The Irish Vegetarian 132

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Summer 2011 Issue 132

Magazine of the Vegetarian Society of Ireland

Great holiday ideas & super summer recipes

Dee’s Burgers profiled The treats of London ... and much more inside

Vegan Cook-off report! The Irish Vegetarian - Summer 2011

The Irish Vegetarian - Summer 2011


7 The Burgers with Buzz Hana Hall profiles Deirdre Collins, the driving force behind Dee’s Burgers

8 Vegantastic Cook-off! Fiona Hannon reports from January’s Vegan Cook-off in aid of the Dublin Simon Community

12 Holidays in Ireland Sophia Klein discovers some real gems for vegan and vegetarian holidays in the Emerald Isle

18 London Calling Sarah Burnham samples the vegan and vegetarian treats on offer in restaurants around the UK’s capital city 10 Home Organics Recipes by Sarah Merrigan 14 VSI Dublin Meetup Group by Grace Hillis 15 Veggie BBQs by Maria Connolly 16 Seductive Desserts by Sílvia Packter 17 Benefits of Going Veg*n by Amy Rohu 20 Eating Animals review by Grace Hillis 20 Student Living by Conor Hand details on back cover Vegetarian Society of Ireland c/o Dublin Food Coop, 12 Newmarket, Dublin 8 Phone: (01) 488 0250 email: VSI is a Registered Charity: CHY12238 3

This magazine is printed on Cocoon Silk, a 100% FSC recycled paper that is process chlorine free.

The Irish Vegetarian - Summer 2011


The Vegetarian Society of Ireland AIMS OF THE SOCIETY Our constitutional aims are to advance education, and to promote the positive aspects of vegetarianism in relation to both health and environmental issues. We also aim to create more awareness of the organisation, and to inform the people of Ireland about vegetarianism. We aim to co-operate with other organisations which promote the fundamental ideals of vegetarianism. The VSI supports both vegetarian and vegan aims.

COMMITTEE The committee of the VSI are elected annually and volunteer their time. We hold monthly meetings to ensure the vegetarian voice for Ireland is being listened to. Chairperson Secretary Treasurer Researcher Webmaster

Colm O’Brien Grace Hillis vacant Sarah Burnham Colm O’Brien

VOLUNTEERING We are always looking for people to help out. If you can lend a hand from time to time please email with your contact details.

DEFINITIONS The Vegetarian Society of Ireland defines a vegetarian as one who does not consume meat, fish or fowl and who aims to avoid the use and consumption of battery hen eggs and slaughterhouse by-products in food, clothing, cosmetic and household products. A vegan is one who adopts a way of living which seeks to exclude, as far as possible and practical, all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose. In dietary terms veganism refers to the practice of dispensing with all animal produce including meat, fish, poultry, eggs, animal milks, honey and their derivatives. Abhorrence of the cruel practices inherent in dairy, livestock and poultry farming is probably the most common reason for the adoption of veganism, but many people are drawn to it for health, ecological, resource, spiritual and other reasons.

ADVERTISING 1/8 page ... €20 1/4 page ... €35 1/2 page ... €60 Full page ... €100 Small adverts of up to 20 words €10 (Small adverts are free to members) submit queries on advertising and artwork to

The recent run of good weather has really shown the country in a fantastic light. If you are planning to holiday in Ireland this year then Sophia Klein’s article on page 12 has some great ideas of where to go. London is just a short hop away too and Sarah Burnham profiles some of the City’s treats on page 18. The cold snap last winter didn’t dissuade people from attending a great evening sampling the delightful food prepared for the Vegan Cook-off. Fiona Hannon’s report is on page 8. Hana Hall also profiles Deirdre Collins, who founded Dee’s Burgers, in her article on page 7. With recipes, a book review, news and other features, we hope you enjoy our bumper 24 page summer issue. Don’t forget to enter our super EO Ireland competition! As always, we welcome and value YOUR input so don’t hesitate to drop us a line at with any news, comments, quibbles, or suggested articles. JF

Calling all bakers! The VSI is running a vegan bake sale on Saturday, 7th May 2011 in Exchange Dublin, Temple Bar, Dublin 2 from 12pm to 2pm. Email if you would like to donate some vegan baked goods. We'd also love for you to come to the event to purchase the mouth watering vegan treats. See for more info.

Dining out in County Clare Audrey and Julie of the Clare Veg Group recently contacted popular restaurants across the county asking them to improve their vegetarian menus. In the letter, they mentioned that they are starting restaurant reviews for their blog. They got a few responses, some helpful, some not so helpful. The most positive response by far was from the Rowan Tree, in Ennis town centre. If you have recently dined out in the Clare area and feel like sharing the experience, why not put a few words together and send it to Audrey and Julie? They'd love to get regular blog entries about dining out in Clare. Photos, obviously, are a bonus. Check out their web site Views expressed in this magazine do not necessarily represent policies of the Vegetarian Society of Ireland.

Autumn 2011 Issue Deadline The next issue of The Irish Vegetarian will be distributed at the beginning of August. Articles can be accepted in text file, PDF, Open Office or MS-Office format. Images/ photos for inclusion need to be of good quality (no resize/crop) with a resolution of at least 300dpi and in JPEG format. Mail The deadline for any advertisements and articles for inclusion is

June 27th, 2011 The Irish Vegetarian - Summer 2011

If you have a notice for inclusion in the next issue then contact us by email at

Cornucopia Competition Winner The Spring 2011 issue featured an opportunity for one lucky reader to dine with a friend or partner for free in Dublin’s Cornucopia restaurant. The winner was Sarah Barnwell. Congratulations Sarah!

Women's Mini Marathon Ladies, if you're doing the Women's mini marathon this year please consider raising funds for the VSI. The VSI is a registered charity (No. CHY12238) run entirely by volunteers. Please email for a sponsorship card and t-shirt. The closing date to register for the mini marathon is Wednesday, 27th April or when the maximum number of entries is reached and you can register online at

13th International Vegan Festival in Spain The 13th International Vegan Festival will be held from the 4th to 12th of June, 2011 in Rincón de la Victoria, Málaga (Spain.) The Festival motto is "A Whole World to Share", and the programme will address all matters relating to vegan nutrition. See

A big thank you to our volunteers and contributors! Contributors: Eithne Brew, Sarah Burnham, Maria Connolly, Hana Hall, Conor Hand, Fiona Hannon, Grace Hillis, Sophia Klein, Sarah Merrigan, Sílvia Packter, Amy Rohu, Audrey Shanahan, Gemma Sidney

Proof reading: Eithne Brew, Grace Hillis and Gemma Sidney

Editors: Maria Connolly, John Flannery, and Colm O’Brien

Distribution (Spring ’11): Eithne Brew

Typesetting & Design: John Flannery and Sean Dwyer


Packing (Spring ’11): Aoife Bell-Brew and Eithne Brew

Cover: Descending from the magnificent Mourne Mountains in Co. Down (picture by Gemma Sidney)


News source:

Controversial Poster A PETA advertising campaign in the Welsh town of Merthyr has sparked furious debate. PETA’s poster shows a child eating a burger along with the slogan “Feeding kids meat is child abuse - fight the fat - go veg." Local council officials say, “We are seeing children as young as three or four with arterial clogging. We know that a vegetarian diet is much healthier." But they go on to add, “Unfortunately, the message conveyed in this advert is portrayed as stereotypically offensive and is blatantly inaccurate.” "From a children's services point of view, this advert is at the very least ill-conceived and at worst may cause distress to an already vulnerable group of children, young people and their families. In short, it is offensive and strays into a subject area that should not be trivialised." PETA says it paid for the billboard poster in Merthyr because the town has a problem with overweight youngsters.

Amy’s UK Kitchen Amy’s Kitchen is a successful US-based food brand specialising in vegetarian food and food for people with special dietary

needs. They plan to start production in the UK in early June and have distribution deals with supermarkets Asda, Sainsbury’s and Waitrose as well as health food companies including Holland & Barrett. Their initial range will be similar to the US but the group hope to create new recipes as they get more familiar with the market. The group will also aim to export their products to key markets on the Continent.

Red faces at VegNews VegNews is a San Francisco-based vegetarian life-style magazine and web site but they recently got into hot water when bloggers revealed photos VegNews labelled as meatless dishes did actually contain meat. The subterfuge was uncovered when the bloggers noticed images in VegNews were taken from an online stock photo service and the meat was digitally airbrushed out of pictures. VegNews apologised but originally defended its use of pictures of meat to illustrate vegan dishes as a necessity brought about by producing publication on a tight budget. Subscriber pressure has now forced VegNews to discontinue the practice.

