The Vegan Spring 1980

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VEGANISM is a way of living on the products of the plant kinglom to the exclusion of flesh, fish, fowl, eggs, animal milk and its derivatives (the taking of honey being left to individual conscience). It encourages the study and use of alternatives for all commodities normally derived wholly or partly from animals. THE OBJECTS of The Vegan Society are to further knowledge of, and interest in, sound nutrition and in the vegan method of agriculture and food production as a means of Increasing the potential of the earth to the physical, moral and economic advantage of mankind. President:

M r J Sanderson

Deputy President: Vice-Presidents:


Mrs S Coles Mrs E Batt, Mr J Dinshah, Dr C Nimmo, Miss W Simmons, Miss M Simmons

Mrs E Batt, Mrs S Coles, Mrs K Jannaway, Mr J Sanderson, Mrs G Smith


Mrs G Smith, but all subscriptions, donations, etc. should be sent to the Secretary, 47 Highlands Road, Leatherhead, Surrey

Hon. Secretary: Subscription:

Mrs K Jannaway, address as above

£2.00 yearly. ( Additional members at same address not requiring an extra Journal, pensioners & other such E l . 00) THE

Quarterly Journal


£1.50 per annum

35 pence a single copy

From The Secretary, address as above Editors:

Mr J Sanderson and Mrs K Jannaway

All advertisements to Leatherhead Office The Editorial Board does not necessarily agree with opinions expressed by contributors to this magazine, or endorse advertisements. PubUshed: Copy dates:

21st of March, June, September and December 1st of preceding month




was formed in 1944 by a group of vegetarians who became aware of the suffering inseparable from the dairy industry. In 1964 it was recognised as an educational charity and has grown rapidly in influence and membership, as people realise its importance for their own health and for the wise use of resources as well as for the relief of cruelly exploited animals. Free from commitment to any religious, political, philosophical, social, dietary or medical group, the Vegan Society endeavours to co-operate with all who are seeking a positive way forward for mankind. It challenges all those who preach love and compassion but still base their lives on cruel practices and the debasement of both man and beast involved in meat and milk production. WHAT





There is a great variety of vegan diets, from the very simple and truly economical, based almost entirely on food that can be grown on small plots of land anywhere, or be bought in ordinary grocers, wholefood shops and greengrocers, to those using the many vegan convenience foods sold in the Health Food Stores. The Vegan Society helps with all types of vegan diet. F U L L MEMBERSHIP

is reserved for practising vegans.

ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP is open to those who support and sympathise with the principles of the Society. MINIMUM SUBSCRIPTIONS are kept low - ÂŁ2.00 yearly ( E l . 00 for member at same address, sharing the Journal), ÂŁ1.00 for pensioners, juniors or those otherwise on a restricted income - so that all who agree with the importance of the vegan way of life can register their support. BANKERS ORDERS and COVENANTED SUBSCRIPTIONS are especially welcome. Please send for a form. D O L L A R COUNTRIES - $5 (International Money Order, please). Subscriptions cover the cost of the quarterly journal. F O R INQUIRERS AND NEW MEMBERS (not renewals) To The Secretary, The Vegan Society L t d . , 47 Highlands Road, Leatherhead, Surrey (Please tick and sign appropriate item) I enclose 15 pence stamp for free leaflets and literature list I hereby declare that I a m a practising vegan and apply and consent to becoming a member of The Vegan Society Ltd. I hereby declare that I support and sympathise with the principles of The Vegan Society Ltd. and apply to become an Associate of the Society Enclosed Cheque/PO for Send Bankers Order/Covenant Name Address 1 I


WHAT'S COOKING? by EVA BATT Revised and enlarged with over 300 recipes plus 30 pages of nutritional advice and helpful hints, it is a valued addition to every kitchen and especially appreciated by newcomers to the vegan way of life. WHAT'S

C O O K I N G ?

with its explicit and easy to follow directions is already used and appreciated in 8,000 homes. "This is a challenging book and very timely in that it shows the vegan concept of reformed diet to be utterly practical and acceptable I like the section on exotic fruits and vegetables and how not to cook potatoes as well as several good ways of doing so. WHAT'S COOKING? is above average in usefulness and interest and strongly to be recommended. " HEALTH FOR A L L "A book expertly compiled . . . . presented with verve and imagination. No self-respecting kitchen can afford to be without this reference. Written with sincerity and authority. " VEGETARIAN SOCIETY "No nut case this great vegetarian . . . Mrs Batt has written a fascinating book." ENFIELD W E E K L Y H E R A L D

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I saw a copy in the house of

"The most comprehensive and superb cookery book The wealth of information about nutrition is outstanding... so much more than a book of recipes" "Your 'What's Cooking?' is simply super. It is proving a tremendous help in preparing attractive, tasty dishes and delicious cakes and biscuits for my non-vegetarian guests." * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * To: The Secretary, The Vegan Society, 47 Highlands Road, Leatherhead, Surrey. Please supply the book "WHAT'S C O O K I N G ? " for which I enclose my cheque /Postal Order for ÂŁ3.45 to include postage and packing. Name Address 2


The Inward Eye Loveliest of trees, the cherry now Is hung with bloom along the bough, And stands about the woodland ride: Wearing white for Eastertide. A. E. Houseman Those of-, us who are fortunate enough to live in the country or the: suburbs will be watching the result of Nature's alchemy as the juices of earth a r e transformed by trees and bushes and sunlight into the many coloured blossoms of witch hazel, blackthorn, almond, white cherry, apple, pear, lilac, magnolia, camellia;,, pink cherry, wisteria, laburnum, rhododendron, azalea, clematis, acacia, rose, acer, buddleia and many others. Even those in towns and cities may witness this gorgeous panorama if they spend an hour a week in a local park or take a walk in the suburbs. Newspapers, radio and television tend to show us the seamy side of life and fill us with negative thoughts. Whenever we can, and springtime is an excellent time, let us fill our minds with beauty and creative and positive thoughts. When all at once I saw a crowd, A host of golden daffodils Ten thousand saw I at a glance Tossing their heads in sprightly dance, I gazed and gazed - but little thought What wealth the show to me had brought.

F o r oft,, when on my couch I lie In vacant or in pensive mood, They flash upon that inward eye Which is the. bliss of solitude;, .:;d then my heart with pleasure fills, And dances with the daffodils. W i l l i a m Wordsworth

Not only the beauty of trees and their blossoms, and of flowers, may gladden our inward eye, but the beauty of ideas and positive groups and the beauty and kindness we see in each other., We do not use enough the suppor -tlve principle, in which we come together with others of like mind and heart in mutual discovery and mutual service. We may feel that we have to spend too long in the company of those who oppose or" do not share our view of life and feel like a flower that cannot open because of the cold, harsh winds of criticism, misunderstanding, enmity or general lack of empathy.


We need to come together with like minds, not just for mutual support, but because where two or three are gathered together, something is added a cross-fertilisation takes place, leading to deeper insights and fuller and wiser actions. The feeling of being alone in a hostile environment gradually fades away as one's thoughts become more concerned with ideas and suggest -ions from members of support groups, whilst the resulting group service makes a valuable contribution to the world's needs. Many a vegetarian or vegan working and living quietly on their own could be trebly effective if they linked up with one of the societies, local or national, and made full use of their literature, meetings and other facilities. There is so much to learn and to be discovered, such a need to make the principles and the practice widely known that every single individual counts, and most individuals have undiscovered talents that are lying fallow. Support groups strengthen inner resolve and help people with 'victim' consciousness, who simply react to their circumstances in a generally neg -ative way, to take hold of their life and think and act positively - to become creators of new situations and new mental and emotional environments where -ever they go. The world needs people to spread the ideas that we cannot build a New Age on the products of the slaughterhouse, we cannot build an Eden whilst we continue to enslave and exploit nearly all the animal creation and a great deal of the human population. The future lies with plants and trees which grow and produce seed, and our own food habits and the way we feed the earth need to change dramatically - they cannot be sustained for Ion g. Neither we nor the living earth require powders and drugs for healthy life. We require live plant foods and the earth requires plant humus. These will regenerate us and regenerate the earth and we may with Omar Khayyam "Remould it nearer to the heart's desire". Evelyn Nolt, in "The Glory which is Earth", writes: Man tread softly on the earth. What looks like dust Is also stuff of which galaxies are made. The green of earth's great trees and simple grasses Is the same music played in red Throughout our trunks and limbs. With the inexorable growth of unemployment in the west and the eventual decay of animal husbandry because of the unfair and inefficient use of the land, we are gradually releasing man from much of the bondage and repetitativeness of work, and (we can see with the inward eye) moving towards the time when "every man shall have his fig tree" or at least his own piece of land to grow food if he so wishes. Jack Sanderson. Wrekin Trust Conferences March 28th-30th & July 18th-20th, details: Dove House, Little Birch, Herefordshire. 4


WHAT'S C O O K I N G ? by Eva Batt - 3rd edition now ready, 2. FIRST HAND: FIRST R A T E by K. Jannaway. 5 dozen simple recipes and ideas for truly economical living plus self-sufficiency gardening hints. No sugar, O i l only .fat. Savouries, cakes, puddings, "cheese". 65p VEGAN NUTRITION by F . E l l i s , M D , F R C P a t h & T.. Sanders Ph D Nutr. The vegan diet scientifically assessed and easy to follow tables. 65p P L A N T F O O D S F O R HUMAN HEALTH with special reference to the diseases of affluence and the needs of the developing world. Text of first F r e y E l l i s M e m o r i a l lecture given by P r o f . J . Dickerson, Univ. of Surrey. 35p V E G A N M O T H E R S A N D C H I L D R E N - by 10 vegan mothers 45p - by 8 m o r e vegan mothers IN L I G H T E R V E I N by Eva Batt. Verses to a m u s e . SALADINGS f r o m garden and hedgerow by Mabel Cluer. V E G A N BADGES 60p & SAE, PENDANTS 55p & SAE *












45p 60p 70p *


SHOPPING LIST R E A D Y NOW - see page 30. SOLD BUT NOT P U B L I S H E D B Y THE V E G A N SOCIETY B U Y F R O M US AND H E L P THE FUNDS F O O D F O R A FUTURE by Jon Wynne Tyson - comprehensive case,, vividly expressed, useful facts and figures.

