Reduced nfhc 1992 02

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Hope College 137 E. 12th St. Holland, Ml

Non-Profu Organization








Hope College



Hope has launched


$25,336,185, or 51 percent of the goal, had


campaign designed



been raised.

the college’s position as one of America’s leading

components: enhancing

Christian liberal arts colleges.

The $50 campaign




in the

Future capital

the largest single fund-raising effort

in the college’s

The campaign has four primary

125-year history. As



campaign’s public unveiling on Friday, Jan. 24,

the academic

improving student financial Christian






and witness, and selectively


For more about Hope

in the Future, see

pages seven through 10.



Volume 23, No



February 1992


counseling and lecturingto Hope classes.


Published for Alumni, Friends and

housed in the Sligh Center on DePree Art Center, and may be called at (616) 394-7919.

Parents of Hope College by the Office of


Public Relations. Should you receive

more than one copy, please pass it on to someone in your community. An overlap of Hope College constituenciesmakes duplication sometimes unavoidable.

news from Hope College



137 East 12th Street, Holland, Michigan 49423-3698. Postmaster: Send address changes to news from Hope College , Holland, MI 494233698


Hope was one

Director Barbara Schipper, Office



Hope Academy of

Senior Professionals (HASP) continues to in popularity among

West Michigan

projects. Currently, members meet monthly to discuss Soviet and East

European affairs,

and can attend multi-session courses on topics like “Islam and Its Impact on the


Established in


that year


of 1988, by the end of

had 65 members.



of the retirees are

Hope alumni;

some are from the faculty and staff; some are from the general community. All are interestedin what HASP has to offer.

help evaluate and develop career and personal goals, and provide course selection

also hosts social events, such as


specialtrips to museums, theatre presentations and concerts.

Members are

Other members of the Hope



aware of events at the college,and may secure library and campus parking privileges. In addition,


an environmenton campus which supports and encourageseducational and personal

organizes service pro-

jects, such as preceptor

growth. The advising process has been enhanced by a variety of publications for

programs for Hope’s

pre-medicaland pre-dental students,career


committed to


concept equal rights, equal opportunitiesand is

equal protectionunder the law.




nationaland ethnic origin, sex, creed or


the rights, privileges,

my Quote, unquote of

scholarshipand loan programs, and athletic and other school-administered

programs. With regard to employment, the College complies with all legal

requirements prohibitingdiscriminationin




a statement by Hope's founder,

referringto the Pioneer School, the college’s predecessor, he said, "This is

my Anchor of Hope for this people


the future."

More than 125 years after was chartered,Van Raalte'


the college


endures — as does the need to sustainit. The college'snew Hope in the Future

campaign will help meet

that need.

The cover illustration features the anchor on the lawn of Graves Hall, with Voorhees Hall standing in the background. Artist

Karen Michmerhuizen,secretary in

the department of religion, rendered the

work, one of several water colors she crafted for the

campaign viewbookand

video. In keeping with the


significance, future issues of news


Hope College will also examine ways that the Hope in the Future campaign will affect the life of the college.



major. If you wanted to was

like, ‘Well,

good living and supported



Maybe that’s as far as I’m supposed to go. Maybe what all of this is telling me is that “I talked to

me to talk about today is the fact that I am doing something in my life right now that I never “What’s most important




the scope of our own perspective.

“We can do anything we want to do, if we apply ourselves to it, and dare to dream. I’m doing things now that I enjoy, but I’m still dreaming about other things I want to do. “I challenge each of you to maintain a

dream, no matter how strange,or exotic or farfetched or overblown it might seem. “Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, but you always have to try.”

I’m aspiring too high.’

College. to


you a


professor— even took

him out

to dinner— and asked



had any talent at


bit about


background. If you know Spring Lake, you know it’s very small, and it’s very white. At the time of my growing up, I was the ‘racial problem’ in my town. “I thought, growing up and being surroundedby some really honest, and hard-working and good-heartedpeople, that that was the sphere that I was going to be in. For me, ‘moving out’ would be like going to Grand Haven: ‘If I could just go from Spring Lake to Grand Haven, that would be so cool.’ “And things happen. Things change in your life, and you go through experiences and you go to college. “I had a wonderful education at Hope, and I branched out to do other things. I’d never wanted to do what I am doing now. I wanted to be a TV star, a movie star. I wanted to be a disc jockey. But it didn’t work out. “The moral I have for me is that you have to keep your options open. “While I was pounding doors in Grand Rapids, and having radio stationsslam doors in my face, I was saying ‘What


all; if I




was just

barking up the wrong tree. He said, have talent.The only reason

would do.

“Let me

the Rev. Albertus C. Van Raalte. In


an eclecticsampling things being said at and about Hope


the cover


took journalism was because

dad worked on a line for years, and



educational policies, admission policies,

The college's symbol, the anchor,


part of the

was so depressed.



was so disgusted, I was so I went back

graduate, you had to take the course.

programs and activities generally accorded or made availableto students at Hope College, including the administrationof


college journalism professor. The

only reason it



disappointed at one point that

College admits students of any race, color, handicap to




strengthen the advising system by creating

Notice of Nondiscrimination

Hope College

liberal arts

advisors assist in the transition to college,

World Scene,” “Biography — The Auto Barons” and “The Boundariesof Freedom.”

group’s membership has since grown to 134.

on-going discussion groups, a variety of mini-coursesand social events, and service

Karen Bos, Secretary


The Selection Committee for the award judged proposals for their innovative quality, creativity, currency, impact and transferability. Hope’s proposal stressed the college’s strong institutional involvementin and commitment to academic advising. The college was awarded a recognition plaque at the 1991 NACADA Annual Conference in Louisville,Ky. Maura Reynolds,directorof academic advising, accepted the plaque on behalf of Hope. Each student at the college has a faculty member as an academic advisor. Faculty

Alex Haley (center),author of Roots, spoke at Hope on Thursday,Jan. 30. Haley was brought to campus through the efforts of Student Congress.Also pictured are President John H. Jacobson (left) and Brad Votava '92 of Sylvania, Ohio, comptrollerof Student Congress. Additional coverage of the visit will appear in the April issue.

HASP-sponsoredactivities include

Diana Fowler, Receptionist- Scheduler

of only

colleges in the country so honored in 1991.


Gregory S. Olgers ’87, AssistantDirector Janet Mielke ’84 Pinkham, Assistant



grow Hope College Office of Public Relations DeWitt Center, Holland, MI 49423-3698. Thomas L. Renner ’67, Director Mary Lammers ’60 Kempker, Associate

American College

AdvisingAssociation (NACADA) have recognized Hope College with a Certificate of Merit for innovative and exemplary practices in the academic advising of


October, and December by Hope College,


th Street, near the

Testing (ACT) and the National

Editor: Thomas L. Renner '67 Managing Editor: Gregory S. Olgers '87 ContributingWriters: Eva Dean Folkert '83, Larry J. Wagenaar '87 Layout: Holland Litho Service,Inc. ContributingPhotographers: James Doslie, Lou Schakel

during February, April, June, August,



‘You you

“Ds” while you were in class was because you never showed up.’ “But he encouraged me to at least apply for a job here in Grand Rapids, even though the paper in my hometown, circulation2,000, turned me down. “A lady was quittingthe moment I came in. She was actually going out the door as I was coming in. It was kind of like the editor went, ‘The next guy who comes in here, I don’t care how bad he is, we’re hiring him.’


that started a long career for


and one I’m very happy with. I’ve had experiences


never dreamed I’d have.

Since I’ve been covering televisionthe last seven years I’ve had a chance to hang out with Will Smith

the ‘Fresh Prince,’ not

the Kennedy.. .I’ve laid around Arsenio

Jim McFarlin ’74

of Detroit,Mich.,

a columnist for the “Detroit News,”

He was Grand

covering televisionand radio. addressing a luncheon of the

Rapids AdClub, held at the Amway Grand Plaza for students of the Kensington School, with which the

AdClub is in partnership. Originally from Spring Lake, Mich., McFarlin majored in communication at

Hope. He

was a reporter with


Grand Rapids Press” from 1974-79, and worked briefly for the “Flint Journal” before joining the “Detroit News.”

Helping young people realizethe importance of pursuing their dreams is a long-timeinterest.In 1986 he told “Muskegon Chronicle”reporter Susan K. T rentier, “I speak to young people about careers and I tell them to bet a good educationand to be as well-roundedas possible. You only get one shot at life and you have to make things happen for yourself.”

Hall’s dressing room and tried to steal his

shoes. I can honestly count among my friends now people like Bob Seger...and Jason Priestlyof 90210. “These are things that a little kid from Spring Lake shouldn’t aspire to — that’s what you think. But what I’m here to tell you


the only thing that limits any of us


advisors,advisees and parents.

During the 1991 conference, ACT and NACADA presented 12 Advisor Awards, 53 Advisor Certificateof Merit Awards, six Outstanding Program Awards and 17 Program Certificate of Merit Awards. The other private liberal arts college recognized for its program was BloomfieldCollege of Bloomfield, N.J., which received an Outstanding Program Award.

HISTORY PRESENTATION:Marc Baer, associate professor of history, and

Hoss and Little Joe. It seems that Hoss



following an accident in the episode titled The Dark Gate, and

temporarily adopted


by an elderly Dutch couple. Complicating

luncheonon Monday, Jan. 6. chemistry and chairperson of the

back in the Midwest, and wish to take Hoss with them.

They think it would be

good place for him — especiallysince the community’s founder, the Rev. Van Raalte, is even starting a new college... a

faculty/studentresearch grant from the

more than 22 years, finished her time at December, during the final week of the fall semester. “I don’t know what I’ll do without her,” said Sharon Blanksma, directorof health services at Hope. “She’s been a very loyal person that’s dways there when she’s been needed. She’s been very caring and very


based on research the two carried out last

summer through

a cooperative


(mathematics). Dr. Paul Van Faasen ’56 (biology) and Dr. James D. van Putten ’55 (physics).

concerned, and

our work with the students.”

the American HistoricalAssociation.

Dyke, a registerednurse, joined the Hope September of 1969. She was one of three part-time clinic assistants working with Blanksma and the Health Clinic’s receptionist/secretary.

editors, officers of professional



1870?: Syndicated remns of the television series Bonanza have prompted some interestinginput from Hope alumni. Fans of the long-runningwestern may remember the members of Cartwright clan and their ranch, the Ponderosa. Among the show’s regular characters were Ben, the father, and his three sons:



She earned her R.N. from Butterworth Hospital in Grand Rapids. Before


organizations,those with accomplishment


Hope she had worked at Holland City Hospital, with the Holland Board of

in their profession,those serving on the

college’s Teaching Enhancement Workshop Committee, and the recipientsof


Education, and at Riverside


fellowships, grants, awards and other honors.

Hospital in Riverside, Calif.


John Cox, professor of English and

William Mayer, associateprofessor of

and chairperson of the department, won the

humanities editor of the Christian Scholars

Biology, traveled

$500 Outdoor Sculpture Award of the Business Consortium for Arts, Southfield, Mich. He is preparing for two exhibits: one at the Forum Gallery in Minneapolis, Mirin., in April-May; the other at the Battle Creek (Mich.) Art Center in May-June. Nancy Nicodemus, professor of English, has a review of The Dramatic Landscape of

to Cairo, Egypt,

Steinbeck’s Short Stories, by John H.

on Thursday, Jan.


Review. Jim Gentile, dean for the natural sciences and the

Kenneth G. Herrick Professor of


6, to present his

“First International

| Conferenceon Environmental Mutagenesisin





at Risk.”

Nicodemus, formerly Professor Taylor, married Paul Nicodemus on Oct. 26. Robert Palma’s “What God Has Joined Together”is in the fall, 1991, issue of Faculty Dialogue. It deals with the concept of the union of polarities as an underlying principlein the creation and in

The conference was designed

(MCTM) for



mathematics students.

MCTM’s executive veteran teachers and administrators its


Pre-K through


awards were given


environmental contaminants — chemical, physical or biologicalagents.

issue of Mirrors 4:4.

The conference was organized by the members of the Faculty of Medicine of Ain Shams University and is sponsored, in part, by UNESCO, USAID, the Deutsche Gesellschaft Fuer Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH and the

In addition,Mirrors has named him a winner in its 1991 InternationalTanka Awards contest. His was one of 31 selected from 516 entries submitted from 10 countries. Dr. Ralph’s tanka and the other 30 winning entries will be published by AHA Books under the title Tanka Splendor this month. Dr. Ralph has seven haiku in Four Seasons: Haiku AnthologyClassifiedby Season Words in English and Japanese, published in Japan, and two of his haiku appeared in the North Carolina Haiku Society's 1991 Halloween Chapbook. Frank C. Sherburne jr., associate professor of mathematicsat Hope, was recognized by the Michigan Council of

populations at risk of exposure to different

Academy of


Dr. Gentile was invitedto make a major presentationon his work involving the associationbetween parasiteinfectionand cancer induction in humans. In addition,he


the chairperson of a

panel discussion at the conclusion of the conference. The panel’s focus was to

summarize the conference’s results and to make projectionsfor future research in this area of study.

















Neal Sobania, director of interna-

a haibun, “California Coast”

Briefly,”accepted for publication in an upcoming issue of Modern Haiku. His five-poem tanka sequence “Winter, Suddenly...” was published in the Autumn


Annual Conferencein Grand Rapids,

Mich., on Oct. 24.

of history, has



in 1991, with

certificates of recognition presented at the

associate professor



college mathematics.Approximately 180 of

extensive recognition for his writing.

specialinterest was given to


board to recognize

Frank C. Sherburne Jr.

chairperson of the department, has received

risk for genetic diseases,including cancer.


establishedby the

biological,genetic and reproductive

He had


The award was

tional education

monitoring studieson human populations at


education of

community together to discuss the current state of knowledge about environmental,

leading scientists from the international


and service to the

knowledge. Dr. Palma is professor of religionat Hope. George Ralph, professor of theatreand

to bring


years of dedication


Christianityand Literature. Professor

research at the

Jim Gentile


Teachersof Mathematics


directorof IDS, has been appointed


S25.3 million

Cotter Tharin (geology),

college. The meeting was held in

staff in


Dr. Richard A. Vandervelde

conjunction with the annual conference of

real asset to the staff in


Jr. ’56 (philosophy), Joyce

Recognized for 20 years of service were Wayne G. Boulton (religion). Dr. Jane R. Dickie (psychology), Dr. Stephen I. Hemenway (English),Dr. Carol Juth-Gavasso (library), Dr. Joseph W. MacDoniels (communication)and Richard L. Smith (theatre). Also honored were Hope authors and




(music), Dr.