Kerry Holiday House To Let Self-catering 3-bedroom house to let near Sneem, Co. Kerry. Letting only to vegans & vegetarians from July 1st.

only €50 per week Contact Maria Arnaldi (086) 862 8428

Super-diary plan scrubbed Nocton Dairies Ltd , who planned a 3,770 cow “super” dairy in the UK, have withdrawn their planning application following concerns from the UK’s Environment Agency. Welfare, environmental and local groups previously forced the company to halve their original plan for a herd of 8,000 diary cows. Fears though have arisen around another super farm proposal. UK-based Midland Pig Producers have submitted plans for a 30-acre complex housing 25,000 sows and piglets to Derbyshire County Council. Animal campaigners warn that it could drive hundreds of traditional family farms out of business and herald a wave of American-style ‘megafarms’.

A member writes Dear VSI Friends, Thank you for the magazine received today. It is excellent. Lovely recipes and great news about students, as well as the articles. Thank you. I wish we lived closer as you sound like an excellent group. Our Veg. Soc of Ulster broke up many years ago and the City and the North needs one. I was Secretary for 15 years but ‘humans’ didn’t get along. Too many chiefs and not enough workers! I am the local contact for Veg Society, Viva, Vegan Soc, Movement of Compassionate Living / Animal Aid, Hippo, Christian Veg Association and some more so subs are high and I give them to them all. It is lonely here though without a group. We were down many years ago at your AGM and were so welcome and treated so well. I expect there are many new faces since then. We will try to get down again. We are 45 years veg. I have been vegan over 40 years. It works but hard work in the North – no veg cafes, etc and churches are very reluctant to listen. I am the only member of Christian Veg Association here. I have for years tried to get capital to start a veggie take-away/drop-in-centre but property and rents are so high. I am on a little part of UK Veg Soc website and a kind person years ago (they are in your group) bought the book The Elimination of Accidents (now out of print.) Bob’s smaller book is Towards the Reduction of Human Error. It helps keep you safe and is good for the brain. Safety and good health and may our compassion grow for every living thing on the planet. Love, Beth.


The Irish Vegetarian - Summer 2011

Kelloggs Cornflakes no longer suitable for vegans the differing needs of all our consumers and do no want to exclude anyone from enjoying our products”, so do contact Kelloggs if you have a comment about this change.

Recently some cereals produced by Kelloggs have become unsuitable for vegans. Kelloggs Ireland kindly emailed the Vegetarian Society of Ireland to inform us of this change (in March 2011) and extracts of that email have been presented below. Why fortify these cereals? “Due to the public health concern regarding insufficient intakes of Vitamin D within the Irish population (as highlighted by the Food Safety Authority of Ireland) we have chosen to now fortify 2 of our biggest brands –Kellogg’s Corn Flakes and Kellogg's Coco Pops, with Vitamin D. This in turn, means that these products will no longer be suitable for Vegans.”

Other Kellogg’s products which remain suitable for vegans include: Just Right, Fruit and Fibre, Frosties, Rice Krispies, Rice Krispies Multigrain and Raisin Wheats.

Why is Vitamin D not suitable for vegans? “The Vitamin D that we use for fortification (D3) is not suitable for Vegans, as it is sourced from Lanolin.” Lanolin is a waxy substance secreted by the sebaceous glands of wool-bearing animals and it is generally obtained from sheep’s wool.

Which Nestlé cereals are suitable for Vegans?

How will we know if a product on the supermarket self contains the new ingredient? “The first production run of Vitamin D-fortified Kellogg’s Corn Flakes was in December 2010, so these packs will currently be in market. The presence of Vitamin D is indicated by its inclusion on the ingredient list, as well as on the nutritional panel. There is also a clear indication on the front of the pack that the food now ‘contains Vitamin D’.”

In light of the news that Kelloggs Cornflakes are no longer suitable for vegans we contacted Nestlé to check which of their cereals are currently suitable for vegans (details valid 1st of March 2011). Nestle products suitable for vegans: Shredded Wheat, Bitesize Shredded Wheat, Shredded Wheat Fruitful, Shreddies, Force, Nesquik, Curiously Cinnamon, Cheerios, Cheerios Oats, Superfruity SW Red, Superfruity SW Black

“We plan to fortify all of the Coco Pops range with Vitamin D, beginning with Coco Pops Moons and Stars in the first quarter of 2011, and Coco Pops Original in the second quarter, meaning that they will no longer be suitable for Vegans.”

All Nestlé cereals are suitable for vegetarians. — information sourced by Sarah Burnham, VSI researcher

Kelloggs do state: “We do value your comments and appreciate

We’re at 12 Moore St, Dublin 1

The Irish Vegetarian - Summer 2011


by Hana Hall Examiner 17/02/11), a worry to most of us, however Dee was quick to reassure that this is false, stating that their distribution is separate and the company mentioned merely share the same industrial park.

Maybe you have seen them in your local supermarket? Or watched the response they got on Dragons Den or have seen the varied reviews on Maybe even sampled them yourself, but one things is for sure, there is a lot of buzz at the moment around Dee’s Eat Well, Be Happy burgers.

It is clear in talking to her that wholefood is her passion, as is business and she is keeping her eye on potential and sustainable new sources of plant based protein such as yellow pea and hemp

This award-winning range of Vegetarian, gluten-free burgers are considered unique because they’re made from natural, nonprocessed ingredients such as protein rich seeds, wholegrains and vegetables and are available in the chilled grocery departments of the main supermarket multiples and convenience stores, including Dunnes Stores, Tesco, SuperValu, Centra and Superquinn.

“We wanted to offer everyone something completely different. It is true that our food is suitable for vegans and vegetarians which is fantastic and the omega burger in particular ticks the three main vegetarian dietary requirements. The hempseed contained in our Omega Burger is a complete protein, so no need for food combining as you get all the amino acids your body needs, millet is naturally rich in iron and also the hemp contains valuable "good fats" omega 3, 6 and 9 but is also soy and salt free which is a big point of difference to most vegan foods out on shelves. It's all about the nutrient quality of the food we eat. I always tell customers to drink a glass of orange juice before eating or eat something rich in vitamin c as this helps the body to absorb the non-haem iron present in the millet There's more to value for money than what something costs…”

Deirdre Collins also known as “Dee”, sources her vegetables, grains, seeds and other ingredients from Irish Independents near Macroom, Co Cork, having initially sold her products in farmers’ markets. The range has been receiving lots of press (which is why we thought we may include it here) with the company recently announcing that Dee’s wholefood burgers are about to be launched in the UK after a lucrative distribution deal was agreed with Londonbased Marigold Health Foods. Her food has appeared recently at Vegfest in Brighton and will re-appear at the bigger Vegfest in Bristol in May. The UCC Food Science and Nutrition graduate says sales of her healthy food brand have soared since she appeared on RTÉ’s Dragons’ Den in 2009.Within the last year, the business has begun to export its meat-free burgers to Dubai in the United Arab Emirates. A huge jump in sales means the Eat Well, Be Happy brand is now stocked in over 200 Irish retail outlets. Facebook has played a part in Dee’s business success. Her page includes other nutrient packed recipes as well as a new range of bean based meals that are being tested on a facebook panel.

And Dee’s last point could not have been better put than by vegetarian actress Joanna Lumley who once said, “There is no such thing as cheap food, someone, somewhere pays the price.”

These “burgers” tick many boxes. No meat, no gluten, no egg, no dairy, no additives, no soy, no cholesterol and no added salt or sugar. Plus they are organic and made with local ingredients in West Cork. Dee said in her pitch on Dragon’s Den that she is not vegetarian herself but follows the principles of a wholefood diet; no salt, sugar and keeping food in as natural state as possible. Talking to IVS, she says she is no Linda Mc Cartney, but a vegetarian food producer and makes the point that many vegetarian products on the market are made by huge multi nationals, who do not necessarily use free range, organic etc, have meat products in other ranges and are in no way committed to supporting those who choose a plant based diet. She also reiterates her burgers have a high nutritional value with out salt and sugar. A previous article stated that Dee’s products for Britain “are collected on a Tuesday from Irish Bacon Slicers in Ballincollig” (Irish


The Irish Vegetarian - Summer 2011

by Fiona Hannon Fun, warm hospitality and real contribution. That was what I wanted for my community project, something I would take on as part of doing the ‘Self-Expression and Leadership Program’ with Landmark Education. I needed to create a community project that would inspire me and initially I hadn’t a notion of what that would be! I tried to think of something that would centre around one of the communities in my life, like my family, my work colleagues, my neighbours. One thing I kept coming back to was the vegan/vegetarian community but I really wanted a project that would be inclusive and involve my family and others too. have gone vegetarian if I hadn’t seen the images I did - I think that showing people how easy and delicious it is to be vegan and how ‘normal’ it can be, in a very non-judgemental setting is the most effective approach for changing entrenched attitudes in the long term. But enough of my own opinions.

