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HOPE COLLEGE ANCHOR December 4, 1959

Hope College — Holland, Michigan


Saturday Classes Are Official Next Year Beginning the first semester in 19G0-'61 school year, classes will be held 5Vfc days per week, according to a decision recently handed down by the Administrative Policies Committee. To this time, classes met five days per week although college enrollment has been increasing. "Scheduling problems forced us to this decision," said Dr. VanderLugt. Complications Arise "Already this year we ran into complications in scheduling as departments filled the MondayWednesday-Friday block.

Announce 1960 Vienna Summer School Plans Details of the 1960 Hope College Vienna Summer School were announced today by Dr. Paul G. Fried, director of the Hope College European program. The Hope group will leave New York on the SS Ascania on June 11th.

VIENNA SUMMER SCHOOL MEMBERS from 1959 with Dean Hinga pause just before going into the Alps on a toboggan party. Plans for this years trip are beginning now.

Traditional Vespers to Open Advent Season Advent traditionally begins at Hope College with I lie Christmas Vespers held the first Sunday in December. This year the service will take place on Sunday at 4 p.m. in the Dimnent Memorial Chapel. Both the chancel choir and the women's choir have prepared music for the service. The chancel choir, under the direction of Mr. Roger Rietberg, will sing a group of Old World Christmas carols. Accompanied by a brass quartet composed of Dan Ritsema, Marshall Elzinga, Mel Ver Steeg, and H a n d V a n d e r Meulen, the choir will sing, "How Brightly Shines t h e Morning Star," by Nicholi. The women's Choir, directed by Mr. Anthony Kooiker, will also sing selected carols, including the old American piece, "Never Was a Child So Lovely." Shelby Braaksma, a senior music student from Wisconsin, will provide instrumental music in the form of an organ solo. Three vocal solos will be sung by Marilyn Scudder, Heldred De Witte, and Leonard Lee. Dr. Joseph Zsiros, professor at the college, will preside as minister at the Vesper Service. Mr. Kooiker, as chairman of the Vespers committee was assisted by faculty members Mr. Rietberg, Miss J a n t i n a Holleman, and Mrs. Norma Baughman. Students serving on the committee were Helga Gotte, Sandra De Koning, Steve Middernacht, and Greg Bryson.

Hope Member National Ass'n Schools of Music The Music Department was elected to Associate Membership in the National Association of Schools of Music on Friday, November 27,7 at the 35th An^ nual Meeting of the Association. Dr. Cavanaugh, head of the Music Department, represented Hope at the meeting which was heJd at the Statler-Hilton Hotel, Detroit, Michigan.

For the fifth consecutive year Hope students will spend approximately eleven weeks in Europe, six weeks of which will be devoted to an intensive academic program in Vienna. Courses announced f o r 1960 include Art History, Music Literature, History of Europe in the Middle Ages, Recent European Literature, Viennese Drama, and three German Language courses. Students will be able to earn up to six semester hours during the Vienna Summer Session. As in previous years, the group will land in France and begin its extended study tour of Western Europe with a series of high level briefings with European political and military leaders in Paris and Bonn. New features of the program this year will be a three day

visit to Berlin, and a stop in Oberammergau where the world famous Passion Plays are held. On their way to Vienna students will travel through the heart of the glacier world of the Austrian Alps. Concerts, operas, recitals, attendance at plays, visits to art collections, excursions to points (Cont'd on page 3)

Hope Receives Study Grant Hope has received a grant of $ 3 8 , 9 0 0 from the National Science Foundation to conduct a Summer Institute for High School Science and Mathematics Teachers, according to Dr. Folkert. The summer session will begin June 27 and c o n t i n u e through August 5, 1960. Stipends will be available to 40 senior high mathematics and science teachers who wish to attend the six-week session. A maximum of six semester hours of undergraduate credit will be offered which can be applied toward an A.B. degree.

