve, power lateral tilt can be appropriate and very functionally and physiologically beneficial to re-orient their position in space to bring their head and upper body to upright. This can enable a symmetrical, upright, and less fatiguing head/neck position for vision and line of sight, and functional tasks such as computer access, and feeding/swallowing. For clients with a partly reducible scoliosis, orienting them laterally using power lateral tilt can also help to open the spinal curve and reduce the tendency to collapse further into the curve over time.
Presented by: Lindsay Alford, OT, Access Community Therapists and GF Strong Rehabilitation Centre
Pressure Injury Prevention and Management in the Pediatric Population
Skin plays a critical role in overall health including thermoregulation and preventing infection. Given the importance of skin, preventing and managing pressure injuries throughout the lifespan is an important consideration. Intrinsic risk factors such as nutrition, age, history of previous pressure injuries, etc.; and extrinsic risk factors such as pressure, friction, shear, and microclimate combine to determine the client’s overall risk. It is through the prescription of equipment and the approaches to mobility, transfers, and positioning that the extrinsic factors can be managed and reduce the client’s overall risk of pressure injury development. During this presentation, we will explore the evidence related to pressure injury prevention and management as it relates to the prescription of equipment for children, and to prepare them for the transition into adulthood.
Presented by: Linda Norton, B.Sc. OT, M.Sc. CH, PhD, OT Reg. (Ont.), Motion
Making Power Wheelchairs Smarter: Exploring the Continuum of SMART Technology
Many power wheelchair drivers face a variety of issues related to their independence, safety, efficiency, and accessibility as a result of impaired motor control, visual deficits, impaired reaction time, inattention, and various other deficits that are common among wheeled mobility users. In this course, we will discuss the continuum of currently available SMART technologies that can be incorporated into the power wheelchair to address these issues and improve driver safety, confidence, and independence.
Presented by: Lindsey Sharpe, PT, DPT, ATP, Clinical Regional Director of Clinical Education, LUCI
Putting it All Together to Turn Chaos Into (an) Order: Prescriptive Planning for the Ultralightweight Manual Wheelchair
In this session, we are going to look at a variety of the decisions that you often face when configuring a chair and help navigate some of the options that will allow you to make adjustments to the chair in the future. We will discuss critical selections to consider when completing the order form, and what their impact can be on present and future fit and performance. We will also highlight some of the accessories you can select on the order form to optimize the chair and avoid some of the pitfalls that can rob it of its efficiency.
Presented by: Bill Randall (MSc. Kin) – Clinical Mobility Product Specialist, Ki Mobility, by Etac
*This session is not eligible for CEUs.
Surfaces: Matching the Clinical Needs of Your Client to Surface/Mattress and Integrated Bed Systems
This session will discuss the concept of matching the clinical needs of the client with a surface/bed system. This surface/bed system will be a starting point for maximizing the clinician’s success in providing client-centered, optimized outcomes regarding skin protection and functional needs of the end user in bed.
Presented by: Stefan Morin, OT, and Mike Piccin, Manufacturer Rep, Permobil

Click on the title of the workshops for more information, speaker bios, and learning objectives!
Wednesday, Sept. 11, 2024 • 10:45 a.m. – Noon
Empowering Your Client: Clinical Considerations When Prescribing Power Add-on
Repetitive strain injuries continue to plague wheelchair users’ shoulders and/or lower extremities (foot propulsion), when utilizing manual wheelchairs. Additionally, the use of manual chairs can also negatively impact the care giver creating back and arm pain, when providing mobility support to a more dependent user of a manual chair. When looking to decrease wheeling fatigue from distance travel as well as slope/ramp ascent or descent or to increase functional travel distance and maximize daily AADL performance through energy conservation it is important to consider when to add power to a manual wheelchair, or to consider moving to a power scooter or power chair. This session will review the clinical considerations required to make an informed decision on when to prescribe a power add-on device on a manual wheelchair versus considering a power wheelchair/scooter. We will review the three different styles of power add-on (front, mid, and rear) and understand the clinical implications and design of each style.