One evening I was browsing online, looking at projects that other people had done and I began to read about The First Annual Great Squash Cook-Off, organised in New York in 2007. And it hit me. A Vegan Cook-Off! Eureka! And I got SO excited about it I could hardly sleep. Thus, the great idea was born (Not exactly my idea, granted, but that didn’t matter.)

Soon after I had the idea, I approached the wonderful Grace Hillis, my friend and a committee-member of the Vegetarian Society of Ireland, and she agreed to be my partner in crime. We were clear we wanted to have 25 contestants. They would prepare their dishes beforehand and bring them to the venue. Members of the public would pay in, get to taste all the different dishes (food-combining blasphemy, I know) and vote for their favourite ones in two categories: sweet and savoury. The votes would be counted and the winners announced on the night and they’d receive prizes donated by The Hopsack health food shop in Rathmines, which was very generous in its support of the event. The venue was to be the lovely space of Exchange Dublin in Temple Bar.

I decided to have it as a charity event to raise money for the Dublin Simon Community, which does great work to help homeless people in Dublin. Homelessness is something I personally find very upsetting and I was happy to be able to so something to help those who have no roof over their heads at night. I was also keen to bust some myths about veganism; that the food we eat is boring and not tasty, and that we only care about animals, not people! I wanted the event to be fun and inclusive of vegans and non-vegans as well. While I think stronger and more direct methods of increasing awareness of how animals are treated has its place - I don’t know if I’d

The preparation involved was humongous and promotion was the first thing on the menu (ha). I sought out someone who could design a poster and my very talented artistic friend Paul Dooley came up with no less than three excellent and witty designs. We got posters printed and distributed (Reads gave us a super-generous discount). We posted a blurb on the Facebook event page we created, on other websites and eventually on the blog that Grace created ( We contacted the Vegetarian Society of Ireland, and Vegan Ireland heard about the event and offered their support as well.

All photos in this article are by Iain Nash The Irish Vegetarian - Summer 2011


We set up and designed an entry form to send out to those who were interested in entering. We really had to create exactly how we wanted the evening to go, weeks beforehand, which was great for me as historically I’m a go-with-the-flow kinda

gal! The entries rolled in. From Red Thai Curry Risotto to Indian Pakora to Brazilian Banana Pie to Peanut & Almond Butter Croissant, each new dish was very exciting, and a precious addition to the banquet. All the details, big and small, had to be handled and there was many a long email thread between Grace and me! There was catering equipment to be hired (to keep food hot), a photographer and helpers to be found, coffee stirrers among much else to be bought, extension leads and music to be sourced and about a hundred other things. We were extremely fortunate to have the help of the dynamic and cheerful Aga, who contacted us out of the blue to offer to help. She and her technical whizz friend Cif created beautiful voting cards and Cif was exceptionally patient with all the chopping and changing of contestants (and thus the voting card) right up to the afternoon of the cook-off. (That was a remarkably last-minute trip to Reads when I think about it!) He and Aga also compiled many of the recipes into a booklet which sadly we couldn’t sell in the end due to copyright restrictions.

ordering some more of those cupcakes or other sweet edibles! We were thrilled with the turnout (over 150 people, if I remember correctly) and the Dublin Simon Community were so grateful for the €945 we raised. One of the most common questions people asked us as they were leaving was ‘When’s the next one?’

The week of the cook-off was that memorable week of heavy snow and ice in Dublin. The cook-off was set for Thursday the 2nd December, we had about 28 contestants confirmed and I was determined it was going ahead. And I sent what I felt was a stoic and inspiring email to all the contestants and helpers on Tuesday saying just that.

Well, we will have to have a think about that! It’s a definite possibility, though we would need a larger organisational team; it was quite a lot for two people (for the most part) to take on, much as we enjoyed it. If you’d like to help create another cook-off, or enter as a contestant, email us at so that we can contact you if or when the possibility presents itself. Or go ahead and create your own cook-off. Spin-off cook-offs are highly encouraged — there’s always room for more delicious contributions!

The following day Grace really thought we should postpone it to ensure people’s safety and I could see her judgement was sound, though the impractical side of me was reluctant to admit it! We did postpone it and in hindsight it was definitely the right decision. The lovely people in St. Andrew’s Resource Centre on Pearse St. were able to accommodate us for Cook-Off Take 2 on the 13th January. Some of our contestants couldn’t make it on this date which was a real shame for them and for us, but we were delighted to get some new people as well. The night itself was brilliant, notwithstanding a temporary power cut which meant the hostess trolleys (for keeping the hot food hot) didn’t heat up in time to really do the job they were meant to. The place was thronged with people who were delighted to judge the various dishes against the desires of their own particular palates. The place was buzzing and we were lucky enough to have a fantastic team of friends to help out who did a fabulous job. The winning dishes were Sarah Merrigan’s ‘Avocado and Purple Sprout Salad with Sesame, Lime and Ginger’ and Mary Doyle’s ‘Madagascar Bourbon Vanilla Mini Cupcakes with “Cream Cheese” Frosting’. Check out Sarah’s fantastic blog (a recipe goldmine) at or if you fancy


The Irish Vegetarian - Summer 2011

by Sarah Merrigan Sarah shares her winning recipe from January’s Vegan Cook-off, and a feast for Friday nights in So, what did I make? Well, a brown rice salad. I know – doesn’t sound very exciting. It doesn’t even look like much. It’s the dressing that really makes it -a moreish combo of toasted sesame oil, lime juice and ginger. You can’t really fail with this mix can you? The other ingredients are a nutritionist’s dream – ripe avocado (lots of good oils) aduki beans (these guys cleanse the liver ) and sprouts. When I say sprouts I don’t mean the brussels kind. These ones are basically seeds that have sprouted so they are still alive which means they’re packed with antioxidants which fight the signs of aging (always good!) as well as all kinds of phytoestrogens which help prevent cancer, heart disease, osteoporosis and menopausal symptoms. I used purple cress for the colour really but any kind will do. Alfalfa are probably the easiest to get hold of but you can of course make your own.

January’s vegantastic cooking contest organised by Fiona Hannon was a great success and raised a whopping €945 for Simon. The idea was simple. Anyone could enter and as many as 40+ did. On the night the “judges” (i.e. public) paid a few euro to get in, taste everything then nominate a favourite sweet and savoury dish. Needless to say it was hectic on the night. For me there was the initial panic about whether I was well enough prepared or organised (I wasn’t but it was grand) then the whole thing got going and I started serving up mini portions of my entry to all the judges. There was a lot of milling around, chatting about ingredients and having the craic. Chuck, Mary and Margaret came down to support me which was great as I was a bit nervous. I’ve obviously done a lot of cooking in my time but nothing like this. I had brought my camera but the whole evening just seemed to fly by and there wasn’t any time to take any shots. I only caught my breath when all the food was gone.

This salad is a doddle to put together especially if you’ve already cooked the rice. As I’ve mentioned before, I usually cook rice in bulk, about a kilo at a time, then use it to make all kinds of quick meals during the (usually insanely hectic) week. I like the shortgrained kind but feel free to use long grain or Basmati. Everyone always moans that brown rice takes all day to cook and yes, it does take longer than white but if you soak it first for about an hour (even 20 minutes will do if you’re short of time) the cooking time is halved and it makes it easier for your body to digest.

The winner, when it was finally announced, was a shock. It was me! Wow – I really hadn’t expected that. I made off with a fantastic bag of goodies from one of my favourite shops, The Hopsack in Rathmines. Organic coconut oil, raw chocolate (am now addicted), dried shitake mushrooms, a bag of Natasha’s granola and lots more……… Brilliant. Mary Doyle won the sweet section with her amazing Madagascar Bourbon Vanilla Mini Cupcakes with ‘Cream Cheese’ frosting.

