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Hope College — Holland, Michigan

Kooiker, Guest 'Cellist To Present Recital In Wednesday Morning Chapel Program A s announced in the last issue of the Anchor, Hope College will be honored this coming Wednesday by the





who will present a 'Cello recital during the fourth-hour Chapel Assembly Period. Assisting Mr. Hladky will be Mr. Anthony Kooiker of the college music department. The two met last summer, when both were doing g r a d u a t e work a t the E a s t m a n School of Music in Rochester, New York. At t h a t time, they appeared in a recital together, and were well-received as a 'Cello-Piano duo.

Robert Hiadky, noted 'cellist from O h i o Wesleyean University, who w i l l appear with Mr. A n t h o n y Kooiker in a Recital Wednesday morning.

Their program will be as follows: Toccata, by Frescobaldi-Cassado; Sonata in E Minor for 'Cello and Piano, by B r a h m s ; Meditation Hebraique, by E r n e s t Bloch; and Variations in D Major, by TartiniStutchewsky.

18 Seniors Chosen For '56 Collegiate Who's Who Eighteen Hope College seniors have been accepted to represent their college in the 1956-57 Edition of WHO's WHO AMONG S T U D E N T S IN A M E R I C A N U N I V E R S I T I E S A N D COLLEGES. They are as follows: Ann E. Bloodgood, music education m a j o r f r o m Brooklyn, N. Y.; N o r m a L. Dams t r a , biology major, Dayton, Ohio; John C. De Vries, chemistry m a j o r ,

Save your money for the Mission Drive on November 13, and remember to "Go That E x t r a Mile"!

Katpadi, N. Arcot, S. India; Dorothey Hesselink, elementary education, Muskegon, Michigan; Lois A. Hoeksema, history. E a s t Williamson, N. Y.; Gordon R. Hondorp,

Council Seeks Aid In PMKletz Opening

JVe need your support! Again ann, music education, Holland; this year the Student Council has recommended that the Kofjee Kletz David A. Kuyers, business adminbe opened week-day evenings. Our istration, Zeeland, Michigan. council representatives have reAlso Carol A. Matheis, elemen- ported that their respective conwill back this repeated tary education. Long Island City, stituents undertaking. This then is a plea New York; Ethel A. Peelen, E n g directed to you, the student body, lish-German, Kalamazoo, Michigan; to give us the support you have Neil E. Petty, music, Marion, New promised. chemistry, Detroit; J e a n K. Krom-

York; Robert A. Ritsema, music,

Last year the Kletz was opened at night. For a while it appeared Momence, Illinois; L a r r y A. Siedentop, history. Downers Grove, Illi- that the opening would be a boomSoon, however, the nois; Suzanne Underwood, English, ing success. patronage began to diminish. Grand Rapids; David 0 . Van Eenenaam, chemistry, Muskegon, Mich- IVhy? Perhaps the project was not igan; N a t h a n Vander W e r f , Eng- publicized enough, or the time of Whatever lish, Muskegon, Michigan; Anita J . operation not suitable. Van Lete, English, Holland; and the reason, the fault lies basically Robert A. Winter, chemistry, Grand in the apathy of the student body. This year the Student Affairs comRapids, Michigan. mittee, in charge of the project, WHO'S WHO AMONG STU- will do its utmost in satisfying D E N T S IN AMERICAN U N I - your wishes in the matter. The V E R S I T I E S A N D COLLEGES is committee feels that with extensive a publication originating in Tusca- publicity and student support its loosa, Alabama, which tries to goal can be realized. encourage high a t t a i n m e n t among fFe all are aware of the fact that college students. Each participat- a so-called student union is noning school submits the n a m e s of existant on our campus. The Kofjee students comprising ten percent of Kletz and television lounge are its senior class — on the basis of presently the only centers of stuscholarship, extracurricular activi- dent congregation. Why not use ties, character, and general useful- these facilities at night too? With ness to the campus community — the dorms, fraternity houses, and to be considered f o r this honor. the library so near there is no Hope seniors t h u s honored are reason why the Kletz cant become chosen by President Lubbers, the the scene of our every-evening f o u r Deans, and some other mem- ''coffee breaks'. ber of the f a c u l t y who is well Soon the operating plans of the acquainted with the student body. committee will be disclosed. The They have been notified by W. W. success of the project will then lie A. S. A. U. C. and will receive soley in your hands. Let's all start certificates publicly a t a f u t u r e drinking more coffee! date. Hope College h a s been takDave Van Eenenaam ing p a r t in this activity since 1946. Student Council President



A n t h o n y Kooiker


November 10, 1956

Moms, Dads To Be Welcomed On Campus This Afternoon Today our Hope College family will suddenly be increased by the arrival of many new members and some old. Reservations have been received from all parts of the United States f r o m p a r e n t s planning to attend the traditional Mom and D a d ' s Day, celebrated at Hope each year after the leaves have fallen. P r e p a r a t i o n s indicate that this year's will be the finest ever. U n d e r the direction of H e n r y Doele for the Student Council, many committees have been working fev erishly to provide a p r o g r a m to "top-off" our hoped-for football victory over Alma. The initial ceremony will be held PROGRAM FOR TODAY at the football game in Riverview 2:00 — Hope vs. Alma, Riverview Park. All parents will be admitted Park. 4:00 — P a r e n t s ' Coffee, Koffee to the game free, special honor Kletz. 4:00 — Open House at all Campus being extended to the mothers of Buildings football players by cheerleader5:15-7:00 — Buffet Supper, Terrace and Juliana Rooms. P r o g r a m presented corsages. Also, seats will in Music Building be reserved behind the bandstand 7:00-11:00 — Open House, All f o r the p a r e n t s of those who will Dorms. carry the orange and blue to triumph.

Cup Plans Reveal

A notable halftime pro-

g r a m has been planned by L a r r y Ter Molen during which the par-

A Variety

of Entertainment

ents and their athletic sons will be

"Back to work" as the saying goes is just what the F r e s h m a n and Sophomore girls have been doing f o r the p a s t week — getting back to work and down to work. The gals have really been practicing f o r Nykerk j u s t like the boys did f o r the Pull about a month ago. The Freshman and Junior music chairmen have selected "The Parade of the Wooden Soldiers" f o r the girls to present as t h e i r musical selection. This will be presented in competition with "Clambake" f r o m Carousel which the Sophomore girls will stage. T h e Wallflower, a play about a typical recurring college problem as the name indicates, will be produced by the Freshman class. Judy Tysse, J u d y Van Dyke, Carol Nieuwsma, Carol Rylance, and Dorene T o r n g a compose the cast for this play. The sophomores, on the other hand, have chosen Angels of Mercy f o r their dramatic production. This play depicts a ladies first aid group. Those s t a g i n g this production include Hetty Vos, Anne De Pree, Una H u n t , Carol Luth, and Tedda De Vries. "Branches Heavenward" is the title Mary Ann Klaaren has chosen f o r her oration. The oration will be built around an analogy symbolizing the government of the world to various trees, especially emphasizing youth's responsibility in today's world. J a n Van Peursem has decided upon "Act well your part, therein the honor lies" taken f r o m Pope as her thesis. The girls continue to work steadily " p u t t i n g in t h e i r t i m e " every day. In another week the clash will resound. But until t h a t time, the winner remains a m y s t e r y and the girls keep working.

Delta Phi Alpha Plans Banquet The Hope chapter of Delta Phi Alpha, national German honorary f r a t e r n i t y , will begin the year with a banquet meeting December 6 at 7:00 p.m. The p r o g r a m will consist of entertainment provided by members of the f r a t e r n i t y who have toured Europe during the past summer. The purpose of Delta Phi Alpha is to f o s t e r interest in t h e German language and culture. Officers f o r the current y e a r are Mary Vanderhoven, president, John De Vries, vice president, Dave Bosch, secretary, and Mrs. W. Curtis Snow, t r e a s u r e r .

P S M To Present Melodrama Nov. 29 Do you ever wish t h a t you could go back to the 1890's? Well here's your chance.

On November 29th

and 30th and


1st the

dramatics department, under the direction






will present a melodrama typical of that time. Because Their H e a r t s W e r e Pure is







tribulations of a noble and handsome hero and his sweet and lovely heroine against the heartless villian. Sabastian Hardacre, the banker villian, a t t e m p t s to foreclose on an old family mortgage and thus gain possesion of the family mine and win the hand of lovely Melody. His refarious a t t e m p t s are foiled, and the hero, recalling once again the words of his dying f a t h e r , "Your s t r e n g t h will be the s t r e n g t h of ten if but your hearts are pure", triumphs in the end. The hero and heroine, of course, find wealth and happiness together. The cast includes: Melody Truelove, Jocelyn Freyling; Goodwin Dalrymple, William A. Roy, Jr.; Sabastian Hardacre, Robert S. Marshall; Widow Truelove, Joanne Mc I n t y r e ; Widow Dalrymple, Joan Roos; Miss Hatchett, J o a n n Barton; Mr. Bleakley, Joe Woods; Mr. Grimstone, Bob Van W a r t ; Miss Hopewell, Karen Mitchell; Michael Finn, Myron K a u f m a n ; Lulu Mae, Lynda Decker; Will, A1 Koller; Shanghai Mamie, Lorraine Hellenga; Patience F a i t h f u l , Carol Houghtaling. The painted backdrops to be used in staging will also recall the 1890's. A piano off-stage will emphasize dramatic high points with typical old-time movie t h e a t e r music. I h e a r t h a t they're planning to sell popcorn and peanuts to the audience to complete t h e effect. All in all, Because Their Hearts Were Pure, promises to be a delightful escape into the world of yesteryear.

presented to the audience. Following the game, which will s t a r t at 2:00, coffee will be served in the Kletz. During the period before supper a general open house has been scheduled, a t t r a c t i n g special attention to Kollen Dorm and the new Music Building. Darlene Elzinga, who is in charge of the 5:15 buffet supper to be served in the Terrace and Julianna rooms, has arranged f o r a ham dinner with all the trimmings. Anticipating crowded conditions, she has requested t h a t those who find themselves a t the end of a formidable supper line merely step over to the music building where a variety program will be staged every half-hour. Supper will be served 'till 7:00, and the entertainment will be continuous 'til 8:00. Those who attend the p r o g r a m may anticipate some fine selections by the music department as well as a talented performance f r o m the world of drama. The final item on the day's agenda is a second open-house lasting f r o m 7:00 to 11:00.

