
Page 1


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Care Crusade—Page 3 Discussing Quemoy - Matsu Issue—Page 2 Republicans: Don't Fool Yourselves—Page 3



m m — s

Hope College — Holland, Michigan

Mom & Dad's Day To Be November 12 S a t u r d a y , November 12th, marks the day of Hope's last football game of the 1960 season, but it is also the day of another annual tradition at Hope College — Mom and Dad's Day. Invitations are mailed to the parents of all present Hope students, to invite them to see how their sons and daughters live, work and enjoy themselves while away from home and preparing for a career in life. The first event on the day's agenda will be the football game with Olivet at Riverview Park at 1:30 in the afternoon. Following the game there will be open house in all the dorms and other buildings on campus.

Correspondence, Carol Douma, Karen Waltman, and Carol Fuge.

A buffet supper for the students and their parents will be served in Phelps Hall from 5:00 to 7:00 P.M. Tickets f o r the supper will be on sale two weeks prior to November 12th. An evening variety program will feature student performers.

Meeting to Consider College Teaching As A Profession

Reformation Day Services To Be Held Here Monday, October 31, Reformation Day services will be held in Dimnent Memorial Chapel. The 8:00 A.M. chapel service will be led by Reverend Allen B. Cook, College Pastor, who will speak on "The U n i t y In Our Diversity". There will be special organ and choir music. At 8:00 P.M. the Holland and Zeeland Reformed Classis will sponsor a service. The featured speaker will be Dr. Harold Englund, President of Western Seminary. The special music for this annual service will be provided by the Western Seminary Choir.

Mark Twain Here via Smith Something new in entertainment will be presented to the Hope student body at 4 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 3, in the chapel, when George William S m i t h , Professor of Speech, Radio and Television at McCormick Theological Seminary, Chicago, will appear in "An Evening With Mark Twain." This program is especially significant right now. Samuel Langhorne Clemens, known to all as M a r k T w a i n , died in 1910. He completed his auto-

There will be two performances, at 6:30 and 7:30 and admission is free. This year's general chairman for Parents' Day are J a n e t Riemersma and Jim Hanenburg. they are assisted by the following committees:

Publicity, Barbara Blunt. Football Game, Fred Colvin and Jack Siebers. Buffet Supper, David Van Dam and Barbara Ver Meer. Variety Program, Carol Bonthuis and Kurt Van Genderen.

On Wednesday afternoon, November 2, Prof. Edward Wolters and Dr. John Hollenbach will meet with all Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors interested in exploring the possibility of col lege teaching as a career, in chapel 16 at 4:30 p,m. As the enrollments in college and universities climb rapidly, the demand f o r qualified new teachers is also increasing. So also are opportunities for graduate study and graduate scholarships and fellowships. Many students decide too late that college teaching is their desired goal, and are not ready to take advantage of these opportunities. The purpose of this meeting will be to describe the basic educational qualifications f o r college teaching, the desirable undergraduate program, and the approach to application f o r admission and scholarships. All interested urged to attend.



Number of Foreign Students In United States Increases Engineering, which claimed 11,279 of the students, continued to be the most popular field of study. The humanities, with 9,246, was again second. Far, M i d d l e , and Near Eastern, along with Latin Americans, striving for their countries' industrialization, again were concentrated in engineering. The largest groups attracted by the humanities were from Europe, North America, and Africa. The number of self-supporting foreign students has been decreasing rapidly in recent years, but statistics on sources of financial support showed t h a t again this year the single largest group of students — 38.3% — were studying on their own funds. This is almost a

October 28, 1960

4% decrease f r o m last year's percentage. The next largest group of students — 27.7% were aided by the growing number of scholarships offered by private organizations. U.S. government grants, which supported 5.5% of the total foreign student population this year as opposed to 4.8% last year, crept ahead of foreign government grants, which this year supported 4.6%. More than half the U.S. government grants were reported by Far Eastern students. More than 25% of the foreign students who studied here this year were again concentrated in California and New York, with California — 13.3% — leading New York with 12.5%.

