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Community Carol Sing In the Pine G r o v e Sunday at 8:30 p.m.

anc or

OLLAND, MICHIGAN December 13, 1963

Hope College, Holland, Michigan

76Ui Year—14

Senate Advocates Rallies Rather Than Glory Days A Glory Day resolution, based on the lack of participation in past Glory Days, was proposed at Student Senate's Tuesday evening meeting. The resolution called for the Senate's approval to "confine the recognition of the (championship) beams to an evening bonfire or pep rally." Tradition has held that a class day following a championship season would be devoted to rallies honoring the victorious team.

FRATER BALLET?—Group of Fraters rehearse their part in the 18th annual Frater Frolics, to be pre-

Senator Chris Buys suggested that, if passed the resolution leave room for future change. Discussion of the resolution was high in opposition, as some Senators feU that previous Glory Days have been "days off." Others felt that Hope's teams should be honored even if a majority of students were

apathetic to the organized activities. "We must remember that even though only 400 students participated in the football Glory Day, only 600 students bothered to vote for Senators," contended junior Larry Haverkamp. Other Senators dissented that these figures did not necessarily include the same people and that non-participation could be a negative vote as well as it could be apathy. Senate leader Dave Mouw stressed the resolution committee's viewpoint that such a statement would undo the tension arising after each victorious season, with Hopeites demanding a Glory Day. The resolution will be discussed in the dorms before the next Senate meeting, at which time it will be voted upon.

sented at 7 p.m. tonight and 8 p.m. tomorrow night at the Women's Literary Club. Tonight has been designated as Alumni and Faculty Night. Theme for the show will be "New York, New York". The show is directed by John Hoekstra and narrated by Tom Shade. Tickets for the Frolics are 75 cents and pro-

February Snow Carnival Discussed;

ceeds will go for the Mission Drive,

Committee Considers Sled Races ff

Hope Choirs to Present "Messiah Hope College's Chapel and Chancel Choirs with guest soloists will present Handel's "Messiah" under the direction of Dr. Robert Cavanaugh Dec. 17, at 8 p.m. in Dimnent Memorial Chapel. Soprano soloist for the performance will be Joyce Morrison of the Hope music faculty; contralto soloist will be Louise Cooley of Chicago; tenor soloist will be Richard Knoll of Bloomington, Ind. and bass soloist will be K. Charles

* * * *

Graves of Chicago. Miss Morrison, soloist when Hope presented the "Messiah" in 1961, has appeared as guest soloist with the Hope Orchestra and in recitals throughout the area. Well known for her appearances in the midwest, Mrs. Cooley's past oratorio engagements include the Apollo Music Club of Chicago, Augustana College Euterpean Choral Society, North Park College, Defiance Choral Society, among others. Her opera experience includes two seasons with the Lyric Opera Co. of Chicago. Bass soloist Graves has been a member of the Lyric Opera Co. for the past five years and has been a soloist with the St. Louis Bach Society, Kalamazoo Bach Society, Augustana College, University of Chicago and several others. He has apeared on television in Chicago and has been soloist at a number of Orchestra

Hall concerts. Knoll, tenor, who has made over 200 television appearances, has appeared with the Chicago Lyric Opera, Detroit Opera Theater, Denver Opera, the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra, the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, the N.B.C. Symphony Orchestra and many more. — He was recently engaged by. the Lyric Opera Co. to create the role of "Jesse" in the world premiere opera "The Harvest" by Giannini. The opera was staged by Jose F e r r e r and conducted by its composer. Two hundred Hope College students will comprise the "Messiah" chorus while members of the college orchestra will accompany the presentation.

"Our plans for a Winter Carnival are tentative, but we hope to have enough student and administrative support to put them through." So spoke junior Pete Van Lierop reporting on his 22 member Carnival committee at Tuesday's Student Senate meeting. Van Lierop is chairman of the committee, along with senior Marcia Vande Vrede. Plans include sled-racing between fraternities on Friday aftern o o n t Feb. 8. "We have a problem already in that the frats don't have sleds for eight man teams. t ^ u s they must be purchased," stated Van Lierop. A "special Slater meal" is being arranged for Friday evening. The committee hopes to obtain a jazz combo, to have students dine in ski slacks and sweaters. Snow sports and dancing would

compose Friday night fun. Senate will vote on using Goshorn Hills or the more expansive, more expensive Carousel Mountain area. "Snow sculpturing congests between sororities and houses will take place Saturday morning," continued Van Lierop. Sites for the sculptures will be arranged for each participating group. Saturday afternoon will be busy with a snow soccer game for Hope women. Brooms will be used for the game, which will take place in the Pine Grove. "It'll be good for mocks," said a Senator! After the women play, Hope men will gather at a yet to be determined rink for ice hockey. "Alma will be playing Hope in basketball Saturday night, which eliminates having an all-college dance," explained Van Lierop. Instead, the Union.will be open and there will be an outside bonfire.

