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The A n c h o r VOLVMB XXXVI






AUTHOR GIVES Here's a chance for you- to get your ANCHOR free for the next three DAILY TALKS years! How? By writing a good Hope yell. TO HOPETTES The yell we're spoiling our lovely ten




o. voices on now are old enough to vote. So the ANCHOR Is going to have a yell contest. The prize for the t^est yell will be a three-year's subecription to the ANCHOR;.^-for the second best a two-ye^r s'ubscription; for the third bejU, a one-year subscription. .CorrfTe on out with your yells. ..Tfie three yell-masters will be .^••t^fridges.

With the 1924 football season closed, and the basketball already inaugurated by a victory, we can now look over the past season, and delve Into the future. Coach Schouten had a fair nucleus to begin with, with Capt. Vander Meer heading the list. Several schools contributed material towards the formation of the new eleven. In past years Lab. and the early darkness has interfered with practice but this eoason saw huge searchlights placed on t h e hill near the Gym. These lights illumniated the whole practice field and in a measure aided Coach Jack in his handicapped struggles for a winning combination. Another improvement over past seasons has been the attitude of the rtu d en ts body to our great fall sport. A revival of student interest was very evident, and when the team played away-from home, distance permttting, there was always an enthusiastic band of supporters backing t h e OrG L E E CLUB GIVES MANY COXange and Blue. CERTS Still another encouraging feature brought out was the interest of the The Girls' Glee Club is still workfellows themselves. In f o r m e r campaigns there was not enough material ing and doing and planning to do— reporting to organize a reserve squad and that in spite of the fact that some for scrimmage purposes. Thig vear mischievous sprite messed up the however, scrimmages could be held plans for an Eastern trip during the and the result could be noticed in the t h r e e weeks between Thanksgiving work of the team when a game and Christmas. They hope to take was played. t h a t trip in the early part of FebruThe season opened on Oct. 4 with ary, immediately a f t e r the mid-year a pleasing, clean cut 6-0 verdict over semester examinations.




The P r a y e r Week Just past has been quite u n ^ u e in t h e history of Hope College. F o r the first time we have had one speaker of nation-wide prominence t a k e c h a r g e of all meetings, instead of obtaining different speakers for each day. RULES A f t e r t h e first day, when Mr. Gor1. All contributions must be legi- don was introduced to the student bly written and signed. body, he took complete charge of all' 2. All contributions must be Orlg- t h e g e r v l c e 8 i l n c l u d l n g t h e 8 l n g l n g ,

• na! not just your old high school A f t e r the opening sentence and a song yells with Hcpe substituted f o r the h a d b e e n 8 u n g r h e u a u a l l y m a d e a f e w name of your high school. 3. All contrtbutlone must

Hope Football Team '24

r e m a r k s and t h e n began to pray. F o r be

m a n y







handed to the Sport Editor or placed these services were the most meaningin t h e ANCHOR box before J a n u a r y f u I p a r t w i t h a total dlBregard for

BUSY YEAR FOR COURT SEASON stereotyped phrases, and not t h e 4. All subscribers to the Anchor, slightest a t t e m p t at a comprehensive whether alumni or students, a r e eligi. p , Mr. Gordon OPENED MOST HOPE SONGSTERS ble to join t h e contest. ••I I I • I <•! I • W • i i IH. >1HI >1 I IWlI'dini prayed simpjy,^briefly and with gripAUSPICIOUSLY ping earnestness for t h e presence of Christ in the meeting, and for the realization of t h a t presence, and the Members Christen H O P E O F F E N S E ROLLS U P A 49change of life t h a t jnuet grow out of 10 COUNT B E F O R E F I N I S H of t h e students. Youngest Society it, in t h e lives Unique Manner









Once again a new society h a s made Its debut upon the Campus. T h e number of women students having6 .outgrown the capacity of t h e already formed organizations, a group of Freshmen have organized . « a« new utrw girls' fcjua