: Professor Smith as he appears in " A n Evening With Mark Twain" (above) and as he looks in his capacity as Professor ( r i g h t ) .

biography shortly before his death and in his will he told his executors to withhold publication for fifty years. The Autobiography of Mark Twain, as edited by Charles Neider, came off the presses recently. This is, therefore, a Mark Twain year. Professor S m i t h has been playing the part of Mark Twain for some time. Recently, under the auspices of the Mark Twain Research Foundation, he took part in the dedication of the Mark Twain Birthplace Shrine near Perry, Missouri. On t h a t occasion Governor James T. Blair, Jr., of Missouri, gave the dedicatory address and Professor Smith, as Mark Twain, responded. Everything Professor Smith says in his lecture is from Mark Twain's writings. This is a good opportunity to b r u s h up on k n o w l e d g e of an American writer, who, according to one A critic, ". . . now occupies a niche little lower than that of Lincoln himself."

Explaining National Defense Loans The National Defense Student Loan Program was authorized by congress as the National Defense Education Act of 1958. This act provides for the creation, at American colleges and universities, of loan funds from which needy undergraduate and graduate students may borrow on reasonable terms for the purpose of completing their higher education. How Funds Are Established Congress appropriates funds for the purpose of the National Defense Student Loan Program. Funds are alloted among the States and the outlying areas of the United States in the proportion of total full-time college enrollment in the .State or outlying area to^ t o t a l full-time United States college enrollment. Within each State or outlying area, these funds are distributed among all participating colleges and universities on the basis of institutional requests. A participating college or university is required to the creation of its National Defense Student Loan Fund a sum equal to at least one-ninth of the amount contributed by the Federal Government. These joint contributions thus constitute the Loan Fund at this institution, and the responsibility f o r its administration therea f t e r rests with the institution. Within conditions prescribed by the act and by regulations issued by the U.S. Commissioner of Education, the institution itself selects student recipients, arranges the loans, and is responsible for their collection. Eligibility Since each participating institution is responsible for determining the eligibility of a candidate for a loan, a prospective borrower must apply for loan

assistance at the financial aid office of the college of his choice. The law requires t h a t each borrower be a full-time undergraduate or graduate student, that he be in need of the amount of his loan to pursue his courses of study, and that he be, in the opinion of his institution, capable of maintaining good standing in his chosen courses of study. The law further provides that s p e c i a l consideration in the selection of loan recipients be given to students with a super-

ior academic background who express a desire to teach in elementary or secondary schools, or whose academic background indicates a superior capacity or preparation in science, mathematics, engineering, or a modern foreign language. Terms of Loan The student must sign a note for his loan. He may borrow a maximum of $5,000 during his college career but not more than $1,000 in any 1 year. The repayment period of the loan begins 1 year a f t e r he completes (Cont'd on Page 4)

First Recital of the Year Is Given By the String Quartet The Hope College Faculty String Quartet will present its first recital of this school year on Sunday, October 30, at 4:00 in the Music Building Auditorium. The program will consist of the "Allegro di Molto" from Joseph Haydn's Divertimento a tre, for horn, violin, and 'cello; String Quartet No. 2 (1957), by t h e contemporary American

composer-critic Virgil Thomson; and the Horn Quintet in E-flat Major, K. 407, by Mozart. Members of the Quartet are Morrette Rider and Wanda Nigh Rider, violins; Charles King, viola; and Peter Kleynenberg, 'cello. Hornist Albert Schaberg will join the group in the Haydn and the Mozart. Everyone is cordially invited to attend.


I i m

The quartet features Morrette Rider, violin; W a n d a Nigh Rider, violin; Peter Kleynenberg, cello; Charles King, viola.


Page Two


Intellectual Freedom Last night we saw the films of the Hungarian revolution. There were many students, on the streets of Budapest, smiling, marching happily for freedom. The scene shifted as we saw a young girl, not over eighteen, poke her rifle around the corner of a building and pull the trigger. We noticed with surprise and horror, the smile on her face as she watched the bullet hit its mark. Because we were ensconced in our favorite chair, and because the wind howled wildly around the corners of our room, we dozed and had a dream. We saw students with guns and clubs milling in front of Van Raalte, and heard the eerie sound of sirens and the rumble of tanks. And all the students were smiling.


October 28, 1960


Discussing Quemoy-Matsu Issue To the editors of the Anchor: It is quite natural for Mr. Wang to be influenced by affections for his home in discussing the defense of Matsu, and Quemoy, his native island, but I feel that the questions he brought up were not adequately answered. Mr. Wang states that the questions being asked are as follows: "Kennedy questions the defensibility of these islands while Nixon questions whether

Americans should defend these islands or not." The question of defensibility is not nearly the content of Kennedy's question because, according to military men who are much more expert in this field than either candidate, these islands are not practicably defensible and Secretary of State Herter agreed with this. The question Kennedy raises is that, in view of the afore att e s t e d t o "indefensibility,"

should we bind ourselves to defend t h e m ? Nixon's answer to the question was, at first, a simple "yes." as he pronounced his own "I oppose handing over . . . one inch . . ." doctrine. This was based on "principal." Maybe Mr. W a n g

does not

realize t h a t Nixon, a f t e r talking to Eisenhower, has said t h a t he agrees with the present policy, which is, according to Eisenhower, that we would defend


The next day we sat down in the smoking lounge and heard two students discussing conformity and intellectual freedom. Their faces were hard masks and their eyes shone with a holy light.

