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I December 19, 1963

Hope College, Holland, Michigan

76th Year—15

No Extra Day Off

Recent Grants To Help Finance Physics Building Hope College has recently received additional g r a n t s to aid t h e p a y m e n t of ^the construction of the new Physics-Mathematics Building. The latest grant is $10,000 f r o m the Upjohn Company. The grant was announced through Dr. E. Gifford Upjohn, M.D., c h a i r m a n of t h e Board of Trustees of t h e company. The college has also announced that it h a s received an $1800 g r a n t of stock from the Sears, Roebuck Company. The P h y s i c s - M a t h e m a t i c s Building. now being built next to Van Zoeren Library, is scheduled to be completed by next August, and will be used by classes and labs in the coming fall s e m e s t e r .

Friday Classes Scheduled Hope College s t u d e n t s this year will not receive an unscheduled e x t r a d a y of C h r i s t m a s vacation as they h a v e in the past, according to college P r e s i d e n t Dr. Calvin VanderWerf.

WHITE CHRISTMAS—Hope's c a m p u s is blanketed in white a s winter takes hold.

Winter Carnival To Exploit Snow Hope students will acknowledge the hold of 01' Man Winter on Holland by holding a Winter Carnival during the weekend of Feb. 7-8. Plans for this weekend of winter sports and other activities are now certain. General c h a i r m e n , Pete Van Lierop and Marcia Vande Vrede, have asked that students be reminded to bring their skates, skis, and suitable clothing back with them a f t e r C h r i s t m a s vacation. The schedule of events for the Carnival begins with a sled r a c e between f r a t e r n i t i e s at 4-5 p.m. Friday. The race will consist of a 150 lb. m a n on a sled pulled by a 6-8 m a n team. They will race on a •track m a r k e d out around i h e

c a m p u s . T h e r e will be several relay stations along it for f r e s h "dogs." The dinner meal F r i d a y will be a Slater special: a jazz c o m b o will play, dining halls will h a v e decorations and the attire will be ski pants and s w e a t e r s . F r i d a y night will f e a t u r e winter sports at Goshorn Hills. Students m a y ski, ice skate, or go on sleigh rides. R e f r e s h m e n t s will be served there, and the Union will be open serving hot chocolate as well. The skating ring will be open also. S a t u r d a y between 8:30 a . m . and 2:00 p.m. snow sculptors will be out. c r e a t i n g their works of art around the theme of American legends. Judging will t a k e place

between fraternities, sororities, dorms, and cottages. Between 2 p.m. and 3 p.m. the girls will play ice soccer, a g a m e involving tennis shoes, a broom, and a soccer ball. Competition will be between classes. The championship of the f r a t e r n i t y ice hockey t e a m s will ibe decided between 3 p.m. and 4 p.m. Eliminations will run throughout the week. S a t u r d a y night Hope will play Alma at the Civic Center. The halftime e n t e r t a i n m e n t will include band numbers, decorations and a student skit. After the g a m e the Union will be open and there will be ice skating, a bonfire and r e f r e s h m e n t s .

In an interview Monday VanderWerf said that having a r a t h e r unorganized day off decided upon at the last minute would put a premium on unconscientiousness, since the conscientious students who plan on going to classes on Friday and schedule transportation for F r i d a y afternoon would lose out if the day were called off on F r i d a y morning. while the less conscientious students who leave early benefit by not missing classes on the previously unannounced day off. In o r d e r to aid his decision. VanderWerf asked the faculty members to give their opinions on whether an e x t r a d a y of vacation should be given. According to the president, "The faculty was very decided in favor of having classes. Of the a p p r o x i m a t e l y 50 who re-



and A H A P P Y NEW YEAR anchor staff

plied, about 49 were against having F r i d a y off. " The president, nonetheless, is keeping an open mind to .the idea that having F r i d a y , or even up to the Wednesday, before C h r i s t m a s vacation off might be valuable to the s t u d e n t s for traveling time. However, he feels that, if such e x t r a days were allowed, they should be written into the college school year scheduling.

Local Stations To Run Hopeite's Radio Program " B y That S a m e S t a r " , a Christm a s p r o g r a m originally produced for television by the Public Relations Office at Hope College has been adapted for radio and will be heard locally on both radio stations. The p r o g r a m will also be seen this y e a r on a Detroit itelevision station in its original f o r m . "By That S a m e S t a r " tells the story of C h r i s t m a s f r o m the time of the prophecy until a f t e r Christ's birth. The n a r r a t i v e is interspersed with a p p r o p r i a t e carols and background music. The p r o g r a m was written by Milton Nieuwsma. who g r a d u a t e d f r o m Hope last J u n e , produced by Gerald Kruyf, Director of Public Relj of the Jpe Speech D e p a r t m e n t .

v . .

