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HOPE COLLEGE ANCHOR 10 Hope College — Holland, Michigan


Vienna Dean To Visit Campus

WTAS To Return As All-Campus Station

WTAS, The Anchor Station, This weekend Hope College will staffed by Hope College students be host to Professor Dr. Hugo will return to the air this fall, Hantsch, a leading European his- according to a recent report from torian and Dean of Vienna Uni- Richard Brockmeier. Due to a new versity. He is dean of the faculty studio and improved equipment the of Philosophy, director of the Uni- station will be received by the enversity's Institute of Modern His- tire campus, except f o r two f r a tory, and the Institute of European ternity houses. Additional staff Studies where the Hope College members are now needed and sevEuropean Summer School was held eral positions are open to interduring the past summer. ested students. The University of Vienna was Programs will center around founded in 1365 and is divided, ac- music, recorded and transcribed. cording to the medieval system, in- Plans include a college newscast to four faculties, theology, law, and sports cast, disc jockey sesmedicine and philosophy. The Uni- sions, college announcements, and versity has played an eminent role coverage of all campus events. in promoting international under- Positions are now open in the standing in t h a t it drew its stu- sports, news, special events, disc dents from all lands of the Haps- jockey, and recording departments. burg Monarchy. Even today, a f t e r Students are urged to consider the two world wars, the number of opportunities f o r acquiring valuforeign students is high. Statistics able experience in announcing and show that during the winter semes- engineering. Those i n t e r e s t e d ter of 1956-57—1,209 of the 6,419 should sign up in the dorms. Orstudents enrolled came f r o m abroad. ganizational meetings will be held Students of the Hope College in the near future. group in Vienna had an opportunity Through the support of the colf o r informal conversation with Dr. lege administration, WTAS has Hantsch at a reception they gave been able to move into a new in his honor. At t h a t time Dr. studio and control room located in Hantsch mentioned his plans f o r a Kollen Hall. New equipment, intour of the United States this fall cluding turn-tables, tape recorders, to visit m a j o r universities. He inand a full size console similiar to dicated t h a t , if time permitted, he those used in commercial stations would be pleased to meet the group is now being installed. The station again on their own campus. is a "carrier-current radio station" Since his arrival in the United which all radios on campus will States Dr. Hantsch has visited receive by tuning to 610 KC on the Harvard, Princeton and Yale. He radio dial. The campus will be will be coming to Holland followserved by two five-watt transmiting a visit to the University of ters. Under FCC rules WTAS is Chicago. Other institutions on his not technically classified a a transitinerary include the Universities mitter as it does not radiate. of Colorado, California, and Texas. Therefore a federal license is not Thus Hope is the only small college required and the station will be the Austrian educator will visit. carried by the college electrical Professor Hantsch will be the wiring. campus guest in the home of President and Mrs. Lubbers. Tentative plans f o r his visit in Holland in- GERMAN DEPT. TO ATTEND clude a tea in his honor given jointly by Phi Alpha Theta (His- KAZOO CONFERENCE Tomorrow (November 2, 1957), tory Fraternity) and the Internamembers of the Hope College Gertional Relations Club. man department will attend the annual meeting of the Michigan Chapter of the American AssociaKiwanis Film To tion of Teachers of German. The Feature "Panama and meeting will be held this year on The Canal Zone" the campus of Western Michigan " P a n a m a and the Canal Zone" University in Kalamazoo. will be the subject of the second Mrs. Alice Klomparens, a Hope Kiwanis Travel Lecture, November graduate, will speak on the sub6, 1957 a t Hope Memorial Chapel. ject, "German in the Grades at The film will be described by Dr. Holland, Michigan". Mrs. KlomWilliam B. Campbell, an eight year parens was formerly a student at resident of Panama and former the University of Berlin and is now Educational Advisor to the Presi- teaching German in the elementary dent of the Inter-American Uni- grades in Holland. versity. The film will introduce the countries' geographical attractions, naCAMPUS CALENDAR tive tribes, products and industries. The cities, the canal and the PanSaturday, Nov. 2 American Highway will also be Alcor Movie covered. There will be scenes of Sunday, Nov. 3 cattle raising, industry and a r m y Hope Faculty Quartet Concert life. Music Building — 4 P.M. This is the second in a series of Monday, Nov. 4 travelogues presented annually by Spanish Club — 7 : 3 0 P.M. the local Kiwanis Clubs. Classics Club — 7:30 P.M. Tuesday, Nov. 5 -Y- Meeting —7:15 P.M. SPANISH CLUB Organ Recital — 8:15—Chapel Wednesday, Nov. 6 ANNOUNCEMENT Kiwanis Travel Lecture The Spanish Club will hold its Thursday, Nov. 7 next meeting Monday, November I.R.C. Western Mich. Conference 4 at the home of Dr. Brown. BarDr. Gould: Hawkinson Lecture bara Emmick will give an illusFriday, Nov. 8 trated talk on her experiences in Cross-eimntry—Albion—Home, 'oss-eountnrChile as Holland's Community Am4 P^L bassador. All second y e a r Spanish students are invited to attend.