Conventionof Phi Alpha Theta, the history honorarysociety, in Chicago, 111., on Sunday, Dec. 29.

the college’s Health Clinic staff



Faculty members recognized for 30 years of service were Dr. Arthur H. Jentz


Ruth Dyke, a

member of

BritishPolitics,” the paper

department, was recognized for 35 years of service.

the college in


presented a paper at the Bi-Annual



Dr. Irwin J. Brink ’52, professor of

M. Morrison (music) and Dr. Hubert P. Weller (Spanish). Recognized for 25 years of service were Dr. George C. Kraft (physical education), Dr. David G. Myers (psychology), Dr. Robert A. Ritsema ’57

history major from Barrington, 111.,

Titled “Aesthetics, Political Violence,

achievementand professional involvement during the college’s annual recognition

the situation is that the husband and wife are planning to move to a Dutch community

Richard Lumsden, a Hope junior and


Hope honored

faculty members for service,academic



elected to positions with two different organizations relatedto

J international | education and 12 studies. Neal Sobania


Dr- Sobania was re-elected to the

Board of Directors of the Council on InternationalEducational

Exchange (CIEE) during

the council’s annual

conference in Boulder, Colo.,. in November. In addition,he

Board. He has

was appointed secretary of the

Hope is a

in the


$50 million fund-raising

effort that has four primary

components: enhancing the academic program, improving student financial aid,

also been elected to a three-year

term as chair of the General Conferenceby

strengtheningChristianlife and witness, and selectively

the representativesof the colleges and

universitiesaffiliated with the Institutes of European Studies (IES) and Asian Studies (IAS). The election took place during the

improving facilities.


the giving


Institutes' annual conference in Chicago, 111., in





Spring Semester Feb. 7, Friday — Winter Recess begins at 6 p.m. Feb. 12, Wednesday — Winter Recess ends at 8 a.m. March 12, Thursday— Spring Recess begins at 6 p.m. March 23, Monday — Spring Recess ends at 8 a.m. May 2, Saturday — Alumni Day May 3, Sunday — Baccalaureateand Commencement

ADMISSIONS Visitation Days For prospective Hope students, including transfers,high school juniors and seniors. Visitations are intended to

show students and their parents a typical day in the life of a Hope student. There will be ample opportunities to meet students, faculty and staff. Contact Peggy Hallacy ’86 for details. Friday, Feb. 14.


Friday, March 27, 1992

Friday. Feb. 28. 1992

Wisconsin/Chicago/Detroit Area Bus Trips

Feb. 13-14


opportunity for high school juniors to visit the

campus and experiencecollege


The $50 cost includes round-trip transportation,housing with a current life.

Hope student, meals, activitypass and New York Plane Trip — Feb. 13-14


The planes are scheduled to leave from Albany and Rochester. Students attend classes and academic seminars, and stay with current Hope students. The $210 fee covers transportation,food, lodging and entertainment.

Holland Area Program — March 17 This special program is geared particularlyfor Holland area students who have applied for admission at Hope. The program will give students an opportunity to learn more about “the college in their own back yard.” Junior Day — Friday, April 24 Pre-Medicineand Pre-Engineering Day — Friday,


The college


Fourth Annual Musical Showcase at DeVos Hall in Grand Rapids, Mich., on Monday, p.m. Tickets cost $9 each, and may be purchased through the Office of Public Relations.Please call (616)

will present the

9, at 8

394-7860 for additional information.

The Caucasian Chalk Circle by Bertolt Brecht, Feb. 14-22

Eleemosynaryby Lee

Blessing, April

adults and $3 for students. Please call the theatre ticket office between 10 a.m. and 5


opening for ticket reservations. The office


event, please call (616) 394-7850 or write: Office of Admissions,Hope College, Holland,Mich. 49423.

CHAPEL CHOIR TOUR Sunday, March 1 First Reformed Church; Fremont, Mich. (Pre-Tour) Thursday, March 12 First Reformed Church; South Holland,


Friday, March 13 Brunswick Reformed Church; Brunswick, Ohio Saturday, March 14 Brighton Reformed Church; Rochester, N.Y. Sunday, March 15 First Church in Albany; Albany, N.Y. Monday, March 16 Wellesley Hills UCC; Wellesley Hills, Mass. Wednesday, March 18 The First Reformed Church; Fishkill, N.Y. Thursday, March 19 Griggstown Reformed Church; Princeton, N.J. Friday, March 20 The Presbyterian Church; Sewickley,Pa. Saturday, March 21 Memorial Presbyterian Church; Midland, Mich. Sunday, March 22 Midland Reformed Church; Midland, Mich.

Please see page 14.


Clearwater/Tampa,Fla. — Monday, Feb. 24 Lunch with President John H. Jacobson and Robert DeYoung ’56, vice president for college advancement, at Days Inn on Rocky Point Island. Sarasota,Fla. — Tuesday. Feb. 25 Lunch with President Jacobson and Robert DeYoung

’56 at the Sara Bay Country Club. Lansing, Mich. — Tuesday, Feb. 25 Dessert buffet reception at the Kellogg Center (MSU campus) with Dr. Harvey Blankespoor, 1991 national Professorof the Year and the Frederich Garrett and Helen Floor Dekker Professor of Biology at Hope. Punta Gorda, Fla. — Wednesday,Feb. 26 Lunch with President Jacobson and Robert DeYoung ’56 at the Holiday Inn. Naples, Fla. — Thursday, Feb. 27 Lunch with President Jacobson and Robert DeYoung ’56 at CountrysideCountry Club. Grand Rapids, Mich. — Monday, March 9 Musical Showcase at DeVos Hall. Rochester, N.Y.— Saturday, March 14 Chapel Choir performance and reception at Brighton

Reformed Church. Albany, N.Y. — Sunday, March 15 Chapel Choir performance and reception

Musical Showcase

Hope Sports Hotline — (616) 394-7888 ActivitiesInformation — (616) 394—7863


foreign and classic

for senior citizensand

Hope College students. For more

information on programs and films at the Knickerbocker ,

— Monday, March

9 At DeVos Hall in Grand Rapids, Mich. Alumni Day — Saturday, May 2 Annual Golf Outing — Monday, July 13

WINTER HAPPENING Saturday, Feb. 22 9 a.m. — Registration

at First

Church. Sunday, March 29 Wellesley (Boston), Mass.— Monday, March 16 Home Concert; Dimnent Memorial Chapel (Post-Tour) Chapel Choir performance and reception at Wellesley Sunday, April 5 Hills United Church of Christ. 1st CongregationalChurch; Manistee,Mich. (Post-Tour) Midland, Mich. — Saturday, March 21 Sunday, April 12 Chapel Choir performance and reception at Memorial First Christian Reformed Church; Grosse Pointe Park, Presbyterian Church. Mich. (Post-Tour)



films, and a number of live events. Admission to the theatre'sfilms costs $4 for adults and $3

closed Sundays.

juniors and seniors in high school in the fall of ’92. For further information about any Admissions Office

86 East Eighth Street The Knickerbocker Theatre, open Monday through

p.m. at (616) 394-7890 two weeks prior to each play's


Downtown Holland at

Saturday, features a variety of


Tickets for The Caucasian Chalk Circle and Eleemosynary cost $4 for senior citizens,$5 for other


Explorientation’92 — July 13-18 A “mini-college”experiencefor students who



10 a.m. — Seminars “In Pursuit of Happiness”— Dr. David


“The King of Instruments; The Instrumentof Kings” — Dr. Huw Lewis “The Russians Came" — by Dr. Sander DeHaan and Soviet students 11 a.m. — “Snails, Streams,

Swamps and Scourges”

Dr. Harvey Blankespoor, 1991 national “Professor of the Year” 12:30 p.m. — Luncheon Maas Center auditorium, featuring a brass quintet 3 p.m. — MIAA Men’s Basketball Versus Olivet College in the Holland Civic Center. Halftime will feature special activities involving the audience.


to all

Winter Happening events


free except for

the luncheon, which costs $6.50, and the basketball game. Tickets for the game cost $3 for adults and $1 for students.

For additional information, contact Relations at (616) 394-7860.


the Office of



Dark Decor — Through March 6 An investigation of the continuing

evolution of the use of

pattern as a means of communicating provocative philosophical, social and political issues.

Recent Accessions — March 16-30 Recent additions to the college’s permanent collection. Senior Art Show — April 5-May 3 The work of graduating seniors. Gallery hours: Monday through Thursday, 9 a.m. to 10 p.m.; Friday and Saturday,10 a.m. to 7 p.m.; Sunday, 1-10 p.m. Admission is free.

WOMEN'S LEAGUE FOR HOPE Kalamazoo Chapter — Saturday, March 7 Style Show at Jacobsons. Contact Jenni Liggett at (616)


Grand Rapids Chapter — Thursday, March 26 Spring Fashion Show. Contact Betty Beemer at (616)


Village Square — Wednesday, June 24



Hope College: The



Fir st 125 Years



reflected society’s shifting expectations by Larry


Veldman ’24 made who knew her well

Wagenaar ’87


remark in 1950: “those

will never forget her.

Intensely interested in the creative talents of This story is part of an on-going series

young people, she was imbued with a desire to counsel and encourage her students to become men and women of character and accomplishment. Her keen enjoyment of the best in music, drama and books was contagious, and a rare talent in play directing stimulated and challenged

appearing in celebration of the college's 125th anniversary.

/j arch is Women’s History Month X nationwide.The contributions of women in the history of Hope College have been significantand their roles have mirrored developments in the nation at large, from being discouragedto pursue higher educationto sharing in the same opportunities available to male students. It was in 1878, slightlymore than 10 years after most of the first eight male graduates left Hope to become ministers, that Dr. Philip Phelps persuaded the Board of Trustees to admit the college’s first female students— his own daughterand one of her friends. Four years later Frances Phelps Otte and Sarah Alcott became the college’s first female

those studying under her.”


Other faculty names you might remember are Laura Alice Boyd, Professor of German (1921-55),Metta J. Ross, Instructorin English and History (1926-41),and Jantina W. Holleman, Professor of Piano and Music Theory (1946-87). Each of these women and many more have made a lasting impact on the life and history of Hope. After World War II an interestingflip-flop from the few women enrolled before 1900 occurred.The war drained more men than women for military service and the number of female students far outstripped the number of male students on campus. Following the conflict, and to this day, Hope has maintainedsimilar numbers of men and women as part of the student body. Except for the First female students who lived at home, women were required to live on campus — first in Voorhees and later in dorms like Durfee (now a male dorm). As" was true in

graduates. For most of the rest of the century, only a handful of


received their sheepskin

names include some of the most prominent families in Holland and Hope community history,and these women went on to make their mark. They included Emma Kollen and Cornelia private colleges across the country, until the Cappon, Fannie Steffens and Julia Van Raalte. 1970s rules for women were more strict than Some of the early female graduates had to those for the male students. Many female Hope’s first female graduates. Pictured from left to right are: upper row, endure some interestingtreatment in a time graduates have told me stories of curfews, Sarah G. Alcott 1882 Whitenack,Frances T. Phelps 1882 Otte; lower row, when higher education was seen nationwideas closing hours and receiving a “campus,” a form Lizzie Phelps 1885 and Mary E. Alcott 1885 Diekema. Photograph courtesy a male domain. When Frances Phelps of discipline that severely restricteda student’s of the Hope College Collection of the Joint Archives of Holland. graduatedfrom the preparatory department her activities. male classmates could sit on the platform but In the “Rules Governing Women’s Residence Phelps and Alcott were assigned chairs in the Halls,” in place in the 1940s and ’50s, one can front row. find that freshman women were required to be in Julia Van Raalte ’95 Riemold noted in the reflected the bed with lights out one hour after closing time October, 1950, issue of the Alumni Magazine, Monday through Thursday, all female students in a of cases, as “it was my fate (or fortune) to be the lone had to sign in and out in the evening, and closing woman in the class not only, but the lone hours — when students had to be in — were 0 in the woman in the college department for four p.m. for freshmen and sophomores, 10:15 p.m. years. [The] Preparatory School never swelled of other, colleges. for juniors and 10:30 p.m. for seniors. the number to more than twenty. Daily all During the 1960s, the dual rules for men and girls assembled in an English [department] women were slowly merged into one student basement room in Van Vleck to attend chapel in South America. code. The Archives has documents which in the one-time gymnasium. Once a week we trudged In higher education Grace Durrin ’21 served on the demonstratethe evolution — at one interim point it was across campus to the inviting home of Mrs. Gilmore, our permissible for women to wear bermudas and slacks, but faculty of Bowling Green University as an English Lady Matron, who sought to quicken us to gracious living only after 5 p.m.! professor, Martha Barkema became Professor of Voice at after four years of study. Their

national experience and




such 1878, was on



and higher thinking.” Reflecting the


of the time

“During my college course,

Riemold went on,

[the] Sorosis Society


inaugurated. But a girl’s society with evening meetings

was too great a departure for a country-sidelass to win parental consent to membership. So there is nothing to remember.” The turn of the century, while the suffrage movement was taking shape, brought a significantincrease in the number of women admittedto Hope. A total of eight women graduatedfrom Hope between 1878 and 1900, but by the time Winifred Durfee came to take the position of Dean of Women in 1909 there were 32 women among the 1

15 students.


at that time.

The Alumni Magazine dedicated included N. Elizabeth Esther De


The changing role of women both as part of the student body and as members of the faculty and staff have reflected the changes in the society at large. With suffrage, the emergence of politicalrights, and an increasing number of fields opening to women came a larger number of women to Hope to pursue higher education. As the country emerged from World War II and more women could be found in the workplace,it led to an even larger number of fields being open to women and nearly equal numbers of men and women attended Hope.

hospitals and teaching positions before serving in the

brought changes in career goals and student rules on the campus. It could be easy, from the perspective of the 1990s, to look harshly on these developments. But it is much more helpful to place them in a wider context and see how Hope reflected the national experienceand in a number of cases, such as admitting women in 1878, was on the leading edge

mission field

in India.

women across the U.S. moved out-moded ideas and worked toward equality of opportunity, the Hope community reflected these


pages to women in



’21 Pickens in China,

'28 in India, and Martha Vanderberg ’32



in some cases taking leading steps. remarkable women often associated with Hope are graduates; many were (and are) part of the faculty or staff. Winifred Durfee was one of them, serving as Dean of Women from 1909 until her retirement in 1936. Many students rememberedDurfee’stalents. Pearl



various mission fields in the October 1950 issue.


Baylor University, and Eva Van Schaak ’29 taught Mount Holyoke College in Massachusetts. As the college entered the 1930s the field of medicine was beginning to open up. Of the six women profiled in 1950 who entered the medical field, all but one graduated between 1929-34. These graduates included Bemadine Siebers-De Valois ’30, Head of the Ear, Nose Throat Department at Vellore Medical College and Hospital; Vivian Behrmann ’34, who was serving as a Research Physiologist at the Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit; and Eva Tysse ’29 McGilvray, who served in a variety of biology at

At each juncture, as

As the century progressedmore of these graduates were going on to noted careers in higher educationand missions, two of the growing number of fields open to

admitting leading


movement for

Finally the

equal rights and opportunities

of other, similar colleges. Larry J. of

Wagenaar '87


Holland, which cares for

archivist of the Joint Archives the

Hope College archival



Olympic dreams why not? by Eva Dean Folkert ’83


not indeed! She was

be invited

career. Now what do

revered things. Tucked away and


held safely in memory, those dreams fantasy of adulthood. Only a fortunatefew have an opportunity to make their dreams

come true. Rob Peel ’87 and DeeAnn Knoll '88 are part of that rare class who are turning their childhood dreams into adulthood reality. Both Peel and Knoll are 1992 Olympic hopefuls, each in a different sport, each with a

dream. Both were superior athletes

The odds

still carry




do?’ confesses Knoll,


from team. But after finding that arrangementwas too hard on the company and herself, Knoll went cold turkey last June, moved out of her apartment with two-months still left on her lease, put her furnitureinto storage, packed up the car and moved permanently to the United States Olympic Training Center in Colorado Initially,she took a leave of absence

symbolize the aspirationsof youth and the

while at Hope and both

good enough

join the team.

“When I made the team, I was excited but I was thinking,T can’t do this. I’ve got a

hildhood dreams are fragile and



her job to train with the


“Many times

that label.