Leprosy Expert Here Wednesday ForTa Ik Chapel speaker on Wednesday, November 14th, will be Dr. Robert Cochrane, the leading leprologist in the world, and technical medical adviser to the American Leprosy Missions, Inc. Dr. Cochrane, in this country f o r a three-month speaking tour, is being brought to Hope College by the Grand Rapids Leprosy Committee, working with Dr. Henry Voogd of the college department of Bible and Religion. Despite Dr. Cochrane's intensive work with the A.L.M., he has often been in demand by the governments of other countries as a consultant in his field. Before joining that group, he served aas director of several Leper sanitoriums in India, and h a s instituted the use of several new drugs in the t r e a t ment of leprosy. In addition to m a n y p a p e r s on various aspects of the t r e a t m e n t of the disease which have been prepared by Dr. Cochrane, he is also the a u t h o r of the Practical Textbook of Leprosy, a work which has become t h e standard t e x t f o r the study of this disease in many medical schools.

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Member Associated Collegiate Press PRESS



The Teacher Problem Just about everyone interested in education is talking about the problem of the teacher shortage. College newspapers are no exception, as this editorial from the Daily Texan proves:

Published bi-weekly by and for the students of Hope College except Today record numbers of youngsters flood through school room during holiday and examination periods, under the authority of doors — and teacher isn't always there. the Student Council Publications Board. W h y ? And what can be done? Entered as second class matter at the post office of Holland, Michigan, Educators and concerned parents alike are deciding that the at a special rate of postage provided for in section 1103 of Act of paramount question in modern education is not "Why Johnny Can't Congress, October 3, 1917, and authorized October 19, 1918. read" but "Why Teacher Won't Teach." Subscription Rate: $1.00 per school year to non-student subscribers. Each year a large number of teachers leave the profession; each year the number of children increases more than the proportionate EDITORIAL STAFF number of teachers. Editor-in-Chief Robert Winter As the situation becomes more critical, concern grows. Now, Managing Editors Virginia Vanderborgh, David Spaan News Editor Jane Gouwens sigsn — subtle, but hopeful — give promise t h a t sufficient demand Feature Editor Lynn Van't Hof may up the supply. Society Editors Sports Editor Assistant Sports Editor Copy Editor Make-Up Editor Rewrite Editors

Joyce Leighley, Henry Doele Thomas Harris James Cooper Sara L. Schneider Janice Peck Mary Anne Vollink, William Means BUSINESS STAFF

Business Manager Advertising Managers Circulation Managers Bookkeeping Manager

Communities maturely interested in obtaining the best possible education for their children are raising teachers' salaries. Young men are better able to support a wife on the salary of a beginning teacher. In Texas, the educators are experimenting with television training f o r teaching. Unemployed wives with high skill in some phase of school instruction, but unacquainted with education techniques are getting teaching degrees by closed circuit TV, taking exams at nearby colleges.

Fredric R. Birdsall And at last one large city school system f a r t h e r east is experiCharles Hesselink, Ronald Lokhorst menting with the merit pay scale. Teachers now are paid by a set Gardner Kissack, Arthur Martin John Fragale salary schedule, instead of getting bonuses and raises f o r outstanding work. But teachers never can expect the pay scale of industries' brain men. Public f u n d s jus t can't match industries' profit and loss system for immediate, high-paying results.

Anchor Policy believe that a college newspaper should be three things: an objective reporter of the news, a stimulator of student thought, and a means for the expression of student and faculty opinion on controversial subjects. To the latter end, we invite letters to the editor, which we will print if the letter does not violate good taste and if space permits. Needless to say, the thoughts expressed in such letters can reflect only the views of the author, and cannot be supposed to be representative of the opinions of either the staff of the Anchor or the student body as a whole. Signed editorials may be considered expressions of staff opinion, and we invite disagreement with them. We are not trying to force our opinions on anyone. As we see it, our one editorial mission is to cause our readers to think about what we say.

Academic Integrity

The term "dedicated men" applied to the research scientist, the struggling artist or writer with a vision to give to other men's minds, can well be applied to teachers too. The very existence of a public school system, when almost any outside occupation demanding college training can name a higher salary, is a tribute to the unparaded devotion of the nation's teachers. But teachers attracted to the field cannot continue to live on dedication and devotion alone. Prestige and pride in one's work are powerful aids to vocational happiness — but will not mend a threadbare or slim pocketbook; not if the pocketbook is TOO slim or TOO threadbare. The modern trend to compete f o r good teachers is the solution. We hope it is just a s t a r t . —Reprinted from the Eastern Echo


It would seem t h a t in certain aspects of our college life we are failing to approach the standards which we have set f o r ourselves as students of a Christian college. Supposeably, it would go without saying t h a t the students of a college such as Hope would prize personal integrity more than any other one thing. However, this does not seem to be the case at Hope. In observing the conduct of some of Hope's students during tests and examinations one would sometimes think t h a t personal honor was a non-existant entity. Before we go f u r t h e r , let us say t h a t we don't mean to intimate t h a t all, or even a majority of Hope students are dishonest. However, those who do fail to uphold both the standards of a Christian institution, and even more important, the standards of personal integrity, are creating a harmful atmosphere for the whole student body. There are many forms and means of cribbing, from flagrantly copying f r o m a text book to slyly reading the notes one has prepared on his shirt sleeve. There are also as many a r g u m e n t s which students use in defense of their actions as there are methods of cribbing. These run from the oft-repeated, "Well, everybody does it and I have to too in order to keep up and get a mark," to the, "I really know the material, and I don't think it is wrong if I just have some way to remind myself." Needless to say, none of these so called justifications will hold any water when taken in the context of the Christian ethic under which we profess to live. Tragically, the oft-repeated adage is only too t r u e : "One cheats only himself when he cheats." However, the truth of this is either not recognized, or, more distasterous still, it is recognized and is still unheeded. Unfortunately, there is only one way in which this difficulty may be overcome, and that is through a realignment of values in the student himself. For the professor to assume a more stringent "this is a watchbird watching you" attitude will only make it more difficult, and we might add more challenging, to get away with anything and will not cause the basic change in the attitude of the offending parties which is the desired objective. Perhaps the most feaseable solution would be the inaugeration of an honor code which would make it mandatory f o r a student to report any of his fellows who are engaged in dishonest activities during an exam. This solution, of course must meet many obstacles, paramont among which would be one person's unwillingness to " r a t " on a friend or fellow student. This solution, also, runs the risk of not hitting at the basic problem of a change in attitude in the offending parties; but it might be a step in the right direction, f o r it would make a person who is tempted to crib begin to weigh the vain and transitory reward of an appearance of success against the loss of respect which would come as the logical consequence of his exposure before his friends and fellow students.

Letters To The Editor Dear Mr. Editor: As chairman f o r the UNESCO conference which met on our campus last week I would like to take this opportunity to express my appreciation to you f o r the excellent and generous publicity the Anchor gave to our program. You may rest assured t h a t the delegates were delighted by the cordial greetings the Anchor staff extended to them. At the same time I would also like to say how much we all appreciated the very excellent services rendered by members of the Student Council who acted as campus guides, by members of the Blue Key, who served as ushers f o r the Hawkinson Lecture, and by the many other students who willingly gave of their time to contribute to the success of the conference. Perhaps these thanks are not necessary f o r I think t h a t our campus life was considerably enriched during the two days of the conference. Thus, in a way, our hospitality carried its own reward. Still, I think you and your readers might appreciate an exerpt f r o m a letter one of our recent visitors sent me: "My visit to Hope College and the opportunity to meet some of your fine students have confirmed me in my long-held belief t h a t I would like my children to attend a small private college like Hope when they grow up". Sincerely yours, Paul G. Fried Chairman, Hawkinson Committee

Japan In these days, it is getting cold

Droodle — "Alcor Time" Hundreds of greedy Hope College students anxiously await for Wednesday nite — the loveliest night of the week.

Students try

to study, but hunger pains get so severe by 9:30 or 10:00 that they are worth nothing. However, every Wednesday night a group of women come to the f r a t e r n i t y houses and dorms to treat these bad cases of "hunger pains." Their motto is, "An apple a day keeps the doctor away." Zero hour arrives! Buzzers begin to ring, and their sound is heard as it travels f r o m one room to the other. Then comes the familiar cry, "ALCOR TIME." The halls become a hub-bub; students race to the main floor. It's a regular fight f o r the special goodies, ending up with the "survival of the fittest." Those with the longest a r m s and the sharpest fingernails usually come out the victors.

It must be remembered t h a t an institution can be only a s strong as the people who are a p a r t of it. Keeping this in mind, it might This is the view of the Alcor be well f o r us to re-examine our social and ethical values with the end women as they look down upon in mind t h a t we as a Christian institution, built on the ethical founda- the scene of their "goody basket" tion of the church, must retain our place as a leader of men and a being attacked by myriads of long builder of character in a society which is not overtly dedicated to t h e arms. principles f o r which we stand. —Mary K. Diephuis

and practice some hymns, like outside. However, fortunately we "Silent Night, Holy N i g h t " and have warm steam heaters in class "O Little Town of Bethlehem". Their teachers, Ferris girls, are rooms and dormitories. We are working hard to have a wonderful glad to be able to study anyway Christmas with the little children. in this cold Michigan weather. It is very hard to have the class Now I would like you to know outdoors but they, being busy that there is a very poor children's memorizing verses and singing group in a p a r t of this world. It songs, have no time to feel cold. One of the teachers has said, is a very small group. Ferris Girls' High School and "Now we have about six hundred Junior College is one of the oldest Yen (about one dollar and seventy girls' schools in Japan. It is a cents) f o r these thirty children. Christian school of the Reformed What can we get f o r them with Church in America. The girls wor- this amount of money? By the ship God with the teachers every way, we have no place f o r this morning. It is a g r e a t privilege Christmas. We are planning to f o r them to have such a Chapel have our party outdoors but it service and a required Bible class must be very cold. We need a that other public schools do not room f o r our Saturday School. It is getting colder. We need a room have. It has been about two years since by all means. Oh! Poor children! several high school and junior col- What shall we do with the children lege girls opened Saturday School without any stockings?" I hope you pray f o r them, the which is just the same as Sunday children and the teachers. They School in church. Where did they have the first class? They had it will have a nice Thanksgiving and at the corner of one of parks in a wonderful Christmas even withYokohama; however, they had to out any heat. —Yoshie Ogawa move f r o m there because the park was not the property of the girls. The next place was in the garden of someone in the group. Unfortunately the garden was too small to have the cass of about thirty little children. Thirdly, they moved 160 E. 8th Street to a corner of their campus in Phone 4342 spite of the f a c t t h a t there was no roof, n steam heater, and nothing but "air". They moved and Welcomes moved f o r three times to get setHope Students tled down but their Christian spirit did not move a bit. TEXACO PRODUCTS At this time of the year, they must have already begun to preTIRES — ACCESSORIES pare their Christmas. For example, MOTOR TUNE-UP they memorize some of the Bible AND REPAIRS verses, like "Mary and Angels" and "The Shepherds and Angels"


