Hope college alumni magazine 1971 v24 3 summer

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h o p e c o lle g e a n n u a l rep o rt 1 9 7 0 — 1@71 S u m m e r fo u o -^ H o p e CdU egc A luffinr WlSgazIn'?


h o p e c o lle g e a n n u a l rep or t 1970— 1971

The College Report 1970-1971 The Changing Scene The educational scene has changed at an un­ believable rate over the past two years. Graduates of 1971 find the job market crowded rather than offering a variety of choices as it did for the 1969 graduate. Expanding enrollments were predicted two years ago and now many institutions, fearing decreased enrollments, are struggling for survival. These external problems may have some farreaching effects on the educational practices within the colleges. Recently, U. S. Commissioner of Edu­ cation, Sidney P. Marland, Jr. said, “I am convinced that man does live by values, that teachers hold values, parents hold values, that the pseudo-scholarly disdain of values has run its course. I do not ask that we impose our values or coerce their adoption, but by Heaven, if teachers hold deep beliefs they should be free to make them known. Morality is a good word. I have a notion it may be re­ emerging with respectability. 1 think the young want to know it-need it. We should not hold it back.”


Emphasis on Values and Competence



The emphasis in education today is clearly more favorable toward the field of values. If we are to escape from the leadership of tight-lipped clever men, we must avoid giving our young people an education devoid of sympathy and insight. We must not only know how to teach, but what to teach. And where can you find institutions of higher learning more qualified to teach values than the liberal arts church-related college such as Hope. Higher education in general has separated fact from value. Many in the past have said that education cannot be objective, creative, innovative, openended, if it is committed. Education in the 1970’s will be less detached and more committed to the values the Christian educator has always stressed. Hope College insists that a recognition of the na­ ture of reality is not enough. Education is a moral enterprise; it is concerned with the “ought.” Consequenliy, the student is constantly being urged, as he explores, to evaluate and to commit himself to some ultimate values which he finds have transcend­ ent worth and around which he can organize his life. The College does this explicitly by asking its stu­ dents to examine the various creeds and beliefs which have preceded them. Recognizing that values are acquired and strengthened, often by experiences other than the formal education process, it seeks to be a Christian community in action. Although it never completely succeeds, it looks upon this as its constant challenge. We believe in the importance of helping our stu­ dents gain the special competencies they will need to carry out their unique vocations in this complex and specialized society. To achieve such under­ standings as well as to develop these competencies, Hope College believes it is important for the student to refine and sharpen Iris intellectual tools; Iris power of reasoning, his ability to comprehend, to express himself in word and number, and his sensi­ bility to the world of line, color, sound and move­ ment as found in nature and the arts.


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An Expanded and Strengthened Curriculum , , r , r » . >

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During the past year, extensive changes have been made in the College course offerings. The Depart­ ment of Religion has completely revised its course offerings, grouping these courses into a series of di­ visions of study, including basic studies in religion, Biblical studies, historical studies, theological-philo­ sophical studies in world religion, and religion in a culture. The Departments of Sociology and Education have greatly strengthened both their staff and then course offerings, seeking more effective ways of meeting changing student needs. Studies in the field of oceanography and ecology have been de­ veloped jointly by the Departments of Geology, Biology and Chemistry. The Institute on Environmental Quality was formed and is engaged in extensive studies of the environment with support from the Kellogg Foundation. The Psychology Depart­ ment has reached deeply into the field of experi­ mental psychology and Hope now has one of the most complete series of course offerings in animal behavior to be found in the liberal arts colleges. The Baker Trust Fund has honored Hope College as the only college in Michigan to receive funding for students majoring in the field of Business Ad­ ministration and Economics. The new Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa was installed this year on the cam­ pus, again bringing coveted recognition of the ex­ cellence of Hope’s overall educational program. Eight members of the faculty have received substantial grants from a variety of sources which will enable them to pursue postdoctoral studies and re­ search throughout the world during the 1971-72 college year. It is the overall purpose then of the Hope academic program to preserve and foster the best of our past history and to seek new and more effec­ tive ways to provide an education rooted in the past, but focused upon the current and future needs of our developing society.

The Campus Community This has also been a most interesting year outside of the classroom on Hope’s campus. The more than 2 , 0 0 0 students have played a vital part in bringing about an evolution. Change has been accommodated without loss of character. Many of us were apprehensive about the discon­ tinuance of compulsory chapel last fall, but there was a determination on the part of some to main­ tain the Christian character on the campus. That determination was evident this year as we saw the growth of Bible study groups, prayer breakfasts and a Religious Emphasis Week that brought John Guest to our campus. Students and faculty responded in a very positive way. Plans are being laid to recapture tins enthusiasm in the fall and build on it. In response to requests of students and faculty for more opportunities to express themselves in the governance of the College, a model community gov­ ernment has been established. It’s cumbersome and sometimes inefficient, but it brings faculty, students and administrators together. It also provides oppor­ tunities to witness, to share and to develop responsi­ ble citizens in our community. It provides opportu­ nities for all of us to struggle responsibly with the question of how character and change can be com­ bined. In the area of social activities, students are not suggesting that we throw away all of our traditions. All you have to do is come to our annual FreshmanSophomore Pull, the Nykerk Cup Contest, Home­ coming, May Day, and you will see that they come in response to these activities in greater numbers and with the same wholesome attitudes. In the final analysis, the standards of a community, whether they be in a classroom, a residence hall or in the social activities, are determined by the spirit of the people who make up the community.

New Buildings Change Campus Profile Physical progress is also very evident on campus. During Homecoming weekend 1970, the Wichers addition to the Nykerk Hall of Music was dedicated. Members of the Second Reformed Church of Kala­ mazoo pledged $100,000 toward this building. Dr. Wynand Wichers, President Emeritus of Hope Col­ lege and for whom the building is named, attended the ceremonies, one of his last public appearances before his recent death. The DeWitt Cultural Center will be dedicated later this year. This $2.9 million facility will pro­ vide Hope College with an excellent theatre audi­ torium and excellent areas for student recreation. Over $700,000 has been contributed by Dick and Jack DeWitt to enable the College to undertake this great addition. The Reformed Church Development Fund has also been instrumental in bringing this project to completion. A Dutch classic tracker organ valued at $42,500 was graciously donated by Mr. and Mrs. Edsko Hekman to Hope College. Professor Roger Davis played the dedicatory concert on this organ which has been installed in the balcony of Dimnent Me­ morial Chapel. Presently, funding is being sought for the Aca­ demic-Science Center. Hope College has received a

government allocation of $3,000,000, consisting of a $ 1 ,0 0 0 , 0 0 0 grant and a $2 ,0 0 0 , 0 0 0 long-term, low interest loan. The Kresge Foundation has pledged $500,000, challenging Hope to raise a matching amount by September 15, 1971. Ap­ proximately $300,000 has been raised and the re­ maining $2 0 0 , 0 0 0 is currently being sought through a science alumni memorial drive to honor Drs. Kleinheksel and Van Zyl, through solicitation of selected Reformed Churches and through various foundations and corporations. When the $4,000,000 funding is completed, construction will start. Annual Fund solicitations will also be continued. Over $700,000 is contributed yearly to the opera­ tional fund of Hope College. One-third is received from alumni and friends, about one-third from the churches and the final one-third from corporations and foundations. An enriched capital funds project is anticipated during this coming year to obtain the funds neces­ sary to complete the ten-year plan for development. The long-awaited Physical Education Center will be part of this endeavor. A loyal constituency will make it possible for Hope College to continue to move forward.

College Governance and Administration Hope is completing a truly successful year. We have been spared any type of campus crisis; we are witnessing a revival of spiritual emphasis and we are hoping for a balanced budget. Surely, this must represent utopia for the responsible adminis­ trator. Since the resignation of Dr. VanderWerf, Hope has operated with an Executive Council in lieu of a President. The Executive Council is comprised of five men: Dr. William VanderLugt has served as Chancellor and as Presiding Officer at official functions of the College; Dr. Morrette Rider, Dean for Academic Affairs, has guided the academic program of the College; Mr. Robert DeYoung, Dean of Student Affairs, has strived for purpose in the out-of-classroom life of students; Dr. William DeMeester, Assistant to the President for Planning and Development, has been responsible for the representation of Hope College to its publics and Mr. Clarence Handlogten, Treasurer and Business Manager, has chaired the Executive Council and served as final decision maker. This rather unorthodox system of governance has served as superbly while a nine-member Presidential Search Committee, chaired by Mrs. Norman Vincent Peale, has searched for presidential candidates. The Executive Council has met weekly and other times as needed, and has concerned itself with the overall implementation of policy as it is established by the Board of Trustees and the faculty/student committee system. With guarded optimism, a balanced budget is anticipated for the current fiscal year. With the favorable outcome of last year, as reported in this Annual Report, the College’s general and operating fund is in balance and Hope is among the few private colleges that can make such a claim. Continued inflationary pressures directly affect Hope College and every effort is needed to improve the support of our programs. While progress has been made in recent years, the need for additional facilities is unquestionably one of the most pressing needs at Hope College. The pressures financially are great, but we are dealing with them responsibly with growth and improvement in all areas of the College’s activity. We are pleased with our accomphshments and our present situation. We know you share in our pride in Hope College. We offer our thanks to each of you with very special gratitude to all of our loyal area alumni chairmen, to Harvey Buter, chairman of the Holland Community Campaign and to Jack DeWitt, chairman of the Zeeland Community Campaign for the work and the leadership shown by each en­ listing financial support for our College. We covet your con­ tinued support and good will.

William Vander Lugt Chancellor

Clarence Handiogten Treasurer & Business Manager

William DeMeester Assistant to the President for Planning & Development

June 1971 Robert De Young Dean of Student Affairs

GIFTS TO HOPE COLLEGE (Restricted a|j<^Unrestricted)


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1970 Hope College Annual FundArea Chairmen A lbany.................................................. Mr. Gordon Meeusen Ann A r b o r .........................................Dr. Norman Thompson Buffalo.................................................. Mr. Huston K. Myers Chicago N o rth ............................Mr. & Mrs. LeRoy Nattress Chicago S o u th ..................................Mr. Glenn W. Gouwens Chicago W est........................................ Mr. William Bonnema Cincinnati............................................. Dr. Maurice Loomans Cleveland.....................................................Mr. James Tysse C olum bus................................ Reverend Nathan VanderWerf D ayton................................................Dr. Richard T. Ortquisfc D enver............................................... Mr. Wayne R. Vriesman D etroit............................................. Mrs. Wayne D. Woodby Grand Rapids .............................. Mr. Carlton B. Failor, Jr. Grandville.....................................................Dr. Laverne Boss Holland .................................................Mr. Andrew Dalman

Indianapolis .......... K alam azoo............. New York City Area Los Angeles .......... M id lan d .................. Minneapolis............. M uskegon............... North New Jersey . Philadelphia .......... San Francisco . . . . Washington D.C. . . Wisconsin............... Zeeland .................. At-Large..................

.......... Dr. Russell Kraay . . . Dr. Hugh Campbell . Reverend Jack Hascup .Dr. William E. Welmers . . Dr. Corwin Bredeweg . . . . Mr. David E. Kots ............... Mr. Paul Buit . .Mr. Robert P. Hartley . . . . . . Dr. Jay Rutgers . . .Miss Janice K. Evert .......... Mr. Warren Kane .............Mr. John Visser Mr. Paul Van Koevering . Mrs. Oliver Veneklasen

1971 Alumni O rganization The Alumni Board John Schrier President

Harold Hakken Vice President

J. Norman Timmer Director

Clarence Handlogten Treasurer

Marian Stryker Secretary

The Directors Gene C. Campbell Grand Rapids, Michigan

David C. Dethmers Grosse Pte. Woods, Michigan

Chapter and Club Officers, 1970-1971 Albany-Schenectody Club President .........................................................................Gordon Meeusen Vice-President...................................................................... William Drake Secretary ................................................................ Diane Drake Meeusen Treasurer ....................... ....................Eleanor Schooninaker Morehouse Prospective Student C hairm an ............. ...................... Gordon Meeusen Cleveland President . . . Vice-President Secretary . . . Treasurer . . .

. Grace Yeomans Visscher ...........Donald Rynbrandt Phyllis Stienstra DeFouw ...........Sharon Wiechman

Cincinnati Chairman .........................................................................Maurice Loomans Dayton Chairman .........................................................................Richard Ortquist Detroit Club President ..........................................................................David Dethmers Vice-President.......................................Theodore Meulendyk Hinkamp Secretary .............................................................................Richard Welch Treasurer ........................................................................... Preston Mating

Doris Adams De Young Friesland, Wisconsin

Theodore Dumez Washington, D.C.

Cornelius Groenewoud Buffalo, New York

Harold Hakken Sepulveda, California

Reverend Jack Hascup Williston Park, New York

Thomas Houtman Midland, Michigan

Beth Maasen South Holland, Illinois

Lester McBride Kalamazoo, Michigan

Becky Anderson McNiven

Kalamazoo Club President ............. 1st Vice-President 2nd Vice-President Secretary/Treasurer

. . . Donald Van Hoeven ............. William Wichers Reverend Neil Van Heest . Gertrude Dame Schrier

Midland Chairman ........................................................................Corwin Bredeweg Muskegon Club President . . . Vice-President Secretary . . . Treasurer . . .

, . . . Herman Laug Lois Hospers Jalving Avis South Boelkins ............. Stuart Post

New York City Club President .............................................................. Ann Bloodgood Rowell Vice-President.................................................... Reverend Nevin Webster Secretary .................................................................Carol Matheis Cassidy Treasurer ........................................................................... Harold Ritsema Philadelphia Club Chairman . . .

John Ryskamp

Holland, Michigan

Gordon Meeusen

Rochester Club Chairman .

Shirley Jean Hand

Guilderland Center, New York

Craig Neckers Clymer, New York

John Schrier Muskegon, Michigan

Donald W. Scott Somerset, New Jersey

Frederick Vandenberg Ex Officio Grand Rapids, Michigan

Southern California President ...................................................... Richard and Clara Wierenga Vice-Prosidem—San D ie g o .................................. Cmdr. Henry Beukema Vice-President-Los A ngeles............................................ Robert Nyboer Vice-Prestdent-Santa Barbara ............. John and Della Kuiper Meengs Secretary/Treasurer .............William and Beatrice Fairbanks Welmers Syracuse Club Chairman Washington D.C. Club President ............. Vice-President . . . Secretary ............. Treasurer .............

William E. Forth .Wesley Michaelson . . Myra Kleis Berry . . Marion Hoekstra William VanDerValk

DONORS TO HOPE COLLEGE ANNUAL FUND - 1970 Preparatory School Aeilts Grace Engle •Antonides Joseph Bolks Josephine De Witt Margaret Kaizer *Do Witt Richard •Diekema Willis A

Huibregste Johanna Plaggemars Jacobs Cora Ver Meulen Kleinheksel Gertrude Jalving *Kuite Helen R •Lugers Georgiana Luidens Mary Weaver

Meengs Margaret Parrish Vera Van Vaikenberg *Roggen Lena De Haan •Schaap Muriel De Witt •Schillman Delbert F Tazelaar Lillian Hoffman

Van Zyl Bertha Brower *Veldhuis Zachary Weersing Freda Weersing Frederick J *Wieringa Hilda

Alumni Donors by Classes CLASS OF 1902 ‘Winter Anna Reimens CLASS OF 1903 "Strick Edward J Vandermel Cornelius CLASS OF 1906 De Jong Nettle R CLASS OF 1907 •Hinkamp Martha De Jong •DeYoung Benjamin •Hinkamp Paul E •Roggen John A Slagh John M CLASS OF 1908 Pelgrim Estelle Kollen Renskers Herman CLASS OF 1909 ‘ Blekkink Victor Wichers Alyda DePree Hoffman Milton J Oggal Emma Louise Wamhuis Wichers Wynand CLASS OF 1910 Huibregste Edward ‘ Paine Clifford Sr "Steininger Della Baker •Veenker August CLASS OF 1911 Te Paske Flossie De Jong De Vries John W Meengs Raymond D Oggel Melvin V Scholten George 8 CLASS OF 1912 Benjamin Herber C •Brooks Earnest C •Luidens Mae De Pree Garvelink Frank L Stegeman Gertrude Hoekje •Luidens Anthony Mulder James 8 Dykstra Irene Staplekamp 'V an Zoeren G John CLASS OF 1913 •Dame Clarence P Hekhuis Lambertus Hekhuis Jennie Immink •Kleinheksel Frank D Coith Mae La Huis

* Leenhouts William J Moerdyke William J Holt Ruth Post Vande Woude Berend T Sr •Brush Agnes Visscher •Wichers Edward CLASS OF 1914 *De Pree Charlotte E Boomker Adrianna Hammekool Jacobs Henry C Lubbers Raymond J •Meeusen Kathryn Pelgrim •Poppen Henry A Gill Helen Roeiofs •Poppen Dorothy Trompan •Van Vranken Herbert Veenscbolten H M CLASS OF 1915 Bruggers John H ‘Whitwam Wilma Oxner ‘ Lounsberry Marguerite Pieters •Johnson Wilhelmina Schuelke "Stoppels Charles A •Meyer Marguerite Vanden Brink CLASS OF 1916 Aeilts Johanna A Beltman Henry Claver Willard L Scharff Georgiana De Jong Flipse Callie De Mots Hyma Elizabeth De Vries Douma Frank W •Kleinheksel Ethel Dykstra Flipse M.Eugene Gebhard John G Jr Hoffman Catherine Hekhuis Hospers Henry O Ihrman Hermine M Elferdink Adrianna Kolyn •Meyer Harris M •Miller Bruno H Mulder Janet 8

Blandford Marion Struick •Potts Henrietta Neerken Terborg Amelia Sywassink Schwind Martha Ossewaarde •Pelgrim George Timmer Gerrit Prins Marie Vanden Brink Lindeman Nelle Pelgrim Rozeboom William A Lubbers Lucy Vander Ploeg Scholten Adrian H Hakken Elda Van Putten Beltman Sara Trompen Ten Have Fenna Van Vessem •Van Westenburg Christine Van Raall *Heemstra Marie Welling Barnett Henrietta Van Zee Zwemer Sara Winter CLASS OF 1919 •Witteveen Henry Hospers Anna Ameele Yntema Clara E Prins Harriet Baker Doherty Bernice Benjamin CLASS OF 1917 •Dodson Olive Bertsch De Jong Martina M •Blekkink Ruth B *Den Uyl Simon D Dalman Lawrence H •Heemstra Clarence R Everts William R •Flipse M Jay Hospers Rudolf D Kleis Clarence Vander Broek Gertrude Keppel Muilenburg Mayme Kloote •Pelgrim Eva Leenhouts •Koop Eggo •Lubbers Irwin J Korteling Ralph G Van Wyk Amelia Manning Mulder Bernard J Prins Marguerite Meyer Rozeboom Cynthia Pennings Moore John S Post John C •Reese Max J •Flipse Alice Raap Steketee Gertrude M ‘ Reeverts Clara E *Te Linde Richard W Ten Have John Ten Haken William H Terborg John Van Putten M William Muilenburg Cornelia Vander Meer Stanton Anne Visscher ‘ Van Zoeren Irene Van Zanten Wierenga Cornelius R •Reese Florence Vyn Visscher Grace Yeomans Korteling Anna Winter Dalman Lawrence H CLASS OF 1918 Stegeman Ella Atwood Fenton Louise Brusse Coburn Clara M Diepenhorst Edward •Klaaren John A Moerdyke Cornelia Leenhouts Rove Lillian Peet Ramaker Harvey Scholten Walter A Stegeman James A

* PACE SETTERS * Names in this report preceded by an asterisk (*) are Pace Setters. Pace Setters are donors to the Hope College Annual Fund who have given for the first time, or have doubled their previous year’s gift, or have contributed $ 1 0 0 or more.