Starting out with an early season gusto, that bids fair to develop into a speedy and well-oiled machine before many games a r e played, t h e & Orange and Blue five opened t h e society. court season with a 49-10 verdict It has been decided to t a k e the over the Royal Ravens of Grand R a p name Alathea, from the Greek word The girls sing three-part and some- ids. for Truth. The society n u m b e r s about times four-part music. The members The Ravens are a combination of twenty-five members, who have of t h e chorus are: Pianists—Mabel experienced togaers, some with col- elected the following officers: Nienhuis, Ardean VanArendonk; Solege records, but their offense was President—Elsie Boucher. prano I—Cornie Nettinga, Alice Scholeasily balked by Hope's defensive tacVice-Pres.—Allda Den Herder. ten, Nella Tanis, Ethel Newland, Martics, while their defense was like paSecretary—Marjorie Rogers. tha B a r k e m a ; Soprano II—Janet Alper for the restless forwards. The Treasurer—Priscilla Ver Meer. bers, Jeane Ruigh, Henrietta Keizer, ball was worked right down under „ in ... the way XJL The chief difficulty of Billy Sprick, Jeanne Kuyper; Alto— E d n a Reeverts, R u t h Van Kersen, the b ^ k e t - b e f o r e shots were a t t e m p t - Alathea's progress at present is the ed. This fact alone shows the abillack of a room. Plans a r e being made Amanda Zwemer, Anne Barkema and ity of the Orange and Blue offense, to overcome this, however. Until some Angeline Poppen. Angeline Poppen is making midcourt shots unnecessary. permanent abode has been settled on. t h e president of the organization. She Perhaps most gratifying of all, the weekly meetings will be held at directs the girls (altho Mrs. Fenton however, was the performance of the the homes of the members or In the directs their singing) and bends them subs, all of whom were given two President's office. to t h e iron of her will. chances to display their wares. EvR u m o r s of concerts given in t h e ery one of the subs, showed t h e m environs of Holland have floated selves equal to the regulars, and aobut the c a m p u s from time to time ready to step Into the regular berths during the fall. There- have been S'IOUKI the occasion demand. eight of t h e m : Grand Haven. Grand Riemersma looped the sphere thru Rapids, Overisel, North Holland. for the most counters, but M. LubHamilton, Zeeland, Central P a r k and bers. Kleis, and Ottipoby did good Forest Grove* First Church. Holland, work also. has asked for a concert f o r Friday At half time Hope was leading 18-5, night. and an even higher tally was run up

Ferris Institute. In the next game. Hope had to bump up against the University of Detroit reserves, and a 42-0 score was registered against her. Junior College of Grand Rapids was next on the schedule, and altho the final score was 0-0, Hope was deprived of 15 tallies thru the kindness of officials. In the tilt against Kalamazoo College the fellows amassed 14 points in the first half, and then were unable to score while Capt. Black and Mates'rolled up 38 points. One pleasing fact about this game is that Kazoo displayed the best football they have shown all season in that second half. Ferris took their return game 8-0. This game closed t h e regular season, but a post-season game was played with Defiance College, Defiance, Ohio. Hope lost 4016 but held the victors to a low score in the first half. The following men received their letters: Capt. Vander Meer, K. Van Lente, Damson, Van Der Hart, Esfenbaggers, Vanden Brink, Damstra. Kleis, Buys, Fell, Ver Meulen, E. Van Then t h e r e was the Thanksgiving Lente and Oosting. vacation trip to Kalamazoo and Detroit. To go into too great detail would dim the glamour of romance SENIOR CLASS TO PRESENT "THANK YOU'* about it all. Suffice it to say that th^ trip was successful, financially, ae? The Senior class has decided to thetically and.well—happily. Kaila • present the popular play "Thank mazoo has a pleasant Y. W. and both You". The d a U has not yet been set cities have homes with very hospitable nor the cast chosen but under the people. Detroit was in the rush of able direction of Miss Vera Keppel the season and the stores flung wide and with the wealth of material in their doors to the pushings and stranthe prcnent Senior class of ninety- gle-holds of X m a s shoppers. Perthree members, the outlook Is very haps that's how the girls spent their proralsing. •time a f t e r t h e Friday night concert. We don't know and they don't always A wedding of special interest to tell. But they did have an excellent Hopeltes will take place during the chaperon. Miss Irene Van Zanten, of Christmas holidays. Miss Katherlne 'Holland. All in all, there were never McBride is to be married to Mr. two audiences more appreciative and Chester G. Boltwood of Grand Rap- llberal and more delightful to sing to ids. The wedding is to take place In t h a n those two in Kalamazo and DeHDpe church on December 17. Miss troit. unless, perhaps, it is a Hope l^axine McBride is to be maid-of- College audience made up of Hope honor. Another sister, Miss Marjorle College students—such as gathered to McBride. will be one of t h e brides- k e a r the "concerte de c h a m b r e " on maids. Harold McLean and Judson tlve Tuesday afternoon before ThanksBtaplekamp will be among the ushers. giving,


