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FRESHMAN 15 By Jenny Lui

Etiam at volutpat mauris. Ut molestie sem pretium, interdum ex eget, suscipit tellus. Duis in vestibulum sapien. Nulla facilisi. In purus mauris, dictum ut dui sit amet, sagittis dapibus urna. Quisque vel blandit ante, blandit commodo turpis. Vestibulum non lorem ac mi dignissim convallis. Mauris rutrum sagittis ultrices. Nunc egestas, ligula eget sodales efficitur, sapien nisi porta risus, non tempus dui sem vitae nisl. Curabitur in pulvinar ipsum, vel mattis erat. Vestibulum quis metus imperdiet, bibendum velit in, blandit nunc. Sed placerat mattis dui ut suscipit. Curabitur vestibulum diam quam, vel mollis tellus molestie mattis. Morbi vestibulum est id neque tempor, et rhoncus dolor posuere. Suspendisse ac egestas augue. Curabitur quis mi ligula. Fusce quam ex, feugiat sit amet magna in, blandit vehicula enim. Aenean dignissim mauris id diam ultrices, ut iaculis ligula vestibulum. Praesent finibus cursus arcu ultricies pretium. Sed non diam et tellus aliquam ultrices. Quisque nec ex mollis diam faucibus luctus nec ac justo. Ut pharetra, libero id rhoncus porttitor, nibh nisl pulvinar diam, eu porta felis lacus vel libero. Donec et ipsum gravida, vulputate arcu id, pellentesque dolor. Lorem ip-

sum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam vitae elementum mi. Aliquam auctor tristique est et facilisis. Morbi ac sodales velit. Curabitur aliquam blandit malesuada. Duis viverra ultricies dui, sit amet tristique ligula ultricies ut. Etiam sodales, mauris id elementum iaculis, nunc ante suscipit velit, non vestibulum velit turpis non arcu. Proin ut feugiat nisi, in gravida nisl. Praesent blandit eros at maximus imperdiet. Vivamus porttitor tellus urna, vitae tristique ligula cursus non. Fusce interdum urna nibh, eget pulvinar enim fermentum sollicitudin. Etiam facilisis ligula nec lectus laoreet, a euismod justo suscipit. Suspendisse faucibus lobortis eros, vitae eleifend lorem sagittis ut. Mauris porttitor, nibh vestibulum tincidunt laoreet, odio lectus ultrices justo, ut hendrerit mauris ex quis justo. Maecenas vel lectus sodales, efficitur tellus id, lobortis purus. Nulla ac tortor a felis malesuada consequat pretium vitae tortor. Vivamus et tincidunt metus. Duis euismod tincidunt nisi a feugiat. Mauris feugiat tellus eu ante porta hendrerit. Quisque lacinia porta congue. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Quisque semper augue urna, eget varius tortor auctor id.

Amazing cities you can’t miss during summer break

Summer is finally here and some of us are going for internships and some of us are just going to have a lot of free time. Even if you will be busy, there is always time to enjoy, have fun and explore the world. If you are the person who loves to travel and to find new golden spots, this might catch your interest.

To experience the ultimate vacation of your dreams with relaxation there are a lot of great tips to look for on Internet. However, instead of spending more and more time behind your phone or laptop, VAS will bring you some of the best tips and you will be able to get a mix of sunbathing, culture and of course our amazing nature right away from this article. There are a lot of spectacular places created by the power of nature but sadly Instead of booking your summer trip to Barcelona, some of them are getting destroyed day Paris or another big city, why not book it to a by day and that is why I highly recomsmaller and more unique city? mend you to take your time to travel as much as you can and of course to visit When it comes to travel within Europe, these cities. You can find my personal you can find some of the world’s most tips of things to do and my favorite respopular cities here. There is always taurants. something that makes our favorite cities special. It might be the atmosphere, the lovely landscape or the tourist attractions.

Cassis France

The French Riviera offers the most luxurious vacations in Europe and it is a favorite destination for many people. The French culture is famous for its’ food and wine and many people travel here just to experience it. If you are looking for something smaller and with more charm, I clearly recommend you to go to Cassis. This small town is one of my favorites and I have been visiting it since I was a little girl. You find this little pearl between

Nice and Marseille. With the Riviera around the corner, you will for sure enjoy the amazing Cote de Azur and the warm climate. Cassis is also surrounded with a bunch of vineyards where you can find tasty local wines. The town is very small but because of its charm you will for sure return back. Small beaches with lovely cafes and restaurant among the harbor, just with that French touch. Enjoy a bottle of wine and Moule-frites.

My restaurant tip: Restaurant Le Bonaparte Typical French food and the owner, Bonaparte himself, is an old French man with a lot of humor. I recommend this small restaurant you can find in one of Cassis alleys. My tip of things to do: Because of the vineyards around the city you can find many wine tastings for a good price. Take the boat out to the famous calanques de Cassis, truly amazing!! The boat will stop and you can enjoy your day at the true Riviera.



