Valley Christian January 2016

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January 2016

Contents JANUARY 2016

Vol. 5 / Issue 9

On The Cover - p18

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Plumb Music See her live in Concert Feb 25th


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17 FCA

Rise Up Weekend of Champions

18 Music Spotlight

Tax Deductible donations can be mailed to:

Plumb is Ready to EXHALE

Texas Christian Publications c/o Valley Christian Magazine 3827 North 10th Street, 301 McAllen, TX 78501

20 Kids Talk About God


22 Do You Know? 25 New Books & Music

For Advertising Contact:

Rudy Ruiz 956-314-8799

Stella Gallegos 956-739-1663

27 Events

Columnists 6. Christian Torres Winter Fresh Snow

Ronnie Guerra Vela 956-599-8036

8 Lysa Terkeurst You are (Un)Invited

10 Greg Laurie

Respect His Name

12 Mark Driscoll

Church Ain’t A Soul Car Wash

Christian Torres

Publisher/Graphic Design

14 James MacDonald

The Freedom Found in Fasting

16 Luis Palau Stephanie Torres Accounting

Arregle Sus Cuentas Con Dios

26 Dave Ramsey Dave Says

Valley Christian Magazine is a free monthly magazine published by

Valley Christian Magazine is a publication of Texas Christian Publications (a 501c3 organization). Texas Christian Publications reserves the right to edit, modify, revise, rewrite and reject editorial materials and assumes no responsibility for accuracy, errors, omissions or consequences arising from it. All correspondence to this publication becomes the property of Texas Christian Publications. Texas Christian Publications shall be held harmless indemnified against any third-party claims. Texas Christian Publications accepts no claims made by photographers, agents or contributors. Writers’ and columnists’ opinions are not necessarily those of Texas Christian Publications or its publishers. Advertisements appearing in Texas Christian Publications present only the viewpoint of the advertisers. We assume no responsibility for advertising claims made in this publication. Valley Christian Magazine is printed in Mexico. Reproduction without the expressed written permission prohibited. Copyright 2016.


60Printed in Mexico.


2016   5

Waking Up to Fresh Snow

By Christian Torres


Over the Thanksgiving holiday we decided to brave the cold and head North to Colorado. Kids were out of school for the week and we thought it would be a great time to unplug after a busy fall schedule.

Unfortunately, our paths sometime are because of a wrong turn we made. One bad decision turned into another and we can’t get out of this path that we created. Even when we try, something will happen during the day and you’re right back on the bad path.

When we arrived it was very pleasant. Hardly any snow on the ground and you barely needed a jacket. Let’s just say that didn’t last long. We woke up one morning and a blanket of snow had covered everything and I mean EVERYTHING. We pulled out our snow sleds and snow gear and went sledding all day! If you haven’t gone sledding, let me just warn you that it’s much easier to go down the hill than walking back up the hill in knee deep snow.

Maybe you yelled at the kids. Got in a fight with your spouse. Lingered a little to long at something that popped up on your computer. Chatted a little too much with someone that has lead to an inappropriate relationship.

We soon created these paths where no matter where we aimed, if we crossed one of those paths, we were quickly diverted onto the path we had created before. After a while, those paths became so fast that once you got on it…zoom you were flying fast! The next day, it snowed again. Everything was covered a beautiful white and all our paths disappeared. You couldn’t even tell that we were there. Like the day before, we pulled out our sleds and once we got going, new paths began to develop. Like in life, we get started doing something and then we get into this groove and it becomes “the way.” Sometimes those grooves aren’t what we had planned on. It didn’t happen at all once. You didn’t wake up and decided to do something majorly wrong. You make one decision and that leads to another and then another. Nothing major but just these little decisions that can soon develop this path for you.


If you stop for a second, God will show you what’s on your path that shouldn’t be there. The Bible has shown us numerous examples of his people making bad decision and getting past it. 2 Samuel 11 tells of King David when he had an affair with Bathsheba. It all started for him just going for a walk. He was minding his own business when he all of a sudden saw a beautiful woman. Unfortunately, he lingered a little too long looking down upon Bathsheba bathing. One bad decision lead to the next and David was definitely on a path he had not planned for. Eventually David was called out, confessed and had to deal with the consequences of his actions but God never stopped loving him. Know this: life is a difficult path but we have to keep going forward. When decisions you made put you in a position that you want to get out of, remember that with God there is always hope and a way out. It may take some time but believe that God loves you. Scripture tell us is in Lamentations 3:19-24 I’ll never forget the trouble, the utter lostness, the taste of ashes, the poison I’ve swallowed.

January 2016

I remember it all—oh, how well I remember— the feeling of hitting the bottom. But there’s one other thing I remember, and remembering, I keep a grip on hope: God’s loyal love couldn’t have run out, his merciful love couldn’t have dried up. They’re created new every morning. How great your faithfulness! I’m sticking with God (I say it over and over). He’s all I’ve got left. Just like the fresh snow the next day that covered the paths we had created, your paths can be made new. His promises are new every morning. You can get out of the pain you are in. There still may be consequences but it won’t out weigh the love and grace you will receive from God.

Ask yourself: What decisions have I made that I know are putting me on the wrong path? What am going to do specifically to stop?

Pray: Lord forgive me of what I have done to lead me down this path. I want to follow you more. Help me today to seek you and to include you throughout my day. Help me to hear your prompting when I make a decision today: big or small I want to hear you. I know your mercies and love are new everyday. I accept that and choose to create a new path with you leading. In Jesus Name, Amen.


2016   7



The party sounded amazing. The people I’d heard were going are easy to be with, incredibly fun, and all have mad skills in the kitchen. And when I saw the invitation posted on a friend’s refrigerator I smiled at the creative brilliance.

The only problem was I didn’t get one.

We weren’t invited because they simply hadn’t thought to invite us. We weren’t in the circle of “weekend plans with friends.” Immediately the thought that hopped on me and stuck with super glue tenacity was “I’m not good enough.”

I’d been checking my mailbox for days.

I smiled and told her I’d check with Art to see if that might work. I mean checking with my husband was crucial because we were pretty slammed with plans that weekend as well.

Every time I walked back down the driveway empty handed, I kept assuring my sinking heart that because we live in the country my mail is always a day or two or even seven days behind everyone else’s. No big deal.

