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October I 999 Lick my eyeball

Hope College

Holland, Michigan

A student-run nonprofit publication

S e r v i n g t h e H o p e C o l l e g e C o m m u n i t y f o r I 13 y e a r s

G r e e k s have blindfold d e b a t e w i t h C a m p u s Life JULIE GREEN campusbeat coeditor

Greek Life was looking tor a way lo lake more responsibility for iheir organizations lasl fall when ihey made a proposal lo let New Member Education ( N M E ) remain un-v changed. Recently, however, a proposal that would change N M E was made. Resulting from the review of evaluations, which are made each year after N M E and are submitted by anyone, the proposal to ban blind-

Mourning a tragedy

folds was made. The original proposal of no significant changes in N M E for four years went under review after a faculty petition was submitted to the Campus Life Board last fall. It was felt that clarification was needed, and a new policy was created. The policy states, " N e w M e m b e r Education, as of Dec. I, 1998, shall remain essentially unchanged unless a serious problem or a pattern of violations occurs'* ( C a m p u s L i f e B o a r d and N e w M e m b e r Education, Dec. 7, 1998).

j: 1 M M b

" O n e of the r e c o m m e n d a t i o n s was blindfolding not be allowed," said Richard Frost, Dean of Stud e n t s and C a m p u s L i f e B o a r d member. Frost, who made the proposal, had objections to "some of the events and ways in which blindfolds were being handled." Kate M a c D o n i e l s ('00), President of Pan-Hellenic Council, feels that this proposal is in conflict with the previous policy. "There was no serious violation," she said. MacDoniels, Frost, Diana

Breclaw, Directorof Student Activities, and Kyle Schaub ('00), president of the Interfraternity Council (IFC), have met to try and work through the situation. T h e y will meet with the Campus Life Board on Tuesday, Nov. 2. Pan-Hel and IFC felt that stability was needed for N M E , which undergoes significant changes each year, to grow and build on itself. "The main goal was to have cons i s t e n c y a n d let N M E l i e , " MacDoniels said. Pan-Hel and IFC thought that this



more GREEKS on ID

Shattering t h e glass

HI ...4

policy would allow that consistency. "It takes a long time to write proposals and change and change them. We're getting frustrated," MacDoniels said. Blindfolds are an important part of Greek Life, MacDoniels said, especially concerning trust games and trust walks. H o w e v e r , B r e c l a w f e e l s that blindfolds aren't integral to NME. "There's a lot of ways to build trust without blindfolds," she said,


• Shootings at Kalamazoo College spark debate on gun control, violence.

• Women, faculty work to break through the glass ceiling at Hope.



campusbeat editors

infocus editor, staff r e p o r t e r

Last week's murder/suicide at Kalama/oo College has stirred up a variety of issues, ranging from abuse in relationships to issues of gun control. On M o n d a y . Oct. 18. sophomore Margaret Wardle was shot and killed by her former boyfriend Neneef Odah. also a Kalamazoo student, in his dorm room early that morning. Odah then turned the gun on himself. "Everyone here was in complete shock after we found out about the incident. Most people just could not believe s o m e t h i n g like this could happen here, of all places, said Haley Neef, a f r e s h m a n at Kalamazoo. "That feeling gave way lo sadness. The mood on campus was very dark for most of last week." No warning signs of violence were noticed in Odah before the shootings. ' T h i s was an extremely unusual and isolated incident," Neef said. 'However. I think we're all wondering why Neneef had a shotgun and why no one noticed or did anything about it. Gaining access to guns is a far too simple way to settle something in a very permanent and tragic way." Hope has a strict policy prohibiting the possession of firearms and other dangerous weapons. "If a Resident Assistant, student, or member of the community sees more KZOO on 2

Anchor p\-\oXo courtesy Public Relations C R O > ^ N I N G G L O R Y : Jaime Partridge C00) and Tom Van Hekken C00) were crowned Homecoming king and queen on Saturdayy Oct. 23,

Events c e l e b r a t e i n a u g u r a t i o n M. L O F Q U I S T staff r e p o r t e r

