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anc or OLLAND, MICHIGAN Hope College — Holland, Michigan


December 1, 1961

Community Concert Series Features • -•

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iiiiliiiii Rise Stevens, internationally famous star of the Meiroponlan Opera, will open the 1961-62 concert season in Holland. Sponsored by the Holland Community Concert Association, the performance featuring Miss Stevens will be presented December 4 at 8;00 p.m. in the Civic Center.

Ireland Revealed to Student It was the fourth of July, and we were celebrating our national Independence Day by declaring a day of personal independence. This was the day that we were to meet our Irish families for the first time, and we were all more than a little apprehensive. Our minds were .filled with such questions as: "Will my family like me?. Will we get along well together?, What will it be like to live with a real Irish family?" Luckily, there wasn't much time to dwell on such thoughts. As soon as we had finished packing, our bus was waiting to take us to Cork, where we would all be living. As the bus rolled along over the beautiful, green, Irish country side, we began singing patriotic songs in honor of the fourth of July but eventually, \ve turned to such highly appropriate songs as "I whistle a happy tune whenever I feel afraid." As the last strains of the songs were dying out, we arrived at the home where the first of our girls was to stay. Two more girls were dropped off, and then suddenly it was my turn. As I went up the front walk, I had the definite feeling that I was going to my execution. Then the front door opened, and there was Mother O'Sullivan smiling and saying "Ceal Mile Failte" which in Irish means "a hundred thousand welcomes." In that instant all the fears and apprehensions were gone, and I knew that I was home. I turned just in time to see the bus leaving, and then, before I knew what was happening, I was seated in the house, drinking tea and eating. The rest of the afternoon was spent in getting acquainted with Mother O'Sullivan, my brother Teddy, who is an elementary school teacher, their little black dog, Trix, and the cat, Rue. They were anxious to have me feel like a member of the family, so that evening, after we had done the dishes, we gave the dog a bath and then built a fire in the kitchen fireplace so that we could all sit around and talk while we combed the dog. The homes in Ireland are considerably different from those we know. Because of the wet climate, a wooden house would

by Ann Herfst rot in a few years, so almost every house is constructed of cement blocks and covered with white cement, giving a stucco effect. Since I was living in a new housing development, e v e r y house for blocks around was of exactly the same square,. boxlike construction. The interiors of the houses bear even less resemblance to ours than do the exteriors. There is no central heating in Irish homes, so each room has a fireplace which also doubles as the wastebasket. The kitchen fireplace serves the additional purpose of heating all bath water, which means that when one wishes to take a bath, the decision must be made a day in advance to that there will be 24 hours to heat the water. The furnishings are heavy, cumbersome and old fashiosed by our standards. This is true even of the newest styles. The biggest difference is seen ^ kitchen, where there is a conspicuous obsence of modern appliances. There are no refrigerators, toasters, washers, dryers, electric mixers, or dish washers. This means that the Irish housewife must go shopping at least once a day to get fresh foods. This accounts for the many small neighborhood food stores in Ireland.

Top Artists by Paul Lucas One of the best opportunities in this area for hearing performances by top-ranked artists is offered in the concerts sponsored by the Holland Community Concert Association. Now in its fifth year, the Association presents a series of five concerts each year, bringing to Holland many worldfamous soloists and ensemble groups. This year's Community Concert season opens Monday evening with Metropolitan Opera soprano Rise Stevens. The next concert on January 24, will present the Beaux Arts Trio of New York, composed of violinist» Daniel Guilet, cellist Bernard Greenhouse, and pianist Menahem Pressler. They have been acclaimed here and abroad as one of the world's .finest ensemble groups. The Tuscon Arizona Boys Choir will appear on February 28, and wTill present a program of classics, folk songs, and music of the Southwest. The full St. Louis Symphony Orchestra will comprise the season's biggest concert on March 17. The final concert will be a recital by pianist Lee Luvisi. This 23-year old artist is a relative newcomer to the concert field, having made his first European tour this year. He won the $1500 prize at the 1960 Brussels Competition, and has been deemed worthy of the adjectives "peerless" and "near-infallible" by American critics. Admission to these concerts is arranged on a season ticket basis. Hope college buys a number of these tickets which are normally sold only in the spring preceding the concert season, and makes them available to students in the fall.