Brown rice and bean salad with avocado and sprouts with a toasted sesame, lime juice and ginger dressing (for one) You’ll need: 1 1/2 cups of cooked brown rice 1/2 cup of beans or lentils (I generally use adzuki beans but it’s really up to you) 1/2 red onion (white is fine I just like the colour of the red) chopped, 1 ripe avocado chopped, 1/2 tray sprouts 2 tablespoons of sesame seeds. For the dressing: 1 tablespoon toasted sesame oil 1 tablespoon walnut or olive oil 1 tablespoon soy sauce or Tamari 1 level teaspoon of grated ginger The juice of half lime (lemon is also great) Begin by making the dressing. To do this simple combine all the ingredients, taste then add more lime juice if you think it needs it. To make the salad simply combine the rice, beans, onion and avocado. Toast the sesame seeds on a dry pan and mix them through. Dress and serve. If you want to make this in advance (it’s great for lunches) just leave out the sprouts and add them just before you serve. The Irish Vegetarian - Summer 2011


Crispy sweet potato cakes There’s nothing like fried food with beer but these mini sweet potato cakes aren’t heavy or greasy. I use those Japanese breadcrumbs to coat the cakes so they’re lovely and crispy (once your oil is fresh you’ll get a good result with any breadcrumbs though). Lightly perfumed with cumin and coriander seeds with a little Feta for tang, these guys are perfect for munching on while you relax and figure the weekend out. These cakes are easy. Steam or boil the spud, fry up an onion with the spices and chilli then mix the two together with a little yogurt (takes some of the sugary intensity out of the sweet potato) and Feta. Then you make them into little cakes. Something a little shy of macaroon size is perfect for beers but you can make them a little bigger if you like as well. Gorgeous baby salad leaves are a perfect complement. Serve the cakes on a bed of leaves which you can drizzle with a little pomegranate molasses (I’m so loving this stuff) or lemon juice. The final touch is some pomegranate seeds. Like sweet potatoes, pomegranate is big in the Middle East and fits right in with these flavours plus it looks so pretty and I’m such a sucker for good colours.

them. You don’t need to do much, just enough to release the lovely perfume of the coriander really. When the onions start to soften, add the spices and green chilli. Continue cooking until the onions have properly softened and started to change colour. At this stage your sweet potato will be done. Take it off the heat and let it cool down a bit before you mash it adding salt and pepper as you go. Stir in the onions, yogurt and a good spritz of lemon juice. Mix well then crumble in the Feta. Taste and add more seasoning if you think it needs it. At this stage you can get going on the frying or cover the mix and keep it for later in the fridge. If you’re ready to go form little medallions then dip first in flour then beaten egg and finally breadcrumbs. Heat about 3cm oil in the pan and when it’s ready slip the patties in and fry until golden on each side. This will take about 2 minutes. When they’re done sit them on kitchen paper to get rid of excess oil then open those beers and sit back.

To extract the fruit the trick is to roll them on a flat surface before you cut into them. Apply some pressure while you do this but not too much or you’ll bruise the seeds. This loosens up the seeds inside. Quarter the fruit, then simply loosen the ruby seeds from the creamy pith and you’re set. They are fab in any fruit salad and make a great addition to any couscous dish. You’ll need: 600gr sweet potatoes 2 small onion (or 1 medium) finely chopped 2 teaspoons cumin seeds 1 teaspoon coriander seeds 1 green chilli finely chopped Olive oil

2 tablespoons natural yogurt 1/2 lemon 60gr Feta cheese Plain flour 1 egg Breadcrumbs Vegetable oil for frying

As I said, a salad of green leaves and pomegranate seeds is a gorgeous foil for these cakes. Wash and dry the leaves and pile onto a plate. Top with the seeds and a drizzle of pomegranate molasses or lemon juice. Yum, yum!!!

About Home Organics

To serve:

Sarah Merrigan founded Home Organics eight years ago and has been delivering selections of locally sourced organic fruit and vegetables all over Dublin ever since. Working with farmers around the country she is often able to source all kinds of interesting varieties you'd never find in the supermarket - landcress, purple sprouting broccoli and courgette flowers to name but a few. Visit for more information.

Pomegranate molasses or lemon wedges Begin by peeling the sweet potatoes. Chop them into large chunks then boil or steam for about 12 minutes until nice and tender. While they’re cooking get the onions on a pan over a medium heat with olive oil. Put the spices in a mortar and roughly crush

To help customers with some of these more unusual varieties, she started a recipe service to go along with each week's delivery. Sarah worked as a chef and even ran her own vegetarian restaurant in Barcelona so has a real passion for locally sourced fresh produce. While her approach to cooking is quite Mediterranean, having travelled a lot she often brings flavours from further afield to the table. Now the mother of two small kids, she says her recipes tend to be pretty easy to put together but that great tasting food is always the starting point. The recipe service became a blog ( a few years back and is now enjoyed by a wider foodie public as well as her customers at Home Organics.


The Irish Vegetarian - Summer 2011

by Sophia Klein With summer well and truly on the way, the time is fast approaching when many of us long to pack up and head for the hills, the ocean, or the city for those all-important summer holidays. The economic situation being what it is, the trend of staying in Ireland and becoming acquainted with what our emerald Isle has to offer on the tourist-scene has developed in recent years. If you’d prefer your break away to be consistent with your animal-friendly, environmentally-friendly morals, there is a range of different possibilities to choose from to suit different tastes, in every corner of the country. restaurant, and the two-day cookery course coming up this autumn titled “The Happy Vegetarian” looks to be promising. If you’re near Cork city, a visit to the renowned vegetarian restaurant Café Paradiso should definitely not be missed too!

The South: The sunny south is an obvious spot for an Irish holiday, and West Cork is one of the most picturesque areas in this part of the country. Greenlodge, a set of self-catering apartments snuggled among the rolling hills just outside Bantry, claim to provide guests with “a peaceful relaxing holiday in surroundings sympathetic to a vegetarian way of life at an economic price”. Guests have access to seasonal organic vegetables and vegan wholefoods on site, as well as the opportunity to enjoy the ten acres of garden, fields and natural woodland surrounding the lodge – perfect for wildlifespotting and bird-watching. Large family apartments at reasonable rates, combined with a wealth of facilities and sights in the area make this a great holiday choice for families.

The West: The west of Ireland is well-known as one of Ireland’s most beautiful spots and is packed full of places to make any vegetarian feel at home. If your idea of heaven is taking off to a remote island with spectacular views and wild countryside, then Clare Island Retreat Centre, just off the coast of Co. Mayo, is the place for you. While primarily a yoga centre, Clare Island Retreat Centre also has a strong vegetarian ethos and runs a number of courses combining yoga with vegetarian cookery and healthy eating, including “Yoga and Vegetarian Cooking” which is normally held in the late Spring and early Autumn. Rates are very reasonable here too, and include accommodation, tuition and food. If you’re thinking of a trip away with a larger group of people, Gyreum Ecolodge in the heart of the Sligo wilderness, couldn’t be more perfect for you. While the idea may seem strange, Gyreum is a large dome with ample space for tents to be set up indoors, and provides beds in dormitories too. This “wooden, round, hobbit-like structure” is a novelty to stay in as well as being ecologically sound. The self-catering facilities are excellent however meals can also be provided, depending on your needs, and the food is organic, locallysourced and primarily, while not exclusively, vegetarian. The space is available to rent for a reasonable price, and with a host of activities nearby including hiking, bird-watching and surfing, it’s the obvious choice for a trip away with a group of friends or family.

The Good Things Café A ten-minute drive from Bantry is The Good Things Café – a restaurant which aims to bring the best food of West Cork to our plates, as well as running different cookery courses throughout the year. While not exclusively vegetarian, this is definitely a veggie-friendly

The Midlands: Not traditionally thought of as a tourist destination, as most holiday-makers tend to gravitate towards the coastal regions of Ireland, the midlands offer a range of places of interest which should not be overlooked. One such place is The Organic Centre in Co. Leitrim, which hosts a wide variety of interesting courses all year round, from planting an organic school garden to making your own wine, and also regularly has courses on health foods and vegetarian cooking. Unfortunately accommodation is not provided in The Organic Centre, but never fear – just down the road in Manorhamilton, you’ll find Tawnylust Lodge - a collection of eco-friendly self-catering apartments set in lush countryside offering a vast array of outdoor activities, from raspberry-picking in July to mushroomforaging in late August. If you want something a little more luxurious, why not try out the Ard Nahoo eco cabins in Dromahair, which can sleep between 2 and 7 people, and offer everything from a Celtic nature trail to natural healthcare treatments, weekly yoga classes to detox box and steam rooms.