I’ve said to myself, T can’t


believe I’m doing this.’ But this is a

of their reaching top-flight

God has

internationalcompetition seem great but

challenge and

when dreams are put to the test, the desire to make them come true can be great enough to silence the oddsmakers.

put things in place for me to be here,” says


is a

chance at

dream,” says Knoll,


“and I’m just glad to have “I I

remember watching


Olympics when

was younger and thinking how great it must

be but never thinking it could possibly happen to me,” says Peel. “But now.



Knoll. It has not been easy, though. Knoll has struggled a bit with learning the new sport and dealing with the ultra-intense competition



like that. I also feel


and a myriad of administrativepolicies that are very


and knowing

But now both are one step from

a part of international

competition. “I was used to walking out on to I

was going



to be able to play

for a

well. I was also used to the Christian environmentat Hope and the laid-back recreationleague in Chicago. But I’ve


decided I’m going to stick with this and keep

Barcelona’s door. Their routes to Spain, though, are quite different.Knoll



team sport; Peel’s is individual. Knoll is employed by a divisionof the United States Olympic Committee;Peel holds

going as long as God wants me to play.” Knoll

a full-timejob while he trains. Knoll recently “fell” into her sport; Peel has been with his for

more than

10 years.



living on her savings and the


month she makes from

the U.S.


Handball Federation. (She also gets room and


two excellentathletes didn’t even know each

board from the Federation.) Some support

other while students at Hope.


• •

friends and family, as well as a little

financial aid from the

For a shot at Olympic glory, Knoll found

combines the specialized 2 letters,four all-MIAA selections, and one league MVP award while at Hope. Employing her jumping ability from volleyball, her the one sport that

talents that she used in three sports tOv’yin


Olympic Committee,

helps her pay off her student and car loans.

“Team handball

not exactly a visible sport,


doing well enough to keep


and her arm strengthfrom softball, Knoll

Barcelona. Though she


positionon the national women’s

Team handball is a fast-paced European sport. “The best way I can describe it,” says it is

squad, she


like water polo without the

water.” On an indoor court, six court players and a goalie dribble and pass, but can hold no longer than three seconds, a palmable soccer ball with the intentionof scoring a goal in a

six-foot by nine-foot net. The players must


Knoll’s arrival on the nationalteam of an accident.


volleyballwas the vehicle that drove her there.

An advertisement calling for athletes to come to open volleyballtry-outs for the 1991

Pan-Am Games caught fall

Knoll’s eye in the

of 1990. The MI A A


in volleyball

her senior year. Knoll had remainedactive in an “A” level league in Chicago after graduation. (She was a systems support consultantfor Hewitt and Associates in Lincolnshire,111.) With some encouragement from friendsand former Hope coach


Eaton, Knoll decided, “Why not? I’ve got nothing to lose.” At those try-outs with Knoll got cut the



30 other hopefuls,

competing with 23 women openings.And to her disadvantage, Knoll is nursing a knee injury that kept her from travelingwith the team to Europe for a second time. is

“Many people just

day. (The national

nationalteam handball squad was doing


Olympics,”she says, “but you have to be really good and make sacrifices to get there.” Knoll is learning how to do both. 1

• •


cut from volleyball

to give their sport a shot. Again, Knoll said


1992 Olympics — Knoll

remember my approach then and

negative pressure. Now I’m just trying to see

finished two places behind Peel in seventh.

most enjoyable thing about swimming for me was being a part of a team,” says Peel. “The only reason I went back was because a co-worker talked me into taking a swim fitness class at the YMCA in Grand Haven. “Now, all of the sudden I’m swimming as fast as I thought I could go while at Hope but “I took all that time off because the

together the things I’ve always needed. And

Since then. Peel has continued to

10-time All-America,1987 league

and Division


nationalchampion in

50-yard freestyle while


Hope, Peel has vengeance.

gotten back in the pool with a And he says his only intentionwas to see

my event, those things are strengthand power.” The 50-meter freestyle is an all-out sprintingevent in which Peel bursts off the for

blocks and maintains the explosion for the




was all

fast I can go. I’m very confident,not

necessarilythat but that







Olympic team

best time. If I do that, I’ll

be happy.” A stock broker for Raffensperger, Hughes

& Co.

in Holland, Peel, a bachelor “with


social life,”covers all his training expenses.

His travelingexpenses, however, are paid by his sponsor, The Associated Group, the parent


of Raffensperger.

At the Olympic Trials in March in Indianapolis,only the two top swimmers from each event make the U.S. team. In 1988, Peel

knew he was a long shot; in 1992, he has upgraded his chances to “dark horse” status. “Right now, it’s not a matter of physical


ability but mental toughness that separates


the big boys.”

All this comes from a man who never intended to be a swimmer. Only because he

length of the pool, taking only two breaths the

got cut from the varsity basketballteam as a

way. His training regimen now includes more weight lifting and fewer hours in the pool. Currently,Peel swims with the Hope team, and coach John Patnottfeels his former pupil has a chance at becoming one of the top eight swimmers in the country. “The way I look at it, I’m 26, and I almost

junior in high school did Peel turn to the pool


feel as though


doing so, has qualifiedfor the Olympic Trials




Most recently, Peel placed fifth at the U.S. Open meet in Minneapolis, clocking 22.98 in the 50-meter freestyle, the sixth fastest time by an American in that event this year. Superstar and 1988 Olympian Matt Biondi

Olympic Swimming Trials in Austin, Texas. He had qualifiedfor the trials a year earlier after graduating from Hope. Flashback March, 1989; Peel has not put one toe in a pool since the Olympic Trials. Flashback August, 1989: Peel is still not swimming. Flashback August, 1990: Ditto, Flashback March, 1991: Peel returnsto competition at a Masters Regional swim meet in Grand Rapids, Mich. With only a couple months of training, he sets a state record for the 25-29 age group with a 21 .4 time in the at the U.S.


are pursuing a

fast he could still go.

out of 83 swimmers in the 50-meter freestyle


Hope athleteswho

in team handball, and Peel in

never did,” admits Peel. “I’m putting


recruitingthere and invited some of the

who had been

see the glory part of the

Masters state and nationalrecords fall and, in

only five-foot-eleven.) But the



50-yard freestyle. 1

team was not taking anyone under 6-foot she

member of

Flashback August, 1988: Peel finishes 27th

goal when attempting to score.


is a

for a chance at one of 16

stay behind a six-meter arc in front of the

handball squad was a

the travelingteam to

not guaranteed a spot at the

Olympics. She

team handball squad last spring.

Knoll, “is that

Trials to

'88 and Robert Peel '87 are stand-out

head above

water.” This June, Knoll must “try out” again at the

quickness and ball-handling from basket-ball, earned


DeeAnn Knoll

to participatein the

so we’re not raking in the bucks, but I’m




have an obligationto do this.

that sounds weird, but I’ve gotten to

the point where I feel I have a lot

improvement in me. Time



short. In terms

much of one. knew the Olympic Trials would be my last meet. I thought I had to have the race of my life and it didn’t happen. I of sacrifice, I don’t feel this is

“In 1988,



“Back then, I thought basketballwas it for me. I was devastated when I got cut. As it turns out, it’s the greatest thing that ever

happened to me.” The greatest thing that could happen to both Knoll and Peel would be to need to book a flight on Iberian Airlinesthis summer. Either way, though, the memories they’re making now are surely of the somedayril-tell-my-grandchildren variety. And in telling those stories, Rob Peel and

DeeAnn Knoll

might possibly perpetuate

those childhood dreams,


Hope to build an

Presidential perspective


in the


to help the college stay up to date in

laboratory equipment. Our faculty have done


service in obtaining grants to buy specificpieces of equipment, but the college needs to provide, in a regular

Hope family helped

set goals for vital

way, for the periodic replacement of equipment.

new campaign

What news from Hope College asked President John H. Jacobson to share his thoughts concerning Hope in the Future and the profound impact the capital campaign will have on Hope College.


strengtheningthe college’s Christian



witness entail?

One major dimension is adding a Dean of the Chapel who Chapel program.Providing access for our

will strengthen the

improvement improvement

what makes possible the we are now seeking to fund.

to our facilities is in



students to outstanding Christian speakers of national stature is

part of it. Other

dimensionsinclude providing support for

our faculty and students to pursue scholarly interests which


unite faith and learning,and enhanced opportunitiesfor

$50 million?

Several lines of thought converge on the setting of the


million goal. The strategic plan set directionsfor academic

program improvement,student financialaid, the enhancement of the Christian life of the campus, and facilities improvements that will require a sum of that magnitude to carry out. Other colleges with whom we compare ourselves, and with whom, in a sense, we compete, have recently conducted successful major fund drives with goals of $50 million. These include Kalamazoo College, Albion College and Ohio Wesleyan College.Finally, professional counsel whose help we have sought has informed us that given the attitudes and means of Hope’s constituencies,the goal of $50 million is achievable.

You mentioned building endowment to support the campaign’s foci, and that most of the funds raised will In 1989 and 1990, the college conducted the


in the

Future strategic planning process.Certainlythe fact that the campaign shares the name is significant. What role did the strategic plan play in developingthe campaign’s goals? The goals of the campaign came from the directionsset by the strategic plan. The purpose of the campaign is to enable Hope to continue to do well and to build upon its strong foundation. The strategic plan identifiedspecificgoals for Hope in the 1990s. The campaign will give Hope the means

endowment. What is endowment? Endowment is like the money a family puts in


bank to

help defray major expenditures and to guard against financial reverses. It provides an element of predictability in the

endowment is

will the facilities





an important aspect of the campaign, though it



strong has support for the campaign’s goals been

so far?

The reaction among our constituencieshas been extremely positive. Over half of the goal has already been received in gifts and pledges— even before the

campaign has been announced publicly. Enhancing our academic program, improvingfinancialaid, developing the Christian life and wimess of the campus and selectivelyimprovingfacilitiesare

also gave me, as a fairly new president in 1989, a way of administration through dialogue with

the college’s constituencies. It assured that the directionsfor the college in the 1990s


prominent that it was in the last campaign. Some facilities improvement is always necessary. Purposes include the improvement of the Kletz and the Buys Athletics Field (already concluded), improvement to the Chapel and a new instructionfacility for the Department of Modem and Classical Languages.

constituenciesin the task of setting directionsfor the future.


American minorities,including those who are members of Reformed Church.


far less

Why was the strategic plan undertaken? Hope has been a strong institution for many years. The strategic plan aimed at identifyingareas in which Hope’s strengths could best be developedover the next few years. The strategic planning process involved all of Hope’s It

college to make attendance possible for members of


to achieve those goals.

setting the goals of

Why the emphasis on strengtheningstudent financial aid? While Hope has kept tuition and fees below those of comparable colleges,our financialaid funds are also less than those of comparable colleges. There is danger that, unless we can improve our financialaid resources, many students who would be right for Hope, and for whom Hope would be right, will be prevented from attending. We need to improve our financialaid resources for the sake of students of all kinds and backgrounds.Two special categories of concern are Reformed Church young people and young people who are members of American minorities. Adequate financialaid will help the college to continue to attract Reformed Church young people, who have been so important to the college in the past. It will also help the


finances of a family— or of a college. An

students in significantchurch and community service.

would be widely understood and

goals that our constituentsunderstand and strongly support.

supported by our constituencies. Hope in the Future, the

well-understood base Future, the campaign.

strategic plan, provides a rational and for the goals of


in the

invested and the proceeds of the investment are used to fund

And now Hope in the Future, the campaign, will help Hope realize the future envisionedin the strategic plan? Yes. The major goals of the campaign are enhancingthe academic program,improving student financialaid, strengthening the college’s Christian life and witness, and selectivelyimprovingour physical facilities. The strategic plan identifieda variety of ways in which these overall goals would be pursued.The campaign will supply the financial means to undertake the specificimprovements recommended

specificaspects of the college’s program. For example, the library

endowment we

are seeking will

help to fund acquisitionsof books and periodicalsand


library services. Endowed professorships are used to attract

and hold outstanding faculty in critical areas of the academic program. Endowed scholarship funds are used to provide needed assistanceto deserving students year after year. Endowment is used to support ongoing needs rather than one

What do you hope the constituencywill remember about Hope in the Future? 1 hope Hope in the Future will be remembered as having had a substantialimpact on life at the college — from helping more students realize the dream of pursuing a Hope education, to enhancing the value of the academic program to providing an even more meaningfulChristian experience. I believe the campaign’seffectsin these areas will be significant, and all who help make possible their realization should be quite proud.


time needs.

in the strategic plan.

The decade of the 1980s was a period of outstanding development of our campus facilitiesand the major thrust of the last campaign, which concludedfive years ago, was building construction. The major emphasis of the current campaign is upon endowment to assure high program quality.


those areas in particular?

Colleges, like other institutions, have differentneeds at differenttimes in their historical development. Having


to the end of an era of rapid and dramatic facilities

improvement,we now have

the opportunity to concentrate

our effort on new priorities, the priorities identifiedin the strategic plan.


illustrate,the centerpiece of the last

campaign was the construction of the magnificent new Van Wylen Library. An element of the current campaign is to build a library endowment that will upgrade the strength of our library collectionand library services. The earlier


We’ve mentioned the campaign’s four major commitments — enhancing the academic program; strengtheningChristianlife and witness; strengthening student financial aid; and improving campus facilities. Perhaps we can examine each a bit more closely. What will enhancing the academic program involve? Enhancingthe academic program happens in many ways. The addition of endowed professorshipsis one. Thus far in the campaign four such professorshipshave been pledged, of which two have been designated,and more are expected. These professorshipsenable the college to attract outstanding faculty to areas of currentacademicneed, or possibly to retain

outstanding faculty we already have who are being recruited elsewhere. Over time endowed professorshipscan have a major, positive impact on the quality and morale of the faculty. 1

have already mentioned the impact of the

the collectionand services in the library.


endowment on are also seeking




in the

Co-chairs share belief in value of Hope experience T^hey’d


never say



themselves,but ask others to

Max Boersma '46 and

and you're likely to encounter words like “hard-working” and “dedicated.” Prompt Boersma and Miller to describe why they are involved in the life of Hope College, and you’re likely to hear “fun” and “worthwhile.” The truth found in both lines of questioningis that Hope in the Future’s national co-chairsare hard-working and dedicated, all the more so on Hope’s behalf because what they do is done as a labor of love. “I have come to value Hope as something that is irreplaceable,and as a result something that needs to be nurtured, grown and protected, all at the same time — because if it were ever to disappear, it couldn’t be replaced,” Miller said. “I find

family — we’re probably typical Hope loyalists.”

myself seeking in business associates people

who have ethics and values, and that’s what I find that Hope offers that is so unique,” he said. “The college not only offers academic excellenceand motivated

be associated in whatever


“It’s fun to

And the campaign’s co-chairshave been associated Hope in just about every way. Both are Hope alumni; both married Hope alumni;


both have children that attended or are attending

Hope. They

are each currently


and officers of

the college’s Board of Trustees. Miller’s wife



Hope, while Boersma’s wife Connie is the daughter of the late Milton L. Hinga, who served Hope as dean of students, coach and teacher from 1931-60. In addition. Miller’s mother is a Hope alumna: Martha Muller ’24 Miller. Boersma, who lives in Grand Rapids, Mich., is executivevice president with Mazda Great Lakes, and has been with the company for 31 years. He holds bachelor’s and master’s of business administration degrees from the Universityof Michigan. He has been a member of the college’s Board of dean

young people, but helps instill a sense of right and wrong — and I find that most people without that sense of right and wrong eventually fail.” “The college’s size and academic program, its commitment to the whole Division III idea in sports, and of course its Christian orientation all become even more importantto me as the years go by,” Boersma said. “Hope has done so many good things for my


Boersma said. way.”