HtO P 't C O I L E G E


College Volunteer Work Aids Retarded Children

Page Three


"Prestatie Huis" Offers Hope Of Happier Adulthood to 10


By Bob Winter T h e edge to the wind hearalded the overdue coming of chilly weather to Holland, and I pulled my coat tighter around me as I crossed 13th Street and walked up the stairs of the white f r a m e house across from the Seminary building. Uncertain of just what to expect, I opened the door, and allowed a gust of wind to blow me inside. Four or five children were seated around a large table, concentrating done entirely by Hope Students, on some project in f r o n t of them. some thirty strong at the present Beside each was a Hope student, time. and supervising the whole scene "The students," said Mary, "are was Mary Rhoades, the director what really make Prestatie Huis of this r a t h e r unusual activity. a success. I don't know w h a t we'd Leaving her basket-weaving f o r a do without them." Between one moment, a pretty dark-haired girl and four in the afternoon, students who had just been introduced to help in the many projects, which me as "Cindy" smiled a greeting include weaving, woodwork, games and pointed with pride to a new and sports, singing, story-telling, dress which her mother had given and such academic work as the her t h a t day. Other children were children can handle. It would seem sewing designs on small cards with to be a thankless task until you yarn, and happy laughter filtering see the looks on the faces of the down the stairway in the corner children, and the way they say gave a hint t h a t even more was good-bye to their "teachers" when going on upstairs. rest period is over and it's time to With Mary as my escort, I was go home. ushered into a series of rooms, "Get Them to Talk" where small groups of children "College students seem to fit were doing various things under right in with the" group," Mary the direction of more students. continued, "they make friends easi"Jimmy" was involved in the prob- ly, and accomplish a good deal. lems of t r y i n g to put a pair of Most of our work is directed toMickey Mouse Club moccasins to- wards getting the children to talk gether; "Bobby" was spelling out more, and the work of the students words on a spelling board, and is invaluable." As I shook hands others were learning to make with a succession of departing proper figures on a blackboard. children, all of whom I had met Downstairs again, and with the a scant twenty minutes or so besounds of ten children (and several fore, I could see what she meant. students) learning how to do the This coming Monday, November "Hokey Pokey", Mary explained 12, Prestatie Huis will hold an the purpose of this beehive of open house f o r everyone who is activity. interested in their work. Although "Achievement House" "Prestatie Huis", or "Achievement House", is a local training school f o r children who are unable to learn in the Public schools. Here, in an atmosphere devoid of the competition and struggle of a regular classroom to make them self-conscious, they learn a variety of manual skills, group integration, and better speech, all designed to help them become happier and better-adjusted adults than they would otherwise be. The project began in February, 1956, and has carried on since that time with aid from the local Community Chest and many interested groups and persons. But the real work, the helping and teaching, is »•» •'» •'» • •


none of the children will be there, pictures of the work going on will be exhibited, and movies will also be shown. The projects currently being worked on will also be available f o r inspection, and who knows, maybe if you should happen to drop in, you'll want to come back sometime when the children are around. If you do, you'd better be prepared to face a strong desire to return — often. There's something about the kids that will make you f o r get your exhalted position as a "collegian" and want to help them be happier. P R E S T A T I E H U I S OPEN HOUSE: 7-10 p.m. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 12, AT 88 E A S T THIRTEETH STREET.

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From left to r i g h t : Helen Taylor, Pat Bant, Jan Van Peursem, and Ricky Volkenborn helping teach games to some of the children at Prestatie Huis. Other activities in which these volunteers participate may be seen at the open house M o n d a y night from 7 - 1 0 . — P h o t o by Bruce W a r d

"Classmanship," or How to Ruin A Prof — Oklahoma Daily writer Ed Turner has come up with a new way of college living which, in keeping with the times, he calls "classmanship." Briefly, he says, it means the knack of f r u s t r a t i n g a well-meaning professor to such an extent t h a t he will want to quit his chosen profession as an educator and go to work f o r a munitions factory. Here are some of his rules: " F i r s t of all: always be late to class. Upon entering NEVER look meek or apologetic f o r disturbing the class. Appear surprised t h a t this section was scheduled to meet at the time or even look hurt that they could go on without you. Many an accomplished classman has caused the professor to thumb quickly through his class bulletin to see if perhaps they should have met at 8:35 instead of 8:10. Disagree openly with the professor. An economics instructor says in his most profound and sonorous tones: "The theories of Adam Smith are the foundations of our modern system of economics." You say in an audible whisper: "But that's so passe" . . . . making him look as if he had an old pair of plus-fours and was shouting "23 skidoo" instead of delivering a lecture. Leavemanship is another effective gambit that will add sparkle to every class room. About 10 minutes before the class is over slam your book shut, zip up your notebook, tuck your pencil neatly in your pocked and begin tapping your foot spasmodically, whistling to yourself, if you are a poor whistler. At five minutes before the hour, scoot up on the edge of your seat, alternating your gaze between the wall clock and your watch, shouting "X minus five, X minus four, X minus three" . . . . right up until the end of the hour.

W h i l e rummaging through Anges Fiddlefaddle's room for an extra supply of the little pink pills which cure all ills, her room-mate discovered the above snapshot. It shows the four girls who f o l l o w e d Agnes down the fire-escape mentioned in her letter. Unfortunately, no one held the door open for Our Heroine, and she is now in the Clinic recuperating. — P h o t o by Vic Ambellas

sock, and 2 different kinds of shoes. Honestly, maybe I'll tell them the news! Last nite I went on a "hayride". That's the funniest thing to call such a ride. We all sat on a great big wagon, with NO hay. Some people have the oddest sense of humor. My date told me to hop off and go and get him an apple. When I found one the wagon had already gone on. I don't think he liked me! Well, I've got to get to bed. One of the fellows commented on the big "shiners" I had. I don't have "black eyes" — guess I'm tired. Your sleepy daughter, Agnes


Open 8:30 A.M. — 5:30 P.M.

Western Michigan's


" H A L L M A R K CARDS" SAVE 2 0 %



with Agnes Fiddlefaddle Dear Mom and Dad: Oh, mother, college life is s o — different! Say, could you send me some food, immediately. The kids in the dorm all think something's the matter. My roomie says that when I lean against a pole she can't see me. Isn't t h a t odd? Mom, the craziest thing happened this morning. All of a sudden one of the girls came and woke me up — saying t h a t we were going to practice f o r a fire drill. You know that funny little grain shoot at the side of Voorhees Hall. Well, there is a secret little entry on both second and third floors. A little man came and told us to sit on some waxed paper and to go down into that DARK grain shoot. I was scared to death, but finally — down I went. The shoot must not have had any grain, because I spiraled down, down, down, until my feet opened a little door, and I found myself sitting flat on the ground. One by one the other girls came down — and you've never heard such a bump, bump, bumping. The little man who supervised us said something about that being our fire escape. Gosh, I think I'd rather perish in the flames than climb into that thing. I would have sworn that I learned in high school that Abraham Lincoln freed the slaves. Well, some of the girls around here must not have heard the news! They walk around with big balls and chains about their necks, stating that they are the slave of so and so. Their master must be cruel too, 'cause they only can afford 1

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Page Four


Vienna Symphony To Appear As 2nd Concert Series Event





quickly earned an important place in Vienna's musical life. Its ex-

P § M Lists Coming Plays

The Palette and Masque play the selection committee, under the Viennese musical tradition from direction of Mr. Dale Dewitt, has Mozart and Haydn through Johann announced the season's program, Strauss to contemporary compos- along with the tentative dates of the productions. "Because Their ers. Hearts Were Pure" or "The Secret Blonde, blue-eyed Miss Schwaiger of the Mine" by Morland Carry is became a member of the Vienna an old-fashioned melodrama schedState Opera in 1947, where she uled for November 29 and 30 and won acclaim in such roles as Gilda December 1. Shakespeare's "Macin "Rigoletto," Norina in "Don beth" will be given during the Pasquale," and Rosina in "The second week of the second semester Barber of Seville." She was heard in the form of a Readers' Theatre, in the first postwar Salzburg and "Our Town", by Thornton Festival as Sophie in "Der Rosen- Wilder, is scheduled for the end kavalier," and her performance of March. from the same festival of Mozart's C Minor Mass is available in the U. S. on Haydn recordings. H ER FS T In addition to his notable work Studio and Photo Supply with the Vienna String Symphony, Mr. Rapf is well-known f o r his One Place to Go For achievements at the Zurich Opera, PORTRAITS with the Vienna Symphony, and at CAMERAS, FILMS and the Vienna State Academy of MusPHOTO SUPPLIES ic. He is also a distinguished Next to Dutch Mill Restaurant pianist and harpsichordist. His 7 W. 8TH STREET PHONE 2664 performances both as a soloist and conductor have been recorded by We give S&H Green Stamps Vanguard and the Haydn Society. tensive

; o 55

8 * 9 9

i*> •> ••



*,• »,•


•,» ».• #.• #.•

#.• •,* #.• •.« •,»


#,• #.• »,•


Kouncil Kolumns

T h e famed Vienna String Symphony will appear at Holland's Civic Center on Monday, November 19th, at 8 : 0 0 P.M., Arthur C. Hills has announced. Conducted by Kurt Rapf, with Rosl Schwaiger, coloratura soprano of the Vienna and Munich State Operas, and Anton Fietz, violinist, as soloists, the ensemble of fifteen instrumentalists, is currently making its second tour of North America under the direction of impresario S. Hurok. Founded by Mr. Rapf in 1945,


