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BEGINNERS GUIDE TO CBD- SHOP THE BEST QUALITY OF CBD VAPE OIL IN THE UK You will no doubt have heard about CBD, and if you haven’t then you must be living under a rock! It has been growing in popularity in the UK for several years now thanks to claims of its positive health benefits. It can be bought in many different forms, including CBD edible gels 100mg, CBD oil and even a CBD hemp vape complete starter kit – but what is all the fuss about? We’ve put together a beginner’s guide to give you all the information you will need about this new health trend.

WHAT IS CBD? CBD stands for cannabidiol and is one of the 100 naturally occurring compounds found within the cannabis plant. Unlike its more famous brother THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), CBD does not contain the psychoactive element and is not intoxicating. Due to its simple extraction process, CBD has become increasingly more popular over the years thanks to claims that it can help with anxiety, pain relief and sleeping, as well as a whole host of other positive benefits.

QUICK FACTS ABOUT CBD • It is legal – due to the fact the CBD does not contain THC, it is not classed as a controlled substance in the UK and is legal to buy, sell and consume. • It won’t get you high – CBD is not intoxicating and therefore you won’t feel the same high that you will with marijuana. People report feeling calm and relaxed after consuming CBD • It won’t show up on a drugs test – drug tests only test for THC, and as the levels in CBD are so low it will not show up.

WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS? Due to its rise in popularity, many people have heard of CBD but not everyone is aware of what it does. As it is a relatively new substance on the health market, there have not been extensive tests and studies into its benefits. As there is not yet conclusive findings from research, all the benefits listed below are what people have reported experiencing after consuming CBD: • Anxiety – probably the most widely claimed benefit is that CBD helps with anxiety and many people have linked CBD with improvements in anxiety, PTSD and SAD symptoms • Pain relief – people with chronic pain report lower levels of pain after using CBD, especially with arthritis. As CBD is non-addictive, it is a useful alternative for people who are concerned about painkiller dependency

• Insomnia – a lot of people use CBD to try and treat insomnia, and while it does not make you high it can give you a feeling of calmness and help you relax before you try to sleep. • Depression – Many people who have depression have claimed that CBD helps to improve their symptoms. • Acne – many people have reported that CBD is a helpful alternative to topical acne creams, and early studies have shown that CBD may help to reduce sebum production and help to combat acne.

HOW TO USE CBD CBD can be extracted from the cannabis plant and used in many ways, making it more widely available on the UK health market. You are likely to see CBD in two different forms – full spectrum or pure extract. Full spectrum products contain all the natural chemicals found in the cannabis plant including vitamins, minerals, plant-based fibres, fatty acids, chlorophyll, terpenes, and flavonoids. Pure extract CBD is made by pulling the cannabinoids from the plant and removing all of the other ingredients. Whilst this fully removes the THC, it also removes some of the other beneficial vitamins and minerals. The most popular ways to consume CBD include: • CBD Edibles – CBD is mixed into a variety of different foods such as chocolate, cakes, gummies, and CBD edible gels 100mg. They are extremely easy to use and don’t taste of anything, so you won’t get an aftertaste once you have consumed the CBD.

• Tincture – These are CBD oil oral drops, and you tend to use them under your tongue. They are extremely easy to use and don’t cost as much as some of the other methods, and they are also fast acting.

• Vape Oil – This is one of the most popular ways to consume CBD, and you need to make sure that you have a CBD hemp vape complete starter kit and the correct liquid, for example Liquid Gold vape oil UK. This is popular as it is extremely fast acting, the CBD vape is absorbed through the lungs directly into the bloodstream, and they are one of the most affordable options on the market. • Topicals – This is when CBD oil is added to skincare products such as moisturiser to allow direct application, for example to help with arthritis. These are very easy to use and are the ideal option if you don’t fancy using tinctures or edibles.

WHICH FORM OF CBD OIL IS THE BEST? There is no one best way for you to consume CBD, as everyone has different preferences. Some need to be discreet, whilst others need a fast-acting option. It is better to try different techniques and see which works for you: • If you want a relaxing form of CBD to use before you go to bed, then CBD topicals and balms might be the best option. However, be careful about transferring these to other people with skin-toskin contact. • If you don’t like the idea of tasting CBD, then capsules offer a convenient option; however, these are slow releasing so you may not feel the benefits straight away. • If you are looking for a fast-acting option, then tincture or vaping is the way to go as these deliver fast acting CBD with little to no loss during the absorption process.

DOSAGE It is difficult to know what dosage the best for you will be, as everyone is different. In general people are advised to start on a low amount, such as 10mg per day, and work up as you see the benefits. Other factors such as weight also affect what dosage you should be using.

TIPS AND TRICKS FOR CBD OIL 1. Look for full spectrum – to maximise the health benefits of CBD, then you are better to look for full spectrum products. 2. Make sure you buy from a reputable company – whether you are looking for Liquid Gold Vape Oil in the UK or edible gummy bears, you need to make sure that you are purchasing good quality CBD products to make the most of your experience. All the products for sale on our website are from trusted and reputable suppliers so you won’t have to worry about doing your research. 3. Read the instructions carefully – whichever method you use, make sure that you read the instructions carefully. It may seem obvious, but you might be taking it incorrectly and not feeling any of the possible benefits. 4. Start slow – if you don’t know your optimum dosage, then follow the advice and start low and work your way up. CBD can have some side effects if you use too much too soon, so make sure you give your body time to adjust. 5. Get creative! – with so many options and products available on the market, get creative and enjoy the CBD experience. Add it to your morning coffee or make Friday night cocktails with a twist of CBD oil – the possibilities are endless!

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