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John Riters, Paul Lucas, Joe Mayne, rehearse for Sunday vespers.

Vespers Unfold Christmas Season Next Sunday Afternoon Two choirs, robed and carrying lighted candles, processing in silence, will officially open the Christmas season on the Hope College campus at 4:00 p.m., Sunday afternoon in the Dimnent Memorial Chapel. A tradition dating back to Pearl Harbor Day, December 7, 1941, Christmas Vespers has been presented annually by the Music Department on the first Sunday in December. Christmas carols played on the tower chimes and the chapel decorated for the Christmas season will welcome students'' and town guests to the vesper service. Anthems will be sung by the C h a n c e l , Chapel, and Women's Choirs. Soprano, Sakiko Kanamori and baritone Lester Wagemaker, will sing solos. Viol-

Collesiate; Hoax Leaves FBI In Daze (AC?)—One of the slickest hoaxes ever fabricated on a college campus has left officials of the FBI and Pentagon security agents in confusion. The HEIGHTS DAILY NEWS of New York University says the incident began when one of two fraternity brothers at the University of Pennsylvania lifted his phone receiver to make a call at 10 p.m. He heard a series of words and numbers which he said sounded like "altimeter readings or a ship-to-shoref 4: p®85*!!! i



Miss Marcia Wood, instructor in the Art Department, will present her own art exhibit at the Herrick Library Auditorium, running from December 1 through December 13. Oil and encaustic paintings, drawings, and water colors will be featured in the display. Miss Wood has just returned from a year of study at the University of London. She has been on the Hope staff since 1957. This is the first of several art exhibits to be sponsored by the college this year at the Herrick Auditorium.

phone call." Almost immediately, he received a call from a man claiming to be chief Air Force security officer at Philadelphia International Airport. The voice on the phone said two existing Strategic Air Command lines had been cut and that their phone line had been accidentally connected to the only operative SAC Communications unit in eastern North America. The two students were ordered to remain at their phone and to wait for word from Air Force Security and the FBI. At 4:30 a.m., they were called and told by a supposed U. S. Security official that a taxicab would pick them up in 20 minutes. The cab driver presented the students with two sealed envelopes, one instructing them to proceed to the railroad station, avoiding contact with strangers; and the other, to be opened on arrival in Washington, telling them to proceed directly to the Pentagon. Tickets to Washington were awaiting them at the railroad station. At the Pentagon, officials supposedly disclaimed any knowledge of the incidents, but interrogated the students for six hours. Investigation led to a theory that a nearby fraternity may have carried off the hoax by switching telephone wires between the two houses.

inists John Riters and Joseph Mayne will play a duet accompanied by Paul Lucas on the harpsichord. At the organ will be Robert Barrows and Paul Hesselink. The college pastor, the Reverend Allen B. Cook, will preside. Miss Jantina Holleman is chairman of the vespers and has been assisted by Mary Fryling, Mary Flikkema, Ron Sikkema, and Dave Stegink.

"Last A n g r y M a n " W i l l be Shown Saturday Evening "The Last Angry Man" starring Betsy Palmer and Paul Muni will be sponsored by Mortarboard this Saturday evening. There will be two showings in the Chapel at 7 and 9 o'clock. The admission price is 50 cents per person. The movie itself is an adaptation of the best seller by Gerald Greene. It portrays the life of Samuel Ableman, who is Greene's father. The story con-cerns a doctor practicing in Brooklyn who gives up fame and fortune to help the hoodlums of his neighborhood. In return for his concern, he receives only criticism, but he fights on against the constant diseases of mankind, poverty, ignorance, and weakness. "Football Finale," an allcollege dance complete with dance band and refreshments, will herald the end of the 1961 football season. In honor of the senior members of the team and sponsored by the Social Committee of the Student Council, the dance will be held at 8:30 p.m. this Saturday in the Armory. Prices are 50 cents stag and 75 cents drag.