November 1, 1957

KORVER REIGNS Delphi, Fraternal, Durfee, And Arcadian Win Reigning over the Homecoming festivities of 1957 was Joy Korver, a charming junior, whose home is in Grand Junction, Colorado. Her attractive pony-tail and radiant smile stood out as she fulfilled her regal position. Much of Joy's time is taken up by her work in the Kletz and by her counsellorship in Van Vleck. Being a sports enthusiast, Joy especially enjoys swimming, although she participates in various W.A.A. activities. Among her other extra-curricular activities are House Board and Delt a Phi Sorority. Majoring in psychology, she plans to use it in elementary education. Attending Joy as senior court members were Phyllis Brink and Sue Klyn. Phyllis comes from Hamilton, Michigan. Planning to enter the field of elementary education, she has chosen an EnglishFrench composite as her major field. She praticipates in W.A.A., Student National Education Association, and Sigma Sigma Sorority. Among her other interests are music and sports, her special interest being such spectator sports as basketball. The youngest of seven children. Sue Klyn claims Grand Rapids, Michigan as her home. Besides fulfilling her academic work in the field of elementary education. Sue is kept busy and active by performing the duties of President of Sigma Iota Beta Sorority, VicePresident of Student National Education Association, Veep of her class, and drum majorette in the Hope College band. Music, reading good literature, sewing, and participating in activities in the outof-doors a t her family's country home are jus t some of the interests which help to keep her occupied and out of mischief. Carol Hondorp, representing the junior class, finds herself busy every minute as she fulfills the positions of Student Council secretary and house board treasurer; however, she still finds time to participate in chapel choir and Delta Phi Sorority activities.

Alumni Enjoy Banquets Approximately 300 alumni attended the annual Hope College Alumni buffet supper Saturday, October 26th, Marian Stryker, secretary of the association, announced. The buffet supper was held in the Juliana Room of Durfee Hall f r o m 5:30 to 7 p.m. At 12 o'clock noon, the annual Alumni H-Club steak dinner was held in the Juliana Room a t Durfee Hall. About 150 varsity HClub alumni f r o m all over the country attended. The H-Club is an organization of alumni who played on varsity athletic teams and earned their letters while students a t Hope College. While Hope's ex-athletes were enjoying the steak dinner in Durf e e hall, Mrs. Irwin J . Lubbers entertained the out-of-town wives of the H-Club members at her annual luncheon in the President's home. About 50 women attended the luncheon.

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Bob Lesniak, S t u d e n t Council President, escorts Joy K o r v e r , 1 9 5 7 H o m e c o m i n g Q u e e n , as she is p r e s e n t e d t o t h e students a n d a l u m n i at the Homecoming game between Hope and Hillsdale.

Carol's outside activities and interests lie in the field of domestic life in as much as she enjoys cooking and sewing. Elementary education is her choice of study with English-German being her field of concentration. Carol comes f r o m Detroit, Michigan. All the way f r o m Teaneck, New Jersey comes one of the sophomore representatives — Marylin Boughton. Another prospective elementary teacher, Marylin finds herself active in Delta Phi, which she recently pledged. She also participates in the various activities sponsored by W.A.A. and the "Y". As chairman of Columbia's house decorations committee, she had little time to spare during the week-end. Marylin enjoys sports both as a participant and a spectator. Judy Van Dyke, also representing the sophomore class, is a petite, little blonde f r o m Zeeland, Mich. Her interests, like Marylin's, lie in the field of sports. Judy is a member of the W.A.A. board. Delta Phi Sorority, Pan-Hellenic Board, and chapel choir. Although she is active in several extra-curricular activities, Judy still finds time to keep up with all the work t h a t goes along with preparing to be an elementary teacher. The f r e s h m e n court members, although being on campus only a short while, have already begun to participate in various activities. Mary Decker, the eldest of three children, is f r o m Grand Rapids, Michigan. Her first months of college life have been filled with activities and experiences such as dorm decorations f o r homecoming and kangaroo court. She is a member of Alpha Sigma Alpha Sorority No. 2 and "Y". Because Mary enjoys sports, she plans to participate in the W.A.A. activities this year. Mary's interests are

many and varied. When she is not occupied with academic studies, she likes to sew and listen to music. Mary plans to enter elementary education. Nancy Mulder, who comes from Chicago, Illinois, has such similar interests t h a t by coincidence they are roommates. Nancy, too, hopes to en$er into the field of element a r y teaching. As a member of Alpha Sigma Alpha No. 1, Nancy is on the program committee. She is also an ardent sports f a n and hopes to participate in the coming W.A.A. activities. The queen and her court reigned over the parade and the football game creating an atmosphere of royalty and of friendliness to the welcomed alumni. The judging results of the Parade and House Decorations are known to most everyone on Campus, but to inform interested readers in distant places or those who may not have been present at the Homecoming football game, we hereby make official announcement of the winners and runners-up in each division contest. House Decorations E v e n t : Women's houses; 1st place, Voorhees Annex — Famous saying, "Birds of a Feather Flock Together"; Honorable Mention, Fairbanks Cottage — "Drawing the Soul to its Anchorage." Dormitory Awards; 1st, Durfee Hall — "Be it ever so humble there's no place like home"; Honorable Mention, Voorhees Dorm — "Absence Makes the H e a r t Grow Fonder". Fraternities; 1st place. Arcadian — "He Travels best t h a t knows when to r e t u r n " ; Honorable Mention, Emersonian — "Never did so many owe so much to so few". Parade J u d g i n g : Sororities; 1st place — Delphi; 2nd place — Dorian. Fraternities; 1st place — F r a ternal; 2nd place — Arcadian.

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Member Associate Collegiate Press PRESS

Published weekly by and for the students of Hope College except during holiday and examination periods, under the authority of the Student Council Publications Board. Entered as second class matter at the post office of Holland, Michigan, at a special rate of postage provided for in section 1103 of Act of Congress, October 3, 1917, and authorized October 19, 1918. Subscription Rate: $1.00 per school year to non-student subscribers. EDITORIAL S T A F F John Fragale, Jr.