Paper back


£1.75 £1.40

F o r the coming holiday season, MAINROUTES GUIDES to help you to enjoy walking a c r o s s s o m e of the beautiful country that motorists don't know exists. Make this the year that you find your feet. Let these guides be your keys to nature's treasures. Each book contains detailed strip-maps at a s c a l e of 1:25,000 of footpath routes for pedestrian tourists, plus' l i s t s of accommodation (hotels, youth hostels and camp-sites) and information on public; transport: A SOMERSET WA Y - 108 m i l e s f r o m Minehead to Bath via, the Quantocks, Glastonbury Tor, Wells Cathedral and Priston M i l l , A BRISTOL C O U N T R Y W A Y - 81 m i l e s f r o m Slimbridge to Weston-superm a r e via Berkeley Castle, Bath Abbey and Cheddar Gorge, A SOUTH WESSEX W A Y - 117 m i l e s f r o m Petersfield to Poole via Winchester, Salisbury, B r e a m o r e m i z m a z e and Crariborne Chase* and KING A L F R E D ' S WA Y - 108 m i l e s f r o m Portsmouth to Oxford via Wantage. Each guide-book costs £ 1 . 0 5 . , our leaflets "Backpacking the Vegan W a y " and "Youth Hostelling the Vegan W a y " . * • * * * * * * * *






A L L P R I C E S INCLUDE POSTAGE (They cover unsealed rate for abroad. Sealed i s very much m o r e . Please send International Money Orders or send extra to cover bank charges, which can be very heavy). SEND NOW T O THE VEGAN SOCIETY, 47 Highlands Road, Leatherhead, Surrey, KT22 8NG. 5

WALKING THE VEGAN WAY It must be unusual for a vegan to claim his love of walking as a chief reason for reforming his diet. Walking for many miles across the Earth with your own two feet is an uplifting experience, however. Walking brings you closer to nature, makes you more aware of your body, the state of the environment and the plight of other creatures. When a walker crosses a meadow, he actually has to look the cow in the eye. On a more mundane level, he also often finds his path illegally obstructed because farmers need to fence their livestock in. One pressing reason for adopting the vegan way of life is the fact that 90% of the agricultural land in this country goes to support livestock. This is an ecological and economic tragedy. A vegan Britain could be selfsufficient in food on one-quarter of the present acreage devoted to agriculture. This means that there would be plenty left over to cater for the needs of a rising population, to grow 'energy crops' which would help to obviate the need to build nuclear power stations, and to provide sanctuaries for wildlife and for recreation. This last point is not to be diminished by the importance of the preceding ones. The principle recreational use of our countryside is for walking (cf 'People in Sport' by the Sports Council). The public footpath system of England and Wales and its attendant definitive maps and statements of our age-old rights of way is unique in the world, tt is also the result of a hard, uphill struggle by pioneers of the Rambl ers' Association, such as Tom Stephenson, the inventor of the Pennine Way, in difficult times against powerful opponents. There are still many landowners who would be only too glad to press for the closure or 'rationalisation' of many footpaths. Their chance could come fairly soon in the form of increased pressure on farmers to produce more 'food'. Most members of the public would not believe that Britain can easily feed itself and, in an emergency, would agree that we must cultivate every possible acre in order to reduce our import bill. They need to be educated into the vegan diet and its ecological and economic benefits. Walking and other recreational forms of close contact with nature need to be defended. The reasons may seem fairly obvious. One can list health and peace of mind, tourism, an urge to escape from urban life, a chance to indulge in the freedom of the open countryside, the physical and mental challenge, the close contact with nature and its plant and animal life, the fact that it is free and readily available at all seasons of the year, and the ability to combine it easily with other pastimes such as blackberrying, bird-watching or ley-hunting. One great walker, John Hillaby (author of "Journey Across Britain") has even described it as "loving the land". Here perhaps is the answer. The walker is in personal contact with the Earth. Personal contact is a form of love. 6

That there i s some kind of Earth-Force is demonstrated by the research of the ley-line enthusiasts and the scientists currently working on the Dragon Project at, the Rollright, Stones in Oxfordshire; Tom Graves, the dojyser, suggests that the Earth itself is a sentient' being-in his book "Needles of Stone" - a view shared by John Michell in his 1979 Schumacher lecture, printed in "Resurgence" (February, 1980). We a r e living in times of great change. The issues seem immense, beyond our grasp, but there are solutions. One piece in the New Age jigsaw i s diet reform. Veganism i s a practical contribution to a better world thai is open to us a l l , although we must always remember that diet is subsidiary to the spiritual side of life and that some notorious people have reputedly lived off a vegan diet (including the Ayattolah Khomeini). Many vegans do find that their new diet improves the whole person, however. Neither can it be denied that veganism does hold an answer to the problems of feeding the world fairly, healthily and with beneficial effects on our environment and our fellow creatures. Fac.ed. with such truth, it i s easy to criticise the vast majority around us for not changing their diet. Many a r e merely trapped by their habits in cruel and selfish practices.- Last year's "bad p r e s s " to veganism i s probably just a sample of the potential future reaction by the prejudiced and ignorant as veganism grows and effects changes. This reaction may seem so hostile to some vegans that they may decide their, new way of life i s not worth it. Others may react by becoming overzealous i n their diet and habits and alienating themselves still more from society. These conditions a r e not new. They have been conquered in the past by many people, inspired by such leaders as Buddha and Jesus. The only way to meet hatred is with love, to show tolerance to others and to lead by example. The world i s a big place and the issues a r e great1. Each one of us has a world of our own, however. We are the microcosm in the macrocosm. Despite the massive odds, we can play our part. One person turning vegan may not abolish the dairy industry overnight, but it is the first step on the way. By setting the right example, others will follow us. We need to band together now to help those who, would join us. Wie need to discipline ourselves so that we do not give a false impression of ourselves. We need to show our love for our fellow man as well as for the rest of life. We need to put vegani s m in perspective. It i s just one step on the path to the New Age. It i s ours, however, and it is important to make it secure by disciplining ourselves in our enthusiasm to race ahead into possible pitfalls and without thought of oUr slower companions. .Manypeople still find veganism.a funny joke. Let's show that we have a sense of humour. Laurence Main. "A journey of a thousand miles starts with the first step"





That vegans can maintain health without recourse to animal food is now abundantly evident and widely recognised. It is of utmost importance that we demonstrate that the health of the soil, on which all plant and animal health depends, and the ability of the land to produce abundance can also be maintained without the exploitation of animals. University dons, confirming early insights of members of the Vegan Society, are stating that it is possible for a vegan to live off a fifth of an acre, but where a r e the practical demonstrations of this theory? The trend to organic farming is well under way - in America one farmer in a hundred is said to be trying organic methods and in France the first official consultant in "agrobiology" has been appointed, but only very few would question the statement which appeared recently in " L e Monde": "only the raising of farm animals permits the recovery of organic matter which will enrich the soil". Vegans must respond to this challenge with deeds as well as words. It is not necessary to use highly evolved animals as compost bins! Plant material with the help of the earthworm and other lowly creatures that, providing we do not kill them with toxic chemicals, teem of right in the soil, will suffice. VEGAN COMPOST The practice of making compost on a small scale in the garden has spread like wildfire during the last decade. Inevitably those that batten on popular trends have moved in with their factory produced gimmicks baited with promises of easy-working to catch the uninitiated. The result has often been disillusionment as evil-smelling messes or inert masses have resulted instead of sweet-smelling compost exuding the vitality that will be passed up the food-chain to promote the health of the gardener and those who share his produce. The necessary initiation can be earned by reading through the small book "Common Sense Compost Making" by May E . Bruce (see publication pages). Even more important than the clear, detailed, practical instructions based on years of experimenting are the insights that the book breeds: insights that are essential if the gardener is to learn to produce life-producing materials within the limitations of his own particular situation. May Bruce moved on from the bio-dynamic methods of the Rudolf Steiner School, still based on the exploitation of the farm animal and using repulsively produced activator for compost, to an understanding of the insights that lie at the heart of veganism. Even if you have no garden, it is well worth while reading her book and, having woven her "Convictions" of the last chapter into your own philosophy of life, pass it on to those who grow food - and to those who argue against veganism. Herbal activator (Q. R. or Quick Return Activator) made according to her recipe can now be had in many


local gardening shops or through the post from Chases Seeds Ltd, Saxmundham, Suffolk.


GETTING ENOUGH COMPOST Even in small gardens, areas must be reserved to grow food for the soil. Patches given over to comfrey that grows so luxuriantly that it can be cut two or three times a year are well spared and winter tares, with the valuable nitrogen-fixing bacteria in their roots, can be allowed to cover plots in winter. More important is to let grow the plants, often denounced as weeds, whose rampant growth reveals that they have the vitality good compost -making needs. Nettles, dandelions and chickweed bring abundant nutrients to the bin and their fresh green shoots in early spring can be used for salads and greens to help bridge the hungry gap before the gardener's first crops a r e ready. Nettles, together with carefully -placed early grass mowings, are wonderfully effective in heating up the compost to such a degree that even couch (also rich in nutrients]) can be put safely in Its heart instead of being burned. A l l the variety of weeds that appear spontaneously in gardens have their own particular contribution to make. As in human health, variety beyond the materialist's power to analyse, is essential. Bought-in straw (and waste from the greengrocer's shop) will almost certainly have residues of poisonous sprays and suffer from the imbalances produced by artificial fertilisers. Moreover, the fields that produced the straw need the recompense of an equivalent amount of compost that no gardener would want to spare. ECONOMICAL USE AND PRODUCTION Compost is both used and produced most economically if the garden is divided into 4ft wide crop growing strips with 1ft paths between. F r o m the paths a variety of self-perpetuating weeds can be hoed at the time of their maximum vitalityjust before flowering. The compost is lightly hoed into the surf ace of the strips or put at the base of each plant at planting time, or placed round it at intervals or used as liquid manure. The crop-growing strips are never trodden on, so the soil does not get compressed and needs no digging after the first clearance operation, save that involved in the removal of root crops. They should be kept covered throughout the year with growing material: bare ground is wasted ground. Green cover works all the time making the sun's energy available for the gardener either directly through his crops or indirectly through his compost bins. The aeration, drainage and tilth-making for which digging and exposure to the elements are recommended in conventional methods are accomplished by the abundant earthworms that flourish in a compost-rich soil. THE GAPS AND THE GLUTS Animal farming, with its essential violent practices, may well have arisen largely in response to needs to bridge the gaps between harvets. Two very good books have recently appeared to help gardeners produce crops through the winter and thus lessen dependence on imports. "Our Sun Heated Greenhouse" by Scott Nearing and "The Heat Retaining Greenhouse" by the