in t h e second period. In the curtain raiser, the Reserve/ just beat out the Freshmen 13-9. Bssenbaggers and Fisher showed well for t h e scrubs, while E. Damstra and Smith led the " F r o s h " . Lineup and summary: Hope (49) Royal Ravens (10) Irving RF. Kolenaa Ottipoby LF. Malewdtz Yonkman C. Miller VanLente RG. Hessle Riemersma LG. Schneider Field Goals—Hope. Riemersma, 7; Kleis. 4; Poppen, 3; Ottlpoiby, 2; Lubbers. 2; Yonkman, Irving, Van Lente. Ravens—Miller 3, Malewitz, 1; Freethrows: Hope—Lubbers, 4; Riemersma, Kleis, Van Lente. R a v e n s Hessle, Kolenda. Substitutions—Alhers. Kleis for Ottipoby, Poppen for Yonkman, Huitman for Schneider. ^ More weddings! Marian Mersen and Ronnie. I ^ k e r also plan to solemnize their wedding during t h e Ch ristnms holidays. •U\



A f t e r the prayer he immediately began his "quiet talks."" , The talks were not primarily Intellectual In , " V ,.,,1 / ^ 1 their appeal; still less were they emotlonal T h e y were slmply re.atate. ments







* n. • of* *-1 majority his • .h e a r e _l r s ,in such. a ^ m a k e tbeirt/'seem to be fresh, vital and pet'sonal. Hie simple yet most skilfiil use of words made his talks bpth unusual and interesting. . " •; ' ,, "TelIlptation First Subject Mr. Gordon's, s u b j e c t t w ^ h l s first talk, on Monday morning, was "Temptations." He first emphasized the universal n a t u r e of temptation. "Temptations come along t h e regular groove of a man's life," he said. "Satan never builds any roads—he steals t h e use of N a t u r e ' s roads— God's roads." There a r e t h r e e kinds of tempted m e n — f o r all men a r e t e m p t e d — t h e first of which simply (Oontinned on P«fe Three)


Hope a Type f The Truly American College--S. D. Garden u

Hope College belongs in the goodly fellowship of the typical American colleKes,, declared Mr. S. D. Gordon Friday in an interview with a representative of the Anchor. "The American college is a distinct type. The Eastern Universities whose names are still pre-eminent in education were begun with the same ideal in view, altho they have drifted away from it. That ideal was the teaching of the Bible and of the Christian way of thinking. Our American educational system was begun by the church on this basis. Many colleges and universities have departed from this ideal; you here at Hope still hold to it; you still have the Book, you still preserve a religious atmosphere and put spiritual things first. My hope for Hope College is that this will continue, and that in and thru all your college life mav lie that warm religious atmosphere—that personal, hnimm touch of the Master which will prevent any slippinqr away from the real things into formal^ i n . To be tnje and to be sweet—those are two parallel ideals.''