“It’s just fun to be here,”

Phil Miller '65,

for the social sciences at

Trustees for


0 years, serving as secretary for the

duration, is past president of the college’s


AssociationBoard of Directors and has been an active supporter of Hope in general — including as co-chairof the very successful

Campaign for Hope




Future Goals

Academic Program


School Board, and together they have served as foster parents through the juvenile court system and initiated a Big Brother program in Grand Rapids. They are long-time,and active, members of Central Reformed Church in Grand Rapids. Boersma is retiring in March, shortly after which he and Connie will move to Holland,providing an opportunityfor him to become involved in Hope in yet

Distinguished Professorships

Library Endowment

Research Center Life

and Witness

$ 3,250,000

Chair for the Dean of the Chapel The Chaplain’s Office The Institute for Christian Scholarship

Strengthening Student Financial Aid


Endowed Scholarship Funds, Need-based and Merit-based RCA Endowed Scholarship Fund

Improving Campus Facilities


Language Arts Facility Athletic/IntramuralFacilities

Dimnent Chapel Renovations DeWitt Theatre Renovations Peale Science Center Renovations


Appropriately,their new home will be on 24th Street, from campus. “I always said I’d like to retire halfway between the football field and the library — and that’s not too far off that," he said. Miller, who lives in Holland, is executivevice president of Howard Miller Clock Company of Zeeland, Mich. Howard Miller is the world’s largest manufacturer of grandfather clocks and the only full-line clock maker in the United States. He notes that he literally grew up in the business, beginning at age 10 when he started caring for the company’s lawn. Until he completed his education, when he joined the company full-time, he worked in the firm’s factory every night after school and during the summers, working in every department,such as machining, cabinet assembly, finishing and clock assembly. Like Boersma, he holds an M.B.A. from the University of Michigan. A member of the college’s Board of Trustees for three years. Miller is currently the Board’s vice chairperson.He is also on the Board of Directors of Bethany Christian Services, the largest adoption agency in the United States. In addition, he is a past president and board member of the NationalAssociationof HousewaresManufacturers of Chicago, 111. He and his wife, Nancy Sonneveldt ’62 Miller, have three children:Christopher, Derek (a Hope freshman) and Melinda. Active supporters of the college and active members of Christ Memorial Church in Holland, of which Phil is past vice president, they also help coordinate Christmas gifts for 350 foster children and orphans under the care of Bethany Christian Services. Jt less than a mile

Academic Equipment Student-Faculty Research Faculty Development Funds


intends to enroll in courses at both the

history, to music to literature.

Faculty Development Chairs

Strengthening Christian

way. He

college and Western TheologicalSeminary, pursuing his interestin subjects ranging from theology, to

Senior Faculty

Social Science


’75, Elizabeth’77 Jasperse and Paul ’82. The Boersmas are also interested in young people in general — Max spent nine years on the Grand Rapids



Max Boersma '46,

co-chairsof Hope in the Future, have many Hope connections.Both are Hope alumni; both married Hope alumni; both have children that attended or are attending Hope; both are currently officers of the college's Board of Trustees. They also believefirmly in what Hope has to offer.


campaign. He and his wife, Connie Hinga ’49 Boersma, have three children, all of whom attendedHope: William

in the

Phil Miller '65 (left) and




Campaign an opportunity A s far as Max DePree '48 is conJr\. cemed, Hope in the Future is the right

campaign, at

One reason DePree

feels the


received the acceptance

And DePree, chairperson of the college’s Board of Trustees, is confident the campaign

of the

will succeed — because it’s too important to

process of 1989 and 1990.




in the Future strategic

“I feel very

“Christian,liberal education


campaign has is


goals are derived from the con-clusions


other dimensions. Accordingly, the campaign has an

million goal.


good about




— endowmentfor

scholarships,for an institute for Christian scholarship,for facultychairs, and the Carl Frost Center for Social Science Research and the library, among other needs.

that,” he said.

Conventionalwisdom holds

that the

“The process brought together a wide variety

public can more readily accept a plea for

of people, not only geographically, but also

“bricks and mortar” than for endowment, but

DePree said. “Tuition alone doesn’t come anywhere near


to covering its cost.”

the college.”

DePree believes the Hope constituency will understand the profound importance of building the college’s endowment base.



survival depends upon people giving

sacrificially to support it,”

“Without this campaign, Hope would find it much more difficult to compete in what is becoming an increasingly competitive world of higher education,” he said. “We wouldn’t be able to attract the faculty that we need. We wouldn’t be able to compete for the students that we need. And we wouldn’tbe able to keep up with the changes that are taking place.” Fortunately,all signs thus far are good.

DePree has been impressedwith

the positive

response the campaign has received— from

the perspectives of gender and age, as

well as both alumni and others interestedin



think they did an absolutely


endowment will



outstanding job of analyzing the situation and

continue to be, and continue to develop as,

coming up with projectionsfor the future and makes a lot of sense,” DePree

the outstanding, Christian liberal arts college

a strategythat

that it is,” DePree said. “It will do so,

said. “I think the fund drive is based on a

moreover,while allowing qualifiedstudents of many economic backgroundsto afford

very legitimatestrategic study.”

assistanceit will provide or by enabling the

Christian faith,” he said. “It

not be the current drive’s primary concern.

college to keep

essentialthat we foster the sense that

The planners did concludethat there are improvements and additions to be made, but


noted that the success of the college’s

our society faces, it becomes obvious that


either through the scholarship



tuition as low as

think as we look at the challenges


previous two campaigns in particularhad so

there is

offers — not only for quality academic


instruction, but for a

in the Future's

emphasis should be on





must all be wise stewards of the world in

well fostered the campus’ development that

Campaign has endowment focus


college’s Board of Trustees.


of the

behalf,to the financialcontributionsthat

Max DePree '48, chairpersonof

One conclusion reached by the planners was that the college’s physical facilitiesneed

the reception of its aims, to the

involvement hundredsof volunteers working on its


“shape leaders”

already exceed more than half of the $50

the right time for the right



in the

desperate need for what

grounding in the

which we

live, and that

we each have an

obligationto use our gifts well.”


have an opportunity through this

campaign to shape the leaderswho will shape the world of tomorrow,”DePree said.


Hope campaigns make major impact


in the Future emphasizes adding endowment, which will be invested. The proceeds of the investment will provide on-going support for the needs addressed by the campaign. The campaign will provide $22,750,000 for enhancing the academic program. Components include endowed chairs for senior faculty members, faculty development

campaign especially appropriate, since he closed his 5-year presidency with the conclusionof the Campaign for Hope in

chairs, distinguished professorships,


academic equipment,support for student facultyresearch, faculty development funds,

million campaign brought the college the



Dr. Gordon

Van Wylen was

before the public announcement of the Build

Hope campaign. That made


timing of the next (and most recent)



in January of 1985, the


receive $16 million through Hope in the

Van Wylen Library, the Maas Conference Center and the Admissions House. The Campaign for Hope also provided additional endowment for

Future. Several need-based and merit-

student financial aid, operation of the

based scholarships will be created, including

Student and Cultural Center, and the start

new library, and the purchaseand maintenance of up-to-dateinstructional equipment. Ekdal Buys ’37 of Holland, Mich., has played a leadership role in each of the campaigns, and was chairperson of the college’s Board of Trustees from October of 1961 through October of 1966. He is currently an honorary trustee and a member of the Hope in the Future Steering Committee. The campaigns’ impact on the campus itself would be obvious to someone able to go back in time and experienceHope before each occurred. In addition, however. Buys values benefits that are

of funding for the Peale Science Center,

not as apparent — such as the


endowment and

support for the Frost

Center for Social Science Research.

The college’s financialaid program will

many through

a $5 million fund


specificallyfor students from the


Christian life and witness at Hope will be supported by $3,250,000.Emphases include


a chair for a

new Dean

of the

Chapel, supporting the programs of the Chaplain’s Office and developing an Institute for Christian Scholarship.

The remaining$8 million will be devoted campus’ physical plant. A new

The college's successful capita! campaigns have played a major role in shaping the college, both physically and academically.Ekdal Buys '37, who has played a leadership role in each, stands in the lobby of Graves Hall with the honor roll of donors who contributed to Looking Ahead with Hope, which was launched in 1959.

to the

ope in the Future follows a series

language arts facility is planned, as are renovations of the college’s athletic and intramural facilities,Dimnent Memorial Chapel, the DeWitt Center theatreand the Peale Science Center. Students are already benefittingfrom the

new campaign. Renovationsof

the college’s

track and field facilities,including the

construction of the new Lugers Fieldhouse,




inaugurated as college president shortly

James and Leona Lugers, and the addition of a second soccer field, were completed in the fall of 1991. The college has also already received 36 endowed scholarships. In addition,two endowed facultychairs, which the college is in the process of filling,have been designated: the "Robert W. Haack Chair of Economics” and the “Elmer E. Hartgerink Endowed Professorship in Chemistry.”Jr for donors



of successful capital campaigns have contributed significantlyto the quality of Hope College. Looking Ahead with Hope, formally launched late in 1959 with a $3 million goal under President Irwin J. Lubbers ’17, raised funds for the construction of Van Zoeren Library, VanderWerfHall, the Nykerk Hall of Music and several residence halls. The campaign’s other that

foci included additional endowment for faculty salaries.


a capital campaign in the

sense as



colleagues, the Centennial

Decade Master Plan, introduced in conjunctionwith the college’s 100th birthday in 1966, developed an outline

for the campus’ growth through 1976. The Master Plan, initiated under President Calvin A. VanderWerf'37,

realized the construction of the



Wynand Wichers Addition to Nykerk

relationshipsthat have been built through

Hall of Music and two residence halls.

the years. He has also been touched by

Build Hope, which, went public in October of 1972, was an $8.85 million campaign that helped bring the college the Peale Science Center and the Dow Center, and enabled Hope to transform Lubbers Hall from a science building to a center for the humanitiesand social sciences. Also among the goals was

the selflessnesswith which others have


endowment for


faculty development and faculty salaries.

become involved. “I think that the process of involvementhas been one of the great things in the campaigns,”he said. “We used to call on alumni, then we startedto call on parents of students and friends of the college, and it’s developed into a loyalty of people that we never really saw before."




in the

Future Campaign Co-Chairs

The Steering Committee Nearly 750 volunteers nationwide will be involved




in the


Future’s $50

million goal. All will be coordinated through the

Campaign’s Steering Committee, which is comprised of the chairpersons of the campaign’s eight major committees and divisions: the Board


of Trustees


Trustees Fund, Leadership Gifts,

Holland/ZeelandArea, National Alumni, National Parents and Friends, National Church, Faculty and Staff, and National Corporate and Foundations. Several regional committees will

Philip Miller


complete the volunteer network.

Leadership Gifts







- Cook Peter

Theresa Staal












Richard Cantos Marianne Hageman

Jerrald Redeker Fred




Divisional Chairs





Larry Mulder








Dave Cole and Carol Cole

Co-Chairs National Parents and Friends

-- -

Roger Vander Kolk Phyllis Hooyman William Reynolds Co-Chairs Hope College Faculty and Staff

Co-Chairs National Church


- -

Vandenberg Gretchen

Co-Chairs Holland / Zeeland Area




Richard Kruizenga


Chair National Corporate and Foundations


ALUMNI NEWS by Janet Mielke ’84

Hall, one of the Midwest’s finest


more than 200 students. A review of last year’s performance describedthe quality and diversity of the ensembles and music as “astonishing.” The Hope College Chapel Choir begins its annual spring tour on March 2 and 13, with stops in suburban Chicago and Cleveland,followed by performances in New York State, New Jersey and Pennsylvania. Every stop on the Chapel Choir’s tour is special,but their Sunday, March 15, event is unique. The performance marks the beginningof a year-long celebration honoring the nation’s second-oldestRCA church. 1992 is the 350th anniversary of First Church of Albany, N.Y., and if you live in the Albany area this is a celebratory event you will not want to talent of

ith the


snow having formed a

sparkling white blanket, the

campus seems even more

beautiful than


before. There is a sense of

as one strolls the campus at night. Passing

Dimnent Chapel, the


tower cross shines through the thickly fallingsnow flakes. It is as



campus is arrayed


in preparation for



annual Winter Happening celebration. This year’s Winter Happening will take place on Saturday, Feb. 22. Always a highlight of the winter njonths, the

event features a full day of entertainment and education.

Among the scheduled activitiesare seminars by faculty members on everythingfrom pipe organ music, to “who is happy and why,” to a panel presentation hosted in part by our visiting Soviet students. A special Juncheon with music by the brass quintet will be held in the Maas Center auditorium.Capping off the day is the final basketball game of the regular MIAA season, which pits the Flying Dutchmen against the Olivet Comets. Don’t miss your opportunityto return to college for a day! Many of you who live outside the West Michigan area will also be able to attend Hope events. President Jacobson and Vice President Bob DeYoung ’56 will be hosting luncheons in Florida the last week of February. Feb. 24 will find them in Tampa, followed by Sarasota on Feb. 25, Punta Gorda on Feb. 26 and Naples on Feb. 27. Share in all the latest Hope news and enjoy the warm fellowship of other Hopeites. On Feb. 25, mid-Michiganalumni, parents and friends will gather in East Lansing at the Kellogg Center for a reception with the 1991 National Professor of the Year — Hope’s own biology professor, Harvey Blankespoor. Dr. Blankespoor will present an encore of the slide presentation he


at the

Smithsonian Institutionupon receipt of his award. Join us for this fascinating chronicle of his unique research. March ushers in a host of musical events designed to lift your spirits with melodious harmonies. Musical Showcase, a special concert performed by the choirs, orchestra, jazz and wind ensembles, and soloistsof the music department,will take place on March 9. Held in Grand Rapids, Mich.’s DeVos


Cordes '80, President,Dallas, Texas

John Abe '79, Vice President,Naperville,111.

Thelma Leenhouts


Secretary.Washington, D.C.

Board Members William Aardema '79, Parchment, Mich. John Broadbcnt '79, Livonia,Mich. Cal Bruins '61, Phoenix, Ariz. StanleyC. Busman '73, Minneapolis, Minn. Garrett E.

DeGraff '71, Averill Park, N.Y.

Sue Bruggink '73 Edema, Grand Rapids, Mich. Marianne Hageman '58. De Pere, Wis. Betty Whitaker '62 Jackson, West Melbourne, Fla. Janet Lawrence'80, Albany, N.Y. JenniferPayette'92, Flint, Mich. Chris Turtcstra '93, Upper Saddle River, N.J.



class notes

auditoriums, the concert highlights the

Bernadine Siebers ’30 DeValoisis enjoying News and information for class notes,marriages, births, advanceddegrees and deaths are compiled for news from Hope College by Greg Olgers '87. All submissions received by the Public Relations Office by Monday, Jan. 13, have been included in this

issue. Because of the lead time required by this

publication'sproduction schedule, submissions received after that date (with the exception of obituarynotices), have been held for the next issue, the

deadline for which is Monday, March 2.


seniors'group and women's ministryat Springs

Community Church (RCA). Carl Postma ’30 of Sanborn, Iowa, has been teaching the same Sunday School class for 30 years. During the summer of 1991 he attended the 40th wedding anniversary of H. Sidney Heersma ’30. Evelyn Wierda ’33 Monroe in November resigned as Pittsford

Alonzo Wierenga ’26 of South Haven, Mich., has writtenOur Heritage of Hope, a historyof Hope Reformed Church in South Haven. He notes that copies are availableat the church office: 365 Monroe Blvd.; South Haven, MI 49090

(Mich.) township treasurer after serving

30-and-one-half years. She is a member of the Republican State Committee from the Michigan Second District.