African Nation Gains Independence

by Alfayo Moturi On December 12, 1963, my country achieved it s freedom DON'T WALK (uhuru); after seventy years of effort, toil, sweat and suffering, ON on this day Kenya finally broke the chains of colonialism and imTHE GRASS perialism. Africa is still associated in the —Committee of Protection of minds of many people in the United States and some European College Grounds from Students countries with the nineteenth century. They think of the Dark Continent, the jungles, the wild beasts and the Africa, as presented to them by Hollywood. Little is realized that Africa too shares in what we call the twentieth century, modern schools, cities, roads, airfields and houses. As we celebrate "The number of All-College dances shall be limited ito one per this day, therefore, we might useweek," quoth the Board of Trust- fully stop and ponder these ques' tions. What is Freedom? What are ees Thus, because of the all-college the Africans really after? Christmas Dance tonight, there will The quest for independence and be no dancing in the Student Union, racial equality by Airicans is the Hours for the Union, henceforth, expression of a universal desire will be 8-12 p.m. on Fridays and for freedom and dignity. Africa Saturdays, as well as 1-5 on Satdesires to be understood and to urday afternoons. be recognized from the viewpoint A Union sub-committee, com- , and perspective of her own people, posed of P a t Simpson, J i m Boer- She is no longer willing to be inga and Cal Poppink, is strugreferred to as British, French, gling to solve the dancing conflict. Belgian or Portuguese Africa. She Their proposal is for dancing in must create and assert her own the Union, regardless of other personality and speak for herself campus activities. Student Life and not to be a projection of Committee, as well as President (Europe nor any longer permit herVander Werf, must approve the self to be interpreted or spoken proposal. for by self-appointed interpreters.

Her people are anxious to impress upon the rest of the world that the days of the Berlin Agreement and of the scramble for Africa will never return. Such are the convictions that have created a wind of change and determination throughout the continent of Africa. The independence of Kenya will be quite meaningless unless it is linked with the emancipation of the whole continent, from Cairo to Capetown, from

Atlantic Ocean to Indian Ocean, Henceforth, the future of Kenya will be decided primarily by Africans in Kenya. This is a very important fact which those who are disposed to be friendly to the new country will have to bear in mind, They will now have to develop their policies towards Kenya as a separate entity and not as a political and economical appendage of Britain. Once independence (continued on page 3)

Dancing Halts In Union Tonight /1IFS Carol Sing AWS Activities Board is sponsoring a Community Carol Sing III the Pine Grove at 8:30 p.m. Sonday. Jim Lucas, senior music major, will lead the singing aroud a lighted Christmas tree. Immediately after the singing hot chocolate and donuts will be served in Phelps dining hall. If the Carol Sing is a success this year, the AWS Activities Board plans to make it an annual event, according to Nancy Zwart, head of the Activities Board, and Ariene Dietz, chairman of the project.

INDEPENDENCE—Gilbert Ogonji and Alfayo Moturi, both of Kenya, fold away the flag of Great Britain, from which Kenya received ito independence yesterday.


Hope Collef e anchor

December 13,1961

Birmingham Travelers' Experiences Provide Follow-Up on Lomax

Northern Negro Receives Rights by Robert Donla The Negro in the North is discriminated against in many ways; this cannot be denied and should not be minimized. However, the Northern Negro is rarely denied basic constitutional rights, such as free speech, assembly, and the right to vote. Such rights are denied daily to Negroes in the South and it is for this reason that the Southern problem looms as much more dangerous and difficult than the Northern situation. One reason for this is that the white man in the South fears the power of the Negro. Many South-

ern counties are over 50% Negro in population and if everyone were to vote, Negroes could conceivably dominate the whites in much the same way as Negroes are now being dominated. While this domination is not likely to happen, the Southern white fears that it will, and his action will continue to be motivated by that fear. In suppressing the Negro majority in many Southern areas, whites have gone to unbelievable extremes in defending their supremacy. People are often beaten or arrested by police with no prov-

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ocation except that they support Negro rights. A voter registration worker was arrested for speeding — while his car was standing still. Another worker was hauled out of his motel room only a few hours after arriving in town, held for three hours without charge, and finally charged with failing to have his draft card with' him! A Negro allegedly was shot by police for stealing a banana. Such atrocities sound as though they could occur only in a fascist or communist police state, but this is happening within the borders of the United States. The solution to such a situation is not simple. Several proposals have been made, each with their advantages and disadvantages. Federal occupation of the South has been advocated. This would insure Negro rights, but would incite even more bitterness and hatred than presently exists. Another proposal is to use discreetly the power of the federal government to enforce desegregation. This is the policy of the current Administration. The government would act to insure voting rights and desegregation of public accomodations and declare segregated areas off limits to military personnel. Such*proposals are limited in their effectiveness and often breed hatred for the federal government in the states concerned. Another suggestion is to let the Negro demonstrations awaken the conscience of the South in the hope that segregationists are replaced in public office toy moderates. Such a policy would probably result in the best feeling in the long run, but in the meantime Negro rights would continue to be denied. Of course, many other suggestions have been made and many people favor combining two or all of these proposals. The problem is an extremely complicated one and it will require the best minds that our country can produce, as well as the interest and co-operation of us all to ultimately solve the problem.

by John Mulder "Where do we go from here?" was the topic of an informal discussion Tuesday in Winants Auditorium. The meeting was intended as a follow-up of the visit of Louis E. Lomax and was led toy a panel of three Hope students and a faculty member who went down to Birmingham, Alabama, during Thanksgiving vacation. These panelists were Bill Brauer. Chuck-Menoing Paul Ransford ancr Mr. Janreg SaTcblm of the Speech jDooert^ •T David Clark of the History Department served as moderator. The four told of their experiences in Birmingham, the scene of violent racial conflicts a short time ago. They told of their visits to Miles College, an all-Negro college just outside of Birmingham, to Negro places of business, and to (he headquarters for the Negro voter registration drive. They told of seeing the Birmingham City Hall which proclaimed in marble above its portals, " F r e e and Equal Justice for All, Despite Race or Creed." They told of the injustice of which they had heard and seen, of the rejection and hostility of fellow whites in Birmingham towards them because they were walking and talking witn Negroes. "The strife and tensions which are eating at the heart of this nation," as Paul Ransford put it, was also described. But he went on, echoing the feeling of his fellow itinerants toy saying, "The Negroes showed to me the best way to overcome these tensions— by love." They told over and over again of the spirit of the Negro which was expressed poetically at one point by Mr. James Malcolm when he said that the Negro spirit reminded him that ' T o believe that which is difficult all one's days as if it were easy — that is faith." They told of the Negro's faith: a faith in the country, a faith in the final victory of good; a faith based on God's intervention in the world. They told of their reasons for going. Mr. Malcolm said he went to see a good friend of his who was teaching at Miles college and also to see for himself what Birmingham was like. Chuck Mennlng told of why he went. "I went to see the fact for myself so that I could make a