Pace 2

Editorials Action & Tradition Last week college students with signs reading Stop Nuclear Testing demonstrated for 72 hours in front of the White House. These students were not political science majors at the American University in Washington, but students whose personal democratic concern brought them from the small midwest colleges of Grinnell, Oberlin, and Carleton. Last month West Berlin police used force to contain students from the Frei University from demonstrating too violently when one of their school-mates was abducted behind the wall by Communist agents. Last summer students in Vienna demonstrated against the government on an internal issue of Austria. Last year students in San Francisco demonstrated against HUAC. Around the world, if these examples are indicative, students are taking sides and acting. Are all students becoming concerned or are these the usual radicals who have something to say and time to spend? Are students thinking or are these actions impulsive and for the purpose of drawing attention? Many people, including teachers, leaders, and students, are trying to answer these questions. Two experts writing in the October Harpers were not able to come to identical conclusions. It is not too difficult to analyze the situation here at Hope. From the traditional conservative background of ready answers and little inquiry, it is not likely that Hope students would be John Birchers, Socialists, Freedom Riders, or even young Republicans, or young Democrats. Yes, we are stable, satisfied scholars who have little spontaneous motivation to do anything but grumble about situations. Thinking beyond the classroom and, let alone acting on ideas that should be personally pressing, are not a part of Hope student's tradition. Tradition has merits, but standing still has little merit.

The Missing Key - (ACP) "In this modxrn world of xlxctronic dxvicxs, it is quitx common for onx littlx mxchanism to go haywirx. Takx this typxwritxr, for instancx. Thxrx are 44 kxys on a typxwritxr, and onx littlx kxy not working should not makx that much diffxrxncx. But, onx littlx kxy DOXS mattxr, doxsn't it? "Whxn somxonx asks you — onx pxrson in a million — to do just onx littlx job, do you txll thxm no and pass as anothxr lax kxy in thx schxmx of biggxr plans? You might say this littlx job could bx handlxd by othxr pxoplx who know what to do and how to do it. But, thxrx was a timx whxn thxsx big pxoplx wxrx just little kxys likx you . . . Thx nxxt timx you think you'rx too littlx to do thx job, rxmxmbxr that you arx onx important kxy — a kxy mxmbxr — to any group to which you bxlong. —THE PHOENIX, Our Lady of the Lake College, San Antonio

Coming Events December 1:

Basketball game at Concordia College.

December 2:

Basketball game at Carroll College. "The Last Angry Man," mortar board movie, 7 and 9:00 p.m. • "Football Finale," All-college dance, 8:30 p.m., Armory.

December 3:

Christmas Vespers, Chapel, 4:00 p.m.

December 4:

Rise Stevens, Soprano, Civic Center, 8:00 p.m.

December 5:

International Relations Club,' Phelps, 6:30 p.m. TB tests available at clinic.

December 6:

Basketball game with Wheaton, Civic Center, 8:00 p.m. TB tests available at clinic.

December 7: . "y ' •* '



December 1, 1961

Hope Colleffe Anchor


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"Medea," P & M production, Music Auditorium, 8:30 p.m. Debate meeting, VR 303, 7:00 p.m.

December 8:

"Medea," Music Auditorium, 8:30 p.m.

December 9:

Basketball game with Adrian, Civic Center, 8:00 p.m. "Medea," Music Auditorium, 8:30 p.m.


f Member Associate Collegiate Press

Published weekly by and for the students of Hope College except during holiday and examination periods, under the authority of the Student Council Publications Board. Entered as second class matter at the post office of Holland. Mlcbifan, at a special rate of postage provided for in section 1108 of Act of Congress, October 3, 1917, and authorised October 19, 1918. Editor Gerry Wdf Feature Editor Nancy Sonneveldt News Editor. Kristin wiMifc Sports Editor 3 o b Kreunen Social Editors. —Joan Diephuis, Ruth Flikema Copy Editor .Dave. Brower, Beverly Joeckel Proof Editor 3 o b Jaehnig, Jan Rietveld Cartoonist j , Ellsworth Circulation Manager JBemadine Vojak Advertising A Business Manager JElmer Phafl Make-up Manager J, Sohrotenboer, Dale Conklin Photographer .Mike Snyder Typist Kooiman Reporters -Rich Brand, Blllie Chain, Carol Tfankovich, J o Ann DeNoble, Paul Hesselink, Dave Bach, Ann Kohlman, Esther Harpham, Paul Lucas, Jean Ferb, Audrey Prins, Loma Bouma, Dan Harmeling.

