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Hope College — Holland, Michigan

November 7,


A u e r b a c h to K e y n o t e C o n f e r e n c e Gould to Deliver Hawkinson Lecture Speaker at the Fourth Annual Hawkinson Memorial Lecture will be Dr. Laurence M. Gould, President of Carleton College and one of the foremost scientists of the United States. The lecture is being held in Hope Memorial Chapel tonight at 8:00 P.M. Dr. Gould's address will be centered around the subject "United S t a t e s Science in the World of Tomorrow". Besides being an excellent speaker, his qualifications are many. As director of the United S t a t e s Antarctic Program f o r the International Geophysical Year. Dr. Gould is scientist and educator plus diplomat and statesman. This position necessitates constant contact and negotiatitns with the scientists of Russia and all other nations interested in the Antarctic Region. Dr. Gould has figured significantly in every m a j o r American expedition to the Antarctic since 1926.

Dr. Laurence M . G o u l d

Kollen Library Esfabiished



L. A u e r b a c h

CLASSES CHOOSE NYKFRK CHAIRMEN The Freshman and sophomore women have elected their g r o u p chairmen f o r the annual Nykerk Cup contest to be held Nov. 23 in the Civic Center. p r o m the f r e s h m a n class, T)orothy Welsh will work with junior Carol Luth on the play. Adina Yonan is assisting Ann De Pree, junior music coach. From the sophomore class Greta Weeks has been elected play chairman to work with senior coaches Sheryl Yntema and J o Ann Barton. Edna Hollander and senior Ruth Wright will coach the sophomore song.

Try-outs f o r the respective class orators are being held. Isla Van Eenenaam has been selected to coach the f r e s h m a n orator, and they feel would be put to better Marianne Hageman will coach the use if in a public place. These sophomore. books need not be limited to any specific field of study or interest, but rather should cover many areas CAMPUS TO WELCOME of interest. It has also been pointed out to students who know of some PARENTS O N SATURDAY The Annual Mom and Dads' Day church organizations in town that will be observed on Hope's campus desire to contribute in some way to some aspect of Hope College, that on Saturday, November 9, 1957. here is an opportunity and certain- The Student Council is in charge of the event, with Carl Ver Beek, a ly here is a need. In order to give credit where it junior from Holland, serving as is due, it is advised that contribu- chairman.

The shorter compositions that have been incorporated in the prog r a m are H.N. Brown's "An American Bolero" which in some aspects resembles Ravel's immortal "Bolero"; LeRoy Anderson's " P h a n - tors place their name or organizaThe activities will begin in the tom Regiment", and Strauss' tion's name inside the f r o n t cover. afternoon with the football g a m e "Waltz Wiellervlute." Contact Dean Hinga if you know of between Albion and Hope. At half time the p a r e n t s of the team membooks t h a t are available. bers will be welcomed and introduced by Bob Lesniak, Student Danforth Foundation men of outstanding academic abili- Council President. A f t e r the gar.ie Seeking Applicants ty, personality congenial to the a Buffet Supper will be served f o r The D a n f o r t h Foundation, an classroom, and integrity and char- students and their p a r e n t s in Dureducational foundation located in acter, including serious inquiry fee Hall f r o m 5 o'clock to 7:30 within the Christian tradition. P.M. H a l f - h o u r programs of enterSt. Louis, Missouri, is inviting apAppointments a r e fundamentally tainment will be presented in the plications f o r the seventh class " a relationship of encouragement" Music Building Auditorium and all (1958) of D a n f o r t h Graduate Fellows f r o m college senior men and throughout the years of graduate campus buildings will hold open recent graduates who are prepar- study, c a r r y i n g a promise of finan- house f o r visitors during the eveing themselves f o r a career of col- cial aid within prescribed conditions ning. lege teaching, and are planning as there may be need. Students Assisting the general chairman to e n t e r graduate school in Septem- with or without financial need are are committee members: Isla Van ber, 1958, f o r their first year of invited to apply. A D a n f o r t h Fel- Eenenaam, a junior f r o m Muskeg r a d u a t e study. The Foundation is low is allowed to carry other scho- gon, and Sandy Dressel, junior welcoming applicants f r o m the larship appointments, such as f r o m Muskegon, and Sandy Dresa r e a s of Natural and Biological Rhodes, Fulbright, etc., concurrent- sel, junior f r o m Holland, in charge Sciences, Social Sciences, Humani- ly with his D a n f o r t h Fellowship. of correspondence with the parties and all fields of specialization All applications, including the ents; Marge Ten Haken, junior to be found in the undergraduate recommendations, must be com- f r o m Milwaukee, in charge of encollege. The qualifications of the pleted by J a n u a r y 31, 1958. F u r t h e r t e r t a i n m e n t ; and Roland Van Es, candidates as listed in the announ- information can be obtained f r o m sophomore f r o m California, dining cement f r o m the Foundation a r e : Dean Hinga. hall arrangements.