With this past weekend full of Homecoming activities and Presidential Inauguration events, Hope students had a plethora of social activities lo choose to participate in. Whether attending the inauguration of President J a m e s Bultman, dancing at the Homecoming Hoedown, participating in the Run/Bike/Walk/Swim, cheering at the football game, or socializing with community members at the Inaugural Ball, Hope students found themselves extremely busy this past weekend. In honor of the inauguration, classes were cancelled on Friday. "My favorite thing about President Bultman is that he's for the

students and stresses that the college is here because of the students. He emphasizes that and it shows up because so many students were involved this weekend." said Katie Shelley ( ' 0 0 ) , w h o attended the C h a p e l S e r v i c e , s a n g with the Chapel Choir in the Inauguration, and danced at the Inaugural Ball. The weekend events began Friday morning with a chapel service featuring the Gospel Choir and Dr. Tim Brown ('73) of Western Theological Seminary. Dr. R i c h a r d M o u w of F u l l e r T h e o l o g i c a l S e m i n a r y then presented the inaugural lecture, the first of five in a series that will be presented throughout this school year. T h e c u l m i n a t i o n of F r i d a y ' s events was the Presidential Inauguration at 2 p.m. in Dimnent Chapel.

Delegates from other colleges, Hope students, the Board of Trustees, and the Hope faculty began the ceremony with a procession in full academic attire in front of the crowd of 1,100. " I ' m thankful we have a president w h o i n t e r a c t s with us s o m u c h , " said Louis Canfield ('01), Student Congress President. In his inaugural address "Hope as Hope," Bultman outlined what he loves about Hope and what he hopes to do to make it better. "Hope is first and foremost an educational institution where teaching, learning and scholarship a r e of p r i m a r y i m p o r t a n c e . Throughout the years, in the midst of change, I am very proud that my alma mater has required students to earn an education not merely be more EVEMXS on 2

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Psychology and women's studies professor Jane Dickie challenged a silent oppression in 1979 as she o p e n e d her M o r t a r b o a r d " L a s t Chance" speech. "Women students at Hope College are being cheated. We, the faculty, are cheating them, men students are cheating them and they are c h e a t i n g t h e m s e l v e s , " she said. "They will continue to be cheated unless we and they recognize the forces that have and likely will affect their lives." Dickie continued with the then much-quoted fact that Hope was one of the top 25 schools in the country for the percentage of graduates who obtained doctorates between 1920 and 1970. She went on to say that after she researched the source of the fact, she found that it was for men only. The "Last C h a n c e " speech was designed to ask faculty members what they would discuss, if given just one "last chance" to talk before they died. Today, Dickie still has much to say about the subject of women on Hope's campus. " I ' v e seen important c h a n g e s take place about attitudes about women. Sometimes Hope has been leading the way, s o m e t i m e s it's been dragged." Dickie said. When Provost Jacob Nyenhuis began at Hope as the Dean of

r Clothesline Project to honor women Campusbeat, p a g e 2.

Discovering campus legends Halloween, p a g e s 6,7.

Alumni art exhibit opens at DePree Intermission, page 8.




Hope wins Homecoming 38-15. Sports, p a g e 12.


the Anchor


Congress to hold run-off elections


a m o u n t of v o l e s . P o r t e r and Boucher, h o w e v e r , received the same number of voles. Due lo this situation, Congress will hold a runoff eleclion lo fill the empty seal. P o l l s will be l o c a t e d in i h e DeWilt lobby from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Only off-campus students will be allowed lo vote.

address on on his views

EVENTS from I given a diploma," said Bultman. Bultman also mentioned the vibrant d i s c u s s i o n s of Christian faith, the trusting and respectful community, and the focus on developing the whole person tor which Hope is known. After enjoying dancing, hayrides. and a bonfire in the sleet and wind on Friday night, some students attended the afternoon football game, which ended wilh Hope beating Adrian, 38-15. T h e e v e n t s on S a t u r d a y in-

cluded the Inaugural Ball from 9 p.m. to m i d n i g h t , where the c r o w d e n j o y e d hors d ' o e u v r e s , desserts, punch and a live band. " I ' m so glad so many students came," said Diana Breclaw. Director of Student Activities. H o p e s t u d e n t s f o u n d the weekend's events to be a means of uniting the college and Holland. "I think this is neat because il gels the college and the c o m m u nity together. It's a really good idea." said Christa VanDort ( 4 02).