CLASS OF 1920 Schrader Marie Boiks Cooper Peter ‘ Dalenberg John R De Vries Charles De Young Chris A Geegh Mary E Giles Roscoe M Hakken Bernard D •Perry Theodora Hoekstra Giles Dorothy Hunt Koppenaal Peter J Mills Helene Meyer Muilenburg James Osterhof Gerard G Pietenpol Clarence J Prins Peter N •Reeverts Emma ‘ Koeppe Elizabeth Renskers Roggen Arthur ‘ Steketee John R Ten Have Ralph ‘ Vander Borgh George H ‘ Mol Hattie Ver Meer

Voskuil Harmon *Voss Frod Mulder Louise Weaver Westmoas Adam Walters Edward J •Zwemer Evelyn CLASS OF 1921 Brink William G Dean Florence Dalenberg De Graff Neltje •Brooks Edith Diekema Vanden Bosch Frances Du Mez Hartgerink Elizabeth C Kennedy Vara Keppel Weaver Myra Wanting •Meyer Nella K Landis Grace Peet Visscher Janet Pieters •Weier Katherine Schmidt Lyon Marion Sywassink Scholten FrancesThoms •Van Ark Bert •Vander PiOeg Jeanette Yntema Katheryn Vander Veen •Van Loo Maurice 'Dalenberg Helene Van Raalte Veidman Harold E Walvoord Anthony •Klaaren Deane Weersing •Yntema Theodore O Pickens N Elizabeth Zwemer CLASS OF 1922 Blocker Richard J Burggraaff Winfield De Jong Garrett E De Vries Peter *De Young Ward Flikkema John M •Gaikema Everett W •Hogenboom Dona Habink Hamel ink Marinus H Vander Haar Jeanette Hoffman •Kamps Jacob R Pannings Bert H Rynbrandt Abraham Schipper Stanley Muyskens Mamia Scholten •Schuurmans Meinte Dunn Helen Smith • Diekoma Beatrice S teketee Trompen Paul E Failor Agnes Vande Wal •Lubbers Margaret Van Donselaar Van Dyke Lillian C Van Oostenburg Matthew W Visscher Maurice B CLASS OF 1923 Baker Tunis Baker Janet Bouma Broekema Ruth Hoffs Alice Brower Van Koevering Nita Caldwell Coburn Herman L •De Jonge Helen B •DeVries Jerry De Vries Thomas Durkee Rachel Gebhard ■Hessolink Ira J •Neckers Ellen Hoffman Kots George T De Jong Everdene Kuyper Bloemendat Ethel Leenhouts Lowsma Henry Reed Wilma Meyer •Nadherny Helen Moser •Neckers JemesW

Pellegrom Ruth ' Rottschafer William O •Don Herder Margaret Schmalfeid •Timmer A lbert H Strub Edythe Tyner Irwin Joan Vander Spok •Veneklasen Lucille Vander Werf Van Zanten Charles Vruwink Harry Pfobst Kathryn Wassenaar CLASS OF 1924 Bioemendal Willard WiorksMary Boer Brower Frances G 'Cupery Martin De Weerd Harvey A "Dykstra Harry B Heemstra Simon Hoffs Marinus Kempers Bert De Weerd Nelle Kole Blaauw Marie Kruyf Ter Kerusr Ruth Laug Lubbers Clarence R Peelen Ruth Miller •Miller Martha Muller Costing Cornelia Ossewaarde Veidman Pearl Paaiman Prins Jacob Van Eenenaam 'Isla Pruim Schaap Jeanette Roos Roosenraad Christian Sanko Minnie Rozeboom •Beuker Margaret Trompen •Mac Eachron Jennie Van Dam Van Dyke Russel H •Van Farowa Richard J •Veneklasen Oliver E *Ver Meulen John W •Verduin Mary Visscher Wierks Harold CLASS OF 1925 Blaauw Jacob Veidman Adelaide Borgman •Brockmeier Ruth Angus Agnes Buikema •Buss EffieM •Bussies Justin L Caldwell Alice E Collins Mary Priscilla *De Boom Adrian •De Wolf Grace E •Martineau Margaret Donnelly Dykhuizen Cornelius A •Dykstra Rensa Ketting Anne Elenbaas •Kamps Isabel Everse Forsten John Burggraaff Ruth Hardie Hoeksema Martin •Hogenboom Joshua M •Huff Frank A •Keizer Henrietta Kobes John J •Timmer Esther Koops Hoeksema Martha Koppenaal •Kuyper Jean •Van Lente Cynthia Melpoider •Pease Lillian Meys Herder Ethel Newland Nienhuis Jacob Arthur Nienhuis Mabel R Nyiand Hilda G Van Lare Deane Pelgrim • Keohane Mary Pieters •Pleune Russell E •Gebhard Angelina Poppen














Franck Kari Reed, Adams Edna Roeverts Schormor Anton Van Zoeren Alice Scholten •Steggerda Frederick R Nash Frances Tate Storck Mary Tate “Teusink James H Thoms William Wells Vander Kolk Della Vander Meer Floyd Vander Ploeg Theodore L •Van Lante Kenneth A Van Verst Paul H Sr •Steggerda Marian Van Vessem Van Zoren Raymond C •Fisher Ann Voskuil Voss Henry Vander Meer Jane Welling Wiersma Henry G ’ Yonkman Fredrick F

Languis Adrian Nelson Luben Barnard M Comstock Ruth Nibbelink Pennings Marion Pool Gerard C Ramaker Mildred E Ross Metta J •Shoemaker Bernard H Farnsworth Leona Sithes Steketee Betty Stegenga Steketee George V Van Den Brink Theodore G Vande Poel Russell G Vander Hart Norman E •Van Duine Henry J Van Putten Carol Van Hartesveldt •Ver Seek John J •Weier T Elliot Wierenga Alonzo Van Den Brink Catherine Wilson •Yntema Dwight B

CLASS OF 1926 De Pree Margaret Anderson •Medendorp Edith Banninga Bevelander Gerrit Bos Henry L Bosch Randall C Annis Lois Brockmeier Damson George H De Bell Peter J *De Pree James Fenger •Derks Albertus De Vries Harry Dick Dorothy Jensen Hattie Ruth Doornink *Dull Malcolm Frei Mabel Du Mez •Dykhuizen Adelaide *Oykhuizen Geraldine Hinkamp Franklin •Huenink Derwin J Rynbrandt Annetta Karsten •Kemme Gerrit J Kinney Delbert L Klerk Edythe G Sisson Marion Landaal

CLASS OF 1927 Van Es Henrietta Beyers •Bonnema William Borst Lawrence J Bovenkerk Henry G Brockmeier Eunice E Burggraaff Henry *Kuit Mabel Coburn •Zwemer Mary Crouch Damstra Russell D Saunders Marie De Cook Doak A Nelson •Vander Borgh Susanne Dragt Ten Hakken Florence Dulmes •Fell Egbert H •Geerlings Clyde H Kempers Harriet Heneveld Huizenga Rutherford ihrman Alice C Klaasen Raymond K •Beach Pearte Leenhouts Lievense Harold •Ferguson Hazel Lokker Luidens Theodore W •Maat William G

•Mulder Russell H Nattress Leroy Neevel Cornelia Nettinga Bovenkerk Hester Ossewaarde •Peelen Matthew Pool Lillian Schmidt Schurman Iman Soeter John J ‘ Ten Cate Vernon D •Geerlings Ardean Van Arendonk •Vanden Berg Garrit J Waiting Harriet Vander Meer Van Es Peter Jr Van Ess Helen •Hoffmyer Ruth Van Kersen Van Oostenburg Neil G Wagenaar Edward H Workman Frank R CLASS OF 1928 Huyser Evalyn Acterhof •Bosman Ivan Bowen-Colthurst Priscilla B •Trapp Margaret Boter Boven Gelmer •Brink H James Russell •Huenink Cynthia Buehler *Bornn Regina Buss Cole Clinton S •Cook George R ‘ Dalman Laverne C Vander Borgh Susanne Dragt ‘ Damstra Eugene F ‘Shoemaker Dorothy Dekker Franken Henry E Johnson Helen Guhl •Van Eenenaam Delia Helder •Hesselink Harold Rozeboom Delia Hoffman Hondelink Margaret E •Kleis Alice Hyma Crookshank Joyce Klaasen Kleis Leon •Kleis Russell Kots Deane Klooster Kollen Harvey Kropschot Franklin

•Kuyper Lester ‘ Marckwardt Grace McCarroll ‘ Smith Mabel Moeke ‘ Damstra Theresa Mooi ‘ Moser Frank H ‘ Kruizenga Dorothy Mulder •Mulder John Woodman Evelyn Nienhuis Nyboer Jan Popma Alfred M Rozeboom Garret B Schipper Julius F “Sluyter Howard R “Smith Raymond L Frissel Margaret Smits Te Winkle Benjamin W Legters Florence Te Winkle Vander Klok Dick Laug Jeanette Vander Naald Wabeke Anne Vander Werf Van Malsen Bert Rackes Jeane Van Zyl Vredevoogd Lucille ‘ Walvoord Geraldine CLASS OF 1929 Bosch Leon A •Bremer Clarence Brokaw Frank De Vries Elida Den Herder *Oe Pree J Bernard De Roos George De Vetder Walter De Wolf Mildred J De Young Howard S Diephouse Clarence M Hougen Mildred Dulmes •Silber Helen Fehner Kloote Margaret Grooters Curtis Hilda Hansen •Harms Herman P •Peelen Ethel Heneveld Hemkes Robert J Hyink Kenneth J Kastein Myron J •Klaasen Clarence Kleinheksel Stanley

Kloote George E •Knowles Clarence C Kole Harry W Kuyper Adrian * Laug Herman F * Centers Josephine Lipponga Browning Dora McGowan Vander Hart Edith Me Gtlvra Martin James Dean *Mouw Dirk Guthrie Junia Mulder Felon J Charles Smlos Daniel •Bremer Dorothy Stroop Swartout Edward L Timmer Harm Timmer John H Manin Ida Townsend Me Gitvray Eva Tysse Harris Martha Van Buren Vander Hill Laverne J Vander Kolk Clarence •Maat Ruth Vanderlinden Van Ess Paul R •Van Schaack Eva B Vredevoe Lawrence •Wackerbarth Henry P •Klebe Mary Waldron •Thiel Seens Welling Cody Mae Westveer CLASS OF 1930 •Arendshorst Bernard Zuidema Harriet Baron Brink John Jr Muller Doris Brower Vredevoe Verna Brower Scott Alice Brunson Stilwill Ruth Daane •Roos Ruth Dalman Schrier Gertrude Dame Hamelink Edith Damson •De Kleine Cornelia A *De Pree Mildred De Pree Stanley ■Ten Cate LoisDe Wolf ■Bosman Lois Dressel •Insel Roxie Haldane Schaal John H Huizenga Anne Heyboer •De Pree Gladys Huizinga Kreuhen Warren C “Kruizenga Herman A “Meengs Marvin B Kleis Ruth Melpoider Scott Elizabeth Nauta Nettinga Paul “Bonnema Hazel Nienhuis “Van Farowe Nellie Pyle •Rynbrandt Franklin Schaal John H Scholten Howard B “De Valois BernadineSiebers •Steffens Henry J Tellman Kathryn E •Van Leuwen Myra Ten Cate •Tigelaar Jac H • Finlay Julia Van Dam •Arendshorst Geneva Vanden Brink •Brieve Joan Vander Werf •Van Lente C Vernon •Costing Julia Van Oss Van Vyven Margaret •Vermeulen Victor R Visser John Wade Donald M ♦Winter William G ■Wolthorn Henry J Woitman Harvey J

CLASS OF 1931 ■Stryker Marian Anderson Arendsen Purcell Hewlett Margaret Beach “Becker Clarence J •Bloemers Harms •Bos Alvin D •Bosman Nelson W Hoek Ann Boter Phillips Margaret Boter ■Brouwer Paul J Burggraaff Nicholas J *Wyma Josephine De Haan Hinkamp Edith Dings Dykhuizen Arnold E Brokaw Dorothy Ehle Engel Philip A De Visser Sarah Fox Heffron Evelyn Hondelink J Antoinette •Huenink Gerald G •Bos Eunice Hyma Juist Jacob Benes Alberta Kingma •Klaasen H Cobb Scholten Gertrude Korver Korselmah Lillian Landhuis Juist Anna Koeman •Wackerbarth Esther Mulder Nykert Glenn D Antonides Harriet Oonk •Costing Melvin Healy Cynthia Palmer Pbppink Everett H •Rylaarsdam J Coert Nykerk Dorothy Schipper •Schuppert Mildred •Becker Elizabeth Smith •Stielstra Clarence Vande Bunte Donald Vanden Belt Elwin Van Dyke Harold L Van Tol Cornelius •Dykhuizen Lucile Walvoord •Steffens Margaret Westveer CLASS OF 1932 'Klaasen Elizabeth Arendshorst ‘ Schutz Helen Barre Bellingham Harold Berens George ■Bossenbroek Albertus Dalman Howard De Cook Lawrence De Cook Marian Den Herder Bouma Nella Derks •D eW itt Jack H Dykhuizen Geneva Dogger •Pauli Edith Drescher •Marcotte Ruth Geerlings Hinkamp Evelyn ■Hoffman Harold J Hoffman Harvey B Hoodema Richard Bohart Ruth Hospers Johnson Ivan C •Klaasen Russell A ■HarmsMarie Kleis •Kosegarten Mary Kannell Gretta Mac Leod •Marcotte Reo J Meengs Chester Dykstra Bernice Mollema •Mool Henry Roy •Notier M Robert •Reardon David M Schade Howard C Spoelstra Watson N •Smith Ilona Szabo

“Tarrant Albert A Jr Ter Keurst Arthur J Mentink Vera Von Duron Rottschafer Ruth Van Dyke Van Haitsma Titus Walvoord Carl A •Welmers Everett T •Wichers Willard •Wyma John CLASS OF 1933 •Bauhahn Elmer E •Mulder Nella De Haan De Jonge Marcollus Fairbanks Harold C Groetsema Jacob Havinga Laura Gulgelaar Holland Albert •Rutherford Grace Hudson •Nienhuis Josephine Kaper Kieft William Howard Kole Margaret J •Kruizenga Charlotte Kooiker Wolf Alyse Mensen •Marsilje I Herbert Ainslie Annette Me Gilvra Meengs Lorenzo Meengs Willard G Muilenburg John P Phipps Esther Nelson Nettinga Catherine Walvoord Helen Pelon Rigterink Merle D Rottschafer Gerald J •Scherpenisse Lester Schurman Margaret E Holland LeonoreSikkema Wolf Helen Sprletsma Brunson Margaret Steketee •Hilligan Evelyn Van Bree •Van Leuwen Bruce G •Tysse Arloa Van Peursem Monroe Evelyn Wierda •White Annette Witanek CLASS OF 1934 Aalberts Gradus A • Royal Marjorie Atwater •Oldenburger Josephine Ayers Dalman Evelyn Bolhuis De Velder Harriet Boot Esther Marion Boot Collins Feme Boshka •Meyer Al ice Clark •Dalman Andrew J Deitz Franklin Gray Julia Den Herder ■Chapman Lois Da Pree Conley Edith De Young •Bloemers Vera Holle Meengs Gertrude Holleman •Notier Anne Jackson •Kinkema Lois Ketel Kieft Lester Klein John Paul x Reeves Mildred Kooiman •Kruizenga Marvin S •Bossenbroek Hilda Lanting Luidens Preston •Paaiman Russell J Peelen Arthur •Plewes Jack D Ringenoldus Harold C Ripley W E •Roeiofs Dennis Seekamp Harold •Slagh Milton E •Brouwer CorneliaStryker •Tysse Clarence

•Tysse James W Vanden Bolt John M Van Raalte Henry •Van Zee Gertrude Walvoord Marie Verduin Visscher Frank E •Ton Hoor Beatrice Visser Walvoord Christian Klein Joan Walvoord Van Wyk Julia Walvoord Von Oostenburg Marian Warner Keene Jewel Winslow CLASS OF 1935 “Albers G Donald Boot Ethel A “Esther Marion Boot •Brouwer Mark N "Chapman Lloyd G Crounse Ernest Jr "De Bruyn Donald Dekker Ruth M •Dykstra D Ivan •Engelsman John C •Esther Joseph R Hoffman Benjamin J •Kleis Guy Luidens Virginia Kooiker Woldring Marie Kool Kropscott Earle •Dalman Lillian Mulder Nienhuis Elmer W Price Sherwood Berens Doris Rasmussen Norton Margaret Rottschaefer "Klaasen Marjorie Scholten •Schaap Marvin O Van Pernis Sarah Sterken “Ten Pas Henry W •Te Roller Don E Van Anrooy Crystal Piet Wilma Vander Wende Van Dyke Reinhart “Albers Agnes Van Oostenbrugge Van Pernis Paul A Bell Gertrude Van Peursen Ringenoldus Dorothea Van Saun “Van Zanten Arnold Voorhorst Donald J De Boer Camilla Warren CLASS OF 1936 “ Buys Hermtna Becker Philleo Myrtle Beeuwkes Berghorst Ada J “Boschker Anna •Boven Stanley Buteyn John E Hardie Muriel Chard De Jongh Leon J • Huizenga Anne Dethmers DeWitt George H Snyder Anne Frisse! Gaston William E “Boven Elizabeth Goehnor •Hartough Howard D •Heeringa George D Joeckel Stanley V Kleinheksel Henry Kleis Sander J •Kollen Myron H Kronemeyer J Austin Laman David A •Latvian Harriet E Leestma Roger A Mansen Albert F Jeffrey Ruth Muilenburg Patterson H Agnes Piet John