^The Aesthetic Revolt" Explained by Bruller by Joan Ten Cate To the student with a very limited background in art, the lecture by Jean Bruller posed a problem. Not only was it necessary to overcome the misleading introduction and the French accent, but also it was difficult to draw from the examples of artwork and artists that the lecturer gave. The speaker's main purport seemed an effort to typify the creative personality. The thesis, "Man alone is a rebel against his present state, and finds freedom from that state in his own creativity/' proved to be a surprisingly original point from which to view contemporary art.

Looking at all the different forms, art seems almost contradictory in its involvement in rebellion and counter - rebellion. When one knows the work of Joan Miro, Wassily Kandinsky. Mondrian, and Klee, and compares them with the canvases of Rubens, Rembrandt, and others, the contrast of subject and form seems extreme. Mr. Bruller explained that painting essentially serves the same function as far as the artist is concerned; he is trying to find himself through creativity. Mr. Bruller reviewed the developement of art from the primitive cave painting to modern conceptions, emphasizing that the

World News Commentary by Richard Brand (Cape Canaveral) A little champanzee named "Enos" orbited the earth twice. Wednesday, at 10:07 a.m. (EST), a rocket whizzed the chimp into orbit at a speed of 17,500 miles per hour. At 1:08 p.m. the retro rockets were fired to slow the capsule to a speed allowing it to return to the target area where it landed about 500 miles south of Bermuda. The trip was a success. It is expected that a manned flight will be planned before the end of the year. During the trip the chimp received rewards of water and banana flavored tablets for performing certain functions. (Special) The search for Michael Rockefeller continues, despite the fact that Dutch authorities have all but abandoned hopes of finding him. Gov. Nelson Rockefeller of New York went to Amsterdam alone. (Washington, Special Ed.) A few days ago President Kennedy interviewed Izvestis, Khrushchev's son-in-law, on U. S. policy. Izvestis, who is the head of the official Communist newspaper, said he would print the interview in entirety. Later, the European press praised President Kennedy's interview, saying that he helped put a word of truth and moderation into the Soviet Press. In Moscow, however, Izvestis complained, of the way the American newspapers handled the story. (Space) Many people have been questioning the value of space exploration. Is all of this testing and monkey business necessary? Is space the key to the future? Scientists have reported that radio and television communication networks and international telephone service could be improved with the use of satellites. The problem of maintaining the equipment in the satellites must be done by men. It is much less costly to have a few space vehicles with room for repair parts and a fixit man than to bring down many independent satellites for repair. Presently, however, we are just trying to keep up with the Russians. NEWS SHORTS (New York) The Communist Party says it will continue to refuse to register under the Internal Security Act. (Congo) Sn. Dodd expressed "shock" over the Katanga beating of two U. N. aides. (Washington) A Congressional Committee considered whether part of the Federal Government should be relocated outside of Washington. (Geneva) The U. S., Britain demanded that the Soviets explain "cynical" reversal on the international control for the nuclear ban. (Moscow) A West German tourist and his wife received a total of 22 years in prison on charges that they spied for the U. S. while traveling in Russia. (Washington) President Kennedy indicated he might like to visit Russia once, after Berlin and other issues are settled.

Kalamazoo Reforms Curriculum (ACP)—Eleven weeks of study abroad, at no extra cost, and 11 weeks of work are now requirements for Kalamazoo College students. These are two features of a quarter plan, initiated at the Michigan college this fall. School will be conducted all year round, with four quarters of eleven weeks each. Students will take three classes per quarter, each meeting five days a week. A two-million-dollar grant makes it possible for each student to study overseas for at least one quarter with no added expense. This will usually be in the junior year, in such cities


as Bonn, Madrid and Bogata. At least another quarter will be spent in doing work related to the student's field of study. For example, a business student might be placed in an office job and a premedical student in a hospital job. During the senior year, students will spend one quarter in an off-campus project, probably a thesis. One advantage the administration anticipates with the quarter plan is that more students will be able to attend the school without enlargement of facilities. The program will also enable some students to finish college in one year.