"Next year it would be necessary to have 8th hour classes or Saturday morning classes. "Since 8th hour classes would run into various programs, the committee decided to have the morning classes," continued the Dean. Other Reasons Dr. VanderLugt also pointed out other reasons for Saturday morning classes. "Some instructors h a v e 5 straight hours without a break in their schedule. "Now," the Dean stated, "by scheduling the 3 hour classes in a Tuesday-Thursday - Saturday block, the instructor and the student will both benefit." Details About Classes Already some of the details about the Saturday classes are being considered. "Classes will probably begin at 8:00 since chapel will not be held Saturday," reported the Dean. "Also, most of these classes will be the freshman-sophomore classes," he concluded. Dr. VanderLugt also added that at this time there are not definite plans to discontinue the two hour courses in favor of three hour courses although more classtime is available.

Murder in Cathedral Opens Tonight

The curricula which have been approved for the college lead to the degrees of Bachelor of Arts in Music Education and Bachelor of Arts in Applied Music. The National Association of Schools of Music is designated by the National Commission on Accreditation as the official accrediting body for music training on the college level. The membership of the Association includes most of the leading universities, c o l l e g e s and conservatories in the United States and its meetings have an important influence o n t h e training of America's musicians.


Opus Deadline Announced Charles Lemmon, Editor of Opus the Hope College literary magazine, has announced that the deadline for submitting contributions to this publication will be February 1, 1960. Also he has emphasized that only students who have subscribed this week will receive copies.

The editor of Opus wants to make it especially clear that this magazine is a student publication, and everyone, not only those with past literary experience or outstanding talent, is urged to contribute. The editorial board is not as formidable as it may seem, but welcomes all worthwhile entries.

P&M CAST MEMBERS practice a scene from the season's second production.


Page Two


Editorials Let's Call It Apathy At times various rulings governing aspects of student life a r e passed that provoke the student. However, the student, although provoked, does no more than complain about his lot and does nothing about the ruling but admit defeat. Some current rules on campus about which the student complains are the informal clothing rule, dorm rules as lights-out for women and chapel rules as the time for chapel. Today's Hope student views these rulings and registers complaints to his peers. Then he gives into the ruling without raising pertinent questions about the rule or without looking for reasons behind the rule. For, the average student refuses to do anything about his local environment because he falsely rationalizes that he cannot change the rule or that he cannot help form new rulings. The Hope student is lacking the initiative to actively rule himself. The student will often wrestle with a problem but usually drops the problem without drawing conclusions as in the case of the honor code. As a result, the administration and others must often govern the student. Yet, the student at Hope has many avenues on which he can register his complaints and bring action in governing himself. For example: Hope has a college newspaper with no administrative censorship but, the paper seldom receives any communication from the student about his complaints. Hope has a student council with untested power but, the council stands in disuse because of a disinterested student body. Hope has several student-administrative committees which stand ready to receive student complaints and act upon these complaints but, the committees stand idle as students never try to govern themselves effectively. Hope has personnel who sympathize with student complaints when they know the complaint, but, the personnel stand in the dark as the student seldom utters his thoughts. The student on Hope's campus who takes no interest in his welfare is a maturing adult who will soon leave this school to live in a society in which he will govern himself. Now is the time to learn how to fight for one's welfare. Now is the time to learn when one should rebel against certain rulings. Now is the time for the individual to learn how to exist with rules with which he disagrees. Now is the time for toworrow's citizen to govern himself today.



Modest Proposal For A Chapel Service I suggest t h a t someone read some passages from Kierkegaard's Attack Upon Christendom. That an arrangement of Czerny's Excercises be played as the organ prelude. T h a t the opening hymn be dispensed with. Then read the message to the Laodicean church in the third chapter of Revelations. Pause f o r two minutes. "In the N e w Testament everything is planned in noble proportions. "The t r u e is represented ideally; but on the other hand errors and aberrations are again on a big scale: we are warned against hypocrisy, against all sorts of false teaching, against presumptious reliance u p o n good works, etc., etc. "But strangely enough the New Testament takes no account of the thing there is alltoo-great a mass of in this world, that is, of twaddle, patter, smallness, mediocrity, playing at Christianity, transforming everything into mere words. Owing to this it is almost impossible by the aid of the New Testament to punch a blow at real life, at the actual world in which we live, where f o r one certified hypocrite there are a hundred thousand twaddlers, f o r one certified heretic, a hundred thousand nincompoops. "Thee New Testament seems




