Typography Style Guide

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정 원 보 석 Bijoux de jardin - Garden Jewelry

Typography Final Style Guide Spring 2011 Project Description A Style Guide is a comprehensive identity and branding book that details how the organization is placed in the market. The book should stand on its own as a guide for future “in-house” employees to maintain all aspects of that particular organization’s public appearance. The book also gives clients an idea of the overall presence in a glimpse or in a “nutshell.” Each category of the style book will be broken down into sections that, when collectively sequenced, describe components of a larger whole.

Designer’s Ambition Picture this. You are in a garden, and the sun’s light is glowing a mild purple and orange. As you walk into the garden, you smell the sweet nectar of the flowers and the warm breeze whispering over your face. A beautiful woman walks past you, and her sweet smell overpowers the flowers. As she glides over to the garden bench, she whirls around to look at you, and the sunlight hits the jewel hanging on her neck.

This image was the start of my theme for my final Typography project. Organic, natural, soft, growing, earth—these are the descriptive words that followed my design throughout. Taking the garden approach but mixing jewelry into it, I wanted to showcase the beaded jewelry in a way that was beautiful, like a flower opening in the morning.

The boxes I choice to make will bloom to reveal the beaded necklace. Before the flower blooms, the receiver of the jewelry will be able to read the description of the maker and the logo. Inside the box will be an insert about the jewelry maker, the stone, and where it is from.

Design and Concept by Veronica Black

Table of Contents Logo Color Palette Mark Location Type Face Family Business Card and Letterhead Packaging Insert

... 4 ... 8 ...10 ...12 ...14 ...18 ...20

The slab serif design is very bold and strong. For my design and product, which is very womanly and organic, I wanted a demanding font and logo that embodied that. The logo was inspired by old wood stamps that were used to label or tag items. The simple border is not meant to overpower the words inside of it. And the choice of languages for the title shows the diversity of the logo.

Logo Design 4

de jardin

Conception de Veronica


Design by Veronica

de ardin

Design by Veronica

Garden Jewelry

Conception de Veronica

정 원 보 석

Bi oux

de jardin

de jardin




BijouxConception de jardin de Veronica

정 원 보 석

Garden Jewelry Design by Veronica

Logo Design 5

1 7/8’’

Conception de Veronica

Bijoux de jardin

Garden Jewelry

정 원 보 석

1 1/6’’

Conception de Veronica

정 원 보 석

Bijoux de jardin


1 1/2’’ 1 7/8’’ 3’’

1 1/6’’

1 1/2’’

Conception de Veronica

Garden Jewelry

Conception de Veronica

Logo Design 6

de jardin

Conception de Veronica


Design by Veronica

de ardin

Design by Veronica

Garden Jewelry

정 원 보 석

Bi oux

de jardin

Conception de Veronica

de jardin




BijouxConception de jardin de Veronica

정 원 보 석

Garden Jewelry Design by Veronica

This was inspired by decorative, vintage buttons. Their mossy color set the mode of a quiet garden with a touch of modernism. To break up the grays and greens of the color palette, the highlights of red are used to brighten up the design. The two base colors are the Moss Green and Dark Blue. Together these color form shades of gray. The alternate colors of the reds and ivory accompany the blues and greens of the base colors.

Color Palette 8

Moss Green - Base Color R 122 G 147 B 76

Dark Blue - A1 R 40 G 61 B 91

Blue/Gray - A2 R65 G86 B92

C56 M27 Y87 K7

C91 M76 Y40 K31

C79 M59 Y56 K23

HEX 7A934C

HEX 283D5B

HEX 41565C

Deep Gray - Mix1 R108 G114 B 118

Lite Gray - Mix2 R128 G130 B133

Gray - 50% K R 147 G 149 B 152

C43 M32 Y30 K35

C0 M0 Y0 K60

C0 M0 Y0 K50

HEX 6C7175

HEX 808285

HEX 939598

Black - 100% K R0 G0 B0

White R255 G255 B255

Maroon R68 G3 B22

C0 M0 Y0 K100

C0 M0 Y0 K0

C48 M86 Y66 K70

HEX 000000


HEX 440316

Scarlet R 200 G 54 B 39

Tan R211 G211 B 174

Lite Blue R207 G225 B226

C15 M93 Y100 K5

C18 M10 Y35 K0

C18 M4 Y9 K0

HEX C83627



A garden, outside somewhere, a natural setting—these are not the normal places to wear jewelry, but for this product you can wear anywhere and be beautiful. The landmarks for the product showcase magazines that are both high fashion and everyday adventures. You might see the adds for the Garden Jewelry walking down the streets of Paris or advertisements in magizines.