Indeed, our schedule was jam-packed full of all kinds of urgent plans with Netflix. And, hey, for a cheap thrill we could always get a little jump on our paperwork for our tax returns not due for 4 more months.

But three days before the party when the invite still hadn’t arrived I ran out of assurance. I lost the pep in my rally. And I realized I was, in fact, not on the guest list.

I didn’t want to feel pathetic but I did.

When I ran into one of the hostesses later that day I lobbed out the equivalent of a Hail Mary throw in the final seconds of a game, “What do y’all have going on this weekend?” And then I felt as pitiful as the quarterback who watches the opposing team take what would have been his shining star moment and turn it into an interception. She replied, “We’ve got plans with friends most of the weekend but would love to catch up with y’all on Sunday after church.” And that’s when the hardest of all the realizations hit me. {Photo by xlibber}


January 2016

Middle school had come for an unwelcome visit bringing with it all the wonky feelings wrapped up in: “I’m not good enough.” I seriously thought by my 46th year of life these feelings would be but a vague memory in my way distant past. Like running while wearing a bathing suit. Or eating pizza at midnight. Or wearing your bangs teased so high people wonder if there’s a nest in the front of your head. I mean you reach a certain age where you realize that’s no longer a good option for your life. 
So, why is it still an option for a grown woman like me to feel like the lonely middle school girl that never got asked to this weekend’s dance? Since I had all kinds of thinking time during that weekend, I kept pondering that statement sitting on my heart, “You’re not good enough.” And finally in the late hours of Saturday night I had a slight break through. “Good enough” is a terrible statement. Nobody ever wants their friends to say, “Well, I mean, you’re good enough.” I would never want my boss or my husband or my kids to just say “you are good enough.” No child would ever want their parent to say, “You’re good enough.” Absolutely not. We’re better than good enough. God made us to be amazing people who learn and explore and create and give and delight and love. He made us full of potential and purpose. He tucked inside of us His full wonder so we could help others find our God to be wonderful. He made us to reach out not pull back. He made us to believe the best before assuming the worst. He made us to freely give grace, realizing we so desperately need it ourselves. He made us to add goodness, see the beautiful, and rest in the assurance of His lavish love for us. Never ever for one second did God look at us and say, “My goal for this one is to simply be good enough.” So, I wasn’t invited to the party. I decided to see that gift of time as a special invitation by the Lord to be with Him. Dream with Him. Be loved by Him. Be doted on by Him. To be held by Him. I would still love to be invited to the next party. But even if not, having a night with the Lord is good. Very good. Better than good enough.

About Lysa: Lysa TerKeurst is a New York Times best selling author and speaker who helps everyday women live an adventure of faith through following Jesus Christ. As president of Proverbs 31 Ministries, Lysa has lead thousands over the past 15 years to help make their walk with God an invigorating journey. In the midst of her ministry, though, Lysa is a real, everyday woman who simply seeks to glorify God through her life and family. Used by Permission Proverts 31 Ministry


2016   9


Greg Laurie is Senior Pastor of Harvest Christian Fellowship in Riverside, Calif. He began his pastoral ministry at 19 by leading a Bible study of 30 people. Since then, God has transformed the small group into a church of 15,000 plus, one of the largest churches in America. For more, visit Used by permission from Harvest Ministries with Greg Laurie, PO Box 4000 Riverside, CA 92514

“You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain.” Copyright © 2015 by Harvest Ministries. All rights reserved.

—Exodus 20:7

In the first century, Jesus was not a unique name. Many boys were named Jesus, which meant “Jehovah is salvation.” But there was only one person who has embodied that name in all it was, and that is the Lord Jesus. The angel Gabriel told Mary, “He will be great, and will be called the Son of the Highest; and the Lord God will give Him the throne of His father David” (Luke 1:32). That word great is from the Greek word megas, the same word from which we get our English term mega, conveying the idea of bigness and magnitude. Jesus would be the very definition of the word

great—mega, if you will. Gabriel also said that He would come from “the throne of His father David” (verse 32). David is a unique figure in Scripture, described on one hand as the sweet psalmist of Israel and a man after God’s own heart. But we also know of David’s foibles and shortcomings. Two names connected with David sum up his life: Goliath and Bathsheba. Goliath represents David’s . greatest victory, while Bathsheba represents his greatest defeat. David was a flawed man, yet Jesus was called “the Root and the

God cares about His name, and so should we


January 2016

Offspring of David” (Revelation 22:16). And as Jesus was engaged in His ministry, He was referred to as the Son of David. Clearly Jesus was connected to this man. So if you think you have a dysfunctional family, take a look at Jesus’ family tree. Some of the most unsavory characters who made it into the most exclusive genealogy in human history include prostitutes, liars, cheats, adulterers, and even a murderer. What does this say to us? Even before Jesus was born into that family tree, His ancestry pointed to one thing: Christ came into the world to save sinners.

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2016   11

When was the last time you met with God? When is the last time you gathered with God’s people for corporate worship? What was the attitude in your heart and mind? Did you come prepared to meet with God, or just roll in and roll out to be entertained as if the point of a worship service was the same as a concert or movie – to put on a good performance for you?


This is the heart of Ecclesiastes 5:1-7, as Solomon asks us to check our own motives and heart for meeting with God. Roughly 3000 years ago this was a problem. Today, things have arguably only gotten worse with consumer Christianity where the church is perceived as a place where the customer is king and the church exists to provide religious goods and services. The result is people thinking that living like hell 167 hours a week can be made up for with a nice dress or suit and going through the motions for 1 hour on Sunday morning. I understand this myself, as someone who had no real consideration for God and lived however I pleased as a Catholic teenage boy. I would roll in to Mass thinking it was a soul car wash and little more.

4 Priest. The priests oversaw the ministry at the Temple, and the High Priest was the mediator and intercessor between God and His people.