S t u d e n t Council Meeting of October 23 T h e meeting w a s called to o r d e r by t h e P r e s i d e n t a t 8:30 P . M . i r D u r f e e Lounge. The roll was t a k e n and the m i n u t e s were read and approved. Officers' Reports P r e s i d e n t D a v e V a n E e n e n a a m urged everyone t o s u p p o r t t h e C o n f e r e n c e for U N E S C O to be held on our c a m p u s . H e then stated t h a t Mr. A n t h o n y Kooiker was nelected as our new advisor to t h e S t u d e r t Direction Committee. Dave m e n t i o n e d t h a t Dean Vlsser wished to speak t o u s about t h e p a r k i n g problem on campus. P r e s i d e n t V a n E e n e n a a m t h e n stated t h a t we had been asked to be responsible f o r t h e e n t e r t a i n m e n t d u r i n g t h e h a l f - t i m e a t basketball games. D a v e then t h a n k e d V i r g i n i a V a n d e r b o r g h a n d Roger Garvellnk for their w o n d e r f u l job In Homecoming, and he read a letter f r o m t h e A l u m n i Office cong r a t u l a t i n g us. P r e s i d e n t Van E e n e n a a m concluded by s u g g e s t i n g t h a t all address i h e chair s t a n d i n g . Vice P r e s i d e n t Carol Matheis read off t h e a p p o i n t m e n t s f o r the committees. She then stated t h a t the Evaluation Committee f o r Homecoming would consist o f : Glnl Vanderborgh, Roger Garvellnk, Gordle Hor.dorp, Peggy Kole. Carol mentioned t h a t Helen Van Dyke, Ted Bechtel, and H a r r i e t Van Heest would be in c h a r g e of the C h r i s t m a s Banquet, December 14. Committee chairmen w e r e urged to submit r e p o r t s to the officers. Carol s t a t e d t h a t t h e Chapel Committee passed. S e c r e t a r y L y n n V a n ' t Hof read a letter f r o m the S e c r e t a r y of the A d r i a n College S t u d e n t Union t h a n k i n g Hope College f o r being such w o n d e r f u l hosts d u r i n g Homecoming. T r e a s u r e r Bob Lesnlak stated t h a t we n a v e spent $153.72, and t a k e n In $52 on pots and $17 on balloons. Bob stated t h a t he had asked Mr. Stffens for o u r budget, b u t t h a t It h a d n ' t been O'ked yet. Committee c h a i r m e n w e r e urged to g e t all bills in immediately. Bob then s t a t e d t h a t If we wished to o r d e r a S t u d e r t Council key, we should see him. Committee R e p o r t s : 1. A t h l e t i c : L a r r y Ter Molen stated t h a t w e w e r e behind t h e Athletic Director In all of his decisions.

#.• • #.• • •• # • ^ «•







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2. S t u d e n t D i r e c t i o n : Bob Lesnlak said t h a t the Chapel Committee had passed. H e also mentioned t h a t Mr. Kooiker w a s selected as t h e advisor to t h e committee. Mr. E u g e n e Jekel was also selected for t h e P u b l i c a t i o n s Board. 3. Educational P o l i c i e s: Chuck Hesselink s t a t e d t h a t t h e problem had been b r o u g h t b e f o r e t h e m c o n c e r n i n g giving t h e Activity Course 2 h r s . credit. H e also stated t h a t tests w e r e being considered on N a t u r a l Science and H u m a n i ties f o r 2nd semester seniors. D r . Robert De H a h p was asked t o teach a course In Education of Gifted Children. Chuck s t a t e d t h a t the L i b r a r y was given g r a n t s . If we know of a r e a s where books are needed, see t h e heads of t h e D e p a r t m e n t s . T h e Children's Lit. Course. 59E will be In t h e bulletin. If a n y o n e Is Interested In t h e Woodrow Wilson Fellowship, see Dean V a n d e r L u g t . 4. P u b l i c a t i o n s : Alene Mc Goldrick stated t h a t Dave S p a a n was their c h a i r m a n . She also mentioned t h a t t h e various r o o m s in t h e V a n Vleck b a s e m e n t had been changed. 5. S o c i a l : J a n e M a c E a c h r o n s t a t e d t h a t t h e r e would be a p a r t y a f t e r t h e football game, and urged all to come. She also mentioned t h e D a t e Book problem. Special Committee R e p o r t s 1. Mom and Dad's D a y : H e n r y Doele state<l t h a t all cards w e r e s e n t out. W e must publicize t h a t s t u d e n t s m u s t buy t h e i r p a r e n t ' s tickets — $1.50 a person. Tickets will go on sale, Nov. 5, Monday. H e then suggested t h a t we split t h e cost with t h e football team f o r purc h a s i n g corsages f o r t h e m o t h e r s of t h e players. 2. N y k e r k : D i a n e J o h n s o n stated t h a t Helen Wade was our Sophomore Publicity C h a i r m a n . She then stated t h a t if w e wished a p a r t y a f t e r N y k e r k , t h e cost would be $15 e x t r a plus $5 f o r the janitor. 3. Political R a l l y : Bob Lesnlak stated t h a t p l a n s were being m a d e to c o n t a c t t h e Women s L i t Club who is also h a v i n g 1 Republican and 1 D e m o c r a t speaker. P e r h a p s a j o i n t m e e t i n g could be held in t h e Chapel. S i t u a t i o n ; Dean Vlsser stated t h a t a booklet would be Issued on t r a f f i c a n d p a r k i n g regulations on c a m p u s . H e mentioned t h a t all s t u d e n t s d r i v i n g c a r s would need a n identification sticker in t h e i r rear window. F a c u l t y would have t h e s e too. Several n e w p a r k i n g lots will be opened. However, with these rules, there m u s t be e n f o r c e m e n t . Seve r a l students will a c t as c a m p u s police a n d fines will be given. NO p a r k i n g will be allowed In a n y of the drives I Old B u s i n e s s : 1. Most of t h e f r a t e r n i t i e s and sororities s t a t e d t h a t t h e i r o r g a n i z a t i o n s were in f a v o r of re-openlng t h e Kletz. Suggestions were made. 2. T h e Religious A f f a i r s Committee Is still t h e Chapel Committee. 3. T h e motion was m a d e t h a t we disband t h e p a r t y a f t e r N y k e r k Cup. C a r r i e d . I t w a s then moved t h a t the S. C. pay f o r the r e n t a l of t h e Civic C e n t e r . Carried. New Business 1. T h e motion was m a d e t h a t t h e S. C. spilt the price of t h e corsages f o r t h e m o t h e r s of t h e boys on t h e football t e a m . Carried. This motion w a s a m mended to s t a t e t h a t we would spilt t h e p r i c e I F It did not exceed $10. Carried. 2. I t w a s moved t h a t we discuss h a v i n g Chapel a t 11:00 on Wednesday when c u l t u r a l p r o g r a m s a r e scheduled. Carried. The g e n e r a l opinion of t h e S. C. w a s t h a t this should n o t be compulsory. W e should develop m o r e personal int e r e s t ourselves and w i t h our f r i e n d s . 3. W e must provide guides f o r visitors on Wednesday, Nov. 7, a t 5:30. 4. W h i l e in the S. C. office we should a n s w e r all questions a n d look a t the file. 5. Since Senior Day could not b e held In t h e fall, we m u s t w a i t u n t i l s p r i n g . T h e meeting was a d j o u r n e d . Respectfully submitted, L y n n V a n ' t Hof S t u d e n t Council S e c r e t a r y

Fish-eye view of the freshman pull team. Minnie the Freshman Fish was very anxious to see the Freshman pull-team in action. So, on the day of the pull, Minnie, in green pot and all, swam up the Black River to the site of the pull. But, much to her dismay, she could not see her beloved pull team, due to the green slime of the water. However, Minnie decided to stay in hopes that she might get a glimse of them. Sure enough! 17 minutes HEARTHSIDE — and 40 seconds after the pull — HANDCRAFTS started, Minnie got a "fisheye view" of the Freshman Pull team! HANDMADE GUTS This is what she saw . . . . "Next to Warm Friend Tavern" —Ted Bechtel • ••••••• •••••••••••••

Hope's First Woman Graduate - Frances Otte —Passes at 96 (Note: The Anchor is indebted to the Reverend Paul E. Hinhamp, Registrar of the College, for the following article. It was written on behalf of the faculty and in commemoration of Mrs. Jon A. Otte, nee Frances Phelps. — E D ) . When Mrs. Jon A. Otte died on Oct. 22nd, 1956, at the age of 96, Hope College could not help but feel her passing keenly. For her life and the life of Hope College were very closely intertwined. It began with a series of "firsts" when she, at the age of three months, came to Holland as the daughter of the first President of Hope College, Dr. Philip Phelps. As a young girl she lived in Van Vleck Hall, the first building on Hope's campus. In 1878 she and Miss Gertrude Alcott became the first two coeds at Hope College. In 1882 she and Miss Alcott became the first women graduates of the institution. She imbibed the Hope College foreign missionary spirit and with her husband, who was a medical missionary, went to China and served there until his death. She lived for many years in Holland, Michigan, and never lost her interest in Hope College. She was a member of Hope Church, the first English-speaking church in Holland, founded by her father in 1862, at least partly to provide a place of worship f o r members of the faculty of the college who were not conversant with the Dutch language. Mrs. Otte's loyalty to Hope College seemed to grow with the years. Her memory was phenomenal and her interest in events never flagged. Her mind was active and clear to the end. Her spiritual life was strong and enabled her to withstand the shock of the loss of her husband and later of two daughters with wonderful Christian fortitude and equanimity. Her many friends will always remember her as a most distinguished alumna.


