Managing Editor

Stuart Wilson

News Editors

Nancy Boyd, Roger Te Hennepe

Feature Editor

Adelbert Farnsworth

Society Editors






Dear E d i t o r : The Letters-to-the-Editor column is as much a p a r t of a newspaper as the • editorials — so naturally, when such a column doesn't develop a f t e r several issues, one wonders. The A N C H O R staff, a f t e r producing LXIX, No. 1, 2, 3, and 4, deserves a pat on the back if you like their work, or a kick in the gluteus if you don't. May I contribute a pat on the back; and s u g g e s t ( f o r forthcoming issues): continued use of sports on,the ad-page, " l a r g e r " headlines, F r a t e r news, and "Obliterate Olivet," " A b r o g a t e Albion," a n d "Bother Beloit." —Gardner Kissack

Carl Poit, Mary Jane Adams

Sports Editors

Jan Owen, Robert Van Wart

Copy Editor

Elizabeth Fell

Make-Up Editor

William Noorlag

Rewrite Editors

Carol Ham, Carol Rylance

Art and Photography Editor

John Kraai

BUSINESS S T A F F Business Manager

Ronald Lokhorst

Advertising Managers

Charles Hesselink, Richard Stadt

Circulation Managers.

J. Gregory Bryson, Vern Essenburg Russell Yonkers

Bookkeeping Manager

Robert Bratton

Something To Remember The 1957 Hope Homecoming is Campus history, but before oui ears lose touch with the f a d i n g echoes of a well-spent rendezvous, let us reflect briefly upon the unseen blessings inscribed by our labors. We toast a w a r m "Thank you" to all those who made this successful venture in h u m a n relations possible.

This unmistakably means

each of you f o r we a r e all members of Hope's ever-growing "Family". But in a special way we offer tribute to those diligent students and f a c u l t y members who contributed by their sacrifice of time and

Inside Kollen Hall If you ask the average Kollen Hall man w h a t a pheasant is you'll get a vague a n s w e r such as: " I t is in the class of Vertebrates, known as Aves, with bone, legs, wings, and an exoskelton with brilliant f e a t h e r s and a long sweeping tail, found in N o r t h e r n U.S. and Canada." At least t h a t ' s the silly answer I got f r o m a f e w students carrying, not books, but rifles under their a r m s . Actually a pheasant is a s m a r t aleck, relative to the chicken. Well, I guess I'm just being sarcastic because I'm the only one that came back f r o m hunting without a couple of pheasants under my a r m . Over all pheasant season results of Kollen Hall — Good. W.T.A.S., your Hope College radio station whose ultra modern studio is located here in Kollen Hall, is now r u n n i n g a series of test broadcasts. W.T.A.S. will begin broadcasting to the campus in the near f u t u r e .

Hope To Host Western Michigan I.R.C. Conference S t a r t i n g at 2:30 p.m. next Thursday, Nov. 7, delegates f r o m most of the colleges in western Michigan will be r e g i s t e r i n g in the Koffee Kletz f o r the annual western Michigan Conference of International Relations Clubs. This conference, as was last year's Midwest Regional Conference, will be held in conjunction with the Hawkinson Memorial Lecture. During the afternoon preceeding the lecture various meetings and conferences have been scheduled. S t a r t i n g the conference off will be the Keynote Address given at 3:15 in the Music Building Auditorium. Titled The Impact of Modern Science on American Life, this opening speech will be presented by Mr. Isaac L. Aurbach, President of the Aurbach Electronics Corporation. Mr. Aurbach started his t r a i n i n g in Drexel Institute and holds two M.A. degrees f r o m H a r v a r d ; one in electronics, the other in business. Mr. Aurbach's achievements include several 'firsts' in the designs of memory systems f o r electronic computers. His firm's scientists and engineers have made m a j o r contributions to the development of such varied projects as the nation-wide SAGE air defense system and the guidance computor f o r the ICBM f o r the Air Force. Undoubtedly Mr. Aurbach will have much to say about the Russian Sputnik as well as the projected launching of the U.S. satalite. It is particularly interesting to note t h a t date f o r the Russian firing of their Moon Rocket should be the same day we will have an expert in t h a t field on our campus. The second item on the p r o g r a m will t a k e place at 4:30 a f t e r a coffee break in the Music Building Concorse. The IRCs f r o m various colleges have been preparing certain of their members to a p p e a r on the Panel Discussion of the Impact of Modern Science on International Relations. This topic is particularly relevant in this time when Western scientific cooperation and sharing a r e so much under discussion by the heads of State. Resource personnel on technical aspects arising in this discussion will be Mr. Aurbach and Dr. H a r r y Frissel.

WOMEN'S LEAGUE MEETS IN MEMORIAL CHAPEL The Annual meeting of the Women's League f o r Hope College met recently in Hope Memorial Chapel. More t h a n 400 women f r o m c h a p t e r s in Chicago, Grand Rapids, Kalamazoo, Muskegon, Zeeland and Holland attended. Mrs. Jalving, president, and resident of Holland, opened the meeting. Mrs. Charles Miller, t r e a s u r e r , reported the income of the past year by chapters. To d a t e , $36,370.55 has been paid to the College toward the f u r n i s h i n g fund f o r Kollen Hall. Mrs. John Smallegan, chairman of the Hope Village Square f u n d raising p r o g r a m , gave the members glimpses of Hope Village Square which she had observed. The sum of $9500 was realized from t h i s project. She thanked everyone f o r the hard work which made t h e day successful. In looking to the f u t u r e , Mrs. Smallegan reported the Executive Committee's recommendation t h a t the s u m m e r festival be repeated next year. The League members voted unanimously to do so. Mrs. Irwin Lubbers addressed the women, emphasizing the close lifegiving connection between Success and Support, between Hope and the Reformed Church people. She praised the women f o r the f a i t h which urged t h e m to tackle large campus projects, and thanked them f o r being a help in m a k i n g Hope one of the top ten coeducational schools in the country. This is seen as a responsibility as well as an honor, and Mrs. Lubbers urged the women to continue making Hope "the best Christian College in the country."