Solomon begins this unit of thought by speaking to worshippers (5:1a). The truth is, everyone, everywhere, is continuously worshipping. Who do you live for? Who inspires you? Who’s approval do you live for? What do you live for? What motivates you? What defines you? Understand biblically, worship is not limited to a time, place, or style of music. The worshippers of the Old Testament god Molech sacrificed their children, not unlike abortion in our day. The worshippers in the New Testament city of Corinth had a spirituality that included venturing to their pagan temple to sleep with prostitutes, not unlike the adult web sites and adult clubs in our day. The God of the Bible cares a lot about worship. As our Creator, He rightly deserves to be the sole object of our worship, because created things are unworthy of such glory. We were made by God. We were made for God. Worship is to be to the right God, in the right way, with the right heart. The purpose of the Temple to which Solomon refers was the 2nd Temple, constructed by Solomon who was also the author of Ecclesiastes and King of Israel. God was the architect who designed the Temple, and it took 153,000 workers seven years to construct it. The Temple was not needed by God, but rather needed by God’s people. The God who created the heavens and the earth does not need a home built by us, rather we need a home in which to meet with him. There were five primary purposes for the Temple: 1 Place. The Temple was the place of connection between God’s home in heaven and our home on


2 Presence. The Temple was the place where God’s presence dwelt on the earth in the Holy of Holies in its center. 3 People. The Temple was the place where God’s people could gather together in God’s presence.

5 Propitiation. In the place of the sinful people, the priest would offer a sacrifice for their sins. Solomon admonished that the first responsibility of a worshipper coming to meet with God is to “not be rash with your mouth” or quick to speak, and to “draw near to listen.” He says a fool uses many words. The language is strong because the issue is important. Practically, this means that when we sit in silence to see if the Holy Spirit might speak a word to us we are worshipping. For this reason, the worship time is not solely when we sing songs to the Lord, but also when we sit in silence to listen to God’s Word read and preached. Because worship is responding to God, we need to listen before we speak. Learning to begin our time with God by listening helps us avoid two common errors in worship. One, some people come to meet with God as if they were going to impress him. Two, some people come to meet with God as if they were meeting with an employee who needed a long list of orders from their boss. God loves us, and God serves us, but God does not take orders from us or follow us. According to Maslow, our highest need is self-actualization which leads to self-love, self-help, and self esteem. In such thinking, nothing is above the self. If there is a God/god/gods/goddesses then he/they/ she exist to in effect worship the human self, so we can be all we can be. Conversely, according to the Bible, our highest need is not self-actualization but rather God glorification which leads to God-love, God-help, and God-esteem. Having established that God is the center of worship, (not us), and that worship begins with listening and not speaking, Solomon has given us a biblical pattern of worship. He goes on to speak about thoughtless worship of a “mindless” “fool” (5:1b-3). As a Father who is good, when we meet with God we assume he will bless us and then speak to us, the pattern that begins with our first parents. There, we read in Genesis 1:28, “God blessed them and said…” Furthermore, because God is sovereign he cannot be controlled, manipulated, or forced in any way because he is free. Conversely, in paganism people are at the center of

January 2016

worship, and god comes to submit to our demands. In pagan thinking, god is not a good and loving sovereign Father, but instead can be manipulated into doing what the worshipper wants. This explains why rituals, spells, incantations, and other things are common in pagan worship – because they are wrongly viewed as ways to make the spirit world do what people want in the physical world. Sometimes, even God’s people worship in ways that are pagan. This includes rash promises and vows that are usually uttered when someone is under pressure and wanting to cut a deal with God. One common example would include someone who wants God to do something and so they “swear to God” or “swear on a stack of Bibles” that they will do something if he comes through. Sadly, once the crisis passes they do not follow up on their vow because they did not really mean it in the first place. Continuing to stress the importance to not make rash, foolish, or empty promises to God, Solomon reminds us that such things “make God angry” (5:4-6). To make this very practical, I want to look at inner vows we make between us and God, and outer vows we make with someone else to God. Inner vows are pledges and promises we make internally to guide our future life decisions. Matthew 5:33-37 warns about vows saying, “I say, do not make any vows!” Often, an inner vow is made from our pain and intended to keep us from being hurt ever again. When we are hurting and in pain, we can make rash decisions and make vows that seem to protect us in the short term but only harm us in the long term. The problem with an inner vow is that it takes an area of our life and removes Jesus as Lord over it. Rather than allowing him to speak into and rule over that area of our life, we take matters into own hands which is sinful, foolish, and dangerous. If we have made inner vows we need to repent of them as sin and break the stronghold they have over our life. Outer vows are pledges and promises we make to God with another person or persons. Perhaps the most common example is marriage. In most wedding ceremonies, the couple stands together in the presence of God to make vows to one another and God in the presence of witnesses. Sadly, many times these vows are not taken seriously by the bride or groom. Instead of vows, they are sometimes little more than wishful thinking intended to impress the friends and family, but not guide their life together with God. Promises to love, forgive, honor, serve, along with pledges to fidelity sometimes don’t stick even through the honeymoon. The tragic result is broken hearts and broken families that could have been prevented if the husband and wife meant and kept the vows they made. Behind vows and worship is the fear of the Lord. The Bible speaks a great deal about fearing God. Solomon does the same in 5:7 driving us to live life in the face of God, or what older theologians called “coram