with greetings to the visiting delegates presented by Dr. John W. Hollenbach, Vice President of Hope College. This will be followed by the Keynote Address, which will be presented by Mr. Isaac L. Auerbach on "The Impact of Modern Science on American Life". An important f e a t u r e of the a f t e r noon's activities will be a panel discussion on "The Impact of Modern Science on International Relations". Eugene Te Hennepe of Hope College will serve as moderThe conference will be opened ator of this discussion. The panel members are Bill Kooistra f r o m Calvin College, Norma K u j a w a from Grand Rapids Junior College, Regina Mackay of Nazareth College, E s t e r Stohl from Central Michigan College, and Bob Van The National Teacher Examina- Steelant from Hillsdale College. tions, prepared and administered Mr. Auerbach and Dr. H a r r y Frisannually by Educational Testing sel will be resource personnel f o r Service, will be given a t 250 test- the panel. ing centers throughout the United The keynote speaker f o r this States on Saturday, F e b r u a r y 15, conference, Mr. Issac L. Auerbach, 1958. has helped to pioneer many techAt the one-day testing session nical achievements in the developa candidate may take the Common ment of memory systems f o r elecExaminations, which include tests tronic computers. Educated a t in Professional Information, Gen- Drexel Institute of Technology and eral Culture, English Expression, H a r v a r d University, Mr. Auerbach and Non-verbal Reasoning; and one served as a U.S. Naval Lieutenant, or two of eleven Optional Exam- and spent one year as a radio eninations designed to demonstrate gineer in the Naval Research Labmastery of subject m a t t e r to be oratory. Soon t h e r e a f t e r , he act a u g h t . The college which a candi- cepted a position with the Remingdate is attending, or the school ton-Rand Univac division of Sperry system in which he is seeking em- Rand Corporation, where he beployment, will advise him whether came the m a n u f a c t u r i n g m a n a g e r . he should take the National Teach- From 1949 to 1957, he held the er Examinations and which of the position of m a n a g e r of the Special Optional Examinations to select. Products division of the Burroughs A Bulletin of Information (in Corporation. At present, he is the which an application is inserted) President of Auerbach Electronics describing registration procedure Corporation. His contributions to and containing sample t e s t ques- his field include such accomplishtions may be obtained f r o m college ments as directing the developofficials, school superintendents, or ment of the ICBM guidance comdirectly f r o m the National Teacher puter and r a d a r t a r g e t detection Examinations, Educational Testing equipment f o r the SAGE Air DeService, 20 Nassau Street, Prince- fense System. In addition to these ton, New Jersey. Completed appli- and many other accomplishments cations, accompanied by proper ex- in the area of science and enginamination fees, will be accepted by eering, he is also active in many the ETS office during November civic groups, and is keenly aware and December, and in J a n u a r y so of the implications his work has long as they are received before on the field of international relaJ a n u a r y 17, 1958. tions.

Teacher Exams Scheduled for Feb.

A r r a n g e m e n t s to bring Dr. Gouid to Holland were made last spring by Dr. Paul Fried, chairman of the history department. Since the apThe Kollen Hall Library is popearance of Sputnik, the visit is tentially an excellent source of reone of g r e a t importance and ex- ference f o r a good portion of the academic life of the men of Kollen ceptionally timely. Everyone is cordially welcome a t Hall. Last year this library was the lecture, and are invited to graciously given a fine s t a r t by bring friends. Again, as in previous contributions of books from various years, there is no admission charge. sources. A set of Encyclopedia Britannica was sent over f r o m Graves Library ,and the Rev. Paul Hinkamp and Mrs. Marie AitcheHope Orchestra To son, both of the administration, doPresent Concert Nov. 14 nated sets and miscellaneous books A complete orchestral program f r o m the shelves of their personal t h a t is without soloists will be pre- libraries. sented by the Hope College orThe students of Hope College, chestra under the direction of Mr. particularly the men, are encouRider on November 14 in the raged to seriously consider the Kolchapel at 8:15 p.m. len Library if they have some books The 55 members of the orchestra will present in the words of Mr. Rider, "a program that will appeal to everyone." The two m a j o r works will be the "'Second Symphony" by the renowned American composer Vittorio Gianini and Buxtehude's " F a n f a r e and Chorale f o r Brass Choir."

Hope College will play host this afternoon to the Western Michigan Conference of International Relations Clubs. There will be delegations attending f r o m s e v e n Western Michigan Colleges: Hillsdale College with seventeen delegates, Central Michigan College with eight, seven delegates from Nazareth College, two delegates from Grand Rapids Junior College, five from Calvin College, and four from Western Michigan University.