K Z O O from I Maybury said. Hope student Katie Gipson ('02) was visiting a friend at Kalamazoo College the day after the incident. Even though she was not a studenl at Kalamzoo, she still fell affected by what had happened there. "I think that there were a lot of people who were doing their best lo promote the other side of it, like a chalk writing that said life is a gift," she said. said. One of the more sinking writings One exception to this rule is if that Gipson discovered was a writa student wants lo keep a hunting ing by Wardle on the door of anrifle, they can keep it locked in a other studenl. Gipson said that il c a b i n e t m a i n t a i n e d by Public was difficult understanding that the Safely. person who had just written those "Public Safely tries to have a words was now dead. secure c a m p u s , but it's hard lo " O n e of the hardest things to unhave someone everywhere at all derstand is how real il is," Gipson times," said Greg Maybury. Disaid. rector of Operations and TechUnderstanding is something that nologies. Kalamazoo will be dealing wilh for Frost said that although there many years lo come, but il is an ishave been incidents where stusue many in the college community dents h a v e b r o u g h t d a n g e r o u s believe needs to be dealt with. weapons on campus, they were " T h e m u r d e r / s u i c i d e w a s an c a u g h t b e f o r e there w e r e any awakening for me to the fact that major problems. violence could touch d o w n very While some deal wilh gun conclose lo my own life. I was not protrol, others are grappling wilh istected from the feelings of tragedy, sues of relationships and personal nor was anyone truly safe," Neef grief. said. "This is not a comforting les"It really was a iragedy. Il could h a p p e n a n y w h e r e . I t ' s s c a r y . " son to learn, but it was true."

anyone in possession of a dangerous weapon, they have a responsibilily to report il," said Richard Frost, Dean of Students. If a studenl violates this policy, no c r i m i n a l c h a r g e s will be pressed, and the mailer will be brought before the Judicial System and Student Development. " T h e sanction depends on the circumstances i n v o l v e d . " Frost

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people, walking through the exhibit can be tough, but il also brings a new realization to the prevalence of violence against women. "It's frustrating to walk into the room and see how many lives have been affected." Eichmann said. "It's amazing lo see how many people s t e p p e d f o r w a r d . Society makes you not want lo admit it." Christine Trinh ('00), co-president of WIO, sees the Pn.ject as a means of promoting awareness of the issue. "It's a good way for people lo recognize previous violencr against w o m e n . " she said. "It's a good way for people lo work through their own experiences or those of someone ihey know." Trinh believes lhat the awareaess about violence against women created by the Clothesline Project is essentially prevention. "If it's not going lo prevent the abuser, maybe il will trigger her awareness and gel her out of a situation faster," she said. "It's a good thing for men just to see some of these feelings. Maybe something will click in ihem " Trinh hopes that the project will bring admiration for women who have survived violence. "It's about a respect for the experiences of women in today's society for women who have survived it. and a recognition of those who have not," Trinh said.

E i c h m a n n ( ' 0 0 ) . co-presidenl of W I O . "We want to lake a stand a g a i n s t this. No o n e s h o u l d be To C a m p u s Assault Awareness treated that way." Established by a group of women Response Education (CAARE) and in Cape Cod in October of 1990. the W o m e n ' s Issues Organization (WIO). a shirt is m j r e than just an the Clothesline project began with article of clothing to throw on be- only 31 shirts, but is now an interfore running to class. Il symbolizes national event, wilh anywhere from a protest about violence against 35.000 to 50.000 shirts Each shin is either made by a woman or in women and promotes awareness of honor of her experiences, including the issue. physical T 11 C abuse, sexual project will It's about a respect for abuse and inbe held in experiences of women in cest, sexual Maas Audiassault and t o r i u m on today's society.

CARRIE A R N O L D cam pus be at co-editor

p\-\oXo courtsey Public Relations

S P E A K I N G O U T : At his inaugural Friday, Oct. 22, Dr. James Bultman, commented of Hope's past and his dreams for its future.