Deo”. When we die, we will all stand and give an account and it will not be to a mirror. We come from God, we belong to God, and one day we will stand before God. For the non-Christian, fearing God means considering your eternal fate when you stand for judgment before a holy and righteous God, who sees all and punishes sinners who have rejected the salvation offered through Jesus Christ. This kind of fear is sobering and should give people a sense of urgency to get right with God in Christ. For the Christian, fearing God means living a God-centered life that honors, respects, and considers God in all things. This kind of fear is not akin to terror, but rather the kind of response a child should have to a godly father who loves them. This kind of thinking is completely counter-cultural in an age when men no longer stand when a woman enters the room, and having issues with authority is no longer considered an issue. Rebellion against God and godly authority is not just tolerated, but in fact celebrated. This includes a cultural expectation that children can disobey and defy the parents that God gave them. Coming to meet with God in worship is to invite the kingdom of God to rule and reign in our lives. This causes us to focus on our King, the Lord Jesus, and begin by listening to him so that we might become more like him. Today, the Temple that Solomon mentions as their place of worship no longer exists as a place where we must go to worship God. When the Lord Jesus died on the cross, the curtain in the Temple was torn from top to bottom – from God to us as his presence released from one place so that we have the ability to meet with him in any place. By 70 A.D. that Temple was destroyed, just as Jesus promised it would be. I have been there, and today it is rubble. As Christians, we do not need to go there to meet with God physically, instead we meet with Jesus Christ spiritually wherever we may be physically. This is because the Temple was a foreshadowing of the forthcoming of Jesus. Jesus fulfills the five functions of the Temple: 1 Place. Jesus is God become a man and the connecting point between heaven and earth. 2 Presence. Jesus is the presence of God on the earth. 3 People. Jesus is where the people of God go to meet together spiritually in worship. 4 Priest. Jesus is our High Priest and mediator between God and man as the God-man. 5 Propitiation. Jesus is the One who laid down his life to atone for our sin. The Bible teaches that because of Jesus, our bodies are now the Temple where God dwells by his Spirit. Practically, this means that we do not have to go to one place to meet with God, but rather God has come to meet with us in any and every place. For these reasons, all of life is worship and lived in the presence of God who speaks to us about all of life and welcomes us to listen to him and walk with him. As a result, every moment of every day is an opportunity to worship God by the power of the Holy Spirit! Questions For Personal and Group Study Ecclesiastes 5:17 1 How good are you at being quiet and listening? 2 What things could help you improve your mindset and heart condition when you come to meet with God? 3 How have you tried to manipulate God into doing what you want? 4 Are there any inner vows you have made, especially out of a hurt, that you need to repent of? 5 Looking back, are there any outer vows you have made with God and someone else that you are not fulfilling? What difference does it make practically if you see God as the center of worship rather than yourself? About Pastor Mark Driscoll: Pastor Mark Driscoll is a Jesus-following, mission-leading, church-serving, people-loving, Bible-preaching pastor. In 2010, Preaching magazine named him one of the 25 most influential pastors of the past 25 years. He’s grateful to be a nobody trying to tell everybody about Somebody. With a skillful mix of bold presentation, accessible teaching, and unrelenting compassion for those who are hurting the most—particularly women who are victims of sexual and physical abuse and assault—Pastor Mark has taken biblical Christianity into cultural corners rarely explored by evangelicals. Various ministries trace their roots to Pastor Mark’s leadership. Mars Hill Church began as a Bible study he and his wife Grace taught in their home. He is also the founder of Resurgence, a ministry that offers resources for Christian leaders, including books, events, classes, multimedia, and a blog. He is the co-founder of the Acts 29 Network, which has planted over 400 churches in the US and 13 other nations. More Info at Used with permission from Mark Driscoll. Copyright 2016


2016   13

The Freedom Found in Fasting by james macdonald

“All things are lawful for me,” but not all things are helpful. “All things are lawful for me,” but I will not be dominated by anything (1 Corinthians 6:12, ESV)


Are you enslaved to anything?

“Of course not!” most of us would indignantly answer. “A slave? Me? How insulting.” Yet if we pause to reframe the question, we might answer differently. Is there anything you have to have? Any substance, legal or illegal, that feels essential or central to your day? Do you crave your coffee in the morning? Do you have to have your sugar after dinner? Do you count on that drink to get you through the day? Might that be a sneaky form of slavery? Paul gave us some insight: “‘All things are lawful for me,’ but not all things are helpful. ‘All things are lawful for me,’ but I will not be dominated by anything.” Consider Paul’s “all things” grid. Even if something is lawful—is it helpful? Even if something is lawful—is it dominating you? Anything you must have is a form of enslavement for you.

by their sexual appetites. These natural, human desires can either be under the control of the Spirit, or they can control us. The Apostle Peter also warned of being enslaved to our appetites. He wrote, “Beloved, I urge you as sojourners and exiles to abstain from the passions of the flesh, which wage war against your soul” (1 Peter 2:11). Our appetites in and of themselves may not be wrong, but left unchecked, they “wage war against” our souls. The remedy for this soul battle? Fasting. Peter urged us “to abstain from the passions of the flesh.” We don’t need to abstain forever, or even continually, but for a time. This is a significant principle. Anything that could overpower or enslave you can be set aside for a time to break its control on you. Any one of our hungers has the potential to enslave us, but fasting breaks our enslavement to food and appetites of many kinds. When we fast, we set something aside in order to clarify its importance. Fasting reveals what controls and dominates us.


Paul wasn’t finished. He continued, “‘Food is meant for the stomach and the stomach for food’—and God will destroy both one and the other. The body is not meant for sexual immorality, but for the Lord, and the Lord for the body” (1 Corinthians 6:13). While some people are in bondage to food, others are enslaved


When we fast, we get a major dose of perspective. We’re able to see more clearly. Fasting humbles us and shows us our true selves. It’s a big-time reality check. When we fast, we are freed to focus our hunger upon what really matters. When we fast, we find freedom.

January 2016

journal 1 Are you enslaved to any physical appetites? 2 Is there anything you should set aside for a time to break its control on you?

P ray Father God, would You open my mind and heart to consider fasting in a new light? It’s not confining, Lord; it’s freeing. You gave us this spiritual discipline for our good, to help us keep our appetites in check so we aren’t ruled by them. Lord, I don’t want to be a slave to my physical desires. I want to live for You. “For freedom Christ has set [me] free” (Galatians 5:1). Help me to stand firm and not let myself be enslaved again. In Jesus’ powerful name I pray, amen.

James MacDonald is founding and Senior Pastor at Harvest Bible Chapel in northwest Chicago. James’ teachings can be heard on Walk in the Word, a daily radio program reaching more than 3 million people across North America.