Country College team. Less ambitiously, space can be given to such crops as kale, leeks, land cress, garden sorrel (beware oxalic acid) and lamb's lettuce, that together with the weeds above will bridge the gap between winter and summer. Summer gaps and gluts can be avoided by wise sowing of smaller amounts of a greater number of varieties at more frequent intervals, by drying, bottling and by selling to Health Stores, many of which are now glad to have "compost grown" produce. PEST CONTROL Pesticides and herbicides, while effective in the short term, are as self-defeating as all forms of violence. Not only are immune species being bred but the suspicion that they promote cancers in humans may be very well founded. Certainly, they use irreplaceable fossil fuel and add to the economic difficulties of the Third World. By the use of vegan compost instead of artificial fertilisers or organic wastes from slaughter-houses and factoryf a r m s , the plant's own ability to resist disease can be maintained. It can be encouraged by companion planting and other gardening techniques. Native predators such as ladybirds can be encouraged though the new biological methods need to be approached with great caution if age-old balances a r e not to be upset. The wiping off of aphis, the removal of slugs, the making of barriers are acceptable compromises. We deceive ourselves and lessen our credibility if we claim that at the present stage of individual and social development we can live entirely without killing or allowing others to kill for us. We a r e unavoidably locked in a Natural Order that is essentially wasteful and destructive as well as creative as far as individuals are concerned, though wonderfully frugal and co-operative as far as the developing Whole. Constantly billions of organisms die (why draw the line at the macroscopic?) so that others may survive. The particular function of vegans is to demonstrate by their living, and the bases of their lives , that the deliberate breeding, rearing and slaughter of highly evolved creatures with emotional lives as strong as their own, is completely unnecessary for the maintenance of the health of either humans or the soil; that it i s , on the contrary, threatening the lifesupporting systems of the planet and exacerbating the situation of the world's hungry millions. F R O M GARDEN TO FARM There is no good reason why the plant compost dependent methods now being used in many gardens could not be extended to market gardens and arable farms. The work involved would be less onerous than that with livestock breed -ing, care and slaughter. Certainly compost making is pleasanter than muckshifting and spreading. Experiments a r e urgently needed so that answers based on experience can be given to objections raised by farmers dominated by the habits of centuries. . . . A N D THE W O R L D Veganism has poor foundations if its exponents think no further than the labels of packages on the shop shelves. How far should we in England be dependent on crops from abroad? Can we claim to live non-violently if we


support by our life-styles economic and social forces that wrest their harvests from peasants whose own families go hungry? What do we give in return for the fruits, nuts, beans and cereals which come to most English vegans from far corners of the earth? How long will our factory produce, tools and town-skills be needed by a rapidly industrialising world? How many of our townspeople can (and will!) return to the country to do country labour? How much of their labour will be essential if the remaining townsfolk are to be fed? What part can be played by the greening of derelict inner cities? Is the use of draught animals compatible with vegan principles ? This is being advocated in response to the coming oil shortage, but only a very small percentage - about 2% - of the oil used in Britain powers agriculture. The necessary gasohol could easily be produced from less than the acres needed to feed horses. Should we learn to depend less on cereals and more on perennial tree crops? Much wide and exact study and unprejudiced think -ing has to be done if a New Age is to be soundly based on freedom from the violence of the slaughterhouse, and all the world's people fed. Vegans must go further. They must seek non-violent methods of dealing with all life's problems and meanwhile discipline themselves to live as harmlessly as possible. Without such fundamental changes in individual behaviour all the fine talk of the New Age teachers will come to nothing. Kathleen Jannaway. The Divinity that sleeps in the stones, stirs in the plants, wakes in the animals and is conscious alone in man. The breath of God in all that is. That is life.



The twenty-second issue of "Vegan Views" has recently been produced and in it readers have shared their views on gardening, abortion, Krishnamurti, the Church and Animal Welfare, and there is an interview with Philip Brown, publicity officer of the Vegetarian Society of the U. K. A subscription to " V V " is 90p for 3 issues or, alternatively, 30p (stamps will do) for the current issue. All new subscribers will be put on the Contacts List revision in the summer issue unless they wish otherwise. Please write to "Vegan Views", 1 Gincroft Lane, Edenfield, Ramsbottom, Bury, L a n e s . , BLO OJW.


>> f


A T T A C K :

In October, 1978, my husband and I went into the garden to plant 200 daffodil bulbs.

He started making the holes, with an iron b a r and a mallet,

and my job was to put in the bulbs and f i l l the cavities with peat

- an easy

task compared with the work that I had been doing in the garden during the previous few days - humping around barrels of compost onto the borders. As I stood, waiting for a few holes to be made, a severe pain caught m e in the chest. a l l my life.

" M u s c u l a r " I diagnosed - I have been in the nursing profession However, after planting one or two bulbs it became worse and

I went indoors and took a couple of paracetamals, had a quick cup of coffee and it went, I assured Nick, who had come in to see what the matter was that it was nothing, and we planted the rest of the bulbs.

The pain recurred

several times a week, usually if I hurried uphill, or if I was out in a very cold wind, but I continued as usual, swimming three t i m e s a week and walking a great deal. I had left the nursing profession a year o r so earlier, because of a severe illness my husband contracted, but he had regained his health, enjoying an active retirement. I did not connect the pain I was now experiencing with my heart until one day in December, 1978, when my daughter and I went into Bristol to do Christmas shopping. After racing up some steps from the car-park I was literally clinging to some railings with a very severe attack. Sheila was scared, although I told her it would soon pass, as it did, and we completed our shopping. My daughter did make m e p r o m i s e to see our doctor, however, and I visited h i m the following day. To my surprise he took my symptoms seriously and within a week I was seeing a Consultant Cardiologist. More tests, then he told m e I was suffering from angina, but that the first attack of pain must have been a minor coronary a 'silent infarct'. He gave m e Glycerol T r i n i t r i t e tablets to put under my tongue when an attack occurred, and Propranolol to take three t i m e s a day. He told m e to exercise moderately but regularly, never to attempt anything energetic immediately after a meal, and to keep my weight down. He made no suggestions at a l l regarding diet but told m e to return in six months. I love animals and had been sickened for years by factory farming, battery hens and the dreadful cruelty at the slaughter houses. I still ate meat, however, because my family were meat eaters. One year our holiday in Devon was ruined for m e by the distress of cows at a nearby f a r m whose calves had been taken away. On being told that one of my coronary a r t e r i e s was partially blocked by atheroma, an excess of the cholesterol with which the lining of the blood vessels is composed, I determined to put my mind at ease and improve my own chances of a healthy life by becoming vegan. My three daughters are a l l m a r r i e d , so there a r e just m y husband, Nick, and myself at home. He still eats meat, but I notice that he eats much less than he used to and sometimes I see him look at my plate of colourful mixed vegetables with a gleam in his eye which could be envy.


The attacks of pain ceased after a few weeks on a vegan diet. I no longer carried the bottle of Glycerol Trinitrite tablets, even when on really long walks. When I reported in May, 1979, to the cardiology clinic the doctors were surprised by my healthy appearance - I know I had looked i l l on the previous occasion. All through the summer I worked in our large garden and in September we went to my elder daughter's to care for our little granddaughter whilst her mother went into hospital to have her little sister. They have an enormous bungalow and Amanda, although only eighteen months old then, could run about and enjoyed romping. My daughter did not have an easy time so we stayed on for a while and she was amazed by my energy - I a m , after all, fifty-nine now. I have converted several people to veganism just because I look so well and enjoy life so much. In November, 1979, my last check, I told the Registrar about my vegan diet. She was astonished at my wonderful health and made copious notes. I know that cholesterol is manufactured by the body and there are some schools of thought that subscribe to the belief that whatever one eats makes no difference to the build-up, but I a m convinced that the cholesterol -free diet has cured me. I had a blood test at that session and the Registrar took the trouble to write to me, telling me that my blood cholesterol was now completely normal. " S o , " she added, "your diet must be a success. " I have now resumed swimming and a m doing more and more lengths of the baths. I walk for miles and have been told that I can engage in any activity I wish. I do wish all sufferers from angina would give the vegan way a trial, for it is the only way to really enjoy life to the full. It is certainly spreading, for in our new local hypermarket which opened only last year, they have already introduced a 'Granary' which sells all vegan foods pulses, seeds, whole grains, fruits dried without additives, nuts and various spreads. I ' m hooked on sesame spread - gorgeous on Ryvita. I'm convinced that I owe my life to becoming vegan. Louise B. Carter,


The controversy over heart disease and fats waxes fast and furious - the dairy industry is really worried and is sparing no effort or money to refute the evidence. We have a chart showing the well-considered findings of twenty international committees which we hope to gain permission to publish in our next issue. . v







Lack of space prevented the in elusion of the tables below with the article in the last issue of "The Vegan". With reference to the two children less than normal in height and weight, it stated "both parents were small in stature. Therefore it cannot be concluded that the growth of these two children was retarded". With reference to the energy intakes being less than recommend -ed in 24 children, the article stated "A recent Department of Health survey found ยง of omnivore pre-school children had intakes less than those recommended and with reference to Vitamin D " s i m i l a r findings have been found in omnivore children". Calcium intake obviously needs attention but a report of surveys in 1968 and 1974 had commented "it is known that many people achieve full stature and have good bones and teeth on similar low intakes provided that their diet contains adequate Vitamin D and/or they are sufficiently exposed to sunlight". The 1979 survey confirmed the general findings of the previous two and concluded "These findings suggest that a properly balanced vegan diet, with suitable vitamin supplements" (i. e. D and B ^ ) "can meet the nutritional requirements of children". All these surveys were conducted by nutritionists at the Queen Elizabeth College, University of London. MAIN ANTHROPOMETRIC MEASUREMENTS ON 25 PRESCHOOL VEGAN CHRDREN Inside Normal Range Height 23 Weight 24 Head circumference 25