progression involved the maturation of expression. The addition of imagination brought about the eventual abitrary arrangement of subject until, in such schools as Surrealism, art became what Bruller termed "elaborated unreality." The beginnings occur in the "rebellious artists" of their time, Delacroix, Goya and Picasso whose liberties hold aesthetic significance. Mr. Bruller recognized two forms that modern comtemporary art has taken. He warned that the abstract artists in their attempt to present individually original art have divorced the art work from reality and therefore lost its significance. He pointed out the possibilities of texture, but declaimed splashes." Ecclecticism, too, borders on divorce, when it could provide much of the answer in the search expression. The "revolt" is clear in art and in many other fields. We often give much time to creative thinking and to exploring the other fields. Few recognize the freedom to be found in the creative arts; still fewer have taken the time to explore their possibilities. . . . n HdVC S t u d e n t s

Forgotten Etiquette? by Jean Ferb Remember the birthday parties you used to get invited to when you were a kid? You played games like pin the tail on the You-Know-What or you had bubble blowing contests with the absolute limit of four wads of that chewy pink stuff. Anybody around campus understands this new type of "fun" we seem to be caught in—you know, that game called "See how long you can go at a party without speaking to any one but your date!" or "A sofa, a lonely comer and You!" Is this a new brand of pseudo-sophistication in which tidy little pairs are necessary for each game, if you bother with games at all? I mean really, how many parties can you stick out if you only warm some dimly lit corner; pardon me, I forgot to include the other half of that shadow, the guy or girl you're with. Maybe this is the wrong attitude but what I want to know is, what's happened to the oldie "Enough's enough!" To put it gently, although I don't know why, this campus has a bit of a problem, Chaperones, defined by someone as "stylized etiquette" are being classified around here as clogs in the social wheel or are being taken so for granted that "night before" invitations to "supervise" a function are not out of the ordinary. The thing is, if we're having any kind of a "fun" time, you know, like really, for a change, enjoying yourself with a laugh or two, why should there be such feeling of awesome dread when a chaperone appears? If we're any kind of fixtures in this modem, adult world, why can't chaperones be treated as participants rather than on-lookers; or is the student the only type around here who has the privilege of giving to, or grabbing for himself, a "good time?"

Kampus Komedy P KtCft.







December 1, 1961

Hope College Anchor

Page S

'Medea* To Be Presented Next Week Robinson Jeffers, in the words of Brooks Atkinson, % . has retained the legend and characters; has freely adapted Medea into a modern play by dispersing formalities, editing most of the woe-woe out of the chorus speeches, and by not wasting time invoking the Greek gods who were more numerous than influential in the dispensation of justice."

Pictured above are B. J. Berghorst of Zeeland and Donna Dayis of CatskUl, New York, rehearsing their lines from Robinson Jefters adaptation of Euripides' "Medea.'*

Palette and Masque will present Robinson Jeffers' adaptation of Euripides' Greek Medea on December 7, 8, and 9, in the Music Hall Auditorium. The play will begin at 8:30. Tickets will go on sale December 1 in Van Raalte for $1.00. Medea, a dramatic Play, is the story of a love betrayed which turns into so strong a hate that it overcomes material instinct. The plot shows the tragic consequences of selfishness. Medea evolves a plan of action to destroy her husband, Jason, after he has betrayed her. She succeeds in doing this by taking him from everything that he loves.

Students W a n t More Music Less Talk O n W T A S by Suzan Spring Question has recently arisen concerning use of WTAS, the college radio station. Answers to this issue's question, "What are your opinions on and suggestions for WTAS?" were varied and frank. Sophomore Gary Schaap believes that anyone with a radio

with decent reception will try to bring in WLS or WJJD. "These stations talk less and play more, something our station could attempt," states Gary. Al asks, all of they

Wilson, also a sophomore, "I, they're going to take that time talking, why don't say something interesting

Dining Halls Sport Christmas Banquet Food, music, skits and colorful decorations are among the things planned for the Hope College Christmas Banquet to be held December 13 in Phelps, Durfee, and Voorhees dinning halls. Both boarding and non-boarding students will be able to enjoy an early Yuletide season here at college, and, to help in the activities, each dorm will provide entertainment. The non-boarding students will be able to purchase tickets to the banquet for $1.25. In Phelps dining hall, a humor paper will be given by Betsy Huston and Jean Paduch. Mary Jane Veurink will tell the Christmas story. Durfee's entertainment will be under the direction of Pat Simpson. Devotions will be given by