Picture friendly, beautiful nature and amazing beaches. Italy has trips for everyone. This shoe lookalike country have it all and of course that little extra, the Italian cuisine. It is no doubt that the Italian food will make your semester even better. Italy has a lot of spectacular places to visit but in Portofino you can find some special and extraordinary spots. Even if the city is extremely

expensive, it is worth the money. Portofino has a lot of history in the luggage and the city is a fishing village. It is famous for its’ beautiful harbor. Many celebrities visits the city and it might also be some tourist but if you are looking for someplace to have a good time and enjoy food, wine and the view, this is the place to go. After a long walk around the city you can find restaurants that are super small without any tourists. My restaurant tip: Winterrose Wine Bar This small bar is located with a waterside view to die for. It has a fantastic view of Portofino Harbor. The atmos-

phere is excellent and the owner of the bar makes the guest feel like home. A great place to watch people and boats go by. Amazing wine and local products! My tip of things to do: Portofino has an amazing history and if you like to walk you should go here. You can explore the tiny bay of San Fruttuoso, where a Benedictine abbey was built in the eighth century. If you can’t handle the two-hour walk from Portofino, there are regular ferries going to the abbey. The abbey’s inwardness and composure is fascinating amid such a roar of nature.

Scandinavia’s nature is in general very beautiful and breathtaking. You don’t go to Sognefjord if you want to shop or enjoy sunbathing. You go here to see how amazing our mother nature is. Sognefjord is Norway’s longest and deepest fjord and it extends more that 200 inland to the foot of the Jotunheimen Mountains. This area is said to be one of the most beautiful travel destinations in the world, which you can’t miss. The fjords of Norway are an extraordinary way to experience the magnificent fjords. There are a lot of different fjords but the easiest way to get to Sognefjord is from Bergen. The spectacular nature will be breathtaking for you. It depends on the season but here are a lot of activities to do, if you like doing activities outdoor. You can go for different journeys through the fjords, mountains, valleys and glaciers. Hiking, skiing, summer skiing, cycling

and hiking in the mountains. In the valleys you can go for kayaking, rafting and have course take the cruises and just enjoy the view. If you are a fan of nature and beautiful mountains and fjords, you need to go here. Also, if you have the time I highly recommend going further up in Norway where you might have the chance to see The Nordic Light.

While you are enjoying your food you have the amazing view over the fjord at the same time. My tips of things to do: Even if you like hiking, skiing or kayaking, I highly recommend buying a ticket for one of the cruises. This is truly amazing and you can just sit down and relax while you actually experiences one of the world’s most beautiful places.

My restaurant tip: Fretheim Hotel This historical hotel is located in the end of the Sognefjord. In the restaurant of the hotel you can enjoy a fantastic meal. Have a taste of food from the surrounding nature and it is also prepare in the good old way with homemade organic specialties.



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by: Marcus Siggelow









END OF 2 season Ski review by: Maurits van doorme

Verbier, Switzerland + 50 min drive or 2 hours of train ride from Glion + 412 km of slopes, advanced ski area, great off-piste - Limited car park available Gstaad, Switzerland + 60 min drive from Glion + 220 km of slopes and beginners ski area - Long waiting line for chairlifts


Portes du Soleil, Switzerland/France + 40 min drive from Glion + Biggest ski resort in Europe with 650 km of slopes - Slow chairlifts and bad off-piste


Chamonix, France + Easy to reach by car + 115 km of slopes with a great village atmosphere - Small ski area, short slopes and slow lifts

I need you. now.

long distance relationship Etiam at volutpat mauris. Ut molestie sem pretium, interdum ex eget, suscipit tellus. Duis in vestibulum sapien. Nulla facilisi. In purus mauris, dictum ut dui sit amet, sagittis dapibus urna. Quisque vel blandit ante, blandit commodo turpis. Vestibulum non lorem ac mi dignissim convallis. Mauris rutrum sagittis ultrices. Nunc egestas, ligula eget sodales efficitur, sapien nisi porta risus, non tempus dui sem vitae nisl. Curabitur in pulvinar ipsum, vel mattis erat. Vestibulum quis metus imperdiet, bibendum velit in, blandit nunc. Sed placerat mattis dui ut suscipit. Curabitur vestibulum diam quam, vel mollis tellus molestie mattis. Morbi vestibulum est id neque tempor, et rhoncus dolor posuere. Suspendisse ac egestas augue. Curabitur quis mi ligula. Fusce quam ex, feugiat sit amet magna in, blandit vehicula enim. Aenean dignissim mauris id diam ultrices, ut iaculis ligula vestibulum. Praesent finibus cursus arcu ultricies pretium. Sed non diam et tellus aliquam ultrices. Quisque nec ex mollis diam faucibus luctus nec ac justo. Ut pharetra, libero id rhoncus porttitor, nibh nisl pulvinar diam, eu porta felis lacus vel libero. Donec et ipsum gravida, vulputate arcu id, pellentesque dolor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam vitae elementum mi. Aliquam auctor tristique est et facilisis. Morbi ac sodales velit. Curabitur aliquam blandit malesuada. Duis viverra ultricies dui, sit amet tristique ligula ultricies ut. Etiam sodales, mauris id elementum iaculis, nunc ante suscipit velit, non vestibulum velit turpis non arcu. Proin ut feugiat nisi, in gravida nisl. Praesent blandit eros at maximus imperdiet.