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2016   15

Arregle Sus Cuentas Con Dios -Luis Palau

Una conciencia transparente

Le contaré la historia de un joven estudiante sudamericano que vivía en Alemania. Estábamos en un congreso juvenil en Bruselas, Bélica, en la Vieja Europa. Entre la multitud de diez mil jóvenes que estuvieron ahí diez días estudiando la Palabra de Dios, se acercó un joven que hablaba español, me animé enseguida a hablarle y él comenzó a contarme que tenía un problema tremendo, necesitaba hablar con alguien; en ese momento no tenía tiempo, entonces un colega mío lo llevó a un lugar y conversaron tranquilos. El joven le contó que estaba estudiando en Alemania, estaba a pocos meses de obtener el doctorado en medicina, se ha entregado a Cristo y su conciencia no lo deja en paz, dijo que con Dios tiene paz pero con los hombres no porque cuando obtuvo su grado universitario en Sudamérica lo obtuvo falsamente, copió varios exámenes y siente que ahora no merece lo recibido. El joven lloró, le pidió perdón a Dios y dijo que estaba dispuesto a hacer cualquier cosa para remediar el engaño. Mi colega le dio un excelente consejo, le dijo que escriba una carta al rector de la universidad donde estudió, contándole lo que pasó, como le han ido los estudios en Alemania y que le pida su consejo al rector para que le de orientación. Cuando el joven me vio de nuevo me dio abrazó diciéndome que ahora tiene paz con Dios y con los hombres también. No basta que arregle sus cuentas con la otra persona cuanto antes, es necesario que primero arregle sus cuentas con Dios, Él y Jesús lo saben todo, conocen su situación, dice el salmista: “Dios conoce nuestra condición, se acuerda de que somos polvo.” La confesión es un proceso que Dios demanda para nuestro bien, Él ya conoce nuestra historia. A pesar de conocerlo todo, Dios le ama; la Biblia dice: “Dios es amor.”; “De tal manera amó Dios al mundo que ha dado a Su Hijo, Su único hijo, para que todo aquel que en Él crea no se pierda, mas tenga vida eterna.” Dios está dispuesto a perdonarle, la Biblia dice: “Venid a mi, dice Jesús, todos los que estáis trabajados y cargados, que yo os haréis descansar”; “Al que a mí viene, yo no le echo fuera”; dice el profeta Isaías: “Venid luego y estemos a cuenta”. Lo que debe hacer para arreglar sus cuentas con Dios es confesarle su culpabilidad, sus tropiezos, sus fracasos, su pecado, 1Juan 1,9 dice: “Si confesamos nuestros pecados Dios es fiel y justo para perdonarnos nuestros pecados y limpiarnos de toda maldad” en Romanos 5 dice:”Cristo fue por nuestros pecados.” San Pedro dice: “Cristo murió por nuestros pecados, el justo por los injustos para llevarnos a Dios.” San Pablo dice en 1Corintios 15: “Ésta es la nueva buena que predicamos, que Cristo fue muerto por nuestros pecados conforme a las Escrituras; y que fue sepultado, y resucitó al tercer día, conforme a las Escrituras; y que fue visto por más de quinientos hermanos.”. No basta con confesar, la Biblia dice que hay que creer: “Cree en el Señor Jesucristo y serás salvo, tú y tu casa”. Me acuerdo de Antonio, tenía una vida turbia, era ingeniero y abogado, cometió una serie de fechorías, pero una mañana escuchando nuestro programa radial “Cruzada” estaba por suicidarse por su desesperación, oyendo el programa se despertó en él la fe en Jesucristo, llamó por teléfono, vino a la oficina, se arrodilló, creyó en Jesús de todo corazón y se fue a su casa con la vida eterna. ¡Qué cambio en la vida de este hombre y en la vida de su mujer y sus dos hijos que hasta entonces vivían como agnósticos ignorantes espirituales! No basta confesar y creer, la Biblia dice que hay que recibir: “A todos los que le recibieron a Cristo, a los que creen en su nombre, Dios el padre les da poder de ser hechos hijos de Dios.” Jesucristo le dice: “Yo estoy a tu puerta y llamo, si oyes mi voz y abres la puerta, yo entraré a ti y cenaré contigo y tú cenarás conmigo.” Incline su cabeza, confiese a Dios su pecado, dígale a Jesucristo que cree en Él y recíbalo en su corazón por medio de una oración, y usted va a tener la conciencia limpia por toda la eternidad. Luis Palau


January 2016

Luis Palau ya entró en la historia moderna como uno de los contados hombres que le hablaron a más personas en el mundo. Su mensaje fue, y es escuchado por más de 800 millones de personas en 112 países a través de la radio y la televisión, y tiene el privilegio de haberle hablado a más de 22 millones de personas cara a cara en 80 países del mundo, organizando, junto a un selecto grupos de colaboradores internacionales y con el apoyo de invitaciones locales, congresos, seminarios, charlas informales, conferencias y recitales-conferencia llamados “Festivales”.

PLUMB is beginning to EXHALE EXHALE, the seventh studio album from acclaimed multi-genre singer, songwriter and author PLUMB, expresses a new focus and vision. After the runaway success of NEED YOU NOW (the album, title track and book), which coincided with her own moving story of brokenness and ultimately healing, Exhale brims with worshipful songs of gratitude and hope. The defining concept of EXHALE was born from a sermon at Plumb’s home church, wherein her pastor Pete Wilson expressed the notion that the Church doesn’t exist for itself. Rather, believers come to church to breathe in grace and truth, be changed, and then go out and “exhale” that hope into their surrounding community. “That idea of exhaling hope hit me right away and I couldn’t get to the Notes section on my phone fast enough. I started writing the chorus of Exhale right then and there,” explains Plumb. “I have been made new by the ultimate hope, and I want to share and exhale that hope in everyway I can.”

Immediately after completing her NEED YOU NOW album, everything was in turmoil. Plumb was blindsided, as her marriage seemed destined for divorce, and her career uncertain. Would she suddenly be a single mother of three? In addition to her personal struggle, she questioned if Need You Now should ever be released. The lyrics seemed eerily prophetic. Written to reflect the lives of friends, the songs now appeared autobiographical. Plumb had to make hard decisions, and chose to fight for her marriage, her family. Restoration came in early 2013, when her husband surprised her with a second wedding, her family was reunited and Need You Now was finally released. By 2014, Plumb was challenged to believe that God could use her experience to help others and she began to openly share her story, not only in her debut memoir Need You Now: A Story of Hope, but also through the release of four new songs chronicling her experience in a deluxe version of the Need You Now album.

Creating EXHALE Joining forces once again with longtime collaborator and producer, Matt Bronleewe, Exhale stays true to this proven partnership while continuing to push into ever-broadening sonic territory. Plumb’s unmistakable and otherworldly vocals are as resplendent as ever, but the range of songs is even more impressive.

