Vertex nr 5 2017

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FECT MATCH FOR SERGIO things the children could try at home. – As a kid I was really interested in space and astronomy. In Puerto Rico my dad used to take me out on the backyard and show me stars and the planets. But you have to be good at math to do astronomy, but I wasn’t good at math so I ended up doing biology which is also very interesting. WHEN SERGIO ISN’T IN the

lab it’s likely you find him on the Umeå Salsa Club’s dancefloor. He started dancing

VERTEX 5:  2017

about ten years ago, and it didn’t take long before it became his big passion. During college he competed in Ballroom dance, but the science has always been a bigger priority for him and therefore he only dances for fun nowadays. – Whenever I come to a new city I look up where you can dance salsa. Just the day after I arrived in Umeå I

contacted the Salsa Club here. Dancing is very important in my life. I find it to be a great way to get out there and be social with people and meet people. It feels great, you move, you burn calories, it’s good stuff.

It feels great, you move, you burn calories...

SERGIO LIKES TO DO HIS own thing and to follow his own convictions instead of the herd. He also describes himself as an adventurous person, which is

why he enjoys traveling so much. Now his postdoctoral research in Umeå will be over in just a couple of months, and even though he’s enjoyed his time here he looks forward to new adventures and challenges in the laboratory as well as in life generally. – Hopefully I can use the experience that I’ve gained here to become somebody who can help find new treatments for drug resistant bacteria. TEXT AND PHOTO: VENDELA WIKSTRÖM


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