Koffee Kletz and Student Lounge: Van Raalte Hall

OFFICIAL GREETINGS Dr. John W. Hollenbach Vice President, Hope College


Music Building Auditorium

"The Impact of Modern Science on American L i f e " Isaac L. Auerbach 4:10



P A N E L DISCUSSION "The Impact of Modern Science on International Relations"

Music Building Auditorium



Durfee Hall


FOURTH ANNUAL HAWKINSON MEMORIAL L E C T U R E "The Impact of Modern Science on the World of Tomorrow" Laurence M. Gould

Music Building Concourse

Hope Chapel

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By Yoshie Ogawa

Member Associate Collegiate Press PRESS

Published weekly by and for the students of Hope College except during holiday and examination periods, under the authority of the Student Council Publications Board. Entered as second class matter at the post office of Holland, Michigan, at a special rate of postage provided for in section 1103 of Act of Congress, October 3, 1917, and authorized October 19, 1918. Subscription Rate: $1.00 per school year to non-student subscribers. EDITORIAL STAFF John Fragale, Jr. Stuart Wilson Nancy Boyd, Roger Te Hennepe Adelbert Farnsworth Carl Poit, Mary Jane Adams Jan Owen, Robert Van Wart Elizabeth Fell William Noorlag, Howard Plaggemars Carol Ham, Carol Rylance John Kraai Jan Blunt

BUSINESS S T A F F Business Manager

Ronald Lokhorst

Advertising Managers Circulation Managers

Charles Hesselink, Richard Stadt Karen Nyhuis, J. Gregory Bryson, Russell Yonkers Vern Essenburg

Bookkeeping Manager

Robert Bratton

Rev. Hoffman to Lead R.E. Week Activities F e b r u a r y 2-7, 1958 are the dates set f o r Religious Emphasis Week on Hope's campus this year. The Rev. Harvey Hoffman, minister of the Second Reformed Church in Hackensack, N. J., will be the main speaker f o r the week.


From East & West IGY: Achievement In International


Editor-in-Chief Managing Editor News Editors Feature Editor Society Editors Sports Editors Copy Editor Make-Up Editors Rewrite Editors Art and Photography Editor Proofreader


Christian f a i t h . Hope Brahs and Albert Fassler are co-chairmen of this year's Religious Emphasis Committee. Helping them with the seminars and evening devotions are Sheryl Yntema and John Kleinheksel. Helen Taylor and Bob Peterson are planning the " Y " meeting and evening devotions. P r o g r a m s are in charge of Roger Garvelink and Marge Ten Haken; and Stan Harrington, Jini Vander Borgh, Carol McCahan, Artel Newhouse, and Chuck Hesselink will be working on publicity.

"People look in their own houses first, then outside," Carmina Monzo, P a n a m a City, Panama, a freshm a n a t Albion College, observed. She say the United States is not selfish but has many more internal affairs to o c c u p y it than her count r y and o t h e r , small countries. .. T h e teenagers .. ^ there are very v Yoshie O q a w a . . . . , similar to t h e ones in this country, she observed. D a t i n g is as much indulged in there as it is here although the young people usually go with a group or double date. Since most of the people of Pana m a are Catholic, the high schools are operated by nuns and priests. The curriculum is strictly set up, and no one has a choice about the subjects he takes. None of the schools are co-educational except in the Canal Zone. Most of the students in Panama play musical instruments. When a dance or p a r t y is without music, anyone attending can provide it. Carmina herself sings, she also plays popular Spanish songs on her g u i t a r which she learned to play in Mexico during the two years she spent attending an English boarding school there.

The colors of our autumn leaves s t a r t e d and pleased her, since in the 10 months of summer and two Religious Emphasis Week, an months of winter, the trees are annual project of the Y.W.C.A. and always green in Panama. The cold weather here displeases her even the Y.M.C.A., is a week in which more than it does many of us, and all students can re-evaluate their the winter clothing is very heavy f o r a girl used to the light clothes of a warm climate. The friendliness of North America r a t h e r surprised her since the Tonight the Fourth Annual Hawkinson Memorial Lecture will be f e w North Americans in Panama delivered by Dr. Lawrence M. Gould, one of America's foremost sciendo not go out of their way to be tists and directors of the U.S. Antartic p r o g r a m f o r the International pleasant to the people of the Geophysical Year. country. The lecture is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Ella A. Hawkinson, Chairman of the Department of History and Political Science at Hope College f r o m 1948 to 1952. It has as its objective the f o s t e r i n g of inCommission Schedules ternational understanding by bringing to the campus and community each year some distinguished participant in international affairs. Entrance Examination Trygve Lie, f o r m e r Secretary-General of the United Nations, inTo f u r t h e r improve its position augerated the Hawkinson Memorial Lecture in 1954. No less eminent in the competition f o r talented were the Lecturers f o r 1955 and 1956, Dr. Karl Gruber, A u s t r i a n Am- college people, the Federal Govbassador to the U.S., and Mrs. Edith S. Samson, a f o r m e r U.S. delegate e r n m e n t is opening its Federalto the United Nations' General Assembly. Service Entrance Examination this Because the fostering of international understanding is also an year to college juniors in addition objective of the I.R.C., it h a s each year sponsored the Western Michigan to seniors, college g r a d u a t e s and I.R.C. Conference in conjunction with the Hawkinson Lecture. Dele- others of equivalent experience, the gates f r o m eight colleges attend the conference. Last year when Mrs. Civil Service Commission anSamson spoke, the I.R.C. played host to the annual meeting of the nounced today. Michigan Council on UNESCO. Also, job appointments, effective In an age when scientific development has such profound political a f t e r graduation, may be offered and social repercussions, the Fourth Hawkinson Memorial Lecture is the juniors if they pass the exampropitious. —D. G. C. ination and t h e i r names become •t tS f f M M f M #.# M MM M •>• available on the lists of eligibles •> •# •• to be established. As in the past, •• •% • • • » #<% such job offers may also be made •• USED TEXT BOOKS — STATIONERY ijf to seniors. *•

A History . . .