Quemoy and Matsu only if it became "necessary or appropriate f o r the defense of Formosa and the Pescadores." Mr. Nixon has a history of


going too f a r in his public statements, anyway.

Then we remembered the film and the dream, and we laughed loud and long.



It seems to be inferred that Nixon is a man of "principle"

Guest Editorial

while Kennedy's proposals are not based on principal, and it is


stated by Mr. Wang t h a t the question of "defensibility" is no

October 21, 1960 To know where one is going is quite helpful in deciding the route by which one can arrive. The most primary question a student faces is the question as to what he presumes to find through education.

longer valid." iResfults only come when prin-

Repeatedly admonished to seek for himself a standard, a standard of worth to be found only in himself, a standard not dependent upon group or public approval, the student turns to himself credulously in an atempt to find this elusive something reserved for persons of intelligence and spirit.

as Louis J. Hale, in the New

ciples are

We live in a practical world, and Republic, described a responsible foreign policy,

The individual student that does not work for a grade is rare indeed. It is asking a great deal to ask him to do otherwise. Yet the student is advised to seek. When he asks, "Seek what?", certainly enough the answer follows. "Excellence!" Now, if he is fortunate and manages to settle for himself what is this thing "Excellence," he needs only to embrace and sustain it daily. Necessity and intelligence combine to sustain him: through the din of notoriously poor lectures; above acute concern for poor grades earned through petty tests; and beyond the criticism of low and mean persons in his academic life. His task is to forego the petty and vulgar in a search guided by integrity and sensibility. Having momentarily satisfied the question of his purpose, the student looks about him to determine what is at his side to aid him towards the satisfaction of this purpose. He sees an institution, an educational instituition whose stated purpose it is to sustain, strengthen and undergird the development of students. Now, he heartily takes it upon himself to think it so. However, doubt begins to cloud his certainty; he becomes sceptical. The Honor Code as an issue on campus has been hashed, re hashed, extinguished and relit. The Student Council was kind enough to bring the matter up for student discussion last year— the response was disappointing. .. So the Honor Code became history; that is, until the preregistration faculty meeting. Oddly enough its protagonists from the Student Council were still going strong. Now the student finds the Honor Code Committee enlarged: perhaps in the attempt to further mature it and spring it upon the campus full grown. The student turns to Arithmetic trying to determine how many times a thing must be decided before it is decided. In Arithmetic it is possible that a decision is a decision when it is decided. The student, being intelligent and of an open mind, sees that this must be an incorrect conclusion, and looks about to secure a reason for the existence of a dead issue. Perhaps, just perhaps, this institution at his side has become confused. Perhaps theirs is the insistence that an Honor Code is a fine thing, because Oberlin College has one. Perhaps they think that the textbooks that are fine textbooks. The student hears, the "Oberlin" through the halls of Van Raalte. Raalte stood for quite some time very solidly they now stand next to those of Oberlin.

Obelin College uses repressed ring of The halls of Van in their own right;

Could the purpose of this institution be obscured? Could their standards, their particularly evolved standards, be slipping slightly? These questions should be asked! To strive for excellence is one thing; is it not quite another to strive for recognition? This appears analogous to the student that acquiesces, in his pure and simple pursuit of the grade. It is not excusable. To attain to excellence and to derive recognition thereby is honorable—so long as integrity is not forgotten in the pursuit of it. Remember the task; to forego the petty and vulgar in a search guided by integrity and sensibility.

applied practically.



THI* LAST TIME I A CW55 iwnu t h c g a p b t s b a f & e s - x w m i H e m v r T m W H S a w iWfc"

Others May Change We have all heard "Know thyself and to thine own self be true", but have we ever heard of thought of "Know others and through this knowledge gain understanding and consideration"? With all our moments of introspection do we leave time to get to know and try to understand others? Or are we satisfied with taking someone else's word for the reputation of another? Do we quickly jump to conclusions concerning their behavior when we ourselves know nothing as f a c t ? Life is certainly dynamic. From situation to situation, from day to day, people do change. Why then do so many think that they remain the same? Is there no room in our understanding for new consideration of the person's situation and background? If we expect or desire that others change, we must give them a chance by frequent re-evaluation and continued consideration and understanding. It's as I heard a man once say, "The most realistic man I know is my tailor. He measures me again everytime I see him."