Clare Island Retreats

The Irish Vegetarian - Summer 2011


Lake Isle Retreats

If you’re looking for an escape to the rugged coast of the Northwest, and have slightly more up-market preferences, why not try Harvey’s Point Hotel - four-star accommodation set in the idyllic surroundings of Lough Eske, Co. Donegal. Harvey's Point has achieved the "Green Hospitality Silver Award" which is Ireland's first Irish Environmental Award Scheme for the Hospitality Sector, which will help your conscience sleep easily in this beautiful haven of peace. Again, there’s a lot to do in this area, from hiking to horseriding, and surfing on the coasts nearby. The East: Back again to vegetarian cooking holidays, Bell Pepper Cuisine run 4- and 6-day cooking holidays, and offer good accommodation, meals, 3 days of cooking and cultural trips of interest. Set in the pretty seaside town of Malahide, just north of Dublin city, this holiday is aimed largely at tourists from other countries, but would also be a nice break for anyone who wants to get to know the sights of Dublin and the east coast a bit better, as well as learn how to cook tasty vegetarian meals, enjoy good food and wine and get to know new people.

The North: The real gem of vegetarian holidays in Northern Ireland has to be Lake Isle Retreats in Inis Rath, Co. Fermanagh, a beautiful retreat centre set on 22-acres of nature reserve in the middle of Lough Erne. The island is the home of Bhakti yoga in Ireland, as well as a Krishna temple since 1986, and as a result there is a strong Eastern influence on the courses and retreats held here, which include meditation, yoga, Eastern philosophy and none other than, vegetarian cooking! However, unlike the other vegetarian cookery courses, those held at Inis Rath incorporate more of an Eastern taste, as well as Ayurvedic principles, and upcoming courses include a “Cuisine of India” vegetarian cookery weekend. Rooms range from private to shared, and the food offered at the centre is strictly vegetarian, as well as accommodating for gluten-free and vegan diets if requested in advance. If that’s not enough to tempt you, Vegetarian Society of Ireland members also get a 10% discount at Lake Isle Retreats.

Whichever corner of the country you decide to plan your getaway to this year, you’ll never be far from the stunning Irish countryside and what better way to appreciate all the natural beauty the region has to offer than a guided tour. When it comes to guides, you can’t get much better than Adrian Hendroff, an experienced mountain leader, photographer and Adrian Hendroff’s new book writer who has an impresabout Ireland’s highest mountains sive knowledge of Ireland’s mountains. So whether it is the awe-inspiring Macgillycuddy’s Reeks in the South, the majestic Twelve Bens in the West, the impressive Derryveagh Mountains in the North or the magnificent Wicklow Mountains in the East, with Adrian Hendroff by your side you won’t put a foot wrong. At this stage, some of you may have planned your summer holidays already, but bear in mind that many of these breaks extend into autumn and could be just as pleasant at that time of year. For those who haven’t anything on the agenda yet, why not consider an Irish vegetarian holiday this year. You’ll not only enjoy beautiful surroundings and engaging activities, but you’ll keep your moral conscience happy too – something to keep you smiling brightly long into the winter months!

The guest living room area at Bell Pepper Cuisine

Stay Vegetarian in West Cork at Green Lodge


Self catering apartments for the vegan & vegetarian traveller. Private bathroom, cooking facilities, TV and own entrance. Situated 8km from Bantry, in peaceful wooded surroundings. Organic vegetables and wholefoods available. Single bedsit from ……...€120 pw Double bedsit from ....….€150 pw

Apartment for two from ...€205 pw Family Flat from …………€215 pw

*** 10% reduction for early booking *** Daily & weekly rates available. Green Lodge, Trawnamadree, Ballylickey, Bantry, Co. Cork. Tel: 027 66146 & Text: 086 195 5451 E.mail: Website:

Right: The Willow Eco Cabin at Ard Nahoo, Dromahair


The Irish Vegetarian - Summer 2011

reports compiled by Grace Hillis Founded by Colm O’Brien in 2007, the VSI-Dublin Meetup Group has had 70 meetups to date. Organisers post meetups on the website and the 400+ members of the meetup group get notifications by email and can then RSVP their attendance through the site. It’s a great way to meet like-minded people and to attend a variety of events. The site is sponsored by the VSI and is open to both VSI members and non-members. A perk for members is that from time to time the group goes to places that are part of the VSI’s discount scheme. This is what the group has done so far this year as described by members. Café Fresh, which is situated on the top floor of the beautiful historical building of Powerscourt Townhouse Centre, has an excellent tasty vegetarian menu that we all enjoyed. The view into the centre courtyard allows for a nice experience of stepping out of the world for a while and watching it unfold below you. By the time we left we all had clean plates, satisfied our hunger for good food, nice surroundings, and good company. If you have never been to one, the Vegetarian Society meetups are a nice relaxing way to meet other vegetarians, in good surroundings with good food and a chance of sharing experiences of vegetarian and vegan life choices. So why not come along to the next Vegetarian Society meetup, and discuss living a healthy vegetarian lifestyle, have delicious meals, share your favourite recipes and make new friends.

Dinner in the Cedar Tree – March 2011 by David On Thursday 3rd March I left a rather promising after-work party with my workmates which was looking like descending into an all night drinking session and instead headed up to The Cedar Tree for my first-ever Meetup. And a good move it was. I brought along a friend of mine but in fact it's such a friendly group you could easily go on your own and you'll make some good new friends in no time at all. I actually hadn't been to The Cedar Tree before but had walked past it loads of times. The food was great, we got a Vegan Mezze for starters and I can't think of any place else I've come across more variety. There was hummus, taboulet, falafel, triangular spinach-filled starters and plenty of other stuff that looked and tasted great. Main course was good too. Very easy-going atmosphere with everyone in the group, I'd definitely recommend it for anyone who wants to meet some fellow vegetarians. As regards the restaurant, I really liked it overall; the staff were really friendly and I would definitely go back again. Plus rumour has it they have belly dancers on Saturdays... Valentine’s Meetup – February 2011 by Caroline On 11 February, fuelled by the spirit of romance, some vegetarians and vegans came together in Govinda's, Aungier Street to celebrate the festival of love. With some heart-shaped balloons to create the atmosphere, we enjoyed a tasty meal together with some old friends and a few new faces. After dinner was over, there was a romance-themed quiz with delicious vegan chocolates as prizes. We heartily enjoyed the event and can't wait for the next meet-up! Cake and coffee at the Dublin Food Co-op – February 2011 by Elaine We met up for great conversation & delicious snacks on Saturday 5th February at the Dublin Food Co-op. It was a very relaxing and healthy way to start the weekend and catch up with fellow vegetarians. Afterwards we stocked up on products in the whole-food shop, and organic vegetables and fruit at the farmer’s market. Delicious! VSI’s New Year’s Lunch – January 2011 by Martin The Vegetarian Society of Ireland held its annual New Year's Lunch at Café Fresh on Saturday, 15th January. After the Christmas and new year break we all enjoyed the chance to get together and meet up again.

The Irish Vegetarian - Summer 2011


by Maria Connolly This time of year, the mind wanders to afternoons in the garden with friends, with the barbeque going and some refreshing drinks to hand (some sunshine would be nice too!). But, of course, no meat please - lets do it the veggie way.

Vegetable kebabs for the barbeque (these also cook perfectly well under the grill or in the oven) Ingredients

There are lots of delicious foods that go great on the barbeque. Vegetable skewers (see the recipe below) and grilled mushrooms or tofu served with crusty bread or toasted pitas, with a drizzle of tahini (made from sesame seeds) and a dollop of ketchup and lots of crispy salad followed by caramelised pineapple slices and ice cream – mmm.

About 20 cherry tomatoes, whole 1 courgette, in chunks red pepper, in chunks 1 /2 red onions, cut into wedges

Some great foods for the barbeque

About 10-15 button mushrooms

Marinated tofu on skewers a simple marinade can be as easy as olive oil mixed with crushed garlic and chilli, a dash of soya sauce and a little crushed pepper – mix together and leave the tofu cubes in the this mix over night if possible. Use firm tofu only.

200g halloumi cheese, in chunks (optional) Make sure all the vegetables are of a similar size to make sure they cook evenly. Marinade

Portobello mushrooms brush with oil and serve like a veggie burger with all the condiments.

4-5 tbps olive oil

Sweet potatoes / regular potatoes slice in half, pre-bake, then brush with oil and grill.

2-3 tbps soya sauce

Asparagus soak in water for 30 minutes before grilling. These cook very quickly.

2 tsp peanut butter

1 tps tomato puree

Corn on the cob brushed with oil and grilled.

2-3 cloves of garlic, crushed ½ tsp chilli powder black pepper

wooden or metal skewers

Apples (slice in half and sprinkle with cinnamon and brown sugar) or pineapple rings (sprinkle with sugar / a little maple syrup) and serve with ice cream.

Method Mix all the marinade ingredients together in a large tupperware tub – add a little water to loosen up the mixture, if needed.

A word about shop-bought veggie burgers and sausages

Add all the vegetables and cheese (if you are using it). Put lid on tightly, and toss and turn the tub well until every surface is fully covered by the marinade mix. Leave for at least 6-8 hours, or overnight if possible.