This heartfelt gratitude combined with the notion of “exhaling” has led to the most sincere and overtly spiritual Plumb album to date. The theme is so fundamentally important to the artist, in fact, that the album cover features the following synopsis in Plumb’s own handwriting: “We do not exist for us but to share the grace and love given to us all. We breathe it in, it changes us, and then we breathe it out, we share it. I have now breathed in deeply and it has changed me completely. It has healed my heart, restored my home and made me new. Because of that grace, there is always hope. It’s oxygen. Breathe it in...and then EXHALE.”

Before EXHALE Just a few short years ago, Plumb was thrust into transition. Despite taking a step back to spend time with her young family, Plumb’s career was on the rise. Her songs had received dozens of TV and movie placements,


and her voice had found a new home in the remixes of some of the world’s top EDM artists.

January 2016

From the upbeat pop of title-track “Exhale” to outright worship of “Great is Our God”; the anthems “Lord, I’m Ready Now”, “Resurrection” and “Champion”, to the EDM-ready “My True Love” and the introspective Blink- like sounds of “Sleep Will Be Sweet” and “Restored”, the album both captures and expands the breadth of the Plumb musical palate. Exhale kicks off with the welcoming title-track, an outlet for imperfect, broken people. All are welcome. This is a safe-place. This brave honesty continues and fuels songs like first single “Lord, I’m Ready Now” that is a reminder that God can redeem even the worst situations; the pop-filled “Smoke” that assures that we have a shelter when our lives appear to be falling apart; and “Great is Our God,” which is certain to become a favorite in churches across the world, confidently proclaiming a commitment to join


is beginning to E X H A L E

with creation in praise to our God. Fans of her EDM projects will not be disappointed as Plumb revives her pop-dance styling with “My True Love” declaring “there is not another who can love like you love me oh my God,” and the laidback “Faithful” breathing a fresh, relaxed promise of the trustworthy nature of God.

See PLUMB in Concert on Thursday, February 25 at the Boggus Ford Events Center (formerly Pharr Events Center) at 3000 N. Cage (on the Frontage of Exp 281 just South of Nolana) For Tickets go to or call 956-314-0161

Teaming up to be powerhouse radio hits: “Resurrection” makes the bold statement that after all is said and done, her belief in resurrection and restoration has been proven and is stronger than before; and the compelling anthem “Champion” giving thanks to the One who fought for lives of His children. The album is a worship experience that is poised to re-define the expectation of that genre. These are worship songs – not choruses. Lyrically, Plumb has a knack of shaping her personal story into lyrics that make you feel like your sharing a coffee with an old friend. Musically, her otherworldly vocals move from delicate to powerful in a moment. Plumb concludes, “I hope that Exhale will inspire hearts into a place of romance, gratitude and total surrender to Jesus, the one perfect love.”


2016   19

How are people like fields ready to harvest? (John 4:35-38)

“There is a really big group of people ready to be told about God,” says Marissa, 12.

Learning to act like Jesus is learning how to think outside the box. It begins by seeing differently. Seeing people as a great harvest is viewing them through Kingdom-of-God eyes. Jesus is building his eternal kingdom. His desire is for all to enter into his kingly realm. God wants all Christians to fulfill their role as kingdom ambassadors, which is to introduce all to the King of kings.

“Jesus gives you strength to talk to people you do not know,” says Melinda, 10.

During my high school years, public speaking terrified me more than anything I could imagine. Later, I discovered that the fear of public speaking ranks higher than the fear of death in surveys. So I had a lot of company. That still didn’t help me overcome the thing I feared the most.

After I trusted Christ as my savior, I had many opportunities to speak before high school and junior high school assemblies. Sometimes, students packed entire gymnasiums. I had to look my worst fear in the face.

Focusing on the needs of the students helped, but knowing God would give me the strength to communicate the saving power of his grace freed me from the fear of public speaking. I’m happy to report that I now look forward to it, especially when there’s an opportunity to speak about God’s saving grace.


When Jesus said, “Lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest!” (John 4:35b), there was a sense of urgency. If you want to talk to a farmer about his work or anything else, don’t try it at harvest time. Farmers have a short window of opportunity to bring in the harvest when the crop is ripe. They work long, hard hours during the harvest season.

What is a lifespan compared to eternity? It’s like harvest time! It’s short and urgent. God wants all Christians to participate in his global harvest. He is always at work preparing people’s hearts to receive him. Some Christians may sow the initial seed that challenges people to think about their eternal destiny. Others may lead people to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. All rejoice in the harvest when people enter into God’s eternal kingdom.

Art by Addison Think about this: It’s harvest time. If your friends are ready, urge them to trust Christ as their savior today!

Memorize this truth: “Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest!” (John 4:35b).

Ask this question: If you’re a Christian, are you willing to join God in his great, global harvest?

“Sowing involves many steps,” says Kirsten, 11. “In preparation for planting, a farmer disks the soil, which loosens and kills most weeds. Similarly, many people travel through tough times, which unbeknownst to them, prepares them to receive the Word of God. This humbles man and destroys pride.

“Farmers let the ground set, which hardens it. Then, they will disk it again. After that they add nutrients and test the soil to see if it’s conducive for seed. This is like God testing us to see if we are ready to accept Jesus into our hearts.”

Have you ever been disked by God? It’s painful, but necessary to kills the weeds of pride that so easily grow.

January 2016

Carey Kinsolving’s Kids Talk About God syndicated column is available as a free, weekly family devotional by email at Also, view a Bible-lesson archive of all columns. Kinsolving is the co-founder of the RGV Children’s Arts Festival. Two Valley children will win dude-ranch vacations for up to five family members. One will go to Medicine Bow Lodge in Saratoga, Wyoming and the other to Coulter Lake Guest Ranch in Rifle, Colorado. Each will receive a check for $600 to help pay for travel expenses. For details go to








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2016   21

Do You Know Jesus?

Do you know Jesus Christ? Many have heard of Jesus and know a little about Him. Many sing songs about His birth at Christmas and know that Easter commemorates His resurrection. Some think of Him as a teacher or perhaps the founder of a major world religion. But, do you know Him personally? Do you know that Jesus died and rose again, not to start a spiritual movement but because He loves you and wanted to provide a way for you to know Him?