"We must be the opposite of weak and provocative; strong and conciliatory." It is a possibility that the island of Formosa could become a separate entity from the mainland if it is divorced from these islands. There is one principal involved, that of the effective containment of Communism.







Let us look at some other men of "principal" of the NixonRepublican group. When Mr. Lodge entered the U.N. as our ambassador he informed the press t h a t he would not shake hands with the Soviet representative. Somehow, he was able to be the private dining guest of that same representative, later. Mr. Lodge's tactics of largely using the U.N. as a place to stand up and denounce the Communists instead of a place of settling disputes have not at all been appreciated by our Western European allies, and to the neutral nations, we and the communists seen to be just two immense belligerent forces.

Published weekly by and for the students of Hope College except during holiday and examination periods, under the authority of the Student Council Publications Board.

M o s t of the new nations abstained from voting on the question of admitting R e d China. Our new ambassador to the U.N., Mr. Wadsworth has also exhibited this tendency of one-track-mindedness.

Entered as second class matter at the post office of Holland, Michigan, at a special rate of postage provided for in section 1103 of Act of Congress, October 3, 1917, and authorized October 19, 1918. Subscription Rate: $2.00 per school year to non-student subscribers.

He has said that the U.S. might not be willing to sit down at the same table with the Chinese Communists. Can we afford not to talk to t h e m ?

Co-editors....Norma DeBoer and Louise Hunter Assistant Editor Nancy Sonneveldt News Editor Kristin Blank Sports Editor....Paul Armstrong Copy Editors Barbara Bloemers and Judy Cameron Proof Readers Eileen Watt and Jean Paduch Editorial Board L. Bonnema, P. Geitner, J. Michmerhuizen, R. Jaarsma, J. Rietveld, J. Nienhuis, G. Wolf Picture £ditor..Mickey Hoffman Photographers .F. Vande Vusse, and M. Hale

Very shortly, the Red Chinese state will emerge as an atomic power. Should we negotiate disarmament with the Russians only to see, behind our back, a new and even more vicious Communist Chinese A t o m i c Power ?

Member Associate Collegiate Press PRESS

Girls' Sports Ed SharonNeste Make-up Editors Sandra Vander Berg, Dale Conklin and Ruth Prichard Business Manager..Tom Klaasen Advertising Managers Mary Walters and Mary Hoksbergen Circulation Manager David Bringedahl Reporters J. Louret, J. Jenner, T. Andersen, J. Diephuis, G. Geubering R. Flikkema, J. Rietveld, Marcia Meengs, N. Malstrom A. Prins, P. Lucas, J . Thomas Typist Karen Lefgren





Principles are not things to end arguments with, but things to build upon. We cannot pretend t h a t this is a dream world; we have to apply our principles, but to this world. —Stanley Hagemeyer


October 28, 1960




Page Three

Political Periscope

College Winners Will See Europe Behind Republicans: Don't Fool Yourselves! Tourist Curtain" On Care Crusade Trip by Justine Ann Dakin Mr. Nixon has been basing his campaign on the basic premise that the nation is doing well in the Cold War. His speeches indicate that while America must not stand still and rest on her laurels that the Administration's policies in the past eight years have been good. Lest we be deceived, we should not accept Mr. Nixon's word too literally. In the past two years, this issue of American prestige and accomplishment in the Cold War has been of utmost concern. The problem has been studied by three presidential commissions. The Rockefeller brothers have also analyzed the problem. Committees in Congress have been scrutinizing the problem, and teams at Harvard, Columbia, Princeton, Pennsylvania, and other institutions of repute have been doing the same. Not ONE of these studies has supported the optimistic and successful picture of the United States that Mr. Nixon assures us exists. Each of these reports, most of them from Republican oriented study groups, have expressed grave doubts over our effectiveness as a nation in these serious times. A very real anxiety has been expressed over certain aspects of our foreign and defense policies. Mr. Stevenson, at a Citizen's-for-Kennedy dinner in New York last week included this little verse in his speech, which I feel aptly points up the above. "Fact finding committees and such Are wonderful, who would displace 'em ? But the Whte House would add a delightful new touch If having found facts, it would face 'em." Lest this dominantly Republican campus (myself included) be too duped by campaign oratory, we must have hope that Mr. Nixon is indeed concerned about our problems and defects in the present administration. If elected, Mr. Nixon, relieved of the yoke of having to defend the present administration, will undoubtedly be aggressive and somewhat innovating in his administration's approach to such thorny problems as Cuba, Red China, and Russia. Let us hope that Mr. Stevenson's limmerick can find acceptance in a Republican administration should Nixon and Lodge be the choice of the nation on November 8.

