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The fascinating Catalan Culture

Catalunya is located in Spain. It has a population of 7.5 million people. It is rich in culture and radition; unique food, language and special festive days.

You might have heard something about catalan culture before, but if you haven’t, these are some examples of the most common festive traditions that you should know.



“Castellers” (human towers in Catalan) is a Catalan tradition that’s been ongoing for more than 200 years. Different groups known as “colles castelleres” gather at local festive events and they build human towers.

There are many different types of “castells”, depending on the amount of people that participate and the levels that form the tower. Each tower has its own unique name. For example, A tower formed by 1 person on each level is called “pilar”, or one with 4 people in each level is called “quatre”.

The world record for the biggest tower was set by the Castellers de Vilafranca in 2012, where they traveled to New York to perform what was never seen before; a 150 people tower, with 8 levels of four people.

There are different groups with different uniforms all across Catalunya, Valencia and the Balearic Islands. All groups from different places gather and build the tower they have previously prepared. There is a lot of community and teamwork… That’s what makes it possible and so incredible!.


The “correfoc” is a game or show that takes place in the streets of cities and towns, where the goal is to avoid the pyrotechnics used by the “devils”, in Catalan we call them “Diables”, and the imaginary and mythological beings who are represented. It is an event celebrated primarily in Catalonia, but it has also spread to the Valencian country, the Balearic Islands and the north of Catalonia. It has its roots in the “Ball de diables” already documented in the twelfth century, but it was not until the twentieth that it took its current form. If you want to be part of the "colla de diables" you need a certificate that you can use and enjoy pyrotechnics correctly The term “correfoc” arose in different parades of “Festes Majors” or popular celebrations of Catalonia, as an improvised manifestation of the people, dragons and devils who acted running, jumping and dancing together under the fire, with a traditional percussion rhythm . In the 80s and 90s, it spread across the geography of the Catalan countries.

The “bestiari de foc” is a group of figures, bodies, corporal and artificial elements with a zoomorphic appearance that use pyrotechnic devices. Generally, these fire beasts have fantastic features, with dragons being the most common.


A “Gegant” (giant in English) is a large traditional popular human figure designed to participate in celebrations and public festivities. A hollow structure is carried by one or more people wearing a suit for the character they represent as they dance to the beat of a piece of music. Giants are usually representations of medieval tales and characters, such as princesses, princes, kings, queens… but there can also be other types, such as peasants, mythological creatures, shepherds… These characters usually go out on public holidays or on public holidays in the form of a parade to have a little party in the village. The parade is a festive event where several giant associations walk through the village with live music, which is usually with drums, tambourines, “flabiol’’ and “gralles”.

Ball de gitanes

The “Ball de gitanes” (gypsy dance in English) is a traditional dance in Catalonia and Valencia that began around the 18th century. There are two types of dance, the one in the Vallès area and the one practiced in some towns in the Valencian Country and in other areas of Catalonia, especially Tarragona and the Penedès.

There are usually one or two rows of dancers in pairs. The castanets (“castanyoles” in Catalan) are also played (not in a flamenco way) to different types of songs. Each village has their own distinctive tune which they play.

The Sardana

The Sardana is a very traditional type of dance in Catalonia. It is known for its particularities; people form a circle by holding their hands and they point their feet in the middle by following the song’s rhythm. This normally takes place on local festive days, in the center of the town’s square, where people gather around and are free to join. The music they use for the sardanas is very distinctive; it is composed by some wind instruments called “la fabiola de gralla” and the “tamborí” (little drum).

Ferran Mortés

Laura Camps