■Plosman Gilbert J Prins Eugene L Hartough Cornelia Tysse ’ Tysse Kenneth Vander Meulen John M Prins Marjorie Van Koevering *Te Roller Gene Van Koiken ’ Heeringa Lucile Ver Schure ’ Winter Helena Visscher ’ Vogelzang Leonard Walvoord Derwin J ’ Welmers William E •Westveer Willard M Yntema Emma Zagers CLASS OF 1937 Me Fall Lucia Ayers Valleau Bernice Bauhahn Smith Beatrice Boot Scheerhorn Hildegarde Bos Eaton Wilma Buts ’ Buys Ekdal J Van Eerden Minnie Dalman *Mouw Sarah Dykstra Breen Jane Eldridge HavingaSidney P •Hesselink Alice Hulse J Spencer •Keeler Richard F •Kinkema Henry •Kronemeyer Victor “Kuyper Marian Nicholas Sarah Lacey •Martin Donald M Me Bride Lester Mac Dermott Marian M Ongna Reuben J Osterhaven M Eugene Luyendyk Dorothy Parker ’ Pelon John J ’ Poppink William A ’ Karsten Helene Prisman •Rens Willard J Heck Renetta Shackson •Smith Homer M Smith Richard C Steketee Charles A ’ Vanden Berge Peter N •VanderWerf Calvin A Derbyshire Ethel Vander Zalm Vermeer Henry J CLASS OF 1938 •Arendshorst William Jr Kropscott Mildred Baron •Bell Dorothy Beach ’ Becker Arthur C ’ Beukema Henry J •Woodby Marian Bocks Whiting Kathryn Boon •Bruggers Ralph *Van Dussen Norma Claus ’ Westveer June Cook Joeckel Fern Corteville Wildschut Stella De Jonge *De Pree Hugh Faber Earl H Freligh Virginia Golds John E ’ Kollen Clarissa Gunneman ’ Haack Robert W Hadden Mayo A Jr Hesselink Kenneth H Hinkamp Esther H ’ Holleman Paul Willard Hyma Andrew M ’ Bouws Julia Ktinge Vermeer Albertha Kooiker Lampen Barbara

’ Leenhouts Jack ’ Karl E Dorothy Lincoln Luben Herman E Mante Harold F ’ Miles Wendell A ’ Tenpas Edna Mool ’ Nyboer Andrew G Gabbard Alma Nyiand ’ Mack June Pomp Rigterink Raymond H Reenders Theresa Ruster Scheerhorn LaVerne Shoemaker Clarence J Stewart Paul D ’ Tellman H Clay •Ter Avest Paul E ’ Thomas Donald J ’ Timmer J Norman Strom Lois Tysse Van Domelen Harold ’ Van Dussen William J Stoner Geraldine Van Eenwyk •Rens Marjorie Van Westenburg ’ Purchase Patricia Verhulst •Dumville Inez Von Ins Wing Chester A Ziegler George F CLASS OF 1939 Beattie Orville Carl Bovendam Henry Boyink Paul J Marcus Esther Bultman •Schrier Gertrude Dame •Meeusen Dorothea De Boer “De Groot Willard ’ Donia Robert •Donia Angeline Dornbos •Dumville Charles •Welmers Beatrice Fairbanks •Folkert Floyd J •Folkert Jay E •Van Sluyters Cornelia Gorter •Hartgerink Elmer •Heneveld Edward H •Keizer Clifford R Faber Mildred Kirkwood •LeenhoutsThelma Kooiker •Vegter Margaret Laman Lampen J Oliver Leestma Harold F Marcus Clifford Pape Cornelius J •Pleune F Gordon •Poest Vernon G ’ Widman Loraine Pomp •Ponstein Jacob Roberts Charles R Selles Anne Margaret Bartelmez Mildred Strabbing Hansen Kathryn Stronks Lansing Dorothy Vanden Bout Vanderberg Kate Vander Ploeg William Van Eerden John Van Hoven L Jay Davis Katherine Van Raalte •Vegter Alvin James Leestma Lois Voorhorst •Rottschafer Marjorie Vyverberg Warner Donald T Zoutendam John H CLASS OF 1940 Adams James D •Albers Millard J Becksfort Howard F Anderson Ardene Boven Cordes Donald

Shanahan Mary Cullen *Dinkstoo John G Bauman Gladys Dornbos Boswell Virginia Ellison Esther Kathryn Boers Evelyn Folkert Mackey Bernice Freligh Friode Charles R Groenewoud Cornelius Hampton Florence •Hinkamp James B Honholt Kenneth ‘ Joldersma Alfred T Roberts Lucille Kardux Koster Gerard *Lokers Raymond Luidens Edwin Luidens John P Lundbom June Marcus Carl J Meiners Harry H Van Dyke IslaMeppelink •Hinkamp Theodora Meulendyk •Thomas Martha Morgan Mouw Henry A Olert Florence M Postma Chester •Joldersma Mildred Potter •Powers Robert F •Purchase Earl R •Jelsma Eunice Scholten Brown Dorothy Schutmaat Smith Eleanor Stegeman Ruth E Schrotenboer Dorothy Strabbing Belt Rose Teninga •Toren Grace E •Vanden Berg Allison R Poore Esther Vanden Belt *De Pree Ruth Van Popering Zoutendam Virginia Ver Strate Viswat Alma Weeldreyer Wierenga Harmon R CLASS OF 1941 Bertsch Fred Jr Mouw Emily Bielefeld Menning Irene Bogard Bosch Eloise Boynton •Bruggers Laurence •Curtis Robert Stanley *De Vries John E •Diekema Lester Dykstra Robert Glerum Lois Gray James Hakken Harold M Hamel Peter Hakken Mary Jacobs Jalving Jack June Willard D Wassenaar Ruth Klaasen Kronemeyer Arthur J Munson Marjorie Last Snow Esther Mac Farlane Miersma Tunis Miller William B Jalving Phyllis Newcastle Page Olivers Prindle Forrest Eenigenberg Edith Rameau Riekse James Rynbrandt Thurston •Shiphorst Albert G Spoelstra Jennie Swart J Robert Toren Chester Baehre Elsie Ulmer Dykstra Marthena Van Dyke

Van Dyk Robert •Olnkeloo Thelma Van Dyke Van Egmond Howard Marcus Helen Van Kooy Van Wyk Gordon Vegter J Robert ‘ Vorburg Robert M Van Wyk Bertha Vis Voogd Henry

"Schrotenboor Gordon •Schutmaat Alvin Staal Harvey Banninga Irma Stoppels Van Oostenburg Mildred Timmer •Vandervelde Clarence Blauwkamp Florence Vander Woud Clark Marian Van Dyke Van Lierop John H Van Wyk Judson Vetdbuis Andrew •Hoekstra Adelaide Wandscheer Whipple Arno A

CLASS OF 1942 Albers Gordon D Boar James W Baas R Jack Hesselink Lenora Banninga •Bax Gerald A •Vandervelde Dorothy Bongs Borr Alvin Prindle Nancy Boynton Van Ark Lileeth Brouwer Brower Henrietta Janet •Fopma Robert Frissel Harry Girod Gordon •Goodrow William Gottwald Paul Hains John M Hietbrink John T Harmeling Ruth Houmes Kronemeyer Estella Kamps Knooihuizen Delbert S Leva! Blaise Msassen John H Marcus Beth E Meerdink Vernon J Morgan Elmer E Muller John Osterhaven Margaret Nagy Cox Alice Pascall Moore Dorothy Renzema •Reus Leonard W Baas Jeanette Rylaarsdam Smith Dayton Luidens Ruth Stegenga Stoppels Charles J •Tappan William M Bertsch Lorraine Timmer Van Ark Donald J Frissel Jeanette Van Beek June Junella Vander Linden VanStrien Richard Van Wiereri Gilbert Swart Morrell Webber

CLASS OF 1944 Biel Raymond P Bennett Mary Blair •Boersma Vernon L Brink Harold Arthur Claver George C Jr •Dame Paul W Davis Roy A Wynia Dorothy De Valois Hietbrink Marian De Weerd •Stevens Melba Dings Borr Mary Dinkeloo Hamel Ada Halls •Veldhoff Caroline Hibma •Boersma Lois Hinkamp ‘ Sennett Fritzi Jonkman Koeppe Roger Van Wieren Dorothy Kooiker Barkema Ellen Kooiker Kooyers Lucille Koeppe Norma Lemmer Nettles Elaine Lokker Lucking Robert A Lumsden George *Mc Clay Adam Crawford Meeusen Jack Henry Van Wyk Persis Parker Smith Anna Parsons Shoemaker Gradus L Comstock Betty Smith Steele Harland •Lemmen lone Strick Vande Bunte Marian Vander Haar Delbert J Vande Wege Jean Burger Phyllis Van Duzer Wickert Esther Van Dyke *Battjes Maxine Van Zylen Claver Dorothy Wichers

CLASS OF 1943 Blauwkamp Gerald Hass Marjorie Borgman Lumsden Marjorie Brouwer Burger James T Oe Vries Janet Clark Mitchell Betty Davis *De Kleine Fannie De Leeuw Henry Ten Clay Arlene De Vries Da Vries Calvin Morgan Florence Dykema Dykstra George •Timmer Barbara Fotensbee Fylstra Daniel Hellenga Irving D •Koop Harvey Lemmen Wayne "Schutmaat Pauline Loew Mackey Harold F Knooihuizen Emilia Moncada Mulder Harvey D Fylstra Winifred Rameau "Saxton David W Morehouse Eleanor Schoonmaker

CLASS OF 1945 ‘ Van Dis Mary Aldrich •Bonzelaar Alvin ‘ Bonzelaar Marvin Braat Dorothy Cross *De Groot Kenneth Du Mont Herbert Hine Richard Berry Myra Kleis Laug Maurice •Lemmen Lloyd Kammeraad Shirley Lemmen •Rypstra Irene Lundle Morgan Harriet Maatman Mante Bettie Morford Myaard John Jr Nienhuis Lester i Poppen Ruth Poppen Keizer Evalyn Reus Dsvis Jane Reus Bawinkel Constance Scholten Stephan Elaine Scholten Nienhuis Mildred Scholten Scorza Sylvio •Pearce Evelyn Shiffner

•Smallegan Marian *Do Witt JaneSmias Lemmen Carlean Stroop Hina Barbara Tazelaar Voogd Helen Thompson Biol Mabel Vender Linden De Bie Mildred Vander Linden Rozendal Joanna Vander Wat ,Van Dyke Harold E Van Lummefi Arnold Steele Evelyn Vermuln Elliot Victoria Van Westenburg Woodworth Everett W ‘ Zwemer Theodore

CLASS OF 1946 •Battjes Donald ‘ Walchenbach Elaine Bielefeld •Boersma Max D *Bos James • Veldhuis Betty De Vries •DeWittWilliam A De Young Eugene E De Young Maynard Siff Dorothea Dixon Lowande Louise Edwards •Fried Paul G Pioegsma Helen Goff •Koop Mary Hemmes Huizenga Janet Vander Haar Gertrude Maassen Keizer Bernard G •Canfield Carol Kile •Hegyi Ruth Kip •Webster Francis Koeman •Lamb Lawrence W Leigh-Manuell Herbert Levey Gerrit Smith Marian Mastenbrook Meiners Harry •Boersma Elaine Mensinger Muddle James B Dudley Eleanor Mulder •Nleusma Edwin Outhouse Shirley Ottoman •Lamb Elsie Parsons •Hansbrough Clarice Peterson •Rezelman Alvin P •Hillegonds Elizabeth Romaine Rothi Eugene •Rypstra Alfred •Sybesma Adeline Toren Lucille Teninga Valleau Russell A Van Huis Allen •Rezelman Ethelyn Van Leeuwen Van Lierop Peter Van Oostenburg Gordon •Scheerhorn Joyce Van Oss Watelet Marjorie Van Vranken •Van Zoeren Jay Van Zylen Charles W Veidman John •Vidas William Charles •Walters Glenn Wierenga Richard CLASS OF 1947 Barkema Robert H •Mulder Barbara Bilkert De Young Irene Boer Bos Adrian Pfromm Ellene Bosland •Dalman George H •Hoekstra Marian Dame Danhof Robert J Dekker Randall M De Vatte Russell Drew Dale R







Droofl Chostor J Krause Vivian Dykema Hartje Vads Efird 'Felton Martha H Boss Anno Fikse Fris Jacob Dale Meiners Betty Fuller Chappell Marjorie Gyspers Henoveld Harriet Hains Hamm Robert Louis Heneveld Lowell D Maassen Edith Herlein 'Huizenga Raymond J 'Ingham Don E Knooihuizen Charles E Leva! Marian Korteling 'Kornoelje Kathryn Lock Vander Haar Gertrude Maasen "De Free Elaine Meeusen x: Sweet Lois Meulendyke Maassen Harriet Muyskens 'F ish DorisOpie Poppen George C Kammeraad Luella Pyle 'Ralering Edwin G 'Resch Robert P II Rietberg Roger J Gainsborg Rosalind Scholten Stegenga Preston J 'Stoppels A Dale Claver Louise Ter Beek 'Vande Bunte Harold Boss Ruth Vande Bunte ' Vande Waa Alfred J •Van Dis Robert W Arnold Rhea Van Heest Lam Martha Van Saun Dyk Edna Van Tatenhove Van Zylen Charles W Bruggers Phyllis Voss Vredevetd Gertrude M Wierenga Henry James 'Hoebeke Mary Young CLASS OF 1948 Barendse Jack Doggett Ruth Bartholomew Bobeldyk Henry Lloyd Bocks Donald A Boelkins Robert Neal 'Boersma Wendell •Barense Dorothy Boot Brewer Gordon M Van Reenen Margery Brewer Post Mary Brower Bruggers Glenn Brewer Lorraine Bult Buter Harvey James Buteyn Donald P Claver CharlesW Cloetingh Russell S Jr 'Cook James I 'T e r Beek Ruth Dalenberg *De Pree Max O 'Hinkamp Joan De Young Stegenga Marcia De Young Me Casky Gloria Diehl 'Cornell Phyllis Dietrich •Heasty Alfred R Heemstra Raymond W Laug Virginia Hemmes Kennedy Carol Hermance 'Hoeksema Renze L Herrema Ruth Hoffman Holkeboer Earl Holland Ann Jonkman Jalving Lois Hospers 'Kleis Paul M Korver Ronald G

'Kraai Vernon T 'Labusohr Marian F "Kraay Gwendolyn Lemmen French Marjorie Lucking Boersma Elaine Mensinger Morehouse Horry Paul 'M ulder Donald G Palmer Joseph Jr Ponstein Lambert J Post Ernest Jr 'D e Young Audrey Reagan Ver Hey Louise Rove Kregel Ruth Ruys Folkert Jerien Rynbrandt 'Scheerhorn Robert H Scholten Donald J 'W oodyaat Lillian Stkkema Sparling Leon H 'T oren Marian Ter Borg 'T oren George A 'Meeusen Geraldine Uppleger Van Dahm Thomas E Wierenga Ann Van Eck Van Eck Arthur O Arnold Rhea Van Heest Buter Jeanne Ver Burg 'Hoogerbyde Mildred Vermaire Hetmink Shirley Visser 'Weller Kenneth J Yeomans Edward J Everson Edith Young 'Y uk James Peter Klein Ada Zickler CLASS OF 1949 Arnold John J 'Bade Nells Ray Baskin Charles Loy Jr

Bennett William C 'Boerman Elizabeth Boelkins 'Boerman Walter J Bosve Ted E Bool Duane 'Boss LaVerne H Buis Harry Sparling Marie Buttlar Buursma George Cheppeli Tolan L 'Heasty Audrey Christy •Cornell Ralph P Decker Rodger W 'D e Haan John 'D e Meostor William •Bos Genevieve Duiser Dykstra Vergil H Flaherty Ted E Folkert Robert A French John D Friedberg Wallace Friesema James R Froelich Robert 'Cam p Irene Heemstra 'Hillegonds William C 'Boersma Connie Hinga 'Hinkamp Paul E 'Hoebeke Richard L •Hofterzer Henry W *Agre Marion Holman 'Hoogerhyde David M Ihrman Donald L 'Chandler Carolyn Ingram Jalving Marvin J Jesser John H Wierenga Ruth Jorgensen Kammeraad Harold Kassig Edward

Kennedy Walter T Leslie Shirley Knol 'Koeppo Owen J Klelnschmit Amy Koning Yeomans Ruth Koop 'Kraay Russell 'Kragt Earl 'K ragt Marvin N Lam Donald Laman Robert C Liebenow Grace Langley Dykstra Shirley Leslie Meengs Philip G ■Meeusen Ernest J Van Wynen Regina Mihaly ■Koeppe JoAnn Moessnor Pyle Alice Moolenaer Nyboer Jean Moore Bender Joyce Muilenberg Stokes Bernice Nichols Nordon Russell L Nyboer Robert P Pioegsma Charles L Ponstein Arthur H Bell Katherine Ponstine 'V an Zyl Karyl Prigge 'O e Haan Marguerite Prins Ridder Herman J Rinkus Donald E Schemper Chester M Schouten John L Schregardus Leonard Buteyn Marian Schroeder Shaw Henry I Dekker Joan Sheel Smith John M Snow Robert W Van Dam Lois Stanton Stegeman James H 'Tangenberg Edward J Te Ronde Minnie Myaard Iris Vande Bunte Vandenberg Donald A Vander Laan Robert H •Kragt Hazel Vander Woude Vander Yacht Duane A 'Vande Waa Barbara Van Dyke Boeve Mary Vande Wege Van Hall Clayton E Van Heest Gerard Van Kampen Russell Van Reenen Jack P Vienlng Gerald 'Walchenbach Donald 'K ragt Elizabeth Weaver Weener Jay Weener Jean Wiersma Wise Stephen P Cram Anna Ruth Workman 'Zuidema George D CLASS OF 1950 Alderink Gordon E Visser Jane Baker 'Brieve Joyce Baker •Barense William D 'Becksfort Robert H 'Becksfort Shirley Bedel Sneden Dorothy Bergers Froelich Ellen Beuker Birce Robert F Boelkins William Boss Donald Bouman Harlen C 'Boven Ronald Jay •Brieve Fred J Brink Suzanne Bouman Elaine Brower 'Bruggers Howard


Sources of Income for Operational Purposes Per Cent 54.1

Student T uition.....................$3,003,108





Alumni, Parents, Friends . . . .