P a g e

T w o



t u r e in your mind's eye what would occur should a flre break out tomorrow morning, t h e third h o u r — t h e explosion and putrid smell of chemical Published every Wednesday during t h e collegiate year by t h e Students of stuffs, t h e poignant odor of burning Hop« College. wood, and t h e m a n i a created. It is " T H E W E A R I N G O' T H E GREEN'not altogether Impossible. NO LONGER MOTTO Subscription $1.60 P e r Year We surely appreciate t h e effortG O F '28 made and the success realized towards SOCIETY DEMANDS PROTECTION beautifying t h e campus. Wondrous Winter has really set in. The last Improvements have been made. P e r Wlhat If a tire would break out in haps the necessary flre a p p a r a t u s for signs of green have left the campus. Van Raalte Hall t o m o r r o w , mornint?! Tuesday night, Nov. 25, t h e Sophs the recitation hall h a s been neglected What if it happened to.be on the fliai unknowingly. We pride ourselves on and Frosh celebrated the a n n u a l "Pot floor and at a time when the buildbeing a modern Institution in the t r u e Night Ceremony" in acordance with ing was crowded with students! W h a t sense of th'e word, do we n o t ? Under precedent established by the lower Are escape would you m a k e your exit that flag we cannot hold life in jeo- classes last year. The students g a t h by? pardy. Modern society d e m a n d s pro- ered in t h e Gymnasium at first and The possibility of a Are is not alto- tection. We need better flre equip- then formed a procession which g e t h e r without reality. We cannot ment. marched headed by t o r c h - b e a r e r s to judge the f u t u r e by t h e past in this We advocate and urge that ade- t h e grave. The Frosh deposited their case. Chemical laboratories a r e not quate flre cncapes be constructed at green pots and ribbons in the flre afti m m u n e from / i inflammation. • The Van Raalte Hall. We advocate a er which the g a t h e r i n g was addressed w a r taught uw that. Neither do f u r - trial flre drill—it may be of conse- by the lower clap? presidents, " T e d " naces function without Are. Exper- quence some day. Hope surely fol- Luidens, '27 and " J i m " Ten Brink, '28. ience tells us that. The fact is that lows a policy of pragmatism. Let u« "Ted" Essenbaggers acted as Maswe who are training for education, we not now lie down and sleep. P e r h a p s ter of Ceremonies. Then t h e blackwho are preparing to preach efficiency tomorrow t h e r e may be a flre:! casket containing the hatchet wa* and how to preserve life, live in a brought on the scene.and lowered into " t r a p " of which the spring is at any the grave. A fitting slab was erected Piof. Wynand Wichers has been demoment ready to release itself. over the grave bearing the epitaph. livering a serion of five lectures at "Here lies t h e Hone of Contention." In the construction of the building the Ladies' Literary Club rooms. Last in question, there a r e only two possiThis ceremony completed. the Tuesday his subject was "Democracy ble means of exit, and these inadeand Our Foreign Policy." Freshmen group a d j o u r n e d to the gym. where quate. It is considered a feat for a a r e envying the ladies their privilege they enjoyed cider and d o u g h n u t s student on the third floor of Van and watched the basketball squad exof hearing him. Raalte Hall to get to a class in hibit their talent. Such were the proGraves Chapel in the allotted time beceedings that initiated the Clns*? of tween classes. Congestion on t h e P. S.—The Flipse baby's n a m e is 1028 into the full privileges of the iUairs makes it almost impossible. Pic- R o b e r t Charles. college as true and loyal Hopeltes.