MESSIAH—Hope's symphonic orchestra, four pntfesslonal soloists, and 200 student singers presented Handel's "Messiah" Tuesday.

Christmas in Washington by Robert Donia

THIS WAY OUT—Marsha Zamoida, Bryce Butler, Carole Timkovitch and Rob Werge helped to present sophomore Jennifer McGilvray's play in pantomime Saturday.

Sophomore McGilvray's Drama Presented Saturday at Theatre by Thomas Wombwell J e n n i f e r McGilvray, a Hope College sophomore, presented her laitest play, "This Way O u t , " in the Little T h e a t r e last S a t u r d a y a f t e r noon to an invitational audience. T h e m a t i c and technical considerations. it s e e m s , would be ina p p r o p r i a t e in a public review at this time. They might be v a l u a b l e for the playwright's a r t i s t i c development. They would not, however, be relevant to the potential viewer

DU SAAR PHOTO and GIFT SHOP Holland, Mich. EX 2 - 2 2 3 0 Everything Photographic

of the play, the n e w s p a p e r r e a d e r , since at least as far a s this w r i t e r is a w a r e , t h e r e a r e no i m m e d i a t e plans to r e s t a g e the production for the general public. The point to be m a d e here is that in the writing of this play a creative work has c o m e f r o m a corner of the a r t s at Hope College in which writing has hitherto not been largely realized. Acting, directing, and production a r e important a s p e c t s of the t h e a t r e experience to which writing m a y now be added. Miss McGilvray's play is a m a j o r contribution. Continued faculty and student s u p p o r t m a y bring about even more significant works.

Merry Christmas and

Many a v e r a g e citizens wonder what life is like in Washington— with all those important personalities wandering around. Now, due to s o m e excellent outside sources, w e a r e able to give you this p e n e t r a t i n g analysis of Washington at C h r i s t m a s t i m e . The S u p r e m e Court building is conspicuous by its lack of decorations. By unanimous consent, the J u s t i c e s a g r e e d that C h r i s t m a s as a national holiday is Unconstitutional, b e c a u s e of its religious implications. However, since J u s t i c e Goldberg wanted s o m e recognition of H a n n u k k a h , the Justices have agreed .to a new and revolutionary f o r m of celebration—on opening e a c h court session, they smile. The Capitol building, however, is m u c h m o r e gay. In the m a i n lobby is a huge C h r i s t m a s tree decorated with green, yellow, white, orange, and blue light?—no red, out of deference to Senator Goldwater. Southern Senators can be heard singing their favorite Christmas carols, " I ' m Dreaming of a White C a m p u s " and " 0 L i f l e Town of Birmingham." The Democratic leadership, which has been conducting a filibuster a g a i n s t a motion to a d j o u r n , h a s somehow found time to distribute " W e love you, Bobby B a k e r " buttons to the m o r e funloving of the Congressional bunch. Some of the more reserved m e m b e r s of Congress have been seen stopping into the Quorum Club for

an occasional glass of holiday cheer. C o n g r e s s m a n A d a m Clayton Powell m a d e a speech on the House floor stating that he planned to spend C h r i s t m a s in E u r o p e , inspecting the educational s y s t e m of the French Riviera with his three secretaries. Senator Dirksen, minority leader, s t a t e d that he is opposed to such e x t r a v a g a n c e unless equal rights a r e g r a n t e d to ithe Republican minority. P e r h a p s the best .time of all is had at the White House. H e r e Lyndon "Ah need yowe h e l p " Johnson and his family h a v e decked the halls with boughs of s a g e b r u s h . They plan a delicious C h r i s t m a s dinner of corn f r i t t e r s and grits, f e a t u r i n g surplus m e a t , w h e a t , butter, milk, and corn. McGeorge Bundy, who gives the P r e s i d e n t his daily briefing on foreign affairs, received a subscription to The Dallas Star for C h r i s t m a s f r o m the Johnsons. He had complained since Mr. Johnson, in the interest of economy, cancelled all White House subscriptions to The Wall Street J o u r n a l , The New York Times, U.S. News, Time, Life, Newsweek, and F o r t u n e . Other White House Staff personnel w e r e