4 .5



1 .5



1 .4

Foundations ..........................



Miscellaneous ..........................




Auxiliary Operation .............. 1,471,658 (Fees, Room, Board, etc.)




Total Operational Income $5,548,565



BALANCE SHEET AS ASSETS C u r r e n t F u n d s ...................................................................................... S t u d e n t L o a n F u n d s .........................................................................


5 0 8 ,2 5 6 9 1 2 ,3 9 8


P la n t F u n d s U n e x p e n d e d F u n d s B a la n c e s . . . . . $ 4 1 9 ,1 1 8 S in k in g F u n d R e s e r v e ................................ 4 6 7 ,5 8 4 E q u i t y in P l a n t ............................................. 1 2 , 9 8 4 , 5 6 3 1 3 ,8 7 1 ,2 6 5 A gency F und


E ndow m ent F und

. . , T o ta l


4 7 9 ,2 2 2 1 ,9 3 1 ,9 3 1 $ 1 7 ,7 0 3 ,0 7 2


EXPENDITURES FOR YEAR ENDING AUGUST 3 L 1970 Expenditures for Operational Purposes Per Cent 41.6

Educational......................... $2,204,107 Library..................................



Student Services....................



Scholarships and Grants.........



Extra Curricular.....................









Riant and Auxiliary Operational 1,817,509


Total Operational Expense $5,298,609

OF AUGUST 31, 1970 짜


LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCES C u r r e n t F u n d s .......................................................................................


S t u d e n t L o a n F u n d s ..........................................................................


5 0 8 ,2 5 6 9 1 2 ,3 9 8

P la n t F u n d s U n e x p e n d e d F u n d s B a la n c e s .............. $ 4 1 9 ,1 9 8 S in k in g F u n d R e s e r v e ............................... 4 6 7 ,5 8 4 E q u i t y in P l a n t ............................................. 1 2 , 9 8 4 , 5 6 3 1 3 ,8 7 1 ,2 6 5 A gency F u n d


E ndow m ent Fund

. .

T o ta l

4 7 9 ,2 2 2 1 ,9 3 1 ,9 3 1


Bruins Elton John Busman Jacob Jr Cal&buek Angelina Calsbock Harvey Smith Paula Chaat Cook Paul L •Bonzelaar Annette Cousins Cronheim Albert F Sharpe Shirley Da Boer Olrkse Ruth Oe Qraaf De Mull Clair F De Voogd Lawrence R "de Vries Abraham ■De Vries Margaret ■DeWitt Donald E Dinger Elsa De Witt •De Witt Warren De Young Jacob De Young Robert A De Young Robert D Dinger John P Dirkse Lamont D •Gramm Lorraine Drake Dykstra Leon Stockman Barbara Eilander De Mult Carol Elston •Failing John F Failor Harlan J Fairchild Richard W Fredrickson Philip A Ganley Oswald H •Weller Shirley Gess Gifford Charles A Harvey Louis R Selover Prudence Haskin Hendricks Roger P Saunders Felicia Herbek •Hermance Myron E Hill Robert A Hill Shirley •Hoekstra John H •Westerhoff Norma Hungerink Block Marcia Jacobs Jalving Howard A •Jasperse Richard P Jellema William W Johnson Roger L Jorgensen Richard Joseph Thomas F Kleis Kenneth J Kline Welter J Wheeler Audrey Klippel •Smith Gertrude Kloostermen Robinson Elizabeth Koch Koop Robert De Vett Doris Koskamp Kraay Louis P •Smink Shlriay Kramer Bosch Dorothy Kranendonk Kranendonk Paul W Kranendonk Robert L Krans Robert Laman Harvey Lambers Marlin Lampen Edgar Lee Donald E Lenters Harold Moes Marilyn Lenters Me Crum Joseph Merema Jack G •Kapenga Juno Meeusen •Meyer Hendrik •Meyer Ralph S •Miles Allen Drew Murray Barbara Modders Moes Harvey Proctor Shirley Nienhuis Nelson Christina-Marie Van Kampen Dolores Nelson

Koopman Caryl Paarlborg Pannings Adrian B Pyle Wandell •Kleis Lois Rameau Fairbanks Marion Reichert Hughes Beatrice Reyst Ritsema Herbert •Cook Jean Rivenburgh Jorgensen Barbara Scarlett Schneider George Scholten Walter A Selover Cart Lloyd Sharpe John H Bool Phyllis Shermen Fairchild Donna Sluyter Smink Bernard Sneden Lee H Spencer Floyd A Van Dahm Lois Stanton Stegeman Nelson Studdiford Walter B Turpin Roberta Swander Sweet Alan J •Ter Beek Norman Ter Beest David C •de Vries Jeanne Touissaint Hoffman Eleanor Van Dahm •Smallegan Evelyn Van Dam Ver Heist Janice Vander Borgh Berger Mary Vander Ley •Van Eenenaam Robert D •Van Hakken Eleanor Van Hoeven Gordon Van Raalte Lloyd H •Van Zyl Allison L Ver Hey William J Visser Henry Walters Sherwin • Bruggers Henrietta Weener Welch Richard F Dykstra Anita Wells •Westerhoff Robert J Wickert Jack Koop Marilyn Wotbrink Kleis Margeretha Wolffensperger Fredrickson Ann Wolters CLASS OF 1951 Akker Levi W Blare James Jr Boers Albert J •Mead Marijane Borr Bouman Elaine Brower Butter Frank E Campbell Eugene C •Campbell Hugh M Hill Elizabeth Cookman Marema Nancy Corp Carlson Ruth Cramer Milne Joyce De Boer De Wolf John E Jr De Wolfe Norman De Young James A De Young Robert F Dyk Alvin H Dykema James A Jellema Lois England •Etterbeek Kenneth Feonstra Philip T Campbell Dolores Freyling Cook Alice Gravenhorst •Haight Kathleen Hagstrom •Haight Ernest •Hakken James A Vlening Lois Hall Hamelink William D Hartley Robert P Hazekemp Donald W Williams Pauline Hendrieth

Van Heest Eloise Hinkamp Hoekenge Willard P Shaw Juanita Hubble •Joldersma John M Lenkeneu Janice Kamp Kerle Edward J Weebor Shirley Kimball Moor Janet K inkoma •Kooyers Lloyd E 'Martin R Kamela Korteling De Young Ruth Kroes •Boelens Dorothy Kruizenga Leslie Craig W •Llddte Keith H Marklein Lothar K Murray George P Me llvride Edith Myers Pencall Constance Me Connell *Mc Connell Kenneth B •Tangenberg Wilma Osterhaven Phillips Burt W Pomp Jerold Proctor Norman W White Margaret Radcliffe Reineke George E Richardson Elwin Zoellnar M Eleanor Robinson Webb Suzellen Roest Van Wyk Anita Rynbrandt Saupe Lynn F Kraay Margaret Schoonveld Schultz Robert A Folkert Genevieve Seeley Kranendonk Catherine Sharp Kruse Constance Shilling Norden Eleanor Short •Smallegan John E Snell Barbara Steel John Van Ark Myron D Van Dyk Robert F Van Eenenaam John P Vandenberg Helen Van Farowe Van Ingen Donald L Van't Hof William K Ihrman Lynn Van Weelden Van Wingen Thomas Van Wynen Gerard •Hermance Alicia Van Zoeren Ritsema Jeanne Ver Beek Visscher Harrison C •Visscher Robert D Votew Charles L Vruggink Elmer H Van Hall Nancy Vyverberg Huyser Thelma Westra •Workman John E CLASS OF 1952 *De Young Doris Adams Albers Robert? De Young Barbara Baker •Bakker Durward Spitzler Julie Bernlus •Bocks William M •Qolthouse Elaine C Borgman Cleyton H Bos Robert C Brink Irwin J Henninges Barbara Bruins •Caldwell Richard C •Christensen Owen Erick Crichton David Cross 0 Betty Ewart Caryl Curtis Tien Yvonne De Loof De Free Gordon •De Young Delbert N Da Young Donald H

•Dobben Clifford G Du Mez John R •Burroughs Helen Engvold Erickson Kenneth H Du Mez Gorda Eustance Fabunmi Lawrence A •Kruizenga Margaret Feldman •Gearhart Ezra Visser Genevieve Gore Carter Patricia Grote Boers Elaine Groustra •Hager David J Harvey L James M Henninges Robert W Holbrook Anna Herder Rothschild Annette Hezinger Hoener Edmund L Hoffman Donald W •Hoogeveen Lavinia G Huff Richard E •Hunt Jack Kamphuis Robert W De Young Ruth Koeppe Votaw May Korteling Kramer Rodger E “Vande Bunte Edith Kreun •Kruizenga Richard J Lankenau Arnold Nattress Saliie Lawson Lomkuil La Mae Joan Ondra Louise Loula •Bakker Jacqueline Marcusse •Kuyper Eunice Mayo Milne Raymond C Moes Dale E •Bocks Marjorie Mulder Nieusma Dick Braun Carol Northcott Peekstok Duane G Pelon John F Petroelje Glenn E Laing Erna Piek Robertson George I Jr Ward Carolyn Robinson ‘ Roos Robert C Saunders Harold J Rinkus Frances Scholten ‘ Schoonveld Arthur De Wolf Annette Siderius *Newton Jeanette Siderius Sloan John C Nieusma Ruth Slotsema Ten Brinks Nellie H Thompson Richard C Tien John W ‘ Vander Velde John C ‘ Dobben Jo Ann Vander Werp •Voorhees Pauline Van Duine De Young Jacqueline Van Heest Van Hemert Kenneth Hoekenga Carol Van Lare Van Wyk Kenneth W Van Zyl Gyte B ‘ Post Verna Van Zyl •Vander Velde Marilyn Veidman Visser Roger L Voss Melvin Wissink Barbara Wierenga Howard Catherine Wines Wissink Charles J Hamelink Elma Wolters Van Zyi Mary Jane Wright Visscher Mary Zweizig CLASS OF 1953 Anderson Stig B Bosch Randall Botkin Analene Pruis Boven Paul F

Brink Irwin L •Bruns Leonard E Nicholi Catherine Christie De Graaf Daniel L De Vrios David A De Witte Roy W •Dickman Lawrence F •Wagner Muriel Droppers ‘ Visscher Marjorie Dykema Dykstra Charles L •Klaasen Constance Ferguson •Kooyers Joanne Geerds Van Eyl Miriam GemmU! Grunden William Oscar ‘ Hanson David P •Hascup Jack H Me Allister Georgia Hecket •Huff Phyllis Heidanus Zimmerman Betty Herr Hillebrands Donald B •Hoekstra George J •Hoffman William M Hogenboom Kermit G Holstege Ann Howard Donald C Ingham Robert D Sanders Henrietta Jacobs Japinga Martin Laumbach Lois Kleis Kolkman Ronald L ‘ Campbell Jeannette Kruiswyk Bolema Joanne Lager Sikkema H Mary La Huis Laing William D Lampen Laverne Baillie Evelyn Leese •Leppink Richard A Lubbers Arend Don Reed Phyllis Luidens •Reynolds Helen Merkusse Mayer Walter G De Witte Elsie Me Dowell ‘ Hoekstra Dorothy Moerdyke Moessner Barbara Monroe Doneld D Muller Donald R Muyskens George D

Nelsen Robert J ‘ Newton John P Ondra Robert J ‘ Workman LoisOp't Holt Perkins Robert N Pickens Marjorie M Dykema Shirley Plaggemars Pollard Kenneth E Raak Kenneth W Muyskens Arlene Ritsema •Miller Betty Roeiofs •Roon Peter N Kessel Gladys Roos Erickson Mary Schrier Schroeder Carl J Sikkegga Donald P Sikkema Wesley W Brown Verlaine Siter Forwood Barbara Soper Spencer Robert E Stone Robert N Kleis Helen Studdiford Albers Rose Tardiff Bails Mary Ter Borg Teusink E Don Thomas Gayle S •Thompson Norman W •Vandenberg Frederick E Vanden Brink Paul L Vander Aerde Stanley B •Vander Jagt Guy A Good Phyllis Vander Schaaf Ward Joyce Van Drunen Van Farowe Carl H Van Eck Beatrice Van Heest Scorza Phyllis Van Setters Van Zoren Harold R Veaning Hans •Weaver Jeremiah J Weeber Collins D Overbeek Mary Weesies Zack John F Jr CLASS OF 1954 •Barkel Laverne Berens H Wayne •Boychuck Hope Berger

•Hascup Ruth Bloodgood Bolema Robert M Lubbers Nancio Carpenter •Culbertson Susan R *De Fouw Arthur J De Maagd Richard J Dethmers John R Holder Lenore Fasco •Forth William E •Fowler Joseph M Giebink John W •Gysbers Norman C Helder William J Penty Alyce Hilmert Hine Glenn A •Hoeksema Robert J •Hanson Helen Howard •Huizenga Lois Huizenga Philip B •Hyink Jamas Lee •Jackson Roderic D Bosch Carol Jacobs Johnson Charles P Monroe Eleanor Johnson Kanode Richard F •Fowler Bernice Keizer Kempker David L •Klaasen Donald F Kleis Carl M •Oakland Winifred Koopsen Kroll Sherwin L Lubbers Donald A Mac Clary Ronald G Mac Lachlan Ralph W Martin Edwin A ‘ Menning Norman •Miller Jack H Moi Neal J Nattress LeRoy Nuovo Victor L ‘ Opperman Harold R Rowley Kenneth A Prins Robert J Proos Richard A Reinstein Frederick K Roundhouse John H Santinga JohnT

Do Groof Myro Saunders 'Scliut Robert N Shull Donald Vos Barbara Slaflh Muller Marilyn Spackman Steiner Richard A Teusink Ray J Smith Jane Vander Velde Van Houten Henry R 'V an Loo Helen Van Voorst L Bruce Fabunmi Constance Veenstra Veenstra Lawrence •Burns D Jean Veldt Polonsky Frankie Vergeer Visser Robert A •Wagner Robert J Weisiger Richard K Kroll Beverly Whitsitt Wissink Rodney W •Witte John J Van Wingen Ruth Wolford •Vandenberg Gretchen Yonkman •Gysbers Mary Ziegler Visser Suzanne Zwemer Milne Alma Zimmerman CLASS OF 1955 Awais George M Baird Donald R •Baker Donald A Fitt Ardts Bishop Richardson Ernestine Brummeler Bussies Donald L Coventry William W Decker Shirley Ann •De Jong David C Van Houten Carol Dodds Doorenbos Harvey •Dykema Alan H *De Jong Dorothea Essebaggers Kempers Marjory Ewan Boven R Evelyn Fischer Fortlner Robert H Nostrand Frances Frye Gabriels Alice Geiger Elizabeth H Earle Ethel Groeneveld •Hand Shirley J Hendrickson Robert W •Heydorn William H 6 0 s Carole Hoffs Hofman J Samuel •Huisingh Delvin Ray Huis Richard Johnson Donna Huss Jacobusse K Don Keizer Thomas D Kempers David W •Heydorn Joan Kilian Le Fevre Benjamin Kempers Marjory Mac Ewan Mulder Mary Meyer Midavaine Willard J Hoffman Linda Miner Mulder John H Nykamp Robert A Ouderktrk Eugene N Cole Doris Plyter Vander Kolk Joan Pyle Rink Willard A Sail Andrew G •Schrier John C *De Young Marcia Smith Boelkins Avis South Aldrich Gracia Steenbtik Stoddard Eugene M •Stremler Barnard J Hine Norma Tabb

Hofman Helen Taylor •Hooksama Lucille Tysse Rink Joyce Vander Borgh Vander Kolk Alvin L Mobs Catherine Vander Kool Van Eyl F Philip Schroeder Lucille Van Heest Veidman Jerold P •Warren John David Jesse Marilyn J Werner

Vandar Yacht Clifford •Von Etten Donald D Van Hoeven Donald Ross Suzio Van Slegeron •Thompson Marcia Veidman Van Eenenaam Marianna Wiorks