60th Reunion Class of 1932

Alumni Weekend May 1-3

65th Reunion Class of 1927

Alumni Weekend May 1-3

A rich sampling of composers and styles promises a choir program to the complete tour scheduleplease consult page four of this

Hartger Winter ’27


on Dec. 6, 1991.

hope you are planning now to attend one of the biggest alumni events of the year: Alumni Weekend 1992, May 1-3, when 11 classes from 1927-1977 will be celebrating their reunion anniversaries. The planning committees are already hard at work to ensure that this will be the best reunion ever.

Mary Crouch


Residents' Council, and continues to beactive in the



remember. For

retirementin Colorado Springs,Colo.,at the Viewpointe retirementcommunity. She has been electedto a second term as a member of the


Allegan, Mich., and his wife

Katherine celebratedtheir 65th wedding anniversary ’27


recentlymoved from

Annette Witanek '33 White of South Hadley, Mass., is busy showing slides (travelogs), of which she has 8,000. in schools,churches and clubs. She has been in 55 countries,from Asia, Europe, South America and Africa,including Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Siberia, Mongolia and South Africa. Jim Zwemer ’33 of Punta Gorda, Fla., had a slight

Augusta, Maine, to “a very nice retirementhome:

stroke in August, but reports that he

The Highlands

George Douma ’36 is serving as winter pastor at the

Brunswick, the

Topsham, Me., just outside home of Bowdoin College.”



doing fine.

Palmetto Palms Trailer Court in Fort Myers, Fla.

Bring Hope into your


alumni alert If you have not already receivedit, a preliminarymailing should be arriving in your mailbox shortly. It will fill you in on all the special activitiesbeing organized for this memorable weekend. There is still time for you to join in the fun and provide your input. If you would like to be a part of your class reunion committee, we would welcome your talents. Please contact me or your class


Reunions for the classes of 1982 and 1987 are scheduled for Homecoming Weekend, October 16-18, 1992. Planning committees are now forming.

Alumni Office for more information. I am excited about the many upcoming Please contact the

gatherings and treasure the opportunities to celebrate our

mutual Hope bond.


the scheduled activitiessuggest, there truly is something for everyone to enjoy. I hope you will reserve these dates to enjoy rich Hope fellowshipand look forward to seeing you at one or more of the events. Should you have questionsor would like additional information regardingany of the events, please contact me at the Alumni Office (616) 394-7860. Another reunion reminder: Camp Geneva and Conference Center will be hosting their first alumni reunion on July 11-12, 1992. Anyone who has worked or volunteeredin summer ministry at

Camp Geneva is invited to Geneva requests



that you send your name, address and year(s) of ministry as soon as possible. Additionalinformation will be mailed to your home.

Kay Moores '76 Walker, Traverse City. Mich. Anne Walvoord '73 VanderByl, Williamson. N.Y. David Veldink '91, Jenison,Mich. A. Jeffery Winne '73, McMurray, Pa.


Through stunning, full-color photography, Hope College: Then and Now provides a glimpse into a year in the life of Hope, from campus scenes and the first days of classes, to traditions like Christmas Vespers and graduation. The contemporary images are complemented by black and white photographs from the Joint Archives of Holland that survey the college’s first 125 years. Now, this popular, limited edition book Hope-GenevaBookstore for $39.95 +

the (for

available through

books shipped within Michigan, please add $1.60 sales tax).

MasterCard or Visa orders may be phoned to (616) 394-7833 Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. EST.

money order and be addressedto: Hope-Geneva Bookstore P.O. Box 9000, Holland. MI 49422-9000

Mail orders should include a check or

Hope Book



$3.50 for shipping


All orders are shipped within 48 hours of receipt.




Abraham DeVries ’50

Class of 1937

Weekend May 1-3


pastor of





teachercurrentlyworking for Love Inc. She


a retired


also interested in

Habitatfor Humanity, and


a priest of the

Catholic Diocese of

Book House Company book's purpose


Italy,where he

board from 1955-70, includingas chairperson

Tube and


Co. after 30 years of service.He enjoys

one of the oldest and largest executive



Chester Postma ’40 recently completed serving for

Club (hole #17; 143 yards). Donald Lenderink ’51, pastorat Brooklyn Reformed

Church in Cleveland, Ohio, is

Kathryn Douma '41 DePue of Grand Ledge, Mich., has had the Kay DePue Scholarship,a state scholarship for Latin students, establishedin her name by the Michigan JuniorClassicalLeague. She is presently



superintendentof the


Clarke Borgeson’72 has formed a new business,

St. Joseph

Huron Technologies, locatedin Ypsilanti, Mich. The


company specializesin release agents for the molding

County. Mich.

of plastics.

Margaret Bossenbroek’72 Taylor





Mich., was transferred in September of 1991 from being supervisorof Bissell Inc's West Coast

Class of 1967

distribution facility back to

Alumni Weekend May 1-3



markets coordinator.

David Boersma

’73 in

January visited the United Arab

Emirates and Bahrain to gain informationabout the



region following the Gulf War. A professorin Pacific

Ruth Ziemann




Sweetser of Lombard,111., has

University’sPeace and ConflictStudiesProgram, he

been included in Who's Who in the Midwest,


announcedthis month. Caryl Yzenbaard ’67 has had ResidentialReal Estate Transactions published by Clark Boardman,Callajhan

Fellows from six states. The delegatesmet with

O. Betty Cross ’52 of Gaylord, Mich., is a lay reader


allies during the

and cup bearerwith St. Andrew'sEpiscopal Church.

Harold Lay

Doris DeYoung ’52

pastor of First Reformed Church of

May 1-3


Class of 1942



Community Schools in

new board member on

Class of 1952



earn an M.A. degree as a reading specialist.

Coalitionfor Appalachian Ministry (CAM) Board.

state chairperson,emerita.

Alumni Weekend

Alumni Weekend

one on May 6, 1991 — at Peridia Golf and Country

Ministriesin Winter Haven. Fla.


Class of 1972

Washington. D.C., in April.

Jay Van Hoven ’66



Clay, N.Y.. is the

sabbaticalfrom North Syracuse Schools this semester to

search firms in the world, with 40 offices in 28 countries. Bernie Smink ’50 of Bradenton, Fla., hit his


of financial aid at

Carol Roberts ’66 Thompson of Clay, N.Y., is on

bowling, golfingand gardening. years as interim pastor at Cypress Garden


Asian Studies, and will attend the nationalconference

Barrington Hills, 111., was

’50 of

electedchairpersonof Ward Howell


Mich., since 1983, since his retirementfrom Chicago


treasurer/secretary of the New York Conference on

rosaryas a gift from the Pope.


Smith College in Northampton, Mass.

an officer of the collegeby the board of trustees.

personallyin a private audience. Each priest was given



Study at Northwood Institute in Midland, Mich., and

Don Thompson’64

Laurence Masse

living in

Myra Baas ’71 Smith is director

dean of the External Plan of

chapel in the Vatican and the opportunityto meet him a



dean of graduate studies.He has also been elected as

day of October in his private


Theological Seminary. Robert Serum ’63

was recentlynamed to the newly-created positionof


missionaries, mission

professorof the theology of mission at Fuller

was the Mass they celebratedwith Pope

John Paul II on the

Grand Rapids, Mich. The

congregationsin the world. Van Engen

from the United States.A major highlight

for the priests

from 1967-70.

Donald De Kraker ’40 has been

attendedthe Institute for the


to excite

concerning their strategic role in buildingmissionary


through December he spent a three-month sabbaticalin



executives,church planters, pastorsand leaders

Alumni Weekend

Apostle Parishin Ithaca. Mich., and St. Martin De

other priests

Public Library. He had been with the municipal




currentlypastor of St. Paul the


God’s Missionary People: Rethinking the

Purpose of the Local Church, published by the Baker

Class of 1962


needs in the Caribbean. Charles Van Engen ’70 of Glendora, Calif., has assess


ministryat the

Continuing TheologicalEducation of Priests with 39


member of First Congregational Church. Peter Veltman ’38 was included in an article in the Wheaton Daily Journal that discussedthe Wheaton library


Porres Church in Perrinton, Mich. From September


Dorothy Parker ’37 Luyendyk


of the

He was most recentlythe

RiversideCommunity ReformedChurch in

Saginaw, Mich., and

Palm Harbor, Fla., noies that

’37 of




Cleveland, Ohio.

Max Frego ’50 SpencerHulse


is still


retired from the

end of December of 99 1


III. She



servingon the executive


on Aug.

Murphy ’68.



1991, was installed as

one of 20 Joseph

the trip as

governmentrepresentatives, felloweducators in the



Malone Faculty

private sector leaders

Gulf War. to leant more about Arab

and politics. Brad Williams’73 had an exhibitionin the Krasl Art history, culture

Saddle Brook. N.J.

Nelson in the

Professorof PediatricsEmeritus at the Universityof

Lavina Hoogeveen ’52 is teachingoverseas at the Hanau Argonner School. Classmates Elaine Bolthouse '52, JoAnn VanderWerp '52 Dobben and Carol Crist ’52 Fern visited her for one month in June and July of 1991 , and togetherthey toured Belgium, The Netherlands.Germany and Ausnia. LucilleRowell ’53 McGahney of Leavenworth.

North Carolina,where he has been on the faculty since


1955. On Jan. 1 he began a seven month term as

graduate in June of 1993. She writes, “I'm excitedthat

developing a 40-minute video resourceon a Reformed


while others are retiring I finally will have a good

understandingof the sacraments of baptism and the


careerafter raising my four children."

Lord’s Table. The project is scheduled for completion

manager of the Fairfax Operations Hazardous and

Rod Wissink ’54

by the


from India, where he spent 15 years teaching in various collegesand seminaries. Currently a psychotherapistin family psychiatry,he has just had a novel. Search for Freedom, published by Creative Publications.

Judson Van Wyk

visiting the

on Jan.



became Kenan

professorand consultantin endocrinology at

Universityof New South Wales in Sydney,

accompaniedby his wife. Persis Parker '43 Van Wyk. When his time in Sydney is done, he will


return to

Chapel Hill as co-investigatorof his research

on peptide growth factors.The grant has been



enrolledin a nursing program, and plans to


presidentof the Grand Rapids

Chapter of the Michigan Head Injury Alliance. In October he was presented with an award for his efforts in the field of

manager of informationsystems

Joseph. Mich., from late November

committee of Words of Hope. Blaise Leva! ’42 recentlyreturnedto the United States

RCA's New York

Center in

through early January. The exhibitionwas titled"The

resignedeffective Dec. 31 to accept a similar position

Stages of Invention: Puppets, Masks and Theatre Arts

with the National Council of Churches.


70s Ken Bradsell '70, RCA ministerfor education,is one of three

people on an ecumenical team which



of 1992.

Mark Nieuwsma '70 is the new pastorat Second Grand Haven, Mich. His last charge was in


continuouslyfunded by the NIH for 36 years.

preventionof head injury.

Christine Hansen ’70 Sackett of Rochester Hills.

Del Vander Haar ’44 and Trudy Maassen ’47

Maurice Witteveen’55

Mich., is an itinerant preacher/beggarfor Food for the

Vander Haar

be with Yokohama Union Church in

from the Michigan Department of Transportationafter

1992. In the springof 1991, an



Japan until July


article they wrote

on the ministry of the church was

published inthe Japan ChristianQuarterly,which


leadingEnglish quarterlyrelating to the life and issues of the

Wilbur Brandli of




nostalgicvisit to the island

Gulangyu, Xiamen, South China, from Oct. 27 to

Nov. 9 of 1991 . He was stationedthere in 1949-50 as a


missionary under the


he did some investigating in regard to

ownership of properties.He First

Board of Missions. While is


PresbyterianChurch in White Pigeon, Mich.





’47 of

retired. his



Waste Department. CharleneBos ’75 Alexanderand husband Dave are missionariesunder the ReformedChurch in America. Gordon Callam ’75 has been admitted as a partner in the Holland, Mich., office of De Boer, Baumann & Company, Certified Public Accountants and Consultants. He has been a member of the firm’s

The company was started in the early 1900s by

Reunions are times



and many other days


that special day,

Hope, and



grandfatherand a partner.

RichardE. Ten Haken

’56 of Pittsford, N.Y., has

been reappointedto the Retirement Board of the

old friends


and make new ones.


three-yearterm runs until June of 1994.

Thomas TenHoeve ’56 has been awarded the Eisenhower Peace Medal of Sister Cities International for his services to the organization.He was (111.)

Sister Cities

chapter and in solidifying the

between Des Plainesand


sister city,

Cremona,Italy. He is the presidentof Oakton Community College in Des Plaines.



East Lansing, Mich., in

retiring as a

1,000 employees throughout Michigan.

Glen DePree ’56 of Zeeland, Mich., recentlyclosed the


Alumni Weekend

Robert Danhof

environmental consultingfirm. He

instrumentalin the establishmentof the Des Plaines

Class of 1947



staff of

York State Teachers’ Retirement System. His

pastoremeritus of the

associateof Engineering-Science Inc., an

MOOT. He was most recently engineer for MOOT, overseeing a

family business.Quality Home Furnishings,and

United Church of Christin Japan.

Poor Inc. She recentlymade a pilgrimage to Jamaica to

Brad Williams.”

Kathy Poll ’74 has been selectedfor inclusionin the 1991-92 edition of Who's Who of American Business Leaders. She is currentlya store managerfor the J.C. Penney Co. in Rochester,N.Y. Dale Rice ’74 of Fairfax, Va., has recently been named

32-year careerwith



of St. Johns, Mich., has retired


nine years,

office for the past


publicawareness, education and


and Bahrain, which were

Judge of the Michigan Court of


Class of 1957

Appeals, following 23 years on the court.

Alumni Weekend

Dale Drew ’47 of Bloomfield Hills, Mich., urologist,


has assumeda two-year positionas chief of staff at St.


Joseph Mercy Hospital of Pontiac,Mich., where he has been in practice since 1956. Carol Jean Hermance ’48 Kennedy retired from the

Saginaw(Mich.) Public Schools in June of 1991 teaching kindergartenfor 28 years. She



active in

theatre.She and her husband, Walter Kennedy ’49, also retired, have four

been married for 43 years and have

Graduate School has responsibility for the PhD,


and Executive MBA programs, several other master's programs and executiveeducation. He was previously chairpersonof the Department of Accounting, where he


Henry “Bud” Shaw

Richard Brown ’59 is assistant dean of the Graduate School of Management at Kent State University.The

Marine Corps Historical Foundation’s Distinguished

a full professor. Russell Yonkers ’59 of Bedford, Ind., is moderator of

Service Award for his achievements as historian, chief

Ohio Valley Presbyteryof the PresbyterianChurch.



on Oct. 27, 1991, received the


and senior editor during more than 40 years of

Marine Corps and the History and Museums Division,and for his “heartfelt personal commitmentto the researchand writingof Marine Corps history.”General Carl E. Mundy Jr., commandant of the Marine Corps, presentedthe award

Barbara Monroe

during the Foundation's annual awards dinner in

Diane Sluyter ’60 Wells

Quantico, Va.

coordinatorwith Royal Travel and Tours of Sycamore.


service to the


Reunions are also times to express your commitment to Hope College through a special


a gift to ’60

gift to the

Alumni Fund...

keep Hope’s future bright.

Page is teachingchemistry and

advanced placement chemistry at West Valley High School in Fairbanks,Alaska. is

in her third year as travel

Be a part of your reunion, and join your classmates in supporting Hope’s Alumni Fund.


professionalstaff for nine years.