Presented by: Sheila Buck, B.Sc. (OT), Reg. OT (Ont.), Therapy NOW! Inc and Allex Laurin, Director of Marketing, Cheelcare
Supported Standing to Facilitate a Child's Growth and Development
Early childhood is a time of rapid growth and development. Children learn and develop skills through experiences with their environment. A child with a disability requires assistance to have these experiences that foster growth and development. They benefit from using assistive technology to reduce or ameliorate effects of disability and enable them to have the experiences needed for motor development. Standing technology provides the external support required to assume and maintain an upright symmetrical posture. Introducing a supported standing program as early as nine months corrected age (the age when their typically developing peers start to stand) allows the child to safely experience the antigravity postures and weight-bearing necessary for development. This course will discuss the theories of motor learning and motor skills development and how the early introduction of a supported standing program can facilitate these.
Presented by: Maryann M. Girardi, PT, DPT, ATP, Altimate Medical, Inc.
Are We Marginalizing People With Our Seating and Mobility Prescriptions?
Clinicians may rely on public policy to guide their seating and mobility practices rather than accepting the challenge of having clinical best practices and research driven public policy. Many funding programs limit eligibility to basic and essential devices, but what may be basic and essential to the funding agency may be different from the therapist’s and definitely the client’s perspective. Limiting the equipment solutions offered to clients, to just what is funded out of a desire to protect the client’s finances, removes the client’s right to choose. This workshop will challenge and inspire you to examine your seating and mobility practices from an equity, diversity, and inclusion perspective. With the insights gained, you will revisit seating best practices and develop the skills required to fully assess mobility needs in routine environments to facilitate the highest level of participation possible for your clients.
Presented by: Linda Norton, Linda Norton, M.Sc. CH, PhD, OT Reg. (Ont.), Motion; Jean Minkel, PT, ATP, Independence Care
Enhancing Lives Through Home Modifications
Canadians of all ages and abilities benefit from thoughtfully-designed environments and products that support daily function. Occupational therapists (OTs) are experts at enabling function, comfort, and safety for clients and caregivers alike. The design of one’s home environment is a key factor in reducing hospital admissions, avoiding or delaying relocation in order to accommodate physical or cognitive impairments, and keeping people engaged in meaningful roles and relationships. This workshop is designed to build competency among community-based OTs around knowing what to assess and how, as well as how to overcome access barriers by matching solutions to client and caregiver needs. It will also touch on the scope and role of OTs relative to others involved in the home health and home modification industries. Client scenarios will be used to illustrate best practices, and emerging ideas and products.
Presented by: Margot McWhirter, OT Reg. (Ont.), Inclusive Aging
Manual Wheelchair Frame Configuration: A Practical Hands-On Experience
This workshop will provide a hands-on opportunity to learn about and discuss various manual wheelchair configuration considerations and focus on the clinical concepts related to each. Structured as four rotating stations, this workshop will allow attendees to explore different aspects of configuration including center of gravity, front end angle, seat width, and seat to floor height. The workshop stations will be facilitated by clinical representatives from Permobil, Motion Composites, Ki Mobility, by Etac, and Sunrise Medical. The emphasis will be clinical in nature and no product-specific demonstrations will be included in the sessions.
Presented by: Alli Speight, OT Reg. (Ont.), ATP, Motion Composites; Brenlee Mogul-Rotman, OT Reg. (Ont.), ATP/ SMS, Permobil; Curt Prewitt, MS, PT, ATP, Ki Mobility, by Etac; Erica Walling, MPT, ATP/SMS, Clinical Education Manager - US Southeast, Sunrise Medical
Rear Wheel Renaissance: Introducing Quantum RTrak
Historically, rear wheel drive power chairs have been at the center of ongoing research and development into powered mobility devices. With the advancement in mid-wheel drive power chair technology in recent years, RWD development had been placed on the back-burner by many manufacturers…..until now. Introducing R-trak.
Presented by: Kirk Henderson, Senior Quantum Product Specialist, Pride Mobility Products
*This session is not eligible for CEUs.
Excellence in Seating and Rehabilitation for Patients with Severe Obesity
Persons with severe obesity have different body shapes resources and needs, which result in different settings and solutions. Participants in this session will learn about the impact of body size and shape in interventions connected to seating activities. They will participate in simulation activities that provide opportunities to practice skills and get ideas how to choose: slings, transfers, seating solutions, and their impact in participation in daily living PADL and ADL for clients with severe obesity. The participants will provide opportunities to get practical skills in settings and measurement of seating solutions for clients living with obesity. And ideas where even small changes makes a big difference!
Presented by: Malene P. Alexandrowiz, OT, Master of Rehabilitation
Click on the title of the workshops for more information, speaker bios, and learning objectives!
Wednesday, Sept. 11, 2024 • 1:45 – 3 p.m.