Below Normal Range 2 1 0

Summary of the nutrient intake compared with the (RDI): Intakes equal or greater than RDI Energy 1 Protein 25 Calcium 0 Iron 25 Riboflavin 20 Vitamin B 1 2 21 Vitamin D " 0

recommended daily intakes Intakes less than RDI 24 0 25 0 5 4 25


We will endeavour to summarise the research findings that have established the Vegan diet as a healthy, and in some ways a healing, diet in the estimation of doctors and nutritionists in the next "Vegan" (Summer, 1980). We hope to have articles from a doctor, once a G P , now practising homeopathy and using the vegan diet as a corrective agent for a number of diseases and one from another, well known in the field of alternative therapies, who is putting all the patients in his private hospital onto a vegan diet. 14

" NO MILK ! FOR EVER " When working as a tractor driver on the Derbyshire/Cheshire border I learned the real story behind the cellophane-wrapped meat items I had previously taken for granted as being "humanely" produced, and became lactovegetarian. I did not know the word "Vegan" then, and it was some years before I learned about the possibilities presented by the concept. I became fully vegan when breastfeeding my daughter, and put a note on the doorstep saying "No Milk Forever!" A s a brand new parent I was anxious to make sure I could provide all the nutritional requirements of a growing child and did my homework to ensure that our new dietary habits were sound ones. I breastfed Rebecca till she was two-years old. Among the many advantages this gave was the confidence that whatever my shortcomings as an experimental cook, she was getting at least two good meals a day! We could be more relaxed about the other offerings she sampled and I'm sure it helped us both as we learned together. Rebecca is now years old and attends school. In the summer she took sandwiches, but we found that a mid-day break was preferable at this stage, so now she comes home for lunch and returns to the fray refreshed. I needn't have worried about the influences of school from a vegan standpoint - though it concerned me deeply initially and I seriously considered educating her at home. As an outgoing, active, intelligent and sociable child she exerts a positive influence on those around her, questioning conventional omnivorous attitudes and being a very good advertisement for veganism. She copes sensibly and well. When deciding which local primary school to send her to, I found the final paragraph of an open letter to Spike Milligan from Jon Wynne-Tyson in "Ag" no 45 good ammunition to present to headteachers in interview when explaining our philosophy and assessing theirs. ("When a significant minority of educators can accept the necessity for including dietethics in a programme for humane education, intensive farming and all other abuses of non-human animals will begin to disappear as a matter of course. We shan't need to quibble over specific examples whep ecological morality embraces all species and cruelty is recognised as hateful, unnecessary and beneath human dignity. That day is coming. How soon is up to us. ") I feel we can be more effective spokeswomen by taking our message out to the community around us than by quietly getting on with our lifestyle and waiting to be asked about it. An opportunity presented itself at the local Adult Education Centre when I was asked to fill a gap in their Autumn progr -amme with a course on picture framing. " N o , " I said f i r m l y . . . . "but I'll run a course on vegan nutrition and cookery if you like. " Whatever my shortcomings in technique, I was confident that the message was sound, though I must confess to having felt some trepidation at the prospect of a class of Glossop housewives with 25 years of cooking for a fam-


ily behind them sitting down to watch me try to show them how there is no need to suck eggs or know your bacon. I needn't have worried. They were marvellous. What heartened me further was that those husbands who came to collect their budding "Gordon Verts" timed their a r r i v a l earlier and earlier in order to make sure of a plateful of whatever was going, thus putting to flight the:argument I've heard so often "I!d be a vegetarian.tomorrow, but my husband does like his steak and kidney pie........ " A further positive response came at the end of the course, when the general agreement was that it should continue - albeit informally - as Friday evening get-togethers :in my kitchen! Isn't this something we could all do? There a r e many opportunities to stimulate that interest initially. Talking to local groups can offer an insight into alternatives for the audience if it doesn't produce instant; vegans . . changing the habits of a lifetime requires motivation, thought and. time, as we knojv;, but t i e ball must start rolling somewhere. ( " I f not us, who? If not now, when ? - Hillel). There a r e many groups and societies glad1 to have a speaker on an "unusual" topic. I must confess to a degree of poetic licence with my local Friends of the Earth who gave me a verbal invitation to give a short talk on bees just beifore Christmas they heard about B. for Battery hens and B for B r a z i l nuts with passing reference to turkeys as11 thought it seasonally appropriate! The "Festive Recipe" leaflets came in very handy and my reserves of literature were depleted by two. copies of "What's Cooking?" On a rather more nerve-racking scale, the local Labour Club gave me the chance to create a vegan meal for 60 last Autumn. It seemed a daunting prospect as I had never catered on that scale before, and with tickets at ÂŁ2 per head I knew m y customers would want to see value for money as weLl as have a pleasant experience. Two other Glossop vegans, Mary Chisholm and Beryl Bason, were a tremendous help.on the preparation side. Another friend went to* the vegetable market before, dawn to purchase those items we needed in sufficient quantity to take advantage of wholesale prices. I borrowed extra large pans and,a stock of baking trays. With a shopping list that started "33 whole pineapples, 10 heads of celery, cwt potatoes, i | lb B r a z i l nuts, 16 lb l e e k s . . . " I knew .that I was in for a busy weekend. I wanted everything as freshly prepared as possible and so prepared myself to work through most of ^Friday night and all the next night, as the meal was for the. Sunday evening. It was as well I started early, as the vegetable washing and preparation was quite time-consuming. Next t i m e I do this, I vowed, I Shall pressgang every available friend and relation into the operation! Another mental note was to have far more far larger receptacles than I thought I might need. 4 a..m. on a Sunday is no time to decide one needs an extra saucepan or bowl, but it was an excellent time to watch the Orionid meteor shower. A delightful bonus to the nightshift was a clear sky. One could emerge red-faced and weary f r o m the kitchen to the cool, refreshing night sliced by shooting stars.


There is a certain thrill in having a room covered wall to wall in pine -apples and jacket potatoes. Amazingly, by Sunday night they had all disappeared, and with apparent relish on the part of the consumers. I hope it gave them food for thought. I know I learned a lot from the experience. If I can be of help to anyone contemplating a similar exercise, I hope they will contact me, though I'm sure there must be those among you in the readership better qualified to advise and to act. Diana Virgo



One whole pineapple

cut in half several hours before meal, gouge and scoop centre into bowl for fruit salad and filling, invert halves over tray to collect extra juice. 2 oz dry weight red kidney beans) . , , , , previously prepared, cooked with bayleaves 2 oz dry weight wholegrain rice ) Sweat in 2 tablespoons sunflower oil:

2 sticks celery, finely sliced 4 oz onion, diced 2 oz capsicum, diced or sliced in rings 1 clove garlic, crushed with salt 4 oz tomatoes added at last minute 2oz mushroom stalks chopped Add extra pineapple juice, salt to taste and 1 level teasp. cumin 1 level teasp. basil 1 level teasp. savory \ oz blanched almond the tougher bits of pineapple, diced Mix with beans and rice, fill pineapple halves, wrap in foil on tray, bake for 20 minutes at regulo 7. Garnish with parsley before serving. (many variations of filling and season are possible according to season) G R E E N



1 lb potatoes, scrubbed or diced ^rj^ 1 lb leeks chopped

1 pint vegetable stock or water 10 oz cooked weight green split peas

Simmer potatoes. When nearly cooked, add leeks. Remove from heat after 5 minutes, allow to cool enough to put through blender, adding peas and salt to taste. 17




3 oz Fresh yeast (3 teasps dried yeast) 1 teasp. sugar 8 oz plain wholemeal flour

1 pint tepid water lg teasps salt 8 oz medium oatmeal

Cream yeast with sugar and a little warm water. Mix flour, salt and oatmeal. Stir the yeast and rest of liquid into the flour. I eave to rise in a warm place for about one hour. Tip 4-5 tablespoons of the batter onto a pre-heated gridle and spread out to form a pancake. Cook over a medium heat for about 3 minutes on each side. Cool, then store in the 'frig. Serve as toast or fry and spread with miso (makes 5 or 6).