Cash Prizes Awarded ' #

In Bible Contest Each year the Department of Religion and Bible awards cash prizes to the two students from each class who present the best essays on the topic for the year. According to Dr. Voogd, chairman, the essays will be accepted until April 11, 1962 when they will be judged and the winners of the essay contest will be announced. The topics for each class for the 1961 - 1962 Bible Essay Contests are: For the freshmen class: "Israel and Judah in their international relationship;" For the sophomore class: "Paul and the ( Judaizers;" The juniors will write on the topic: "The Historical Background for the Doctrine of Penance;" and the senior topic is: "The Relation of Law and Gospel in Christian Revelation." The Bible Department also sponsors two other contests, the Sloan and the Stegeman mission essay competitions. The two students who write the best essays for these contests on the topic "Changing Patterns in World Missions" will also receive cash awards. Anyone who is interested or wishes more information on any of these contests may contact Dr. Henry Voogd in the chapel basement.

Cindy Hill, a serious paper by Ginny Mortensen, and a humor paper by Tom Wombwell. Devotions at Voohees Hall will be given by Lois Hollander, and a humor paper by Nancy Schadewald. The Christmas Banquet is being sponsored by AWS, under the direction of Mary Peelen, and Jackie Te Ronde. Diana Hellenga is in charge of the decorations for the dorms.

Student Council Accepts Amendment The Student Council voted Monday night to accept the proposed amendment to the Constitution regarding representation. The student body will vote on the amendment by ballot following an open general discussion period. Pete Dingeldey and Paul Ransford reported on their days spent at the American Association of Evangelical Students Convention held at Bethel College, Mishawaka, Indiana. The primary speakers were Dave Breese, an active leader in Christian youth movements- and Herbert Philbrick,. author of "I Led Three Lives." Election of a new independent council representative is being held today from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

instead of such dull trivia?" "The music's great," declares Maurine Haas, '63, "but many announcers are too high schoolish. When there are two or more announcers, they should adapt their conversation to the listening audience." Joan Dunn, senior, feels, that since students use the station mainly while studying, the ideal program would consist of twentyfive minutes of uninterrupted music and five munites of advertising. "The comments between records are totally unnecessary and uninteresting."

W oork r for Ph. D. Mr. William R. Barlow, Instructor in History, passed the final oral examination for his doctoral degree at Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio, on Monday. He also submitted his dissertation entitled, "Congress during the War of 1812" to the Graduate School. Mr. Barlow will receive his Ph.D. degree at the December graduation exercises.

Ridderhoff; Attendants, Jean Louret, and Mary Ten Pas; Creon, Carl Benes; Jason, B. J. Berghorst; Aegeus, Ken Baron; Jason's slave, Doug McCullough.

Bouma Lectures at Western Dr. Donald H. Bouma, Associate Professor of Sociology at Western Michigan University, will lecture at Western Theqlogical Seminary in Holland on Thursday morning, December 7, at 10:00 o'clock in the seminary chapel. Dr. Bouma, a Calvin College graduate, earned the M.A. degree from the University of Michigan, and in 1952 was granted the Ph.D. degree in Sociology and Anthropology by Michigan State University. He has taught at Wyoming Park High School and Calvin College, and has lectured in summer sessions at Grand Rapids Junior College and Michigan State University. Dr. Bouma served as a naval officer in World War II. Presently he is a member of several religious and civic boards and committees, societies and associations in sociology and related fields. The subject of Dr. Bouma's lecture will be "The Christian and Contemporary Culture — A Sociological Perspective." The public is cordially invited to attend.

Weerstra Receives M E A Scholarship David Weerstra, a Hope College senior from Muskegon, has been awarded a $500 scholarship by the Michigan Education Association, it was announced today by Professor Garrett Vander Borgh, head of the Hope Education Department. The MEA scholarship is awarded annually to a worthy teacher candidate in each of the colleges and universities of the state that is accredited by the National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE). Besides the state universities, Hope and Albion are the only Michigan colleges so accredited. Other qualifications provide that the candidate be a full-time teacher education undergraduate, have exceptional ability, be an active member of the local Student Association chapter, and have residence in Michigan. Weerstra is a mathematics major and president of the local Student Education Association chapter. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy J. Weerstra of 2800 North Pillon Road, Twin Lake.