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BRINK'S BOOK STORE 48 East 8th St.

Holland, Michigan


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The first Federal-Service En:: trance Examination to be held 8 since the change is scheduled f o r #*#% November 16, the Commission said. # Subsequent examinations will be %• •« • » held in J a n u a r y , February, March, »« •# M %» and May, 1958. Applicants must *,* have filed before October 31 f o r :: the November 16 written test, which will be given a t approximately 1,000 examination points throughout the country. The examination, first given two years ago, is designed to help fill the Government's yearly need f o r more young people of collegecaliber who can be placed in jobs a t the entrance level and who have the potential to develop into the top managers, technicians, and specialists of t h e f u t u r e . Positions filled through the examination are in almost every kind of work. During fiscal y e a r 1957, more than 7,500 job appointments in 175 dif-

Co-operation By Stuart Wilson Editor's Note—Dr. Laurence Gould, this year's Hawkinson Memorial lecturer is the director of the U.S. Antarctic program f o r the International Geophysical Year. The following article is an attempt to acquaint us with some of the aspects of the IGY. Since July 1, more than 5,000 scientists f r o m 56 countries have been actively engaged in the most intense study of man's environment yet attempted. F o r the next fourteen months these men will carry on the ambitious probing into the hidden secrets of the e a r t h and its atmosphere. This is the period of the International Geophysical Year: a twentieth century achievement in international cooperation. Nature knows no international boundaries. A cold air mass moving out of Canada and across the United States may have been the result of a storm off the east coast of Asia. This same mass may move across the Atlantic, to cause s t o r m s in England and on the Continent. The men who study the physical forces and phenomena associated with the earth, the geophysicists, must cooperate. To bind such studies within national boundaries would soon mean the end of those sciences which study our environment. Fortunately, this is not the case. Today, in a world where the f r e e flow of knowledge is often hindered by political tension, we are witnessing a magnificent achievement in international cooperation in the work being carried on during the IGY. An Adventure in International Science At this moment, scientists are working in the remote areas of the world. They are manning seismological stations on tiny islands in the v a s t Pacific. They are trekking across the white expanse of Antarctica to measure the thickness of the polar ice-cap. Countless individual projects are being carried on simultaneously throughout the world. The temperature, pressure, wind speed, and humidity of the atmosphere a t altitudes up to 100,000 feet are being measured. Some scientists are engaged in studying the deep ocean currents about which little is known. Observations are being made in an effort to discover some of the things we t a k e f o r granted such as the precise shape of the earth and the exact location of the continents. All over the world scientists are probing into the very core of the e a r t h and studying the outermost

limits of the atmosphere 800 miles into space. This didn't j u s t happen. The story of the International Geophysical Year is the story of — An Adventure in Internationa! Relations The story of scientific cooperation is not a new one. In the latt e r p a r t of the Nineteenth Century, the First International Polar Year was conducted. F i f t y years later, in 1932-33 the studies were resumed in the N o r t h Polar regions. In 1950, a g r o u p of scientists gathered informally in Washington, D.C. to discuss the Third Polar Year. They felt, because of the rapid advance of scientific study, it would be necessary to increase the world's geophysical knowledge before 1982. Since the period 195758 was expected to be a year of intense solar activity, thus presenting an excellent opportunity of the study of atmospheric phenomena, they proposed t h a t the date of the Third Year be advanced. A f t e r the proposal received strong endorsement, the work of planning and organization began. It was carried on through the network of interconnected scientific organizations and unions which covers all the countries of the world. Finally, in 1956, the participating nations began establishing their bases and stations. The International Geophysical Year is more t h a n a scientific undertaking. The experiences of planning and organization are just as important to the field of international relations as the contributions these studies will make to science. The scientists of 56 countries have demonstrated to the world that there can be cooperation among people despite differences in national traditions, economic status, and ideology. President Eisenhower has written, concerning the IGY, t h a t it should "very materially strengthen our bonds with the many cooperating nations a n d make a constructive contribution to the solution of mutual problems."

An Introduction This is ostensibly to be an introductory essay explaining the purpose and the subject m a t t e r of my forthcoming column. Whether it will be successful depends entirely on you, my little readers. Perhaps it will be a new experiment in literature. P e r h a p s there won't be another column. Quien Sabe?