If you plan to using pre-made vegetarian or vegan ‘burgers’ or ‘sausages’, check the packet to see if they are suitable for the barbeque, as some are not. This is because some of these veggie products don’t cope well with the dry heat of a barbeque as they are not ‘selfbasting’ the way animal flesh might be. To help things along, pregrease the grill of the barbeque and avoid letting flames touch the products directly.

Thread the vegetables and cheese chunks onto skewers. Brush with some more of the marinade and grill over medium heat until cooked through.

12 Newmarket, Dublin 8 Tel: 01-4544258 A Member-Owned-Co-op Open Thurs 4 - 8 pm and Sat 9.30 - 4.30 pm Wholefoods, Organic Fruit & Vegetables, Wholegrain Bakery, Eco-friendly products, Café & Organic ready-to-eat delights. Organic / Fair Trade food suitable for vegetarians. Irish, as far as possible. Local growers and producers supported. New members and visitors welcome!


The Irish Vegetarian - Summer 2011

by Sīlvia Packter There is something to be said about home-made ice cream. It’s not just doing-it-yourself, but the chance to experiment with more than just the shop-bought flavours. So stay cool this summer with these seductive desserts that are simple to prepare and a delicious treat at any time. All are completely raw and use easy to source ingredients.

Brazilian Papaya Ice Cream with Créme de Cassis

Avocado Mousse

(Creme de Papaia com Cassis)

(Creme de Abacate)

In Brazil this dessert is a 'must' at any good restaurant! 1 tub of Raw Vanilla M'Gorilla Booja-Booja Ice Cream 2 very ripe papayas, skinned and seeded Blend both together, serve in beautiful wine glasses and put it in the freezer whilst you do the blueberry sauce: A handful of fresh blueberries Dark agave to taste A few drops of fresh ginger juice Blend until smooth Drizzle it all over the papaya ice cream Decorate with a tiny mint leaf or vanilla orchid flower Brazil seems to be the only country I came across in the world where avocados are traditionally eaten sweet!

Amazonian Açaí Bowl (tigela de Açaí)

2 Large Avocados, Chilled

2 packets of frozen Açaí*

5 Tablespoonfuls of Light Agave Syrup

2 large overripe Bananas

Chilled Water

1 teaspoon of Amazonian Guaraná Powder

Tiny dash of Himalayan pink salt

Raw Dark Agave Syrup to taste

Remove the skins and stones from the avocados.

Blend all together until smooth adding a tiny bit of water if necessary, but best not!

Blend them with the Salt, Agave to taste and as little as water to keep the firm, mousse like creaminess.

Serve in a bowl on its own, or topped with sliced bananas and raw crunchy granola. Yum!

Serve chilled. So simple and seductive!

Best eaten for breakfast or lunch as it's highly energetic! A favourite snack in Brazil (especially with surfers.)

Visit Síl’s web site for more recipes and details about her classes & catering service

* Frozen Açaí is found in juice bars The Irish Vegetarian - Summer 2011


The benefits of living as a non-meat eater

by Amy Rohu days is that people can’t associate meat with the animal and they don’t realise the pain and upset they go through’’ she also added ‘’it’s easier more so nowadays to be a vegetarian or vegan, you have no problem eating out and it is much more recognised now then it was 20 years ago’’

Being a vegetarian is without a doubt a healthier option then living your life as a meat eater, and with the amount of proof we have to back this statement up, it’s hard to believe that a butcher in the country still does any business. The reality is that, unless you’re a vegetarian or vegan, you’ve probably been eating meat since before you could even spell the word, and the idea of giving up the only diet you know can be an idea that you dismiss instantly. If eating meat is the norm, is it not about time that the norm changed?

With 22 million animals being slaughtered every day in the United States alone, the effects of the meat industry on the environment are extremely harmful. With meat being the main cause of global warming, raising animals for food creates more greenhouse gas emissions then all the cars, trucks, trains, ships and planes in the world combined. A recent UN report shows that a global shift towards a vegan diet is what is necessary for combating the worst effects of climate change.

There are three main reasons why people cut meat out of their diet; ethical reasons, health reasons, or environmental reasons, and all three carry some shocking statistics that are sure to make you rethink the next time you put that steak into your mouth.

Over 1 billion people worldwide don’t have access to clean water, however farming animals for their meat accounts for 70% of all freshwater withdrawn from lakes and waterways, with anything from 13,000 to 100,000 litres being required for every kilo of beef.

The most popular reason of the three would be for ethical reasons. The people in this group can identify the animal in the field to the meal on their plate, and don’t just think of it as a slice of bread. They see the life it once had, and the life which was unfairly taken away from them, just so they could feel full for an hour or two. On average in a meat eater’s life time they will eat 36 pigs, 36 sheep and 750 chickens and turkeys. Are you able to live with all that killing on your conscience? Or if you’re finding it hard to put into perspective think about how in some countries dog meat is eaten on a daily basis, now look over at your beloved pet and think, would you be happy breeding him or her constantly just so its pups could be taken away and slaughtered for someone’s dinner?

30% of the earth’s surface is used to rear farming animals, and with 20 million people going to die this year from malnutrition, America could feed 100 million people if they only reduced their intake of meat, by using the land freed as a result. 40,000 pounds of potatoes can be grown on one acre of land but only 250 pounds of beef can be produced on the same area. As a nation, we are constantly being told that we should eat more fruit and veg, and we are never being encouraged to eat more meat, why do you think that is? The sooner people wake up to the fact that eating meat is wrong for us, for animals, and for the environment, the better.

Meat is full of toxins, such as preservatives and pesticides, which have extreme detrimental effects on our health. A vegetarian or Vegan diet is proven to reduce the risk of high blood pressure, high levels of cholesterol, and can prevent osteoporosis. A report published by the World Cancer Research Fund in 1997 recommends that to reduce your risk of certain cancers, you should eat a predominantly plant based diet rich in a variety of fruit and vegetables with a minimal intake of meat. On top of that, vegetarians are 24% less likely to get coronary heart disease with vegans 57% less likely.

The VSI is now selling LIZ COOKE NUTRITION WALLCHARTS In its 18th year, with over 150,000 copies sold, the wallchart is consistently popular. It is a hand-written and illustrated table showing the best plant-based sources of all the essential nutri-

A study done by Loma Linda University which is backed up the by China Health project found that vegetarians live approximately 7 years longer than their meat eating friends, and vegans can have up to 15 extra years. Being a vegetarian, no matter what anyone says, isn’t difficult. Once you get over the initial thoughts of ‘how will I ever live without meat’ it is the simplest change to make in your life and it is one that you will not regret. The amounts of meat substitutes available which taste so much nicer, and are better for your health, make it even easier to be a non-meat eater and its clear which option you should go for. In a recent interview with Eithne Brew who volunteers with the Vegetarian Society of Ireland and has been off meat herself for 40 years, I asked her if she agreed that a plant based diet has greater health benefits and she replied ‘’Absolutely, its much healthier, I’ve raised my daughter as vegan since she was a baby and she is perfectly healthy, the problem nowa-

Order your copy for only €5 including P&P from THE VEGETARIAN SOCIETY OF IRELAND LTD., c/o Dublin Food Co-op, 12 Newmarket, Dublin 8. Phone: (01) 488 0250

e-mail: 17

The Irish Vegetarian - Summer 2011

by Sarah Burnham Last summer I was lucky enough to scout out a few of the vegetarian restaurants in London. I spent a lot of time reading up on them on before going so that I knew where to go on my short trip, to find out which places were closest and those which had the greatest vegan choice. All the dishes reviewed below were vegan, which is surprising once you see how astounding they look! First I tried Zilli Green (41 Dean Street, Soho, London W1D 4PY, This vegetarian restaurant opened in February 2010 and the premises are very modern and stylish. The menu (which you can download from their website) lists what is vegan or that which can be altered to be vegan, as well as gluten-free and nut-free options. I ordered Tagliatelle, Porcini Mushrooms with White Truffle Oil, a Zillicious cocktail from their cocktail menu and a Tropical Fruit and Lemon Cake served with Homemade Ice Cream; all quite delicious! It was very upmarket and the price indeed reflected that. It is also very popular and I would certainly recommend you book in advance. Before leaving London I managed to return to taste Zilli’s Tirimisu – yum!

a selection of the wonderful dishes on offer at Zilli’s

The Irish Vegetarian - Summer 2011


the buffet in Tibits

dessert at Beatroot

Next I tried Tibits (12-14 Heddon Street, off Regent Street, London W1B 4DA,, a vegetarian restaurant is buffet style; you pick up a plate when you go in, take what you want from the “food boat” and pay by weight (per 100 g). You also get a free small bread roll with your meal, which was a nice touch. The “food boat” has two levels; the top level holds dishes of hot main courses and sides; the bottom level holds salads and other cold dishes, as well as salad dressings, all surrounded in ice to keep them cool. All dishes are labeled vegan, contains nuts, contains gluten etc. I picked up some of the vegan dishes to try including beer battered onion rings!

they have a full set of menus on their website if you want to take a look (I noticed they also have a range of vegetarian beers listed). I tried their burger of the day which happened to be butterbean, beetroot and carrot; yum! Mildred’s also have a sister cake shop called Mrs Marengo’s (53 Lexington Street, London W1F 9AS, They do a range of cakes including vegan ones (see below). I hear that their vegan truffles are rather good so I’ll definitely have to try them out next time! There is also a health food store off Regent Street named Wholefoods Market (69-75 Brewer Street, London W1F 9US, http:// should you need to pick up any supplies. It had a great selection with many food items downstairs and upstairs there was a wide range of pantry foods, as well as toiletries and vitamins.