The Bible tells the story of God’s love for people. In the beginning, God created us to reflect His image and to have a relationship with Him (Genesis 1:27). We were created good, and then sin entered the world. We essentially chose to try life on our own without God, instead of living our lives for God as we were designed.

God loves us so much that He sent His Son, Jesus, to die on the cross to pay the price for our sins and bring us into a relationship with Him. Through Him, we can know the promise of eternal life and experience the joy of knowing God here on earth!

If you would like to have a relationship with God, the Bible tells us that the first step is acknowledging that we have sinned and that there is nothing we can do to earn God’s love (Romans 3:2326). Next, we believe and confess that Jesus is Lord (Romans 10:9) and allow Him to guide our lives. Where we once wanted to control our own futures, we now invite Jesus into our hearts to be Lord over our lives.

Knowing God’s peace, perspective, and purpose for your life begins with a personal relationship with Jesus.


January 2016

Follow these steps to a New Life with Jesus 1 God’s purpose is life and peace: God desires for you to have life and peace now and for all eternity.”I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” John 10:10b

2 Recognizing the problem: sin and separation: We were created to know, love and glorify God. When we choose to go our own way, living life in willful disobedience to God, we are choosing to be separated from God both now and for all eternity.The Bible says we are sinners…“For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” Romans 3:23 But God is love…“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16 And God is also just…“For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 6:23

3 We cannot save ourselves: Because God is Holy, He cannot allow sin to enter into Heaven. Most people attempt to save themselves by their own efforts, good works or church attendance. The Bible says… “There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end it leads to death.” Proverbs 14:12 How then can a sinful person enter Heaven where God allows no sin?

4 We are saved by grace: The good news is… in spite of our sin, Christ died for us.“For it is by grace you have been saved through faith – and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God – not of

works, so that no one can boast.” Ephesians 2:8-9” But God demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8 5 Responding to God’s gift by faith: “If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” Romans 10:9

Would you like to accept Jesus as Lord of your life? “But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions — it is by grace you have been saved.” Ephesians 2:4-5

If you would like to accept Jesus as Lord of your life, you can pray the following prayer: Lord, I confess that I have sinned against You and ask You to forgive me. I’m sorry that my sin has hurt You and other people in my life. I acknowledge that I could never earn salvation by my good works, but I come to You and trust in what Jesus did for me on the cross.

I believe that You love me and that Jesus died and rose again so that I can be forgiven and come to know You. I ask You to come into my heart and be Lord of my life. I trust You with everything, and I thank You for loving me so much that I can know You here on earth and spend the rest of eternity with You in heaven. In Jesus name,

What do I do now? Just like a new baby needs to be cared for and nurtured in order to grow physically, a child of God needs to be nurtured in order to grow spiritually. Here’s how you can begin growing in Christ:

1 Tell someone: Tell a pastor or Christian friend who will help you grow and find your gifts of service. “So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up.” Ephesians 4:11, 12

2 Be baptized: This is your first act of obedience. “So he ordered that they be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ.” Acts 10:48

3 Join the church: The church is where God’s family encourages and supports one another.”How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity!” Psalm 133:1

4 Pray and read your Bible daily: God communicates His will for your life through His Word and prayer.”Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.” Psalm 119:105

Seek a godly mentor: A mentor teaches you the ways of God and how to live a holy life. “Likewise, teach the older women to be reverent in the way they live, not to be slanderers or addicted to much wine, but to teach what is good.” Titus 2:3

© 2015 Proverbs 31 Ministries All Rights Reserved. Used with Permission. For more info go to


2016   23


All hell broke loose? Welcome to the gap. Now stand.

Have you ever been going along living your life with everything fine and all of a sudden it seems all hell breaks loose and it is all upside down? Welcome to The Gap. “What gap,” you ask? Well not the clothing store that is for sure. This is the gap mentioned in Scripture, the one where God says that he was looking for a man to stand there. You see God never said for you to get in the gap. He said he was looking for someone to STAND in the gap. This gap is a breach, a hole in the defenses of a family, a church, a city, or even a nation. It is a place where the enemy has been going in and out at will for quite some time. You were going along just fine and the Lord brought you to the place where you are in the gap. You are in the way of the enemy’s plans and work. That is why it seems everything has hit you all at once. You are not the reason for the attack. You are just in the way of that which is behind you where the enemy has been having his way. By the way, you asked to be here. What? Never happened? Oh, yes it did indeed. Remember that prayer? You know the prayer where you prayed, “Lord what ever you want to do with my life do it. I just want to serve you?” Now there are two questions to answer. Are you going to stand and protect until the wall is rebuilt? That is what God is seeking: someone to stand in the gap. If you are going to stand, do you know how to do it most effectively? You need preparation for what is to come. Preparation, understanding, and ability to stand is what we are offering at the Texas National Day of Prayer “Wake Up America – Choose Your Weapons” Conference February 18-20, 2016 in Dallas, Texas at the Escalante Hotel and Suites. Come and let the Lord teach your hands to war.


Rev. William Lumry, Texas State Coordinator NDP PO BOX 71676 Corpus Christi, TX 78467 Wake Up America – Choose Your Weapons Conference February 18-20, 2016 MCM Elegante Hotel & Suites 2330 W Northwest Hwy, Dallas, TX 75220 | PH. (214) 351-4477 www.NDPTEXAS.ORG. PAID ADVERTISEMENT


January 2016

My Name is Mahtob


by Mahtob Mahmoody

Two decades ago, millions of readers worldwide thrilled to the story told in

the international bestseller Not Without My Daughter—subsequently made into a film starring Sally Field—that told of an American mother and her sixyear-old child’s daring escape from an abusive and tyrannical Iranian husband and father. Now the daughter returns to tell the whole story, not only of that imprisonment and escape but of life after fleeing Tehran: living in fear of re-abduction, enduring recurring nightmares and panic attacks, attending school under a false name, battling life-threatening illness—all under the menacing shadow of her father. This is the story of an extraordinary young woman’s triumph over life-crushing trauma to build a life of peace and forgiveness. Taking readers from Michigan to Iran and from Ankara, Turkey, to Paris, France, My Name Is Mahtob depicts the profound resilience of a wounded soul healed by faith in God’s goodness and in his care and love. And Mahmoody reveals the secret of how she liberated herself from a life of fear, learning to forgive the father who had shattered her life and discovering joy and peace that comes from doing so Mahtob Mahmoody is the daughter of American born author Betty Mahmoody. Her father was an Iranian-born but American-educated doctor, Dr. Sayed Mahmoody - aka ‘Moody’. In 1987, her mother published Not Without My Daughter in which Betty claimed that she and then five-yearold Mahtob had been kidnapped from the USA in 1984 and imprisoned in Tehran by her Iranian husband. Betty escaped as she took Mahtob from Iran over the Zagros Mountains and into Turkey. The book sold 12 million copies and inspired the 1991 Hollywood film of the same name.