As this is to be an introductory column I should tell you a little f e r e n t occupations were made of abou the purpose of my undertakpersons who passed the examina- ing. I hardly know how to begin. tion. The Commission estimates P e r h a p s " D e a r H a r r y " would be t h a t during the next 12 months a t as good a way as any. least the same number of entranceThere are a lot of things t h a t level jobs, a t salaries r a n g i n g f r o m could be changed at Hope (Oh, $3,670 to $4,525 a year, will be yes t h e r e a r e ; There must be) and filled f r o m the F S E E lists of I feel t h a t it is m y duty as critic eligibles. to arouse in the student body an The Commission emphasized t h a t awareness of the many inadequacies Government needs f o r college-caliand problems which plague our inber people are increasing each y e a r stitution. But I'll save t h a t f o r despite any overall reductions in some other time. t h e Federal work force t h a t m a y occur at any one time. Although Interspersed with these f u r t i v e turnover in Government compares jabs of criticism will be occasional favorably with t h a t of private in- book reviews, opinions on educadustry, its effect on the large work tion, and discussions on a variety force needed by modern govern- of subjects r a n g i n g f r o m Sputnik m e n t is such as to require t h a t to Freud. As a result of all this f r o m 200,000 to 300,000 job ap- reform and revolution, I shall probpointments be made each year. In ably be t a r r e d and f e a t h e r e d and addition, the increasing complexity run off the campus on a rail; but of many of the jobs to be per- such is the reward of those with formed is requiring t h a t each y e a r radical ideas. T h a t ' s about it f o r a g r e a t e r number of them be filled now. See you next time, I hope! by college-caliber people. —Richard J a a r s m a





Frats Enter Last Weeks of Rushing ARCADIAN: Last week, Friday, Nov. 1, the Arkies held a joint literary meeting with the A.S.A. Sorority. Members of both groups took p a r t in the p r o g r a m . Tonight, Nov. 8, the Arkies will hold a literary meeting. It will begin at 7:45 in the chapel basement. L a r r y Schut will give the humor paper and P e t e r Cupery will present the serious topic: Aviation Aids. Other rushing activities include an open house Sunday, Nov. 10, which will be held a f t e r church f o r all rushees and their dates, and a regular open house on Wednesday, Nov. 13. On Nov. 15, the Arkies will hold their annual square dance. The rushees are invited to all these events and are urged to get dates for the open house on Nov. 10 and also for the square dance on Nov. 15. COSMOPOLITAN: This past week, Friday, Nov. 1, the Cosmopolitan f r a t e r n i t y held their annual fall smoker. Saturday evening the Cosmos gave a "space p a r t y " for all rushees. The house was decorated to give the appearance of a space ship. Games were played and prizes w e r e awarded f o r the best costume representing life in the year 2000. Tonight, Friday, Nov. 8, the Cosmos are having a literary meeting which is open to all rushees. Fred Brown is in charge of the serious paper and Jim Bolthouse will present the humor paper. Tomorrow the Cosmo house will be open all day f o r the "Moms and Dads" of all actives and interested rushees.

The United Nations During the past year, the spotlight of the world has been trained very intensively upon the United Nations. The two m a j o r crises of last year, t h a t of the Suez and H u n g a r y , shook the world and the eyes of mankind turned to the United Nations. Two weeks ago the United Nations week was celebrated all over the nation. Oftentimes, the questions were asked as to how the United Nations has fared during this time of trial and testing, how it has responded to the hopes, fears, and p r a y e r s of all the different people in the world, what its actions have been and what lessons have been learned f r o m the ordeals. In the Hungarian crisis, the United Nations condemned the U.S.S.R. f o r the violation of the charter depriving H u n g a r y of its liberty and independence. Conditions in Hung a r y were investigated by a committee established by the General Assembly, which goes to show t h a t the United Nations was on the job. In the Middle E a s t crisis, the U n i t e d Nations action brought about the removal of British, French and Israeli forces f r o m E g y p t and in the establishment of a United Nations Emergency F o r c e considered the forerunner of a United Nations Army. The United Nations have helped prevent f u r t h e r destruction and saved many, many lives. During the United Nations week, a plan was made t h a t all the people of this universe should dedicate themselves to the task of helping governments settle their differences; then perhaps, the time may come when "swords shall be beaten into plowshares and nations shall not raise up swords against naions, neither shall they learn w a r any more." —Nena Lila Mih

EMERSONIAN: Last weekend the Emersonian f r a t e r n i t y held their annual smoker at the North Shore Community Hall. The members of the f r a t e r n ity presented a skit which represented the mock wedding of Domma Nearing Longword to Casper Milquetoast. Tomorrow night, Saturday, Nov. 9 the men of Phi Tau Nu will hold their fall square dance. The dance will be held in the North Shore Community Hall and special music will be provided by t h r e e fiddlers and a caller. Those Rushees attending this dance are asked to meet a t the house a t 7:15 f r o m which transportation will be f u r n ished f o r those without cars. All day tomorrow the Emersonian house will be open to rushees and their parents. Rushees and actives are encouraged to bring their parents to see the house and meet some of the men. N e x t F r i d a y evening, Nov. 15, the Emersonians are holding a lite r a r y meeting. This meeting will be held at t h e house and will begin a t 7 sharp. On Sunday, Nov. 17, the Emmies a r e holding their last open house of the rushing period. FRATERNAL: The F r a t e r n a l society held a literary meeting on last Friday evening. At this meeting George Van Congen presented the humor paper, John Van Dam gave the serious paper, and special music was presented by the Hope College Co-Eds. A f t e r the literary meeting an open house was held. At the open house filmed highlights of the Hope vs. Hillsdale game were shown. Last Saturday the men of Fraternal held a smoker and films of the Detroit Lions football club were shown.