Alpha Chi Off To Busy Start

Alpha Chi h a s had two meetings already this season. Guests a t the Mom and dad Hinga, through storehouse of Hope's most treasured memories. first meeting were Rev. Henry Kik, their parental care, have nursed us Music, trimmings, handclasps, and words of wisdom are only pastor of the F o u r t h Reformed all back to health again a f t e r variChurch in Church Rapids, and Mr. symbols of communication. These cannot be measured in inches or ous degrees of the Asian Flu. Julian Alman of the Van Streinpounds, but may we be led to express our inner joy and g r a t i t u d e to Alman Funeral Home who disThe new f r e s h m a n students livall by our renewed enthusiasm and vigor in stimulating g r e a t e r growth cussed "Some things a minister in our tasks, achievements, and ideals; thereby, making the path a ing in our dorm are beginning to should know a b o u t f u n e r a l s . " find out t h a t college is not all play little smoother f o r ourselves and those who follow a f t e r . Then can Wayne Joose w a s elected to repreand t h a t they must really get down sent t h e F r e s h m a n class as t r e a s . we truly surmise t h a t there is power in unconscious p r a y e r . to applying themselves to their K a p p a Delta and Alpha Chi held —De Lloyd Hesselink studies. The crowd around the a joint meeting in October led by T.V. set evenings is g e t t i n g smaller. Rev. H. Robinson, missionary to We are all finding out, as Johnson Mexico. says, "A m a n can not spend his Some f e a t u r e s planned by Alpha life in frolic." At 6:00 o'clock the Conference Chi f o r the f u t u r e include a r e g u l a r Once upon a time there was a g i a n t cookie in the bottom of a Banquet will give an example of radio p r o g r a m on W T A S and a large cookie j a r . The cookie was so large t h a t all the other little the Impact of Modern Domestic November 18th meeting on " W o r k cookies had to stand on edge to get near the big cookie. But the big Science in Durfee Hall. Dr. Lau- ing with Youth" led by Rev. George cookie was g e t t i n g lonesome as it sat down there on the bottom, day rence M. Gould; the President of Douma, director of the Camp a f t e r day, all by itself. Cookies came and went — nut cookies, date 160 E. 8th Street Carleton College will be guest of Geneva Summer Conferences. Other cookies, f r u i t cookies — someone always wanted one of the other kind Phone EX 4-4342 honor and is the Hawkinson Lec- f u t u r e meeting topics include the of cookies. But not the big, lumpy p a s t r y at the bottom. And, one prison chaplaincy and pastoral t u r e r of the evening. Welcomes day, even the huge cookie t h a t dominated all the others became disDr. Gould is the f o u r t h distin- counseling. satisfied because it never did a n y t h i n g worthwhile — never was really Hope Students guished lecturer on international like the other cookies. True, it was the biggest and strongest cookie relations brought to the community States Potential in the World of TEXACO PRODUCTS in the j a r , but w h a t good is being big if you can never do a n y t h i n g ? of Holland and to the College in Tomorrow. This series is a t t e m p So, in disgust, a l a r g e chunk broke away f r o m the big cookie, while TIRES — ACCESSORIES tribute to the memory of Dr. Ella ting to explore the various fields the remainder stayed in the bottom of the j a r and became old and MOTOR TUNE-UP A. Hawkinson. of f u t u r e U.S. influence in the stale and moldy. And the p a r t t h a t had broken off looked b e t t e r now AND REPAIRS Dr. Hawkinson was Head of the World as t h e 1957 Geophysical and was soon headed f o r a better life with others of his own kind. Department of History and Politi- year progress. And the big cookie? It just lay down in the bottom 'til it got so old cal Science a t Hope College only Dr. Gould is indeed qualified to and stale t h a t it j u s t broke into a million little crumbs t h a t were no ; •.» ?.• ».• f.•V#* • *.• • •V. » • • • #« ••*•«•*•**•*« %'t V# V# •> •# •» #.• %•#» • #.••#V#• V# f o u r years, 1948-1952. During the deal with the Geophysical Y e a r as good to anyone. But then, t h a t ' s the way the cookie crumbles. 1952-53 she was given leave of he is t h e director of the U.S. A n t (Reprinted from CAMPUS COLLEGIAN Vol. XXXV, No. 5). absence to undertake an inter- arctic p r o g r a m f o r the I n t e r n a national lectureship to Norway tional Geophysical Year. F o r his granted her by the Fulbright Com- work in science and education. Dr. 2 • • • • • • •» •# »•» •*# • • V# •"# •*# •'» •"# »•» V# »» •'» • • •*# •"# •*« •# •# •# •# »•# •*# •'* •*» •"# • V *'« •*# •# •*# •"» • » W » # •*# J-J « Ss mission, and in 1953-54 she was ill Gould has received many awards, •* •• M beyond resuming her duties a t t h e among which a r e the Congressional %# College. Yet in these f o u r y e a r s Gold Medal of the American GeoM •V ELGIN — HAMILTON — BULOVA WATCHES she made an unforgettable impact graphical Society. The late King if 8 GOOD FOOD upon the College and the com- H a a k e n of N o r w a y awarded him » » , 210 College Phone EX 4 - 8 8 1 0 AT PRICES YOU LIKE munity by her efforts in the cause the Cross of St. Olaf in 1949. He N I of peace. Prominent among h e r has figured significantly in every TO PAY services were the leadership of m a j o r American expedition to t h e student t o u r s to U.N. meetings, Antarctic since 1926. ••••••i the initiation of the Holland AmThe Hawkinson Memorial Lec88 East Eighth Street bassador plan, and the presidency ture will be heard in the chapel at of t h e Michigan UNESCO. FINE FOODS ! 8:00 p.m. All are welcome; no Open 7 A.M. to 7 P.M. Dr. Gould will speak of The Im- admission will be charged. We are NOON SPECIALS 65c pact of Modern Science on the eagerly looking forward -to wel(Meed Tickets) 1 Closed Only on Sundays World of Tomorrow. This topic is coming our guests to the campus ORDERS TO G O i the fourth of a series in the Hope for what promises to be a top-notch 18th & Columbia Phone EX 2-2135 IRC Fall Program on the United inter-collegiate Conference. their g i f t s of leadership and planning to add another room to the