In a crumbing 16th Century palace in a little town on the island of Sicily, Italy, Wheaton College students introduced the wonders of a 20th Century electric sewing machine. In the crowded classroom of a H o n g Kong primary school,

Sketch depicting Fairbanks Cottage in the Fall—by Janet Hook.

V Hears Rev. Cook Discuss Middle East "No





Student Council Report

Middle E a s t " was the topic of

New Sorority Representatives Announced

the regular Y meeting in the

A blazing orange fire crackling in the center of a white marble fireplace is what immediately caught our attention as we piled out of the cool night air into Dr. Hollenbach's home. After each of us had located a comfortable chair in which to sit our weary bones Cal arose from the depths of a sofa and called the meeting to order. The minutes from the last two meetings were read and approved. (You bet!) During Sharon's report she asked all junior sorority representatives to announce the new sophomore agents of their sororities. They did. They are, Alpha Phi, Joyce Droopers; Delphi, Sharon Cady; Dorian, "let you know next week"; (that's a clever name); Sib, K r i s t i n Blank; Sorosis, Joan Ten Cate. . The Daily Bulletin—is it a problem? If you think so, let your Student Council representative know why. At our next meeting this will merit some discussion. Have you ever been on a S t u d e n t Council committee where you bought something for an activity and you received a slip of paper, called a bill from the store? And on this bill did you FAIL to specify what material you purchased and for what purpose you used the material? If so, beware of Norm Kansfield, the Student Council Treasurer. Cal informed us t h a t Jim Thomas will be in charge of the Student Council WTAS radio program on Monday evenings from 10:15 to 10:20. The members of the Honor Code Committee plan on visiting the freshmen girls' houses to explain the system. A series of honor code debates, each from 15 to 30 minutes long will be presented on WTAS in the near future. Group meetings will then be held for discussion. The committee will then draw up something concrete for approval

Rev. Allen B. Cook's message at

by all the students. Whatever results, depends on you, the students.

coeds at the University of North Carolina opened the doors of education for 50 Chinese refugee boys and girls. And in the choppy waters off the coast of Pusan, South Korea, a crew of five fishermen will soon be flying a Dartmouth Col-

chapel basement October 18.

on Tuesday,

Republic, Turkey, and India are forms of dictatorships. Especially important to the immediate interests of the free world and communism are the dictatorships which might be dissolved upon the death of one or more of the leaders. The question then is, "which type of government will step in and take over?"

The College Pastor pointed out that the Middle Eastern AjL.qu£ meeting . a n .Oc? -rCountFies^ totn- -between- influtober 26, 1960, we will hear re ences from the free world and ports on the N.S.A., the Pull, communism are trying very hard Rev. Cook stated t h a t the reFreshmen Orientation, Home- to be independent and neutral. ligions, Judism, Islam, a n d coming and Nykerk. "Although Although India is neutral at Christianity, are all monothethis wasn't the slightest intenthe present time, it is most dif- istic and all look to Jerusalem tion, this preview may act as a ficult for these countries to reas a center of interest. Thinkreminder to the chairmen of main in a neutral position since ing Christians, Moslems, or these committees to be at the they are economically dependent Jews all believe there is only meeting." upon other, larger countries. one true religion. Islam, the MONEY (an eye-catcher isn't Both the United States and Rusyoungest religion of the three, i t ? ) Any money that comes to sia realize this fact and both is also the most evangelistic. It Hope for current operations are attempting to influence the is our job to present Christ as goes for the total education of Middle Eastern countries to Lord and Savior to the people us students. Dr. Hollenbach de- their own way of thinking. of the Middle East, which is, scribed the operation of the According to Rev. Cook, there contrary to the opinion of many Hope College Budget to the are many different types of Americans, an area of vital incouncil. A discussion followed government in the Middle East. terest to the United States. In involving an independent treasJordan and Saudi Arabia comclosing Rev. Cook challenged: ury for the Student Council, prise kingdoms, Lebanon is a "Quit, horsing around and be(not that the college budget republic, and the United Arab come informed." doesn't operate effectively.) You think you have problems —you should be a dining hall! Dining halls can't open their COLUMBIA PIZZA SHOP doors earlier on Sunday even208 Columbia Ave. Phone EX 6-4991 ings because they wouldn't have PIZZA MADE TO ORDER enough customers. Why? The students just finished eating Take Out Only — Hours 7:30 - 12:00 P.M. dinner shortly before 2:00. The dining halls are thinking of placing clever little sighs "Keep Moving" where the students in line can seem them. BUNTE'S PHARMACY (Cont'd on Page 4)