Sororities Hold Initiations ALPHA PHI: Alpha-phi will officially become a full-fledged Hope College sororit y tonight a t the formal induction ceremony. The service will be based upon the purposes of the sorority, its creed and pledge. Members will be personally initiated by Jocelyn Fryling, Pan Hell president. The c h a r t e r will be presented and signed by the sorority's c h a r t e r members. Date night is scheduled f o r November 15. P l a n s include an evening of bowling followed by ref r e s h m e n t s and fellowship. The committee in charge, under the direction of Sheryl DeWitte includes Dorene Tornga, Karen Nyhuis, and Betty Fell. DELPHI: On November 15th, Delphi members will travel to Grand Rapids f o r their date night to see the Civic Players present "The Loud Red Patrick", a f a m i l y comedy. Last Friday night initiation beg a n with a slave sale. Also, the pledges planned skits in groups and entertained the active members a t the meeting. DORIAN; The new Dorian pledges were informally initiated last Friday night f r o m 7:00 to 9:30 p.m. by candle light. Each pledge came dressed as a person of the enterment world. A f t e r the pledges passed the various tests of stamina set up by the actives, they presented their quests and the slave sale was held. Carol Cloetingh and Marilyn Campbell were the auctioneers. Donuts and root beer were served to both actives and pledges. Today brings to a close their term of enslavement and subordination to the actives except f o r a b r e a k f a s t which they will prepare f o r the actives tomorrow morning. Sue Edwards was appointed chairman of this breakfast. A "pledge song" is also to be presented to the actives at the breakf a s t . This is to be prepared by Phyllis Lovins and Lyn Nelson. Tonight the pledges will experience another aspect of Dorian membership as they attend the annual Formal. This year, the theme of the evening is "Holiday in Heidelberg."

KNICKERBOCKER: The Knicks highlighted this past weekend with a boat ride f o r rushees and actives. This outing which was attended by 64 f e a t u r e d games, a beach party and r e f r e s h m e n t s . Tonight, Friday, Nov. 8, the men of Kappa E t a Nu are holding a literary meeting. Ronald Brown, a f o r m e r Knickerbocker and now a Western Theological Seminary student and p a r t time instructor of Mathehatics a t Hope College, will address the group. Jim Kamp will lead devotions and Holly Meyer will present a music paper. The Knicks' "Gold Rush P a r t y " , SIBYLLINE: a highlight in the rushing proLast Friday night, the "haunted gram of the f r a t e r n i t y , will take house" of Holland was the scene of place tomorrow evening. the informal initiation of the Sibylline pledges. Each girl dressed as a nursery rhyme character and Alcor Holds Successful acted out the p a r t . This was folCoffee Hour lowed by the traditional slave sale The annual Alcor Coffee Hour with Carol Luth as auctioneer, and was held a t Gilmore Cottage Oc- the pledges were then given their tober 26 immediately following the guests. Tonight, the sorority will Homecoming football game. At- hold its formal initiation. At the meeting on November 1st, tended by t h i r t y members of the before the intiation, plans f o r date present and p a s t senior honor society, the coffee hour enjoyed a night were discussed and it was unanimously voted upon to have g r e a t success. During the informal get-together, a suffet supper and square dance alumnae and present members in- instead of a box social as pretroduced themselves. Many letters viously planned. Judy Mulder was of regret were received f r o m past elected chairman of the Sib forma 1 Alcor members who were unable to t o be held early in F e b r u a r y . Mary attend the affair. Lammers was elected to the office of Sargeant-of-Arms. Lynn Van't Hof planned the cofree hour with the aid of the en- SOROSIS; tire club. Miss Reevert, Dean of Sorosis pledges began informal Women, supervised the arrange- initiation on Wednesday, October ments. Pouring at the event were 30th. Dressed in long underwear Miss Bried, Alcor advisor, and Miss and blindfolded, they were subReeverts. jected to various stunts and were then put up f o r a slave sale. The following day they appeared on campus in s t r a n g e g a r b required by the actives. Each girl was to serve her m a s t e r f o r the next week by g e t t i n g her b r e a k f a s t , cleaning h e r room and running errands downtown. Friday, the pledges wore t h e Sorosis outfit, navy blue skirt and s w e a t e r and white blazer with the sorority emblem.


Page Three

Learning Comes Easy At Heart of America Washington, D.C.—To a student, this can be the most pulsating city in the world. As a university cent e r of politics, government, and international affairs, Washington is an inexhaustible source of study. And few people are a p t to learn so much as the Washington Semest e r student.

vironment, timeliness and profession of the lecturer, most students reveal t h a t they a r e able to retain the information with astonishing ease.