14 oz tin tomatoes 5 pint tomato juice 3 level teasp. salt 5 level teasp. dried tarragon 2 dessertspoons soya sauce

\ medium onion (finely chopped) juice of g a lemon 3 level teasp. pepper 8 oz cooked soya beans

Fry onion, add rest of the ingredients and cook for 10 minutes approximately until really hot and sauce is nice and thick. Serve with jacket potatoes and vegetables, or serve on toast. S W E E T C O R N 2 2 1 | 2 1 a


(to serve four)

2 oz ground cashew nuts oz breadcrumbs rounded dessert sps soya flour 2 oz rolled oats teasp. mustard powder 3 teasp. black pepper teasp. salt 2 teasp. dried thyme 2 cloves garlic, finely sliced teasp. dried marjoram medium cooking apple, finely chopped 12 oz can sweetcorn or 8 oz frozen sweetcorn little vegetable stock

Mix together the breadcrumbs, cashew nuts, soya flour, rolled oats, mustard, pepper, salt, thyme, marjoram and garlic. Add apple, sweetcorn and a little vegetable stock or juice from the tinned sweetcorn to make a moist consistency. Turn into a large greased baking dish and bake for one hour at Gas 5. Serve hot with carrots, brussel sprouts or other vegetables and a tomato gravy. Janet Johnson 18




1 medium size carrot l g cups cornmeal mush or hominy 2 tablespoons raisins 1 teaspoon lemon juice

1 teasp. sunflower seeds 1 heaped tablesp. currant jelly 2 tablespoons shredded coconut

This recipe is of use to those who use hominy or cornmeal mush as a breakfast cereal. Pour the remains in a bowl and place in the 'frig, to harden. Grate the raw carrot in mincing machine. Mix with left-over cereal adding the other ingredients as you continue to mix. Edmund Quincy

A C H E A P P A L A T A B L E SOYA MILK 2 heaped tablespoons soya flour 2 teaspoons sugar

4 fl. oz oil I2 pints water

Liquidise soya flour, sugar and water for 15 seconds. Through d r i p feer1 add oil and liquidise a further 30 seconds. Bring to boil. Allow to cool. Keeps in refrigerator for a week. Give good shake before use. Good for cooking, milk shakes or on cereals - not in tea. Andrew Edmondson MAINROUTES HALVA The following is taken from our new leaflet "Backpacking the Vegan Way" which is available from the Vegan Society together with the new "Youth Hostelling the Vegan W a y " leaflet for 15pence (including postage). When making this at home, different containers and quantities will, of course, be used: You will need two l i b screw-top j a r s (as used for Tastex) and a spoon. F i l l one j a r with tahini (sesame cream) and carry a bag of dried fruits, especially sultanas, and mixed nuts. Use the second, empty, j a r to soak dried fruit in overnight (dried fruit reaching j w a y up j a r and water reaching |way up). In morning add a few nuts and top up with tahini, mixing well, and eat from j a r . The second, empty, j a r is, of course, used to contain ready-mixed halva at the start of your t r i p . One j a r should last 18 m i l e s . When you run out of tahini use the empty j a r s as bowls to soak your dried fruit and cracked wheat in overnight. „ . Laurence Main

PMMlL- SOYA PLANTMiLK Arthur Ling, Director 1 of Plarnil Foods Ltd has written to us with reference to the paragraph that appeared on infant feeding on, page 21 of the Winter, 1.879, "Vegan",, He assured us that improvements had been made in the composition of PlamiL The Council, of the Vegan Society hope that the improved P l a m i i will be found acceptable by the Medical Officer of the Department of Health and Social Security as a supplement, or alternative to breast -milk in the few cases where vegan mothers cannot breastfeed adequately (since there is ho breastrr.ilk from other mothers made available at present) or where babies cannot take any animal milk. We appreciate that in the light of growing knowledge of human nutrition In general and the unique qualities of human breastrolk in particular,, all such alternatives have to be very carefully analysed (National Dried Milk-, widely sponsored .since the war has had to be withdrawn because it is now seen not to reach required standards of safety). Therefore, until Plamil has DHSS approval, we cannot recommend P l a m i l as an infant feed but only suggest that it be tried during and after weaning as a supplement to a varied and adequate vegan diet. Arthur Ling has had many letters from parents whose children have grown well on Plamil.. It is particularly useful for those who have allergies to dairy milk. P l a m i l cannot compete price-wise with dairy milk because of the huge cost of raw materials on which high import duties have been paid. Moreover the dairy industry has Government support in various ways. Many vegans a r e happy to pay the price for what they recognise as a high quality product with well balanced protein from tne soya bean, sunflower oil rich in polyunsaturated fats and Vitamins AJD & B12 and calcium from vegan sources. They find it ideal for use for all. purposes where cow's milk, with its high cost in animal suffering, is used by the unenlightened majority; For those who find i t difficult to manage without milky tea, it is especially •useful. Initially some people find the taste unpalatable • but we can give assurance that with,perseverance it becomes as habitually acceptable as cow's milk once was. .Moreover for vegans it comes with the added recommendation that it is from a firm'that only produces' vegan foods, and whose director is vegan and which makes every effort to employ vegan staff. The products of P l a m i l FOods Ltd a r e proving to be of great value to nonvegans with, health problems, but th& f i r m does depend" very largely On the support Of Vegan Society members. A fifty-minute tape on the preparation of P l a m i l soya plantmilk and the vegan motivation of the P l a m i l Foods Ltd was made recently by "The National Tape Magazine for the Blind" during their visit to the factory. A copy may be borrowed from Arthur Ling, P l a m i l House, Bowles Well Garden, Dover Road, Folkestone, Kent. WHY DISCRIMINATE AGAINST VEGANS? Mrs Cure, of Warwickshire, i s raising;a petition to send to the Minister of-. Health asking for vegans to be eligible for cash equivalents of free milk tokens. 20



Please support our meetings in every way you possibly can (especially that on 31st March - see below). Well supported meetings a r e evidence of a lively and concerned membership, so please come and bring your friends.

Monday 7.45 sharp

March 31st 111 C I I

O i l

t i l

Buffet from 7 p. m.




7.0.0 p. m. at Friends Meeting House, 52 St Martins Lane, Westminster.. A few minutes walk from Trafalgar Square and Leicester Square Underground stations - entrance probably'in Hop Gardens, a side alley - you may have to ring the bell.

Dr Frey Ellis Memorial Lecture A PHIL 26th Saturday DA"Y COURSE IN VEGAN NUTRITION at Richmond Adult College. 9.30 a..m. - 8.00 p. m. Expert lecturers, experienced demonstrators. A chance to get to know fellow vegans and discuss ideas in pleasant surroundings. ÂŁ5. 00 only INCLUDING lunch, tea and supper. Write now for enrolment forms from Kathleen J anna way, 47 Highlands Road, Leatherhead, Surrey;

MAY 10th, Saturday 4,00-8. 00 p . m . Christ Church Hall, Chalk Lane, COckfosters, Barnet, Herts (near buses and Cockfosters Station, Piccadilly Line). FOOD FOR A FUTURE, a talk by Kathleen Jannaway (at 5. 00p. m . ) . Chairman: Alan.Long- Refreshments., goods, literature, will be On sale. Admission 20p. O F F E R S OF HELP WITH FOOD etc urgently needed, telephone J U N E lst Sunday 2 . 00-6. OOp. m , GARDEN PARTY a t 47 Highlands Road, Leatherhead, Surrey. 1'5 minutes walk from Leatherhead Station, served by trains from both Victoria and Waterloo. Through the town centre on to the Dorking Road, turn left between garage and church, bear right at the fork, where churchyard ends Highlands Road begins-. By road, take the B2033 off the A24. Bus routes 470, 408 and 468; coach 714 (ask for St Mary's Parish Church). Stalls, discussions, games for the children and a chance to get to know each: other. 21

SATURDAY 29th MARCH: Ecology and Animal Welfare Bazaar, 10.30 a. m. 4.00 p. m. in the Queen's Room, Ealing Town Hall, London, W5. FRIDAY, 25th A P R I L : Vegan filmshow and refreshments (North London Group), Central L i b r a r y , Holloway Road, Islington (near Highbury Corner underground station). SATURDAY, 26th A P R I L : Vegan evening at Graham Bull's home, , HD7 2XP. SATURDAY, 7th JUNE: LIVERPOOL NEW AGE FESTIVAL, 10.00 a . m . 9.00 p. m . , at the Bluecoat Chambers in the heart of the city. THURSDAY, 19th JUNE: Vegan Talk and Film-Show in Bath. Please contact John Booker, , Wiltshire. 21st - 29th JUNE: 5th FESTIVAL FOR MIND-BODY-SPIRIT, daily 11.00a. m. - 9. OOp. m . , O L Y M P I A , LONDON, offers of help at the vegan stand should be sent now to Laurence Main, Wilts. SATURDAY/SUNDAY 28th/29th JUNE "A Colloquium of Self-Sufficiency and Communities" at the Three Counties Showground, Malvern (camping is available on site). Kathleen Jannaway will be talking and demonstrating. SATURDAY, 5th J U L Y : Garden Party at HopCroft, Long Bank, Bewdley, Worcestershire, DY12 2QT, including stalls and open-air sketches. FRIDAY - SUNDAY, 18th - 20th J U L Y : Festival of Man, Spa Hotel, Tunbridge Wells, Kent. 10th - 16th AUGUST: W O R L D CONVENTION ON THE LIBERATION OF ANIMALS at Bath. It is hoped that both Kathleen Jannaway and Jack Sanderson will speak. Further details from the Secretaries, Vedanta Movement, Batheaston Villa, Batheaston, Bath, BA1 7AA. SATURDAY/SUNDAY 30th/31st AUGUST: Festival for Creative Living, Hove Town Hall, Sussex. SATURDAY/SUNDAY 30th/31st AUGUST: THINK 80, Cheltenham Town Hall. SATURDAY/SUNDAY 20th/21st SEPTEMBER: Festival of Joy, Tithe Barn, Barton F a r m , Bradford-on-Avon, Wiltshire. END ANIMAL EXPLOITATION A one day Symposium at the Commonwealth Institute Theatre, Kensington High Street, W8, on Saturday 17th May. Speakers include Richard Adams, author of "Watership Down", Peter Roberts of Compassion in World Farming, Jon Wynne-Tyson, author of "The Civilised Alternative", M. J . R. Stockman, past President of the British Veterinary Association and Dr Harold Hillman, Reader in Physiology, University of Surrey. Tickets ÂŁ1.50 each and full details are obtainable from The Vegetarian Society, 53 Marloes Road, W8 (SAE please). An inexpensive vegan lunch will be obtainable. ANIMAL AID (telephone Tonbridge 364546) have demonstrations in London on Thursday, 27th March, Wednesday, 9th April and Tuesday, 22nd April, and a NATIONAL M A R C H / R A L L Y in Salisbury, Wiltshire, to protest against cruel experiments on 21,000 animals going on at Porton Down Laboratories, on SATURDAY, 3rd MAY. Contact Animal Aid for details of coaches from London and elsewhere and special car-parking area.