On Saturday Classes Saturday classes serve as tangible evidence to the expansion occurring at Hope College. The decision bringing Saturday classes has been long in coming, but with the fast growth of the school the decision could not be postponed any longer. This announcement of Saturday classes should not bring any disruption to the college campus. True that the characteristic ease of Friday night may be changed for some, the student must remember he is at college for an education for himself and not for a social life. Moreover, by scheduling the weekly studying properly and by planning the weekend activity carefully, a Saturday morning class will become a natural part of each individual's educative experience.


M A K f





Muctu^r ***** "THOSS f a u w / s \ti -m' m m s e o o m t m e n t WILL STOP AT NOTHING "TO BUILD UP THEIR. EMROLUAENT.^

December 4, 1959


Success! by Marilyn Scudder The power of united effort was certainly displayed in the "Relief f o r J a p a n " clothing drive of November 6 and 7. Only through the combined efforts of the "Y" Service Commission, Holland W o m e n ' s Guild, Hope College administration and students and individual citizens of the community could the drive have been a success! The publicity w a s f r e e l y spread through churches, posters articles and announcements. The response was wonderful. Students volunteered to collect and pack clothes while townspeople donated the clothing. Approximately a t o n o f clothes was received. Throughout the following two weeks t h e r e always seemed to be someone who could help sort and pack. If you don't think this was a big job, jus t ask any one of the packers how many clothes it takes to make a ton. But through everyone's persistence, encouragement and hard work the packing was completed November 21. Half the clothes were then shipped to Japan via Church World Service and the other half were sent directly to Rev. Borchert in J a p a n with f u n d s generously donated f r o m individuals in the community. Gratitude, appreciation a n d thanks are extended to those who helped in bringing about the successful consummation of t h e drive. This drive vividly illustrated the saying, "In unity there is strength."

to entertain high notions of what it is to be a man. On the one hand it holds up the ideal; on the other hand, when it depicts wrong actions, one sees t h a t it has nevertheless a high notion of w h a t it is to be a man: but twaddling, nincompoopism, mediocrity, are constantly spared its blows. * * * * • But, as has been said, the difficulty about the New Testament is that, requiring as it does ideally and fighting against spirits, it does not once take aim at this immense corpus which in "Christendom" is constantly producing the Christian orthodoxy and the Christian seriousness which expresses itself in the fact that "witnesses to t h e t r u t h " (what a satirical self-contradiction) make a career and a success in this world by depicting on Sundays how truth must suffer in t h i s world. "Of this f a c t one must take

due notice. And when one has duly noticed it, one will see t h a t a f t e r all the New Testament is in the right, t h a t things do go as the New Testament has foretold. In the midst of this immense population of "Christians", this shoal of Christians, there live here and there some individuals, a single individual. For him the way is narrow (cf. the New Testament), he is hated by all (cf. the New Testament), to put him to death is regarded as a divine service (cf. the New Testament). This a f t e r all is a curious book, the New Testament; it really is in the right; f o r these individuals, this single individual—why, yes, they would be the real Christians." —Soren Kierkegaard, Attack on "Christendom" Prayer—ALMIGHTY G O D , FORGIVE US OUR CHRISTIANITY. AMEN.