Beyond the Base: The Seating Professional's Responsibility of Educating on Manual Wheelchair Components
Components, often referred to as accessories, can fall into the background of the decision-making process, particularly because of challenges negotiating funding and reimbursement. The word accessory may lead someone to believe these are for a certain aesthetic or style. However, accessories are necessities of the whole system to complete the configuration. It is the responsibility of the seating professionals to educate clients and caregivers on the benefits, advantages, and disadvantages of each selected component, allowing them to understand how each may contribute to overall function and satisfaction. In this course, we will prioritize not only knowing your market but also understanding what equipment is best for the client, regardless of reimbursement, funding program, or medical policies. We will discuss rear wheels, tire type, handrim style and caster type, using an evidence-based approach to guide our decision making and education.
Presented by: Christie Hamstra, PT, DPT, ATP, Motion Composites
Clinical Application of a Person-Centred Wheelchair Provision Framework for Clients with Multiple Scleroisis
This presentation explores a person-centered approach to the wheelchair provision for individuals with Multiple Sclerosis (MS). Addressing the complexities of individual needs for people with MS, we present a quality improvement initiative incorporating a visualized processing map in the wheelchair provision process. The visual process map guides clients through the intricate, multidisciplinary wheelchair provision process. Results indicate enhanced understanding and client engagement. Despite its positive feedback from clients with MS, further study is required to measure long-term effectiveness and achieve sustainable implementation. We will discuss key considerations, including accessible information, emotional energy expenditure, and the importance of individualized care, aiming to optimize the quality of life for individuals with MS.
Presented by: Hatsue Knight, OT, Vibrant Healthcare Alliance
Going Home After a Spinal Cord Injury, What Now? Recommending Complex Rehab Technology for the Bathroom
Going home from the hospital after a spinal cord injury (SCI) can be overwhelming. Individuals often feel uncomfortable having intimate conversations about bathroom topics in the first days following injury. Unique physiological, psychological, and social concerns related to SCI must be considered when recommending bathroom CRT. The CRT team needs to identify the client's immediate needs after hospital discharge while also understanding their future needs in the years to come. In this education session, we will learn about the unique needs that an individual with SCI may require in bathroom CRT and how environmental factors and accessibility will affect the successful use of CRT in the user’s home. We will discuss equipment design strategies for the client with SCI and the CRT team to best meet the users’ needs to optimize bathroom CRT recommendations. When we work together, we can help our clients with SCI successfully transition from the hospital to their bathrooms at home.
Kristen Cezat, PT, DPT, ATP/SMS, Altimate Medical, Inc.
The Inside Scoop! Benefits of Different Materials in Back Supports
The wheelchair industry is fortunate to have a rich soil for innovation. When the new designs or materials address some long-existing problems for wheelchair users, they are frequently celebrated and welcomed by the clinical community. There are also legitimate questions that clinicians may have: Can the interface material dissipate heat? Will the material(s) provide sufficient immersion for reduction of interface pressure and adequate consumer comfort? What is the life expectancy of the product? How do different materials compare when pressure mapped? Which materials reduce shear in wheelchairs with recline function? Which accessories could address asymmetrical postures and protect the pressure points? This session will offer a review of functional advantages of various materials used in back supports. Research findings, case studies, and data from clinical studies involving human subjects will be shared to explore different scenarios and special considerations for selecting the most appropriate back support design and materials for your clients. We will debunk some myths and review scientific facts related to microclimate and seating surfaces. We will focus on the practical relevance of research data to the daily lives of our clients.
Presented by: Anna Sokol, RN, MN, BScN, BScKin, WOCC(C), Clinical Education Specialist, Motion Concepts
Best Practices for LTC/SNF Seating
and Positioning Challenges
This course is designed to assist the generalist clinician to have a better understanding of the changing body of an elderly client and the increased risk of sitting in an abnormal posture.
Presented by: Karen Lerner, RN, MSN, ATP, CWS, Drive DeVilbiss Healthcare

Increasing Independence with Wheelchair Controls
Self-initiated movement enhances a rider's ability to participate in activities of choice. Technology advancements have allowed individuals with varying abilities to access a controller. This session will provide evaluation techniques to determine a rider's capabilities for controlling a power wheelchair. This will be followed by hands-on demonstration of available joysticks and switches to understand how to best choose the device to meet each client\'s individual needs.
Presented by: Erica Walling, MPT, ATP/SMS, Clinical Education Manager - US Southeast, Sunrise Medical
*This session is not eligible for CEUs.