Herstory Festival, Newcastle | March, 2022 | Welcome to Our City

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CITY GUIDE Discover a brand new utopian city created by students of Excelsior College

MANIFESTO Read about the decisions we've made and the ethos we've created for our residents

welcome to Ferocity Where Courage Grows and People Glow 'Welcome to our City' was a project commissioned by Poet in the City for Herstory Festival 2022, a festival bringing together poets, activists, librarians, curators and communities to explore the unfinished fight for women’s rights in the UK. In just one school day, a group of students at Excelsior College were tasked with creating a brand new city which was safe for women and marginalised groups, deciding on everything from its governance to its street map, how it treated its most vulnerable citizens and the types of entertainment and cultural activities that were available. The following booklet aims to introduce new residents to Ferocity and everything that their new home has to offer. We hope you enjoy reading it!


This is for you, to be YOU. As you read each page we, authentically, hope you feel welcomed. Safety and inclusivity are our foundations. Growth and empowerment pave our roads. Each and every beautiful resident of Ferocity is what makes this city what it is; euphoric


read me on your mobile On our residents mobile app we have a number of helpful options ranging from translations, text to speech features and the option to have a large print or braille copy of this guide posted to you. Simply scan the QR code or search 'Ferocity' on the app store.


contents 5

city map A bird's eye view of Ferocity with some key geographical info





safety and access Read about the measures we've taken to ensure that everyone can enjoy our city safely



Covid-free by Please help us stay aring masks and we ly, lar testing regu having your vaccine


lgbtqia+ A warm welcome to our queer community


worship All faiths and religions are catered for here at Ferocity - find out how in this section


sustainability Read about the steps we've taken to reduce our environmental impact


leisure activities From sailing and kayaking to shopping on our high street


nightlife What to do when the sun goes down


health and education Taking care of our residents of all ages


Ferocity at a glance A 60-second guide to the best place on earth!


city map

Train station

Spiritual square

Water sports

City square

National park

Hotel district


Railway line

Central hospital

Main roads


Similar to New York's Staten Island, Ferocity is an island city with a population of approximately 150,000. It is vibrant and multicultural, sometimes known as The Neon City due to its very bright art scene and nightlife. Ferocity is accessible by boat and underwater bullet train, both of which are free to residents. It boasts beaches to the South East, plus a huge national park, lake and a harbour where fishing, sailing and watersports take place. The small islands around Ferocity are protected nature reserves. Living in Ferocity is safe, accessible and affordable for all residents. The island is eco friendly, technologically advanced and is a popular tourist attraction which brings in lots of extra income to regularly improve our services.


Inclusive City Awards 2020


Inclusive City Awards 2021


safety Whether you’re a resident of Ferocity or simply visiting, we always prioritise your safety. Here are a few key things to remember: There are alarms located on every street which, when pressed, will alert emergency services. CCTV is very efficient and stationed throughout the city. Club bouncers and other front line hospitality staff are trained in street and sexual harassment protection. Clubs also offer colour changing nail polish and clear covers to put over drinks to prevent drink spiking. Taxis are stationed outside/nearby clubs to help you get home safely from a night out. If you experience any form of assault, harrassment or bullying you will be believed and supported.

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accessibility Ferocity provides a range of accessible services for all those with any type of disability. All stairs within the city have ramps for those in wheelchairs or those who can't use stairs, and all buildings are equipped with lifts. Cafes must have a quiet space for those who have sensory needs as well as fully accessible toilets and changing facilities. All informational tablets throughout the city and in our public buildings have multiple language options as well as text to speech for those who have sight impairments. We are always aiming to improve the accessible facilities in our city and would welcome comments and suggestions via our access team at the city council.


lgbtqia+ Whether you are a diverse family or a student on a night out, we have a varied programme of activities, pride celebrations and awareness days to honour our LGBT community. Our city council and key staff at our public buildings have received LGBT awareness training, hopefully removing the micro aggressions queer people face in every day life as well as institutional discrimination. Residents can use whichever pronouns they choose on official documents without a gender recognition certificate and there are gender neutral bathrooms throughout the city.


statues & public art





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A contemporary statue honouring the founder of the #MeToo movement can be found in our city square

Iconic and uncompromising Codebreaker and painter Frida Kahlo is celebrated mathematician Alan Turing can in a large scale graffiti mural be found memorialised in behind our museum sculpture near our harbour

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A permanent art installation dedicated to African American LGBT activist Marsha P Johnson adorns the main street in our hospitality and hotel district

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Our city is full of amazing art dedicated to some of the world's most inspirational people.

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We love hearing about those who inspire our residents - if you would like to celebrate someone, you can submit expressions of interest to the council for the attention of the arts and culture team.


worship Ferocity is home to people of all different religions. Our Spiritual Square in the North of the city offers residents and visitors of all faiths a place to reflect, worship and be together. In this section you can find details of the local temples, churches and mosques.

Salah times


ism Sikh

Our gurdwara is open every day for private worship with services on Sundays. Our langar (free community kitchen) is open to everyone, regardless of faith.

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Ferocity's church is open every Sunday for morning and evening services. We also have Bible study groups for all ages and a youth group, too!

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Our Hindu temple is open every day for prayers and educational visits. We also hold Bandhara Prasad (community meals) on Thursdays and Sundays.


