The report also says: “Envisioning a world where cigarettes would no longer create or sustain addiction, and where adults who still need or want nicotine could get it from alternative and less harmful sources, needs to be the cornerstone of our efforts.”
Rather than continue the trend of shackling vaping to tobacco by failing to distinguish between the two (in both public discourse and enacted policy) the FDA’s statement said that regulations on e-cigarettes will be delayed for a few years:
“…applications for newly-regulated combustible products, such as cigars, pipe tobacco and hookah tobacco, would be submitted by Aug. 8, 2021, and applications for non-combustible products such as ENDS or e-cigarettes would be submitted by Aug. 8, 2022.”
However, the conversation around e-cigarettes is far from over and some regulation may still be on the table. Gottlieb added: “the agency also will seek input from
the public on a variety of significant topics, including approaches to regulating kid-appealing flavors in e-cigarettes and cigars.”
Nicotine reduction could be a severe blow for big tobacco. Vaping is 95% safer than smoking, and the taste and smell smoke – especially when compared to e-liquids, is generally considered unfavourable.
The USA also has various smoking bans enacted on a widely varied jurisdictional level. With these factors at work, addictiveness is the only leg cigarettes have left to stand on.
But there are some sceptics of the move, who fear nicotine reduction could just result in people smoking more cigarettes to feed their habit, or turning to a black market of highnicotine cigarettes.
Vaping advocates will have to step up and make their voice heard, but an FDA encouraging alternatives is a win for vaping.
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“applications for non-combustible products such as ENDS or
would be submitted by Aug. 8, 2022.”
In an email response to research published in the British Medical Journal insinuating e-cigarettes cause UK teens to take up smoking, Richard Hyslop, Chief Executive of the IBVTA, had the following to say:
“The key issue is not how many children try vaping, but how many vape regularly, and how many having tried vaping, go on to smoke tobacco cigarettes. We know that 97 per cent of vapers are adult current or former smokers.”
Richard Hyslop went on to assert: “There is no evidence of vaping acting as a gateway into smoking. If there were, smoking rates would be rising as vaping has become more popular, instead smoking rates are at their lowest levels, including amongst children. The UK currently has the second lowest smoking rates in the EU. A point supported by the authors of this research.”
Research backing the response was also included in the email, listed below Hyslop’s own words. He cited the ASH (Action on Smoking and Health) study confirming that there are 2.9 million UK vapers, 1.5 million of whom have given up smoking completely. ASH have also shown that children are not vaping in significant numbers, with vape products rare and “confined almost entirely to those who currently or have previously smoked.”
Teenagers who do vape mostly use nicotine-free liquids, and ASH’s most recent survey on the subject “found the lowest recorded smoking rates among children ever across the UK: only 18 per cent of 11 to 15-yearolds had tried smoking in 2014 compared with 42 per cent in 2003.”
The claim about 97% of vapers being adult current or former smokers comes from the Office of National Statistics. Queen
Mary University in London have shown that “a child trying a tobacco cigarette for the first time is 50 per cent likely to become a regular smoker,” and that the same correlation cannot be claimed for children who try e-cigarettes becoming regular vapers.
The organisation took their response to the airwaves, debating the survey’s assertions on BBC Radio Wales on August 18. On the previous day, the IBVTA twitter account sent out a statement made by member Professor Robert West from University College London on the BMJ’s journal Tobacco Control, which bears repeating here considering these more recent claims:
“It seems unlikely that e-cigarette use by young people is causing more of them to smoke, because smoking rates in this age group now are declining at least as fast as they were before e-cigarettes started to become popular.”
Throughout their steadfast support of vaping, it is worth repeating that the IBVTA have gone out of their way to discourage youth vaping and renounce any company that markets e-cigarettes to anyone who doesn’t need them, including non-smokers and the underage.
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“smoking rates in this age group now are declining at least as fast as they were before e-cigarettes started”
Right Time, Right Place
By Leo Forfar
Vapouround Magazine owner Paul Caplin reflects on the first two years and recounts his personal journey from smoker to vaper.