Deborah Joy Kalkwarf ’77 Fergusonis a

Donald Troast ’75 is a lieutenantin the United States Navy Chaplain Corps, servingas chaplainaboard the amphibious assault ship USS Cleveland (LPD-7),

programmer-analyst at Provident National Bank, and presentlyattendingSt. Peter's Lutheran Church in North Wales. Pa.

homeported in San Diego. Calif.

Jan Buelow ’77 Ibbotson of Downers Grove.

Joni Stevens '75 for

Wagenmakeris teachingpart-time

Muskegon (Mich.) Public Schools,giving piano


and directing children’schoirs at First

ReformedChurch in Muskegon,as

well as


organistat the church. Eugene Sutton '76. preaching professorat



Brunswick Seminary, presented the annual Martin Luther King

Western Seminary on

Kenneth have moved to Heidelberg,Germany.

Julie Maire ’88 has taken a position in St. Louis. Mo.,

Lydia Straw ’83 Dice has taken a new position with


Business DevelopmentDi\ ision of SteelcaseInc. in Grand Rapids. Mich.


Tim Laman ’83 is picturedon page 103 of the December.1991, issue of Na liana I Geographic, in a story titled."Rain ForestCanopy: The High Frontier." He is shown using a bow to shoot a fishing line over the

been promoted to account executiveat the firm's Grand Rapids. Mich., office.Her account responsibilities

Grand Am. with tax, title, license and insurancepaid.

branch of a tree in Borneo, prior to using the line to

Steve Williams ’77

haul a climbing rope over the branch.

Technologies/Filtran Division:and Essex Specialty Products Inc.


III., as

independent skin care/beautyconsultantwith Mary




Cosmetics has promoted herself into mid-management and has earned a brand new 1991 burgundy Pontiac servingas presidentof the South


Indianapolis(Ind.) Kiwanis Club for the 1991-92 year.

James Dykstra '78


pastor of

Bethany Reformed

Carolyn Parsons ’83 Mendrek is a social worker with the Department of Human Resources in

Church in Des Moines. Iowa.


Tuesday, Jan. 21. His topic was "Black

Todd Harburn

Crisis Investigations,

Preaching/White Preaching: Are the Distinctions

board cenifiedin orthopedicsurgery. He


certified in sports

David Whitehouse’76 has accepted the positionof

team physicianfor Alma College intercollegiate

organistand choirmasterof St. Mary's Episcopal

He is in a group onhopedic practice. Mid-MichiganOrthopedics,in Owosso. Doug Knapman ’78 is businessmanagerfor


lecture at

Church in Park Ridge. III.



Class of 1977

Alumni Weekend







with Child ProtectiveServices,





medicine, and continues to serve as a


sexual abuse.

employedwith the Jenison


"88 of

Royal Oak, Mich., is completing

senioryear at Wayne State Universityof Medicine,


Debbie Broadfield '89 has been living in Japan,

David Michael’89. a second lieutenant, has graduated from The Basic School of the U.S. Marine Corps.

ChampionshipBiathlonin Santa Fe. N.M.. in his age group. He was 14th overall.On Nov. 30, he was third

accidentin early December.1991. He suffered

During the course at Marine Corps Combat DevelopmentCommand in Quantico. Va.. newly-commissioned officers are prepared for

in the

world biathlonin Palm Springs.Calif.


and will requireextended physicaltherapy.

Notes of encouragement and news from his Hope

Keith Cahoon ’79. a vocal music teacherin Plainwell,


Mich., co-founded in 1989 and continuesas the

should be mailed to: 920 N. Loomis Street: Naperville.

musical director of the PlainwellCommunity Players.

IL 60563.

would be greatly appreciated.Correspondence

He was recently a recipient of the firstannual Merit

Chris Peterson '84 has recentlymoved to Logan, Utah,




teacherexcellencepresented by the

PlainwellSchool District. Keith also served as one of judges for this year'sNykerk Cup competition.

Patricia Pulver ’79



physicianassistant in two Albany, N.Y., area. She



account managerfor SADI Advertisingand


Mark Slid ’84 completed ship in

June of 1991 and

practice staff of


family practice intern-

working on the family


Naval Hospitalin Okinawa, Japan.


master'sdegree in education with an emphasis in





Holland, Mich., is a social

teacherat West Ottawa Middle School.

Bonnie Silver, Holland, Mich.

Sharon Felton

Kristi L. Waterloo, Ann Arbor, Mich.

grade Sunday School class at the Gardiner (N.Y.)

1991 received the MidwestRegional


a special television project.


Gambino teachesa also assists

fifth and sixth

with the children

and worship program there, and has been elected to


serve as co-presidentof the newly-formed Patrica Walker ’80 Stokes

editor of



Braham ’86


Hinsdale.III., in October of

Jane Ekleberry’86 Pontious


Emmy Award for


Jack Veld ’86

branch managerfor




with West Michigan Office Interiors

Magazineat EasternMilk Producers in Syracuse,N.Y. Gary Van Dyke '80 of Pompano Beach. Fla., is


Sarah B. Genzink, Zeeland. Mich. Laura E. Greij, Holland. Mich.

teaching and coaching in Fort Lauderdale, Fla.

orthodonticresident at the Universityof Southern

Terri Land '81



presidentof the Byron Township

(Mich.) Histroical Society,and was recentlyfeaturedin

request, Inn's

sharingthe methods for preparingCottage

main dishes, garlic bread and award-winning


90s Dave Byrne ’90 has been admitted to Universityof Michigan Law School. Steven Ullenius ’90 of Champaign.111., is attending Universityof IllinoisCollege of Medicine. Kristina Wallace’90 lives in Madrid, Spain, where she works on the Iberia and Lladro accounts at Tapsa/NW


Grand Rapids, where she has been working for five years.

chapter at the church.

Jim Michos '89. manager of the Cottage Inn restaurant in Ann Arbor. Mich., taughtchefs in the cafeteria of the Motsumoto Dental School in Motsumoto, Japan, to make his restaurant’s popular Greek meatballs. He spent a month in Motsumoto at the school owner's

Universityin San Luis Obispo, pursuing a

Susan Bosch-Veld ’86


Brenda Schout, Holland, Mich.

assignment to the Fleet Marine force.


counseling and guidance.

Lissa A. Nienhuis, Holland, Mich.

Brian D. Morehouse, Fremont, Mich.


Alan Noerenberg’84 was involved in an automobile

with the ChristianMedical and Dental Society in

S. Cole, Bellaire, Mich.


(Mich.) Public Schools as a special education teacher at Bursley Elementary School.

Herkner Jewelers in Grand Rapids. Mich.

November of 1991.

CatherineJ. Carlson,Rockford, Mich.

Joan Van Noord

Brian Stauffer ’78 on Nov. 3. 1991, won the National

Sabina M. DeWitt, Zeelapd, Mich.



Chemical Company: Sealed Power

gemologist,and along with his family has purchased


Brandt,Midland, Mich.

includeDow Plastics, a businessgroup of The

ProfessionalBilling Systems in Michigan City. Ind.

Randy Warren


Sefton AssociatesInc. has

and plans to start residency in orthopaedicsurgery in

John Beery '84 is trust officer for the Second National Bank of Saginaw's Trust and Investments Department. Randy Dice ’84 is studyingto become a certified

went on a medical mission to San Fernando, Mexico,


'88 of

working with Young Life and teachingconversational English,for almost a year-and-a-half.

emergencydepartments in


Sharron Stephens

Raymond Woo

investigating repons of child abuse and neglect, and



graduation honors

Owosso.Mich., recentlybecame

’78 of


begin and be the director of a brand new community

Ayer, one of the world's most successfulpublicity agencies. She is looking forward to enjoying the

OlympicGames Seville in


Barcelona and the World Expo in


Holland. Mich.

Doug Williams

’86 of

Glendale.Calif., is a senior

Sarah VanWingen’86 Williams


Glendale, Calif., is

THEY’RE HERE: The 1991 Milestone Yearbooksarrivedon Tuesday, Jan. 7, and the Alumni Office had them in the mail

Heather S. Van Diepen, Sibley, Iowa




by Friday, Jan. 10.

township hall.

Jon Beyer ’87 was ordained on Nov. 3, 1991, at Third

Judith D. Brewer, Holland, Mich.

Betty Buikema '82 Birner was granted a National

Rosa M. Embil, Holland. Mich.

Science Foundation (NSF) fellowshipto attend a

two-week Workshop on Prosody and Discourse,held in

ReformedChurch in Kalamazoo,Mich. Lancelot Bourne ’87 is teaching in Tamsui, Taiwan, “...and I love it.” he writes.He also enjoys learning

$33 (and your name and address)to the Alumni Office.

Grand Rapids (Mich.)Press for her and the

society's role in

Eric D. Good, Waterford, Mich.

teachingfifth grade in the Los Angeles Unified School

restoringthe 13-year-old former 1


you didn't order a copy, send

Santa Cruz. Calif., in conjunction with the Linguistic

more about Taiwanese culture.

Joel Kooienga '91

KristenN. Lambrides. Bryn Mawr, Pa.

Society of America’s biennialLinguisticInstitute. The

Funding Inc. in Southfield,Mich.

Joan K. McConnell. BloomfieldHills, Mich.

workshopwas held on

Suzanne Mitchell ’87 is an export servicesassociate with the PillsburyCompany in Minneapolis. Minn.

Chad M. Reuschel, Hamilton, Mich. Timothy V. Kuzma, Holland, Mich.


Terri L. Veen. Holland, Mich.

U.S. Department of Justice Antitrust Division,Office of

three-yearterm on the Board of Directorsof Habitatfor

Jeanne L. Wesseling, Holland, Mich.

Transportation, Energy and Agriculture.

Humanity. Seth Kaplan ’88

Lisa B. Wise, Grapevine, Texas

Dawn M. Zandbergen, Hudsonville,Mich.


campus of



Santa Cruz (UCSC) during the weeks of

June 24 and July


the transfer

counselor in the


mortgage banker for Stratford

Eric Lindstrom ’91 has been working at Deloitt and Touche in Ann Arbor. Mich., since August. 1991.

studentsupport servicesat Grand Rapids (Mich.)


Theodore Bolema

Jennifer Phelps ’87


’82 of

RichardSchlott Jr.


’82 of



111., has

with the


Community College,and has been named

Boston Cabot, an executive search firm that specializes

Irish studies at

in MIS/EDP recruiting for the Chicagoland market. Susan Wiseman ’83 Browder and her husband





currentlyreading for his master’sin

Catholic Universityof Americain

Washington. D.C. In January he left for Ireland for an

marriages Robert

Amoys '89

and Dawn Krannitz,Aug. 17,

1991, Muskegon,Mich. Steve Bennett and Anne Power '80, Nov. 23, 1991,

Wheaton.111. William Brust and Katharine Dyer '73, July 21. 1990.

Thomas Bryant and Susan Kempker




1991, Holland. Mich. David Byrne ’90 and Rhonda Boelkins '90. Aug. 24. 1991. Grand Haven, Mich. Paul Bright '90 and Lauri Fens, Aug. 10. 1991,


Holland, Mich. Philip

Chen and Janet Lootens

'81, Sept.

21, 1991.

Royal Oak, Mich.



Cohen and


V. Heuser '88, Sept.

28. 1991, Rockville.Md. ChristopherCurtisand Dawn Talbot '88, Aug. 17. 1991, Saline. Mich Michael Doyle and Kristin Tiejema '91. Aug. 17, 1991, Remus, Mich. William Frye and Lisa McCorvie. Dec 27. 1991. Williamston, Mich. Daniel Heidenga and Melissa McEvers '88, Sept. 7, 1991, Grayling. Mich. Eric

Lindstrom '91 and Nancy Harrell'88, June 22,

1991. Robert Mannes and KristenYeomans '89. Oct. 5. 1991. Holland. Mich. Nels Michelson and CrystalVan Anrooy '35. Oct. 3. 1991. Palm Beach Gardens. Fla. Joseph Pontious and Jane Ekleberry '86. Sept. 7. 1991. Vinne Prochilo and Melissa Nastase '88. July 13. 1991, Holland, Mich.

Saturday, February 22, •

“In Pursuit of



Happiness” • “The King of Instruments: The Instrument of Kings” • “The Russians Came” • “Snails, Streams, Swamps and Scourges" • Basketball against Olivet College See the schedule on page four for details.


Douglas Santucci and ElizabethHoffman '90, July 20. 1991, Wheaton,Md.

TimothyShaffer '82 and Laura Ackley. Sept. 14. 1991. Sharon. Pa. Steven Ullenius '90 and Lisa Linning. July 27. 1991 John VanDenBeldtand Jean Cook '90, Dec. 7. 1991.


Brian ’78 and Shelley Driesenga '79 Stauffer,


He was bom


Coopersville,Mich. He served in the

. John Vega and Yolanda De Leon '88, June 29, 1991, Jenison,Mich. David Veldink '91 and Mary VanZoeren '91, Aug. 3,

Jean, Dec. 14, 1991. Gordon Jay and Sue Herman ’85 Toering, Stephanie

Schools for more than 36 years.

1991. Stephen Zylman '88 and Tracy Allen, Aug. 17, 1991,

Lynn, Aug. 29, 1991. Mark and Anita Gunneman ’86 Tuneff, Daniel Mark,

teacher at

Holland, Mich.

Sept. 16, 1991. Bryon '84 and Mary Vanallsburg '85 Vande Wege, Caleb Joseph, Nov. 27, 1991. A1 '79 and Diane Watson, BenjaminAlfred, Sept.


1991. Noel ’78 and Sue VanSkiver ’79 Wing, Marlaina


Dave and Charlene Bos


Alexander, Grant

ChristianBos Alexander, Sept. 15, 1991. Alan and Mary



Anderson, Michael

Joseph,Dec. 7, 1991. Roger and Carol Morse '75 Argetsinger,Timothy Leigh, Aug. 29, 1991. Mark and Colleen Vander Hill ’83 Bankert,Rebecca

Elizabeth,May 10, 1991. Dale '82 and Dawn Tetzlaff'83 Wolfe, Justin Dean and Kyle William, March 5, 1991.

advanced degrees

Charlone, June 16, 1991.



and Cheryl Barbati ’84 Bast, Ellen Marie,

Oct. 15, 1991. Thomas and Nancy Roberts ’80 Bryer,Sydney Alice, Nov. 7, 1991. Arthur ’83 and Mary Buys, Andrew Clark, Nov. 5, 1991. Michael '88 and Wendy Derrick,Jordan Michael,

Andrew Bimer '80, master of science in computer

Following his retirementin 1988, he was a volunteer Southern Normal School in Brewton, Ala.,

almost three years. He was also a former organistat


Busman of Coopersville,and the Rev. John Busman of Lakewood,Colo.;four sisters,Irene Walt, Ruth Post and Ruby Alberda, all of Coopersville,and Francis Hoving of Allendale,Mich.; one sister-in-law, Thelma Busman of Grand Rapids, Mich.; and several niecesand nephews.

CatholicSocial Services, and in private practice.

on Thursday, Dec. 19, 1991, in a Memphis hospital.He

Universityof Michigan.

was 88. Carmel, Iowa, the son of the late Rev.



Church in Americafrom 1925-28. He married Bernice Peck of Schuylerville, N.Y., in


Western Michigan University,Dec., 1991.

1933. She preceded him in death in 1961.

Dice, Justin Randall,

1991. Rob and Lesley Kamps '77 Geiger, KristenJoy, Jan. 20,

27, 1991. Ray and Ann Boluyt '80 Hackney, Katie Marie, April 26, 1991. F. Scott ’83 and Carolyn Ridder ’84 Hofftnan,


continuingeducation,Michigan State University. administration, College of St. Rose, Albany, N.Y.