I also stopped by Beatroot for some dessert (92 Berwick Street, Soho, London W1F OQD, This is a budget vegetarian café and they have a similar system to Tibits, but where you pay for the size of take-away box of food. I admit I didn’t take a good look at the hot food as I was too busy being amazed that all the cakes (six of them of display) were vegan; they even did a vegan rice-crispie bun! I chose a carrot cake and a cup of tea to enjoy.

There are plenty more vegetarian restaurants and health food stores listed on the Happy Cow; the ones above are only the ones I managed to visit during my short stay in London.

Again, Beatroot have their menu online if you’d like to take a look. There were lovely people running the café, and very informal. It is interesting to note that they are very eco-friendly (they sell water In biodegradable plastic bottles and use paper cartons made from sustainable managed forests) and they buy their ingredients from the local market, supporting the local traders (all mentioned on their website).

Vegetarian London (6th edition) edited by Alex Bourke, lists over 140 vegetarian and vegan restaurants and cafes, along with 200 more with great vegetarian food. Includes health food stores, places to stay, and maps. Check out vegetarianlondon.shtml

Close to Beatroot you can find Mildred’s Vegetarian Restaurant (45 Lexington Street, London W1F 9AN, Again,

EO® Ireland Natural and organic body care products

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delicious burgers at Mildred’s 19

The Irish Vegetarian - Summer 2011

Student life as a vegetarian by Conor Hand more careful about what you eat. For a lot of students, a 15 minute frozen pizza will go down a treat when I’m still left cooking and chopping veg!

Students have a well-known reputation for eating quite poorly, a reputation that is hard to break out of. After being in college for the past year and a half, I can confirm it. I was a vegetarian for about 4 years, and have been a Vegan since I started college (and moved away from the family home).

It’s true that there are very few ‘convenience’ foods suitable for a vegan, which can be difficult when you’re in a rush to a lecture. However, I quickly found what shops sold what. I found where cheap and healthy food was available, and I’ve found what recipes can take as little time as possible to make. I find, like everything, it just takes time and work to get used to eating differently.

As best as I can I’ve been trying to eat healthily, but it can get difficult. I had been living at home up to this point, where my nutrition was more so taken care of by the one with the shopping list. The rest of my family (and extended family) are omnivores, so for the most part I had been eating the food that looked like theirs but wasn’t (Quorn being an everyday food choice). So I hadn’t learned how to eat nutritiously at home very much. My family was always very supportive but when left on my own two feet meals proved problematic.

Thankfully, University students are far more mature than the average secondary school person. In secondary school it’s very easy to get singled out if there’s the smallest thing different about you. In University however, students are more interested in your lifestyle, diet and choices. Those extra years add a lot to a person’s maturity and make things much easier for the likes of me. In fact, I’ve met several vegetarians and vegans in college which provides a great support structure. Student life is everything I hoped it to be and more. The initial change in diet was a shock to the system, but with the encouragement of friends and fellow students I made the transition well. There seems to be an ever increasing amount of veggies in student circles as it is becoming more known, making college life much better for everyone.

It’s unfortunate. I’ve noticed that it takes just that bit longer to make a vegan lunch than a cheese sandwich. You need to think about what you eat that little bit more, and you need to be that bit

Eating Animals Jonathan Safran Foer reviewed by Grace Hillis

cheap food both to the animals and the environment (e.g. so much waste products are produced from animals kept in cramped conditions).

Foer was trying to decide whether or not he would give his son meat so he set about researching what’s involved in turning animals, including fish, into meat. He had gone through vegetarian phases but wasn’t a vegetarian when he began his research, which took him 3 years. The book is set in the USA where the vast majority of food comes from animals which were bred in factory farms. In Ireland, while cattle and sheep thankfully have access to the outdoors, most poultry and pigs are reared on factory farms.

Foer is not afraid to ask tough questions and even the kindest of farmers is apologetic to his turkeys when he sends them to slaughter. If it’s not bad then why feel this way? Foer saw the animals being brought in to the kill floor. He talks about the “forgetting” that omnivores do. This book made me feel sad, angry, glad that the book had been written and motivated to do more. Foer asks if being a vegetarian/vegan is enough or if people should go further and be advocates. He talks about animal welfare and animal rights. I would recommend this book for anyone who wants to learn more about where animal products come from. Ellen DeGeneres is quoted on the back as saying “one of the most important books I’ve ever read”.

Foer went to great lengths to learn about food production. He met with farmers, slaughter house workers, a person from Peta, a vegan who makes slaughter houses and a vegetarian farmer and they got to tell their own story in his book. It was difficult to read about what the animals have to endure, but at the same time I didn’t want to put the book down because it was so interesting and well written. Foer reveals that what happens on the kill floor is kept hidden, even from inspectors in many cases. He talks about the costs of The Irish Vegetarian - Summer 2011

© David Shankbone Creative Commons



Vegetarian and Vegan Social & Local Groups

Vegetarian Society of Ireland Membership Application Form To become a member, or to renew your subscription, simply complete this form and send it to:

If there's a local group not mentioned here please let us know. email If you'd like to create a group in your area then we can help you with leaflets & publicity.

The Membership Secretary, VSI, c/o Dublin Food Co-op, 12 Newmarket, Dublin 8. You can also join online at

Dublin Vegetarian Meet up Group When they meet: usually at least once a month in various Dublin city centre locations. A diverse and very international group. Who to contact: Colm O'Brien. To participate in this group you need to join (free) and then become a member of the group (also free). See the website address below for joining. On the web at

NAME & ADDRESS (Block capitals please)

Tel.: E-mail: Year of birth

Clare Vegetarian Group Meet the first Thursday of every month. Our website is and contact email is

I wish to become a member of the Vegetarian Society of Ireland. I am in sympathy with the aims of the Society (see page 4) and declare that while I remain a member I will not knowingly consume the flesh of animals (meat, fish, fowl) as food, and I will aim to avoid the use and consumption of battery hen eggs and slaughter-house by-products.

Galway Vegetarian Group When they meet socially: usually on the first Thursday of every month in Massimo's Pub, William Street West, Galway City at 8pm. Who to contact: Paul Campbell on 085 6872088 email On the web at http://

OR I wish to become an Associate Member of the Vegetarian Society of Ireland. While I cannot yet practise vegetarianism at all times, I am in sympathy with the aims of the Society and would like to support its work.

Kilkenny Vegetarian Group Organises “No Meat and Greets “ where vegetarians & vegans bring their favourite dishes to share with others. Omnivores welcome but no meat please! email On the web at or http://

Choose one of the following: Under 18 annual subscription……………….....… €10 Adult annual subscription……………………….... €20 Lifetime membership…..………………................ €300

Standing Order


If you wish to pay your membership by Standing Order, please complete this form with your bank details, and post to the VSI along with your membership form.



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What would you like to see the Society doing?

I authorise you to charge my account on ________________ (please choose a start date at least three weeks from now) and on the same day monthly/annually*(Delete whichever does not apply) until otherwise instructed in writing, the sum of € _______ for credit to the account of the Vegetarian Society of Ireland, (A/C no: 38239893) at Bank of Ireland, 2, College Green, Dublin 2. (Sort code: 90 00 17).

Are you interested in volunteering?