Spice and Crumbs A vcfience Does Not live Up To Film's Humanity by Richard J a a r s m a To say t h a t The Diary of Anne Frank was a sensitive, touching masterpiece as a film would not be over-statement, but would perhaps not really meet the requirements of description. It is too difficult to describe the stark humanity of the motion picture and one can only say "I saw people today". There was no sentimentality involved: human suffering, human joy, anger, all the emotions were depicted in a context t h a t left no room f o r false tears. I am sure that the hankerchiefs that might have been pulled out, were done so because their owners were engrossed in the reality of the film. Because of this, the film restores one's faith in the whole industry. SO M U C H FOR SOMETHING which cannot be adequately praised. It is the audience, however, which showed its true colors and bared itself as a group of insensitive clods. They did not deserve what they got, and getting it, proclaimed to anyone who might conceivably have cared, t h a t they did not understand the elem e n t a l of man's existence. GRANTED, THE FILM, because of the nature of its subject matter, was often quite humorous and deliciously so But it was not a raucous, slapstick sort of comedy, and it did not deserve the peals of obscene laughter t h a t it got. Neither a r e whistles a n d frenzied applause merited f o r something which, I believe, is at least a cut above burlesque. Yet the audience reminded one


of an Elizabethan pack of illiterates going to see Shakespeare's Othello, and heckling the characters on the stage. T H E R E IS ONE S C E N E in the film which, because of the excellent acting, became something of a monument to any and all dreams of first love. The scene was basically humorous and one could not have seen it without chuckling quietly and remembering his own first, feeble attempts a t going f u r t h e r than shaking hands with a member of the opposite sex. But because of the universality of the scene, the humor soon became infused with a touch of sadness. Unfortunately, t h i s sadness was missed by the audience, and when the two young people finally kissed each other, it was met by a vulgar demonstration of lust that has not been equaled since Nero was emperor of Rome. T H E FILM SHOWED T H E discerning m o v i e - g o e r one thing: t h a t today's people have four emotions, of which three are various types of laughter (nervous, obscene, and artificial) and the other one is pure, unmitigated lust. I suppose we can be thankful to have discovered this; it will save us from exerting ourselves in trying to portray the dillemma of existence. I NO LONGER WONDER at Hollywood's insistence a t putting out the t r a s h t h a t it does. The movie industry has learned from the s t a r t what it took the critic hundreds of years to learn: t h a t the movie-goer is not worthy of anything better. In this they are completely justified.

HOPE COLLEGE ANCHOR Member Associate Collegiate Press


Published weekly by and for the students of Hope College except during holiday and examination periods, under the authority of the Student Council Publications Board. Entered as second class matter at the post office of Holland, Michigan, at a special rate of postage provided for in section 1103 of Act of Congress, October 3, 1917, and authorized October 19, 1918.

December 4, 1959




Page Three

Explains Job Placement Service Hope Offers To Help Students "The Job Placement Service here a t Hope has been established to help students who are seeking part-time employment, summer openings, and career opportunities," s t a t e d M r . Thomas Van Dahm, professor of Economics and Business Administration, in a recent interview. This year the Placement Service located many part-time jobs f o r students. "Prior to the opening of school this fall, we sent form letters to most of t h e business houses in Holland, outlining our services and requesting t h a t they consider us if they have any personnel needs," explained Mr. Van Dahm, director of this placement service. "There was an excellent response, and much placement was done a s soon as students arrived at school.

"Many students find employment by themselves. Often they later 'will' their jobs to another student," he remarked. "This is a convenience f o r the employer as well as the students. We encourage this." Many of the summer job openings are in the field of Youth Camp work. Calls come to the college f o r counselors, nurses, and w a t e r f r o n t directors, as well as other positions. • • •

really nation-wide in scope. We actually do very little summer placement in this particular area." » » • "When it comes to career opportunities, our office serves as a clearing house. Students can obtain information about various openings through this service," he continued. "We also arrange interviews for the Seniors with some companies." The Job Placement Service does not handle teaching positions or graduate school openings. Mr. Vander Borgh is in charge of the educational position placement, and Mr. Wolters has information on graduate schools. » • •

"We also receive calls f o r students to work in summer resorts, in industry, and in government jobs. Government openings include working in State and National Parks. Some Junior a n d S e n i o r science majors have opportunity to work during the summer in government laboratories," added Mr. Van Dahm. "This summer placement is