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It seems a very strange thought now, given the impact that Vapouround Magazine has had since its launch, but it may very well never have happened at all.
The last issue was our two year anniversary edition and during that time we have taken the magazine from just an idea into an internationally-known global brand.
The logo is recognised the world over, our client base reads like a Who’s Who of the vaping industry and there are huge plans for the next two years.
Before the magazine was created, the team which became Vapouround had previously been publishing a successful regional newspaper in Derbyshire.
The paper’s founder Paul Caplin was a regular smoker at the time and, like many smokers, knew very little about the vaping scene.
The newspaper was going well, the client base was increasing and repeat business was coming in.
The first encounter with the vaping scene came in 2014 when an established player in the e-cigarette industry contacted Paul and floated the idea of collaborating on launching a vaping magazine.
Paul said: “I didn’t know anything about vaping but was open to discuss it. After the meeting, the idea faded away and we didn’t think about it for another year.
“One day I was browsing the National Exhibition Centre website for upcoming shows and I saw that a vaping expo was taking place.
“My first thought was astonishment that vaping was big enough to have its own expo and my next thought was to see if we could produce a vaping section in the newspaper and get advertising from exhibitors.
“The show organisers thought it was a great idea and we aimed for a four page section in the paper themed around vaping.”
Paul decided to start cautiously. He only assigned one of his sales team to work alongside him on the vape project with little idea whether it would succeed or fail. However what happened next came as a huge surprise. “We were ringing up advertisers and exhibitors, asking if they would like to be featured,” said Paul.
“Every proposal was met with an instant yes. It was getting weird. We didn’t have to negotiate, or haggle. No one disputed the price. These guys were agreeing. We had so many adverts sold on the show that the feature was threatening to outgrow the paper.
“We spoke to the show organisers and decided that we would produce a special stand-alone supplement which we would hand out to everyone who attended the expo.”
The reaction to the vaping supplement was to change the whole direction that Paul’s business was to take.
“Just before the show, someone pointed out to me that there were hardly any magazines for the industry and we should be the ones making one. Once again, I remembered the meeting from a year ago. There was a gigantic hole in the market and we had got in at exactly the right time.”
So Paul decided to take the plunge and produce a dedicated vaping magazine. More resources were dedicated to the project and within weeks the first edition was rolling off the presses.
“The launch issue was 110 pages. There are established vape magazines which have been around for years that aren’t even hitting 100 pages now and we did so from the first ever issue. We went all in from day one and it paid off.”
The response to the fledgling magazine from the vaping community was fantastic and Paul decided to close the newspaper and move his entire team to the Vapouround project.
Launching the magazine also saw a major personal lifestyle change for Paul himself as vaping was the only thing that could get him off smoking.
It has now been more than two years since Paul’s last cigarette. His switch to vaping marked the end of his 20 year, 20-a-day smoking habit.
Smoking had a vice grip on him, effecting his work schedule and daily plans. By completing the personal struggle, Paul sees what vaping can do for people, and the work the business as a whole has in front of it in the coming years.
Paul recalls: “The very weekend of the Expo, our team all went out in Birmingham. In the smoking area, I lit up a cigarette. I looked around and suddenly realised two things. Firstly, no one else around me was smoking. Secondly, almost everyone present was there because of me, and I was still the only smoker.
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“In November, we also hope to help our attendees scope the size of the overall vape market and how it can both endure and mature. This will be at every level, reviewing strategies for discount retail, supermarket retail, wholesaling, convenience, each with new strategies considered.”
Such topics are intrinsically tied to the experts who unpack them, each making a name for themselves. Director Jones had much to say about this year’s line-up. “We’re especially looking forward to hearing from Max Bullock, Head of Analysis at Vape Direct. He’ll be enlightening us on the latest testing methods from around the world. This is a promising frontier. For example, Riot Squad have been experimenting with e-liquids providing a sensory effect; such as calming or warming. Max’s scientific background means he can provide us with the proper market research and hard data in this field.
“We’re also welcoming Liam Humberstone back. He’s been an essential part of us for all three years of our run.”