CLASS OF 1957 Alkema Henry J Barr Robert A •Berens Joy E •Birdsali Fredric CLASS OF 1956 Anonymous Donation •Miller Patricia Bont •Hager Kay Bruce “Dykema Mary Jane Adams Ver Beek Margery Addis •Brummel Myron L Bedingfield Robert W Buys James F Nock Wilma Beets Cameron William M Jones Evelyn Bolks Oefreese Richard E Moore Francis Brown de Moya Peter V Vander Kooy Mary Burggraaff De Vree Carl L Meinen Muriel Caljouw Hoffman Carol De Vries “Carey Thomas A De Vries Donald L Cole Geralcf R Lewis Eleanor De Vries Baird Christine Cloetingh De Witt Earl Hesselink Janice Conklin Van EmburgAdele Dingee Vander Aarde Agnes De Beer Meeusen Carol Drake Decker Richard Drost John P •De Graw Ronald J Durkee R Peter Van Koevering Alyce De Pree Evert Janice K Ritsema Mary Ferguson Da Pree John •Gould Richard H Shull Irma Derks •Van Horn Anjean Hasper •De Young Robert •Vander Werf Dorothy Hesselink •Failor Carlton B Jr •Hielkema Arthur Bedingfield Nancy Gaikema •Van Lare Lois Hoeksema De Vree Marilyn Glupker •Hondorp Gordon Van Farowe Meryl Gowens •Hook Gerrit Martin Ruth Haadsma ‘ Kane Warren W •Han Ki Bum Kinkema David R Jacobs Annette Havinga Klaasen A John •Colapletro Julia Herrick Koets Frances Kramer Hoffman Vernon D Millar Jean Kromann Hogenboom J Dean •Kuyers David Doorenbos Margaret Hospers •Lindahl Charles E Kopp Mary Hospers Loomans Maurice •Huizenga Clarence J Hamrick Elsie Lower Neevel Barbara Jeffrey Waggoner, Joanne Me Intyre Jentz Arthur H Markusse David J Joffer Helena Cassidy Carol Matheis Kools JohnW Meeusen Gordon A Kremer James E Moore Ruth •Kruyf Gerald J Van Istendal Ethel Peeien Kulpar James W DeW itt Kay Peelen Laman Gordon D Petty Neil Smith Barbara Larson Reinink Ronald •Riley Nancy Lubben Ritsema Harold •Marsh Gerard E Ritsema Robert A Neevel James A Roeiofs Roger •Fritts Audrey Nienhouse Buys Kay Rynbrend •Niles Earl Thomas Santinga Reda Rynbrandt •Ortquist Richard T Van Lare Ethel Smith •Birdsali Sammie Pas Laman Evon Southland Huis Marcia Pasma •Spyke Edwin Jerry Kremer Barbara Pannings Veening Betty Timmerman Lampen Esther Plumert TroostPauI R Prins Edward Ten Hoave Suzanne Underwood •Redeker Jerrald H Reinink Mary Vander Hoven Spencer Frances Riatveld •Vander Werf Nathan Schufeldt Rainey A •Redeker Elsie Vande Zande •Sentkeresty Joseph A De Jong Joyce Van Doom Honkanen Sally Sieber Keizer Erma Van Dyke Stegenga Henry A •Vaneenenaam David O •Latham DorisStoffregen Van Emburg George H Ten Haken Richard E •Hondorp Mary Van Es Ten Hoeve Thomas Veidman LoisTornga Van Farowe Harvey •Van Iwasrden John L Van Ark Bernard J •Wright Lois Vande Linder •Van Lare Donald H Vanden Bosch Warren D Van Lare Larry D Stegenga Charmaina Vander Myde Te Hennepe Anita Van Lente

Vaughan Richard W Verduin Robert V Vorstoog Jackson D •Osborn Alyce Weener •Widmer Herbert T Williams Robert L CLASS OF 1958 Weisigor Janet Baird Dawdy Barbara Bennama Bennett Richard H Beuker Ronald J Borr Roger H Harris Hope Brahs •Van Eenenaam Elena Bytsma Dalman Gary Vaughan Deanna Deas Decker Milford A De Does Ray A De Fouw John Jr De Jong Garret Dethmers David C Borgeson Charlene De Vette •Faber Kenneth Bussies Jocelyn Frylfng Garvelink Roger Fleischer Ann Geerlings Ritsema Anna Geitner Harrington Jane Gouwens •Vinstra Sharon Hackman Hardenberg Donna M Heins John E Hilmert James E •Brinkerhoff Carol Houghtaling Schmidt Mary Hunter Kalee Robert J Kempker John *Ter Haar Carol Klinesteker Koets Paul D Kots David E Langejans Calvin P Lesnlak Robert J Redeker Aileen Me Goldrick Me Candless Jane Mac Eachron •Matthews Bruce E Mazzei George W •Anderson Nelvie Meerman Johnston Constance Miller Nyboer Wayne Overocker Harrison Dyksterhouse Janice Peck Peelen Matthew Jr De Does Frances Roundhouse Schreur Donald Schut Lawrence De Fouw Phyllis Sienstra •Carey Julie Smith Boat Sallie Smith Spoelman Paul K Stegink Lewis D Te Hennepe Eugene K •Ter Haar Gary L Teusink Dwayne D Timmer Blaine E Toppen Philip R Ouderkirk Norma Tubergan Borr Ruth Vanden Berg Vander Aarde Robert L Vander Kolk Roger Vander Kooy Edward J Vanderlugt Robert W Chadsey Helen Van Dyke Van Dyke John W •Izenbart Joanne Van Lierop Ver Beek John G Nyboer Joyce Ver Schure •Vinstra Raymond Ahrens Erika Volkenborn Waggoner William C

•S chrie r R u th Wierenga W inkols Roger W itteveen M aurice E 'W y m a R ichard J Tusch S heryl Y n te m a H uverink V e rn o n L






r r




C LASS OF 1959 Vande Wege Jeanette A b m a Andree D onald M a rtin E lly n Arendsen B eernink D arrell 'K ra u s s Carol B euker Boeve A rn o ld J Bogart W illia m •B ra t Paul Jay Bredeweg C orw in Bredeweg E d w in B rouw e r John E B row n H arley D B row n R ichard E B rum els Bruce * B u it Paul Gene R oeiofs M a rily n Cam pbell De Forest R o b e rt De Jong Peter J *D e Jongh D on C Stam M ary De K o ck •W id m e r N ancy Dem arest •Weersing S a lly De W o lf •V e r Beek Sandra Dressel Du Mez T heodore •E lzing a Paul Feenstra Gus W atts M a tie Fischer •Fragale John G riffin g C arol Gaskin Hayes Janet G ilja m Van K u ilk e n Susan Graves Decker A rle n e Haken Hesselink Charles B H o ffs V ernon V e r Hage M ary H o lt H ood Jo h n D N oorlag N ancy Huizenga Ratm eyer Una H u n t •Iz e n b a rt La rry Jansen D onald J K et H e n rietta Kissack W Gardner K laaren Eugene M Westerbeke Jana Klaasen •K n a p p D onald E K n ope r R onald D K o rte rin g V e rn o n D •K ra u ss John C Lautenbach D onald W Leaske F rederick G Lohm an D onald P * L o k h o r s t R onald D Me C a rth y F ra n k lin L H outm a n S h irle y Meiste • M ille r Janice A

N oorlag W iilia m Ml Paarlberg D onald R itsem a Joan Peelen Pschogoda L oraine M O hl L ois Push! S m ith Barbara Reuss H a rte r D oris S c h m id t Schoon Dale •S c o tt D onald W S cudder K enneth E S ta d t Richard •S teunenberg P hyllis Stevens James H Swanson B e rtil W Ten Pas John •T e r M olen L a rry R V anden B rin k R onald V ande Poel M a ry L V a n d e r Jagt D onald W V ande Vusse David E V e r M eulen Isla Van Eenenaam V an G ro u w Steven V an H a tte m M elchior V a n Koevering B arry V an Singel G ary L •V e r Beek Carl R ichardson S h irle y V olkem a •C re w s H e tty Vos H arris F R u th Voss •V rie sm a n Wayne R B euker Helen Wade •Wassink James H •W eersing Spencer W estenbroek Wayne Westerbeke Edw ard Leaske C h a rlo tte W ierda Z w yg h u izen John

C LASS O F 1960 W illia m s V irg in ia A k k e r • A n k e r Jane A De Jong M arcia B aldw in B a ifo o rt R obert L B ie ry David M B o lt G ordon A D iekm an Barbara Bootsm an Bosker S tanley B ra tto n R obert B rin k Kenneth B ryson John C am eron W in ifre d C C arter E velyn Hughes C lark David L G o m o ry E lizabeth Ctelland •C o u lso n Charles M S to c k h o ff H a rrie t Davenport Beede S ondra Decker De Jong Carl De Jong M arvin L *D e V rie s Roger De W itte H enry D iekm an Fred D o rn S tu a rt R

A note about Annual Fund record keeping — Your contributions are carefully recorded and receipts are mailed to you as soon as possible. If you contribute more than once during the year, a cumulative total is credited to your name for each calendar year. Should you lose a receipt or wish any information regarding your gifts (for income tax purposes, for example), please contact the Alumni Office by mail or phone.

Klaasen Elaine D ykhuizen Paarlberg Suzanne Edwards ■Engbors James A F elix A ndre B D orn M argot Fisher Franken R obert E Bosker M argo G o tte K o rte rin g Lo is G riffe s B r itt Carol Ham *T o ji Lorra in e Hellenga Heeres Dale W •T e r M olen Edna H ollander •Huizenga Paul A •H uizenga Peter S iedentop C o u rtn e y Ingles W iegerink M argery Kem pers Andersen M a ry Klaaren •D e Jongh M iria m Klaaren K leinheksel J o h n R K leinheksel Roger E Kraai F ra n k lin D S cudder K a th ry n K u rth K yle Janice K em pker M ary Lam m ers Larsen James W Le T a rte C lyde Loom an G ary J M achiele D elw yn E Van D yke Catherine M ichielsen M o h r James Page Barbara M onroe M oore Thom as C Me C arth y Thom as L Hesselink Carol Nelson G arvelink Carol Niauwsm a

Peelen George • B ille r L o re tta Plasscha R atorink G ary J Ritsema R aym ond "H ie lke m a Joan Roos Mac Gregor Carol Rylance R y n b ra n d t A ly n J Wenke Joan Schroeder Siedentop D a ryl L S m ith Francis T S to c k h o ff R onald C S try k e r John A Ten Pas E thetanne Swats Osland A n n T e ll K leinheksel V irg in ia T op Goad Dorene Tornga •Tysse John P S try k e r M ary V an Koevering K leinheksel Sharon V a n 't K e rk h o ff Chassels M arjo rie Verm eer F eiix G retchen V e r Meulen •A lle n Norm a Wallace S m its Janet Walrad Wenke Lee H W erkm an Duane T Stevens Janice Westrate •W h ite David E •E ngbers H arrie t W issink P arlim ent M a rjo rie W ood

C LASS O F 1961 Katsm a C aro lyn A lsterda S tegink Barbara A m os H ofm e ye r R uth Ausema •B a ke r K enneth Beede A lan Betke James E S chw artz Lois Bonnem a Zw ynghuizen Helene Bosch Boum an G retta •B ro u w e r R obert D B ruin L in d a Lou Burggraaff W in fie ld J B uurm a A lle n S choon A rle n e Cizek •C o o k R alph R ichard De Boer Norm a Klaaren M ary Decker De Jong Peter M B ixel Sandra Ekster M o yle M a rily n Ferris *D e V ries M e rily n Freeman Me N a iiy Marlene Gouwens G ro e n h o f Eugene D G rooters La rry D T oppen M a ry H arm eling H o ffm a n Bruce J G rooters M ichele H o ffm a n Hoksbergen M a ry A n n •L o k h o rs t Karen H y in k Systsma C arol Joelson Joose Wayne W W iegerink M argery Kem pers K ieinhuizen M e rlin N Westenbroek R u th Klom parens K o o istra Sandra • S c o tt Constance Kregar K ru ith o f Frederick R Lantinga Orvan S M ac K ay G o rd o n W M atthew s Clark M eyer Kiass M M illa rd Jack H V and e rlu g t R u th M okm a T im m e r N ancy M ulder M u ld e r Roger L

Neste Sharon Parsil Bruco M Pinter Edith Brown Phyllis Prins *Cox Marilyn Rocks Rozeboom James P Rynbrandt Calvin J Den Uyl Phyllis Smith Smits Charles A Smoes Robert L Stam Kenneth D Arthur Phyllis Steenland Stegink Gordon A Van Buren Wallace D •Vanden Berg Gary Venderbilt Wiiliam R Vander Molen Barbara J Anderson Mary Van Dyk Van Lento Trudie Kampkers Cheryl Veen Meyers Hilda Wackerbarth Wehnau Peter Smith Jane Wezeman Du Mez Elizabeth Wichors Wiegerink Ronald Wood Barbara J Van Suren Adina Vonan CLASS OP 1962 De Groot Marcia Anderson Armstrong Paul •Belmers Bruce Benes Carl J Blauwkamp Marie Betke Barbara Bloemers Boersma James A Bosch Robert K •Bredeweg Roger A Brink Bruce E Gretz Sybil Brown •Buckley Richard Burggraaff John H Berberian Carol Buteyn Buys Ekdal J Jr

Wells Diene Clausson Glidoweil Dorothy Cluto Cook Robert Robbins Sharon Cook Vander Lugt Joyce Dolebout Dalman Paul Wilson Ruth De Beer De Groot Gerald •Deitz Allan De Ruyter Marion De Vries David Lowry Carolyn De Young Baifoort Judith Dorn Dragt Gordon Bolt Barbara Dykema Endert Carolina •Evart Lance W x •Nelson Silvia Fischer Bennett Mary Folts Brower Margaret Friedrich Kronemeyer Ellen Frink •White Mary Fryling Cary Lois Garber Glass Glen Grasman Erwin •GrotenhulsPaul Zimmer Nancy Guldenschuh Hagemeyer Stanley •Buckley Dorothy Hall Hamelink Jerry Hamlin Ross Bingham Shirley Harmelink Perry Jane Heerema •Hesselink Paul Hofmeyer Terry Holleman William Williamson Marcia Hondorp Tolly Joanne Hornbacher *Hsu Peter Van Gendaren Beverly Joeckel •Johnson Douglas J Kahler Margo A Kamper Reuben Hoffs Judith Kuiper

Brink Barbara Lowing Me Cullough William Marls David •Mastenbrook Judith Ter Maat Helen Meylink Sanborn Barbara Mortonsen Benes Sharon Norris Nykerk Keith Olson Harry Ortman Sherwin Plewes Thomas Lovell Martha Proos Riekse Thornes Woods Janet Riemersma Rynbrandt Donald •Sens Andrew D Kamper Carol Sikkema •Miller Nancy Sonneveldt •Coulson Donna Staal Stull James De Forest Carole Sutton Brumels Doris Taylor Hameiink Nancy Tellman Hoffman Joanne Ten Haken Teusink John T Tornga Thomas H Bryson Claire Trembath Thiesse Louise Turnbull Van De Hoef Paul Van Der Werf Ronald Van Hekken Sara Vanda Poel Saccani Nancy Vander Kolk Vander Lugt Karel L Rynbrandt Marilyn Vander Wilt •Vander Woude Sherwood •Van Lente Johanna Van Leuwen Bruce Hagemeyer June Veldheer Waanders David W Weersing Marcelyn Weerstra David •Jackson Betty Whitaker De Forest Mary Whitlock Vanderbiit Patricia Winchester

Parsil Coralio Wolf Wyokoff David C CLASS OF 1963 •Alien Donald L Clark Susan Atkinson Berghorst B J •Vander Woude Mary Berghorst Biel Kenneth R ‘Lucas Kristin Blank Blevins Keith S Blom John A Bolhuis David A Hegstrom Elaine Bratton •Bredeweg Robert A Looman Roberta Brockman Bultman James E Millord Donna Burggraff Blom Sharon Cady Christensen Jeffrey K "Cooper Jack D Mulvihill Karen Crandle •Huizenga Ardis Dainlng De Jong John "Dekker Marvin •Tysse Patricia Derks •Dunn Judith De Ryke De Witt Dennis Norman Marilyn De Witt Brink Priscilla De Young Stadt Yvonne Douma •Dunn John S Nedervetd Marilyn Elzinga Esther James StruszSara Ewing F aasJo h n J •Huyler Martha Faulk Fugazzotto David J Gaugler Robert W Kuiken Maurine Haas Koop Joyce Harmelink Buckner Linda Hepburn Hoekstra Thomas F Holleman Kenneth W





zinga Hulst ilst Ji James M Gronuwalt Mary Ipurlaan Jacob George F JennerJohn H Marls Beula Kampen *Kern CharlesW Kiel Wayne E Klaasen Gena A Klebe Robert O Kleinheksel Paul A Kleis David J Vinstra Linda Kloosterhousa Koetsisr Ardeane Mitchell Patricia Kooiman De Vries Ruth Kremer Kronemeyer Kelvin L Kudile Ronald A Kuiken Sruce G *Hsu Dora Lin Kiedaisch Jean Louret Lucas Paul A •Kraai Faith Meerman ■Meeuwsen Sharon Meyer Paul U Mooshie John S Lyttfe Virginia Mortonsen Nettles Earl W Norder Raymond A Wolter Christine Nykamp Oraschtn Charles H Jr Godish Diana Oster •Paauwe Neil A Roeben Coleen Palmer Peelen Jean Paduch Tigelaar Mary Peelen Pennington Gait •Hodgson Grace Poppink Wanat Carol Rattray Reenders Jo Ann Holleman Mary Roters Gesink Dorian Schaap Scheerhorn Date L Schoon John M Scott David E •Seely Edward D •Serum Robert W Stebers Jack •Evert Marcia Spaan •Tellier Norman J Tomlinson Samuel C Bultman Martha Tucker Vanderlaan Robert L •Vander Meer Frederick Van Genderen Kurt •Heitkamp Lois Veenstra Schrier Lorna Vermeer •Villerius Frank J Vinstra Kenneth Werge Thomas A Dykstra Ruth Westervelt •Wolf Gerrit Wolterink Thomas D Woitman Karen •Osman Jane Woodby Becker Carol Zainfield Cook Donna Zeerip De Jong Mary Zfesenitz Koeser Jane Zwemer Zwemer Judith Gabrielson Arlene Zwyghuizen CLASS OF 1964 Anonymous Donation Bauer Robert F Esther Alison Beck Boersma Sue Bentall Hultgren Judith Beukema Dunton Julia Blough

Bolt Henry III Brandt Carl Meyer Lesley Brower Hoffman Sharon Burrill •Christensen L Charles Turkstra Carolyn Church Church William Kramer Carol Closterhouse Scott Janice Coon Dalman Carol Cronk Lingernann Karen Cushmann Me Fall Karen Daniels Biel Sandra Daviou Vanderlaan June Davis *De Visser David Hermanson Carol Diephouse Dulow Kenneth E Dykstra Brian "Eenigenburg Paul Tanis Christine Ferruzzi Fisher Barbara R O'Brien Barbara Freggins •Van Zanten Gail Frldlington Staple Louise Garter Gezon John A Goodwin Bruce B Hamlin Jane Handlogten Handy Paul R •Hartgerink Ronald L Hawkins James W •Marsilje Diana Hellenga Hepburn Bruce •Deitz Betty Hesselink Leibman Vera Hettler De Kleine Gloria Heuvelhorst Ratmeyer Catherine Hibma •Wackerbarth Cynthia Hill Hoffman Harvey 8 Fonger Helen Hoffmyer Wiersma Joan Hopp Turnwall Barbara Hoskins Howell James C Hill Lois Huisjen Jurries Virginia Huizenga Lemmenes Gretchen Hull •Huyler Richard G Jurries James L Keen William