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yVN the black-tipped lacquer-red classic pen with which Success associates. A shapely balanced pen that will help you give the world the kind of impression you are capable of creating by a rapid, characterful hand. . *1 ^ A pen you can pull out in public, and lend without a tremor, knowing, that the other man's style of writing can't alter the point one particle. A pen with a jewel-smooth point that's guaranteed, if not mistreated, for 25 years' WEAR. Hence the most economical pen you can buy. A pen you can fill by simply pressing a Button that is capped inside the barrel where it doesn't mar the beauty or catch on the clothing. A clean pen to carry and handle on account of the Ink-Tight seal achieved by the "Lucky Curve" feed and the double sleeve of the Duo-Sleeve Cap. Any good pen counter will sell you . this super-writer on 30 days'approvd — flashing plain black, or blacktipped lacquer-red —the color that makes it hard to mislay. T H E PARKER P E N COMPANY Manufacturers also of Parker Duofold Pencils to rr.alch the pen, $3.50 F a c t o r y and General Offices JANESVILLE, WIS. Slender Lady Duufuid with Wido Gold Girdle


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W e Cut Your Hair a n y Style Y o u W a n t it T r y ua! as Ea.t






h o m e


GIRLS~SPE\D WEEK-END I N XEARRV T O W V Besides the host and hostess t h e r e rere tj d . . * Present John Kempers, '21, tho Under the auspices -of the Kent Williams Rottschafer, '23. Van ' Hof C A sent Snarta Thpv 111






T .


Z 0 ^ *™' ^ ^ R o t t . c h a f e r who are vtaltlng In











U[tss H e I e n


he town onTn , ' P ^ P ^ t l v e '45, who had her Wny t h e Rlr,S ,,r8t 0 I L ? ' PP0rtunlty fo entertain on were detained at Grand Rapids to Thanksgivihg Day. have their picture' taken iby the H e r 0 aid photographer. , .

To Asnes BulkThe — engagement of Dyke Van Put— b"6VM..c,.L oi uyKe van p u t . 8"ch notoriety ten, '22, and Frieda Ounneman '22 WaS unu8ua l . b u t supported by the has been announced other members of the t e a m — E d i t h , ! , ' , 0 ' ema






Allce Vtln

Zanten has left the

llbrary 1



• L




" " ' " r y '' C h < ""-


" l K e 0 f Sychat • «uperlnendent .of Sparta school,, as- f— s i n f u l , . despised sumed the role 'yf pilot and we speed-



lly arr Ved

the H l s h srh001 w h ' "f the last hour class was .dispensed

with. The members of the team were introduced and the trio gave i s o m e ; music. Agnes'B'ulkema. a.s leader of the group, outlined the purpose of the delegation. To lend a bit of Hope spirit, the g i r h sang, "In that Dear Old Town of Holland, Michigan," In which Clarence Lubbers, '24, : "seated in the rear with the dignified faculty, was asked to join.

S. Sprietsma & Son,


Successors to Klaasen Printing Co.



" P r a y e r Changes Things" was the keynote of Wednesday's addrews. "Prayer changes t h i n g s — a f both ends" said speaker. "When God H O L L A N D , MICH. can do what he likes, with you and * me. we may do what we like 'with Several social events were staged In • God.'^ "This sentence may seem ex- honOr of the Hope girls. A "get actreme at first sight—but If you can quainted" social at the Methodist stand the tug of the first half, you'll church on Friday evening proved to . - ^ piuveu io not bother about the rest.'? He w e n t a record-breaker. • All the youmr Get Y o u r Eats n n f n r? q c „.,! u „ _i . . . . ... . . ^ o on to describe changes which have p.eople of- the town were invited and at been wrought by p r a y e r - c h a n g e s ih certainly everyone had a jolly time. MoIenaar&DeGoede men whom he knows personally. TtVo. events were for girls only. "Take my yoke upon you-. and After a trail-blazer hike, when the 14 East 8th S t . ' learn* of me; for I am meek and low- Hope girls came in close contact with ly in heart; and you shall find rest the school girls, a little woods be* unto your souls." was the text chosen came the scene of a weenie roast, for Thursday's quiet hour. A yoke which was followed by several games ; stands for two things—^surrender by and contests. 'At a." supper In the CASPER BELT one. mastery by the other. Surrender High school, Saturday evening. The has an unpleaaant sound to some, but Blue Triangle Club was proposed and Now located at Ollie's Sport Shop : in reality it is the law of the strong- favorably received by most of the est lift. It is t h e foundation of military girls. Edith Weaver gave a reading . w it IfilUing lire, industrial life, political life, marseveral songs popular a m o n g the v rled life but it is a VOLUNTARY Hope girls were sung by all. B surrender. Jesus does not ask us to Sunday was a busy da.y-. Music was Coh College Ave. and 8th St. do more than he has done—he was a furnished at all the services at the Sterilized tools. VOLUNTARY Saviour. There are Methodist and Baptist churches. The trio Strictly Sanitary. two sides to the Palestinian yoke— managed to be present a t both and Jesus Christ himself supports one churches, in spite of the inconven-