given a C h r i s t m a s present also: instructions on how to keep down office expenses, printed on the back of old tax f o r m s . At the State Depantment, res e a r c h e r s a r e busy trying to disprove a claim voiced in a recent note f r o m Khrushchev t h a t "We invented S a n t a Glaus." Nikita claims that Santa was a red bure a u c r a t who got stoned a t a K r e m lin party, a t t e m p t e d to walk home, and ended up at ithe North Pole by accident. Khrushchev also objected to the U.S. habit of calling Santa "St. Nik." T h e note said, " E v e r y one knows that ,there is only one Nik worthy of sainthood. Any traitor to the Moscow cause does not deserve the n a m e Saint. Such a •trick couldn't be played b y anyone other than you sneaky A m e r i c a n s except m a y b e the Red Chinese or Stalin." At the Defense D e p a r t m e n t , s t r a t e g i s t s have devised a new fung a m e which is being given .to all employees. Its called "Cut-back." E a c h player m a k e s his move and waits 12 hours to see how m a n y Congressmen object. The employee with the most objections is then m a d e S e c r e t a r y of Defense.

Happy New Year

Novice Speakers



Campus Miss

Win 7 Debates In Chicago Meet Novice Hope d e b a t e r s traveled to Chicago to t a k e p a r t in a FroshSoph Debate Tourney held at the University of Illinois, Navy P i e r , Dec. 13 and 14. Debating 12 times, Hope's iteam won 7 and lost 5.

Be A College Town Doll Make Your Selection at . . .

FRENCH CLOAK EX 3 - 9 0 0 6

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We Give S&H Green Stamps 7 West 8th Street

Phone EX 2 - 2 6 6 4

The negative t e a m of Dave Noel and Bob Donia won four and lost two, winning over De P a u w University, Calvin College, Wisconsin State at Oshkosh, and Indiana University, and losing to the University of Illinois and Loyola University. Debating affirmatively, B a r b a r a Vanderwest and Gene P e a r s o n won over Dubuque University, Wisconsin University at Milwaukee, and Western Illinois University, and lost to Western Michigan University women, Wilson J.C. and Marquette University. T h e r e w e r e 53 units or 106 t e a m s f r o m 12 s t a t e s . The t o u r n a m e n t is one of the oldest of Frosh-Soph debating in the country.

m DR. J A M E S P R I N S

Prins, ten Hoor Obtain Doctorates; U. of M. Awards English Degrees Two m e m b e r s of the Hope College English faculty, Henry ten Hoor and J a m e s P r i n s , will receive doctoral degrees f r o m the University of Michigan today at 2 p.m. in the Hill Auditorium of the Ann Arbor c a m p u s . E a c h m a n will b e a w a r d e d a Doctor of Education in English by the Horace H. R a c k h a m School of G r a d u a t e Studies. Ten Hoor wrote his doctoral dissertation entitled "A Reexamina-

BREDEWEG SHOE REPAIRING Let these lines from the Minister's Notebook

be Hope

Church's Christmas greeting to the students and faculty

We Dye and Repair Shoes EX 6 - 3 4 2 1 2 3 0 River Avenue

of Hope College. "Christmas for the Christian must be a festival of hope —the kind of hope which can face the menacing facts and still carry on. A n d Christmas hope is not a matter of whistling in the d a r k ; rather, it is a matter of keeping a light burning in the dark.Christian hope never suggests that there will be no great difficulties a h e a d , but it does declare that, in the long run, there will be no defeat of God's purposes. Christmas for the Christian must be remembrance of what G o d d i d for man when he came into man's history in the person of Jesus Christ. But it must also be a reminder that when we turn to him in faith he comes again and a g a i n a n d again. 'Have courage, never fear; here comes your G o d . . . he comes to save y o u / "

HOPE CHURCH 7 7 W . l l t h Street



tion of Susanna Centlivre as a Comic D r a m a t i s t . " Prins' title is "The Fabulous Art: Myth, Metaphor, and Moral Vision in Dickens' Bleak House." Presently associate professor of English, ten Hoor joined the Hope facul:y in 1946. Prior to -that he served in the U.S. Navy for three y e a r s . He also taught for five y e a r s at the Castle Heights Milit a r y Academy in Tennessee. He received his A.B. degree f r o m Calvin College and his M.A. f r o m the University of Michigan. P r i n s is also an associate professor of English and joined the Hope faculty in 1946. P r i n s received his A.B. from Hope in 1938 and M.A. f r o m the University of Michigan in 1939. P r i n s and ten Hoor drove to Ann Arbor together today to receive -the degree in person.