valid judgment of my own." And what did he see? "I saw an honest and directly and actively applied love expressed by the Negro." Paul Ransford told that he went to observe this love. He and the others returned, as they said, "humbled." "We must learn that the most important thing for us is to live the Christianity in which we profess," Paul concluded. Bill Brauer told of his reasons for going. He told how he had grown up in a community for 14 years which had accepted Negroes almost completely. He then had moved to another community in which he found friends which had "not a hate exactly; it was more of an ill-feeling, a distrust. It was satisfaction with an unanswered question." His reason for going was then to try to find out why his friends felt this way. ' He came away with this impression: "The thing which impressed me most was the Negroes' openess and directness in facing the problem." . , . ."I believe that the North will be integrated after the South." He also voiced an opinion which he felt might be very controversial: "In many respects the Negro in the South has more rights than a Negro in the North." The result of this meeting was the formation of two committees, one which will study what can be done by Hope students in Holland, Mich, and one which will decide how Hope students can become involved in the problems in the South.

WTAS Program Includes Specials Next week will bring a number of special features to the WTAS -programming schedule. Sunday at 2:30 p.m. Dick De Vleming will broadcast the entire Messiah. The nights of Dec. 18 and 19 will bring reports of weather and road conditions of states which most Hope students will travel through on their way home.

Administrative Analysis

Library Science



Budgetary Control

Parole and Probation


Personnel Methods

Economic Research

Personnel Technical

Employment Counseling Forestry

Processing Physics

Game a n d Fish Biology Geology

Property Appraising Psychology


Highway Planning



Institutional Management Insurance Examining

Right of Way Buying Vocational Rehabilitation


Land Appraisal Michigan Civil Service is now recruiting applicants for its current examination program. Trainee positions involving intensive on-the-job development programs will be filled from this examination.

Drive In Eating out together - is always fun a t RUSS' Car or Inside service

Pay rates well in line with those of other employers Regular salary increases

Longevity pay Liberal annual and sick leave provisions. (Payment of 50% of earned sick leave o n retirement or death. N o limit o n sick leave accrual.)


Corporate Worship at 9:30 and 11:00 Church School In the Manse at 9:30 A Service of Music by the Chancel Choir a t 7 : 0 0 P.M.

"Human life has been taught by some to think of Itself as a blob of protoplasm, an itch on the epidermis of a pigmy planet, an accident of matter, the first cousin of an a p e that learned how to shave. A man has a hard time thinking of himself as he should." Until Christmai, that is.

HOPE CHURCH U n e m p l o y m e n t compensation Excellent retirement plan including social security benefits

Distinctive Styling

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FROM THE MINISTER'S NOTEBOOK: Transfer and promotional opportunities State contributory group health and life insurance programs—State pays major share

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Applicants must anticipate college graduation within two months following written test date. Variations in majors required according to class. Write to the M I C H I G A N C I V I L SERVICE COMMISSION, L A N S I N G , M I C H I G A N , 48913, for examination applications. An equal opportunity employer.

All of these programs will be picked up in the fraternity dorms and Gilmore Hall since the broadcasting vicinity has been extended.

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A&W ROOT BEER Olive King Burger Two Patties of Choice Beef Melted Cheese, Lettuce-Tomato a n d Our Own Olive Dressing Served on a Rusk Bun


VON INS PIZZA WAGON 25c dorm delivery all orders over $2.50

77 W . 1 1 t h Street


Hope College anchor

Page 6

December 13, IMS

Walters Leads JV Shooters In Calvin, Custer Matches to a team from the Custer Air Force Base 68-67. The Dutchmen had held a 15 point lead early in the second half before the Air Force rallied for the victory. Six foot five center Jim Klein led the Hope scorers with 26 points, while Carl Walters collected 22. The JV's will attempt to break their three game losing skein in their next game next Monday night.

by James Mace Carl Walters continued his hot shooting for the Hope JV's but to no avail as they lost their last two games. On Friday Dec. 6, Carl added 29 points to the Hope cause in a game against Calvin, but the Knights came out victorious 80-62. Rick Smith also hit double figures for the Dutchmen with 17 points. On the following Saturday eve ning, the JV's lost a heartbreaker





HEADS UP—Dutchmen A1 Palmer (42), BUI Potter (52). Clare Van Wleren (54) and Glenn Van WIeren (44) prepare to attempt to grab the rebound in the game which Wheaton won 86-62 Saturday. V /' • . # .• ^ ' #


Wheaton Squeaks Out Win Over Hope



First National Bank of Holland

Westrate's Ladies Apparel 15 West 8th Street

by Steve De Pree Stimulated by Hope's misjudgements Wheaton basketball squad whipped the Blue and Orange by a score of 86-82 last Saturday night in a tight contest played at the Civic Center. A brilliant comeback by the Flying Dutchmen highlighted the latter portion of the game. This exciting reversal of events turned the tide toward probable victory for Hope, but at the last minute some deciding errors drew the curtain on Hope's brief display of winning possibilities. The big guns for Hope's offense were silenced throughout the first half as the Crusaders commended the action. Bill Potter was the only member of the starting squad to hit consistently the first half. Bill pumped in 28 of Hope's points as Wheaton led by a margin of 44-36 over the initial half. A big reason behind Wheaton's domination in the first half was the offensive and defensive skills of the Crusader's clever guard John Pfund.