Veltman Belle Kleinheksel Mitchell Ann Knudsen Koelbel John Kramer Arthur J Me Cullough Carol Kuyper •Murray Diane La Boueff Lemmenes Larry H Lewis David S Me Cullough Douglas T Mackay Robert •Marsilje Edward H •Melichor John F Konnerth Bonnie Meyers Miedema Judith S Mitchell Donald A Mooy Susan M Mouw David R •Me Kinley Blaine E Goodwin Linda Nilsson Bachor Joy O’Connor •Ogondji Gilbert •Osman Albert J Peddle Thomas K Dykema Rosemary Piersma Rasmussen Audrey Prins Raatjes Robert •Elders Leora Remtema Crabbe Leanne Ridderhoff Ripley Robert H Rozeboom Myra Ruisard Gayle Peddie Gayle Rypstra Samec Diane •Kain Nancy Schadewald Burggraaff Jacqueline Schrotenboer •Melichar Janice Schulz Seebergh Patricia Simpson Church Sandra Sissing Slee James D •Smant Roger Soodsma Robert P •Christensen Judy Steegstra •Sterk Vernon Stoner Penny Swart John •Hoffmann Judith Sweringa Tanis Paul M II Te Beest Ronald H

Tocroney Nelson J Massing Sharon Toin •Ter Beek Bruce K •Te Roller Spriggs D Swart Jacqueline Te Ronde Teusink J Paul Te Winkle Nancy Tigelaar Robert E Tillema Herbert ■Seely Carol Turkstra Van Blarcom Vivian Koelbel Lenora Vanden Berg Blevins Mary Vanden Berg Vander Borgh Richard Jacob Barbara Vandar Werf Van Hoeven William Jr Vander Roest Judia Van Raalte Van Wieren Glenn Van Wltzenburg Ruth Van Wyke Margaret •Van Zanten Arnold Jr Christensen Joanne Visscher Vollink Mary Mouw Karen Voskuil "Wackerbarth Paul Walvoord Douglas J Girad Linda Walvoord Kleis Diane Washburn "Watrous Elbert Jr Welsh Richard Werkman Barry White Jack K •Wise Harold J Fields Bonnie Wissink Wombwell Thomas P Carnley Ruth Wozney •Wyngarden Dale Wynne Edwin C Holleman Sharron Young •Thiebout Carol Zandstra Tausky Nancy Zwart CLASS OF 1965 Yntema Julia Alexander Anderson Robert G Jr Bennink Richard J Van Hoeven Shirley Bouwman Miner Mary Bridger Brink James E Miller Kathryn Brown •Bruce George C II Bundza Inara Busman Richard J •Cathcart William L •Dekker Nancy Cole Dalman David A •Groenewoud Phyllis Dean •Smart Gatl De Boer Clark Arlene Deitz De Long Ted W De Young Robert A Werkman Judy Dirkse Dorey Leonard G Dunton Robert G Jr Hillstrom Pamela Dykstra Brandt Jeanann Elgersma Emmert J Richard Emmons Stuart M Watkins Mary Louise Flikkama Folkerts Robert J •Ford Frances R Gerard Lee K Gibbons Bruce Dalman Patricia Gleighman Gouwens Marjorie C •Greze John P Allen Frances Hala Havinga Penelope Hesselink Paul K

•Hoekstra Marion L •Hoffmann Alfred Holtcmen Edith Ann Wombwell Ellon Hotllngor •Hooting Peior R Klaaren Keith A Knecht Jon Christopher Bone Ruthann Kohlman Ransford Sally Kooistra •Schade Jane Kruizenga Emmert Virginia Kryger Meengs Della Kuiper •Ter Beek Ruth Lain ♦Holmes Slegllnde Langjahr Hendricks Linda Lindbtade Masselink Bruce Meengs John P ♦Meengs Loren W ♦Miller Philip D Miner Timothy I Me Fall Richard L Neckers Bruce W Niekamp Carl W Nienhuis Meredith J Norlin Howard Kleinheksel Nancy Nykerk ♦Olsen Carolyn G Parker Sandra D Poppink William C ♦FerrarisSuellen Prins ♦Bruce Marcia Pylman Radllff Suzanne P Ransford Paul Masselink Carla Reidsma Rens Willard Jr Richardson John B Ridder James Brian Riemersma James K Toy Maria Rodriguez Siebers Mary Sagendorf ♦Schade Thomas V Phillips Carletta Schaeperkoetter Waterloo Mary Scherpenisse Schrier Michael Serum James W Olsen Nancy Slagter •Ter Haar Betty Smith Smith Douglas J Staple James A Stehouwer David M Steketee Peter W Tapley Sally Steketee Stielstra Edward A ♦Swank Rolland L Taylor Susan B ♦Terpstra John D ♦Thompson James H Turkstra Bruce Vaccaro James R •Sterk Carla Vande Bunte Vander Roest John •Vander Velde George Waldron Gertrude Van Dyke Van Lierop Peter C Van Wianen John Jr •Verduin Kathleen VerSteeg John H De Long Ellen Walter Warnet Ronald J Weldenaar Peter D Folkerts Frances Welcher Hepburn Barbara Yager CLASS OF 1966 Abraham Linda Timmins Evelyn Albers •Albrecht John Anker Roy Ast Donald R

•Baas David •Barger William J Bauer Peter Schumann Rottschafer Nancy Bush Cole Alan •Boschulte Brenda Comissiong ♦Barger Mary Cousineau Deboer George E De Pree Gregory De Young Lynn Ellen Mackey Margaret Diephuis Dozeman Mercia Duryee Graham Edman Elmer Elmore Ardyce •Eenigenberg Elsie Elzerman Raatjes Susan Paris ♦Feldman Richard M Games Richard Gilmore Gary •Mulder Mary Hakken Harmelink Philip ♦Harmon Martha Hartgerink John ♦Heuslnkveld David M Serum Marilyn Hoffman Hopper Paul C ♦De Visser Alverna Hovlngh Joeckel Anita Jones Phyllis •Beemer Betty Kelder White Jo Anne Kemink Stanley Ruth Kleinheksel Koch John R Chase Kathleen Kronemeyer ♦Kroodsma Roger Smith Karen Lamphere •Lee James C Dickinson Judith Lee Leenhouts Thelma Biegel Mary Leestma Lemmenes Mark G Leong Charlene C Luther Martha Ann Mallory Nancy J ♦Maring Thomas R •Menning Bruce A Meyer Ruth S ♦Momeyer Barbara Richter Gloria Mool ♦Marsilje Juno Muehlenbeck Schwegler Nancy Newman Oosterhof Albert Oosterhouse Bruce Duryee Karling Otting Schoon Mary Paaiman Pangle Robert Lea Plerpont James Quigley Nelda Prothro Moerdyk Sara J Puehl ♦Rankes David V •Peterson Cheryl Richardson •NaumannSusan Rose Bauer Peter Schumann Strong Susan Short Strong Fred Tenckinck Richard ♦Ten Hoor Joan VerSteeg Linda Tiezzl Brown MarleaTon Troike Dorothy R Van Beek Dirk Bievens Mary Vanden Berg Welsh Judith Vander Naald Van Dyke Leon Waldron Trudie Van Dyke Werkhoven Joan Van Slageren Cathcart Louise Voorhorst Waanders Gerald

Waldron Jeff Wepfer Richard White Robert Wiersma Ronald •Wierzblcki Edmund •Huisman LolsWolbrink Wormuth John Chiles Charyle Yeager Yntema David C CLASS OF 1967 •AgorMwe Cornelius ♦Andersen Gifford E Anderson David L •Auten Gerald E ♦Bergnor David C Bowman Harold D II Brower Bernard L Elzinga Barbara Brunson •Cain Lawrence D •Hankamp Sharon Chapman Wessling Anne Cobb Cole Leslie L ♦Collins Douglas P Edman Gwenn Dacus Degraaf Marcia K De Sawal Robert F Renner Carole De Young ♦Dillbeck John D Oudersluys. Donna Droppers Emerson Frederick A Erickson Nancy Johnson Carole Fields Norlin Carole Folkert Barendse Ethel Gleichman Joldersma Barbara Granberg Greiner Marion R Woodward Marsha Hendricks •Huisman John D Hulse Gregory S Vander Laan Margaret June Jung Jean K •Justesen Roy C Oosterhof Darlene Kobes Koeman Mary L ♦Koeman Milicent Koeppe John K Jr Mace Lynn Kraemer Kusak Joseph B Larkin John Stephen “Levey Stuart J Lindauer Judith A Mace James Allen ♦Cain Laura Manasek Marsteller John H ♦Sawka Carol Meier Brower Mary Mast •Michaelson Wesley S •Miller Randall M Stielstra Sandra Miner Moored James F "Mulder John M Bast Joyce Nelson Schwegler Nancy Newman Nienhuis Marian “Noel David M Van Wieren Jacquelyn Nyboer •Van Lente Elizabeth Costing Anker Ellen Osterhaven Oudersluys Mark H Pearson Eugene Peiper Garret L Pennington Ruth F Peterson Morris L Plerpont Judy Race Bradford J Jr Renner Thomas L "Greenfield Norma Rens Rimondi Hope Rose

Roberts Eugene E Russell Mary Patricia •Schaap Arthur Paul Pearson Sandra Schapor •Schuenemen Cheryl Neckers Susan Sonneveldt Tanis Judith A •Teusink Kenneth G Trost James F •Tubergen David •Van De Hoff Larry "Vander Hill Rein "Vanderwel David •Van Lente Frederick •Van Pernis Mery Van't Hof Paul •Van Tol Kenneth J •Albrecht Jane Wells Moored Joan Wells Wesseling Stephen Zoerhof Mary Westenbroek Wormuth Deanna Wilkens •Wilts Siebrand Wyatt Martha Ellen •Sweetser Ruth Ziemann Zuithoff Kenneth CLASS OF 1968 Allan John T Appleton Richard Aumann Nancy J Barendse Michael Bast Thomas H •Bitar Victor G Blood Clinton H •Boezeman Kathy •Bosker Margaret L •Braun John M •Bruggers Kenneth R Oe Young Bernie Brunsting Me Kittrick Norma Butterworth Stehouwer Carol Cherry Koch Elizabeth Conklin “Cook George V •Cramer Coreen Dykstra Nancy Culver Beale Donna Davidsmeyer Campanella Sandra Dekker •De Merchant Blanchard •HolmesKathryn Dickinson •Duitsman David L •Teusink Sharon Dykstra Dykstra Timothy Eenigenburg Jay •Felt Kenneth J •Manning Victoria Fris •Griswold Alan R •Hardy James E •Bergner Carolyn Hart Hartman Paul M Helder Lloyd Lemmenes Mary Hesselink Huizenga Robert P Race Dorothy Hull •Justesen Akiko Ishii •JaeckerJohn Kershner Daniel R Peterson Barbara Klaasen Bowman Joyce Knol Koning Gene E Tremoulet Jeanette Krauss Kroodsma Donald •Lubbers David W Hartman Roberta Luyendyk Ogden Dorothy J Manuel Meerman John W •Mills William F •Minor Nancy A • Lightle Helen Moehl

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*Duitsman Mary Jane Multor ‘ Murphy Nelson Reese ’ Vender Hill Margo Naber Dixon Kathleen Olson •O'Naill James Oosterhof Albert C ’ Owen Marjorie J Kroodsma Melissa Parker Miller Linda Patterson Patrick Sharon Pierce Quist J Robert Roberts Carol Rajsky ’ Rauwordink Philip ’ Read Peter E ’ Reardon Michael T Redder Ronald L Saggers Cheryl Roberts Van't Hof Carol Roden ’ Runchey Nancy ’ SafarTibor Schwegler Robert A Sobania Neal W ’Sutherland James W ’ Wagenveld Linda Turinsky Vander Werf Gretchen Johnson Janna Van Sloten ♦Veldhoff Robert Verhoek Louise G ’ Wagenveld Edward •Walters Lawrence ’ Bruggers Frances Webinga ’ Mills Patricia Zoet CLASS OF 1969 •Arwady George E Ishii Emilie Azeka ’ Berger Donald G ’ Binder EricS ’ Bosnian James ’ Vandenberg Mary Browning

•Van De Hoff Carol Bultman ’ Candelora Kent •Capron Bobbi Jo ’ Conlon Edward Zulthoff Sally Jo Cook Dalman John A Appleton Deborah Delp Da Young David ’ Dlgglemann Henry W Dixon R Douglas ’ Drolen Janice L ’ Campbell Jane Emmerson Fennema Constance J ’ Lubbers Barbara Fordham Franco Elaina ’ Fuller Dolcene ’ Gauger Allan Gary Goehner George B Walters Joanne Granzow •Grit Dale H ’ Bosnian Ellie Grooters •Gunther James B ’ Gearhart Virginia Hager ’ Mol Laurie Hammon ’ Hankamp Lamar II ’ Helm Molly ’ Ronda Priscilla Inkpen ’ Kamm Harold J ’ Serum Camella Karsten ’ Klein Robert P ’ Lightenberg Mary Kooiman ’ Arwady Mary Koop ’ Kozel Linda R Schroeder Ellen Kulp Laetz Linda Larkin •Lightenberg L Jack ’ Mac Queen Ewan C Jr ’ Kazen Christine March *Mol Norman

’ Moyer Jean L •Murphy Nelson Reese Myers Elliott "Nevenhoven Patricia Ann ’ Newcomb Cynthia ’ O’Riordan Michael W ’ Kiracofo Gail Peelle •Reed Walter A III Ridder Lenora •Riethor Merylee •Reed Joanne Rimondl •Ronda Bruce A ’ Rypma John Schroeder Kenneth ’SobensJanetC Huizenga Barbara Smallegan ’Smoker Jon •Spencer Dorothy A Terpstra Martha ’ Ticknor Sally ♦Mac Queen Barbara A Timmer •Vandenberg Richard A xx ’ Van Reken Mary K ’ Van Witzenburg Janine •Vedder Joan Ann ’ Veenstra Richard D •Visscher Ronald B ’ Grit Lou Voskuil ’ Lee Lucy Ling Ydrk Wang Williams Diana L Witter Richard H Workman Judith Wyman Lynn M CLASS OF 1970 ’ Adams Robb •Avery Henry George •Berry Michael John ’ Brink Roger W

’ Buurma Kathleen ’ Chapman Caroline F ’ Chase Karen ’ Claphom Brian •Clark Anne F ’ Schecter Susan Daniels ♦Don Haan Arlene •Veenstra Kathleen De Witt ‘ Clark Norma Foster ♦Dillbeck Barbara Glelchmann •Glupker Kurt *Gow Norma Holly "Granberg Karin R •Watters Joanne Granzow ♦Haines Laurel ’ Heath Ellen V ’ Hook Elizabeth E ’ Humbert Richard ♦Johnson Fay K •Greller Jane Kasmersky ’ Kazan Donald H ’ Mac Gregor Carolyn ’ Mol Kenneth ’ Neznek Mary ’ Page Donald C •Peverly Janice R ’ Qualman Alfred Clausen •Ramsey Susan ’ Safar Eva ’ Schecter Duane K ’ Severs Giles ’ Zenno Barbara Sickels ’ Kamm Janet E Spooner ’ Strampel William D ’ Ten Hoor Lois Anne ’ Clapham Karen Toonder ’ Walvoord Barbara ’ Warnock Florence Nancy ’ Witherspoon Eric

Friends and Parents Anonymous Gift •Abbott. Mrs. Gretchen •Ambrose. Richard W. Anderson, Earl Asrnus, Robert C. Athey, Bryan •Bakker, W. Harold •Barber, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Batemo, Gary Bauer, Letand L. •Beatty, Ross Becker, Mrs. Walter Beebe, William •Berry, Dr, Ronald W. Bold, George H. Berg, William •Blaisdell, E. Robert •Bobeldyk, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Boelkins, Robert N., D.D.S. Bosman. Mrs. John Boyd, Stuart E. •Brand, Dr, Edward E. •Brandenburg, Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. •Brandt, Mr. and Mrs. I. W. ■Brower, Florence A. Brown, Dr. Donald F. •Sutler, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. •Butterfield, Mr. and Mrs. Ira ‘Cannon, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W, Castillo, Maria Cecil, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Chambers, Margaret Christian, Henry, M.D. Ctapham, Mr. and Mrs. Robert •Clark, Helen D. •Clarke, Helen •Coates, Donald R. •Cook, Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. •Cooper, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Cooper, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Coved, Phil •Curry, Charles W. •Currie, Mr. and Mrs. George S. Daele, Henry •Dalman, Ronald L. Daudt, Mr. and Mrs. William H. •De Boer, Mr. and Mrs. Edward De Boer, Mrs. Lawrence De Boer, Mrs. Mildred Decker, Mrs. Barbara M. •Deenik, Nicholas