"I don't think that the type of program should be changed." contributes frosh Carol Yonkers, "because the students listen to WTAS in the evening when they study, for the most part. A more cultural set-up^ with discussion programs or such, wouldn't serve our wants. However, I think that these music programs should be mainly music, and not chatter." Well, there you have it announcers! Although the majority of these questioned enjoy the station, there is a need expressed •for more preparation and consideration of student desires.

'Marines Hit Campus Captain Walter R. Hauck, Marine Corps Officer Selection Officer for the State of Michigan, announced today that he would visit Hope College on December 3, 5 and 6, 1961. While at* Hope College, he plans to interview those students interested in obtaining a Marine Corps commission. While at Hope College, the officer selection team will be located at Van Raalte Hall daily from 9:00 a.m., until 4:00 p.m.

Christmas Traiin Barlo arlow Finishes

The cast for the play consists of: Medea, Donna Davis; Nurse, Nancy Rees; Tutor, Karl Jicha; Women of Corinth, Eddie Prince, Virginia Mortensen, and Leanne

Heads East Amid tears, bursts of laughter and last farewells, the train going east will leave from Kalamaoo on December 1& at 4:24 p.m. It will stop at Buffalo (12:01 a.m.), Rochester (2:13), Albany (5.05) and it final stop, New York (8:10). Sign-ups end on December 1, and, as of today, there are 150 names already listed. A bus will run to Kalamazoo on December 15 and back to Hope on January 2. The train leaves New York at 6:15 p.m., January 1 for Kalamazoo. Fares must be paid by December 12.

Vander Borgh congratulates Weerstra.

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December 1, 1961

Hope College Anchor

Page 4

Vander Woude Named Most Valuable Athlete's Feat

by Bob Kreunen

Ties With Albion's Schurmur For Annual M. I. A. A. Award

Dutch Begin Basketball Against Concordia Teachers and Carroll Mope C o l l e g e ' s v a r s i t y b a s k e t b a l l t e a m w i l l a t t e m p t t o r i n g in t h e Hid 1 s e a s o n w i t h a v i c t o r y o v e r C o n c o r d i a S t a t e T e a c h e r ' s C o l l e g e w i i e n t h e y t a n g l e F r i d a y n i g h t a t O a k P a r k , 111. T h e g a m e w i t h C o n c o r d i a is t h e s e a s o n o p e n e r f o r b o t h t e a m s a n d w i l l m a r k t h e f i r s t t i m e t h e s e t w o t e a m s h a v e e v e r m e t . On S a t u r d a y H o p e will j o u r n e y on to W a u k e s h a , Wis., f o r a g a m e o n S a t u r d a y n i g h t w i t h C a r r o l l College. L a s t y e a r C a r r o l l f i n i s h e d s e c o n d in t h e C o l l e g e C o n f e r e n c e of I l l i n o i s . ( O d d l y e n o u g h , C a r r o l l h a s p l a y e d in t h i s I l l i n o i s c o n f e r e n c e f o r y e a r s e v e n t h o u g h it is a W i s c o n s i n c o l l e g e . ) C a r r o l l is a l s o a first-time o p - j ponent for Hope. N e x t W e d n e s d a y will m a r k H o p e ' s first h o m e a p p e a r a n c e w h e n t h e D u t c h t a k e on Uu- W h e a t o n C r u s a d e r s of W h e a t o n , , 111. H o p e h a s p l a y e d t w o g a m e s w i t h W h e a t o n e a c h of t h e p a s t t w o y e a r s . L a s t \ v a r tile D u t c h split w i t h t h e C r u s a d e r s , w i n n i n g 87-72 at W h e a t o n a n d l o s i n g ()4-7() h e r e in H o l l a n d . G a m e t i m e n e x t W e d n e s d a y n i g h t is 8:00 p . m . w i t h t h e J r . V a r s i t y p l a y i n g t h e p r e l i m i n a r y g a m e at 6:00 p . m . At t h e a n n u a l fall s p o r t s b a n q u e t H o p e C o l l e g e ' s f o o t b a l l team selected S'harky V a n d e r Woude, senior f r o m R a n d o l p h , Wisc o n s i n . a s t h e i r M o s t V a l u a b l e P l a y e r f o r 1961. J i m B u l t m a n , junior f r o m F r e m o n t , Michigan, was chosen as next year's capt a i n . V a n d e r W o u d e a n d B u l t m a n w e r e t h e n u c l e u s of H o p e ' s b a c k field a s l e f t half b a c k a n d q u a r t e r b a c k r e s p e c t i v e l y .