Project honors w o m e n

c a m p u s brief Siudcni Congress will hold a runolT d e c l i o n on Nov. 2 b e l w e e n Brian P o r l c r ( ' 0 1 ) and JelTBoucher ('01) bccausc off-campus reprcscnlaiive Brad Hudkins ('00) resigned from his position on lasl week. Congress" usual procedure is lo replace ihe resigning m e m b e r with ihe candidate with the next largest


Wednes— C h r i s t i n e T r i n h ( ' 0 0 ) raPc- l c s b i a n day. Oct. Co-president of W I O b a t l c l ' n g • ritual abuse, 27 from 1 murder, and p . m . lo 8 suicide directly caused by violence p.m. T h e r e will a l s o be a " s a f e room" nearby where a counselor thai the woman had experienced. For C A A R E educator Katie will be on hand lo discuss the issues and where shirts may be made Paarlberg ('02), making a shirt and in honor of a woman who has been just walking through the exhibit can be a powerful experience. the victim of violence. "People don't think they want C o - s p o n s o r s of i h e a n n u a l anything to do wilh il, let alone Clothesline Project, held in honor m a k e s o m e t h i n g lo put on [the of Domestic Violence Awareness clothesline]," Paarlberg said. "Just M o n t h , both W I O and C A A R E walking through can be a moving have women make shirts to commemorate female survivors of vio- experience." The project c a m e to Hope five lence. "It's for people who haven't been years ago with only five shirts. This able to come lo terms wilh a vio- year, that number is up lo 50, with lent situation, to help them realize the opportunity for many more to things don't have to be lhat way, that they're not alone." said Alison

be made. Eichmann realizes that for most

Groups network on web PAUL LOODEEM production editor

From midnight lo midday students can discover what is new wilh the Social Activities Committee, or check out what is happening with the Sailing Club. Sludents are going out of their way to let other sludents know what is going on and how they can get involved. Finding this information, whether a b o u t s t u d e n t o r g a n i z a t i o n s or safety u p d a t e s on K n o w H o p e is usually as easy as point and click. Even teachers have gotten into the act as they inform students of schedule c h a n g e s over e-mail or post the syllabus on the KnowHope Web page. Some teachers have gone so far as to administer quizzes over material online. Now students are getting into the act as s t u d e n t o r g a n i z a t i o n s go online to inform the student body al Hope College of what's new and what is going on. "Sludents can find information quickly, can find what they want and when they want il," said Diane Breclaw, director of Student Activities. The Internet is a new element that allows sludents convenient access to information about groups that interest them. "It is another medium to gel information because sludents get their information in different ways and ihis is a n o t h e r way," said Katie M a c D o n i e l s ( ' 0 0 ) , President of Pen-Hellenic Council. Il has become so easy lhat more and more student organizations are gelling wired lo the web.

"We should have a web page because so many people just hop on the web to find easy information," said Milestone co-Editor Kristin Lamers ('02). These student leaders see web pages as a valuable tool to inform the campus of the many facets of their organizations. "We see it as a way to make the people on campus m o r e k n o w l e d g e a b l e about our yearbook in general and the prestige of the yearbook," Lamers said. The Milestone staff is not the only organization thinking this way. "The sorority has got information out about what we stand for and are about, the activities and events we participate in," MacDoniels said. "People can read about our creed

and see who the people are." T h e s t u d e n t s are not the only people to benefit from this. Alumni and prospective students have limited access to some of the student web pages. "It benefits not only the campus but alumni and the people interested in going to Hope by giving them access lo what is going on with the different groups," MacDoniels said. Even with all the improvements being made be made the students there is still work lhat can be done to make the pages better for everyone. "More graphics, keeping the pages updated weekly, and making them a little more interactive will improve things a lot," Breclaw said. 3L_

PRAYERS F R I D A Y S AT F O U R Semelink Hall, 4 - 4 : 3 0 pm Wesiern Theological Seminary join ns every F r i d a y l o r a q u i e t , m e d i t a t i v e t i m e ol r e f l e c t i o n ,tnd S c r i p t u r e w i t h m u s i c ot t h e w o r l d c h u r c h H o p e Clnirch


Third Reformed

Sr. Francis do Sales Cniholic W e s t e r n T h c o l b g i c a l Seminarygj

O c t o b e r 27.