the carribean treasure by: Irene vergara

n occasion that leads millions of

A people to wait an entire year for

only two days, painting the streets with colors, music and pure bliss, a complete outsider would stand in awe at one of the richest cultural festivals in the world; Trinidad and Tobago’s joyous Carnival. After only four years living on these tiny islands in the Caribbean, I can call Port of Spain, the capital of Trinidad, my second home. Here, on the happiest island in the Caribbean, there is never a dull moment, as you immerse yourself in the joyous spirits of the local people.

A universal question that all masqueraders can ask themselves throughout this two-day extravaganza is, “Where have all these gorgeous women and fit men been all year?!”

After seeing and experiencing Carnival, I became familiar with what is known in the West Indies as “Tabanca”. Have you ever felt a deeply rooted craving and insatiable desire, for someone or something? A sense of hopelessness that consumes your mind, and embodies itself in the form of painful misery, leaving you in the fetal position on your bed feeling completely helpless? Well, maybe I’m over exaggerating, but

you can see what I’m trying to get at. Tabanca has been described as the sensation that masqueraders from around the world feel after leaving this phenomenal occasion. Becoming part of the masqueraders in Harts Band has been one of the best experiences of my life, perfectly described in songs as a feeling of being possessed by euphoria. The sights, the sounds, the music and the atmosphere, are something that really need to be seen and heard to be believed. Carnival gives you the chance to free yourself from preconceived notions; to free yourself from the fear of society’s judgmental gaze. It only asks that you leave your inhibitions at home and truly enjoy the frenzy of the moment. If there was ever a time and place to parade the streets in a bejeweled bi-

kini, Carnival is most certainly it.

parade the streets with pride.

Coming to this place for the first time, you might get the impression that here in the Caribbean, sexy people are growing on trees. A universal question that all masqueraders can ask themselves throughout this two-day extravaganza is, “Where have all these gorgeous women and fit men been all year?!” Carnival offers nothing but the finest specimens of both sexes, and in the Savannah (the biggest roundabout in the world), for two days of the year, the world’s greatest musicians share their gifts with all who will listen. At

Every sense is heightened, and you can’t help but become acutely aware of the sights of the locals smiling, the smell of rum in the air, the touch of the sun on your skin and the “Soca” tunes that fill the streets. Even though you are surrounded by complete strangers, you know that you are united by the same feeling of euphoria and love for the twin islands. People no longer have skin colors, there’s no such thing as politics or crime, and classism becomes nothing but a hollow concept. Walking down the street in our outrageous costumes, you melt into a sea of colorful people from different socioeconomic backgrounds, nationalities and races, into one huge family. Where: Trinidad and Tobago When: February 8-9th 2016

this time of year, we take a moment to say thanks to all those gyms that keep their doors open 24/7, for letting all these beautiful men and women spend the other 363 days of the year in them. The city is littered with people wearing costumes so outrageously decorative, that they would leave Rio de Janeiro green with jealousy. It all starts in anticipation of “Band Launch”, with pageantries that showcase an explosion of colorful feathered headpieces and thin dresses that flow graciously in the cool ocean breeze. From the moment you finally decide which costume to wear the excitement only intensifies, to the moment where you adorn yourself with feathers and

Unfortunately, I can only describe to you the feelings, sensations and memories of being a part of this extraordinary annual event. It’s something that you will never truly understand without experiencing it for yourself. Will this orgy of Soca, rum and sun be everything you expect from the West Indian Islands? Have I been exaggerating all this time; with this wild tale of 24-hour-bacchanal? Are Trinis really the original party animals, ready to drink, dance and ‘chip’ (a street dance that Trinidadians do to music), from dusk till dawn, and on and on, day after day? Are you really going to have the best time of your life? Why don’t you go find out for yourself? Trinidad and Tobago’s Carnival 2016 is waiting for you.

4 steps to:

Pass your



There is no way to get around it, no matter how little time or motivation you have. To study is a must to even consider passing any exams. Make sure you know what the teacher is asking for, how to find the answer and why. Remember: The harder you work, the luckier you will get.



The brain is like any other part of the body, it needs energy to function properly. Look at yourself and your brain as a athlete before a long run. Fill up your body with slow calories and whole grain rather than sugar and white bread. Skip energy drinks or coffee, you will only risk having a energy dip in the middle of the exam.


No brain works without a good nights sleep, not even the smartest one. Reconsider and decide, will I learn anythin the last two hours or should I prioritize having a awake and functioning brain on the exam day.



No teacher want you to fail and most teacher avoid confusing you with the questions. Yet, most mistakes are made simply cause the question was not read carefully. Make sure you understand what the teacher asks for. If you dont - Ask.

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