Coach Russ DeVette relied only upon the services of six players during the contest: Glenn Van Wieren, A1 Palmer, Clare Van Wieren, Bill Potter, Ron Venhuizen and Dean Overman. These players sparked the second half rally that saw Hope rise to within one point at the seven minute time. The two teams exchanged the lead many times during the next few minutes to the joy of the spectators. At the finish, Glenn Van Wieren netted two key free throws to make the score 82-80. But Wheaton came back down the court to whip in a basket tying score again. After the basket Hope tried unsuccessfully to score. Wheaton's Pfund led the Crusaders back where he was fouled by Ron Venhuizen. Pfund sank the free-throw and the Flying Dutchmen gained possession with 27 seconds remaining. Wheaton harassed Hope, took the ball away and put in a basket and free throw to ice the contest. Final statistics showed nearly equal field goal and free throw percentages for the teams. Indi-

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Sweaters, Suits, Blouses


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•• #• •••••• •*«•••••>••»

vidual scoring leaders for the squads were Bill Potter from Hope with 28 markers and John Pfund (or the Crusaders with 29 points. Other consistent scorers for the Flying Dutchmen were Glenn Van Wieren with 17, Clare Van Wieren with 15 and forward A1 Palmer with 10.

Hope MIAA Basketball Dec. Dec. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb.

16 Westmont at Hope 18 Albion at Hope 1 Concordia at Hope 2 Kenyon at Kalamazoo 8 Calvin at Hope 11 Olivet at Hope 15 Kalamazoo at Kalamazoo 18 Adrian at Adrian 25 Lake Forest at Hope 28 Wheaton at Wheaton 29 Concordia at Concordia 8 Alma at Hope 12 Albion at Albion 15 Aquinas at Hope 19 Calvin at Calvin 22 Olivet at Olivet 26 Kalamazoo at Hope 29 Adrian at Hope

DU SAAR PHOTO and G i n SHOP Holland, Mich. EX 2 - 2 2 3 0





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363 Clinton Street


Hempstead, Long Island

58-60 E. 8th St.


New York

December IS, 1963

Hope College anchor

Opus May Alter literary Deadline; Art, Music Due after Vacation Opus editorial board may change its previous deadline for literary materials (today, Dec. 13) until after Christmas Vacation, if adequate request is made known to them. Music and art contributions may be held until after vacation. Senior music major, James Lucas has been selected as music editor for the arts magazine. An outline of regulations for music contributions has been posted in the music

''Students wishing to discuss their work with Opus board members are encouraged to do so," stated the magazine's editor, Linda Walvoord. Members may be contacted personally or a note may be left in the Opus office. Graves ground floor.

/ \

\ liiii-tr

VICTORY—John Crozier, State Men's Extemporaneous Champion, and Mr. M. Harold Mikle, debate coach, scan the State contest program prior to Crozier's victory.

Crozier First in Contest, Radliff Speaks Third John Crozier placed first in the mens' division at the Annual State Extemporaneous Contest held on Hope's campus Saturday. John Crozier is now this year's State Men's Extemporaneous Champion. Also in the extemporaneous contest, junior S u e Radliff from Scotia, New York placed third in the women's division. Contestants debated on the general topic of racial tensions and the federal government.

Butler Finds 'Intruder' Shallow

building. Submissions may be made directly in the music office. Jan Merson, junior art major, will edit the art contributions.

Schools represented were the University of Detroit, Michigan State University, "Wayne State University, Calvin College, Western Michigan University, Northern Michigan University, Central Michigan University, and Hope. Wayne State won first in the women's division. The State Public Address Festival also took place on campus Saturday with about 40 speakers from various colleges and universities of Michigan present.

by Bryce Butler (The film version of WiUlam Faulkner's novel "Intruder in the Dust" was shown last Friday night by MortarBoard as part of a special series. Butler is a sophomore at Hope College.) The most striking impression one gets from "Intruder in the Dust" is that it was very weak when it could have been very string. As the picture began, I got the feeling of involvement and fear that comes from being swept into the heart of a huge, human, social problem. This fear, this feeling that the humanity of which you are a part is thus wounding and being thus wounded could have been the great strength of the film. Unfortunaltely it was betrayed early in the movie. This tension leading to commitment was dissolved by sentimentality; one of Hollywood's favorite and least forgivable vices. It appeared first in the little Negro boy, who was dragged in solely for comic relief. It is ironic that the movie sought comedy in the stereotype of the very people whose dignity it was trying to assert. The little boy is the "typical" watermelon-eatingnigger-boy with big round eyes and superstition, and the audience could be counted on to laugh on cue (at the Negro's expense) whenever he was toted out. The sentimentality of the little boy was right at home in the film, whose basic message was sentimental. In "Intruder" we have the old story, which rings less true the more times we hear it from Southern authors, of the "good Negro" who is about to be lynched, and who is saved by the decency of some whites. In this case the Negro, a man of singular dignity, has helped a white boy who fell in an icy stream while hunting on the Negro's land. When the Negro, is arrested for the murder of a white, he asks this boy to get his uncle, an attorney, as his lawyer. At first the lawyer refuses to help, since he thinks the Negro's supposed crime, shooting a man in the back indefensible; and besides, he doesen't really care much, anyhow. Finally, however, he comes around, and agrees to help. The Negro says that it was not his gun that did it, and the boy, believing him (as his uncle does not) goes in the dead of night to dig up the body and see. He is aided by a sweet little old lady, and the typical Negro boy. Of course, when they do eventually find the body, the Negro is not guilty, and the man who is guilty is the leader of the lynch mob.