The Crumbling Cookie




•• •»






Rushing Continued After Busy Homecoming AUCADIAN: This past weekend the main event a t the Arcadian house was t h e Alumni b r e a k f a s t held on the Saturday morning. The b r e a k f a s t w a s attended by about 50 persons.


Friday, Nov. 1, the Arcadians have a joint meeting planned with the Alpha Sigma Alpha Sorority. Special music f o r the evening will be presented by J e r r y Giordans. The serious p a p e r will be presented by Carolyn Kleibert, devotions will be lead by Sharon Smith, and the humor paper will be given by Dave Koster. Rushees are invited to join the Arkies in their meeting with the A.S.A. As usual, open house will be held on Wednesday, Nov. 6. On Friday, Nov. 8, the Arkies plan to have a regular l i t e r a r y meeting. The f r a t e r n i t y members are looking f o r w a r d to their annual square dance on Nov. 15. The rushees are invited and are urged to get their dates f o r this function early. COSMOPOLITAN: Now t h a t the hustle and bustle of Homecoming is a t h i n g of the past, the Cosmopolitan f r a t e r n i t y will devote most of its time and e n e r g y to its rushing p r o g r a m . Tonight the traditional Cosmo smoker takes place. Rushees will meet a t the Cosmo house at 7 P.M., and t r a n s p o r t a t i o n will be provided f r o m there. Harold V a n ' t Hof will act as m a s t e r of ceremonies f o r the gala event, a t which Paul Weigerink will show and n a r r a t e a football movie. On November 15, the Cosmo literary meeting promises to be of g r e a t interest to all. Bud Prins, a Cosmo alumnus and Michigan Bell Telephone executive, will discuss and demonstrate m a n y of the modern technical advances of our nation's telephone system. A movie on this progress will also be shown. Cosmo chorister Bob Huffine is working to organize the serenading p r o g r a m f o r the coming year. In addition to the Cosmopolitan chorus, a quartet is also being formed to sing at the serenading ceremonies. EMERSONIAN: The Emersonian f r a t e r n i t y began their bsuy Homecoming weekend with an a r t lecture given by Mr. E d g a r Boeve of Grand Rapids on Friday evening, Oct. 25. Approximately 50 rushees, active members and f r i e n d s attended the lecture. The meeting was held in the Chapel and r e f r e s h m e n t s were served a f t e r the lecture a t the house. Saturday, Oct. 26, a f t e r . the Homecoming football game, the men of Phi T a u Nu held an open house f o r t h e i r r e t u r n i n g alumni. During the a f t e r n o o n and evening, approximately 150 alumni and rushees attended the open house. Tomorrow night. S a t , Nov. 2, the Emersonian f r a t e r n i t y is holding a smoker. This r u s h i n g meeting will begin at 7. N e x t S a t u r d a y evening, Nov. 9, the F r a t e r n i t y will hold its annual fall square dance. Those attending the square dance will meet a t the Emersonian House a t 7. T r a n s portation to the s q u a r e dance will be furnished by the f r a t e r n i t y .