Mark Location 10

The bold font draws your attention to the words, provoking the audience to look inside or be excited about the product. The “Mary Jane Antique” font is decorative but still strong. “Modern No. 20” is a modern version, and “InaiMathi” is the body font.

Type Face Family 12

정 원 보 석

정 원 보 석

정 원 보 석

Mary Jane Antique - 12pt.

Mary Jane Antique - 24pt.

Mary Jane Antique - 36pt. Modern No. 20 - 12pt.

Modern No. 20 - 24pt.

Modern No. 20 - 36pt. InaiMathi - 12pt.

InaiMathi - 20pt.

InaiMathi - 36pt.

The business card doubles as the insert and provides information about the jewelry.

Business Card and Letterhead 14

8 1/2’’ 11’’

1’’ 1 3/4’’

de jardin

eption de Veronica

de jardin



Design by Veronica

Garden Jewelry

BijouxConception de jardin de Veronica


1234 Street Las Vegas, NM 87701 address@email.com 505-123-4567 3 7/16’’

Sunt et remporitatis int rem ne eum quissimi, tempos pratis estrum sincta sustem quiam repernatio es ut quias erum et occab ipsum fuga. Eptaquament esti consequid molorit qui volupti ntiande mporit lit volores voluptur? Otatibusam auda net quatem dolupie ndusapit porendiam hilluptur, volecum dolorposape premquias nos autestis maiorestis quatem. Tur sinus autatentem. Quiat iligendae natendis quatur? Design by Veronica

Conception de Veronica


Name N. Name


de jardin

2 15/16’’

de ardin


정 원 보 석

Bi oux

정 원 보 석

Molut idel ipsandae. Nam qui bea nullit fuga. Ut vent aut endellupis cus am que exerrum harchilignat quis solorro ent liam quundunt fugitaspidus aliciendam ea pore as non nulpa ipit velecusdamus ide pra volesti sintotatqui coris eicienia sit lia ad que sitiiscillab idi dolupta tendele senihil et lam recus, vendis essin restiisit eroreptae volupta tation cus aut rat. Acipsam quis autem que aut re, ut id qui omnihitas am, aut quat. Tur, quis ma delloratur aut liquia veliae verio. Lis que pliquid eniat.

Bore nost, qui totatiamus nat que quis et, omnis ipisi culliquam et, inveles dolupta tibusam faccus aut voluptati cone quam nonecup tatae. Ceatis et exerum et dolo voluptae adi bea qui to volupta tibusan daesse volum simillendia qui rae provid explign imusdaes ese quamus eos adio dunt aut derum rehenim illoriati optat doJewelry luptaepro volorias dendaep eriberchici corpore prae voluptate nonsedit quis nimusci Design by moloren ecaest maximus, volupiet quae veliquas quiae net apic teserum re, aspiet Veronica secus, quibusam ne pelendam adi omnisit atusdae. Ut quam, sit explandis apero escit am andes eni consectur, sinctati ut aut quam et aria sam cullabo. Nequam, nates pe il et verit, quodio maios dolupta sendio eseque volorepra corem ditiossiti alissuntios dem doluptas ute et eos eos sitas re res si quid et id et aut que pa verferum, quosaes erchillam, etum ullis asperum quis re repe omnim facea coreres tiant, consectur, ut molupit,Loria num harchiciet id es magnat dolupis dolestio to beaque nonsed eiur, qui cumquae nobisciis voluptasit pel magnimodit laborio nsequia quibus experes eiciis reptam ipicat.