When It's Most Necessary—Constant Service, that is what we are giving our numerous customers and we are ready to do the same tor you.

for 3 5 c .


H e reaCheS nie throueh " o t r * " 1 " h e r men. In connection with this he told of the chain of lnflu• ences beginning with . Dwight • L. Moody's Sunday School .teacher, which resulted In the work of Hugh McAllister.

V I C - E

C o m p l e t e Service




point was the story of the Samaritan they managed to wlthstandThe s T o T u ' i " " woman at Jacob's well. Just a,3 Jesus ' A t t h i s point the Y secretary and the



VISITS i m i o SPARTA a r i u u A

On Tuesday Mr. Gordon's starting M e ^ L n i l a n H s c o n 6 ' ! ' 1 1 ^ !

12 East 8th St.

9 East 10th St.

ALUMNI NOTES P e graduates a t Princeton Sem,nar y w e r ® delightfully entertainThe

lie down and let themaelves be walked on, like a dead dog; t h e second clasa let their consciences wither up for lack of exercise—at first they throw a bone to them occasionally^ but soon they die for lack of nourishment. The man who belongs to the third class fights his temptations. He does not always overcome them, but he fights to the last. Their Is, a f t e r all, only one knob to t h e door of a man's life —and that Is on the Inside. " If he fights alone, he loses; but he need not fight alone;. Christ's P O w e r 18 t h e r e ^ UI for him to use. If . he will turn the knob, open t h e door, and let him In. Mld-W u T « i t

f h r e e

Eighth S t r e e t

The Students Barber



n ;• Do College Students Read Advertisements ? If you do, surely you *wtll read this one One fine day a Sophomore from a leading Univer^ sity came to see us, suggesting that we advertise in their undergraduate paper, and best of all convinced us, and this is how he did it: First He believed in Life Insurance because hit uncle (a good business man) had advised him to * ' buy some. Scomd—His Father died in the prime of life and good health and left almost no insurance, when he could have carried $50,000. • vJl r wT"^ c f k ? ^ n e w he could buy Insurance N O W at half the annual cost his uncle and Father had paid for theirs.

All this convinced him that even though a student, he should take out as much Life Insurance as his allowance would permit. • What About You? Every college student looks forward to a career, which will make possible the fulfillment of the most cherished desires—surely Insurance is a necessary part of this program. Insure, in part at least the value of your educated > self, NOW, making up your mind to increase it ds business or professional success follows. The John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Com-" pany issues all forms of Life Insurance, endowments ' for home and estate protection, mortgage replace'• 4 ment, education of children, bequest or-income for # old age; also annuities and permanent disability. The ;; John Hancock is particularly interested in insuring' college men and women and obtaining cpllege graduates for the personnel of the field staff. If you have read this advertisement, you ivilt aid your undergraduate y paper by communicating with the

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The White t Ctoss '



week end a t Sparta.