Fea tures-R eviews Columnists' Opinions


The Dilettante


It all ends happily ever after with a little sermon on how the people will remember forever after what they almost did to the Negro. The message of the film is that human decency, as exemplified by certain Southern whites, will eventually win out over the "poor white trash" elements enforcing segregation. This is all in accordance with the statement made by William - Falkner-saying that eventually Southerners would realize how "silly" segregation is, and it would end. Both of these sentiments sound shockingly shallow, and they are vaguely reminiscent of "keep your Northern agitators out of here and we'll solve the problem ourselves" feelings. The problem is, human decency (whatever that is) is not enough. A part of the Southern tradition will not solve a problem that is judging that tradition, and the whole nation, as well. This fact is just barely suggested in the film, when, at the end the Negro asks the lawyer if he would have believed him about the gun. The lawyer does not answer and the subject is dropped. At other points, as well, we see the prejudice of the lawyer. He wants to know why a

Negro is carrying a gun, at at one point he says "If he just weren't so proud." And yet it is just this pride that makes the lawyer take the Negro's case at all. By his pride, by his generosity and by his moral character (which is beyond reproach) the Negro has "earned" his humanity, and his right to consideration as a human being. This is a lesson segregationists and do-nothingists will not learn—that a man does not earn his rights. He is born with them, and he fights for them, but he does not earn them by being "decent" or like society around him. Viewed as an historical curiosity (the film was made in 1949) "Intruder" is informative in several ways. It is frightening to think that Hollywood's first attempt at serious commentary on a social problem should .be shallow and halting. At the same time, one sees how far mass media (particularly television) have come in this area since that time, how far the problem has come, and how far it has to go. My final impression from the world the film portrayed, and the nature of the portrayal was God help the Negro if he wants equality and humanity in this world.

Karsten Sets Student Technicians For 'Eagle with Two Heads' Rehearsals are now under way for the next theatre production, "The Eagle With Two Heads" by Jean Cocteau. The technical staff is composed of students. Julie Blough is the stage manager and business consultant. Assistant stage manager is Buy Seaman. Scene design and construction is being handled by Bob Dunton. Don Kardux is in charge of the lighting design and execution and is the sound consultant. Marcia Voigt heads the lighting crew and Sue Radliff, the sound crew. The costume and properties consultant is Robert Fritch. The Costume Designer and crew head is Rutl DeBoer. Billie Chain is in charge of the property crew. The makeup consultant is Doug McCullough and makeup crew head is Carol Wagner. 'Dottie Snyder has business and house management. Crew members a r e : stage crew — Ed Marsilje, Kathy Lenel, Gordy Korstange, Lauralee Barratt, Mary Rich, Anya Gale, Jeff McGilvray; costumes — Kirk Rot-

tshafer, Mary Ann Bicking, Joan Medema Marian Greiner, Arikka Woldsen, Kay Larison; M a k e u p Pat MacEachrwi, Sharon Pontier, Ruth Hagymasy, Barb Brunson, Beth Oosting; Lighting — Bob Hecht, Marsha Zamoida, Dave Piet, Cynthia Segedin, Don Battjes; Properties — M. C. Toy, Kathy Leseman, Linda Munro; Business — Linda Kaylor, Mel Andringa. Everyone is working at top speed to meet the production dates of Jan. 9, 10, and 11. Tickets wlil go on sale after Christmas vacation.

All-College Dance "WINTER NOCTURNE' Tonight at 8 p.m. Phelps Dining Hall $2 per couple Sponsored by Sinfonia

Greek Week by David Von Ins

We students are a well adjustea group. Even those of us who have complexes have common common complexes. And we are sophisticated. Students can peer behind the sphinx-like countenance of the professor. We can read his mind. Everyone of us is astute enough to judge the exact minimum effort required for an A in any course. But most of us are too busy being well adjusted to bother. I had just returned from a well adjusted evening integrating into my peer group and relating with a little ectomorph. I opened my door and saw a two hundred and twenty pound Buddha sitting on the floor. Actually he wasn't a Buddha. He just sat like one — kind of inscrutable. Before him, at the exact center of my oriental rug, he had placed a glass of ice water. He gazed intently at the glass, not looking up when I entered. "Hello," I offered. He didn't

look up. Wishing to be hospitable, I offered him some soda crackers. I often eat soda crackers and ice-water. He didn't seem to hear. "What can I do for you?" The Buddha waved his hand indicating he wished silence. I persisted. "Why are you in my room?" I asked. With a detached calm he informed me that I had the only suitable rug on campus. "And why do you have that thermometer in the glass?" I begged. He sighed with disgust and uncrossed his legs. I was favored with his full attention. "I am a metaphysician" he announced. "A sort of mystic. I have discovered certain secret truths of the universe. Now I seek another. Already, I can tie a bow tie. I have communed with Superman and know his true identity." He took out his harmonica and played 'Persephone.'

"Pretty powerful stuff," I admitted. "What are you working on now?" "It's mind over matter," he explained. "By forcing all of my concentration on the glass of ice water, I will raise its temperature to the boiling point. The circular rug focuses m y thought like a burning glass." I watched him for over an hour (mostly because I feared my rug would be set ablaze) then went to bed. When I awoke in the morning he was gone. A note next to the glass informed m e that he would return later in the day. That was over a week ago. I haven't seen him since. If somewhere he is now reading this, I urge him to return. The water has not yet reached the boiling point, but it has been up to room temperature all week.