Ignatum ullabor accullor simolor essusam restiatinis dolupti sanis is alignissedi il maionsequi abo. Itam ut quatius maion providebit volupta tiandam et pelent. Sendio Eseque Volorepra Corem. Molut

Title Name, Modern No. 20 -26pt Address, Modern No. 20 -14pt. Body text, InaiMathi -12pt.


n de Veronica

Design by Veronic

de ar

Bi ou


Design by Vero

Garden Je 11’’

2 1/2’’ 2 3/4’’

de jardin


8 1/2’’


Conception d


Business Card and Letterhead 15


Garden Jewelry Design by Veronica

Sunt et remporitatis int rem ne eum quissimi, tempos pratis estrum sincta sustem quiam repernatio es ut quias erum et occab ipsum fuga. Eptaquament esti consequid molorit qui volupti ntiande mporit lit volores voluptur? Otatibusam auda net quatem dolupie ndusapit porendiam hilluptur, volecum dolorposape premquias nos autestis maiorestis quatem. Tur sinus autatentem. Quiat iligendae natendis quatur? Molut idel ipsandae. Nam qui bea nullit fuga. Ut vent aut endellupis cus am que exerrum harchilignat quis solorro ent liam quundunt fugitaspidus aliciendam ea pore as non nulpa ipit velecusdamus ide pra volesti sintotatqui coris eicienia sit lia ad que sitiiscillab idi dolupta tendele senihil et lam recus, vendis essin restiisit eroreptae volupta tation cus aut rat. Acipsam quis autem que aut re, ut id qui omnihitas am, aut quat. Tur, quis ma delloratur aut liquia veliae verio. Lis que pliquid eniat. Bore nost, qui totatiamus nat que quis et, omnis ipisi culliquam et, inveles dolupta tibusam faccus aut voluptati cone quam nonecup tatae. Ceatis et exerum et dolo voluptae adi bea qui to volupta tibusan daesse volum simillendia qui rae provid explign imusdaes ese quamus eos adio dunt aut derum rehenim illoriati optat doluptaepro volorias dendaep eriberchici corpore prae voluptate nonsedit quis nimusci aspiet moloren ecaest maximus, volupiet quae veliquas quiae net apic teserum re, secus, quibusam ne pelendam adi omnisit atusdae. Ut quam, sit explandis apero escit am andes eni consectur, sinctati ut aut quam et aria sam cullabo. Nequam, nates pe il et verit, quodio maios dolupta sendio eseque volorepra corem ditiossiti alissuntios dem doluptas ute et eos eos sitas re res si quid et id et aut que pa verferum, quosaes erchillam, etum ullis asperum quis re repe omnim facea coreres tiant, consectur, ut molupit,Loria num harchiciet id es magnat dolupis dolestio to beaque nonsed eiur, qui cumquae nobisciis voluptasit pel magnimodit laborio nsequia quibus experes eiciis reptam ipicat. Ignatum ullabor accullor simolor essusam restiatinis dolupti sanis is alignissedi il maionsequi abo. Itam ut quatius maion providebit volupta tiandam et pelent. Sendio Eseque Volorepra Corem. Molut

1 1/8’’

1234 Street, Las Vegas, NM 87701 5/8‘’ address@email.com 505-123-4567

정 원 보 석

정 정 정 Bijoux 원 Bijoux de jardin Business원 Card and Letterhead 16원 보 de jardin 보 보 석 석 석 Conception de Veronica

Conception de Veronica


Design by Veronica

de ardin

Bi oux


1234 Street, Las Vegas, NM 87701 Jewelry Garden address@email.com Design by Veronica 505-123-4567

Design by Veronica

de ardin

Bi oux

Design by Veronica

Garden Jewelry

BijouxConception de jardin de Veronica

Jewelry Bijoux Design by de jardin Veronica


Conception de Veronica

de jardin

onception de Veronica



de jardin

N. Name nommé


Rue 1234, Las Vegas, nanomètre 87701 address@email.com 505-123-4567

BijouxConception de jardin de Veronica

Jewelry Design by Veronica

정 원 보 석

Conception de Veronica


de jardin


2 15/16’’

de jardin


2 15/16’’



BijouxConception de jardin de Veronica


Name N. Name

3 1/2’’

de jardin

de jardin

1 7/8’’

Conception de Veronica



1 13/16’’ Garden Jewelry Design by Veronica

2’’ 3 1/2’’


1234 Street, Las Vegas, NM 87701 address@email.com de ardin 505-123-4567

Bi oux Design by Veronica

정 원 보 석

Design by Veronica



Name N. Name

The packaging of this product carries the theme of the garden. The triangular shape, when opened, blooms like a flower to reveal the nectar of jewelry that awaits.

Packaging 18

Size Varies

The insert tells the receiver of the jewelry where the jewelry beads are from, who made it, and doubles as the business card.


123 Street Las Vegas, NM 87701 address@email.com

Design by Dragonfly

de ardin

Bi oux

Insert 20



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