Prescriptions 54 E. 8th Street THE SEERY SHOPPE "LINGERIE - BLOUSES - HOSIERY! MILLINERY {"Your Patronage Is Appreciated"! •31 W. 8th St.

Ph. EX 2 - 2 1 0 7 ;




RUSS' Drive In






eat in your car . . . it isn't f-a-r

lege pennant from the mast of their new boat. In each case, the link with U.S. campuses w a s f o r g e d through CARE, the American international-aid agency. They are just a few recent examples of the ways in which college g r o u p s h a v e sent peopleto-people help across the world during the 14 years of CARE'S operations. They illustrate, too, the unusual kind of sightseeing two American college students will soon enjoy, through the Vicks CARE Crusade. .To be specific:

The Italian palace now houses the Orphanage School di Marie, which has vocational as well as elementary classes for 200 orphaned girls and daughters of destitute families. But its equipment was as outmoded as its ancient halls, until a Student Council contribution from the Wheaton, 111., campus enabled CARE to deliver the sewing machine, plus needle trade kits of sewing supplies—the tools of modern training, so that the girls can get jobs as dressmakers and garment workers when they graduate. The 50 Hong Kong pupils had faced a problem shared by thousands of refugee children in the colony: They cannot attend school unless they bring their own writing materials, yet their parents cannot possible afford the cost. Because students of the Women's College at the Greensboro, North Carolina university raised funds for CARE, each child received a school kit containing a whole semester's supply of copybooks, pencils and other essentials. For the Korean fishermen, the Dartmouth pennant en route at their request will be their proud acknowledgment of gratitude to the new Hampshire undergraduates. Ever since a typhoon destroyed their boat last winter, (Cont'd on Page 4)

Y Women's Group Hear Miss Jaldersma Recently the Y has incorporated into its ever-widening circle a society known as the Women for Christian Service. This g r o u p was formerly called Kappa Delta. The purpose, as the name implies, is to acquaint its members with the opportunities and problems connected with Christian service. Consequently, all Y members and other interested women are welcomed into the membership. Leading the organization is Miss Penny Adams, President. Serving the vice-presidency is Miss Jean Scholten. And at the post of recording-secretary is Sophia Bremner. The first meeting of this school year was held on October 27. At this meeting. Miss Joldersma, executive secretary of the Christian Missions of the Reformed Church of America, spoke on foreign missions. This program was open to the entire student body.

RYPMA & TOP SHELL SERVICE "Service is our Business" Phone EX 4 - 8 7 6 0 Comer 15th and River Ave.


Page Four

Social Sidelights

Fraternity Rushing Begins Hi Everyone!

SIGMA SIGMA The Sorosis pledges are glad they are finishing their second and final week of "slavery to the actives". Last Friday they received their quests which tested their persistence in everything from surveying the underside of every table in Graves library to searching all the telephone poles on Eighth St. That night they presented their gift to the actives at the literary meeting which was put on by the pledges. Sigma Sigma is proud to have Sorosite Donna Davis as chairman of Sophomore Nykerk and Sorosite Evy Hollander directing the sophomores in their song for the same.

OMICRON KAPPA EPSILON During Rushing all the Frats are busy and the Fraters are no exception. On Wednesday night they held a Smoker and on Friday night a Hayride. Both were well attended. On Wednesday, Nov. 2nd another Smoker will be held; on Thursday, Nov. 3rd Ralph Materie will be presented in the Civic Center; and on Friday, Nov. 4th, the annual Shipwreck Party will take place.

ALPHA GAMMA PHI After being informally initiated into Alpha Phi last Friday evening, the pledges are feeling rather humble beside their slave masters. This week the slaves were engaged in Service Week, doing chores for their big sisters and also for their Arcadian brothers. Initiation activities will culminate with Formal Initiation on Friday, October 28th in Phelps Conference room. The date of October 29th will be an important one on the Alpha Phi calendar. It is Date Night! For the occasion a square dance will be held in the gym with pizza being served for refreshments.