Page Three

From East & West Kollen Organizes Sororities Plan Bela Szepesi, Hungarian r e f u g e e and now an Albion freshman, says, Dorm Government "Americans are much more optiDemocratic government has bemistic about the world situation come a p a r t of life a t Kollen Hall. than most Europeans — almost to A bicameral legislature consisting the point of carlessness. of the counselors and a house board While he was of 15 are the governing body in a t t e n d i n g the Kollen dorm. The house board consists of six M iskolc high s c h o o l a t the representatives, one f r o m each time of the re- wing, who are responsible f o r mainvolution, the po- taining the physical aspect of the lice b e g a n to dormitory. They a r e A r t Olson, s e i z e students chairman; John Hood; Vern EssenVan Vessen; Jim s u s e c e burg; r e Craig P ^ ^ ' \ ^ V volutionary ties. Evers; and John P a r k e s . The house H e a n d h i s board was responsible f o r homeYoshle O g a w a friend, J u I i o s, coming decorations and open house. were determined to leave Hungary. Discipline f o r delinquent domitoriA f t e r a series of t r a i n rides, they ans is another one of their delebarely managed to escape police by gated powers. The counselor system is comwalking 40 miles to the Austrian border, which they crossed late last posed of five seniors: Mert Vander lind, chairman; M i c k Faber; November. " T i g e r " Teusink; Paul Wiegerink Both boys wanted to go to an and Dave Dethmers, and six English-speaking country. While juniors: John Tenpas, L a r r y Ter staying in Germany, they were Molen, Dick Brown, Dick Brockregistered to come to the United meier, Holly Meyer and Gene States. A f t e r a short stay in Camp Klaaren. Mr. Jekel also serves in Kilmer, N. J., they went to Verthe capacity of a counselor. The mont f o r a 15-week period to learn duties of the counselors are to the English language. maintain quiet hours and to guide, Bela's college application as sent direct and give advice to those who to Albion and was accepted. Study- need it. ing engineering, he feels t h a t The powers of the executive European schools are much more branch of dormitory government difficult t h a n those in America. He have been vested in Dean Hinga, is surprised a t the cost of a college an administration appointee. It is education, and believes that t h a t is he who has final jurisdiction over one of the principal reasons f o r the all dormitory action, although he lack of engineers today. The stu- is not a member of either legisladents have impressed him with tive body. their friendliness.


"I had thought before I came to America t h a t everyone minded his • • • own business. I've found t h a t this campus seems like one large f a m IRC wishes to commend Chuck ily," he said. He cautioned those Lemmen and his committees f o r who "don't think they need to do the wonderful job they are doing anything about Russia." inin preparing f o r this Western Michigan Conference to be held next Thursday, November 7. Chuck, E D I T O R ' S N O T E : Last year was the first time t h a t Hope College who is the general chairman, has sent a" student to participate in the very capably set u p the following committees, who in turn are workWashington Semester program. F i r s t semester: Robert Van Ark ing very industriously. Our h a t s Senior, Holland, Mich.; second sem- a r e off to the following people: ester: David C. Dethmers, Senior, Decorations — Miss Holleman, chairman, Judy Owyang, Virginia E a s t Lansing, Mich. This semester Hope is repre- Top, Tom Bos, and Philip De sented by two students: J a n e H. Velder; P r o g r a m — Ron Chandler, MacEachron, Senior, Grandville, chairman. Gene Boelte, and Sheryl Mich.; Robert W. Vander Lugt, Schlafer; Tickets and Reservations — Ron Stockhoff, chairman, John Senior, Holland, Mich. Brouwer, Thorval Hansen, Lorraine Hellenga, and Roger Kleinheksel; Hospitality — Carol Rylance, chairThis evening, Nov. l,the Fra- man, and Nancy R a y m e r ; Publicity ternal Society is holding a literary — Alberta Litts and Stu . Wilson, meeting which is open to all in- co-chairmen. However, we could use a f e w more people to work on terested Freshmen. the last two committees: hospitalKNICKERBOCKER: ity and publicity. If you are inOn Homecoming morning the terested in helping, please see Knickerbocker F r a t e r n i t y held their Chuck Lemmen or the chairman of annual Homecoming breakfast. the committee with which you wish This evening the Knickerbockers to work. have a r r a n g e d to meet with the members of the newly organized Now f o r j u s t two brief remindsorority Alphi Phi. The meeting ers. Don't f o r g e t to reserve Nois scheduled to begin at 7 p.m. vember 7 on your calendar to atTomorrow, Saturday, Nov. 2, the tend the W e s t e r n Michigan ConKnickerbockers have scheduled a ference. The schedule of full of boat ride on the "Island Queen" rich experiences which you'll not Since boat is leaving f r o m Sauga- quickly f o r g e t . tuck, all those interested a r e reBe sure to t u r n in your sugquested to meet a t the house at gestions f o r our column headline, 1:30. Those who desire to attend too. The deadline is j u s t 10 days this event are asked to sign up at away — November 11. Those can t h e i r convenience beforehand. be given to Ron Stockhoff in Kollen

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PRATERS: OLIVET Saturday, Homecoming day the F r a t e r n a l Society held open house f o r its r e t u r n i n g alumni. Approxi*.* *.• »#«• *.* *.* •*.* *.*• *,* •« •# *,* •# ••• *.* *.* V#*.* «v*.• *«*.* «v*.** «*.**« •* •«*.*»•# mately 80 alumni visited the house. •* «> In tho evening the Annual F r a t e r GOOD FOOD — GOOD SERVICE Alumni P a r t y w a s held a t the Country Club. This event which was attended by 80 couples was climaxed with a luncheon served by REASONABLE PRICES the Fraternity.