Seen around campus this week: Hell week began for several fraternities, and Knick actives plan "exciting games" for pledges Chris Noteboom, George Harrison and Jim Pierpont. . . . More fraternity pins have come into the possession of some of our female population. Congratulations to Pat Elzerman and Paul Eeningenburg (Arkie), to Thelma Leenhouts (Delphi) and Chuck Veurink (Arkie), to Ella Van Faasen and Dilettante Dave Von Ins (Knick) on their recent pinnings. Best wishes also go to Ann Gardner (Alpha Phi) and Bob Clowe, to Karen Voskuil (Sorosis) and Dave Mouw (Cosmo) and to P a t Oury and John Woodward (Knick) on their engagements. Heard around campus: Plans for Sigma Sigma's February formal are already under way, with Mary Bellink and Carla Reidsma in

charge. . . . Winter term officers are taking charge in two sororities. New Sybilline officers are: Bobbie Freggens, president; Judy Dirkse, vice-president; and P a t Ashwood, secretary. Sorosis officers are Marge Bundschuh, president; Marilyn Reed vice-president; and Ann Knudsen, secretary. The latter were elected at Sigma Sigma's annual spaghetti dinner, held at the home of Carla Reidsma. Word has it that the Knickerbocker Fraternity started with a vengeance; disinterested in the Cosmos and Fraters, the "Knicks" banded together in a new fraternity and picked as their name that of the fictitious author of Washington Irving's History of New York. Last Tuesday a planning session for an All-Greek literary award was held. Representatives from each fraternity and sorority met with Dr. Savage and Dr. Yntema.

December 13,1963

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Hope College anchor


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Coming Events

ANCHOR MAIL Responsible letters, regardless of opinion, are welcomed and will be published. They should be no longer than 200 words, submitted by noon Wednesday, and signed. To conserve space, editors have right to edit.


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FRIDAY, DEC. 13 Winter Nocturne, Phelps Hall, 8 p.m. F r a t e r Frolics, Women's Literary Club, 7 p.m.

intolerance In articles in past issues and in the letter to the editor appearing on this page, much has been said about intolerance. On the one hand Robert Donia has stated that we must throw out those leaders who preach hatred, while on the other hand John Cox is implying that unless such a statement is heavily qualified it can display intolerance and fear. While one may question some of Cox's logic (men may not be afraid because they are intolerant; it m a y well be that they are intolerant because they are afraid—unless Mr. Cox has arrived at an absolute solution of the question of the origins of intolerance), the fact remains that he does raise some valid questions about the treatment of those with whom we disagree. At the moment the problem is centered about political disagreement. How should we act toward those whose political views are not in agreement with our own? Certainly we should be tolerant of people who differ with us. But when a person's doctrines preach destruction and violate democratic principles and therefore our democratic security, we cannot allow such a person to enter into or remain in a position of leadership in which his doctrine can destroy our country. In other words, by democratic process

we reserve the right to "throw them out".

SATURDAY, DEC. 14 F r a t e r Frolics, Women's Literary Club, 8 p.m. Knickerbocker Active - Alumni Party, Knick Dorm

We can tolerate a person who preaches hate as we must tolerate everyone simply because he is a human being, but we also must decide for ourselves whether a person's doctrine is bringing our country or society into destruction. And to preach hatred is to preach destruction. The advocated hatred of a leader can produce far more influence and damage than that of the solitary individual.

SUNDAY, DEC. 15 AWS Carol Sing, Pine Grove, 8:30 p.m.

To attack the problem from a different angle, hatred in any form means intolerance and, as Mr. Cox implies, we should be intolerant of false intolerance. Therefore, the statement that we should be intolerant of those who preach hatred and that we should throw them out of positions of leadership is not invalid.

MONDAY, DEC. 16 Basketball: Westmont at Hope, Civic Center, 8 p.m.

TUESDAY, DEC. 17 Messiah, Chapel, 8:15 p.m.

A person does not have to b e a member of an extremist group to foster hatred. To be indifferent, to refuse to actively love in all the Christian implications of the t e r m , is to allow active hatred to exist and to allow groups of those who hate to become dominant in our society.

WEDNESDAY, DEC. 18 Basketball: Albion at Hope, 8 p.m. THURSDAY, DEC. 18 Arcadian Christmas Party, Arkie Dorm

And hatred kills.

FRIDAY, DEC. 20 Christmas Recess, 2 p.m. Robert Donia made some very noteworthy remarks in an article in the Nov. 27 issue of the anchor. His proposal was that the cause of the late President's death was' hatred. However, at the discussion last Monday, Nov. 25, led by Dr. Fried, we discovered that behind the simple statement 44the cause w a s hate" lies a good deal which w a s left unsaid in this article and which m a y very well have led Donia ito make a very unguarded statement near the end of his article that "we need to throw out those leaders who preach hatred." Admittedly hatred is the most obvious answer, but what caused this terrible hatred? Dr. Fried suggested that it was f e a r : f e a r in t u r n caused by intolerance. As the discussion developed, three main points emerged: (1) Solutions to problems of human relationships a r e almost impossible to achieve: we must realize that there is no absolute solution in these problems a s there is in a mathematical problem. (2) Tolerance is possible when two "opposite" parties have the s^me goal but different ways of reaching it: intolerance is the re-