Flying Dutchmen Tip Kazoo 26-14 Still smarting from the Homecoming disaster at the hands of Muskingum, the Hope Colege eleven came from behind to up set a favored Kalamazoo team, and take home the Wooden Shoes for the fourth year in a row. It took the inspired running of Freshman halfback Ken Visser to gain the Dutchmen third place in the M.I.A.A. standings, as the start of the fourth quarter found them behind, 14 to 13.

Last Saturday at Angell Field, the Hope College Cross-country team met some stiff competition in the form of Kalamazoo College. Schelb of Kalamazoo took first place in the four mile run with a time of 23.16.

Three Teams Tie for Football In the last game of the 1960

Fraters the week before.

Cosmos defeated last year's de-

The Cosmos now lead in the race f o r the All-Sports trophy by virtue of a first in tennis, a second in golf, and this tie for first place in football. Next on the schedule for intramural teams, basketball.

fending champions, the Knicks, first place with the Arkies and

Activity in the Arkie Camp has been at its fullest during the past week. A victory over the Fraters 28-18 on Friday afternoon gave the Blue and White a share of the football championship. At last Friday evening's literary meeting, attended enthusiastically by many rushees, Dr. Vander Lugt, Dean of the College, spoke on his experiences in education. It was presented in a very personal and enlightening manner which was enjoyed by all those attending. Although dampened by the weather, the spirit was high at the lawn party and cook-out held on Saturday evening. One hundred and thirty members and guests enjoyed the fun, food and fellowship which the evening offered.r On Wednesday evening the men of Chi Phi Sigma held their second coffee break at the house. Many familiar faces and some new ones were welcomed to the "break". All rushees are invited to attend the Hostess Party this evening at the house. Come S t a g ! Events during the coming week include a coffee break on Wednesday evening, a literary meeting on Friday night, and a Hayride and Dance next Saturday evening. We'll be looking for you fellows.

SIGMA IOTA BETA After a week of doing little jobs for their big sisters the Sibylline pledges finally became actives on Friday night. The pledge dinner and Formal Initiation took place at Cummerford's at 6:30 on October 21. Barbara Kamphuis was in charge of the affair and the sorority wishes to sincerely thank her for a wonderful job. At 6:45 A.M. on Saturday morning the girls met in front of Durfee for the annual hike and breakfast. The hike was to the home of Ann Herst on South Shore Drive and the breakfast was. enjoyed in the game room of the Herst home. After breakfast a meeting was held at which a few elections took place. Jean Louret was chosen as Pan-Hell representative;" Carol Rattray was chosen as Balfor representative, Lorraine Lawrence was elected Keeper of the Archives and Photographer, Lorraine De Feyter was chosen Rose Girl, J a n e Van Tatenhove was chosen as Anchor Reporter. The new actives of Sigma Iota Beta are as follows: Jean Louret, Louise Zjawin, Maurive Haas, Marilyn DeWitt, Judy Loveys, Mary TenPas, Johanna Van Lente, Kristin Blank, Jane Van Tatenhove, Lorraine De Feyter, Judy De Ryke, Carol Rattray, Joyce Vander Molen, Kathy Teck and. Karen De Graff.





their share of first place honors

Core Crusade Trip . (Cont'd f r o m Page 3) they have been unable to earn a living for their families... A Dartmouth College Chest Fund contribution made it possible for CARE to buy materials to build a new boat, which the five men will maintain and operate cooperatively. The opportunity to observe projects like these in action will come via the current nationwide contest sponsored by Vick Chemical Company to raise $1,000,000 for C A R E ' S work. Besides the general contest to select winners from every State, two students will be chosen to represent the college youth of America on a jet-flight goodwill trip to Europe. The tour, March 5 to 17, will 'visit Paris, Rome, Athens and Istanbul. All the famous tourist attractions will be seen. But in addition, C A R E representatives will take the goodwill Ambassadors behind the tourist curtain to see how CARE supplies are helping the people of Italy, Greece and Turkey. Projects the average tourist never sees will give added international insight to the "Ambassadors," who will also help distribute some of the aid provided by the contest. To compete f o r the trip, ent r a n t s must contribute a minimum of 50c to CARE and complete this sentence, in 25 words or less: "Americans s h o u l d CARE about their neighbors abroad because " Alpha Phi Omega chapters a r e spearheading the special college contest on 319 campuses. Ralph Herron, local APO chairman, has announced that entry blanks and complete details are available here on posters displayed around campus. Expenses of the contest and trip are being borne by Vicks. The donations to C A R E will send aid to the needy in 28

