FNIC Final Presentation Feb2014

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Vehik Nazaryan, UMD Dietetic Intern

Overview of Projects 

Software Testing- Alliance for Healthier Generation Calculator

Smart Snacks Resources Page

Professional Standards Training Resources

Child Nutrition Database Software Evaluation

Web Project

Tweets - School Nutrition Environment and Wellness Resources

Last Week’s Projects 

Professional Standards Website

USDA’a Dietarty Guidance Working Group Project

Vegeterian Resources list

Scavenger Hunt: The Glue that Kept Everything Together 1st Day: Scavenger Hunt Almost every project started with:  Reading and more reading 


Organizing materials that could be potential resources

Utilizing technology to the fullest

Software Testing SMART Snacks Calculator 

Reviewed the output for product nutritional labels Meets or does not meet the Smart Snacks nutrition standards  If does not meet- The reason why 

 

Put results in product label spreadsheet Took the Usability Survey- short 5 question survey

Product Labels

Smart Snacks Calculator

Product Label Spreadsheet


Smarts Snacks in Schools Standards 

As required by the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 USDA has issued new “Smart Snacks in School nutrition standards for competitive foods and beverages sold outside of the federal reimbursable school meals program during the school day

Smarts Snacks in Schools Standards 

These standards set limits on  Calories  Salt  Sugar

Fat  Beverages 

Promotes snack foods that have  Whole

grains  Low fat dairy  Fruits and vegetables  Protein foods as their main ingredients

Smarts Snacks in Schools Standards Notes:  These standards are the minimum requirement for schools 

Schools can adapt standards that are stricter than the federal standards

Flexibility:  Time-honored traditions like fundraisers and bake sales

Smart Snacks Resources Project My Role:  Find Resources for Smart Snacks page  Lots

of research

Utilized Drupal : Content Management System

My First Web Page: Smart Snacks in School Resources

Software Evaluations Project 

Evaluated TrakNOW and WebSMARTT3 for CN17 compliancy (Child Nutrition Database- version17) Worked on a draft of the testing conditions for CN18 (Child Nutrition Database-Version18)

Child Nutrition Database (CN-D) 

The Child Nutrition Database (CN-D) CN-17: current Version  CN-18: More recent version 

Data is collected on the following 15 nutrients: Calories  Total fat, saturated fat, trans fat, cholesterol,  Sodium  Carbohydrate, dietary fiber  Protein  Vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium, iron,  Ash, and moisture 



Professional Standards Resources Project

Goals: 

Staff Training - Employee will be able to ensure essential training is available and will encourage professional development. Ensure that all employees receive proper training in all essential areas. Offer opportunities for professional development. Develop employee training plans, including a plan for tracking training. Implement a plan for retention, promotion and recognition.

Professional Standards Project 

Found resources for:  Water,

energy, and waste management  Recycling  Staff training tracking

Tweets For :  School Nutrition Environment and Wellness Resources Page Also used:  Used bitly to shorten the links One of my Tweets: Need new ideas to boost the wellness efforts at your school? View this collection of success stories for inspiration http://1.usa.gov/1bmAWwi 

Web Project 

Farm to School Section  Reviewed

the current Farm to School section  Categorized the resources  Did the HTML codes for the Farm to School resources into 

Beans Section 

Helped with the organization of the resources

Last Week’s Projects 

Professional Standard's webpage 

The Vegetarian Nutrition Resources(Currently working on it)  

Reviewed for user friendliness and browsability of resources

Review the resources for accuracy Find additional resources for Vegetarian diet and Disease Prevention

USDA’s Dietary Guidance Working Group Project 

Reviewed a pamphlet created for Vietnamese population living in the USA

My E-Portfolio 


Thank You!


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