Expert Cleaning and Pressing 2 3 0 River Avenue EX 6 - 3 4 2 1


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December 19, 1963

Pare 3

Hope Collere anchor I TAtf IT o u r 0 ) THEM.


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'Continued from column l>

ANCHOR MAIL Greetings to the boy I walked h o m e with from t h e library a month ago. who informed m e that he was an "intellectual, a person who really appreciates cultural things." And to the girl who. while combing her grey-blond hair in G r a v e s lounge last week, said that she was " b o r e d with this p l a c e " and wished to t r a n s f e r to a m o r e cosmopolitan environment. This is also a letter to .the tablQ of bridge players I o v e r h e a r d talking in the smoker about the abs e n c e of activity and cultural int e r e s t at Hope. (Repeat last sentence ten times, rotating tables.) This is a letter to the kids I've stood in front of and in back of in lunch lines, movie lines, registration lines, chapel card lines and, m a y b e only due to the absence of other common bonds, heard conclude that there's " s o m e kind of a void" h e r e in Holland. P e r h a p s most pointedly, this letter is addressed to (since one would believe that if Hope students m u s t 'be guided s o m e w h a t as to bedding hours, clothing regulations, etc., that Hope students m u s t be (Continued on column 4)

Peace on Earth Christmastime! That great White Wonderland time, filled with sparkling Christmas trees and bells and gay presents and Santa Claus. Christmastime m e a n s wreaths and snow and shopping and c a r d s and little shepherds in old bathrobes carrying plywood shepherds' s t a f f s beside cute little blond Marys and dolls in m a n g e r s filled with Real Hay. C h r i s t m a s t i m e means visits and relatives and lights and carols and fireplaces and stockings and reindeer and that happy w a r m deep down feeling that you gel when you give a dime or a q u a r t e r to the Salvation Army girl ringing her bell all day on the corner. C h r i s t m a s t i m e ! That sparkling busy time filled with tinsel. And it's all great—except that C h r i s t m a s m e a n s Christ and all the wonder of God's great love and power, an idea so deep and quiet and inner and non-commercial that somehow it just doesn't s e e m to fit anymore, if we d a r e to be really honest with ourselves. Maybe we ought to call it Santatime, or Clausmas. "But C h r i s t m a s is for the Children." And at C h r i s t m a s t i m e we're all children finding it so easy to slip into the fantastic d r e a m of modern Christmas. C h r i s t m a s has become the great escape, our seasonal opiate. Eat, drink, and get presents for tomorrow we must enter the practical world of reality again. How much m o r e we would get out of Christmas if we honestly re-

flected on the true reality of God's great gift of a Savior accepting human form in order to save men—men as lowly as humble shepherds and as great as Wise Men. But we accept Christmas as children—reciting the words we know too well but rarely understand and instinclively knowing that the reason for being good is that we must placate the Santa Claus or parents or whomever else it is that will give what we want. Like too much in our society today so many of the vital essences of Christianity a r e being inverted, turned inside out, and ultimately degraded. Adults see nothing more in Christmas than their children do. The time of commemorating the birth of the Son of God into the world as the Son of Man—a time which could, and should, be a rebirth, renewal and renaissance of Christianity—is too rapidly being dominated by a multi-billion dollar socio-commercial structure which burying real Christianity in its waste basket of tinsel, plastic and wrapping paper. What can we do? We can start by taking X m a s from Santa Claus and giving Christmas to Christ. We can m a k e Christmas a time of peace on earth and religious wonder and adoration in our h e a r t s instead of a time in which we let ourselves be swept along in a chaos of h a r d selling commercials and saccharine sentimentality. We can realize that the real meaning and essence of Christmas lies quietly deep in the heart of an honest and m a t u r e Christianity.

encouraged in activity selection also. . . .' those of the administration and faculty who a r e playing the roles of Whole Men. As long as they don't have to go out of their departments, that is. . . . Where were you during the excellent band concert last Tuesday evening? Admittedly, apologetically. the efforts of our band are, if at all. only a part of an Answer for those here at Hope who are intensely cultural, intellectual, or Whole. But for those who enjoy the delights of music, the sense of involvement and refreshment in the clean, healthy work of such music, you missed something. Unless you were one of the 50 who "took an hour" to attend. —Susan Spring

Pnhiishrd urthly of the roUrne \cm cxrvftl vnrnlinn. holiday find rxnmitinliou fnrwds hy and jnr l/ir studrnls of Hope College, Halhind. Mich., under the authority (,f ihr Student Sointc Puhliratinus Hoard. i.nlnrd a* second class matter nl the post office of Holland, Michigan, nl Ihe special rale of postage provided for in section llii} nf Act of Congress. Oct.. h / 9 / 7 . nnd authorized Oct. 19, I VIS.