•Smith, Clay •De Haan, Mr. and Mrs. Garrett H. Maas, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard "Snow, Tim ‘ De Haan, Mr. and Mrs. Robert 'Mackey, Thornes F. •Soeters, Mr. and Mrs. Robert De Kulper, Lewis, O.D. Magglo, George A. •Spiekhout, John A. Dempsey, William •Morkert, Mrs. Laura Stehlik, Mr. and Mrs. Anthony •Den won nHerder, e iu e i, mi Mr, and Mrs. Robert ’ Matthias, Hans A. Stewart, John W. Mattio, Emanuel J. •Dour, Gordon •Stringer, Mr, and Mrs. C. J. •Mecrman, Mr. and Mrs. John F. De Witte, Maurice "Stroven, Mr. and Mrs. Keith P, •Meyers, Robert “De Young, Helen ‘Struck, William •Middlebush, Frederick “De Young, Nick Takenaka, Professor and Mrs. Jiro Mikle, M. Harold •Dickson, Mr. and Mrs. Jamas Tanis, Dr. and Mrs. Elliot Doll, Mary Beth •Miller, Philip D. ‘ Ten Hoevc, Adeline •Dow, Aldan B. •Mollema, Anne •Terpstra, R. I. Dykoma, Mrs. J. N. Moser, Vera •Throop, Mr. and Mrs. Harland •Muzzy, Katherine •Dykema, Mr. and Mrs. William •Toothaker, James C. 'Myaard, Mr. and Mrs. John H. •Evans, R o b erts. Toren, James W. •Myers, Dr. David Ferris, Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. •Trass, Lena Myers, Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. •Fisher, Henry, M.D. Trask, Richard K. •Nobel, Mary Pealt Gibbs, Margaret Tuerlo, Mr. and Mrs. August •Noice, Mrs. Elizabeth R. Godfrey, Mrs. Almon T. •Turkstra, John C. Graham, Mr. and Mrs. David E. •Oonk, Cornelius Vande Bunte, Harold •Otto, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest C. •Hager. Mr. and Mrs. Titus J. •Vanden Berg, Mrs. Richard Parker, Mr. and Mrs. Albert •Had, Arthur Vander Borgh, Jesse Harvey, Reverend and Mrs. Louis *Parker, Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. •Vander Kooi, William •Hekmnn Mr a n d Mrs. Mr<a E d u lto *Parr. Mrs. Harold •Parr, •Hekman, Mr. and Edsko •Vander Lugt, Mrs. G. T. Pattie, Mr. and Mrs. Mark T., Jr. •Heerema, Mr. and Mrs. Egbert •Peale, Dr. and Mrs. Norman Vincent 'Vander Lugt. Dr. and Mrs. William •Herscher, Julius J. •Vander Roest, Dr. and Mrs. Robert Post, Florence Hiscoe, Mrs. D. Bonta Vander Velde, R ichard Ramaker, Richard A. •Hoebeke, Mrs. William C. Van Dop, Mr. and Mrs. William •Randolph, Sandra D. •Hoffman, Mrs. Trenie Van Heyningen, Dr. Earle •Raphael, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin •Hodander. Mr. Laurence H. 'V an Sloten, David •Reimoid, Mr. and Mrs. O. S., Jr. •Hollander, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Van't Hof, Dr. Albert •Hodenbach, Dr. and Mrs. John W. *Rider, Dr. and Mrs. Morrette •Van Voorst, Cornelia •Riggs, Dr. and Mrs. Arad •Houtman, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Van Witzenburg, Mrs. Marian •Ritzema, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Howard, Mildred S. •Van Zanten, Mrs. Theodore P. •Robertsen, Mr, and Mrs. Homer •Huizenga, Mrs. Elizabeth •Van Zyl, Cornelius •Rocks, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald J. •lams, Howard •Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Howard E. Roertgen, Professor and Mrs. William •Vedoveli, Rudolph J. •Veenstra, Mr. and Mrs. Harold •Roper, Walter J. •Kirby, David Veltman, Esther J. •Russell, Robert A. •Klaasen, Mrs. Adrian •Viel, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Ryan. Mrs. Edward •Kooiker, Dr. Anthony •Wade, Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Sander, Miss Helen •Kooistra, Mr. and Mrs. Martin H. •Wang, Charles C. •Schakol, Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Kramer, Harry •Watt, Ethel M. •Schallenberg, Mr. and Mrs. Robert •Kroodsma, Mr, and Mrs. Dick •Watt, James M. ■Schoon, Helen •Leach, Wllhelmina M. Wierda, AnneS. Schrier, Chris •Lehman, Duane Williams, Jarre H. •Schueneman, Dr. and Mrs. A. H. •Lenel, Dr. Fritz V. •Wilson, Mrs. Matthew J. •Searless, Dr. Scott. Jr. •Lundy, J. Edward •Wilson, Ronald G. Me Cullough, John A. •Seevers, Dr. and Mrs. M. H. •Wolters, Richard McCullough, Mr. and Mrs. Robert *Salfridge, Mr. and Mrs. James H. Wrolyk, Mrs. Anton •Me Lean, Mrs. Sears Sennett, Lincoln Yonkman, Mr. and Mrs. John Me Vfckar, Dan B. ‘ Shrader, Dr. and Mrs. S. A.









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Matching Gifts Aetna Life Affiliated Companies AIMs Chalmers American Can Company American Home Products Corporation Armstrong Cork Company Arthur Anderson Company Atlantic Richfield Foundation Bristol-Myers Company CNA Foundation Carpenter Steel Company Carrier Foundation, Inc. Carter-Wallace, Inc. Chrysler Corporation Cities Service Company Consumers Power Company A.B. Dick Company

Dow Chemical Company Dow Corning Corporation Esso Educational Foundation Ethicon, Inc. Firestone Rubber Company First Federal and Loan Association First National Bank Foundation Ford Motor Company General Electric Company General Telephone Harrls-lntertype Corporation Hartford National Bank & Trust Company Hewlett & Packard International Business Machines Corp.

Humble Oil Education Foundation Irving Trust Martin-Marietta Corporation Foundation Mead Johnson & Company Metropolitan Life Insurance Morgan Guaranty Trust Company National Biscuit Company Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co. Occidental Petroleum Olin Mathieson Chemical Corporation Owens-Illinois Pan American Charitable Foundation

Prudential Insurance Company of America Sherwin-Williams Company Squibb-Beech Nut J. P. Stevens & Company, Inc. : Teledyne Charitable T rust **• Time, Inc. Travelers Insurance Companies , Uniroyat Foundation United Aircraft Upjohn Company Washington National Insurance Company Westinghouse Electric Corporation * Weyerhauser Company Foundation Whirlpool Corporation

Designated and Memorial Gifts ALUMNI SCHOLARSHIP FUND Bauman, Gladys Dornbos Bax, Gerald A. Boelkins, Mr. and Mrs. William De Wolf, Grace E. Fugazzotto, David J. Harris, F. Ruth Voss Me Casky, Gloria Diehl Pickens, N. Elizabeth Zwemer Reardon, Michael T. Small, Martha HOPE COLLEGE FACULTY COMMENCEMENT SCHOLAR足 SHIP FUND Curry, Charles De Meester, William A. De Young, Robert Dykstre, D. Ivan Hillegonds, William Jentz, Arthur National Merit Scholarship Corporation Rider, Morrette Stewart, John W. Van Wieren, Glenn WASHINGTON SEMESTER SCHOLARSHIP FUND Bruin, Linda Lou UNRESTRICTED SCHOLAR足 SHIP FUND Mulder, Donald LATIN AMERICAN SCHOLARSHIP FUND Rozendal, Douglas HERMAN KRUIZENGA SCHOLARSHIP FUND Kruizenga, Mr. and Mrs. Herman A. Kruizenga, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin S. HERMAN LAUG SCHOLARSHIP FUND Brink, J. Russell, M.D. Laug, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Mouw, Dr. and Mrs. Dirk Vanden Berg, Allison R., M.D. CHURCH SCHOLARSHIP FUND Upper Ridge Community Church Ridgewood, New Jersey GENERAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND AAUW Christian Worker Foundation Consumer's Power Company De Roo Realty Dempsey, William Randolph, Sandra Schaftenaar, Carl H. Schrier, John Smith, Homer Van Raalte, Lloyd H. INDUSTRIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND Holland Hitch Company Holland Wire Products

Lamse Agency, Inc, Paul's Pharmacy RUSSELL KLAASEN SCHOLARSHIP FUND Klaasnn, Russell Mac Leod, Roger JOHNSON HENRICH SCHOLARSHIP FUND Johnson, Mrs. Grace H. IN MEMORY OF LESLIE BORR Buys, Mr. and Mrs. Ekdal J. R. I. Terpstra Associates Grand Rapids, Michigan IN MEMORY OF DONALD BRUSH Brush, Agnes Visscher Hiscoe, Mrs. D. Bonta IN MEMORY OF HENRY CHRISTIAN, SR. Maggio, George A. IN MEMORY OF LAWRENCE OE BOER De Boer, Mrs. Lawrence IN MEMORY OF JANEDE JONGE Van Eenenaam, Dr. and Mrs. P. R.


IN MEMORY OF WYBA NIENHUIS Sennett, Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln


CHRIS BECKER MEMORIAL Buys, Mr. and Mrs. Ekdal Becker, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Becker, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence J. HENRY A. AND CAROLYN CHRISTIAN SCHOLARSHIP FUND Christian, Henry A., M.D.

GEORGE B. AND ANNA B. DALMAN MEMORIAL Arnold, Mrs. Ralph K. Batema, Mrs. Ben Batema, Mr. and Mrs. Garry Becker, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence J. Beouwkes, Mrs. Fred Beltman, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dalman, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Dalman, Mr. and Mrs. Ben De Fouw, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Devine, Mr. and Mrs. Paul De Young, Dr. and Mrs. Wesley Duthler, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gammie, Mr. and Mrs. George Gunn, Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Hielkema. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hollander, Dr. and Mrs. Steve Kromann, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Lear Siegler, Inc. Lindhout, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Me Vickar, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Mac Dermott, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Marcus, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Moser, Dr. and Mrs. Frank Notier, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Olert, Florence Olert, Mrs. John Post, Mrs. Ernest H. Roos, Ruth Dalman Sennett, Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln Trask, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Vander Naald, Mr. and Mrs. Cornie Van Zomeren, Mrs. John Zuidema, Mrs. Jacob

STANLEY HARRINGTON MEMORIAL Harrington, Carroll Kiefer, Barbara C. ALAN KINNEY MEMORIAL Huisman, John D. Poppink, Mr. and Mrs. William MARTIN N. RALPH MEMORIAL AWARD IN SPANISH Castillo, Dr. Maria GEORGE STEININGER MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND Steininger, Mrs. Della B. Steininger, George Stults, Mrs. Roy C. J. STRINGER MEMORIAL Stringer, C. J., M.D. VANDER BORGH MEMORIAL Schoon, Helen Vander Borgh, Jesse VAN ZYL MEMORIAL Vander Ploeg, Theodore Van Zyl, Mrs. Bertha

JANET ALBERS YONKMAN SCHOLARSHIP LOAN FUND Holland, Charles Sennett, Mr, and Mrs. Lincoln Stemmle, Bertha and Louise Yonkman, Fredrick, F„ M.D. PHYSICAL EDUCATION BUILDING Albers, G. Donald, M.D. Arendshorst, William, M.D. Boerman, Walter J., M.D. Boersma, Max D. Bocks, Dr. and Mrs. William Boyink, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bruggers, Laurence, M.D. Buys, Mr. and Mrs. Ekdal J. Dykema, Alan. D.V.M. De Witt, Mr. and Mrs. Earl M. Haack, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hal Ian, James A. Heyboer, Hubert J. Joldersma, Alfred T. Koranda, Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Meengs, Marvin 8 ., M.D. Mulder, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Notier, Mr. end Mrs. Robert Peelen, Dr. and Mrs. Matthew Poppink, Mr. and Mrs. William Reus, Leonard W., M.D, Schrier, John Van Dis, Robert Veenker, A. R. Ver Seek, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Visscher, Harrison C., M.D. Visscher, Robert, M.D. Weller, Dr, and Mrs. Kennoth Yonkman, Mr. and Mrs. Fredrick A. Yonkman, Dr. and Mrs. Fredrick F. SOCCER CONTRIBUTION Debrecini, John ATHLETIC SPEAKERS FUND Vande Waa, Alfred J., M.D. DYKSTRA HALL BUILDING FUND Centra! Reformed Church Grand Rapids, Michigan DE WITT CULTURAL CENTER AAUW Asmus, Robert Consumer's Power Company Deenik, Nicholas J. De Witt, Mr. and Mrs. Jack H. De Witt, Mr. and Mrs. R ichard A. De Witte, Maurice De Young, Nick Fisher, Henry, M.D. Gouwans, Paul R. Heerema, Mr. and Mrs. Egbert Michigan Beil Telephone Company Ryan, Mrs. Edward Spiekhout, John Tysse, Mr. and Mrs. John Van Witzenburg, Mrs. Marian SCIENCE BUILDING Eckrich Foundation Hoffmyer, Mr. and Mrs, H. Dale Mutual Home Federal Savings Parke Davis & Company Ronda Tire, Inc. Steelcase Foundation Yonkman, Dr. and Mrs. Fredrick F.

MUSIC BUILDING FURNISHINGS STUDENTS FOR FUND ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY LImbort Foundation Student Congress MUSIC BUILDING Second Reformed Church Kalamazoo, Michigan Schuppert, Mildred THEATRE DEPARTMENT First Presbytorian Church of Northport, Northport, New York Second Reformed Church New Brunswick, New Jersey Festival of Evangelism, RCA Wyoming, Michigan North Reformed Dutch Church Newark, New Jersey The Reformed Church Bronxvilie, New York UNRESTRICTED ENDOWMENT FUND Emerson, Frederick A. Schrier, Mr. and Mrs, John C.

GENERAL PLANT BUILDING FUND Deur, Gordon, O.D. Wilson, Ronald GWyma, Mr. and Mrs. John CHAPLAIN'S DISCRETIONARY FUND Becker, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence J. Boersma, Dr, and Mrs. Vernon Brooks, Phillips Junar, Dorothy Kieinheksel, Frank Larsen, Arne Marsilje, June Magnuson, Norman Nyboer, Andrew Schrader, Ralph Scott, Richard Van Pernis, Paul Yonkman, Dr. and Mrs. Fredrick F. HIGHER HORIZONS GoodfeUows Foundation Greater Holland United Fund Jentz, Dr. Arthur Junior Welfare League Louis and Helen Padnos Education Foundation Wise, Vivian MARIGOLD LODGE Athey, Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Ladies of General Synod Vander Werf, Dr. and Mrs. C. A. Wrolyk, Mrs. Anton INSTITUTE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY Atlantic Richfield Foundation Beil, S. A. Chemetron Corporation Donnelly Mirrors, inc. Douglas Garden Club Hanlon, John J. H. J. Heinz Company Holland Garden Club Louis and Helen Padnos Education Fund Whirlpool Corporation Women's Literary Club

GARDEN CLUB AWARD Foundation of Federated Garden Clubs of Michigan SYMPHONETTE CONTRIBUTION Bethany Reformed Church Kalamazoo, Michigan Central Reformed Church Grand Rapids, Michigan Christian Park Reformed Church Indianapolis, Indiana Church of the Savior. Rochester, Minn. Good Shepherd Reformed Church Wayne, Michigan Homewood Reformed Church Homewood, Illinois Midland Reformed Church Midland, Michigan Peace Reformed Church St. Paul, Minnesota Spring Valley Reformed Church Morrison, Illinois CHAPEL CHOIR CONTRIBUTIONS Debreceni, Amelia Festival of Evangelism, RCA Wyoming, Michigan First Church of Evans Derby. New York First Reformed Church of Hawthorne Hawthorne, New Jersey Forth, William E.,D.D.S. Garveink, Gertrude M. Jay Gould Memorial Reformed Church Roxbury, New York Hope College Women's League Grand Rapids Chapter Hope Reformed Church Kalamazoo, Michigan Hudsonvllle Reformed Church Hudsonvilie, Michigan Huizenga, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Kleis, David J. Lookenhouse, Donald Mol, Reverend Neal J. Neckers, Mr. and Mrs. Carlyle Old Saratoga Reformed Church Schuylerville, New York Paramus Reformed Church Ridgewood, New Jersey Pitcher Hill Community Church Syracuse, New York Reformed Church Port Ewen, New York Resurrection Reformed Church Flint, Michigan Sweetser, Ruth Ziemann Thompson, Norman W. Trinity Reformed Church North Plainfield, New Jersey Trinity Reformed Church Rochester, New York University Reformed Church Ann Arbor, Michigan Waful, Donald R. VIENNA FUND Arndt, Jennifer Brummel, Myron Colapietro, Julia Cook, R. R. Cook, G, Robert Doll, Mary Beth Fried, Paul

Gottwald, Paul Jurrles, Virginia Koln, Nancy Knecht, Christopher Koeman, Miiicent Kroodsmo, Don Laug, Herman F, Miller, Randall Mulder, John Noel, David Troike, Dorothy Tysse, John Vander Meulen, David L. Waggoner, William C. Walker, Estate of Jerry CHEMISTRY DEPARTMENT DISCRETIONARY FUND E. I. duPont deNemours & Company GIFTS IN KIND M. Proos Si Son Grand Rapids, Michigan Sprinkler Equipment Vander Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Rein Art Work for Alumni Magazine Wolmers, Dr. and Mrs. William Dutch Language and Literature Books Welmers, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Mathematical Periodicals Will Scientific, Inc. Ann Arbor, Michigan Equipment and Supplies for Biology Department BEQUESTS Estate of Daisy E. Clements Estate of Jennie Knooihuizen Estate of George Mooi Estate of Cora Lock Roelofs Estate of Grace Boyd Smith Estate of Cornelius Vander Meulen ACADEMIC ADMINISTRATION AWARD CONTRIBUTION De Velder, Philip CLASS OF 1972 CONTRIBUTION Thermotron CASTLE PARK FUND Barber, Harris Beatty, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Bocks, Dr. and Mrs. William Bosch, Mr. and Mrs. Randal! Burton, Robert M. Clarke, Mrs. Helen Corrington, Mrs. Frances W. Covel, Phil Hall, Arthur Hedbtom, Carl A, Jannotta, Edgar D. Kunkel, Paul Laing, Grant H., M.D. Leach, Mrs. Franklin Me Lean, Mrs. Sears R. Meyer, Harris Muzzy, Mrs. Gray Nobel, Mrs. Roy Parr, Mrs. Harold Pennington, Wiiiis Rea, Mrs. Thatcher W. Robertson, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Thier, Mr. and Mrs. John Vedovell, Rudolph Winston, Albert F.