After halftime, the Holland team moved 55 yards to score again. Quarterback Mack doing the honors, but, to the enjoyment of the 2,000 fans at Kalamazoo's Angell Field, failing in his extra point attempt. Taking the kickoff, Kalamazoo drove 65 yards, and the usually successful combination of Quarterback Jim Smith and End Dan Pell clicked on a 22 y a r d scoring play. Leggett booted the all-important extra point. At this point, trailing by one p o i n t , Hudsonville Freshman Ken Visser began to break loose for long gains, and spearheaded a 71 yard drive to a touchdown. Late in the final period, a desperation d r i v e b y t h e Hornets was nipped in the bud as Freshman Rog VanNoord picked off a Smith pass on the Kalamazoo twenty. Classmate Visser then circled right end f o r a twelve yard run, and the score. This weekend, Hope faces sixth place Adrian, in what should be a comparitively easy contest.

by a 28 to 12 victory over the

intramural football season, the

The Emmersonian Fraternity held a literary meeting on Friday evening, Oct. 21. Dr. Elliot was the guest speaker. A humor paper was presented by Steve Morris. On Saturday evening the Fraternity held a Hayride and a Square Dance for the Rushees. The activities f o r the week of Oct. 23rd included a Smoker on Wednesday evening and a South Pacific Party on Saturday evening. A literary meeting will be held on Friday evening, Nov. 4th and Open House following Nykerk / on Saturday. • "


Schneider of KC took second, Boylan, third. Sterk and Menc^ e n w e r e the only ones of Coach Siedentop's boys to finish in the top ten positions, copping fourth and ninth positions respectively. Next week the Harriers encounter Adrian.


to move into a threeway tie for


Hope drew first blood in the contest, scoring on the first series of plays. Sherwood Vande Woude scored from the five, and Mack converted. The Hornets came b a c k strong in the second quarter, capitalizing on a two yard punt by Quarterback Mack, who had to contend with a high center and charging line. Ed Laurerman went over for the score a few plays later, and Tom Leggett's extra point tied the score.

Hope Harriers Defeated


The Dorians were entertained with a serious paper and a humor paper at their literary meeting on Oct. 21st. A musical number was given by the new actives. Final plans were made for Date Night.

October 28, 1960


• • countries of Europe, Asia, Latin America and the Middle East. While C A R E food programs continue to feed the hungry, funds derived from the contest will be u s e d primarily f o r CARE'S Self-Help program to give people the tools to feed and otherwise help themselves. Tools of education, health and self-support—using the word in

STUDENT COUNCIL (Cont'd from Page 3) The cafeteria can't be opened any earlier at noons because the working staff has to go to class sometime. The suggestion was made that another dining hall be opened at noon. The food would have to be brought over to Durfee on steam tables because it is all cooked in Phelps. But this is a possibility. If anyone has any suggestions let's hear them! At 9:32 Dr. Hollenbach ann o u n c e d t h a t refreshments would be served a f t e r the meeting. We adjourned immediately! Respectfully submitted, Ellen Frink Student Council Secretary

its broadest sense—will all be provided, as needed, to help our


neighbors south of our borders

(Cont'd from Page 1)

and across the oceans. On the educational level, many

his full-time course work and extends over a 10-year period.

students in foreign colleges will

Interest at 3 percent per year begins to accrue at the beginning of the repayment period. During periods of military service (up to a total of 3 years) and during periods of full-time attendance at an accredited institution of higher education no interest will accrue and no repayment is required. The borrower's obligation to repay his loan is to be cancelled in the event of his death or permanent and total disability.

benefit, for CARE'S shipments of educational tools range from the





primary pupils to special purchases of the best new scientific and tenchnical books f o r colleges and universities. For the two college winners, the contest will bring an unforgettable glimpse into the lives of the people of Europe. But win or lose, every contestant will have the satisfaction of knowing this: your contribution to CARE will bring good fortune to struggling people in other lands, and will help cement the world friendship so vital to a peaceful future.

If a borrower becomes a fulltime teacher in a public or secondary school, a maximum of 50 percent of the loan (plus interest) may be canceled at the rate of 10 percent f o r each year of teaching.


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