48 Doing Student Teaching If you have ever eaten at a table in the Terrace Room where the main topic of conversation was strangely centered on the making of Indian tom-toms in the terms sprinkled with 'unit', 'coordination', and 'preparation', you dined with student teachers. In a program directed by Mr. J. J . Ver Beek, College Director, Mr. Riemersma, Secondary Coordinator, and Miss Van Vyven, Elementary Coordinator, senior students having 20-29 hours of by Janet Riemersma education courses are placed in The f a r sighted students who Holland schools. are already looking ahead to This semester 48 students are Spring vacation have discovered being loaned to Holland classwith some dismay that this rooms with the figure to rise to year, Easter week-end and vaca75 second semester. tion time will not coincide. The student teacher gradually And unfortunately there can takes over the responsibility of be no change made in the existthe classroom under the regular ing school calendar f o r the seaclassroom teacher, his superson. visor, who along with a coordiWhen the idea of changnator and the college director ing the schedule was introevaluates his work. duced by the Student CounThose in elementary teaching cil, the administration was spend either a morning or an understanding a n d e v e n afternoon with their classes agreed that such a change while those in secondary trainwould be desirable. ing teach two high school peri-cua / However, this m a t t e r affects ods. not only Hope, but all In addition each t e a c h e r schools in the MIAA. makes a book, a catalogue of These colleges co-ordiexperience, for f u t u r e reference. nate their vacation times so For teaching and attending a that the sports program weekly problems session, stuwill be facilitated in the dents receive 7-9 college credit best way. hours. For us to change the calendar would disrupt the program f o r all the other schools. Although this years vacation WE NEED YOUR HEAD IN arrangement is not as good as OUR BUSINESS it could be, there is nothing t h a t POST'S BARBER SHOP can be done about it now except Thr«« Barbers to hope t h a t in the following 331 College years wil1 work out better

D/scuss Changing Spring Vacation



BUNTE'S PHARMACY Prescriptions 54 E. 8th Street

"A number of students are actually placed, but many more get information on a position and then follow up t h a t lead themselves," Mr. Van Dahm declared. "Personal interviews w i t h company representatives are usually conducted in the second semester. There is a great variety of fields into which a graduate may be placed, ranging from the Red Cross and the YMCA to retailing, manufacturing, insurance, and g o v e r n m e n t agencies." There is much literature and information on career openings and graduate school scholarships in the Job Placement Service office, on the third floor of Van Raalte Hall. Students are invited to use this material. Graduate school catalogs are in the Records Office.

Rulings Bring Improvements The three week's experiment o f J c e e p i T r g r T h e library open ur n ^ & supper hour success, reported Mr. Mays of the library staff. i n e response has been sufficient to continue the procedure. As the situation is now, the library will be open f r o m immediately a f t e r chapel (8:20) straight through until 9:45 Monday through Friday. 0 n Saturday the hours are 9 Also, this year the library remain open during the Thanksgiving a n d Christmas vacations f o r those students who wish to use it. There has also been a slight change made concerning the taking out of open reserves — from that of seven to three days. I have been profoundly impressed", he added, "with the good attitudes and excellent cooperation as expressed by the Hope students in the library."

ALCOR AND BLUE KEY members met Friday with some of Hope's foreign students to begin a International Club which will meet monthly. Photo—Leander Wang

Begin International Club Serving as hosts at a dinner party held in the Kletz f o r the foreign students were Alcor and Blue Key members on Nov. 21. The main purpose of the dinner was to draw up plans f o r a closer relationship between students—especially the foreign students on campus. One outcome of the evening was the decision to change the traditional International Night as sponsored by Alcor to an exhibition composed of exhibits of different countries. These exhibits will be pre-

sented by the foreign students and will be modeled on the exhibits at the I.R.C. exhibition. Another outcome was t h a t these international meetings will continue on a monthly bases. These meetings will be so the students might have a chance of meeting the foreign students on campus. These meetings will consist of a dinner to which friends will be invited. Chairman of the committee to arrange these monthly meetings is Walred Karachy.