AnanwH p u m

LIMITED COMPANY The Vegan Society Limited was duly incorporated on 27th December, 1979, and registered as a Charity with the Charity Commissioners on 31st January, 1980. Therefore, according to the vote at the Annual General Meeting on 20th October, and confirmed at an extra-ordinary General Meeting on 13th November, 1979, the Vegan Society ceased to exist thirty days later on 1st March, 1980, and its assets and liabilities were transferred to the Vegan Society Limited. If members of the former Society have not yet applied to become members of the Vegan Society Ltd, they will be given a further opportunity to do so as their subscriptions fall due. APPOINTMENT OF ASSISTANT SECRETARY Laurence Main, of Swindon, SN3 3 P Z , Wiltshire, has been appointed Assistant Secretary of the Vegan Society. He will have special responsibility for fostering local groups and helping with exhibitions, festivals and meetings of all kinds. Please write to him at his home address. RESEARCH There is rapidly growing interest in the relevance of diet to disease and help from vegans is requested for various research projects. If you can help, please write to Dr Patrick (kidney research), St Thomas' Hospital Medical School, Lambeth Palace Road, London, SE1; Dr Graham Macgregor, Charing Cross Hospital Medical School, Fulham Palace Road, London W6 8RF, Dr P. Burstyn, Dept Physiology & Pharmacology, University of Southampton, Bassett Crescent East, Southampton, S09 3TU. Humans, not other animals, should be used in research for human benefit: DONATIONS Many thanks to all of you who have sent donations to the Vegan Society. trust that you will accept this general message of our appreciation.


H* LESLIE CROSS, vegan for 35 years, founder member of the Vegan Society, and of the Plantmilk Society, died peacefully in his sleep on 2nd December, 1979. Inspired by his deep love of all life he looked forward to the day when plant milks would be generally used and a great burden thus lifted from the gentle cow. He was managing director of Plantmilk Ltd when it was at Langley, Bucks, was Secretary of the Plantmilk Society until his death, and often used his skill as a journalist to write on behalf of animals. We offer our sympathy to his wife, Constance, who worked so hard with him to forward the cause of animal compassion, and to his son and daughter, who were fine examples of vegan children. K. Jannaway


\ J f





Alpay Torgut, after five years as a vegetarian, became a vegan within a week or so of watching the Vegan Society 'Open Door' film on BBC2 in January, 1976. Towards the end of 1978 Alpay (who was born in Cyprus but came to England at the age of seven) felt the need to try to do something to help alleviate the suffering of animals and so he decided to form a local vegan group in North London. I asked Alpay about his ideas and what he had and hadn't achieved. What are your basic reasons for being a vegan, and what are the reasons you try to emphasise to other people ? Well basically it's the suffering that's involved. I don't want to cause the death or suffering of animals through my own way of life, especially since it's unnecessary. I've been into the spiritual side of life and veganism is an extension of that for me - it was a very natural progression. So how did you go about starting a vegan group in North London? I got in touch with the Vegan Society and with Vegan Views. Eventually it seemed a good idea to have a public meeting just before Christmas (1978), using the angle of Christmas supposedly being a time of goodwill and yet for animals it's the opposite, with so many turkeys being killed. So I decided to have a public meeting to try to put this angle across, and I hired a local library for the evening. About 25 people came and I was quite happy with the results, I made a lot of contacts which helped to start the group off. We showed the BBC2 film on veganism and Compassion in World Farming's film 'Don't look now, here comes your dinner'. We had refreshments and a discussion at the end. I took the names of everybody at the meeting and suggested we should have an informal meeting to decide on what the next activity should be. At that informal meeting we decided to have another public film evening, and up to now in fact we've held a total of four such film meetings. The second meeting about 35 came, the third again about 35 and the fourth about 20. That last one the weather was bad and maybe that had a lot to do with the drop. We also decided to have a regular informal group meeting every month. Of course, with all these meetings there's a lot of work that goes on behind the scenes to make them a success - leafletting at busy shopping centres, advertising etc. Financially the Vegan Society has supported us when donations haven't covered expenses. To what extent have your film meetings been 'preaching to the converted' as opposed to getting the message across to the general public? Well that's one thing that's surprised me. Obviously there have been a fair percentage of vegans, I suppose maybe a third for sure. And then another 24

third probably vegetarians. But the other third have been meat-eaters who have come out of interest. Usually quite a few people have come saying that they really want to be vegans but as yet they haven't taken the step. Every time we provide vegan literature and refreshments, so people actually ,get a taste and they see that is quite enjoyable and very nice usually. Have you found lots of people willing to help you with running the group and have there been conflicting ideas about what the group should do? I have received a lot of very valuable help from various people,, and that's how it's been possible to have these meetings. But it's usually been from very few people a;nd erratic rather than, regular. And yes, there have, certainly been many conflicting ideas but as long as people who have the ideas actually have the enthusiasm to put them into practice I don't think any sort of limits should be set - I don't want to monopolise the activities. And what ideas have been put into practice then ?

The one thing that's come out of the- group is h a v i n g a regular 'write-in' ' evening when people get together and write letters to various people and organisations about a n i m a l abuse. This came out of the group but now to fact it's grown into a. separate meeting in i t s own right. A personal idea of mine was that I thought it would be really good if the local paper (the Islington Gazette) did. an article On veganism. So one day I popped in to see them and asked if they might be interested. I was- introduced to a reporter, I told him,'a bit about veganism and he was very enthusiastic' to .do an article, So at one of the gr.oup meetings we did a load of refreshments and a reporter and photographer came along for a, long interview. A few months later they did a full page article with photographs. Although it did contain a few inaccuracies it was good that it happened because it gave some people the opportunity to find out about veganism whereas otherwise they wouldn't have. .And, just before last Christmas, they, followed this article' up with another long one - so things can develop, you can build up a relationship with a paper. And' the reporter who wrote the articles has become a vegetarian recently. I don't believe in forcing the vegan message on people but a lot of people may be interested in it and how do you know unless you make the effort to communicate,? But at the same-time obviously you have to be don'tinfringe on anybody's privacy, but I don't think we have on the whole. It's hard to see exactly what effect our group has had but I believe the important thing is to do what seems to make sense at the time, without worrying too much about the results. If the results; appear bad. there can be a lot of reasons for it, sometimes, it's not your fault and the, best thing to do really is just try again. I thi nk if you keep on trying you'll be amazed at the results. Malcolm Horne




The Vegan Society is constantly receiving requests from members for details of other vegans living in the area. Many vegans remark that they feel so isolated that they feel they will give up their new diet for lack of support in their vicinity. It is very difficult for the Society to give much practical help from its Leatherhead office. Where possible, a list of other vegans living in the area is forwarded but this is not a very satisfactory solution because the Society has grown so much in the last few years and we have so many other projects in hand that these lists are often out-of-date. Their value is also questionable. It is not that easy to approach a name on a list, while the name selected might just happen to be the wrong one for that particular inquirer. A better solution might be to tackle the problem at a more local level. What is needed is a local vegan contact for each area of the country. These local vegan contacts would, ideally, proceed to form local groups, thus giving those members who desperately need it a chance to meet other vegans, to form their own friendships, to give advice and support to others, or at least to share their troubles The local vegan contact could also be the recipient of literature for distribution and could help to arrange meetings designed to educate the public and to attract more members, such as vegan cookery courses, stalls at local festivals and a showing of the Vegan Society's film "A Better Future F o r A l l Life". Speakers and the film are available in return for travel expenses, which can be reduced. Please write now to Laurence Main, , Swindon, SN3 3 P Z , Wilts.

We look forward to being able to publish a list of vegan local contacts in the next issue of "The Vegan" (copy date 1st May) with an invitation to other members to make direct contact with the people listed. All new members and specific inquirers will also be furnished with their vegan local contact's name and address. The real value of this scheme will only be determined by the quality and quantity of the response received from this appeal. Even if you feel unable to arrange a meeting on your own, you may already belong to, or know of, another organisation and if you mention us and our film to them, they may be glad to include a vegan evening on a future programme. SOME MORE WHOLE-FOOD CO-OPS Please add these to the list contained in the last issue of "The Vegan": ESSEX: Stalls at Romford and Harlow markets. For bulk orders contact: Clive Richards, 3 Vernon Crescent, Brentwood (tel. 225783), NOTTINGHAMSHIRE: OUROBOROS, Mansfield Road, Nottingham, and MARCH WHOLE FOODS, 11 Brightmoor Street, Nottingham, OXFORDSHIRE: UHURU, Cowley Road, Oxford, SUFFOLK: M A R P A , St John's Street, Bury St Edmunds (please give a few days' notice of bulk orders).






A Reading local group was launched in January when a successful meeting was held in the home of Lis Howlett g). Twelve people turned up and a few more expressed an interest but were unable to attend. The group decided to continue to meet on a bi-monthly basis and to keep the proceedings as informal as possible. Lis Howlett is a young mother, so other vegans bringing up young children may be particularly interested in joining. Lis sees the group as catering for the needs of all vegans, however, and plans to circulate a list of discussion topics to see which would be the most popular and also to produce a Fact Sheet of useful local information. If you live in the Reading area and are interested you should telephone Lis (Reading 581805) for further details. Volks in Zomerzet will be pleased to learn that plans are under way for the creation of a local group in the cider county. Mrs P. Goater is arranging for our film "A Better Future For All Life" to be introduced and shown by Laurence Main in Taunton early this spring. If you live in the area, please make the effort to contact Mrs Goater now for full details of this. The address to write to is: TA19 9HJ.'(telephone Ilminster 3120). If you are quick enough, you may be in time to help Mrs Goater run a vegan stall at the Animal Aid Symposium in Corfield Hall, Taunton, on Saturday, 22nd March.

Vegans down under are very welcome to contact the Vegan Society of Victoria, P . O . Box 68, Altona North, Victoria, Australia 3025. We are informed that veganism is thriving in the Antipodes and would welcome any Vegan Societies from abroad to send us details for both "Grassroots News" and for our contacts list. We understand a young vegans group may start soon in Liverpool, while Mrs Jean Maguire welcomes readers to a "Vegan Tea" on the first Sunday afternoon in each month (2. 30p. m. - 5. OOp. m . ) at her home at Liverpool 22 8QP. At the other end of the country, Bournemouth Vegans meet at 7.30 p . m . on the first Thursday of each month at the Friends' Meeting House, Wharncliffe Road, Boscombe. Details of groups in Sweden, Belgium and the Netherlands can be forwarded upon request (international postal reply coupons from abroad, please). x "GRASSROOTS NEWS" is the page for your local activities to be publicised. Please send items for inclusion to Laurence Main (see page 26 for the address), keeping them short and in time for the following copy-dates: 1st May (summer edition), 1st August (autumn edition), 1st November (winter edition) and 1st February (spring edition).