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Mil hiiinn.

per \rar. PrintRecord. Zeeland.

Pare 4

Hope College anchor

December 19, 1963

WAA Cagers Edge Out 22-20 Win In First Skirmish with Alma Hope College women's ibasketball t e a m .traveled to Alma on Wednesday, Dec. 11, to gain a victory for the first g a m e of the season. M e m b e r s of the WAA t e a m include Evelyn Albers, Karen Cushm a n , J o y c e Flipse, Sally Kooistra, Delia Kuiper, Debbie Osborn, Sandy P a r k e r , Mary Rich and Lee Van Haver. The first q u a r t e r and half ended with Hope slightly ibehind with a first q u a r t e r score of 5-4. At the half Alma was two points ahead

with a score of 9-7. Hope's women w e r e m o r e successful in the second half with a 15 - 13 score over Alma in the •third quarter. The g a m e ended with Hope two points ahead in a final score of 22-20. Hope's high pointer was K a r e n Cushman who accum u lated 13 points. Alma's high pointer Zdun gatherend 10 points. Other WAA activities p lan n ed for the near f u t u r e include participation in a P l a y d a y on J a n . 11 and in bowling and volleyball t e a m s .

Vienna School Plans Completed; INTERNATIONAL S T R U G G L E - T h e D u U *

F r f e d

Dutch Trip Westmont at Holland High by Steve D e P r e e Intermittent spurts of scoring and Glen Van Wieren's clutch c o m m a n d pushed Hope College to a triumph over Westmont College by a margin of 77-74 in a pulsating contest held at Holland High gym Monday night. Hope's s p u r t s of point-making n e v e r caught up with Westmont until the last few minutes of play when Captain Glenn Van Wieren displayed some all-round playm a k i n g to net a victory for the Flying D u ' c h m e n . Hope spent most of the g a m e t r y i n g to contain Westmont's Skelton who finally totaled 33 points. F i r s t half action saw the Blue and Orange on the losing end most of the time. Hope experimented with

a 1-3-1 defense at first, but resorted to the man-to-man when the cornerm e n started hitting. The initial half as a whole was quite dull for Hope fans as they saw their t e a m unable to keep up with the Westmont club. The half ended with the Flying Dutchmen behind by a score of 46-36. Hope began the second half with a flurry of successes to pull within 2 points of the opponent with fifteen minutes remaining. But a s before, Westmont rose to the occasion and lengthened their lead to as m u c h a s •4en points. Then Chris Buys and A1 P a l m e r started clicking offensively to help cut the lead to a single point with six minutes left. But Westmont tried one final run for the victory to make the lead 72-67. This

attempt was to no avail a s Glenn Van Wieren led a tremendous assault with about two m i n u t e s remaining on the clock. Van Wieren sank six crucial f r e e throws, rebounded aggressively, and stole the ball away to c a p t u r e the win for the Blue and Orange. Van Wieren's efforts m a d e him high scorer for the Blue and Orange with a total of 18 m a r k e r s . Hope's two other double-figure scorers were Ron Venhuizen with 16 and Clare Van Wieren with 10. Field goal p e r c e n t a g e s showed Westmont ahead as the shot for a cool 49 per cent while the Blue and Orange netted only 38 per cent. Hope outrebounded the opponent and swished a g r e a t e r percentage of f r e e throws to provide .the difference.

A n n O l U t C C S

Plans for the 1964 Hope College Vienna S u m m e r School have ibeen completed and w e r e announced today by Dr. Paul Fried, Director of the p r o g r a m and c h a i r m a n of the His'.ory D e p a r t m e n t at Hope. A new f e a t u r e of next s u m m e r ' s p r o g r a m will be a choice of study tours. Students may register for either the R o m a n c e Language area tour or t h e G e r m a n Language a r e a tour. The 16-day Romance Language tour will be headed by Dr. E d w a r d Savage of Hope's English department. Savage, who h a s lived and traveled extensively throughout E u r o p e and the middle E a s t , will lead his group through F r a n c e , Italy, and Austria. Dr. Fried, who has directed the Vienna p r o g r a m for the past nine years, will lead the other study tour through F r a n c e , L u x e m b u r g , G e r m a n y . Switzerland and Austria.