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Question: Do you think informal do much f o r tradition's sake while initiations in f r a t e r n i t i e s should be some should be retained f o r this stopped and w h y ? purpose. P r o f e s s o r Gerrit V a n d e r b o u r g h : Hugh Meyers — Junior: No, but they should be used as "Help If f r a t e r n i t y initiations could be Week" instead. I think the present kept on elevated planes they would be all right. However, if it is slave sale and such is O.K. Dave Kots — J u n i o r : No, and I necessary to condescend to such think t h e y should be even more low levels it should be done away severe. I t is a m e a n s of dividing with. Roland Van Es — F r e s h m a n ; No. the men f r o m the boys. Bob Van W a r t — J u n i o r : Not One of those things you look back entirely. I t is not wholly objection- on later as being a lot of f u n is able. Some p a r t s don't serve to f r a t initiation and it is something always to be remembered. Margo Gotte — F r e s h m a n : No. F r a t initiation is p a r t of tradition and a p a r t of belonging to the organization. I t is even more f u n when looked back upon in later years. Lillian Bruins — Sophomore: No. Initiation is traditional. As long as nothing h a r m f u l to the health our is done it brings out the good s p r t s m a n s h i p in people.


on M



W h a t is your reaction to Elvis Presley? Jim Cook — J u n i o r : I like his r h y t h m , but I can't stand to watch him. I think t h a t he h a s more talent t h a n he h a s shown so f a r . Hhe is playing on the emotions of the t e n n a g e female r i g h t now because it is m a k i n g money, but I think t h a t a f t e r this f a d wears off he will settle down and show t h a t he really has some talent. Dick Brockmeier — Sophomore: I don't mind hearing him sing a t all. Of course, I've never heard him sing yet. Dave Kinkema — Senior: Don't like. F r a n Roundhouse — J u n i o r : I like to listen to him, but I don't like to see him. Carol Nieuwsma — F r e s h m a n : I have never wasted my t i m e watching him, but since he is the idol of so many, I'd p r e f e r to idolize someone else. Phyl Sienstra — J u n i o r : I don't like him. I think he should go back to the "Grand Ole O p e r a " f r o m which he came. He doesn't sing.

Sororities Complete Plans For Initiations, Parties

With the informal intiation of all the pledges completed, the sororities have been busily planning the f o r m a l intiations. A t this time t h e pledges are welcome into the sorority as full members. Mademoiselle's third annual A r t Formal initiation f o r the Delphi Contest is now under way. pledges was held last F r i d a y eveThe two winners will i n t e r p r e t ning in the J u l i a n n a Room of Dur- the two winnig stories in the m a g fee. A f t e r the ceremony and wel- azine's 1957 College Fiction Concoming, r e f r e s h m e n t s were served. test and will receive $500 each f o r On Monday evening, November 5th, publication of their work. The Dorian held its formal initiation closest runners-up will receive honin the Terrace Room of Durfee, orable mention and t h e i r entires and Sorosis formally welcomes its will be kept on file f o r possible pledges tonight in the Sorosis f u t u r e commissions by Mademoiroom. selle. Winners and honorable menSorosis was the first sorority to tions will be announced in the hold its date night. J a n Mackay A u g u s t 1957 College issue. . If you're a woman in college or and J a n e Klaasen were in charge of the scavenger hunt held last a r t school and submit your entries Friday night, Nov. 2, a t the Mar- before your twenty-sixth birthday, quee. Games and r e f r e s h m e n t s you a r e eligible to compete. Subcompleted the evening. The follow- mit enough work t o " show your ing night Sib had their p a r t y . ability — a t least five samples in Edna Bosley, chairman f o r the any medium: line drawings, oils event, chose the Zeeland Grange or w a t e r colors, collages, anything. Hall as the scene f o r their square Mademoiselle will accept photog r a p h s of originals, either color dance and spaghetti dinner. transparencies or black and white This evening the Dorian Formal glossies. This is not a commercial is t a k i n g place a t the Blythefield a r t contest; Mademoiselle is not Country Club. The theme is "A looking f o r fashion illustration or Little Bit of Heaven" and t h e Lew advertising layouts, but f o r imagiAllen orchestra will help to create nitive, original work in whatever that heavenly atmosphere. Also medium or style you work best. tonight, Delphi is holding its date The contest closes March 15, night. Co-chairmen Carol Hondorp 1957. Judes will be: A l f r ed M. He j u s t moves around and kind of and Bev Van Voorst have planned F r a n k f u r t e r , editor and publisher shouts to rhythmic music. He's a hayride to be followed by reof A r t News; Dorothy C. Miller, very disgusting. f r e s h m e n t s , games and entertainCurator of the Museum Collection Karen Mitchell — F r e s h m a n : ment. of the Museum of Modern A r t ; His music is fine, but f o r Elvis A.S.A., the f r e s h m e n girls' so- Bradbury Thompson, A r t Director himself — No. ciety, was f o r m e d m a n y weeks ago of Mademoisele. For complete deRudi E i n a a r — F r e s h m a n : I under the direction of the P a n - tails write: A r t Contest, Mademoidon't mind listening to him but Hellenic Board. The girls of the selle, 575 Madison Avenue, New watching him is something I can't f r e s h m a n class have choosen Edna York 22, New York. . / stand. Hollander to lead their g r o u p as Anna Geitner — J u n i o r : I don't President, assisted by Greta Weeks, like him. I think his appearances Vice President; J u d y Van Dyke, on T.V. a r e disgusting. I t amazes Secretary; and Judy Tysse, Treas, i HHHOUHCMC me when I see today's teenagers W urer. Diana Sluyter and Carol QUICK SERVICE go wild over him. Nieusma were selected as the StuCarol Houghtaling — J u n i o r : I OLD NEWS PRINTERY dent Council Representatives and 74 W. 8th Si. Phon* 2020 like Elvis to a certain extent. I Paula Brower was elected to reprelike his records especially "Don't sent A.S.A. on Pan-Hellenic Board. Be Cruel" and "Love Me Tender". A.S.A. has set its date night f o r • #.• #• #„• #.• •• «M» #• #• »• »• • * »• #.• «» »% •• »» * I do feel, however, t h a t he gets November 30th. Karen Damson carried a w a y a little too much and B a r b Emmick are in charge while singing. Jean Kromann — Senior: Music of the hayride and entertainment is like languages. If someone which will ^ o m p r i s e their party. speaks Greek to me I don't understand it. In other words he's not i••••• my type. RYPMA & TOPP 399 River Avenue SHELL SERVICE

Magazine Offers College Art Contest




IT'S F U N !



The National Foundation f o r Infantile P a r a l y s i s reports in their most recent news bulletin that there is a growing movement f o r campus vaccinations a g a i n s t polio in the nation's colleges and universities. Increasing numbers of academic institutions are providing Salk vaccine f o r their students and young f a c u l t y members as p a r t of an over-all p r o g r a m aimed a t increasing immunization of t h e nation's most susceptible individuals. Many colleges have responded to this p r o g r a m by offering the vaccine to s t u d e n t s and f a c u l t y members f o r a nominal charge as p a r t of the health service of the institution. Although Hope College does not offer this vaccine on a collegesponsored basis, a vaccine p r o g r a m has been personally initiated by Dr. William Moerdyk a t the college Clinic. Dr. Moerdyk stresses the importance of s t a r t i n g t h e series of three shots a t this t i m e and urges all those who have not had their first shot or who a r e ready f o r their second or third to come in now f o r immediate innoculation so t h a t the full immunization of three shots of vaccine over an eight month period m a y be accomplished before the 1957 polio season. There is a small charge to cover the lost of the vaccine.

Page Five


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Page Six





It is too early at this writing to determine what the outcome of the present Middle E a s t crisis will be — whether Britian and France wil t u r n the canal over to the U N ; whether Nasser's government will be overthrown, thus making way for the eventual internationalization of the canal; or finally, whether the whole Arab world will flare into open hostility against Israel, thus leading to a general war in the Middle East. But this crisis has produced a situation which is momentous in its significance and bears some comment. The gradual s h i f t i n g of power from the Security Council to the General Assembly of the United Nations has been given much momentum by the current crisis. In the original conception of the UN the Security Council was delegated the primary powers and responsibilities f o r maintaining world peace. But the flagrant misuse of the veto power by the USSR made ineffectual much of the work of the Security Council and the UN as a whole. So it was that the needs of the m a j o r i t y of the meber nations were sacrificed to the special interests of the minority. Now the shifting in power f r o m the Security Council to the General Assembly has been aided by the crisis in this way: Because Israeli troops had penetrated deeply into the Sinai Peninsula, thus endangering the free passage of ships through the canal; and because Britian and France had used this as a pretext to begin a unilateral police action, overtly to protect the canal, the Security Council was called into emergency session on Wednesday, October 31. Ironically, the United States-spon-

Students — — here's a

Swedish M O D E R E N E T T E


(Continued from page 8) when he broke through f o r a touch down from the 29 yard line. Mert VanderLind did not convert the extra point t r y and Hope had a 40-6 lead.

