CAMPUS Magazine

Page 12

sep-oct ‘09

The Green Scene Environment, green living, nature. These words unleashed varied responses from the students. Do you really care if the ozone layer has a huge, gaping hole? What is your bit towards making the earth greener? Excerpts from the chat.

Mohammed Abdullah I encourage my father to use energy-saving bulbs and lights and I see to it that I switch off the AC when I’m not in the room.



I try and drive less and try and walk to reach a place if it’s within walking distance.

I tried starting a composting unit at home, but had to discontinue because my mom didn’t help me with it. We also have a ‘Live Green’ association at our university, which helps spread awareness with regards to recycling.

It really bugs me when I see people who park their cars at the malls, and leave the AC until they are back. How can you be so inconsiderate and burn fuel just for your convenience?

petra tawfiq Have views to share? Want to meet like minded people? Campus Brainstorm is the place to be. If your interested in participating please mail us your details to

The early bird got an iPod! Keghani Kouzoujian won an iPod for being the Early Bird. The prize was sponsored by the generous folks from iSpot.

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