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Sunday, January 8, 2012 - The Morning Star A31




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Anne Clarke, with Grannies à Gogo: the Vernon – South Africa Connection, gets up close to a lioness at Antelope Park in Zimbabwe.

Going on an ‘armchair’ safari LYNDA KERR Special to The Morning Star

If the winter weather is getting to you, an “armchair” safari may be just what you need. The first in a series of four travelogues presented by Grannies à Gogo begins with Anne and Hugh Clarke’s presentation, Land and Water Safaris in Africa: The Big Five and Much More. The focus will be on three safaris, Botswana, Zimbabwe and South Africa. “I am still amazed at all of the wild animals, reptiles and birds that we were able to see in the wild,” said Anne, adding that some of the highlights were seeing five of the larger animals in Kruger on the first day and over the course of the safaris, many delightful sightings of babies.

If you enjoy armchair travel and wish to go on a photo safari or are seeking an idea for your next trip, this slide photography and narrative will dazzle you. Responding to popular demand after last year’s travelogue sessions, this new series showcases different travel locations and begins Jan. 20. For convenience, you may attend any or all of them, as they are individually priced at $5 per travelogue at the door. The travelogues take place at the People Place, lower level, suite 101, 3402-27th Ave., from 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Other upcoming travelogue dates to note are Jan. 27, Feb. 3 and Feb.10. For more information, e-mail to granniesagogo@gmail.com Lynda Kerr is publicity coordinator for Grannies à Gogo.

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More than meets the eye


he passing of Apple’s Steve Jobs recently unleashed a torrent of well-deserved tributes to his accomplishments that have contributed so much to the world of computers we see around us today. Then the following week another icon of the computer industry died, but few outside his Vernon PC Users’ Club family, academicians, computer historians and former colleagues would be aware of the person who probably contributed more to the fact that all the amazing digital devices in use today actually work. His name is


Dennis Ritchie and he was a software developer, a programmer. There was an excellent article in WIRED magazine about Ritchie, from which I will only quote one paragraph that kind of says it all: “Dennis Ritchie is the father of the C programming language, and with fellow Bell Labs researcher Ken Thompson, he used C to build UNIX, the operating system that so much of the world is built on — including the Apple empire overseen by Steve Jobs.” Most users of technology only see what sits on their desk, rests on their lap or is held in their hand and rarely think about what actually causes it to do what it does. This is not surprising because the marketers of digital technology have

strived mightily to make it look sexy and be easy to use. Hardware designers can take most of the credit for outward appearance, but the software designers and programmers are the people who really make these devices as friendly as a purring pussycat. So the next time you marvel at what your iPad, iPhone, BlackBerry and the like can do, give a small nod to the programmers who have probably spent megahours creating the software that makes it all happen. The Vernon PC Users’ Club meets the second Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m. at the Schubert Centre in the cafeteria. Call Betty at 250-542-7024 or Olive at 250-542-8490 for more information.


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