VINEYARD/Campbellsville is part of the Association of Vineyard Churches, USA, a growing community of churches 650 strong in the U.S. and another 600 churches internationally. In October of 1996. VINEYARD/ Campbellsville opened its doors for the first time. White plastic chairs and a tiny storefront housed the first 25 people who started the church. Three locations and 14 years later we a growing community of 250 people who love to hang out together, worship God, and encourage one another. We believe the highest calling for a human life is the call to be a worshipper - to devote oneself to God and minister directly to him. This is obviously more than a song, it is a whole life offered up to God. That said, we strongly value music and singing in gathered worship (Psalm 100:1-2 // Eph. 5:19).


SALVATION’S TIDE IS RISING For almost 20 years Passion has been gathering students from around the world around one name, the name of Jesus. From out of Passion anthems have risen such as Our God, God of this City, My Heart is Yours, and Even So Come. We’re excited to have the EP available this year and can’t wait to share it with you on January 29th.


2016   25

No New Years debt next time? Dear Dave, We’ve always just assumed that we would use credit cards for Christmas, and accepted the fact that there would be a mountain of debt to pay off in January and February. Can you tell us how to make it through the Christmas season next year without accumulating debt? Carol Dear Carol, Giving is a wonderful thing if your intentions—and your finances—are in the right place. But don’t let yourself get trapped in the shopping bonanza just because everyone else is doing it. It’s all too easy to try to justify overspending in the weeks ahead just because it’s a gift. It’s pretty simple. Look at your budget, and see what you can afford to pay cash for during the holiday season. Once you and your spouse agree on this amount, make a list, check it twice and stick to it! Include the names and amounts you are going to spend on each person or charity. It’s just common sense, but it’s easy to find something in the mall you “just have to buy.” That’s where problems start.

Giving is not meant to be stressful on your finances. Give with the right intentions, and give with a financial plan in mind that does not include debt. Another thing to remember is Christmas always falls on December 25th. Don’t wait until Thanksgiving to realize it’s right around the corner. You could even get a real jump on things, and set a little bit aside each month toward Christmas starting right now!

Dave Says


Structure things intelligently Dear Dave, I work as a software developer, and recently a co-worker approached me about starting a side business together. We would create apps for the legal community with advice from my wife, who is a lawyer. The only problem is that we’re in the middle of Baby Step 2 of your plan, and we still have some debt to pay off. Do you think starting a business would be too risky at this point? Jeremy Dear Jeremy, It sounds to me like this is the kind of idea that would require more in the way of brain sweat and time than money. I would just think of it as a part-time side job and go for it. However, make sure you have a clear understanding of exactly how much — if any — financial support would be required. Set these financial boundaries, and also be clear on when you expect the business to make money.

* Dave Ramsey is America’s trusted voice on money and business. He has authored five New York Times best-selling books. The Dave Ramsey Show is heard by more than 8.5 million listeners each week on more than 550 radio stations. Dave’s latest project, EveryDollar, provides a free online budget tool. Follow Dave on Twitter at @DaveRamsey and on the web at


One thing I would warn against is ending up in a partnership if this thing becomes a success. Partnerships are bad news in the business world, so I’d advise you to figure out a way to structure things where you each own different parts — something more along the lines of a joint venture. But in terms of doing some side deals, creating some cool new apps, and making money in the process? Absolutely, I would do that. Just figure out an intelligent way to structure the business and finances so you don’t get pinched! —Dave

January 2016



Get Your Event Here! Call 956-314-0161


2016   27

Raul “Rudy” Rodriguez attorney at law Some historians may argue that among the greatest restoration stories of mankind are the European Renaissance or perhaps the post-World War II era. The cultural movement known as the European Renaissance roughly took place during the 14th through 17th centuries. This moment in history saw the face of Europe evolve with respect to its arts, architecture and long held science tenets. It also saw a rediscovery of the Greco-Roman classical knowledge and a rebirth of the study of Latin and vernacular languages. It served as a bridge between the Middle Ages and the Modern Era. Closer to home, America saw its restoration take place in the years that followed World War II. During this era, couples who could not afford families during the Great Depression made up for lost time. The mood in America suddenly became optimistic. At that time, the unemployment rate of the Great Depression dropped dramatically and the economy improved substantially. The G.I. Bill empowered many honorable service members to finish high school and attend college. As their skills were improved, so was the financial well-being of their families. But, without a doubt the greatest restoration that can take place is when a person does as Romans 10:9 instructs us to do. Romans 10:9 says: “If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” The message is simple: invite Christ into your heart and make him your personal Lord and Savior. At that time, your restoration will be complete. Next He will do as Philippians 1:6 says, “And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.” As you seek and strive to honor God with your life, He will reward you by allowing you to take on His characteristics. Hosea 14:4 says, “I will bring my people back to me. I will love them with all my heart; No longer am I angry with them.” I pray that you will invite Christ into your heart and allow Him to restore you! At my office, I also want to be part of your restoration plan, albeit in a different way. I pray that God will use me for His honor and glory in helping me address your needs. If you have been involved in an auto accident and/or other serious injury or if you have lost a loved one as a result of someone’s negligence, I will do my best to restore some sense of normality to your life. I will also help you in matters involving family law, criminal law and real estate and will issues. As always, I bear in mind that in honoring God with the way I handle my business relationships I will be honoring you my esteemed client.

Raul “Rudy” Rodriguez Phone: 956.380.1421 / Toll Free: 877.480.1421 Fax: 956.380.2920 / Mobile: 956.655.5455

511 W. University / Edinburg, TX 78539 e-mail:

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