suit of extremist groups who have entirely different goals. Specifically mentioned as this type of extremist group was the John Birch Society. (3) Intolerance in America is the result of the belief that possrbly well-thought-out plans of action a r e necessarily absolute solutions, and the resulting attitude of those who have thought out the plan of action, that anyone who disagrees with it is wrong. If we would but realize that plans of action are not solutions we would likely be more tolerant of others' plJns, and learn to give and take more readily. A chain of "becauses" m a y be drawn from the points m a d e in this discussion: men kill because they hate; they hate because they are afraid; they a r e afraid because they are intolerant; they are intolerant because they believe that their plans of action a r e absolute solutions. Now in the light of this is Donia's statement that " w e need to throw out those leaders who preach hatred" a tolerant one or an intolerant one? Is he advocating a plan of action which allows a certain amount of tolerance, or is he proposing an absolute solution? Perhaps it is necessary to ask what he meant by "leaders". Without showing himself to b e an absolute bigot he could hardly have meant any group but an ex-

tremist group, i.e. a group whose extremity almost everyone is agreed upon. Say arbitrarily the Birchers (although their role as "leaders" is somewhat dubious!). Another statement in the same issue of the anchor said "Republicans . . . should harass (the John Birch Society) to death". This sounds so much like J a m e s I's threat to " h a r r y (the Puritans) out of the l a n d " that it is almost laughable. Both are advocating an absolute solution and neither one is being the least bit tolerant. J a m e s was motivated by fear and hatred (he was also a very intelligent man). Are those who m a d e the other statement similarly motivated? I'm no Bircher and I have little patience with them. Their stated aim is to keep the U.S. f r e e from Communism, and if their actions belie itheir aims is it reason for intolerance on our p a r t ? Do we fear them perhaps? The Bircher will be first to tell you that he feeds on our negative reaction to him and on our attempts to "throw him out" if for no other reason than that it puts him into the category of a martyr. Perhaps Donia's advocation to love—mixed with a little rational refutation of these "leaders"—would prove a better plan of action. Who knows: it might even be a solution!

John Cox

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anchor |



Published weekly of the college year except vacation, holiday and exam* ination periods by and for the students of Hope College, Holland, Mich., under the authority of the Student Senate Publications Board. Entered as second class matter at the post office of Holland, Michigan, at the special rate of postage provided for in section 1103 of Act of Congress, Oct. 3, 1917, and authorized Oct. 19, 1918. Subscription: $3 per year. Printed: Zeeland Record, Zeeland, Michigan. Member: Associated Collegiate Press, Michigan Collegiate Press Assn. Represented for national advertising by National Advertising Service. Office:Ground Floor of Graves Hall. Phone: 396-2122. EDITOR-CHUCK


BOARD OF EDITORS News Academic Sports Critiques .... Headlines

Susan Spring Barbara Freggens Ron Mulder Thomas Wombwell Maren Kieffer

REPORTERS Darlene Bentz, Bryce Butler, Betti Buursma, Larry Calfee, Diane Courtney, Steve de Pree, Sue Eenigenberg, Mary Essebaggens, Bill Hannaford, Alan Jones, Jean Klop, James Mace, John Mulder, Beth Niles, Marianna Schutter, Cindy Segedin, John Simons, Dennis Sturgis, Rob Werge.

Photo Mike Snyder Proof Kathleen Verduin Advertising Rich Koster Copy Mary Hahken Faculty Advisor .. Dr. E£. Brand TYPISTS Anita Awad, Ardyce Elmore, Sally Puehl, Sue Rose, Nancy Slagter, Judy Wallace. COPY READERS Karen Beck, Anita Joeckel, Louise Voorhorst. HEADLINE WRITERS Mary Ann Bicking, Dick Bennick, Zelda Skagfang.

Pare 3

Hope Collefe anchor

December 13, 1963

Moturi Comments on Kenyan Freedom (continued from page 1) has been assured for Kenya, the formidable task of promoting the economic and social advancement of the country will become a more manageable problem. The shout from 8% million Kenyan throats as the country raised her flag at midnight on Dec. 11 will stir the whole of the huge, timeless continent of Africa. For colorful, controversial Kenya—although coming relatively late in the list of Independent African states — has never lacked leaders whose voices have achieved much in the emancipation of Africa. Many people climb ladders; many more climb from worst to best; some move from misery to miracles; but Mr. Kenyatta's case is the most exciting one I have witnessed. Not long ago he was openly and publicly accused as "a leader of darkness unto death," by the British. At this moment he has climbed his ladder and achieved realities. The same British that, so to speak, painted him awfully have come to realize and recognize that he is the ideal man to lead Kenya. He has feeen empowered to be a leader, not of darkness, but of light, not unto death, but unto life. I am sure Kenyatta himself can sit down and say, "Forgive them. Lord, for they did not know what they were doing." l i n y a is an exciting country! It is physically exciting, with its snow-clad, 17,000 - fool equatorial mountain; its great herds of wild animals ranging over wide plains: and the broad streets of its modern capital city, Nairobi. Kenyan Future But Kenya's future is the most exerting of all. Its leaders have already plunged into the heady task, set by Prime Minister Jomo Kenyatta, of removing the blights of ignorance, poverty and disease. It has an immense agricultural potential and its mixed African, Asian, Arab and European population has the resource and knowhow to realize this potential. The great majority of these peoples of all races have thrown in their lot with the new African Government. It is this exciting future which will loom large in the minds of Kenya's people during the three days of the Independance celebrations — during the state occasions, the balls, the fireworks and, most of all. during the raising of Kenya's new national flag. Also, in their minds will be the inspiring new slogan, coined by the Prime .Minister during one of his earlier speeches — the Swahili word, "Harambee," which means, "Pull together." The Prime Minister has also said that, if Kenya is to prosper, a spirit of national familyhood must be created, bringing all the communities together to work for a better future for all the people. To most people overseas Kenya will be only a name — one of the strange, unknown shapes on the great map of Africa. Facts about Kenya Hefe, quite briefly, are some facts about Kenya which might create a clearer picture of the country in your mind. Kenya is a country of 225,000 square miles which lies astride the Equator on the eastern seaboard of Africa. The country is divided into seven regions — Cen-