Here, under competent advisers, they study the intricacies of gove r n m e n t first hand. Their classroom, in seminar classes, the m a j o r p a r t of their program, may be the gallery of the House, a Senate committee caucus room, the auditorium of the Library of Congress, or anywhere else government officials work. Their teacher may be a Senator, a representative, a Supreme Court Justice, a staff member of a legislative committee, or some other ranking U.S. official. The program itself is in its eleventh year. Its alumni regard it as one of the most interesting and illuminating semesters of their college careers. It was originated primarily through the efforts of Dr. Catheryn Seckler-Hudson, dean of the college of government and public administration a t American University. As a student of government a t a midwestern college, she was advised by the President to spend some time in the Nation's capital if she ever really wanted to know government. "When I stood on the steps of the Capitol Building," she recalls, "somehow those b o o k s which I had memorized came alive. The words turned into reality." Dean Hudson s p e n t several months here. However, hers was a trial and error study. She had nothing planned and was able to meet few people who really knew w h a t makes the various departments function. Merely through observation, she learned a g r e a t deal, but most of all she began to "feel government". Now Washington semester students are reaping the benefits of her experience. The almost 100 students each semester are divided into three units, each of which has its particular adviser who a r r a n g e s for people "in-the-know" to address the students. These seminars probably a r e the only relatively easy way a student can learn many of these things about Washington's biggest business. Much of the material presented is not to be found in text books. And always the lectures are illuminated by current events. Although they are only scheduled f o r one hour, most of them last more t h a n two hours. A question and a n s w e r period takes up much of the time. Not only are the seminars interesting, but because of the en-

terviews and first-hand observation. In order to be approved, the project ordinarily has to be one which being in Washington would particularly facilitate. In the course of work on the project, students often get to speak to some of the top officials in the U.S. government. In addition to the project and seminar, each of which is worth three hours credit, the semesterer also takes two or three regularly scheduled college courses in the night school of American University. A decidedly increased interest in national affairs is evident in every student. Although they a r e not required to, each student keeps abreast of national and international happenings. A quiz on Russia's new "sputnik" would probable result in A's for all them. Practically all " s e m e s t e r e r s " made a special t r i p to the vicinity of the White House last week to see rabble rouser John K a s p e r in action. E V E R Y T H I N G here is not work, though — if the seminars and project can be called t h a t . The semest e r e r s are not bookworms, by a long shot. One u n i t is planning to trick-or-treat the embassies on Halloween. Practically every Saturday t h e r e is a motorcade to some football game. Sunday night each unit gets t o g e t h e r for dinner a t one of Washington's finest nationality r e s t a u r a n t s . Season tickets f o r the Washington concert season are purchased by semesterers like L a f a y e t t e game tickets are bought at Lehigh. (Or Calvin game tickets a t Hope!) One unit adviser said, "On this program, extracurricular activities are not advised—they are required. This is as much a part of the stay in Washington as classroom work." * N O T E : If anyone is interested in attending the American University f o r the Washington Semester prog r a m , contact Dr. Van Putten. Last year was t h e first time t h a t Hope College sent a student to participate in the Washington Semester p r o g r a m . F i r s t s e m e s t e r : Robert Van Ark Senior, Holland, Mich.; second seme s t e r : David C. Dethmers, Senior, E a s t Lansing, Mich. This semester Hope is represented by two students: J a n e H. MacEachron, Senior, Grandville, Mich.; Robert W. Vander Lugt, Senior, Holland, Mich.

Students even receive expert advice on the 70-85 page project, which relates the results of a study of one particular phase of governFrom all p a r t s of the country, ment. Each student is assigned a f r o m large universities and small project adviser with special comcolleges, the semesterers come. petency in the field he wishes to Their curricula, r a n g i n g f r o m investigate. pre-med to government and f r o m Even the project is different accounting to economics, run the f r o m t h a t done in a regular colg a m u t of m a j o r p r o g r a m s in lege course. The majority of the schools of liberal a r t s and business information is gathered not f r o m administration. second-hand sources but f r o m in-