Foundations and Non-Profit Corporations Amaraco Fund The American Chemical Society William R. Angel) Foundation Atlantic Richfield Foundation Austin Company Foundation George F. Baker Trust Baldwin Foundation The Bonner Foundation Christian Workers Foundation Cities Service Foundation Cummings Fund University of Detroit Douglas Garden Club Camille and Henry Dreyfus Foundations, Inc. E. I. du Pont deNemours & Company Foundation Dutch Immigrant Society of Grand Rapids Eckrich Foundation

Equitable Life Assurance Society of the U.S. Esso Education Foundation Foundation of Federated Garden Clubs of Michigan Financial Aid Scholarship Founda­ tion Fruehauf Corporation Charitable Fund Gerber Baby Foods Fund General Electric Foundation General Telephone Company of Michigan Good Fellows Foundation Greater Holland United Fund Great Lakes Colleges Association Arkell Hall Foundation H. J. Heinz Company Foundation Henry Foundation, Inc. Holland Chamber of Commerce

Holland Exchange Club Household Finance Corporation Foundation Junior Welfare League W. K. Kellogg Foundation Kalamazoo Savings & Loan Lear Siegler Foundation Limbert Foundation Louiit Foundation Lubrizol Foundation Mead Johnson & Company Foundation Michigan Bell Telephone Michigan Colleges Foundation Michigan Power Company Miles-Amos Foundation Miles Laboratories Foundation National Lead Foundation National Merit Scholarship Corporation

Jessie Smith Noyes Foundation Louisa Helen Padnos Education Fund Parke Davis and Company Petroleum Research Fund Research Corporation Foundation Sage Foundation Pater Schotanus Foundation Sears-Roebuck and Company Foundation Shell Companies Foundation Skillman Foundation Alfred Sloan Foundation Standard Oil Foundation Steelcase Foundation Texaco,Inc. L. N. & Grace Q. Vedder Foundation Will Scientific, Inc. Matthew J. & Anne C. Wilson Foundation

Corporations A & W Root Beer Drive-In. Adex Advertising, Inc. Marvin Albers Company American Aerosol, Inc. Arthur Anderson Co. R. E, Barber, Inc. Chester Bauman Insurance Bay Haven Marina, Inc. Becker Iron & Metal Company Beech-Nut, Inc. Bennett Lumber & Manufacturing Company B.J.W. Barghorst & Sons Big Dutchman, Division of U.S. Industries, Inc. Bishop Furniture Company Boes Radio & Television Service Borr's Bootery Alvin D. Bos Vending Company 8ouwens& Sons Construction W. J. Bradford Paper Company Brooks Products, Inc. James A, Brouwer Company Bulford Studio Thomas Buter Superette Buys-MacGregor & Company Chemetrom Corporation (Pigments Division) Colonial Manufacturing Company Consumers Power Company Crown Casket Company Inc. Culligan Soft Water Service DeBruyn Texas Produce Co. DeFouw Electric Company De Pree Company De Pree Electric Co. DeRoo Realty Company Dew-El Corporation Donnelly Mirrors, Inc. Doody's (Jeane's Shop) Downtown Standard Service

Ebelink Florist E.l. du Pont deNemours & Company, Inc. Eihart Pontiac First Michigan Bank & Trust Co. of Zeeland First National Bank of Holland French Pastry Shoppe Fris News Company, Inc. General Motors Corporation Hamilton Manufacturing & Supply Company Hansen Machine Company Hanson Drug Store Hart & Cooley Manufacturing Co. Heerspink's Jewelry & G ift Shop A. W. Hertel Agency, Inc. Holland Awning Company Holland Bowling Lanes Holland Broadcasting Co. Holland Concrete Products Co. Holland Cotton Products Holland Dieca$ting& Plating Co., Inc. Holland Electric Motor & Supply Inc. Holland Garden Club Holland Hitch Company Holland Hitch Forwarding Company Holland Hitch Sales Company Holland Metalcraft Company Holland Motor Express Inc. Holland Photography Holland Sheet Metal Inc. Holland Transplanter Company Holland Wire Products Home Division —Lear Siegler Inc. Import Motors Lts. International Nickel Company Jacobusse's Refuse Service Company Jesiek Brothers Shipyard Kalkman Redi-Mix Company Kammeraad.Stroop, VanDerLeek, Inc.

Karr Spring Company Russell Klaasen Realtor Koning Machine & Tool Company L. W. Lamb & Company Lambert's Poultry Lamse Agency, Inc. The Lievense Agency Lokers Shoe Store The Lokker-Rutgers Company Maes, Inc. Maihofer, Moore & DeLong Main Auto & Marine Marsilje Agency, Inc. M. B. Realty Company Inc. Mead Johnson and Company Mechanical Transplanter Co. Michigan Bell Telephone Co. Michigan Power Co, Miles Laboratories, Inc. Herman Miller, Inc. Howard Miller Clock Co. Model Laundry & Cleaners Inc. Modern Products, Inc. Moor Shoes Mutual Home Savings & Loan Niff Beverage Company Northern Fibre Products Co. Notier, VerLee, Langetand Chapel, Inc. Old News Printery Ottawa County Abstract & Title Co. Ottawa Savings & Loan Association Parke Davis & Company Parkway Electric Company Padnos Iron & Metal Co. Paul’s Pharmacy J. C. Penney Company, Inc. People's State Bank of Holland People's State Bank of Lynden, Washington

Point West, Inc. Post Jewelry & Gift Shop M. ProosSi Son Co. Quality Fuel & Supply Co. The Quality Furniture Store Reader’s World Reichart Office Machines & Supply Co. Bert Reimink Plumbing & Heating Repco-Lite Paints Rooks Transfer Lines Inc. Roper, Meyers & Hann, Attorneys Russ' Drive-In Ronda Tire, inc. Sentinel Printing Company State Farm Insurance Co. Stam's Friendly Service Steketee Van Huis Inc. Superior Sport Store Teeter'sSewing Center Ter Haar—Vanhuizen Motor Sales Thermotron Corporation Venden Berg Jewelers John A. VandenBosch Company Chris VandenHeuvel & Son Van Hemert Sales & Service VerHage of Holland, Inc. West Shore Construction Co. Inc. Whirlpool Corporation WHTC Broadcasting Co. Willard Motors, Inc. Williams Jewelers William F. Winstrom Organ Sales Wolbrink Insurance Agency The Worden Company Wyandotte Chemical Corporation Yntema Funeral Home Zeeland Dry Cleaners Zeeland Iron & Metal Co. Zeeland Wood Turning Works

Church Contributions to Hope College ALBANY CLASSIS Albany, First Clarksvillo Coxsacklo, Second Selkirk, First Bethlehem BERGEN CLASSIS Dumont, Old North Fair Lawn Hackensack, Second Hackensack, Third Hasbrouck Heights, First Ridgefield, Bergen Boulevard Ridgefield, English Neighborhood Ridgefield Park, Neighborhood Rochelle Park, First Teaneck, Community BROOKLYN CLASSIS Brooklyn, First of Flatbush Brooklyn, Flatlands CALIFORNIA CLASSIS (Arizona) Phoenix, Longview (California) Artesia Artesla, Zion Bellflower, Bethel Chino, Chino Valley El Monte, Trinity Escondido, Community Paramount, Emmanuel Redlands, Bethany Santa Ana, Parkview

Hospers, Newkirk Orange City, First Sheldon, Bethel

Lansing, First Lansing, Grace South Holland, First South Holland, Faith Tinley Park Wichert, F irst

HOLLAND CLASSIS Holland, First Holland, Third Holland, Fourth Holland, Sixth Holland, Beechwood Holland, Bethel Holland, Calvary Holland, Central Park Holland, Christ Memorial Holland, Fellowship Holland, Hope Holland, Maplewood Holland, Trinity

(Indiana) DeMotte, American DaMotte, First Gary, Ross Hammond, Riverside Park Indianapolis, Christian Park Lafayette, First Munster, Trinity ILLINOIS CLASSIS Baileyville Fairvlew Forreston Fulton, First Fulton, Second Fulton, Trinity Lanark, Faith

ILLIANA CLASSIS {Illinois) Danforth Harvey, Bethel Homewood W

Y T T fV T

MINNESOTA CLASSIS Bloomington, Riverside Hollandaie Leota, Bethel Luveme, American Preston, Greenleafton Roseland Silver Creek Woodstock, American

CHICAGO CLASSIS (Florida) Venice Gardens, Calvary (Illinois) Berwyn, First Berwyn, Faith Community Chicago, Bethany Chicago, Bethel Chicago, Calvary Chicago. Emmanuel Chicago, First of Mount Greenwood Chicago, First of Roseland Chicago, Hope Cicero, West Side Lombard, Fellowship Oak Lawn, Green Oak Palos Heights Riverdale, Ivanhoe

EAST SIOUX CLASSIS Everly, Clay County First

LAKE ERIE CLASSIS (Michigan) Detroit, First Detroit, Hode Community Rockwood, Huron Valley Royal Oak, Redeemer Southgate, Calvary Community

MID-HUDSON CLASSIS Kingston, Fair Street Poughkeepsie, Arlington Poughkeepsie Red Hook, St. John's Rhinebeck Saugerties, Flatbush Wappinger Falls, New Hackensack

CENTRAL CALIFORNIA CLASSIS Ripon, Calvary Sacramento, Hope Community San Francisco, Miraloma

DAKOTA CLASSIS Sioux Falls, First Springfield, Emmanuel Valley Springs

KALAMAZOO CLASSIS Battle Creek, Trinity Decatur, First Hopkins, Community Kalamazoo, First Kalamazoo, Second Kalamazoo, Third Kalamazoo, Fourth Kalamazoo, Bethany Kalamazoo, Bethel Kalamazoo, Greenwood Kalamazoo, Hope Kalamazoo, North Park Kalamazoo, Trinity Kalamazoo, Twin Lakes Martin South Haven, Hope

(Ohio) Cleveland, Brooklyn Cleveland, Parkview Community

CASCADES CLASSIS Lynden, Faith Nooksack, Nooksack Valley

COLUMBiA-GREENE CLASSIS Chatham, First Claverack, First West Ghent


Morrison, Ebenezer Morrison, Emmanuel Oregon, Ebonezer Raritan Rockford, Hope Community

MONTGOMERY CLASSIS Fort Plains Mohawk Syracuse

Altamont Colonie, U sha's Kill Guilderiand Center. Helderberg Niskayuna Rotterdam, Trinity Schenectady, First Schenectady, Mont Pleasant Scotia, First

MUSKEGON CLASSIS Coopera/ilie Coppersvilie, Church of the Savior Fremont, First Grand Haven, First Grand Haven, Second Lucas, Rehoboth Midland Montague, Ferry Memorial Muskegon, First Muskegon, Fifth Muskegon, Central Muskegon, Forest Home Muskegon, Laketon-Bethel Muskegon, Unity Muskegon, Westwood

Muskegon Heights, Covenant New Era, First Spring Lake, First Traverse City, Faith NASSAU-SUFFOLK CLASSIS Massapequa West Sayville, First Wiliiston Park NEW BRUNSWICK CLASSIS Bridle, Church in Brielle New Brunswick, First New Brunswick, Second New Shrewsbury South River, First NEWARK CLASSIS Irvington, First NEW YORK CLASSIS Bronx, Union of Highbridge New York City, DeWitt New York City, Elmendorf New York City, Fort Washington Collegiate New York City, Marble Collegiate New York City, Middle Collegiate Staten Island, Prince Bay NORTH GRAND RAPIDS CLASSIS Ada Casnovia Flint, Bethany Grand Rapids, Third Grand Rapids, Fourth Grand Rapids, Seventh Grand Rapids, Aberdeen Grand Rapids, Bethel Grand Rapids, Bethany Grand Rapids, Calvary Grand Rapids, Central Grand Rapids, Fairview Grand Rapids, Knapp Street Grand Rapids, Remembrance Grand Rapids, Richmond Grand Rapids, Standale Grant ORANGE CLASSIS Newburgh, Meadow Hill Pine Bush, New Prospect Walden Wallkill, Shawangunk Wallkilt Warwick PALISADES CLASSIS Guttenberg, F irst Jersey City, Bergen North Bergen, Grove North Bergen, Woodcliff Community Union City, First West New York, Trinity PARAMUS CLASSIS Closler Mahwah, Ramapo Midland Park, First Oakland. Ponds Oradell Ridgewood, Upper Ridge Community Upper Saddle River, Saddle River Westwood Wyckoff, Second Wyckoff PASSAIC CLASSIS Boonton

Clifton, Allwood Community Clifton Clifton, Hope Hawthorne, First Little Fails, First Little Falls, Second Pompton Lakes, Pompton Pompton Plains, First Wanaque Wayne, Preakness PELLA CLASSIS Des Moines, Meredith Drive Leighton, Ebenezer Pella, First Pella, Third Sully, First PHILADELPHIA CLASSIS Churchville, North and Southampton Feastervllle, Community Philadelphia, Talmage Memorial Fourth Richboro, Addisville PLEASANT PRAIRIE CLASSIS Ackley, Washington Applington, First Belmond, Immanuel Buffalo Center, First Cedar Rapids, Cedar Hill Community Dumont Stout Titonka, Ramsey QUEENS CLASSIS College Point, First Douglaston, Community Flushing, Church on tha Hill Flushing, Protestant Dutch Flushing, Queensboro Hill Queens Village Ridgewood, Trinity RARITAN CLASSIS Blawenburg East Millstone Miiistone, Hillsborough North Branch Somerville, Finderne Somerville, Second of Raritan South Branch Three Bridges Whitehouse Station, Rockaway ROCHESTER CLASSIS Clymer, Abbe East Williamson Rochester, First Rochester, Brighton Williamson, Pultneyville Wiiliamsville, Community ROCKLAND-WESTCHESTER CLASSIS Bronxvilie Elmsford Hastings-on-Hudson, First Hawthorne Scarsdale, Greenville Community Tarryton, Second Yonkers, Crescent Place Yonkers, Park Hill Church of the Redeemer SARATOGA CLASSIS Castleton, Emmanuel Multzeskill, Dutch Church of Schodack Rensselaer, Blooming Grove

Schuylerville, Bacon Hill Wyantskill, First SCHOHARIE CLASSIS Amsterdam, Florida Amsterdam, Trinity Berne, First Fonda Fultonville Glen Hagaman, Calvary Lawyersvillo Mlddloburgh Roxbury, Jay Gould Memorial Schoharie Schoharie, St. Andrews SOUTH GRAND RAPIDS CLASSIS Byron,Center, First Byron Center, Corinth Grand Rapids, Fifth Grand Rapids, Everglade Grand Rapids, Garfield Park Grand Rapids, Home Acres Grand Rapids, Hope Grand Rapids, Immanuel Grand Rapids, Oakdale Park Grand Rapids, Unity Grandville, First Grandvilte, Olivet Grandville, Zion Jenison, Fair Haven Jenison, Rosewood Lansing, Immanuel Community Wyoming, Eighth Wyoming, Beverly Wyoming, Faith Wyoming. Grace WEST CENTRAL (Colorado) Denver, First (Nebraska) Adams, Pella Holland Lincoln, Hope (Oklahoma) Lawton, Commanche WEST SIOUX CLASSIS Boyden. First Carmel, First Hull, First Hull, American Rock Rapids, First Rock Valley, First Sioux Center, First Sioux Center, Central Eilsworth, Bethel WISCONSIN CLASSIS (Florida) Bradenton, Bay Shore Gardens (Wisconsin) Baldwin, First Brandon, Bethel Cedar Grove, First Cedar Grove, Faith Clinton, Emmanuel Gibbsville Friesland Hingham Milwaukee, First Oostburg, First Racine Randolph, First

Ringle, Forestville Sheboygan, Bethany Sheboygan, Hope Sheboygan Falls, First Wisconsin Rapids, Faith Waupun, First Waupun, Alto Waupun, Emmanuel Waupun, Trinity ZEELAND CLASSIS Allegan, Dunningvilfe Allendale Hamilton, Bentheim Hamilton, First Hamilton, Haven Holland, Community Holland, Ebenezer Holland, North Holland Hudsonvllle, Fellowship Hudsonvilie, Forest Grove Hudsonvilie Hudsonvilie,South Blendon Jamestown Overisel West Olive, Ottawa Zeeland, First Zeeland, Second Zeeland, Beaverdam Zeeland, Faith Zeeland, Vriesland REFORMED CHURCH DEVELOPMENT FUND Amerigan, A. A. Angell, Burton Becker, Hugo Betka, Walter Blackmer, Richard Borgman, La/ina Brudos, Darwin Bryant, Clifford Cabaniss, Edward Cook, George Critcher, William Davis, Clifford Delsia, John DeWoif, James Dotter, William Ebeling, Dolph Grinwis, Donald Haas, Frederick, Jr. Hanlon, W. R. Hody, Robert Jones, Donald Jones, Paul Johnson, Herman Kambour, Roger Kinney, Olin Leiche, Gustav, Jr. Maclsaac, Martin Moolenaar, Robert Morgan, Marie K. Myaard, Clyde Myers, Robert Nagamatsu, Henry Quick, Harry Richardson, Sheldon Shepply, William Snare, James Stern, Hansjoerg Taylor, William Thompson, Richard Van Vliek, Justin Wailender, Kenneth Warner, Donald Wickes, Charles H. Williamson, Robert Wormuth, Wilber

The Board of Trustees September J. 1971

Mr. Clarence J. B ecker....................

.............................. Holland, Michigan

Dr. Leon Bosch.................................

.................................Evanston, Illinois

Reverend Albertus G. Bossenbroek .

. . . . Hastings-on-Hudson, New York

Reverend Bernard Bnmsting ..........

......................... Scarsdale, New York

Mr. Kenneth P. E. DeGroot


..................Newport Beach, California

Mr. Hugh De Pree ............................

.............................. Zeeland, Michigan

Mr. Richard A. De Witt ..................

.............................. Holland, Michigan

Mr, John G. Dinkeloo ....................

......................... Hamden, Connecticut

Reverend Chester D roog..................

......................... Bellflower, California

Mr. Robert H a a c k ............................

......................... New York, New York

Mr. Titus J. H a g er............................

....................Grand Rapids, Michigan

Mr, George Heeringa .......................

.............................. Holland, Michigan

Dr. John Hollenbach .......................

.............................. Holland, Michigan

Dr. Arthur J e n t z ..............................

.............................. Holland, Michigan

Dr. Fritz V. L e n e i............................

.........................Rensselaer, New York

Mr. Alton Miles.................................

.........................Kalamazoo, Michigan

Mrs. Norman Vincent P eale.............

.........................New York, New York

Mr. Howard R. S luyter....................

........................................ Dallas, Texas

Mrs. Harrison S m ith .........................

....................Greenwich, Connecticut

Judge A. Dale Stoppels ..................

....................Grand Rapids, Michigan

Reverend Russell W. Vande Bunte . Dr. George H. Vanderborgh


....................Ridgewood, New Jersey West Sayville, Long Island, New York

Dr. William Vander Lugt (ex-officio)

................................ Holland, Michigan

Reverend Gordon Van Oostenburg .

.............................. Holland, Michigan

Dr. Herbert S. Van W y k ..................

...................... Richboro, Pennsylvania

Mr. James M. Ver M eulen...............

....................Grand Rapids, Michigan

Mr. Willard C. W ichers....................

.............................. Holland, Michigan

Dr. Frederick F. Y o n k m an .............

........................... Marion, Massachusetts

Honorary Members Mr. Ekdal J. Buys .

Caledonia, Miclugan

Dr. Irwin J. Lubbers

. .Des Moines, Iowa


Host ealteijs Hollawl. 'Mtehtjan.4S4?3

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