Hope and Calvin Discuss British Journal Prints Paper Sociology Seminar Plans Hope Sociology Professor Discussion of a new s u m m e r sociology seminar in conjunction with Calvin College is now underway in the Sociology Department. Under the proposed p r o g r a m , students enrolling in certain summ e r courses would be placed in " g o o d h o m e s " in the inner - city. T h e s e homes, mostly of Christian Negroes, would give the student practical experience, while he is t a k i n g six to nine hours of classr o o m credit, possibly in a n e a r b y r< M r . E a r l HkH, c h a i r m a n of Sociology D e p a r t m e n t , originally~cortCelv6d this idea a f t e r a visit to t h e Michigan Conference on Inter-Group Relations and Education early in November at Wayne State. This conference dealt with the problems of educating the culturally deprived and preparing c a p a b l e teachers for this work. " L o n g dissatisfied with analytical sociology with its ineffictiveness due to not putting the evidence to u s e , " Hall believes t h a t "this new project, in taking a d v a n t a g e of the environment, will be very e f f e c t i v e . " Calvin College is a l s o in terested in m a k i n g this project a

reality, possibly locating next summ e r in Grand Rapids, for its first year. Eventually, probably in its second year, t h e p r o g r a m will move to Chicago and Detroit for more typical inner-city work. Calvin and Hope College sociology sitaffs have been m eeting together monthly since September. The objective of the two departm e n t s working in close association is primarily to exchange teaching methods and ideas for m u t u a l benefit. Another project under their consideration for next fall is the exchange of courses. Donald R. Wilson, " a first-rate physical and cultural anthropologist" a t Calvin m a y come down to teach one course in anthropology, while Donald A. Clelland, a Calvin graduate, might teach an U r b a n Community course in exchange.


This British journal, a monthly periodical put out for sociology laymen, has a -wide circulation in the United States. The paper, first presented at the American Sociological meeting in September, was 'based on a study of a Michigan industrial c o m m u n ity, a city which has a g r e a t e r percentage of workers in the labor force than almost any oither city in the United States. The city had become highly professionalized due largely to automation.


Both groups will reach Vienna on July 3 when the six week a c a d e m i c session will begin. As in the past college credit courses will be offered in both the G e r m a n and English l a n g u a g e s and will be taught by a E u r o p e a n faculty. At the end of the second week of study there will be a three-day t r i p to Prague, Czechoslovakia, and at the conclusion of the fourth week of study there will be an optional trip to Budapest, Hungary or Belg r a d e , Yugoslavia. Both trips will confront s udents with the reality of Communist-controlled E a s t e r n Europe. Following t h e academic session in Vienna, students will have the opportunity to visit the worldf a m o u s Salzburg Music festival in Salzburg, Austria as they t r a v e l independently for twenty days before reassembling in A m s t e r d a m for •he flight to the United S t a t e s scheduled for Setpt. 3. One of the outstanding aspects of the Vienna S u m m e r School is t h a t it gives a student i f he opportunity to study first-hand the Austrian people and their customs. While in Vienna, s t u d e n ' s a r e housed in private homes and take b r e a k f a s t in t h e i r respective homes. The entire group has lunch in the dining room of the Institute of E u r o p e a n Studies and for evening meals, a cash refund is given s o that students m a y visit different r e s t a u r a n t s , w h e r e they can experiment with Austrian dishes. Anyone interested in attending the Vienna S u m m e r School m a y obtain a ibrochure or application f r o m Dr. Paul Fried in Room 308 of Van Raalte Hall.

V a n Raalte's Restaurant

T h e purpose of the p a p e r w a s to show how automation c h a n g e s the work force and to show how the




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work force changes t h e community. Interviews with t h r e e m a j o r groups in t h e city, scientific professionals, technicians, and hourly workers, enabled them to c o m p a r e varying opinions and attitudes. Conclusions concerning changes resulting f r o m automation which were different than changes f r o m earlier phases of industrialization a r e s u m m a r i z e d as follows: T h e r e was a decline in class cleavage; an increase in c o m m u n i t y participation; a dispersion of c o m m u n i t y power; and a new determination of social s t a t u s by professional status.

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Donald A. Clelland, Hope Sociology professor, and William A. F a u n c e of Michigan State University recently had their p a p e r "The Professional S o c i e t y " published in the British sociology journal. New Society.

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