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This publication is addressed to psychologists who are in the clinical and educational area with the purpose of using it as an informative and opinion tool for therapeutic work.

The social audience to which this magazine is directed is the upper class, middle class, millenial parents, baby boomer parents who have a young children, teenagers and young adults.



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Did you ever hear people say? “If I had behaved that way, my mother would probably be furious and wouldn’t give me anything for which I was crying so hard.” The behavior of this generation of children is a big problem because fathers are not giving their sons and daughters enough tools to manage themselves in the world and society.

Now we have no more children, the scenic of society the scene of society looks terrible for future generations. The guys are involved on the internet, in the electronic world and artificial intelligence that does everything for them and chat all the time. The new generations are forgotten for their families, more of them grown with whoever persons.

Also, the most worrying thing about this is that the guys lossing the values, social education respect, kindness. All look awful. Quoting the biggest psychoanalyst Singmund Freud, he said “Childhood is destiny” we can say that all the things or ideas that you teash the kids directly affect adulthood.

Nobody attends the important about psychology, everybody is changing, and we want everything so fast that the new generation doesn't have time to have an identity.

Is speed the reason we don’t take the time to know who we are? In this instance, we will discover.


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An amazing tool!

Wearesponges ofknowledge

Did you ever imagine that your grown up son would have problems because of his childhood?


When we were a child we learn different things for examples for how to express our feelings or how to be a good person, but who did learn our fathers? Well, the answer is grandfathers.

How to connect this with you?, our life is a series of events of the past and present your father has a different behaves of your mother because didn't rice in the same place, character.

Now when they both unite so closely as to become one flesh all of they have to learn to work to create the best version of both and learn the most valuable

Absent parents want to replace love and care through material rewards, like toys, candies and clothes, etc. But that isn't enough.

Leaving an emotional emptiness in the children that in the long term when they are young causes that there is a lack of authority that as a father minimizes you. This causes rebellious behavior to appear in them.

It should always be taken into account that the presence of mom and dad is important not only as an authority but as someone in whom the children have the confidence to approach and maintain a harmonious alliance and respect.

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Wearethespiders whoweaveourtrap

All actions, feelings, and behaviors are the result of years of learning.


Our first lessons we take hand in hand thanks to the teaching of our parents as the same happen with them our grandparents raised them in the best way possible, so that now they are the adults or parents we want.

Although not all cases are good news, many parents affect their children by giving them those they could not have as children; they even live their dreams on their children, you pass on their fear and do not let them become people with a solid identity. This has some repercussion, to begin with, if you give them everything the children lose the knowledge of the work effort and the responsibility of money, they have no limits.

Overprotection affects not facing the world and living in fear.

Being friends with your children does not generate a firm authority on which they can identify. We know you want to give your kids the best, but give them all the “good” things.

However, not everything is lost because thanks to cognitive therapy can solve the attitudes of a child, giving him to understand the limits and possibilities of facing the world. This therapy is based on the teachings of authors such as Watson, Skinner, etc.


psychologist's robes Health universe


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Childhood is the basis of everything for your sociall development, as a couple, but above all as a individual.

Every day presents different problems of all kinds, easy and difficult. On the other hand, adolescence is the transition from leaving childhood to beginning adult life that is full of responsibilities, is a stage of independence in which mom and dad will no longer be at your side to solve your problems, and not only work but also home.

What would happen to your child if as an adult he still goes to the slightest sign of danger?

While it is true that the love you have for children is unconditional you must know one’s limits as parents, Unfortunately you won’t be present all your life and although if you support it at certain times it is not anything healthy that parents all the time search to protect their child when he is 30, 40 or even 50 years old and refuge in you.


It is therefore of utmost importance that parents learn how they can help their child cope in the world. From small can be reinforced in them autonomy with small things like collecting their toys, organize their play area, decide which clothes dress, help with little things in home for their age.

For this the psychology have a conductual cognitive technique call “token economy” where through a table are noted the tasks that the child must perform, if the guy does correctly the works will be assigned point that in weekend you can give a little surprise.

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