tral, Western, Eastern, North Eastern, Rift Valley, Nyanza and the Coast, with Nairobi, the capital, as an extra-regional area. The Indian Ocean coastline stretches from Somalia in the north to Tanganyika in the south. From the hot, humid coastal belt the land rises gradually inland through dry bush country to the savannah grasslands and the Highlands where rainfall is plentiful. One of Kenya's most spectacular features is the great Rift Valley which runs from north to south 2,000 to 3,000 feet below the surrounding countryside. On the western rim of the Rift Valley the land slopes down to the shores of Lake Victoria. The central part of the country is extremely mountainous, but a vast expanse across the north and down the eastern border is featureless desert or dry scrub with sparse grass. A population census held in 1962 revealed that the total population is 8,676,000, of which well over 8,000,000 are Africans, with 182,000 Asians, 63,000 Europeans and 40,0i)0 Arabs. The most heavily populated regions are Eastern, Nyanza and Rift Valley with over a million and a half each. Largest tribes are the Kikuyu, Luo, Abaluhya, and Wakamba. Of the Asians, about two-thirds are Hindus and the remainder Muslims, and there

JOMO KENYATTA is a substantial number of Goans. Education in Kenya is fully integrated at all levels from university down to primary schools. Although education is not compulsory for Africans or Arabs and only in the three main towns for Asians, Kenya has one of the highest rates of primary education in Africa. There are 6,198 primary and intermediate schools, 141 secondary schools, 41 teacher training colleges and ten technical and vocational colleges. The Royal College in Nairobi is one of the constituent colleges of the University of East Africa and offers courses in arts, science and technological subjects. Nairobi Nairobi, 5,452 feet above sea level, is not only the capital of Kenya but is the commercial hub of all East Africa. On the main railway line from Mombasa to Uganda, it is also the center of roads system. Its population is more than ten times that of the city of Holland. The second largest town in Kenya, and the chief

port of (East Africa, is Mombasa. The harbour at Kilindini is one of the most highly mechanized in Africa. Mombasa's population is 178,000. Other towns of importance are Nakuru in the Rift Valley, center of the Kenya Highlands; Kisumu, chief port on Lake Victoria and the commercial center of Nyanza Region; and Eldoret in the center of the Uasin Gishu, a busy farming district. All these towns are on the main road and rail routes from the coast to Uganda. Coffee is Kenya's principal cash crop and exports bring in some $10,000,000 annually. Tea and sisal tie with each other for second place, accounting for about £4,000000 a year each. Other crops of economic importance include pyrethrum, wattle, wheat, maize and pineapples. Kenya also has a large livestock population and meat and meat preparations, together with hides and skins, realize about £2,500,000 a year. The dairy industry is worth about £4,000,000 a year, almost half of the produce being exported. Industry Being predominantly tn agricultural country. Kenya's industries are based on processing primary products and include coffee, tea and sugar factories. There are two cement factories and several for canning meat and fruit, and an increasing number of secondary industries. An oil refinery is being built at Mombasa. Kenya has few minerals of any economic significance but Lake Magadi in the Rift Valley yields soda ash and salt, worth over £1,000,000 in exports. Second largest source of Kenya's revenue is the tourist trade with between 40,000 and 50,000 visitors a year coming to see the country's wild life and scenery. Great attractions to tourists are the seven National Parks which include the world-famous Nairobi National Park, Tsavo, the largest, which covers some 8,000 square miles between Nairobi and Mombasa, the Aberdare Park. There are also several reserves run by African local authorities, including the famous Amboseli Reserve and the newly opened Samburu Game Reserve. A wide variety of game is to be seen in all these, parks, and the Nairobi National Park draws over 100,000 visitors a year. Uhuru for Kenya is just the beginning; the ultimate aim is to form the United States of Africa.

VESPERS—Martha Luther, backed by Rev. Allen B. Cook and the Chapel Choir, reads from the scriptures at the Christmas Vespers*.

Hope Represented at NASM Meeting; Educators Discuss Music Trends The music department of Hope College was represented at the thirty-ninth annual meeting of tlw National Association of Schools of music by Dr. Robert W. Cavanaugh. The general sessions this yearwere held at the Palmer House in Chicago, on Nov. 29th and 30th. Hope College has been a member of the NASM since 1959. The NASM has been designated by the National Commission on Accrediting as the responsible agency for the accreditation of all music degree curricula with specialization in the fields of applied music, music theory, composition, music therapy, musicology and music as a major in liberal arts programs. Its deliberations

Junior Welfare League

Some 280 schools were represented by the Deans or Heads of th music departments in most of the universities and colleges, and by the Administrative heads of conservatories. New memberships will be approved, and the association will also vote on change of status of present associate members. The principal speaker for the meeting was educator, Dr. Gustave O. Arlt, Washington, D.C., President of the Council of Graduate Schools in the United States. Dr. Arlt is a long-time champion of the importance of music and the arts in education.

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Profiles in Courage

by Gordon Jacob Mike Schrier, baritone Jantina Holleman, pianist


Roger Rietberg, director

Third Reformed Church Twelfth and Pine Sunday, December 15, five o'clock


Rommel the Fox


Audubon Book of True Nature Stories . . . .


The Day Christ Died


Heloise Household Hints


Unusual Quotations


Truth Is One


The Day Lincoln Was Shot


Silent World



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