Harriers Swamp Olivet; Lose To Wayne, Albion

Hope College's Cross Country team under the direction of Dr. Larry Green swept over Olivet in one conference win and were drubbed by Albion f o r their second conference d e f e a t of t h e year. The Dutch second s t r i n g did not Between these meets, the H a r r i e r s were dealt a stinging defeat a t want to be out-done so they also the hands of Wayne State University in non-conference competition. proceeded to score two touch downs The following is a s u m m a r y of these meets: within three minutes. Jack F a b e r Hope 21 — Olivet 35 threw an aerial to J e r r y HendrickUnder the methodical leadership son from the 28 yard line which of Herb Widmer, who set another In a countermove, on the followwas good f o r a quick touchdown. HOPE-OLIVET STATISTICS school and course record a g a i n s t ing day an emergency meeting of Jim Menzer then added another Olivet at 21:11, the H a r r i e r s blastthe General Assembly was called. when he went off-tackle f o r 66 First downs 13 6 ed the Comets into oblivian to esBut here the outcome was differ- yards to make the score 52-6. First downs rushing .. 13 2 tablish themselves with a 3 wins — ent: By a vote of G4-5 (the largest First downs passing .. 0 3 The Dutch "alternate t e a m " of 1 loss mark. Following Widmer, number of votes ever registered third and fourth s t r i n g e r s took First downs penalties 0 1 who took 1st, were Ron Den Uyl in the U N ) the resolution was over f o r the last 24 minutes and Times rushed 53 36 (2nd), Carroll Bennink (3rd), passed. It called f o r a cease-fire, had a g r e a t time. They scored the Yards gained rushing 520 -19 H a r r y W r i s t e r s (4th), and John a halt in the movement of military final touch down of the evening, Yards gained passing 93 82 Needham (11th). forces into the area, a withdrawal with only seven seconds gone in Total yards gained ....613 71 Olivet's s t r e n g t h in consistent of Israeli troops behind the 1949 the fourth quarter, when Ron Passes attempted 4 17 placement, led by Sullivan who armistice line, and a reopening of Wetherbee took a 10 yard toss Passes completed 4 6 was 5th, showed that they are a the canal. Secretary Hammarskjold from Ty Rupp. Quarterback Rupp Passes intercepted by 1 0 team t h a t is definitely building immediately set up a special com- passed to Dyke Rottschaffer f o r Fumbles 2 1 and one that needs watching in the mittee to report daily on how the he conversion to make the score Fumbles recovered .... 2 1 coming years. As the Comets took resolution was being carried out. 59-6.. This brought to a close the Punts 4 12 5th through 10th, there is shown He was also given the power by Hope College scoring derby a g a i n s t P u n t i n g average 26.2 26.6 a definite team balance which, with the General Assembly to assemble Olivet College. Penalties 10 5 a little more experience, could be an international police force to Yards penalized 96 35 very tough to beat. keep the peace in the area. Patronize Our Advertisers ! As f o r the " F l y i n g " Dutchmen, Although the precedent had been they could have never looked betset in the Korean aggression of ter. Their scoring attack was 1950 when the police action was s t r o n g and t h e i r front team unity directed also f r o m the assembly, was a thing of beauty. The Harthis present instance may be g r e a t riers look like a sure bet to finish er in its conseqences. One may in the 1st division — possibly secsay this is living government in ond! progress. Wayne 18 — Hope 37 Sixty-four of the seventy-six Hope's confidence in winning was member nations of the UN have short lived as they took a t r i p to passed a solemn proposal to meet Detroit to run against a powerful aggression. I believe t h a t the outWayne State University team and come of this action may well dewere soundly trounced by an 18 to termine the f u t u r e efficacy of the 37 count. Our H a r r i e r s just didn't UN, how it will respond particularhave a chance against the evenlyly to the call of freedom's clarion balanced scoring machine f r o m the in E a s t e r n Europe and how it will eastern side of the state. bind generally the wounds of a Paced by S t a n Stankovich, who debilitated world. took 1st at 21:54, Wayne copped —David G. Cassie 2nd, 4th, 5th, and 6th to give them their total of 18 points. Hope, again led by Widmer at 22:37 M.I.A.A. STANDINGS (good f o r 3rd place and a new League Games Hope record f o r the Wayne UniW L P F PA A pass interception by an u n i d e n t i f i e d Hope p l a y e r h e l p e d rout the versity course, erasing Den Uyl's Hillsdale 6 0 258 43 O l i v e t Comets 5 9 - 6 two weeks a g o , as the game seems to come to a 1953 record of 22:45), finished 7th, s t r i k i n g reverse. Coach Russ De Vette assures us that our boys were Kalamazoo 4 1 119 86 8th, 9th, and 10th with Bennink, r e a l l y r u n n i n g f o r w a r d , not b a c k w a r d s as it w o u l d a p p e a r from the picture! Hope 3 2 134 80 Den Uyl, Jack Walchenbach, and — P h o t o by Vic Ambellas Albion 3 2 108 77 Wristers respectively. Adrian 1 4 61 156 Also r u n n i n g for Hope but not Alma 1 4 48 81 Reporting in this issue: Sandy Dressel, Artel Newhouse, figuring in the scoring were NeedOlivet 0 5 20 225 Erika Volkenborn, Jan IV ess els, Betty Vander Jagt, John Ileins, ham (12th), Jack Hoogendoorn Stan Harrington, Jim Cooper, and IVayne Van Swol. (13th), and Andy Felix (14th). As All Games this was not a M.I.A.A. conference W L P F PA meet the d e f e a t for Hope was not Hillsdale 8 0 291 50 too stunning, but the Dutchmen Kalamazoo 4 3 132 115 HOPE-ALBION STATISTICS are still looking f o r w a r d to the Hope 3 4 153 161 time when they can t r i p up Wayne F i r s t downs 6 7 Albion 3 4 122 117 for their 1st win against this F i r s t downs rushing . . 6 5 Adrian 2 5 95 181 powerful r u n n i n g school. F i r s t downs passing . . 0 2 Alma 2 6 78 156 Albion 19 — Hope 42 First downs penalties 0 0 Olivet 0 7 45 259 Hope's H a r r i e r s suffered their Times rushed 49 44 second M.I.A.A. defeat of the year Yards gained rushing 182 143 last S a t u r d a y as the s t r o n g Albion Yards gained passing 163 67 runners kept their g r e a t consecuTotal yards gained .. 345 210 tive conference victory s t r i n g inPasses attempted 14 18 tact. The Albion-ites have yet to Passes completed 5 4 lose a conference meet since Hope Passes intercepted by 2 2 dealt them a j a r r i n g blow in 1953, Fumbles 2 2 breaking t h e i r then unbelievable Fumbles recovered .... 1 3 T¥" •••••••••III mm unbeaten string. Punts 7 6 Hope was simply out-classed as P u n t i ng average 27.5 39.1 % Table Tennis Albion, led by Jim T a u p with a Penalties 7 6 TULIP RESTAURANT time of 22:14, took 1st, 3rd, 4th, % Sweat Sox Yards penalized 75 70 59 East 8th St. 5th, and 6th. To show Albion's 0 Tennis g r e a t depth and scoring ability, Hope's placements m u s t be shown. # Golf Led by Widmer, who took 2nd a t % Basketball 22:23, Hope finished with Bennink SYBESMA'S SERVICE MEYER MUSIC HOUSE (7th), Den Uyl (10th), W r i s t e r s Dealer in Sinclair Products % Archery (11th), and Needham (12th). For Things Musical WASHING AND GREASING Now boasting a conference rec% Skating Est. 1872 Corner 9th and College ord of 3 wins and 2 losses, the % Trophies 17 W. 8th Holland, Mich. Dutchmen strongly believe in the t r u t h f u l s a y i n g t h a t "in numbers *.* ** *,* #,• #.• »• »* #,• *.« #.• #.• »• «•»«*• »• #* there is s t r e n g t h " and will a t t e m p t Holland's to add a f e w more to their a g g r e WE NEED YOUR HEAD gation before they meet Albion again. Athletic IN OUR BUSINESS This week Saturday — Hope vs. Headquarters Alma at the American Legion POST'S BARBER SHOP Country Club. — J . Cooper sored resolution f o r an immediate cessation of fighting in the area was vetoed by Britain. ( This is the first time in the history of the UN t h a t Britain has used her veto power; and, at t h a t , against a resolution sponsored by one of her closest allies.)

Dutchmen— OCALP the




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Fraters, Cosmos Tie For Season Football Laurels

^ 0


Intramural Football came to a glorious close this week as the powerful F r a t e r s edged the Seminary 24 to 18 to gain a tie with the Cosmos in a g r e a t finish f o r 1st place. The Cosmos had already grabbed their share of the crown in handing the Emmies a 44 to 8 defeat, and all that was needed was a F r a t e r defeat and the adept Cosmo aggregation would have been in with sole possession of that coveted crown.

(ex-Hope varsity football s t a r ) and the passing of Bob Smith the Sem became one of the toughest teams in the circuit. By trouncing the Emmies 50 to 6, and by sneaking by the Knicks in an overtime ball game 26 to 20 the Seminarians forced the title race with the Cosmos and the F r a t e r s right down to the wire. Their ability to come from behind was shown again and again with only a stray pass going f o r naught in the F r a t e r game thus preventing them f r o m tying it up and causing the game to go into overtime. Even though the Sem did sort of end their season on a sour note, they have much to be proud of in their having a winning season.

But the F r a t e r s were not to be denied! A f t e r spotting the Seminary 6 points on a touchdown by Jim Van Hoven the Fraters, led by the passing of John Jeltes and the pass catching of Dave Spaan, "Tiger" Teusink, and Jim Remmelts, sprung back on the first play a f t e r the kickoff and a Jeltes A R K I E S : A f t e r showing the form during to Spaan pass connected f o r the the 1st half of the season t h a t T. D. brought the Arkies the football Continually out playing the Semchampionship last year, their ininary during the 1st half the vinsible spirit and defense crumF r a t e r s again struck with just bled and they ended up on the seconds left in the half on a Jeltes losing end in their last three ball to Teusink pass. Trailing 24 to 6 games. Main factors in losing to with less t h a n 10 minutes to go, the Knicks (12 to 6) and the F r a the Sem decided to make a game ters (44 to 12) was this lack of out of it a f t e r all and scored twice spirit and a definite lack of reserve within six minutes on Van Hoven material. Blessed with two of the to Bob Smith pass plays. The Sem best ends in the league in Gord tried desperately to tie it up, but Hondorp and Bud Ortquist, the to no avail and the F r a t e r s came Arcadians had trouble holding out out on top 24 to 18 and thus, a the defenders so as to give Bob share of the championship. Ver Duin time to pass. Important Summary of the games f o r the injuries also played a g r e a t p a r t last three weeks: in lowering the team's moral. Being the listless ball club t h a t they COSMOS: With only two games left to play were the last few games of the against the weakest teams in the campaign, the Arkies tried everyleague and supporting a 3 wins, 1 thing in the book to snap themloss record, the Green wave f r o m selves out of the doldrums and get 13th St. looked like a sure bet to back on their winning ways — but, take the title. This they did, not to no avail. Thus the Arkies finnot only by beating their opponents ished the season at an even .500 the Indies and Emmies but by and are looking f r w a r d to next trouncing them 24 to 0 and 44 to 8 year with the hopes of greener respectively. The pass catching and pasture. running of John De Vries sparked these victories as John made good KNICKS: The Knicks, a team t h a t could 7 Td. attempts. This helped place be classified as making "the comehim in the runnerup spot f o r the scoring leadership. Not only were back of the year", just missed t h a t the Cosmos strong on offense (3rd award by one touchdown. By turnin the league), but they were ing back the Arkies 12 to 6, they stronger in the defensive depart- showed all indication of putting on ment (1st in the league — only al- one of the greatest comebacks lowing opponents 46 pts., f o r an since Ray Robinson regained the average of a little over 1 td. per Middleweight crown in boxing. game). Spirit had a lot to do with They also started out against the the Cosmos' success also and with Seminary like a house afire, but out that " t i g e r " roar they might they petered out and the Sem not have been up f o r those "big" managed to tie it up 20 to 20 by the end of the regulation game. games. In overtime, on the second play FRATERS: from scrimmage, Jim Meeuwsen In losing their second game of caught a pass between Chuck the season, the F r a t e r s looked any- Pettengill and Bob Tulenko f o r thing but great, but soon every- the six points and the ball game. thing began to click, and they Sandwiched in between was a drasfinished out the season with a rush, tic loss to the F r a t e r s by the score winning their last four ball games of 44 to 0. Here nothing seemed to clinch a share of the title with to work and the Knicks looked the Cosmos. In beating the Knicks totally disorganized. J u s t a s a (44 to 0), the Arkies (44 to 12), word of warning to the wise — and the Seminary (24 to 18) the Watch out f o r this bunch next F r a t e r s showed tremendous scoring year! power. This power gave them the offensive team leadership of the E M M I E S : The Emmies were mired deep league (178 points f o r an average of 29.7 points per game) and also in the cellar until the very last gave them the scoring leader of game when they decided t h a t it the 1956 campaign in "Tiger" was a bit lonely down there and Teusink (13 Tds. f o r 78 points). pulled the Indies down to help The F r a t e r s also showed a strong them share the bottom rung. A f t e r defensive team by holding oppon- losing by overpowering scores to ents to 50 points, an average of the Seminary 50 to 6 and the Cosmos 44 to 8, the Emmies displayed only 8.3 points per game. a type of offense and a type of SEMINARY: defense f o r the first time during A f t e r being in championship con- theyear and defeated the unorgantention all season until the very ized Indies 14 to 8. The pass last few seconds of their game with catching of Ron Bulthuis sparked the F r a t e r s , the Seminary finally this win and possibly if just a little bowed out and ended the season more of the incentive t h a t was with a 4-2 win, loss record which shown in this game was used in is no indication of the g r e a t team the previous games, the Emmies t h a t they fielded this year. Led could have won a few more ball by the likes of J i m Van Hoven games.