Summer School Students . . . (Cont'd from page 1) of historical interest, and guest lectures by European experts will be part of the regular academic program during the six week session in Vienna. Following the completion of their studies in Vienna students will have two weeks in which they can travel independently to places of their own choice. They will be free to visit relatives, join a European student travel group, or plan their own activities, whether they want to travel "de luxe" or stay in Youth Hostels f o r f o r t y cents a day. Those who prefer to take part in an organized travel program will be able to spend ten days on a tour of Italy under the expert guidance of the a r t instructor of the Vienna Summer School.

The cost of the 1960 Vienna Summer School program is $965.00. This figure includes travel to Europe by ship and return travel by plane; bus transportation, hotels, m e a l s and admissions d u r i n g t h e eighteen days of travel through Western Europe and Berlin; housing and all meals in Vienna during the six weeks session. Also included is the mid-term excursion to S a l z b u r g and Berchtesgaden; tuition f o r up to six semester hours and the cost of all field trips arranged f o r courses in which the student is enrolled. Not included in the price is: travel in the United States, expenses in Europe during period of independent travel, and personal expenditures.

Classified Ads T H R E E YOUNG MEN in late teens seek companionship of attractive young ladies. Lonely and bored, seeking love and affection. Enclose recent photu — will be returned. Reply Box 339-B Kollen. Eric—Jack—Mike

WANTED — A columnist to write society news f o r

ANCHOR. Need not be written weekly. The column would include fraternity, sorority, and club news.


• •••

Western Michigan's


• • • • • • • • • • I




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Page Four



December A, 1959


As 1 See 11

Lakeland,Calvin Next Time On Hope Schedule A f t e r opening the season against Northern Michigan at the Civic Center last Wednesday, the Hope cage squad travels to Sheboygan, Wisconsin tonight, where Lakeland College will be the host team. This will be the first look at the Lakeland five for the Hope varsity, as they are a new addition to the schedule.

contention of both teams for top M.I.A.A. honors, but because of a deep-seeded traditional rivalry between Hope and Calvin. The men from Grand Rapids, if unable to field a team in other sports categories, invariably produce a basketball team worthy of respect.

Last year, a f t e r being set back by Hope 92-81, Calvin rebounded to take the return encounter 66-62 in a game as exciting as one can expect when these two teams tangle. The game will be at Grand Rapids. Both games will s t a r t at 8:00, with preliminary contests starting a t 6:15.

While past performance is not always a valid indication of team strength. Lakeland won seven games while losing nine in its league last year. Next Wednesday, however the Flying Dutchmen face an opponent which is an unquestionable threat, Calvin College. The contest is significant not only because of the perennial

by Ron Chandler It would seem t h a t it has become a distinct political disadvantage for a major power to maintain any sort of control over a canal or waterway which lies inside the boundaries of a foreign country. Britain and France were forced to eat humble pie in 1956 when the war over the control of the Suez Canal was decided in Egypt's favor in the United Nations. Today, the United States appears to be headed toward a similar crisis over the question of control of the Panama Canal. United States policy planners do not seem to have developed any well-formulated approach which will enable us to meet a blow-up in Panama with anything other than more diplomatic bungling of an all-too-familiar nature. During the Suez aflfair, the United States had an opportunity to seize the diplomatic initiative, and in having done so, could have settled the knotty problem of control over internationally used waterways. We could have proposed that waterways such as the Suez Canal and the Panama Canal, whose users represent virtually every nation in the world, be put under the control and supervision of an agency or commission of the United Nations. Since the great powers seem hesitant about placing final control over their lifelines of commerce in the hands of the so-called "irresponsible" nations, and the small nations resent anything resembling an encroachment on their sovereignty by the more powerful states, the solution which makes use of the United Nations would seem to be the most promising and the most workable.