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Page Four

Hope Overpowers Olivet Comets 28-7 Hope College's football eleven won its third MIAA game last Saturday, knocking off the cellardwelling Olivet 28-7 on the Comets' home field. The win placed Hope in a position to tie Albion f o r second spot in MIAA football if they can vanquish the Britons tomorrow a t the Mom and Dad's game. Hillsdale has already clinched a f o u r t h s t r a i g h t title with five wins and no losses. All the reserves got a chance to see action in the Saturday contest and performed well. For many it was their first appearance this year. Two third-stringers, f r e s h men quarterback R o n F o x and f r e s h m a n halfback John Vandenburg, combined their talents to produce Hope's fourth touchdown. Fox passed to Vanden Burg in the end zone in a play which covered 44 yard. Bill Huibregtse followed with his fourth s t r a i g h t conversion. Hope's first score came in the second quarter. Mert Vanderlind sneaked in f r o m the one yard line a f t e r Ty Rupp had carried the ball 17 yards in two tries. Later, end Curt Menning fell on a Comet fumble to give Hope possession with goal to go on the six. Bekius carried the ball in f r o m there. Bekius scored his second touchdown of the g a m e in the third quarter. He intercepted an Olivet pass on the f o r t y and ran it back to the five where, two plays later, he barrelled into the end zone. Olivet's lone Touchdown came a f t e r a f o r t y yard sustained drive in the final quarter. Halfback Bob Jones plunged over from the one and the e x t r a point was added. This marked the first score f o r Olivet in MIAA play t h i s season. The defeat was their nineteenth in a row. Hope w a s denied two more scores a f t e r long r u n s when penalties were called, or when the Dutch lost the ball on a fumble. A holding penalty nullified one touchdown an offside penalty another, and a fumble a third. The Dutchmen play host to the Albion Britons tomorrow a t Riverview Park. A Hope victory will deadlock t h e two t e a m s f o r second place in the MIAA football standings this season. Last week, Albion defeated Alma 13-6. In another g a m e Hillsdale trounced Kalamazoo 48-0.




Britons Serious Threat To Dutch Chances


Monday, November 11 W.A.L. Tuesday, November 12 Y-Meeting—7:15 P.M. Wednesday, November 13 All Conference Cross-Country at Grand Rapids F T A meeting . Alcor Coffee Hour—Durfee — 3:00-4:30 Thursday, November 14 Orchestra Concert, Chapel — 8:15 Saturday, November 16 Football—Beloit—Home Student Council P a r t y

In Reply to a l e t t e r . . . . Last week's issue of the Anchor included a letter-to-the-editor, in which could be found a reference or two to the sports section. I have PBAkl not yet made up my mind whether I should consider those references as (to use the sender's phraseoOf AN NORMAN ^57 logy) a pat on the back or a kick in the whatever it was . . . ". . . and 1 suppose you think I've camped by the phone all Wh a t e v e r was intended displayed week just waiting for you to call!" the ability of the letter-writer f o r reviewing. In the case of quantity, this department is g r a t e f u l f o r any space the ad page will relinquish DISCOUNTS TO H ER FST COLLEGE STUDENTS f o r an occasional write-up, and we on Radio & Phono Repairs Studio and Photo Supply do confess to being guilty of an occasional misspelling or omission BENNETT RADIO & TELEVISION One Place to Go For of a touch football result. However, Corner College & 14th St. PORTRAITS the poetic value of an alliterated line such as " A l a b a m a Abrogates CAMERAS, F I L M S and #.• • « » * ** •• #.•».«**»• »,• #.• ».•»• #• # • ••«.• »•»•»• Auburn" can be questioned. . PerPHOTO S U P P L I E S sonally I like something like GOOD FOOD — GOOD SERVICE "Dutch Down Dales" much better. 7 W. 8th St. Phone EX 2-2664 Not only does it Keep the reader WE GIVE S&H GREEN STAMPS from consulting Webster's Collegiate, but it also leaves more room REASONABLE PRICES • ».•»,»•• #• »• ».• #> •• •.» ••»•».•»«».• #,• #.• #.• •,» #.• #• #• •, for ads . . . —Robert R. Van W a r t Sports Editor




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This week is the last scheduled week f o r i n t e r f r a t touch football, but it will be a busy one. Besides the regularly scheduled games, there are others which have to be made up, having been postpond earlier. Offensive and defensive statistics as well as the individual scoring will be published as soon as all games have been cmpleted. The scores of Monday afternoon's games were:




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Nash and Van Gilder, Albion's ball-carrying backs, will pose a t h r e a t to Hope's defense if they cannot be stopped. Both men are way up among the individual ground-gainers in the league, and provide most of Albion's scoring drive. Albion's offense r a n k s second only to Hillsdale in the conference. However s t a t i s t i c s show t h a t Hope is among the leaders in ground defense f o r the nation's small colleges, allowing only a shade over ninety-five yards on the ground to their opponents each game. Hope's pass defense has sparkled consistently too this season. In addition Hope has held its MIAA opponents to 28 points in five games. Hillsdale leads in this department, surrendering 27 points. The Briton defenders have performed almost as well, 45 points being scored against them. There is every indication t h a t t h e game will be another low-scoring, closely f o u g h t contest right down to the final gun. Last year, Hope edged Albion in a thriller, 18-13.



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Hope's gridders will not have an easy task tomorrow when they meet the Albion Britons a t Riverview Park. Moms and Dads present will witness two evenly matched teams battle it out. A Hope victory would give them a tie in the MIAA with Albion, both squads t h e n finishing with 4-2 records in second place. However, should the Britons be the victors, Hope will slide back into fourth place behind Alma. The Scots wound up their MIAA season last weekend, suffering a 13-6 setback at the hands of Albion. Alma finished with three wins, two losses, and one tie which was a g a i n s t the fifth place Kalamazoo Hornets.

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