A CHANGED LIFESTYLE I would like to say how much the vegan decision has changed my lifestyle, tt has given me an interest in all the things I had previously never done (cooking), never understood (the human body), or just plain detested (gardening). The main change was the interest I began to take in myself and in other people's opinion of me (as the only vegan they or I know). Although veganism has given me so much, I never forget the reason for my decision and this tends to give me the feeling of isolation and helplessness in trying to achieve a change in the conditions of non-human animals. In a nutshell, veganism has done a lot for me but seemingly nothing for the objects of my conviction. Bryan Hudson A ROBUST T O D D L E R It was about a year ago when I first contacted the Vegan Society for advice on my daughter's diet. She is allergic to all dairy products and doesn't eat meat (I myself a m vegetarian). Although I had some idea of meatless meals I was at a loss when it came to providing a balanced, varied diet without dairy products. I will always be grateful for the sound advice I received and the confidence it gave me to carry on with a feeding regime so different from a l l the recommended diets offered by baby clinics and hospitals, which don't cater for vegetarians, let alone vegans. My daughter is now a robust toddler who we a r e naturally very proud of and I have had the added bonus of an improved diet for myself, more varied and less dependant on eggs, cheese and milk. It has also opened my eyes to practices in the dairy industry and extended my thinking on the humane way of life we a r e seeking. Many thanks once again. Paula Davies THE WAY OF COMPASSION Occasionally I am asked why I a m a vegan. My explanation is this: Veganism is a positive way of life. It is fundamentally based on love or compassion for the welfare of God's creatures and fellow-humans, involving moral responsibilities, progress and humanitarian principles - first things first in life - the antithesis of materialistic meat-eating. Can meat-eaters say the same positive things of their flesh diet ? I have no moral right to support cruel trades involving the degradation of my human brethren. Fashion and diet a r e right, true and of good taste only when they a r e consistent with the highest humanitarian ideals. The last word for veganism is not in the physical health viewpoint but in the humanitarian way of compassion for all creatures and humans. E. Clifford Pratt, 28

Toronto, Canada.


ALLOTMENTS IN INNER CITIES Our County Council recently requested ideas for their project "Towards a New Merseyside". I suggested allotments of a new kind and. sent a diagram of a garden plot which included not only a vegetable plot but fruit and nut trees, blackberry hedges, a flower garden,and a play area. Families could "rent a patch". It may help to keep, them from leaving the inner, area to find a garden. Mum would have somewhere to take the kids to work off energy or just sunbathe. D a d could dig at the weekend a;nd a l l the family could help and have the satisfaction of: growing something - and helping with the family budget. Unused urban land would be tidied to a really useful purpose, the upkeep being the responsibility of the people instead of a cost to the Council It may help to solve the ''Wanton damage problem". I am very excited at having received an encouraging reply from the Council. Jean. Maguire A PROSPEROUS DECADE Donald Scott kindly sent the annual report, and statistics of his local caittle market at Sturminster Newton, Dorset (the largest calf market in Great Britain). The figures give some idea of the cost in animal suffering,of the innocent looking, bottle; of; milk. The number of calves auctioned during the year was 65,243. The numbers exported had dropped from 27,000 in 197.8 to 23,000 but Italy had imported more (what a journey for babies!). 27,818 cattle were sold, including 2,621 milk cattle - many m o r e in-calf heifers being sold. As usual, comments Showed that profit was the only criterion: "The calf market had the largest turnover playing an important part in the dairy f a r m e r ' s income, it was followed by the sale of barren cows which averaged 278 per week, successfully withstanding competition from deadweight sales It is vital that small slaughterhouses should not' be closed through the* imposition of unnecessarily high standards* as the small buyer is an efficient operator and plays an important part in maintaining competition and prices. We look forward to another active year and wish all our clients a prosperous d e c a d e . " HONEY Two members have Written challenging the decision, approved by a very large majority at the 197.4 Annual General Meeting and again almost unanimr inously in the 1979 A. G. M. that the'taking of honey should be left to individ -ual conscience. The leaflet on honey will be enlarged, reprinted and made available to members in return for an SAE. . K". J . DOMESTICATION OF ANIMALS As a general rule it i s better to leave animals and their problems to them selves and nature; because once some degree of; domestication i s established there will always be humans who cash in on it, and no matter how cruel nature can be, human nature can be crueler. D. R,



m -


THE NEW SHOPPING LIST IS NOW AVAILABLE F R O M 47 HIGHLANDS ROAD, LEATHERHEAD, SURREY, 63 PENCE INCLUDING POSTAGE. I'hope these "Shopping" pages in "The Vegan" have been of some assistance to readers. Not all the information from them can be carried in the head, however, and I know I have sometimes been unable to make a snap decision when shopping. F o r this reason we have re-introduced a vegan Shopping List \yhich can be carried in shopping basket or whatever., thus avoiding mutilation of the journal. The cost has been kept to a m i n i m u m by home duplicating by one of our hard-working volunteers but although members give their time and effort, the cost of paper, ink.and stencils rises constantly - and postage alarmingly! The lists have also grown ionger and longer as more and more replies have been received, so the price of 56p quoted in the last "Vegan" is really very low.. THE SHOPPING LIST now comprises 18 pages (9 sheets) and items have been .arranged for your convenience-under 21 headings, inciud -ing Bread, Biscuits, Savouries, Soups and Toothpastes. We must apologise to readers who have been waiting for their copies but all outstanding orders have now, been posted. To avoid even further delay we closed the lists before a l l replies from manufacturers were in. These will be included in SHOPPING LIST TWO mainly devoted to Household Products, Toiletries and Cosmetics, Gardening Aids, Paints and Brushes and Sundries such as tyres, surgical dressings .and even typewriter ribbons (preparing this should keep me out of mischief for a few more months)! We should not be too surprised that answers to our enquiries a r e sometimes slow in arriving. It could be a sign that greater efforts a r e being ensure accuracy. After a l l , we a r e making considerable demands on the t i m e and effort of the manufacturer who may in turn have to contact M s suppliers, often overseas. In connection with imported proctucts, although we a r e assured that the vitamin B i 2 produced in this country for addition to foods i s not animalr-based, we have no such assurance that this applies to the vitamin produced elsewhere. I shall be glad if anyone who sees an. imported food supplemented with B ^ would send the details to me - not your poor, overworked Hon. Secretary. Remember that in compiling this kind of information, we have to rely on assurances from manufacturers, so if you find errors - as indeed you may - please let me know. Not all producers yet Understand that, f r o m our point of view, milk 'ifr still an animal product however much it has been 'skimmed', 'separated', 'dried' and 'processed' until it i s ,


chemically speaking, no longer milk. One f i r m has told us that there i s no such thing as vegetable glycerine and another that it is not possible to make soap using vegetable oils! Some companies are very helpful and explicit, others are not really interested in minorities and replies such as "As far as we are aware our foods do not contain any animal product except m i l k " are common at least they do acknowledge that milk is an animal product. Sometimes we get a reply from a reader which states: "We are happy to assure you that our new product contains none of the ingredients about which you enquired". That is packed with non-informationl In a case like this, please let us know what you were asking about so that we can take it from there. Our sincere thanks to those members who have been sending in replies, do keep it up. Please remember to send them and any queries direct to: EVA BATT,



THE SHOPPING LISTS, however, are being duplicated at 47 Highlands Road, Leatherhead, Surrey, and are being sent out from there (price63p).




ALGINATES are vegetable or mineral. CASEIN is a milk product. CHARCOAL can be either animal or vegetable EMULSIFIERS Lecithin, usually from soya beans but can be from eggs . FOOD COLOURINGS except for cochineal (from an insect) are normally all vegan. There is now an alternative for the insect dye. FOOD FLAVOURINGS can be either vegetable or mineral. MSG is vegan. FOOD STARCHES are acceptable GELLING AGENTS in foods a r e usually derived from fruits or seaweed, although animal gelatine is used for encasing liquids such as vitamin capsules. GLYCERINE could be vegan but is far more likely to be of animal origin. LACTIC ACID usually from milk but could be of fermented vegetable origin. LACTOSE is milk sugar. LEAVENING AGENTS (sodium bi-carbonate etc) a r e non-animal. PECTIN is a jelling agent from fruit used in j a m s and some confectionery. PEPSIN is an animal product used in cheese making. RENNET is from the stomach of a freshly-killed very young calf. Used in cheese making although there is a vegetable alternative now, but this is little used, except in the few cheeses that can be really called 'vegetarian'. STABILISERS other than gelatine are all mineral or vegetable. STEARATES can be from animal or vegetable fats.


VITA Q U E L L E EXTRA margarine i s now generally available from health food stores in this country. E is made from three cold-pressed vegetable oils and does not contain added water. Furthermore, it is vegan. Spread-wise, we are also fortunate at this time with the CO-OP SLIMMERS SPREAD is now plentiful again, and KEY MARKETS have overcome their difficulties regarding the animal ingredient and have assured us that their LOW FAT SPREAD is now vegan. An up to date list of all vegan spreads, nut butters, oils and fats is in the new VEGAN SHOPPING LIST (just out). NOT


Correction to the Shopping Page in Winter, 1979 "Vegan": Please delete Sainsbury's Tarts and Stuffings (in the past we have not thought it necessary to mention suet as well as ani m a l fats when making enquiries). Please delete also Boot's Low Calorie Soup from the Autumn, 1979 "Vegan".