Additional speakers include Charles Hamshaw-Thomas, who specialises in the public health image for nicotine products in the European market, and Tim Phillips, the Managing Director of ECigIntelligence who has been on the advisory board since 2014. His curiously-titled talk, ‘Crushed By The TPD? What’s Happened So Far, How The Sector Is Expected To Change In The Future’ – will cut to the heart of the conference’s post-TPD theme.
For anyone still not sold on attending, or themselves forward as a potential speaker, there were these parting words: “We’re confident that we’ve been able to provide a platform for debate and discussion that may be missing from a lot of trade shows and exhibitions. This is the perfect B2B forum, where we can converse at length about vaping as a whole, and each business represented by speakers and attendees. In November, many of the people speaking are former attendees themselves, who saw the opportunity and returned to share their expertise and guidance.”
If you’re curious about the future of the nicotine delivery industry and wish to voice your questions, express your concerns or add your voice to its increasingly united ranks, book now or get in touch with the organisers.
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“This year will be a turning point in the conference’s history. We keep the programme fresh year after year, and have lots of new speakers joining us this time. In fact, the majority of speakers for the 2017 conference will be new.”
Dig up everything that made you turn to cigarettes in the first place. Consider the moments in everyday life that trigger that compulsion: a stressful day, a moment of solitary stillness that makes you realise you could nip out for a quick one, a co-worker asking if you want to join them on a smoke break or friend offering you a smoke in the beer garden at the weekend (no one ever outgrows peer pressure). When we smoke for long enough, we add patterns to our habit, ritualistically associating certain places and times of day with lighting up. Identify your own and vape instead.
Experts advise recovering former smokers to be consistent with their vaping, ensuring their body takes in the appropriate level of nicotine to satisfy its cravings and normalise the presence and taste of vapour. Building up and being consistent is crucial, not just for your body but for your mind.
Use a buddy system if you have to; we can’t always rely in ourselves alone to keep to a new plan. You can also set reminders on your phone, or keep your mod in a prominent place, never out of sight or mind.
There are still more outlets for quickly buying a pack of cigarettes and disposable lighters than for vaping. Make sure you aren’t caught out without any liquids. Do this and you’ll find you’re saving money that once went to that 20 pack you blew through in a single weekend. A well-maintained mod and selection of bottled liquids will save you money and keep you on the wagon.
A burned-out coil or damaged battery is bad news. Coil damage can happen through excessive wattage, trying for a powerful throat hit or big cloud with a device that can’t handle that sort of thing. Use only the charger made for your e-cigarette and don’t take chances with other chargers which could overheat or fail to power the device. Make sure it avoids any kind of damage or wear and tear.
Even with the mod in your hand there are still a few mistakes to avoid. Light, shallow puffs, holding down your mod’s button for too long (or pressing too lightly) are common examples of misuse. Get a full but controlled hit and inhale deeply. Practice makes perfect.
Experts advise recovering former smokers to be consistent with their vaping, ensuring their body takes in the appropriate level of nicotine to satisfy its cravings and normalise the presence and taste of vapour. Building up and being consistent is crucial, not just for your body but for your mind.
Use a buddy system if you have to; we can’t always rely in ourselves alone to keep to a new plan. You can also set reminders on your phone, or keep your mod in a prominent place, never out of sight or mind.
This is the most important part. Although it’s fulfilling an essential function by helping smokers quit and providing a more permanent solution than cold turkey or alternative delivery systems, vaping comes with the advantage of actually being enjoyable. With vaping, you have the option to diversify, to tinker and alter and investigate, to make it your own in every way. Experiment to your heart’s content, but stay within the boundaries of safety and care for your device. Find out what kind of tank and VG/PG level you prefer.
There’s no final endpoint, just newer liquids, newer mods, deeper and deeper immersion into this fascinating subculture. The litany of “extra-curricular” options surrounding vaping as a business and a hobby goes farther and deeper than anything offered by smoking, nicotine gum or other delivery systems. Buy a liquid you love, give one as a gift and remind yourself and others what vaping has done for you. You’re a work in progress; take your time, rushing things can be as bad as going cold turkey. If you slip up and have a cigarette, forgive yourself and move on.