Name of Account Holder(s) _____________________________ Signed ______________________________ Date ________________ (Bank, please quote ref ______________ )


Please number, in order of priority, your reasons for supporting vegetarianism:


Animal Welfare

Maybe - Tell me more


Sorry, no time

World Food Problems

I’m busy now but


please contact me in


___ months time


The Irish Vegetarian - Summer 2011

Questions & Answers about Vitamineral™ Green Q: Is Vitamineral™ Green considered raw? A: Yes, all our products are considered raw by the raw community. Q: What is the best way to take Vitamineral™ Green or Spirulina? A: They can be mixed in purified water, fresh fruit or vegetable juices, in a smoothie or indeed, any other method that preserves the integrity of the enzymes and probiotics. Q: Do I need to refrigerate Vitamineral™ Green, or any of your products? A: No the Amber glass bottle, metal lid & oxygen absorber inside the bottle protect the integrity of the products. Just store in a cool, dry place. Q: Does Vitamineral™ Green replace a daily multivitamin? A: Yes, the Naturopath Founder formulated this to be comprehensive and extremely nutrient dense from whole food so the body recognizes it and absorbs it, unlike isolated vitamins and minerals. Q: Does Vitamineral™ Green contain any filler? A: No! Vitamineral Green is NOT diluted with Apple, Fiber, Rice, Bran, Barley, Malt, F.O.S., Oat Bran, Rice Solids, Lecithin or anything else! Q: Can the green products be mixed in hot tea? A: No, the integrity of the Enzymes would be compromised when mixed in hot liquids, so it is preferable to keep it at room temperature or slightly warm but never hot. Q: How do I order Vitamineral™ Green? A: Simply go to Q: Do you supply all over Ireland? A: Yes, and if your order is in before noon you will receive it next day anywhere in Ireland. HOLISTIC.IE Distributing Superfoods in Ireland !

Mobile: (087) 617 7925 The Irish Vegetarian - Summer 2011

Landline: (0404) 29827

Order Online at22

Members! We continue to work in conjunction with companies to provide a discount scheme for those of you with up-to-date membership. On production of your laminated membership card, you can avail of the following discounts ...

NEW! Dehli O’Deli, 12 Moore Street, Dublin 1. We are the first Indian FAST-FOOD (also know as “street food”) and the first Indian VEGETARIAN restaurant in the Ireland. Tel. (01) 872 9129 [10% discount] Newtownpark Clinic, 7 Rockville Road, Blackrock, Co Dublin Ciara Murphy MH Ir RGN (Master Herbalist and Colon Therapist) is offering 10% discount on all treatments, consultations and workshops. Tel: 01 210 8489

Cork Acupuncture Clinic, 50 Cornmarket Street (Above Dervish), Cork City (run by Caroline Dwyer (Bowles), a dedicated and caring acupuncturist). Tel Caroline: 087 2516528. [10% off Acupuncture treatments] Cornucopia Restaurant, 19/20 Wicklow St., Dublin 2 [10% discount to VSI members] Dónall na Gealaí, Gift Shop, Claregate St., Kildare Town (books, CDs, essential oils, candles & crystals). Tel: 045 533634. [10% discount]

Quay Co-op, 24 Sullivans Quay, Cork (see advert on page 2) [10% discount in the Co-op shops] Sunyata Retreat Centre, Snata, Sixmilebridge, Co Clare. Tel: 061 367-073. A spacious haven outside the bustle of modern life, Sunyata is perfectly situated for relaxation, meditation, and contemplation. 10% discount on retreats and Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction.

The Happy Pear, Church Road, Greystones, Co. Wicklow (natural food market with an organic and non-organic produce section, a dried Flying Baby Cake Company An exclusively goods section, a world-class smoothie bar, gluten free bakery, all products are vegetarian café and restaurant).Tel: 01-2873655. [5% Active Balance Clinic, Family Resource Centre, and any orders can be easily adapted to be discount] Ballyfermot, Dublin 10 is offering discount to vegan too. They are a scratch bakery and VSI members for selected complementary make cakes and cupcakes for all occasions. The Hopsack, Health food store, Swan Centre, health treatments. Contact Tomas Ronan for Tel: 0857373729 [5% discount on orders] Rathmines, Dublin 6. Tel/fax 01-4960399. more info. Telephone: 0872711215 Proprietor: Erica Murray. [5% discount] [10% off] Freelance translator, Patricia Tricker MCIL Cert Anahata Healing, Desert, Clonakilty, Co. Cork Ed (FE), working into English from French, The Phoenix Restaurant and B&B, (Lomi Lomi Massage, Pregnancy Massage, German, Italian & Spanish specializing in Castlemaine, Co. Kerry — see our advert on Holistic and Aromatherapy Massage, economics, finance, accountancy, company page 5. [10% discount] Reflexology, Ear Candling, Sound Healing, law & archaeology. Tel/fax: +44 1677 450176 Well and Good, Health Food Store, Coolbawn, Baby Massage Classes, Reiki Treatments and Govinda’s 18 Merrion Row, Dublin 2 and Midleton, Co Cork. Tel: 021 4633499 [5% off] Attunements). Tel Angela: 087 2030869 Govinda’s 4 Aungier Street, Dublin 2 are great [10% discount ] D.A.F. Clinic, Lancashire, 17 Inglewood Rd, places to drop in for lunch or a takeaway. Rainford, St Helens, Lancashire, WA11 7QL. Arusha Fair Trade, [10% discount applies in both restaurants] Email: or Tel: +44 online gift store (fairly traded gifts including Greenway Emporium, Market Yard, Bridge 1744 884173 / +44 7050 396611 [25% off jewellery, bags, home accessories & children’s Street, Boyle, Co Roscommon (Run by a family Chiropody / Podiatry / Auricular Therapy / items.) Email of vegetarians, the shop has a range of health Reflexology (Merseyside & Manchester) & mentioning the VSI in the subject line, and foods, natural toiletries, baby care products, 50% discount on vegetarian and vegan you will get a discount code by return. [10%] relaxing music, organic aromatherapy oils, nutritional therapy and profiling (by post, fax Be Organic, fresh, local, seasonal organic fruit plus Fair Trade and ethically-traded.) Tel: 071 & email)] and vegetables and 100 other sustainably 9664090 [10% off all purchases over €20]. farmed organic products delivered direct to your door. Tel: 01 Ireland’s importer and distributor of Vitamineral [5% discount] GreenTM — see our advert Café Fresh, Unit 21c, Powerscourt Town opposite [20% discount] Centre, South William St. Tel: 01 6719669. Lake Isle Retreats, Inish Rath [10% discount] Island, Upper Lough Erne, Clare Island Retreat Centre, Ballytoohey, Derrylin, Co. Fermanagh, BT92 Clare Island, Co Mayo. [10% discount on yoga 9GN. (Short Breaks, Workshops and vegetarian cooking courses at the Clare in vegetarian cookery, Island retreat centre ] Tel: 087 2621832. meditation and yoga). or Tel: 086 1608108. [10% off] Cocoa Bean Artisan Chocolates Company, Limerick. Tel: 087 7594820 [discount on application]

Nature’s Gold, Healthfood Store, 1 Killincarrig Road, Greystones, Co Wicklow. Tel: 01 2876301 [10% discount]


The Irish Vegetarian - Summer 2011

Win an EO Gift Pack to keep your body looking gorgeous this summer EO Ireland, natural & organic body care is exhibiting at BLOOM, Ireland's largest gardening and family event. BLOOM takes place from Thursday 2nd to Monday 6th of June. EO Ireland will be located at Stand G26A at the event. See for details

Just answer this simple question for a chance to win a super EO Ireland Gift Pack

Question: Where does BLOOM take place? Email with your name, address and answer by Tuesday 31st May 2011 for a chance to win. Alternatively write to Competitions, Vegetarian Society of Ireland, c/o Dublin Food Co-op, 12 Newmarket, Dublin 8. With thanks to Catherine Murphy of EO Ireland. For further details see and the EO Ireland Facebook page. EO Ireland products have no artificial fragrances or dyes and they are paraben free, sodium laureth \ lauryl sulphate free, gluten free & vegan.

Terms & conditions: Prize consists of: rose geranium citrus hand soap, rose geranium citrus body lotion and citrus fusion shower gel. Winner will be notified by email or post by Tuesday 14th June 2011. Winner will be drawn at random and the judges’ decision is final. No correspondence will be entered into. By entering the competition the winner agrees to have their name and county of residence announced in the next issue of the magazine. The competition is not open to Vegetarian Society of Ireland committee members, employees of EO (or members of their immediate families). Only one entry per person. Sending an e-mail is not proof we have received your entry. No responsibility can be accepted for entries lost or delayed, or which are not received for any reason. The prize cannot be exchanged for any other prize or cash. Competition only open to residents of the island of Ireland. The VSI reserves the right to amend these rules at any time.

The Irish Vegetarian - Summer 2011


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