Christine,Dec. 6, 1991. David ’78 and Jayne Blemly ’79 Huyser, Kathryn


Jayne, July 20. 1991. Todd ’83 and Nancy Scholten ’82 Kamstra, Jacob

Lisa Jurries ’86

C.W. Post

Sandy Kelley ’79 Wcislo, master'sof education, Universityof Illinois,Aug., 1991.

20, 1991. and Dawn Newhouse ’86 Kutsche. Elyse Renee,


Aug. 2, 1991. Tom ’79 and Judy Dombos-Langejans,Haley Rose, Aug. 20, 1991. Jon and Sandy Meeter ’77 Martin,Colleen 1991. John and Wendy Martin-Vamer’78, Hannah Martin

Fitzgerald, Jan. 7,

Varner, Sept. 18, 1991. Rocco '80 and Tracy Van Mouwerik '80 Massimiano, Adam Joseph, Nov. 30, 1991. Scon and Patti Bolman '82 McCormick, Alexander Jack,

Dec. 3, 1991. and Joreen Domkowski ’85 Redeker,

Joel '84

Jeff '78 2,

and Beth Siderius, Christopher Edward, Oct.

1991. Bryan and Karen Okker ’79 Siebenthal,Nathan

Goetz of Riga; sisters Kendra and Kristenof Riga; grandparentsWarren and Zelma Phillips of Blissfield; and her mother-in-law, Helen Beiswenger, of Jackson. Phillips, and

grandparentsCharles and ElfriedaGoetz.

Word has been receivedof the deaths of Gordon Groenewoud ’38 and Lois Dykhuis ’40 Groenewoud of Dunnellon, Fla., both whom died on Tuesday, Jan 28, 1992, in Tampa, Fla. Additionalinformationwill appear in the April, 1992, issue of news from Hope College.


Synod of Albany,

retiring in


Surviving are his wife, Lillian; his children, Mrs. (Elaine)Klaasen of Mt. Prospect,111., and Neil

Dykhuizenof Westchester,Ohio; several grandchildren; a brother, the Rev. Arnold Dykhuizenof Holland; and a sister,Minnie Bell of Oneonta, N.Y.

Peter Hamelink ’19 of Holland, Mich., died on Thursday, Jan.


1992, in an area nursing home.

deaths Dorothy VanderKolk ’26 Andrews



Haven, Mich., died on Saturday,Jan. 1, 1992. She 1

was 90. She was bom in Vriesland,Mich., on Sept. 28, 1901,

Monday, Dec. 23, 1991, in Holland Community Hospital. He was 77. He was bom in Overisel. He taught English and mathematics in the Marne and Middlevilleschool districts,and retired from the Hamilton Community

and in additionto Hope attendedthe Universityof

Schools in 1977. He was a past member of the Hamilton Lions Club.

Michigan. On July 6, 1948, she married MillardW.

A member

Andrews, who preceded her in death in June of 1965.


Until her retirementin 1963, she taughtin the

Muskegon (Mich.) Public School system. She was a member of Fruitport Congregational United Church of


Hamilton Reformed Church, he served on



Holland, he was a 1914 graduate of Holland

High School. A U.S. Army veteran,he served in World War




Augusta, Ga.;

grandchildren;10 great-grandchildren; and one

brother, the

Rev. Justin VanderKolkof PleasantHill,


Jacob Busman ’SO


Holland, Mich., died on

RussellStephen, Oct. 19, 1991. Steve ’80 and Brenda Smallegan, Hannah Marie,

Sunday, Dec. 29, 1991, at his home following a lengthy

June 6, 1991.


Surviving are his wife, Della; his children, Vivian

Rapids, Mark and Mary Folkertof Overisel;a SOn_in-law, Steven Hook of Holland;




Surviving are his children, Fred and Shirley Porter of Holland, William and Betty Hamelinkof Bloomington,

Macatawa,Don and Rosemary Den Uyl of Greer, S.C., and Dan Den Uyl of Auburn, Ind.; 18 grandchildren;14 great-grandchildren: niecesand nephews. Serena Harriet Top (Prep ’23) Kleinheksel of Holland, Mich., died on Monday, Dec. 9, 1991. She

Holland; sisters,Ethel Haan, Marie Grit, Catherine

was 86. She was bom in Overisel.Mich., the daughter of the

Kuite,Agnes Darbee and Hazel Jalving, all of Holland;

late Henry

one great-grandchild;a brother, Myron Folkertof

and GertieTop. She attended Overisel

Schools and Hope PrepartorySchool, and receiveda

nephews, niecesand cousins.


teaching degree from Allegan County (Mich.) Normal

Wanda Goetz-Beiswenger’74

He was 64.

member of Lansing Lodge No. 33, Free and Accepted Masons. He was preceded in death by his firstwife, Rena Byron Hamelink, in 1960; his second wife. Hazel Kuhl Den Uyl Hamelink, in 1981; and a son, Richard Hamelink.

Folkertof Lansing, Dale and Sharon Folkertof Grand

Survivors includea son, Willis Andrews of

Muskegon;a daughter,Mary Henry

he served trucks built by Reo

step-children. Dean and VirginiaDen Uyl of

and RussellDubbink of Hamilton, Lynn and Charlotte



Motors and supplied parts to the troops. He was a life

Minn., and Dona Hamelinkof Davison; his

Hook, in June of 1991.


Reo Motors Inc. for more than 40 years.

He was preceded

death by a daughter,Ardith


Lansing, Mich., where he was employedby

consistoryand as a Sunday school teacher. in


was 96.

During World War


Jonathan Hale, Dec. 20, 1991.

Jackson. She is survived by her husband, William

Beiswenger, of Jackson; her parents, Wendell and Alice

Francis Folkert ’37 of Holland, Mich., died on

Adrian, Aug. 9, 1991. Michael and Linda Gnade '84 Katz, Melanie Rose, Oct.

worker for special education in Jackson Public

She was a member of First United Methodist Church in

Jack (Ann) Pitcherof Cordova, Term., Mrs. John

Waldorf, master's of arts in British

Inc., a shelter for

Schoharie and Canajoharie,N.Y., also Annville,Ky.

Karen Okker ’79 Siebenthal,M.B.A., Western Michigan University,Dec., 1989.

as a social

He was field secretary, and in 1943 presidentof, the

Ellen Heath ’70 Read, M.S., educational


victimsof domestic violence.Most recently, she worked

He and his wife served Reformed churches in

Maire ’88, master's degree,adult and

Catherine Fay, April 13, 1991. Mark ’83 and Ruth VanSlooten’80 Howard, Kaleigh

founder and past director of

She was preceded in death by her grandmother. Ester


July?, 1991. Karl '82 and Lori Visscher ’83 Droppers, Nina Jane,


healingof troubledchildrenand families. She was the

brotherLauren, of the DominicanRepublic; Cornelius Dykhuizen ’25 of Memphis,Tenn., died

Western Theological Seminary. He served as a missionary to Japan for the Reformed

Randy '84 and Lydia Straw


Schools. She also worked as a familytherapist for

JenniferCarr ’85 LeMieux,master’sdegree, management,Aquinas College,Aug., 1991. Nancy Harrell’88 Lindstrom, master’sin school counseling K-12 and a limited license in psychology.


work from the Universityof Michigan.

She celebratedher Christian faith throughout her

N.Y.; 10 grandchildren;three brothers, James and Earl

Northern Illinois University,Dec., 1991.



and dedicatedher professional life to the nurturing and


and HenriettaDykhuizen, he was a 1931 graduate of


degree from Hope, she held a master’sdegree in clinical

member. Surviving are his wife. Pokey; children, Philip and Mary Busman of Alpharetta,Ga., Dr. Paul and Denise Busman of Coopersville,Kurtisand Cindy Busman of Charlevoix, Mich., Kent and Jill Busman of Scotia,

ReformedChurch in Holland, where he was

Technology, May, 1991. Rhonda Boelkins ’90 Byrne, master’sof social work. Kelly Paris ’83 Hunter, Ph.D..clinical psychology,

1991, at Flower Memorial


and Alice Phillips Goetz of Riga. In additionto her

CoopersvilleReformedChurch and later at Maplewood

Graduate School of the Illinois Institute of

science, the

died on Saturday,Dec.

Hospitalin Sylvania,Ohio. She was 39. She was bom on Nov. 25, 1952, to Wendell Goetz

U.S. Army, and taughtin the CoopersvillePublic


Jackson, Mich-


Events (continued from page four) THE ARTS Senior Recital— Friday, Feb. 14: Katherine Grace, soprano, Wichers Auditorium,8 p.m. Alumni Recital— Saturday, Feb. 15: Rob Hodson ‘88 and Carrie Terpstra ‘88, duo-pianists, Wichers Auditorium, 8 p.m.

Faculty Recital— Sunday, Feb. 16: Thom Working, French horn, Wichers Auditorium,4 p.m. Guest Recital— Tuesday, Feb. 18: Mary Preston, organist, Dimnent Memorial Chapel, 8 p.m. Faculty/Alumni Recital— Friday, Feb. 21: Robert Kraft and Arlene Arends ‘64 Walters, duo-pianists, Wichers Auditorium,8 p.m. Junior/SeniorRecital— Saturday, Feb. 22: Michelle Goodman, oboists;Debra Caljouw, soprano, Wichers Auditorium,8 p.m. Faculty Recital Series— Sunday, Feb. 23: Knickerbocker Theatre, 4 p.m. Artist Piano Series— Saturday, Feb. 29: Valery Bukrinski,

Dimnent Memorial Chapel, senior citizensand $5 for

p.m. Tickets cost $3 for other adults. Admission is free 8

two weeks

prior to the

performancesat the DeWitt Center

394-7890. Faculty Recital Series— Sunday, March 8: Knickerbocker

ticket office, (616)

Theatre, 4 p.m.

Musical Showcase — Monday, March 9: DeVos Hall in Grand Rapids, Mich. Please see page four and call (616) 394-7860 for information. Great Performance Series — Tuesday, March 10: Dawn Kotoski, soprano, Evergreen Commons, 8 p.m. Tickets cost $10 for senior citizens, $12.50 for other adults and $6 for students,and information concerningsale datesmay be

8 p.m.

Chamber Winds-StudentEnsembles

Sophomore Recital— Wednesday, March 11:



Houzen, trumpeter, Wichers Auditorium,8 p.m. Wind Ensemble Concert— Friday, March 27: Dimnent Memorial Chapel, 8 p.m. Senior Recital— Saturday, March 28: Jeffrey Christensen, trumpeter, Wichers Auditorium,8 p.m. Chapel Choir Concert— Sunday, March 29: Dimnent Memorial Chapel, 8 p.m. Senior Recital— Monday, March 30: Kristen Koole, flutist; Jeffrey Vanden Bosch, French horn, Wichers Auditorium,

Junior Recital— Wednesday, March 4: Greg Laman, trumpeter, Wichers Auditorium,8 p.m. Orchestra Concert — ^Thursday, March 5: Dimnent Memorial Chapel, 8 p.m. Dance 18— Thursday-Saturday,March 5-7: DeWitt Center main theatre, 8 p.m. Tickets cost $4 for senior citizens, $5 for other adults and $3 for students,and will be available

7 p.m.




Saturday, April




Turtle Island String Quartet, Dimnent Memorial Chapel, 8

p.m. Tickets cost $10

for senior citizens,

$12.50 for

other adults and $6 for students,and information concerning sale dates may be obtained by calling (616) 394-6996. Faculty Recital Series — Sunday, April 12: Knickerbocker Theatre, 4 p.m. Wind Ensemble Concert — Tuesday, April 14: Dimnent Memorial Chapel, 8 p.m. Orchestra Concert — Tuesday, April 21: featuring student

winners of the Concerto/ Aria Competition,

8 p.m.

Faculty Recital— Tuesday, March 31: Joan Conway, pianist; Russell Floyd, clarinetist; Laura Floyd, soprano, Dimnent Memorial Chapel, 8 p.m. Junior Recital— Wednesday, April : Cynthia Kortman, pianist, Dimnent Memorial, 8 p.m. Student Recital— Thursday,April 2: Wichers Auditorium,


April 10: Wichers Auditorium,8 p.m.

Great Performance

obtained by calling (616) 394-6996.

with a valid Hope College identification.


Senior Recital— Friday, April 3: Holli Holstrom, violinist; Emily Baker, pianist, Wichers Auditorium,8 p.m. Guest Recital— Sunday, April 5: Martin Jean, organist, Dimnent Memorial Chapel, 8 p.m. Junior Recital — Tuesday, April 7: Greg Pratt, clarinetist, Wichers Auditorium,8 p.m. Collegium Musicum and College Chorus Concert — Thursday,April 9: Dimnent Memorial Chapel,


Memorial Chapel, 8 p.m. Student Recital— Thursday,April 23: Dimnent Memorial Chapel, 7 p.m.

Studio Opera — Friday-Saturday, April 24-25: scenes from various operas, Wichers Auditorium,8 p.m. Senior Recital— Sunday, April 26: Juliet Hasley, pianist, Dimnent Memorial Chapel, 4 p.m.


She taughtschool in the Albers School in Overisel for six

years. In 1928 she married Julius Kleinheksel

and at that time moved to Holland, where her husband

Korstange of Saxton's River. Vt„ Sally and Jeff Voss of

districts from

San Angelo. Texas; three granddaughters;a sister-in-

Tampa. Fla., in 1978.


was associatedwith Dykstra Funeral Homes. She was a member of the First ReformedChurch, the

Surviving are her husband, the Rev. William G.

Gertrude Douwstra of Holland; and a niece.

Maat '21 Harriet Helen

Dykema ’42 Laackman


1949-69. She and her husband moved to

Tampa; two



David '55 of Douglas.

Adult Sunday School Class and the Mission Aid

Mich., died on Saturday,Nov. 23, 1991, at her home.

Alaska, and Howard of Saranac Lake. N.Y.; two daughters,Phyllis Maat '56 Klarup of Mitchell.S.D..

Society,and a former member of the FriendshipClub.

She was

and Lois Schier of Oak Ridge, Tenn.; 10 grandchildren;



1 .

She was bom in Raymond, Minn., on Aug. 25, 1920,

Surviving are her husband. Julius; her children, Victor to

High School, Hope and the Butterworth Hospital School of Nursing in Grand Rapids, Mich.

Holland; six grandchildren; 1


great-grandchildren; a

She served as a firstlieutenant in the U.S. Army in

sister-in-law, Mrs. Gordon (Sadie) Top of Zeeland, Mich.; and several nieces, nephewsand cousins.



28 years as a

registerednurse at Zeeland Community Hospital before retirement.

Hospital. She was 77.

She had served on a number of boards in Greenwich, includingfor the Y.W.C.A.. the Woman's Club, the

Living in Hanford. Conn., and supervisorof the Shock

She was a graduate of Holland High School in additionto Hope. She served in the

World War

Rapids, Mich., and Dale and NatalieLaackman of

Presbyterianchurches in Detroit, Mich.; Buffalo,N.Y.;


and Rochester,N.Y. He retired in 1969 and moved to

Elmer Morgan of New York, and Matjorie and Robert

Institute and

Visser of Holland; and her brother, Allan and Mary


Holland, Mich., then to Lakeland, Fla., and Redford. Surviving are his wife, Helene E. Post; children of

Saginaw, Mich., and Tod Klerekoper of Hillman,

and Bonnie Laackman of East Grand

Fruena Douwstra ’37 Korstangeof Holland, She graduated from Hope with a degree in music. She taughtat Holland Public Schools for five years, and 1942 she married Gordon Korstange, moving to

Bellevue,where she was a piano teacher in the school

Raised in the West Olive area, she attended Ferris

Jane Dykema of Spring Lake, Mich. Josephine Lippenga ’29 Lenters of Deerfield,111.,

An of

Tampa, Fla., died

She was bom on March 16, 1908, to Henry and

She was a member and organist at the Bellevue Methodist Church for 25 years. She and her husband Holland area, where she was a member of

Hope Church. She was preceded in death by her husband in 1983,

graduated from CoopersvilleHigh School in 1925, and time at Hope did additionalstudies at College Albany, N.Y., in the 1940s.