Page Seven

Knicks Lead Golf; Vande Peel Pares 2 Others Close Kamp For Crown ifv :


" T h e C r i p p l e s " huddle together on the Hope bench w h i l e watching their uninjured team-mates trounce Olivet. From left to r i g h t , they are: Gene Van Dongen, Jim " T i g e r " D e W i t t , Harry Voss a n d Ken Faber. Hope a p p a r e n t l y got a l o n g without them for that game, as the final score was 5 9 - 6 . See details on page 8 — P h o t o by Vic Ambellas

Femmes Finish VB; Begin BB Practice

As Intramural Golf nears completion, the Knicks seem to be sitting at the top of the heap and holding down the driver's seat f r o m now on in. The KHN's, who have a 27-hole total team score of 405 on George Bitner's 127, A1 Timmer's 130, and Chuck Lindahl's 148, seem to have the inside track on the championship unless the Arkies and F r a t e r s can come up with a winning combination as they complete their matches. The Arkies have the strongest chance as they have a total team score of 263 with both Gord Hondorp (130) and John Van Dyke (133) leaving Bud Ortquist with the task of scoring below 142 to tie or beat the Knicks. Other completed team scores a r e the Cosmos (411) with Warren Plaggemars at 134, Ray Beckering at 136, and Denny Camp at 141; and the Emmies (534) with Lew Stegink a t 166, Ted Redding a t 167, and Dick Stadt at 201.

The Independents and the SemThe W.A.A. volleyball intra- inary have not yet reported their murals were completed Wednesday scores, which, if low enough, could evening, October 31. Although the upset the final team standings. competition was very keen, one The golf program should be comteam did come through the season pleted this weekend and all winundefeated. Elaine Halbersma was ners, team scores, and standings captain of this team composed of will be posted on Van Raalte senior women. The other team bulletin board. which also represented the senior FINAL INTRAMURAL class captured second place, sufferFOOTBALL STATISTICS ing its only loss at the hands of the number one team. Barb Van SCORES: Mon^ Oct. 22 Putten was its captain. Congratulations to these two senior teams Knicks 12, Arkies 6 who have proven that the seniors Seminary 50, Emmies 6 Wed., Oct. 24 aren't really as old and decrepit as many of the underclassmen think! F r a t e r s 44, Knicks 0 Last Wednesday night W.A.A. Cosmos 24, Indies 0 women went swimming at the pool in the grand Haven High School. Jane Mac Eachron made arrangements f o r the swim, which lasted from 8 o'clock to 9 o'clock. A f t e r returning to Holland, the group was served refreshments in the gymnasium. This was the first swim f o r the year, and several more are being planned f o r the near f u t u r e . The basketball sign-up sheets were posted in the dorms during this past week. Fran Kramer is the manager of the intramural program f o r the basketball League. Teams will be organized early next week, and the gym will be open Thursday night for practice. In the following weeks, scheduled games will be played on Thursday evenings in what should be the most highly competitive season to date.

Mon., Oct. 29 Cosmos 44, Emmies 8 Seminary 26, Knicks 20 Wed., Oct. 31 Emmies 14, Indies 8 F r a t e r s 44, Arkies 12 Mon., Nov. 5 F r a t e r s 24, Seminary 18 SCORING LEADERS (5 or more Tds.) D. Teusink, F J. De Vries, C B. Smith, S J. Van Hoven, S J. Jeltes, F B. Ortquist, A G. Hondorp, A D. Spaan, F J. Meeuwsen, S

Tds. 13 11 7 6 6 6 5 5 5

In Tennis Singles With a strong duo of singles players, the Independent singles tennis team composed of J i m Kamp and Jim Vande Poel swept to a smashing victory in the Intramural Tennis Tournament of 1956. By qualifing f o r the final round berths, only a playoff between the two Independents was necessary. To gain the finals Kamp defeated Dennis Camp of the Cosmos 7-5, 7-5 in a match t h a t saw the spirited Indie stage a g r e a t uphill battle in defeating the defending champion. In the other semi-final round Vande Poel defeated Ron Hughes of the Knicks 7-5, 6-0 to gain the other final berth and set the stage f o r the meeting of the powerful pair to decide the championship. When the day of decision arrived both Kamp and Vande Poel seemed confident and each looked forward with eager anticipation toward a victory and thus, the crown. Vande Poel, always a slow starter, allowed Kamp to jump off to a 1-0 set lead in losing t h e . 1st set 2-6. Then everything began to click f o r the calm and collected Vande Poel as he won the second set 6-3, and was leading in the final set 4-1 when the bottom fell out and Kamp rallied to tie the set up to 6-6. At t h a t point, darkness set in and both players decided to call it quits and wait until the next day. On the deciding day Vande Poel seemed to f o r g e t t h a t he was supposed to s t a r t slowly and lose the 1st and deciding set, and he swept to a smashing 6-1 final set victory. Thus, by a 2-6, 6-3, 6-6, 6-1 victory Vande Poel was crowned the new singles tennis champion of the Intramural Program. In doubles competition the Emmie duo of Lew Stegink and Ron Kuiper swept straight through all competition and in the final round defeated Lloyd Arnoldink and Lou Benes of the Seminary 6-3, 6-0. With this final victory in doubles competition the Emersonians took first place among the fraternities and established themselves as a definite t h r e a t in t h a t all important race for the All-Sports Trophy.

Pts. 78 66 42 36 With the conclusion of tennis 36 ends one of the most colorful in36 dividual sports on the Intramural 30 agenda. 30 30 The final standings:

PI. Team Points STANDINGS 7 Team W L Pf Pa Apf Apa 1. Indies Fraters 5 1 178 50 29.7 8.3 2. Emmies 51/£> Cosmos 5 1 118 46 19.7 7.7 3. Cosmos 4% INDIES: Seminary ....4 2 128 92 21.3 15.3 4. Seminary 4 In lacking the unity and organi- Arkies 3 3 94 86 15.7 14.3 3 zation t h a t most fraternities have, Knicks 2 4 64 112 10.7 18.7 5. Knicks IV2 the Indies had a rough time break- Emmies 1 5 36 166 6.0 27.7 6. F r a t e r s ing into the scoring column and Indies 1 5 48 114 8.0 19.0 7. Arkies 0 winning ball games. An indication of this is shown in the scores as they only scored 8 points in their last two ball games by being beaten 24 to 0 by the Cosmos and 12 ALL STEAK H A M B U R G S to 8 by the Emmies. Quarterbacking was the main problem as Home Made Pie, Ice Cream a good passer was hard to find and in this circuit "so goes the passer, so goes the team". Much credit must be given to one individual, Art Olson, whose spirit and determination kept the team ODORLESS ECONOMY together, at least enough to give DRY AND LAUNDRY out with a little fight. Next year CLEANING SERVICE with a different set-up going into STUDENT ECONOMY SERVICE effect maybe the Indies will have FIRST FIVE POUNDS, $1.12 more of an incentive to participate EACH ADDITIONAL POUND, 12c in the Intramural program instead SHIRTS FINISHED IN THIS BUNDLE 17c EACH ADDITIONAL of on their own around Kollen PICK-UP AND DELIVERY Hall!

By — D r i v e

Thus, another season of I n t r a mural Football. Once again, — Congratulations to the Cosmos and FratersI


MODEL LAUNDRY, INC. 97-99 East 8th

Phone 3625

Page Eight




Dutch Down Britains In Grid Thriller As Goal Line Stand Saves Game Hope College's Dutchmen staved off the second half drive of the Albion Britons to capture a drama packed 18-13 gridiron victory. This was the type of game t h a t explains the development of ulcers in football coaches. The Dutchmen were constantly deep in their own territory early in the game. They could not get their offense to click and were kept on their heels by the punting of Albion's Bob McConkie. However, with approximately three minutes to go in the first quarter Jack Faber entered the ball game and proceeded to connect with Mert VanderLind for a touchdown. Mert grabbed Faber's pass on the Albion 28 yard line and raced into the end zone on a play which covered 56 yards. Pete Watt's extra point attempt was wide and Hope had a 6-0 lead. With approximately two minutes left in the first half the Dutch started another drive. Dave Kuyers smashed through the center of the Albion line and raced 37 yards to the Albion 31 yard line. On the ensueing play Paul Wiegerink got behind the Albion safety man, who interfered when Paul tried to take the forward pass. Thus the Dutch were given possession of the ball on the Albion two yard line. From that point Mert VanderLind drove in f o r his second touchdown. When Pete Watt's conversion attempt was blocked the halftime score stood at 12-0 in favor of the Dutch. Albion came back strong in the second half. A f t e r the kickoff the Dutch could not move the ball and were forced to punt. However, a Briton lineman broke through and blocked Mert VanderLind's kick and the Briton's took over on the Hope 20 yard line. A f t e r three downs the Britons had been forced back to the 35 yard line. From that point Bob Gamble completed a desperation fourth down pass pitched to end Tom Taylor for a touchdown. Gene Bohn made good on his conversion attempt and the Britons trailed 12-7. Early in the final quarter halfback Bob Van Gilder intercepted a Jack Faber aerial on the Hope 40 yard line and returned it all the way to the Hope seven yard line. Three plays later Jim Hurd drove across for the touchdown from the two yard line. Gene Bohn's extra point try was not good and Albion had a 13-12 lead. Pete W a t t returned the kickoff thirty yards to the Hope 35 yard line. The steamed up Britons held the Dutch to little gain on two off-tackle smashes. On third down Pete Watt scooted down the sideline and grabbed a 20-yard pass from Del Grissen on the Albion 40 yard line. Pete took the pass ver his shoulder and didn't seem to break his stride as he scooted across for the score. Watt's extra point attempt was blocked and Hope had an 18-13 lead with about nine minutes left in the game. Albion took the kickoff but could not move the ball and had to punt. The Dutch offense also stalled and they had to go into punt formation. Briton end Lin Reed broke through to block Mert VanderLind's punt and Albion took over on the Hope 35 yard line. This was the, sixth Hope punt that had been blocked this season. The Hope defense dug in and held the Briton's for four plays. The Dutch took over but they did not retain control of the ball f o r long as Pete W a t t fumbled and Albion's John Leppi recovered on the Hope 37 yard line. • It took the Briton's only six plays to march to the Hope eight yard line with about one minute

