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No Surfing Without Protection Soccergirl155: Heyyyyy.... Princess333: How old are you?? Soccergirl155: 10 wbu? Princess333: SAMEZZ GIRL! We should hang out sometime! What’s your phone #? Soccergirl155: My home phone number is 508-691-1948. Princess333: Ok, My mom will call your mom. Princess333: Your mom said yes!!!!! My dad is going to come get u but I won’t be in the car because he’s going to pick u up and then pick me up at dance. Soccergirl155: KK c u l8er Princess333: :) :) :) :) I love gullible children!


“Princess333” I am a gullible child, I put my life in danger, Be safe!! online!!!

You don’t know who is on the other end.

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