Coldwater, Mich., during 1929-30. She married the

Surviving are her children, Gordon and Jeanne


Hope College,she

1963-75. She also establishedthe Lynn Szabo Smith Scholarshipfor deserving students, with preferenceto studentsmajoring in nursing. She was an avid traveler. Her other interests ranged from art, to music, to museums, to baseballto bowling.


Lombard.111., where she residedfor 52 years.


Doreen Adolphs '68 Stuart of two-year illness. She was 45.

was a member of the Women's Club

She was bom on May 8. 1946, in Petoskey, Mich., the


She grew up in Petoskey and attended Petoskey

She was preceded in death by her husband,

Raymond, in 1982, and

a son,

Frederick,in 1990.

Surviving are her children, Louis N. and Lois Sines

daughter of Doran and Lillian (Leismer) Adolphs.

schools,graduatingfrom Petoskey High School in 1964. In additionto her bachelor'sdegree in mathematics from Hope, she held a master's degree


Belknap, 111., Wanda and Kenneth Hepler of Cameron Park, and Patricia and Ronald Burke of Blue

from ButlerUniversityof Indianapolis, Ind.

Eye, Mo.; 17 grandchildren;13 great-grandchildren;

1973-83. She taughtmathematics and was a volunteer

one great-great-grandchild; and a sister-in-law, Mrs.

counselor at the Crisis Pregnancy Center in

Theron (Christine) Stone of West Olive.


She taughtin ZionsvilleMiddle School from

On March 26, 1983, she married C. Michael Stuart

with her husband in Reformedchurches in the Albany

Ilona (Lynn) Szabo ’32 Smith of Greenwich,

area; Nassau, Beme, Schenectady, DeFreestvilleand

Conn., died on Thursday, Dec. 26, 1991. She was 81.


She was bom on March 10, 1910, and was raised in

Greenbush, Amsterdam and Hagaman, N.Y., school

Zionsville. Ind.. died

on Sunday, Dec. 1. 1991, at her home following a

Rev. William G. Maat '27 on June 19, 1930, and served

She was an elementary school teacherin the East

and a brother, Howard Douwstra, in 1984.


and Republican's Club, and was Grand Lecturerof the

Sarah VanderLindenin Coopersville,Mich. She

of St. Rose in

Hope, teachingschool in Blendon

She returnedto the Holland, Mich., area in 1968.

on Friday, Jan. 10, 1992. She was 83.

after her

Actively involved in the

She married Raymond Sines on June 7, 1916, and


She taught juniorhigh school English and historyin

system there.

on Tuesday, Nov. 5, 1991. in Cameron Park, Calif.

She was 96.

died on Tuesday, Aug. 27, 1991.

Mich., died on Friday, Jan. 10, 1992. She was 77.

retired to the

Vida Stone (Prep ’13) Sines of West Olive,Mich., died

grandchildren;her sisters,Florence and



and a sister-in-law, Ruth Zonnebelt of Albion, Mich.

survived by her husband, Harvey Laackman;

Ruth VanderLinden ’29 Maat

GreenwichHospitalVolunteer for many years.

served on the college'sBoard of Trusteesfrom

Marcia Orr of La Mirada, Calif., William P. Klerekoper Mich.; eight grandchildren;and five great

the Church Council Second Congregational Church. She was also a

Her husband was Harrison Smith, an engineer. He died in the 1950s.

her sons, Blair


Community Chest and Council,and

Surviving are her sisters,Leonora Zonnebelt, Gertrude Zonnebelt and June Zonnebelt, all of Holland;

worked for Michigan Bell Telephone Co. for 17 years. He resignedin 1944 to enter the ministryand serve




community organizations.

volunteerfor Meals on Wheels and other


and taughtelementary school in the Dearborn, Mich., area for 36 years. II,

preceded in death by a brother, Fred. A graduateof Hope and Wayne State University,he

also a

Her work experience included being a first aid nurse Yellowstone Park, supervisorwith the Institute of

Therapy Department of the Neurological Instituteof New York City.


Zeeland and the AmericanLegion Auxiliary. She was

graduated in 1935, and studiedadvanced psychiatryat the Institute of Living in Hanord, Conn.

Bernice Zonnebelt"37 Merkle of Holland. Mich., died on Sunday, Dec. 29. 1991. in Holland Community

Wednesday,Nov. 27, 1991. He was 87. Bom in Amsterdam,the Netherlands,the son of Moses and Jane (Nooitgedaacht)Klerekoper,he came to the United States at age nine months.He was

She was a member of the Faith ReformedChurch in

ColumbiaPresbyterianNursing School, from which she


228th Station Hospitalin Sherborne. England, from

1943-45.She worked for more William Klerekoper’26 of Redford, Mich., died on

where he went into the grocery business. Following her graduationfrom Hope, she attended

and five great-grandchildren.

Alice and Herman Dykema. She attended Muskegon

and Dorothy Kleinheksel,Carrow and Eleanor Kleinheksel,and Randall and Sheryl Kleinheksel,all of

miner in West Virginia, later moving to New York City,

New York. Her parentswere emigres from Hungary who met in the United States.Her father had been a


Indianapolis. She was a member of the Second Reformed

PresbyterianChurch; a member of ZionsvilleWelcome

Wagon and was

with the IndianapolisSki Club.

a skier

She enjoyed square dancing and skiing. Survivors includeher husband; one son, Sean Stuart, and one daughter,Megan Stuart, both at home; her parents, Doran and Lillian Adolphs of Petoskey; one brother,

Randy Adolphs


Mount Horeb, Wis.; and one

sister,Betty Griffingof Sterling,

Gladys Van Anrooy



formerly of Holland,

Mich., died on Wednesday,Nov. 20, 1991, in Hollywood, Fla., following a long illness. She was 84, She was bom on July 12, 1907, in Grand Rapids, Mich. A graduateof Holland High School, she attendedHope and graduated from Western Michigan



She taught school in Michigan, Arizona and Florida. She was a




Third Reformed Church.

Surviving are two sisters,Viola Van Anrooy of Holland, and CrystalMichelsen of North Palm Beach. two brothers, Oscar Van Anrooy of Zeeland,

Fla.; and

Mich., and Nevin Van Anrooy of Grand Rapids.

Word has been receivedof the death of Elizabeth Martin ’28 Van Raalte of Montague, Mich., who died on Monday, Jan. 20, 1992. Additional informationwill appear in the April, 1992, issue of news from Hope College. Chester Wing '38 died on Sunday, Oct. 27. 1991. He was 76. He served the followingRCA churches: New Salem, Voorheesville,N.Y.; Johnstown, N.Y.; Neighborhood, RidgefieldPark, N.J.; Second, Hudson City,

JerseyCity, N.J.; and Mamakating.Wurtsboro,

N.Y. He

survived by his wife, Virginia, and by three



— Mary Nagase, David Noll and JeffreyNoll.

StephenWise ’49 of Whitehall,Mich., died on Wednesday,Dec. 18, 1991. He was 69.

Bom the

Tom J asperse, Betty Boersma Jasperse (’ 77 Class Rep), Bill and Claire Campbell Boersma ('75 Class Reps), Max Boersma '46 (Hope in the Future co-chair), Connie Hinga '49 Boersma (Former Class Rep.), Paul Boersma '82 and Melody Meyer Boersma ('83 Class Rep). (Left to right:)

on Jan. 1, 1922, in Dunbar, Pa., he had lived in

White Lake area since 1955. On Oct.

Paris, France, he



1945, in

married the former Barbara Leighton

and had been a registered nurse at Hackley Hospital. He was




Lebanon Lutheran

Church and served in the U.S. Army in Europe during

World War O. Surviving are his wife, Barbara;four daughters, Linda (Al) LaRue of Illinois.Nancy (Gary) Oliver of

They give

their time and resources because they believe in

Hope College:

Indiana.Denise (Bruce) Atchison of Colorado and Elizabeth(Donald) Rutherford of Grand Rapids. Mich.; eightgrandchildren; one sister,Mary Ainsley of

mission, its educational opportunities and, most important, its students. its

Pennsylvania;and three brothers, George Wise of Indiana,Frank Wise of Pennsylania and Thomas Wise of


sympathy to

Please join the Boersmas in supporting Hope College.

The family of Benjamin Jones of Two Rivers,Wis.,

Please give

to the

Alumni Fund




on Sunday, Jan. 5. 1992.

Survivors includehis wife, Alice VanHattem ’28 Jones.



Hope senior wins Marshall Scholarship won campus awards for his work by Greg Olgers ’87

— poems in writing



ope College senior Mike of


philosophyand his writing, and has also received off-campus recognition for his


Spring Lake, Mich., has

received a prestigious British Marshall Scholarships presented nationwide, the

second year in a row a Hope student has been granted one of the highly-competitiveawards. Heidi Hudson-Mairet ’91 received a British Marshall Scholarship last year. Theune’ s honor also follows 1987 graduate Dan Stid’s receipt of a similarlyprestigious Rhodes Scholarship only five

including publication of three

an upcoming issue of The WittenbergReview. And althoughhe declines to reveal his college grade point average, he admits he has been named to the Dean’s List throughouthis time at Hope. He has also earned respect from his instractorsfor the aplomb and good nature with which he handles all with which he is involved. “I think Mike


especially enthusiastic

as a scholar and an intellectual, and that his

enthusiasm is contagiousamong others,”

years before.

“Mike Theune


said Dr. Arthur H. Jentz Jr. ’56, professor

certainly an

outstanding student,” said Hope College

of philosophyand chairperson of the

President John H. Jacobson. “He has been

department. “He’s an exceedingly

an excellent student in an academic sense,

friendly, outgoingperson — a lively wit

and also very active in the life of the

a fine person to talk

honor and

a very substantial

recognition of merit to receive a British

Marshall Scholarship,” Dr. Jacobson said. “It is also wonderful for Hope College, too, that for a second consecutive year one of our students has received this

recognition.” The British Marshall Scholarship

program was established by the British government in 1953 as a way of recognizing the United States’ role in Europe’s recoveryfollowing World War II. Designed for citizensof the United States who are graduates of U.S. colleges and universities,British Marshall Scholarships


be used at any British

university,and are of two-year duration.

The scholarships were awarded to only 40 American undergraduatesthis year. Hudson-Mairet, last year’s Marshall Scholar, was a Hope special education major who is currently studying special educationand internationalspecial educationat the University of Manchester in England. The college’s previous Marshall Scholar was Lynne Vande Bunte ’64, a philosophy major now residing in San Jose, Calif.

“I think


being human. I

among the students, and excellent company for both other students and members of the faculty.”


“In one conversationwe can be talking about Martin Buber, the Detroit Pistons,

William Stafford, what he’s going to get his brothers for Christmas, tell two jokes and get back to Martin Buber — somehow — in the end,” said Jack Ridl, professor of English.

“He has this ability to settle in and hunker down with any kind of experience,” Professor Ridl said. “He can get all A’s, and the next thing you know he’s out on his roller blades or something. It’s this wonderful,down-to-earth quality, with a fellow who’s certainly brilliant.” “He is one of the most engaging people that I’ve met,” said Dr. William Cohen, professor of history,who helped guide Theune while applyingfor the scholarship. “He manages to make you feel as if you are talking with a fellow faculty

member — and not only

member, but a own realm, he

a fellow faculty

faculty member within your is so well read.”

His selection ended


process of several

that involved his nomination by Hope College faculty,the submission

months the


is a

and spiritual qualities if

emotional which are vital parts of of.


couldn’t have done belter

had gone anyplace else.” — Mike Theune

Theune, the son of the Rev. Peter ’65 and Judy Theune of Spring Lake, is majoring in English and philosophy and minoring in writing. He will be studying philosophy at Oxford University. Beyond his course work, Thefine’s activities have ranged from editing the college’s literary magazine for two years, to being a disc jockey on the college radio station, to winning MIAA honors as a letter-winning



a real


college during his time here.” “It is a great

with. He’s also

of the college’s


of an essay and recommendations, reviews

the search ultimately will lead

him he cannot say, but he hopes someday to guide future students in their own quests for understanding. “For me, what I’m doing is personally important.And I have a sense that perhaps what I come across, what I discover, might be importantto others also, and in that case I’d simply like to share that,” Theune said. “I think that’s where my interestin teaching comes in — it’s just a desire to share and communicate ideas.” When asked to identify the sort of institutionat which he someday would like to see himself, he is quick to respond that he would most like to return to a small, liberal arts college like Hope. “My professors have provided more than the facts they have taught me and the fragments of information I’ve picked up,” he said. “They’ve also given me a sense of their lives, of their outlooks, that they are

remember those

character as evidenced both by their scholastic attainments and by their other activities

it is

possible to objectively consider,

cultures guide their lives. At Oxford, he

classes, has assisted professors preparing

hopes to work with members of the philosophyfaculty who have been investigating some of the same questions




were and

selected on the basis of their intellect

assistantfor both writing and religion


and helped get

that intrigue him.

and achievements. Theune’s interest in English and philosophy reflects a broader personal desire to examine, and identify whether or

interview in Chicago, 111. Scholars


the systems by which individuals and

modem fictionand writing, tutors modem philosophy.He has

of Spring Lake, Mich., will use his British Marshall

beings who care about what’s happening in the student.” “They’ve provided guidance in not only my intellectualgrowth but my emotional and spiritual growth as well,” he said. “And truth to tell, I think I’ve needed that emotional and spiritual growth — because sometimes that intellectualstuff can get very weighty, and it’s important to

at the regional and national level, and

track team. He has been a teacher’s

courses in both

Mike Theune '92


study at Oxford University, where he will pursue his interestin philosophy.


other aspects of life.”

Theune also feels that atmosphere of caring helped make him a viable candidate for the British Marshall Scholarship. “They knew about my grades and activities — that came through on paper,

said. “But



to the interview,” he

think when



to the

interview they were hoping to answer, ‘Do

we have somebody that cares — that’s concerned with issues they raise and struggles to search out possibilities?”’

“And that


think that




promoter of

of not only the intellect, but the

emotional and

spiritual qualitieswhich are

vital parts of being

human,” he said. “I

couldn’t have done better if




anyplace else.” Theune learned he had received the scholarship in the midst of the fall semester’s



not exactly the

best time to leam one’s academic dreams

have come true. After the initial wave of elation had passed, however, and he rededicated himself to the exams


papers yet due, he devoted some thought to the route that had led to the scholarship.



careful to note he feels the credit is

not his alone. “One of my reflectionson this think this award to


not only to

Hope College, and



that I

but also

to specific people

who have given me opportunities to use my abilities and to challenge me at the same time,” he said. “It reflects the work of numerous people — of family, friends, faculty and staff. This is a tributeto them as well.” But he also can’t resist a bit of wit.


of the nice things about this

scholarship,” he said, “is that

now when

people ask me, ‘Well, what are you going to be doing after Hope?,’ I finally have an answer.”



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