Women Sports Buzzing Five members of the Women's Athletic Association will attend a state conference at which will be represented all chapters of this Association in Michigan. The conference, the title of which is A.R.F.M.C.W., will be held at Clear Lake this weekend. Have fun, girls! The W.A.A. hopes to welcome their new members, the freshmen girls, soon. The Volley-ball games are coming to close in the next week or maybe two and only a few games must be played yet. Here are the standings and the team captains: Team Captain W L Jr. A—C. Yonkers 5 0 So. B—B. Gray 5 1 So. C—N. Sonneveldt 4 2 Hope Staff 4 2 Sr.—J. Tysse 3 3 So. A—H. Gotte 2 3 Sem.-Wives 2 4 Jr. B—S. Smith 2 4 So. D—H. Beinert 2 4 Fr. A—M. Ten Pas 1 4 Fr. B—C. Roylance 1 4

To Take Action With Panama Canal



The most propitious moment to have made such a proposal would have been in 1956, when the idea of U.N. control of canals might have become a universally acceptable principle. As it was, we appeared to many as the staunch defender of Egypt's right to nationalize an international waterway.

MEMBERS OF T H E 1959-60 basketball team get in some practice in Carnegie Gymn under the direction of Coach Russ DeVette. Photo—Hale

Period of Growth Brings Calvin's Enrollment Up

by Philip De Velder A little to the north-east of Holland lies the city of Grand Rapids. One of the institutions of higher education in this city is our rival—Calvin College. Founded in 1876 to provide education f o r men wanting to enter the ministry, Calvin showly developed into what it is toHERFST day. Studio and Photo Supplies However, growth into a full PORTRAITS — CAMERAS four year college was slow and PHOTO FINISHING it wasn't until 1912 that the 7 W. 8th Street first BA degree was granted. Phone EX 2-2664 Calvin's first president was appointed in 1919. »»,•»,«#,• #,• #.• »,• »,• #.• #.• #.• • • • • *,• #• * *«• • • • Since then, the college has grown rapidly having 33 stuSYBESMA'S SERVICE dents in the Junior College in Dealer in Sinclair Products 1910 to 1908 students today. WASHING AND GREASING Calvin was founded and is TIRES AND BATTERIES run by the Christian Reformed Corner 9th and College This church is a mem! M M M ti M ?•* *.* *•* •.* ».• »• •« »•Church. •* #« ber of the Calvinistic group of

churches which broke a w a y from the Reformed Church in America over doctrinal disputes. Calvin has a large campus in Grand Rapids and it was recently given another large piece of land on the outskirts of the city. Calvin f u r t h e r differs f r o m Hope due to the fact of its close relations with the Calvin Seminary. Several members of Hope's faculty, including Dr. Kruithof, Dr. DeHaan, Dr. DeGraaff, and Mr. ten Hoor plus Dean Vander Lugt graduated from Calvin. The two big days of the year for the Hope-Calvin rivalry will be when we play against the Knights in basketball. Admission to the games is difficult to obtain as is evidenced by the large lines of people when tickets are to be sold.

Now, if we are unwilling to allow Panama to nationalize the canal which we control, we will open ourselves to the charge of following a policy based upon a double s t a n d a r d . ' Will we find ourselves suppressing an armed attempt by Panama, and perhaps other Latin American nations, to wrest f r o m us the control over the Panama Canal ? The recent anti-American riots and demonstrations in Panama are not particularly hopeful indications. •


A proposal f r o m this country that the Panama Canal be internationalized might still be something of a diplomatic master stroke. It would remove opportunities f o r Russia to capitalize on any unrest that might develop in Latin America over this particular question. It would also set a precedent which might be applied somewhere else at some other time. Finally, such a maneuver on our part might very well help to persuade Latin Americans that we are not necessarily on the side of those who would exploit the less fortunate nations of the world. •



There is more at stake here than the f a t e of a canal. We have to consider the more important matter of our relations with the Latin American nations. The Panama Canal could well become a symbol, throughout these countries, of "Yankee imperialism," and, as such, could become the focal point of attack f o r all those in South and Central America who have bones to pick with the "Colossus of the North." This, it seems to me, would be less desirable, from our standpoint, than placing the canal in the hands of an international agency in whose deliberations we would at least have a voice. The time to decide, however, is now. The tide of nationalist sentiment does not wait for procrastinators.


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