Case study on radical third wave feminism

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INTRO DUC TIO N Feminism is a range of political movements, ideologies, and social movements that share a common goal: to define, establish, and achieve political, economic, personal, and social equality of sexes. This includes seeking to establish educational and professional opportunities for women that are equal to those for men. Feminist movements have campaigned and continue to campaign for women’s rights, including the right to vote, to hold public office, to work, to earn fair wages or equal pay, to own property, to receive education, to enter contracts, to have equal rights within marriage, and to have maternity leave. Feminists have also worked to ensure access to legal abortions and social integration, and to protect women and girls from rape, sexual harassment, and domestic violence. Changes in dress and acceptable physical activity have often been part of feminist movements.


First-wave feminism was a period of activity during the 19th century and early twentieth century. In the UK and eventually the US, it focused on the promotion of equal contract, marriage, parenting, and property rights for women.

SECOND WAVE Second-wave feminism is a feminist movement beginning in the early 1960s and continuing to the present; as such, it coexists with third-wave feminism. Second-wave feminism is largely concerned with issues of equality beyond suffrage, such as ending gender discrimination.

THIRD WAVE The third wave of feminism emerged in the mid-1990s. It was led by so-called Generation Xers who, born in the 1960s and ’70s in the developed world, came of age in a media-saturated and culturally and economically diverse milieu.



A BIDS TRA FFIC CASE On Thursday, the 24-year-old woman was stopped by a sub-inspector (SI) and a constable for driving on the wrong side of the road and not wearing a helmet. Subsequently, the police found that she neither had a license nor any valid documents of the two-wheeler she was driving. A video of the incident went viral in the social media. In the 58-second video clipping, the woman Yasmeen Begum Shaik, is seen shouting and threatening the policemen, asking them to move away from the vehicle. However, the SI and the constable tackled the situation peacefully. Sub Inspector V Satyanaryana of Abids Traffic Police said, “No one has ever abused me like that before..that too a woman.� At least a dozen cases have been registered in the last two months where women have kicked, slapped, and held the collar of the traffic policemen or tried to run them over in a bid to escape after violating traffic norms.

There are other instances for e.g, a woman manhandled a traffic constable when he clicked a photo of her and her boyfriend for riding on the wrong side. The woman K Kiran, abused, kicked and pulled the collar of the constable in Jubilee Hills. In a separate incident, a woman tried to hit SI Shah Hussain at Malakpet with her two-wheeler when he tried to stop her from driving without wearing a helmet and on the wrong side of the road.

Screenshot from the video showing the S.I and the women at the place - Abids, Hyderabad, Telangana.


- The incident took place between a male and a female. - Rough behavior by the lady towards the police. - Verbal abuse by the female. - The female raising inspite of her mistake. - Involving the law The overview of the important and notable points can be as follows. The incident started when the lady is charged/stopped for her actions which are legally unacceotable. The lady instead of accepting her mistake, in turn was defending herself. She was still not abused or hurt but was treated with cool for the only reason that she was a female.


There is a show named dadagiri which airs on the television. This is a reality show in which the contestants have to take certain kind of challenges. These challenges would be given by a ‘bully’ which was played by a girl called Isha. Even 70 percent of this is scripted, 30 percent of the program goes by improvisation on spot. In this particular episode, the contestant Ravi Bhatia was playing. The conversation was happening while this girl abused them too much. That was literally not a problem because that was the limit for the improvisation. The girl said,’ why don’t you go and f**k off then?’, for which the boy said,’you go..’. After this the girl slapped him since she had nothing to say. He slapped her in turn. This created ruckus and the whole direction department team members came onstage. The host started beating the guy for slapping a girl.

The video went viral in the social media and became a meme too. THe guy got his copies and he said that he was going to fight against this legally and he can do since he has the evidence


- This incident too took place between a male and a female. - Abusive behaviour towards the boy - Verbal and physical abuse by the female. - The boy is the victim The overview of the important and notable points can be as follows. The incident escalated very quickly. Teh cnoversation was a heated one and one sided. The girl was talking continuosly. When the girl ran out of words and slapped teh guy. The boy slapped her in turn which was considered to be a wrong move and the guy was beaten by the people backstage.


A fal s e cas e u n d e r I P C se ct io n 4 98a

Wife refuses to live with husband in spite of husband & Hon. Court taking every effort to save the marriage. Court even request the couple to stay at a resort for a week, wife returns from the stay, says enjoyed her time, but still wants divorce. Then wife files a false 498a which the court openly condemns.

Wife refuses to live with husband in spite of husband & Hon. Court taking every effort to save the marriage. Court even request the couple to stay at a resort for a week, wife returns from the stay, says enjoyed her time, but still wants divorce. Then wife files a false 498a which the court openly condemns.

The supreme court said, ‘During hearing, we came to know that the appellant filed a criminal case against the respondent and his entire family under Section 498-A IPC. From the conduct of the appellant we have no hesitation to hold that the appellant being at fault wants to misuse the process of law and harass the respondent and his family members for the sin of marrying her. We never expected that women would be of such a character in this country.

The supreme court said, ‘During hearing, we came to know that the appellant filed a criminal case against the respondent and his entire family under Section 498-A IPC. From the conduct of the appellant we have no hesitation to hold that the appellant being at fault wants to misuse the process of law and harass the respondent and his family members for the sin of marrying her. We never expected that women would be of such a character in this country.


- This incident too took place between a male and a female. - Woman filing a case against the man - The case is no how related to their problem - The man is the victim of the woman’s FIR The overview of the important and notable points can be as follows. The lady filed a case on her husband when she wanted the divorce even though she claimed that she had a good time at the resort. Despite the court trying to sort the problem, the lady was stubborn to get divorce and made use of the section 498a to her advantage.


VIJAYA LAKSHMI PANDIT First Woman President, UN General Assembly 1953

ANN DAVISON First Woman to sail singly across the Atlantic 1953

WOMEN’S LIBERATION MOVEMENT Ruskin College, Britain 1970

GERMAINE GREER publishes The Female Eunuch 1970

EQUAL PAY PROTEST National Museum Australia 1984

DIANE ABBOT Member of Parliment Britain 1987

AUNG SAN SUU KYI Nobel Peace Prize 1991

Martial Rape declared illegal in the UK 1987


J. Howard Miller’s “We Can Do It!” poster from 1943.

Women’s Liberation Movement - 1960

One of the things about equality is not just that you betreated equality to a man, but that you treat yourself equality to the way you treat a man.

“Feminism is the radical notion that women are human beings.” ― Cheris Kramara

Men are from Earth, women are from Earth. Deal with it. ― George Carlin

The James G. Martin Center for Academic Renewal

‘Slutwalk’ women march on New York


- Awareness for people to avoid the misunderstanding of the word Feminism - Not encouraging the women’s organization to protest on petty and silly issues. - Developing a mindset to understand that women and men are equal in a social way but not physical way. - Removing the idea of soft corner for girls - If it is for equality, then every aspect should be equal. - Accpeting the truth that there can never be euality in physical aspect. - Knowing the facat that different people have different ideas, thoughts, capabilities, ideologies and not to generalise a gender or a community


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