Ferocity Central Mosque is open every day for private worship, with services on Fridays and special activities around Ramadan and Eid.


sustainability One of the main priorities we have in Ferocity is reducing our environmental impact through both big and small changes. We want our city to be here for generations in the future to enjoy. Every product manufactured in Ferocity has to follow strict sustainability guidelines, and we also only import produce from businesses who are committed to reducing their emissions. You will find solar panels on the roof of every business, electric cars and buses and a vast recycling system in place in all areas. Our city council also works with national and global partners to slow down the terrifying effects of climate change worldwide.

When enjoying our city, please remember... use the recycling bins provided bring a resuable bottle and shopping bag walk or use our electric transport where possible only buy what you need


why not get away from it all?




programm e e

a c ti v iti e s

Access to green spaces has been scientifically proven to improve your wellbeing - that's why our national park will always be free entry 14

leisure activities Being a unique city surrounded by water, sports such as water skiing, sailing, kayaking and cliff diving are in our nature! However, if you'd prefer to stay on dry land, we have plenty of other options, too. Our cinema complex in the hotel and hospitality district not only boasts a five screen cinema but also a bowling alley, climbing wall and traditional arcade. Our city musem houses some incredible artefacts and paintings, plus it's home to our beautiful library with mountains of books for adults and children. Don't forget to visit our city square with a huge range of independent and high street shops.


Upcoming courses Water skiing Complete beginners course (half day) 2nd March, 9am start, £45 Intermediate course (half day) 2nd March, 1pm start, £45

Sailing Complete beginners course (half day) 5th March, 9am start, £45 Intermediate course (half day) 5th March, 1pm start, £45

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Call us on 0191 2288 400 or enquire at the harbour



nightlife Ferocity is as vibrant and bustling when the sun goes down as it is during the daylight hours! Whether you're going to see a band at an independent venue, checking out a street food market or enjoying a lavish threecourse meal, there is truly something for everyone. We have worked hard to ensure that all of our restaurants provide halal, vegan and gluten free options on their menus, as well as plenty of non-alcoholic drinks that are more exciting than water. There are also multiple schemes in place to keep you safe, including free taxis home after dark for anyone who needs it. You can find out more about these features on our 'safety' page.


healthcare Healthcare within the city of Ferocity is one of the best in the world. Free healthcare is provided for everyone, whether it be physical or mental health, it all matters. We are committed to providing comprehensive packages of therapy, rehab and recovery facilities for those who need it and fast access to gender identity clinics. People experiencing homelessness, addiction, mental health crisis or any other issue are treated with respect and dignity at all times. We understand how hard it can be for people to receive help for gynaecological issues and have a specialist team for conditions such as endometriosis and PCOS.

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education We are extremely proud of our education system here at Ferocity. Local schools are welcoming and well equipped to teach young people not only their academic subjects but a range of skills they will need in their adult lives. Our schools educate students on the many cultures and religions of the world, with regular visits by faith leaders from our Spiritual Square. We teach life skills such as financial literacy and money management as part of the curriculum along with comprehensive sex and relationships education, consent and mental health awareness. Free school meals are provided for all students as well as equipment such as books, stationery and more specific resources for those who may need it, including those who have SEN needs such as dyslexia. To apply for a school place for a young person you look after, please email your nearest school directly.


We love seeing unforgettable city moments! Here's a selection of our favourite submissions from last month.

welcome to our city! submitted by @paul_de_paul

February photo dump

breathtaking view from across the water submitted by @claire92

winter sunset submitted by @lisab

dancing to Self Esteem at their recent gig submitted by @fero-citystadium


a morning walk in the national park submitted by @leafmebe

friday night cocktails! submitted by @clarapenelope

rain falling in the hospitality district submitted by @gregliveslife

coffee morning submitted by @coffeequeen


at a glance New to the city and wondering what we're all about? Here's a quick breakdown of some of Ferocity's key features and values:

safety Emergency alarms located on every street CCTV throughout the city Key staff trained in street and sexual harrassment awareness Free taxis to take you home after a night out if you need it Zero victim blaming policy

lgbtqia+ Varied programme of activities / awareness days Self-identification welcome on official documents Gender neutral bathrooms and other facilities Free gender reassignment surgery for those who want it

ility accessib Ramps and elevators present throughout the city Quiet / sensory spaces in every cafe and public building Fully accessible toilets BSL, Braille and text-tospeech facilities throughout Key staff trained in autism and mental health first aid

worship Large Spiritual Square in the North of the city with many different religious buildings Salah (prayer) times widely publicised Two free community kitchens for members of all faiths Educational programme for young people


health Free healthcare provided for all residents Comprehensive rehab, recovery and therapy packages Fast access to gender identity support Help available for chronic conditions

nightlife Huge range of after dark activities including music and dancing, street food, restaurants and theatre performances Wide range of halal, vegan and gluten free food options Safety and wellbeing schemes in place for party-goers

leisure Vast programme of sporting activities, particularly water sports such as sailing Large cinema, bowling and arcade complex Beautiful city museum with a huge library, too Independent and high street shops at your fingertips

bility sustaina Strict sustainability guidelines for products manufactured in the city Solar panels, electric powered vehicles and recycling points widely used and available Councillors work nationally as well as locally to solve the problem of climate change




Contributors: Sana Akhtar, Zanaib Amed, Dyar Asadi, Bethan Curley, Ramla Fikirini, Alisha Niaz, Rudra Patel, Madison Redhead, and Mariska Wrigley Facilitator and Editor: Bridget Hamilton With special thanks to: Kate Perry and Gareth Smith from Excelsior College Ruth Dewhirst, Emma Wallace and the team at New Writing North's Young Writers' City who regularly provide in-classroom and extra curricular writing sessions to Excelsior Academy and Excelsior College students

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