DISEASES OF THE ' t h e morning mesEYE, EAR, NOSE sage at t h e Baptist church.. Talks and and T H R O A T . , r ay, the last day of Prayer music were also given in the Sunday , eek, Mr. Gordon emphasized ' t h e Schools of both churches! 22 West 8th Street, presence of Christ In our lives today At the meeting with girls, Sunday Office Hours— his knowledge, for he knows as no* afternon, personal and social prob161118 one else knows—and his love, for he were discussed in an open : . 8 to 11 A. M. loves as no one else loves. His last ^ r u m . 2 to 6 P. M. A 0 Sat. 7 to 9 P. M. words to his disciples still ring t r u e " " i " meeting of the E p w o r t h today "Lo, I am with you always. League and R. Y. P. U. at 6:30. was in DR. A. LEENHOUTS even unto t h e end of the world." charge of the teani.; Agnes fiulkema took Citz. Phone The first three meetings were closed charge, while the other girls also by the quiet prayerful singing of one contributed toward the. meeting. The * verse of "Nearer, My God, to Thee." singing of negro spirituals by a quar- * In the last two meetings Mr. Gordon tet was very unique. Christmas & Milestone -substituted—"I- Need Thee Every A f t e r furnishing music at the evenPictures next at \Hour."\ . .ing service of the Methodist church, where a series of evangelistic services —ohad begun, the girls were entertained Wlnfield Burgraaff, beter , Don't Delay k n o ^ n .at one of the hospitable Sparta to Hopeites as "Windy," who is now homes. All the Hope people .includa student at the Western Theological ing Mr. Lubbers enjoyed the supper DU MEZ BROS. Seminary roused a good deal of In- to the fullest extent. terest when he preached at Hope Dry Goods, Coats, Suits and Bidding adieu to Sparta and its church on Nov. the 23rd. Nearly the c . Millinery friendly o r -j citizens, the LUC team, left igiL to g-tro entire student body turned out to hear back to dear old Holland a f t e r a most HOLLAND, . MICH. Wm Everybody returned e n t h u s i a s - . e n j o y a b l e - a n d we hope a most proConolnsion of Week '


;£, ^





i i


Fredrids Barber ,

l Shop 71 East BthSt.


Page Four


For Your Christmas Gifts o r a n y t h i n g in t h e line ef

Call at

VISSER & BAREMAN Formerly Vanderlinde & Viraer

Willie wears a keen gray cap, Stater flirs refined, Mother has her frazzled hair But father wears the cellar stair!

—o An Iowa t a b l e t The lamb entered the barnyard Period Quotation Marks Capital Bee a a Capital Bee a a Capital Bee a a Exclamation Point Quotation Mark3 yelled the lamb, and entlpn\l t h e bam.

O u r Price! Always Right


• •

T h a t is a l w a y s in g o o d t a s t e — I V O R Y T O I L E T W A R E . W e a r e s h o w i n g s o m e t h i n g npw — s o m e thing different.




.. ,


N. HOFFMAN & SON, Proprielors


A. PATSY FABIANO 26 West Eighth Street

10 East 8th St.


SI:—"Statistics show that t h e eyesight of boys is superior to that of girls."


Green Mill Cafe


f% i e l o t


Hoekstra's Ice Cream i CREAM OF UNIFORM QUALITY •\'


65 West 8th St.'


' '

Phone 2212


Lindeborg's Students Drug Store


54 Eaftt 8th St.

/ (

y^OR Distinctive Stationery, Unique Prot f i grams and Menus, or Fine Papers, the f Holland Printing Co. can serve you best. Hollands Finest Printers

• ?

210 College Avenue

During the Thanksgiving .vacation • Carol van Hartesveldt entertained }• twenty girls honoring K a t h e r l n e WU- i son who was her guest at that time.


I-. <.

Ethel Luidens entertained t h e Senior Play committee at tea at h e r home i Friday afternoon.


-o Martha Gafchard attended t h e Wis- * consIn-Chlcago g a m e Nov. 22.