by Dave Bach A f t e r p l a y i n g f o u r y e a r s of brilliant football tor Hope College, S h e r w o o d " S h a r k y " V a n e'er W o u d e w a s v o t e d t h e m o s t v a l u a b l e p l a y e r in t h e M I A A . T h e MIAA previously recognized V a n d e r W o u d e by selecting him twice as an AI1-MIAA player. H e w a s n a m e d last y e a r in t h e c a p a c i t y of f u l l b a c k a n d t h i s s e a son as d e f e n s i v e l i n e b a c k e r . Joe Schurmur- a junior guard L'om Albion College, having

c o m p i l e d t h e s a m e n u m b e r of V( les as Vander Woude. was n a m e d to s h a r e t h e M V P h o n o r s . Both Vander Woude and S c h u r mur are oulstanding students a n d are p l a n n i n g to e n t e r m e d i cal s c h o o l s n e x t f a l l . T h e s e l e c t i o n of t h e M V P in t h e a t h l e t i c a s s o c i a t i o n is a r e s u l t of v o t i n g d o n e b y e a c h f o o t b a l l p l a y e r in t h e M I A A . T h e six c o l l e g e s in t h e a s s o c i a t i o n f i r s t c h o o s e t h e M V P e.f t h e i r t e a m . T h e s e six n a m e s a r e b r o u g h t b e -

fore the association and are m a d e p u b l i c . E a c h t e a m in t h e association then must consider a n d r a n k t h e p l a y e r s of t h e f i v e other schools. These results are then compiled to determine w h i c h p l a y e r will receive t h e MVP award. H o p e f o o t b a l l c o a c h Huss D e Vette expressed his pleasure that his 1961 c a p t a i n w o n t h e a w a r d by s a y i n g , " W e thought because of o u r p o o r r e c o r d t h i s s e a s o n a n d b e c a u s e of h i s i n j u r i e s , S h a r ky h a d lust t h e o p p o r t u n i t y to win the a w a r d . " Vander Woude w a s a b l e to p l a y in t h r e e M I A A g:inies a n d s a w only limited a c t i o n in a f o u r t h g a m e b e c a u s e of s e v e r e i n j u r i e s . L i n e c o a c h ( l o r d o n H r e w e r said, "Sharky w a s c e r t a i n l y m o s t d e s e r v i n g of t h e a w a r d a n d t h e f a c t t h a t h' 1 w o n it d e p i t e o u r p o o r s e a s o n is all t h e m o r e to h i s c r e d i t . " V a n d e r Woude and S c h m u r u r will each receive a d i a m o n d s t u d d e d gold football f r o m Holland industrialist Randall C. B o s c h . T h e g i f t is a n n u a l l y p r e s e n t e d to the M I A A ' s m o s t v a l u a b l e f o o t b a l l by Bosch. A c c o r d i n g to M r . B r e w e r t h e p r e s e n t a t i o n will p r o b a b l y b e m a d e at A l b i o n - H o p e b a s k e t b a l l g a m e .

Captains Announced at Banquet This year's Cross Country squad selected sophomore Bruce W e l m e r s of L o s A n g e l e s , C a l i f o r n i a , a n d V e i n S t e r k , s o p h o m o r e of H o l l a n d , M i c h i g a n , a s c o - c a p t a i n s f o r n e x t y e a r ' s C r o s s C o u n t r y t e a m . S t e r k w a s p l a g u e d w i t h a leg i n j u r y f o r m o s t of t h e 1961 s e a s o n w h i l e W e l m e r s p r o v e d to b e H o p e ' s s e c o n d r u n n e r at t h e e n d of t h e ^ - e a r f i n i s h i n g a s u r p r i s i n g t h i r t e e n t h in t h e M I A A C o n f e r e n c e m e e t at O l i v e t .

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