Date Nights

ALPHA PHI: Alpha-phi will join forces with the Knickerbockers tonight f o r a Hallowe'en P a r t y . The humor paper and devotions will be provided by Alpha-phi and the serious paper and music will be presented by the Knickerbockers. The meeting will conclude with Hallowe'en games and r e f r e s h m e n t s . Plans f o r the meeting are under the directions of Marcia Baldwin, and Lloyd Mc Pherson. Three pledges, Margot Fisher, Joan Tollman, and Mary DeJong were welcomed into the sorority a t the Homecoming Luncheon. Alpha-phi officially entered into Hope's Homecoming by placing a float in the parade and conducting a luncheon. An outstanding event coming up soon f o r the sorority will be the f o r m a l initiation a t which the Charter will be presented. This is scheduled f o r November 8. A L P H A SIGMA A L P H A : Ninety-three girls attended the A. S. A. Homecoming last Saturday morning in the F i r s t Methodist Church of Holland. Tonight A. S. A. — 1 will meet with the Arcadian F r a t e r n i t y a t the Arkie House. On the planning committee f o r his meeting are Lynne Feltham, Judith E a s t m a n , Arlene Cizak, and Nan Plewes. The executive committee h a s chosen Merry DeWaard and Ellen Brown to be co-chairmen of the formal. This event is scheduled f o r sometime early in February. DORIAN: Twenty-five Dorian alumnae were guests of honor a t the Homecoming B r e a k f a s t which w a s held in the Tulip Room at the W a r m Friend Tavern last Saturday. The table decorations were in the theme of a u t u m n and were made by Matie Fischer and her committee. Following the welcome by J o Barton, President, and devotions by S a n d r a Postema, a humorous paper w a s given by Carol Paton, a f t e r which the Dorian Sextet sang, "Oh, W h a t a Beautiful Morning." It was good to have the Dorian alumnae home again and to renew old friendships.

The Dorian Informal initiation f o r t h e i r new pledges is slated f o r November 1st and is being planned by co-chairmen B a r b a r a Wolfe and Doris Schmidt. The Dorians are h a p p y to have Diane Oldenberg and B a r b a r a Ting in the sorority, swelling t h e membership to a total of 51. Diane is f r o m Grand Rapids, Michigan and is a J u n i o r t r a n s f e r f r o m Grand Rapids Junior College. B a r b a r a is f r o m Hong Kong and is a Sophomore t r a n s f e r f r o m Formosa. DELPHI: New Delphi pledges as t r a n s f e r students are Sue Huizenga, Barb a r a Reuss, Charlotte Wierda, juniors; and Ann Wiegerink, sophomore. S a t u r d a y of Homecoming Weekend, the Delphi room w a s opened f o r the r e t u r n i n g alumnae who came to see how the room had been redecorated during t h e p a s t year. The room w a s done in shades of beige, brown, and pumpkin in modern decor. Myrna Schalekamp and Shelby B r a a k s m a are working out the details f o r Delphi date night to be held on November 8th. SIBYLLINE: T r a n s f e r pledges welcomed into the Sibylline Sorority were J a n Burgwald, sophomore, and Lillian Johnson, Phyllis Steuenenburg, and Ann Visscher, juniors. The Homecoming luncheon held last S a t u r d a y a t the W a r m Friend Tavern was thoroughly enjoyed by both alumnae and active members. J u d y P a t t e r s o n and her committee a r e working out the details f o r the Sib date night to be held Friday, November 15th. P r e s e n t plans are f o r a box social followed by a square dance. SOROSIS: Sorosis members were busy all during Homecoming week with work on the float. The theme was " T h e time has come,' t h e walrus said," f r o m Alice in Wonderland. The theme w a s also carried out at the Alumnae Luncheon with prog r a m s shaped as walruses. P l a n s are being completed f o r Sorosis Date Night which will be on November 8th. Sorosites and their dates will go to the " Y " in Muskegon f o r swimming, bowling, and other activities.

Organ Concert Scheduled For November The 5th

On November 5, a t 8:15 P.M., a concert will be given in the Hope Chapel by Mr, John Huston, organist and director of music a t the F i r s t P r e s b y t e r i a n Church of N e w York, New York. The following p r o g r a m will be presented by Mr. H u s t o n : P S A L M XIX . . . . . . Benedetto Marcello "The Heavens Declare t h e Glory of God" W H A T GOD ORDAINS IS S U R E L Y J U S T . Johann P e t e r Kellner I N DULCI J U B I L O . . . . Johann Sebastian Bach Pastoral Double Canon Fantasia CONCERTO IN D MINOR Antonio Vivaldi Introduction A r r . J . S. Bach Fugue L a r g e e spiccato Allegro DIALOGUE SUR LES M I X T U R E S PLAINTE . . " . J e a n Langlais CARILLON DE W E S T M I N S T E R Louis Vierne Mr. Huston holds degrees f r o m the School of Fne A r t s , University of Texas, and the School of Sacred Music, Union Theological Seminary. He is now on the faculty of Union Seminary. H e has been the organist Dorm or Artel Newhouse in Durand choirmaster of the Church of t h e Holy Trinity, Brooklyn, New fee. York, and has served the Riverside Church, N e w York City, as summer organist and choirmaster f o r the past nine seasons. W h a t is red and green and eats This p a s t summer Mr. Huston w a s one of the recitalists f o r the rocks ? Ans.: A red and green rock International Congress of Organists meeting in England and playing eater. a t St. John's College, Cambridge. RYPMA & TOPP SHELL SERVICE


"Service Is Our Business" Phone EX 4 - 8 7 6 0 Corner 15th and River Ave.



Page Four




Dutch Narrowly Miss Big Upset In 7-6 Loss To Dales Unbeaten and untied in 30 consecutive grid outings, Hillsdale College kept their streak alive at 31 last S a t u r d a y afternoon at Riverview Park. But they did so by only the narrowest of margins, squeaking by Hope 7-6 before a large Homecoming crowd of Hope rooters. This w a s the closest anyone has come in a long time in knocking off the mighty Dales, but Hillsdale operated efficiently to prove to all t h a t close was not enough. Both elevens did their scoring in the first half. Near the end of the first quarter, speedy Dale halfback Walt Poe got behind the Hope secondary and snagged an aerial from Doug Maison on the seventeen. Poe ran the last 17 yards to pay dirt. The pass covered thirty-five yards, and the play started on the Dales' forty-eight. Wayne O'Shaughnessy's conversion was good and Hillsdale was in front 7-0. Hope's touchdown came

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Jerry Hendrickson ( 3 6 ) carries b a l l f o r H o p e o n p o w e r p l a y . ( 6 7 ) , Paul W i e g e r i n k ( c e n t e r ) , a n d Ron W e t h e r b e e ( r i g h t ) .