Your Holiday Gift Store

For a fine gift, we sincerely advise a Watch. It combines all the attributes of a thoughtfull memento—a beautiful and unusually useful article of intrinsic worth. Ladies* wrist and men's pocket watches $1S00 and up. V

. Walter Houghgarden and Albert Schaafsma entertained the H. O. H. \ club of Holland Friday evening. t

17 W. 8th St. Pianos and Vicfrolm rented at reasonable prices.


See you all a f t e r New Year's. F r e s h m e n ! Schgol starts January fifth of next year!



• •4


We carry i large assortment of Chocolate Ban. Balk Chocolatei 49c. Box Candiea at 79c.



14 East 8th St.

• •

Is 111 with diph- *

J e r r y Poole was a Grand visitor Wednesday.

—at the—


Well, anyway, there's always room a/t the bottom.

, Anton . Schermer therin. . . ' • '

Players, Victrolas and Records






An honest man Is Georgle Flack. He borrowed ten And paid It back.

Tastes vary as people do. If your taste desires the best, we can please you fully. Our motto is:


P . S. B O T E R & C O .

The clarion call for Chuck "All aboard for Laurence!" Now that Thanksgiving Is over, let's look forward to December 19th! What say?


Mill Cafe

$17.50 $27.50 $37.50 $49.50

Pessimist-—"Oh, the cruel, cruel trials of this dreary world." \ Ah, yes, and if It weren't for occasional failures t h e r e would be more • of them. |


- O N -




Phon* 5445

Ice Cream, Candies, Fruits and Nuts,come to





.—(Middlebury Blue Ribbon)

Your home for Kodak Finishing, Framing and Gifts GLAD TO S E E YOU


A m e r i c a n Scrvice

Mull:—"You bet! I know. I fell for a girl last s u m m e r who can't see me at all."

Lunches put up.





"A Real Good Place to Eat."

You Try Us


Another ' Sock 'em in the "eyebrows, Tweek them in the Jaw, Send 'em to the showers. Rah R a h - — Rah!

72 East Eighth St.

Our Patron$ are Satisfied

• . N o w Yell A tlsket, a tasket. Our team got a basket! R a h , Rah, R a h ! Jellybeans!


Laughlin's Restaurant

T l i e Boston Restaurant

29 W, Eighth Street ••

Don Schilleman—"Honestly Maxinc, I have never been horsebacking but 1 would like to learn." Maxlne—"Good! My f a t h e r has a new horoe that has never been ridden and you can both start out together!"

Marcel Waving—Scalp Treatment — Manicuring—Water Waving—Facial Massage—Shampooing—Singeing —Hair Goods—Hair Bobbing 17 E. 8th S t [2nd floor] same stairway as Lacey s Studio

B y e a t i n g g o o d clean w h o l e s o m e h o m e - c o o k e d f o o d . G e t it at



Wlttlness and dumbness are both the s a m e except that they a r e different.



Arctic Frost Bile&

Truistlc—''Oh, I thot your sister was marrying a blockhead.





A1—"Are you going to the wooden wedding?" ; ! Truistlc—"What wooden wedding?" A1—"Those two poles a r e getting married!"



Have Your Suits Made at


Men's Clothing or Furniahings


JACK'S JOKES Teacher—"Ikey, give a sentence with the word pencil in it." Ikey—"If I don't use a safety-pin my pencil will fall down!" •



ACT I Scene I—Mrs.. Durfee's Drama Class. Mrs." Durfee (assigning plays for t^he class to read)—Geraldine and Adelaide can read Dr. D t a i n e n t 'a copy • of "Everyman." Geraldine D y k h u ^ e r — T h a t ' s a mistake, Mi's. Ditrfee, he has "Every-

. . .>

Dr. Has Inspired you.

You can continue to,gain inspiration and helps Irom his books. See them at.



30 West 8th St.

Phoi • 5749




' '




• < •



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