It’s easy to take a list like this as a smoker, salesman or concerned friend and see cold instructions. Embracing vaping as a hobby instead of an obligation eases everything. The most concrete habits in our life go unnoticed and come naturally to us.
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Experence s everythng, and at Vapouround we’re often out n the fied to cover events and meet our partners face to face. We ove to enjoy a good vape whe carryng the banner for the busness, and sometmes that means stockng up and preparng for the ong hau.
Foowng the success of our two-part speca on customsng your car for a safer vape whe drvng, we decded to end a hepng hand to the wanderng vaper.
If you’re gong to be away from the house (or any budng) for a whe, you won’t want to eave wthout these handy accessores.
And f you’re a busness ookng to wden your consumer base to ncude more overs of the outdoors and workers who aren’t n the typca 9-5 office envronment, take note! Vapng s for everyone, and passng ths advce on to curous smokers who fit the aforementoned descrpton coud be the dfference between them beatng smokng or stayng hooked.
Lke any evovng product, a of the tems on ths st have undergone changes from mundane (occasonay unsghty) functonaty to presentabe to downrght stysh, and are now as fashonabe as they are practca.
A Battery Kit
There’s nothng worse than seeng your mod screen flash wth the symbo of an emptyng battery as you wat for a throat ht and an nflux of vapour that just won’t come. Ths s especay bad f you’re on a nght out and tryng to avod the drnk-added temptaton and ever-present peer pressure to take a cgarette. It can happen to anyone, even when you venture out wth a fuy-charged mod. Ths s where a mobe battery kt comes n handy. Pay cose attenton to wattage and compatbty; amost every mod accdent can be traced to poor matchmakng wth chargers.
Tools For Emergency Repairs
A sma, easy-stored and transportabe tookt coud be the dfference between fixng a probematc mod ASAP and watng for hours before your next vape, or watchng a sma ssue turn unmanageabe and havng to repace some expensve equpment. These tems can hep you keep your devces cean and cear, as we as ncreasng ther ongevty.
A Cloth
Aways have at east one propery-made vape coth on you when out. Even the safest of e-quds wth the owest eves of ncotne shoud be kept away from the skn, and no matter how carefu you are, you’ need to be prepared for the occasona sp. Be mndfu of how sped quds can stan surfaces and harm devces too, so keep your coth handy and ready for use at a tmes.
And not just to stay hydrated! Dry mouth or “vape mouth” s somethng most of us who vape w experence at some pont, especay those of us who ke a hgh-wattage mod and a VG juce for a satsfyng coud. Ths s especay true for ong days out or on your hoday; you shoud have water on you anyway for such ventures but vapers need t even more. Keep a botte of water wth f you’re out vapng n the sunshne or the wderness.
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“Stoptober is based on the insight that if you can stop smoking for 28-days, you are five times more likely to be able to stay quit for good. The campaign chunks down the quitting process, presents it as a more manageable 28 days and rallies people around a specific date to get started.”
Stoptober is now in its sixth year and has been backed by health experts across multiple disciplines from the start. Dr Mike Knapton, Associate Medical Director at the British Heart Foundation describes the occasion as “…the perfect opportunity for people to take action to protect their health and join thousands of others who are also making a quit attempt this month.”
It also comes with a glowing endorsement from Public Health England’s Deputy Chief Medical Officer Dr Gina Radford: “We also have a range of free support that can go direct to your phone, laptop or tablet via the Stoptober app, a daily email service or Facebook Messenger bot. The new Stoptober website also has advice and information on stop smoking services and quitting aids. Stoptober has helped lots of smokers quit for 28 days and beyond. So if you smoke, why not make this Stoptober the time you quit - for good.”
The date to kick-off Stoptober is October 1, but don’t worry if you or your smoking friend missed the starting gun. You can find PHE’s clear and accessible resources via their website: campaignresources.phe.gov.uk.