Praters Sweep Interfrat Tennis The Fraternal Society tennis aggregate swept to victory in interf r a t e r n i t y tennis competition last week, going all the way in both singles and doubles play. Jim Remmelts ousted Phil D a m s t r a of the Cosmos ()-3, 6-0 in the singles finals. Remmelts had defeated Cosmo Dennis Camp 6-1, 6-0 in a semi-final match. D a m s t r a had won over Bob Saunders of the F r a t e r s by default. The F r a t e r doubles team of Jim E n g b e r s and Dave Bosch won their final match by default over the Arcadian team. Runners up to the F r a t e r s were the Cosmos. The Arkies finished third, the Emmies f o u r t h , and the Knicks fifth. Last year's play saw the Emmies cop the trophy with the Cosmos finishing second and the Arkies third.












Knicks Repeat As Golf Champs The Knickerbockers r e p e a t e d their f e a t of last fall in capturing the i n t e r f r a t e r n i t y golf trophy for 1957. Their team's 81 hole total was 397. The Fraternal Society team was runner-up, boasting a 402 total.

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John Van Dyke of the Arkies shared medalist honors, each firing 127 over 27 holes. Each team was composed of three men whose 27 hole scores were added together to represenc the f r a t e r n i t y total.

Hope travels to Olivet Saturday to meet the Comets, who have yet to score this season. In MI A A games, they have been blanked 60-0 by Hillsdale, 26-0 by Adrian, 57-0 by Albion, and 24-0 by Alma. Last year Hope defeated them 59-6.

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Western Michigan's










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Friday, November 1st, will bo the first Co-Rec Night of the year. ICE CREAM — C A N D Y — SALTED NUTS — FRUITS This activity, sponsored by t h e 26 W . 8th St. Women's Athletic Association of Holland Hope College, will be held in t h e gym at 8:30 P.M. j.j ?.• ».• *.• •.* ».• ».• *.• ».•»• *.* *.* ** #• #• • ». #. *«»«••••••*«»•#«»•», Mary Kay Diephuis, who is FOR YOUR EVERY DRUG STORE NEED chairman, h a s planned an interesting assortment of s p o r t s for- t h e Rely O n evening, some of which a r e : PadH A N S E N ' S dleball, Ping-Pong, Volleyball, and "The Friendly Store'1 l\ Badminton.


This is a f r e e event, one in which you can have a lot of f u n , and g e t a little exercise too. All college students are invited to come and take part in this first Co-Rec N i g h t of the year.




Hillsdale's league record stands unblemished a t 4-0. Alma and Albion are each 3-1, Hope has a 2-2 mark, Kalamazoo 1-2, Adrian 1-4 and Olivet 0-4. Hope's last MIAA game is at home a g a i n s t Albion, a team which also gave Hillsdale a battle not so long ago,, losing by a 20-14 count.

- F A B I A N O ' S -



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B U N T E' S



During the second half, Hope's offense was unable to penetrate very deep into Hillsdale territory, but the Dutch defense was marvelous. Three t i m e s Hope's rugged line held ground deep in its own territory to squelch any f u r t h e r scoring plans Hillsdale may have had. A f t e r a Hope pass was intercepted, Hillsdale connected via the air to the Hope eleven, but only gained eight yards on running plays and Hope took over on its own three. Earlier, Hillsdale had passed its way to the Hope nine, but Hope took over again, this time on a fumble. With only a few minutes remaining in the game, Hillsdale had moved to the Hope twenty-two, where a personal foul gave them a first down on t h e Dutch six. However, they were unsuccessful again, as Hope made a goal line stand to take over on the one. In t h r e e plays the Dutch moved the ball to the ten, and with two minutes remaining, elected to punt r a t h e r t h a n try f o r the yardage needed. Voskuil's punt w a s taken at midfield and the Dales ran out the clock on the ground to walk off the field victorious. Statistics showed t h a t the Dutchmen were outplayed in most departments, but were able to hold the Dales to a meager 97 yards in ground y a r d a g e . Then, too, the dependable toe of Duane Voskuil kept Hope in contention. Voskuil punted seven times f o r 283 yards, an average of better han 40 y a r d s f r o m scrimmage on each a t t e m p t . Jerry Hendrickson led Hope's groundgainers with 44 y a r d s in ten carries, which was also high in the game. Walt Poe gained thirty yards for Hillsdale.

Finishing in third place were the Cosmos with 406, while the Arkies placed f o u r t h with 410. The E m e r sonians did not complete their play and finished fifth. Tiger Teusink of the F r a t e r s and

Last year the Knicks' 410 total was good enough to win, while the I N T E R F R A T FOOTBALL Cosmos were runners-up with 412. SCORES All matches were played at the F r a t e r s 66, Seminary 8 Cosmos 8, Independents No. 1, 6 H o l b n d Legion Country club. M

with a scant twelve seconds remaining in the half. A f t e r one unsuccessful t r y . Jack F a b e r hit Freshman end Mike Blough with a perfect pass in the end zone from 13 y a r d s out. Bill Huibergtse's try for the e x t r a point was a shade wide to the left.





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