FOOTWEAR •4) We are happy to assure readers that the non-leather 'TUF' shoes for men a r e still generally available and we hear good reports from satisfied wearers of the 'TUF' "Weatherman" range. Unfortunately, they a r e still limited to sizes 8-11. We sympathise with the larger footed men and the parents of small children, who are having great difficulty in this direction. A member writes of good vegan cycling shoes in canvas and reinforced rubber. They are the " B i k e r " brand from Bata and come in two ranges "Training" and "Touring". Unisex sizes 3-13. Details and order form from International Cycling Centre, Hookstone Park, Harrogate, HG2 7BZ. Good news for hill-walkers, for whom a good alternative to leather boots has long been a problem. Rohan can now offer the SAN MARCO range of nonleather walking and climbing boots. Made in Italy, these are reported to be much lighter and more flexible than most and as waterproof as any - more so than leather ones. They also cost about 30% less and last longer (will not rot) than the animal hide product, according to the reviewer in the monthly magazine "Great Outdoors" (see February, 1980, issue, available for 50p and 13^p postage from 12 York Street, Glasgow, G2 8LG). Some a r e designed to incorporate a gaiter, ankle or full length, and others GORE TEX inserts. Do remember that simulated leather boots must be comfortable from the word go. They cannot be gradually moulded to the foot like leather. 32




Please send to the Secretary, 47 Highlands Road, Leatherhead, Surrey, by 1st May 1980 for the next issue. Advertisers are asked to note that we shall be unable to deal with box numbers in future. Rate - 5p a word. RAW FOOD. For free leaflet describing its great value as part of diet, send S A E t o V i g i l e x Publications, Vega House, 18 Bar Street, Scarborough, Y O l l 2HT. MAKE BREAD WITHOUT YEAST? Read: THE PRISTINE LOAF. The therapeutic benefits of Sourdough Bread. With recipes. From Health food shops or: 8. Send 60p inc. p&p. THE L E Y HUNTER is the leading magazine of Earth Mysteries, including ley-lines. Send 75pfor the current issue to: The Ley Hunter, P. O. Box 152, London N10. AHIMSA - quarterly magazine of the Natural Living - Reverence for life. includes 5 issues of North American Address: 501 Old Harding Highway,

American Vegan Society. Veganism Calendar year subscription $8 or ÂŁ4 Vegetarian Society's "Vegetarian Voice". Malaga, N . J . 08328.

VEGFAM feeds the hungry via plant-based foodstuffs, leaf protein, seeds, irrigation, etc. Trustees, The Sanctuary, Lydford, Okehampton, Devon. Visitors welcome. Tel. Lydford (082 282)203. AN ASSOCIATE VEGAN offers to invest in genuineVegan or Humanitarian venture. Active or sleeping partnership. West Midlands preferred. . Tel. 732883. MEDICAL, CULINARY herbs for sale. Most varieties available. Send for lists. Stamped envelope please. C. A. P. (Herbalist) 9 Eden Terrace, Newlyn, Penzance. THE HUNGER PROJECT invites you to join with other members in the developed countries, and millions, involuntarily, in other parts o f the globe, to fast on the 14th day of the month to align yourself with the hungry of the world and to create the context of ending starvation on our planet before year 2000 A. D. Ask about the Hunger Project. Tel. 01-539-8081. 45 Bulwer . Road, London E l l . ASPIRANT MALE VEGAN (Capricorn), tired of bean stew, seeks intelligent, non-smoking vege/vegan woman (25-39) with sense of humour, able to provide some slight change of menu and share the mortgaged home in Bath. Interests: music, the country, jogging, dancing, reading, Yoga, people and life . ACCOMMODATION WANTED for girl student in Folkestone area and, temporarily while he finds home for family, a young man in Swansea area. Both warmly recommended by Kathleen Jannaway to whom offers should be sent. 33

TWO-BEDROOMED self-contained accommodation and vegetable plot offered at very low rent in return for some regular help on very small organic holding in East Sussex. Telephone Wadhurst 2766A NEW LINK-DETACHED FURNISHED three bed-roomed house with garage and small garden is expected to be available from May 1980 on a short or long let to responsible vegans and/or vegetarians. The house is in a pleasant locality within two miles of the new covered shopping complex of Milton Keynes. For details, write to 36 Granes End, Great Linford, Milton Keynes. MK14 5DX, Buckinghamshire. SHORT OR EXTENDED GARDENING COURSES commence in the Spring 1980 at a Veganic garden in Gloucestershire Vegetable composting and no-digging. For prospectus and scale of fees send a SAE to 36 Granes Road Great Linford. Milton Keynes, MK14 5DX Bucks THIRTY YEAR OLD VEGAN who is puzzled at finding out he is diabetic would like to hear from other vegan diabetics to find out how best they balance their system on vegan diet. Please write to ST4 6LU. MALE 30, interests self-sufficiency, ecology, the A r t s , music, travel, Yoga, requires g i r l for marriage and children. Wide interests, possibly alternative health centre project later. Reply c / o Secretary, Vegan Society. HUSBAND AND WIFE TEAM to help run a 4g acre animal sanctuary in Sussex. Accommodation provided. Send details in first instance to Director, l i c h g a t e Animal Sanctuary, Kings Lane, Coldwaltham, nr Pulborough, W . Sussex. MALE VEGAN required to assist in processing plantmilk and derivative products and generally in factory duties. Very congenial atmosphere, nice locality. P l a m i l Foods Ltd, Plamil House, Bowles Well Gardens, Folkestone, Kent.



VEGETARIAN AND VEGAN FOODS in friendly "real a l e " pub, situated in a beautiful market town - who could ask for m o r e ? Try us, Bear Inn, Market Place, Faversham, Kent. Ring Judy for bookings or more details. Faversham 2668. "WOODEN DANCERS" cafe - newly opened, will serve vegans. "The Warehouse", 78 Penry Street, Lancaster. A new vegetarian/vegan restaurant has opened in WIMBLEDON 28 Ridgway, London SW19 4QW (telephone 01 946 4840), not far from the 93 bus stop. It is called "The Village Garden" and is open daily from 12.00 to 10. 30 p. m .


HOLIDAYS SOMERSET. Vegan/vegetarian cuisine. Open Christmas and all year except October. Interesting area. Sea, sand, hills, caves, history, sport. Annual holiday or weekend break. SAE Oxford House, 65 Oxford Street, Burnham-on-Sea, TA8 1EN. Telephone: 0278 785954. DYFED. Dolanog, Pencae, Llanarth. Beach and country walks. Interesting market towns. Vegetarian/vegan meals. Family /homely atmosphere. SAE appreciated to Susan Taylor. TORQUAY. Brookesby Hall Hotel, Hesketh Road, Meadfoot Beach. Tel. 0803 22194. Glorious sea views. Peaceful woodland surroundings. Close to beach and town centre. Suntrap gardens. Fully centrally heated. Delicious wholefood meals. Home baking. Vegans and vegetarians welcome. Colour brochure from vegan proprietress Mrs Hilda Baker. PENZANCE, Self-catering accommodation or vegan/vegetarian meals by arrangement in home 2 miles from Penzance with large garden, sea and country views. Car-shelter. Tel. Penzance (0736) 2242. INVERNESS. Vegan/vegetarian accommodation in charming cottage on high road between Inverness and Nairn. Good tourist centre, walking, golf course, sea, beach near by. Guests welcome all year. , Inverness, IV1 2PG, tel. 066 78 352. STONEYKIRK. Self-catering vegan/vegetarian accommodation in peaceful part of South -west Scotland. Breakfasts/Evening meals available on request. Reduced terms off season. SAE to Wigtownshire. SOUTHPORT. Delicious vegan/vegetarian meals and accommodation in modern bungalow. Telephone Southport 78776. SCARBOROUGH. Self-contained flat very near sea available for vegans/vegetarians; two bedrooms (twin beds in each); self-catering. SAE for details to Proprietor, Vega House, 18 Bar Street, Scarborough, Y O l l 2HT. GERMAN GUEST Gerhard Haubmann of , West Germany, is a vegetarian from birth and a practising vegan, and member of the Vegan Society, since 1970. He is very keen to attend an English language-school this August, while staying with a British vegan family. If you can help Gerhard with accommodation, please write direct to him without delay.


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E C O N O M Y L A B E L S -as illustrated 100 for 77p inc.




24 Marian Ave. Mablethorpe, Lines. (Tel. 7508)

Many thanks to a l l the readers who sent ideas for printing.

C h r i s & C h r i s P h i l l i p s m e m b e r s of Vegan Society welcome vegans. Home baking, wholefoods, safe sandy beach. Send S A E for brochure.

W O O D C O T E V E G E T A R I A N / V E G A N HOTEL Tel. 0736 75 3147 Be our Guests at Woodcote Hotel, The Saltings, Lelant, St Ives, Cornwall and enjoy the peace and quiet of one of Europe's long established vegetarian hotels. Healthy yet exciting food, sea and country walks, quiet bays with excellent sands. Woodcote overlooks the Hayle Estuary and a l l rooms have C. H. and H. C. Residents' Lounge with Colour T. V. S. A. E. for Brochure.




Natural Fragrant Flower Creations PERFUME








: :










Obtainable from Health Stores or Beauty without Cruelty Boutiques in: ENFIELD . LEEDS . LONDON . EDINBURGH . DUNDEE & STANFORD (Lincolnshire) BWC. 1 CALVERLY PARK, TUNBRIDGE WELLS, KENT


It's 100% vegetable ... made from the soya bean and packed with protein and goodness. Its production involves no exploitation of animals. The flavour is quite delicious—all the family, particularly the children will love it. You can drink it on its own as a super health drink or use it on breakfast cereals, in coffee or tea or in dishes such as milk puddings and custards. What's more it will keep in tne can just as long as you want to keep it. A wonderfully versatile and nutritious food ... Golden Archer Beanmilk by Itona. It's at your health food store.

'Golden Archer*


The Milk That's 100% Non-Animal


C R A N KS • H6ALTH • FOODS William-H(tm» !MmMlStnct'LmJm Wl 35 Castle 5tfwt^uiUfont Sumy 13 Fte$ 5trKt' Dartmouth Drum 35 Hi^iStmt' Totnts "Dcwn




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R I C E P U D D I N G with S U L T A N A S : and new CAROB-EAN (CAROB S O Y A


Please place a regular order with your H E A L T H STORE.

Literature available—S.A.E. please.

PLAMIL FOODS LTD. Plamil House, Bowles Well Gdns. Folkestone, Kent

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