Personal recommendation and word of mouth testimony play a huge role in both reducing smoking rates and increasing the
number of vapers – and these two phenomena are closely tied. Vaping is known for the strong, intimate sense of community it creates, and for many this is the extra step needed not just to get off cigarettes, but stay off them. Few can quit such an addictive habit without a friendly system of support and accountability.
So, this Stoptober, you can take the opportunity to do something wonderful for a friend or family member who smokes. If your usual warnings about cigarettes and recommended vapes are falling on deaf ears, Stoptober comes with a boost. Having a set date and time period, as well as treating cessation as a trial run can help the quitting process. A single smoke-free month is often enough for the positives to show. With smoking rates falling fast and the e-cigarette scene in bloom, Stoptober sees more adherents every year. The campaign’s new endorsement for e-cigarettes will hopefully open minds and restart conversations around e-cigarettes and their use in all public health initiatives.
And where do we come into it?
Stoptober 2017 will be Vapouround’s second foray into the campaign, and it’s looking better than ever. Vapouround are hosting a competition via Facebook, wherein vapers tag friends who smoke and we are giving away vaping goodies including free vape starter kits.
We hope that for many smokers, this Stoptober won’t just be another ticked box in the calendar, but the beginning of a permanent lifestyle change for the better.
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In August, London hosted the 53rd annua Nottng H Carnva, a cutura marve and one the word’s eadng festvas.
Wth the recent tragedy of the Grenfe Tower fire fresh n everyone’s mnds, the event observed a one-mnute sence for the vctms and saw an abundance of fundrasers hosted by exhbtors and performers present.
Vape companes and the peope who support them showed sodarty, contrbutng generousy to the fundrasers and provdng ther own donaton drves.
Among these was the London-based company Vapourcore. Vapourcore opened ther Hoand Park store for the weekend and Bank Hoday Monday, settng up machnes fied wth free e-qud flavoured sushes.
The sushe flavours were provded by Cuts Ice va ther Rude O range: orange and mandarn Co Grease, and forest frut and raspberry Kerosene Kandy. Ths provded vapers wth a chance to drnk some favourte flavours, and non-vapers a chance to gve t a go. Attendees opened ther waets and donated whe enjoyng ther sushes and takng n the wonders of the festva.
Director Leon spoke with us about the initiative, and what motivated him.
As reatve new comers to the North Kensngton & Hoand park communty, we reay wanted to et peope know that we are a oca busness that actuay cares. Beng ocated a me away from the Grenfe sght and havng customers who were actua resdents of Grenfe Tower, we knew that we had to hep.
Leadng up to the event, Leon noted that one of Europe’s eadng festvas woud provde “the perfect opportunty to engage wth vapers, both oca and vstng. We want the money gong through the most drect channe possbe, gettng straght to the peope who need t most wth nothng gettng n the way.”
The future w see Vapourcore hodng more charty events whch w contnue to support those affected by the Grenfe tragedy.
And we’re peased to say the event was a success. Store manager Pau Dunphy was gad to see the Nottng H Carnva ve up to ts reputaton, and the weekend brought many chartabe peope. Vapourcore’s vstors gave a tota of £250 n donatons.
“A day, every day we just had a great atmosphere and hgh sprts n the store,” Pau says. “It’s a reay busy, chaotc festva, and not wthout ts ncdents, but everyone here was frendy, knd, and we’re gratefu to a the vapers who came out to make t what t was. It’s aso good to meet wth peope you woudn’t normay have n the store.”
Vape events are often communty-orented, and ths was no excepton. “We saw t as an opportunty to gve back to our oca communty. A few of our reguar customers were resdents n the Tower tsef. They’re good peope and they deserve our hep. We not ony spent tme wth them, but the oca vounteers who contnue to work around the cock.”
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Professor Linda Bauld, Deputy Director of the UK Centre for Tobacco and Alcohol Studies, says: “There are behavioural factors to vaping which prevent people from reaching for food - the hand-tomouth action of vaping can help satisfy the smoking habit.
“There are also the sensory aspects; inhaling flavours can be a replacement for eating – breathing in the vapour and holding it in the mouth, experiencing the mouthfeel, can be a substitute for food.”