Scots Invade For Final Tilt With Pony Backs, Tough Line This Saturday afternoon, the Hope College gridders will be battling the Scots from Alma College in the Annual Mom and Dad's Day Game. Alma has a 3-5 record as they enter this final game, and the Scots were tied for third place in the conference last year until the Dutchmen upset them 34-14 in the 1955 closer. There will be plenty of incentive for a "revenge" victory, but the men of Hope haven't forgotten 1953, when a surprise upset by the Scots ruined an otherwise perfect season for the Dutch.

Gridders Rock Olivet Comets 59-6 As Everyone Plays


Hope College's gridiron giants completely routed Olivet by a onesided 59-6 score. Running almost at will the Dutchmen ran up a season's high of 520 yards rushing. Only four passes were attempted, all of which were completed, but three were good for touchdowns. The combined total yardage reached 613 yards.

These men w i l l be p l a y i n g their last game for Hope College after four years of f o o t b a l l with the Dutch. They are, left to r i g h t : Center Earl De W i t t , Fullback Dave Kuyers, Quarterback Harry Voss, and G u a r d Tom Harris. Our hats are off to these men for an outstanding job well done for Hope College. — P h o t o by John DeVries

The Hope College gridmen must have been wearing track shoes October 27, as they literally ran all over the Comets from Olivet, 59-6. Every man who was able saw action, and Olivet was held scoreless a f t e r the second quarter. Hope rolled off four TD's in the first eight minutes of the third quarter to put the icing on the cake. Scoring was spread evenly: Ron Weatherbee and Jim Menzer scored two touchdowns apiece, while Mert Vanderlind, Paul Wiegerink, Pete Watt, Dave Kuyers, and J e r r y Hendrickson each had one. W a t t accounted f o r three conversions, Hendrickson one, and Dyke Rottschafer one. The Dutchmen amassed a mammoth total of 613 yards gained, 520 on the ground, and 93 through the air. The biggest ground gainers were Jim Menzer 130 yards, Mert Vanderlind 98, and Pete W a t t 77. Back of the week . . . Jim Menzer, who accounted for two Hope TD's and picked up 130 yards rushing, including a 66-yard scoring dash. Lineman of the week . . . Jim De Witt, a substitute tackle who saw considerable action for the first time this year. He played his position well, being in on almost every tackle while he was playing over half the game. * * * Hope brought its league mark this season to 3 wins and 2 losses, visiting Albion and coming home the victors, 18-13. Mert Vanderlind tallied twice and Pete Watt once, for all the Dutch scoring. Dave Kuyers led the team in rushing, with 89 yards in 12 tries. Albion

staged a desparate comeback in the last few minutes, but the Hope defensive unit held f a s t to preserve the win. Back of the week . . . Pete Watt, a halfback who stood out as both a runner and a pass receiver. He scored once against the foe. Lineman of the week . . . Dick Gantos, who played almost the entire game and whose persistent tackling help dump the Britons. Dick is in his second year as a starting guard and linebacker. * * * Dave Kuyers and Mert Vanderlind are continuing to pick up lots of yardage this season, and as a result, both men are among the top four ground-gainers in the conference. Ever since the start of MIAA play, Mert and Dave along with Nate Clark from Hillsdale and Albion's Jim Hurd have been pacing the league in t h a t department. Not including the action this past weekend, Clark ranked first, Vanderlind second, Hurd Third, and Kuyers fourth, and these four have changed position several times. But against Albion, Kuyers gained 89 to Vanderlind's 38, putting Kuyers ahead 349 to 338. Hurd dropped to fourth with 330. Only Clark was unheard from when this issue went to press. Vanderlind and Clark are halfbacks while the other two are fullbacks. * * *

This year. Alma has been doing a rebuilding job under their new head coach, Art Smith, who has taken a few veteran players and rounded them into a precision ball club. When Smith graduated from Alma, he took ten varsity letters along with him. This experience has led to his enviable record so f a r as a coach: 71 victories and 27 defeats. While at Whitworth College, he amassed an impressive 27-1 record.

A deficit in the quarterback slot gave Art several early - season headaches, but freshman Bill Rankin and sophomore t r a n s f e r John Harris have both proven acceptCoach Russ DeVette was able to able. Harris is known to be a use all thirty-five able bodied ball better-than-average passer, and a players as he cleared the bench. connection between him and end He used the first string for only Chuck Morrison, co-captain and the first quarter and three minutes the f a s t e s t man on the team, could prove to be good f o r a lot of of the third quarter. During t h a t yardage. This particular combinatime they scored four touchdowns. tion is a factor in citing Alma's The second string was limited to backfield as one of the f a s t e s t and only eight minutes of action as hardest-hitting in the conference. they played only five minutes in Other members to be reckoned the second quarter and three min- with in this aggregation include utes in third quarter in registering Warren "Tex" Gleason, an exfour tochdowns. The third and ceptionally shifty 220-pound fullfourth stringers were able to gain back who presents a powerful some valuable experience while threat when coming up the middle. playing over one-half the game Pat Brady, a High School AllAmerican just returned from a and scoring a touchdown. four-year training program (courWhile the emphasis was upon tesy of the Seebees), is a natural the offensive Hope's defensive line at the Winged-T with his tremendstood out throughout the entire ous speed and shiftyness. Bob Hill, contest as they held the Comets Hill, another speed-merchant back to minus 11 yards rushing. The and another potential pass-receiver, Dutch forward wall held Olivet can be counted upon "to go all the to negative yardage rushing in all way at any time" if Alma's assessbut the final quarter. ment is correct. Several fine reThe first Dutch score came in serves also indicate that the Scot the first quarter when Mert Vanbackfield could mean trouble. derLind skirted end for sixteen The Alma line is also in good yards. Pete Watt made his conshape, and appears to have depth version attempt and Hope led 7-0. On Hope's first pass attempt f o r to spare, due to keen competition the evening Jack Faber threw a among the men holding up the strike to Paul Wiegerink who raced forward wall. Only a lack of exin f o r the score. Pete Watt con- perience and conditioning prevent verted again to make the score 14-0 it from being one of the strongest and end the first string tour of lines in the MIAA. Reports indicatethat their line, good as it is, duty. can't compare to ours, but they The second string quickly went have a reputation f o r effectiveness to work as Jerry Hendrickson went on quick-openers. 56 yards on a reverse to set up a If training-room rumors can be two yard touchdown plunge by Ron Wetherbee. Once again Pete W a t t used as a basis f o r prediction, we converted to make the score 21-0. predict that the Hope air-tight deThe next time the Dutch took over fensive wall will have to plug up Jim Menzer climaxed the drive by every possible leak, for Bob Hill racing around end for 23 yards and sprints through little gaps with atouchdown. Jack Faber threw a the purpose of a very well-guided quick pass to J e r r y Hendrickson missile, and "Tex" Gleason is supfor the extra point and the Dutch posed to be able to wriggle through had a 28-0 lead with nine minutes a 6-inch break. The possibility of finishing the remaining in the second period. The Comets proceeded to make season with three victories and a their only drive of the evening as 4-4 record might prove an incentive they moved 56 yards for a touch- for the Dutchmen to watch their down. They had a first down on defense and saddle the pony backthe four yard line but the Dutch field riding herd f o r the men f r o m third stringers held them f o r four Alma.

Herb Widmer, Ron Den Uyl, Tex Bennink, and Harry Wristers finished first through fourth respectively to lead Hope's harriers to a decisive 21-35 defeat over Olivet. Widmer's time f o r the four-mile downs. However one of the Dutchcourse was 21:11, a new record. men was off-side and the Comets and a half remaining in the game. Den Uyl 21:57, Bennink 22:20, and were given another try. Rollie Games played October 27 Then the Dutch defensive line a- Wristers 22:58. Wahl finally plunged across from • * * rose to the occasion and held them Hillsdale 41, Kalamazoo 14 one foot out to score their only to a gain of one yard in three tries. Albion 14, Alma 13 Albion, MIAA cross-c o u n t r y touch down. On f o u r t h down Bob Gamble threw champs for the past several years, Ferris 19, Adrian 7 The Dutch gridders came back to Bob Van Gilder who juggled the continued their winnings ways at Games played November 3 strong in the second half a s the ball as he fell out of the end zone the expense of the Dutch, 19-42. Hillsdale 61, Adrian 12 first string scored two touchdowns and with it fell the Albion hopes Herb Widmer's second place paced Kalamazoo 28, Olivet 0 in the first three minutes. Pete f o r victory. Del Grissen ran out the Hope runners as he ran the Ferris 27, Alma 6 Watt went around end f o r 13 yards the remaining seconds on the clock course in 22:23:" Albion appears f o r a touchdown but he missed his and Hope claimed its fourth to have just too much depth to extra point attempt. Dave Kuyers straight victory over the Britons lose the crown this year. followed in the scoring parade in a real thriller. —By Bob Van Wart SUBSCRIBE TO THE ANCHOR ! (See OLIVET, p. 6)

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