Bauld stresses that weight gain prevents some smokers from quitting and so it’s important to explore alternative ways of helping individuals to control this, whilst removing the risks of tobacco use. She added: “Obesity is a huge problem and is rapidly catching up with smoking as the leading preventable cause of early death, with 50,000 deaths and more cancers being linked to poor diet in the UK every year.
“If there’s a chance that flavoured vaping could help even a small proportion of people reduce the diabetes, cardiovascular and cancer risks associated with excess weight, the population health gains would be significant.”
In order to test the theory that vaping flavoured e-cigarettes can help fight food cravings as well as relieve tobacco withdrawals, VapersWAREHOUSE surveyed a panel of 800 vapers and these are their results:
38% of vapers say their taste has improved since quitting smoking.
Over a third of vapers (34.75%) say using e-cigarettes helps to satisfy their craving for food.
The majority of these people (52%) said it is the hand-to-mouth action of vaping which distracted them from eating and 30% said the e-liquid flavour helps to replicate the feeling of eating. Surprisingly, only 20% said it is the nicotine in e-liquids that suppresses their appetite.
38% of vapers (majority female) said sweet-flavoured vapes were their favourite guilty-pleasure food substitute, with 18% (majority male) plumping for meat-flavoured e-liquids and 8% choosing cheese! Other vapers showed a more niche preference, saying the guilty-pleasure food they’d most like to see as an e-liquid would be fries or curry.
45% of vapers said that, based on their own personal experience, they’d recommend vaping as a diet aid to help ex-smokers cut down on snacking and lose weight.
VapersWAREHOUSE also conducted street interviews with volunteer vapers to test the theory that sweet-flavoured vapes satisfy a sweet tooth – and also asked can savoury-flavoured vapes stop vegetarians and vegans craving meat and cheese.
You can check out the video on their VapersWAREHOUSE YouTube channel.
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IIn 2008, John Chamley attended an interview for a customer service job. His first question was: “Are these electronic cigarettes that you want me to sell any good, or just another gimmick?” The MD gave him one to try; he took a drag and it had him coughing like his first ever cigarette. He took a few more and could not believe how realistic the sensation of smoking was.
John got the job with Intellicig and spent over three years helping to grow the business. In 2009, they formed a working partnership with FlavourArt Italy, having met CEO Massimiliano (Max) Mancini.
When John left Intellicig in 2012, the owners gave him the FlavourArt UK arm as a thank you. Max asked him to take on the role of UK Distributor. FlavourArt UK now supplies a large number of manufacturers, suppliers and resellers.
“It’s been a privilege to work with some especially talented people; Chris and Dave at Intellicig, now at Nerudia, work to high standards that I aspire to match. Max is inspirational and a man of great integrity. FlavourArt is like a family”.
Speaking of family, John’s eldest daughter is co-owner and co-director. He praises her outstanding admin skills and how efficiently she runs the business while he develops new ideas and plans for the future.
FlavourArt has built a reputation for producing high-quality products and providing customers with a very personal service. Customer service comes above everything else.
“I still spend time on the phone talking new vapers through the DIY mixing process because I like to see them create and save money”.
Many of the 60 custom blends John has produced over the years have proved very popular.
“Discussing new ideas with customers and making bespoke flavours is very rewarding but the biggest challenge we have faced is TPD, which tried and failed to disrupt our industry. I have been a pioneer for nearly nine years and have overcome many obstacles, but that is what we do best, rise to the challenge”.
The FA Clearstream project is one such example. It took research to an unprecedented level with its cytotoxicity studies of flavoured e-liquids.
John was also promoting the idea of ‘flavourshots’ + ‘nicshots’ two years ago. Now many of the smaller businesses have been able to survive by using that option.
So what’s next for FlavourArt UK?
“The vaping side is well-established and still growing, but we are expanding more into the food sector, which was the original market when Max founded FlavourArt in 2006. The renewed interest in home baking has opened up an exciting market. The future is bright; the future is Orange and Strawberry and Pear Drops and Custard!”
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