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the Anchor

In Focus

W O M E N from I


Waking Up things," a fourth grade girl wrote. And this from a third- grade girl, "If I were a boy. my daddy might have loved me." Baumgarlner compared the remarks in four categories: appearance, activities, behavior, and treatment by others. All four categories showed the deep impact of certain expeclalions for women, along wilh a "eneral lower worth for activities O and practices of women. Girls made comments such as: "I wouldn't have to worry aboul how I look;" "I want to be a nurse, if I were a boy, I'd want lo be an architect;" "I would not be allowed lo express my true feelings." Boys said things like, "I'd have lo be kind, cute and have nice handwriling;" " I ' d have| lo know how to handle drunk guys and rapists;" and "Girls can't do anything that's fun." The fact lhal these statements are coming oul of the young and impressionable minds of young people makes me very uncomfortable, nervous, and unashamed to gel excited aboul these issues. I've never seen such powerful evidence of society's tendency to value male over female, to value masculinity over femininity. And it happens everywhere, many times without anyone en? really noticing, and yes, it Psychologist Dr. Alice happens al Hope College, even Baumgarlner surveyed nearly 2000 children ihroughoul the slate though we as a college have made significant gains in our of Colorado, from grades three employment of female faculty in through 12. Keep in mind this study was done in ihe 1990s — in past years. It seems we as a society are our supposedly gender sensitive gelling some of it right, bul country. leaving oul some of the basics. They simply asked the children Giving women better positions lo answer one question: If you is just the start. The simple truth woke up tomorrow and discovered is that the characteristics that are you were the opposite sex. how often associated with women are would your life he different? thought of as less important. The answers are shocking, and I'm a big believer that equality while we might expeel to find that does not mean sameness. I am boys and girls find both advanincredibly happy that men and tages and disadvantages lo being women are not exactly alike; I either sex. what the survey enjoy individual differences. Bul actually found was a fundamental I'm also a believer in appreciatcontempt for females — held by ing ihose differences equally and both sexes. in realizing lhal some of those Some of the elementary-school differences are caused just as boys tilled their answers with much by society's messages as by phrases such as, " T h e Disaster." or "Doomsday." A sixth grade boy nature and genetics. Some of my favorite hobbies wrote, "If I woke up and I was a are things lhal most people would girl, I would hope it was a bad call domestic, things like cooking dream and go back lo sleep." A third grader said, "If I were a girl, and making scrapbooks. Unfortunately, words like domestic and everyone would be better than even motherly have been given me, because boys are better than deragatory undertones. They izirls." simply are thought of as less Where the boys seemed lo find important, sometimes even idisaster and disappointment in degrading. being female, the girls found Think of all we could do if strength and freedom in the everyone, male and female, was thought of being male. valued, given worth, given "If I were a boy, I would be opportunity. I hope our children irealed better. I would get paid will find oul. more and be able lo do more

People who know m e well know how 10 push my bullous. Hanging oui wilh some friends ihis weekend, a eouple of guys decided lo spark a fun-spirited argumenl, dealing wilh w o m e n ' s issues — issues of women in sporls and in iradilional " m e n ' s roles." such as firefighiers. While ihe conversalion had moments of serious discussion, we all began lo laugh as ihe lone lurned sarcaslic. " N o shoes for w o m e n , " one guy said, "Give women shoes and prelly soon lhey'11 be warning lo vole and leave ihe kilchen." While I laughed and relaxed a bil al my friend's exaggeralion, a pari of me couldn't help but wanl lo point out the sad and scary truth behind ihe issues. It can seem simple to look at our world, and see how far we as a society have come, how things have improved, and how humans have worked lo better themselves. Yes. women in particular have made a lol of gains. We do wear shoes and vole. We also run companies, raise families, and leach college students. Bui beneath the surface, have we really reached our goal of equity? Do we really place as much value in our women as our

Happy Halloween from the Anchor staff!

Stepping back to take a look at where Hope College is with gender equity. humanities in 1975, only 17 percent of the f a c u l t y w a s women. Since Nyenhuis became provost in 1984, thai n u m b e r has m o r e than doubled. "In my inaugural address as Provost in 1984. I praised the wonderful faculty we had and told the faculty that this figure (of a 20 percent female staff in 1984) w a s simply unacceptable," N y e n h u i s said. "I challenged them lo work wilh me lo increase the number of women and minorities on our faculty." Today, aboul 4 0 percent of ihe faculty is w o m e n . About 60 percent of the students are female. "Our goal was to i n c r e a s e t h e percentage of w o m e n lo the point where w e had a m u c h higherdegreeofequ ii y — we've p h o t o c o u r t e s y of M i l e s t o n e A r c h i v e s achieved that goal," U N N O X I C E D : This male dominated photo appeared on the Nyenhuis said. "But cover pages of the 1968 Milestone. that d o e s n ' t m e a n The importance of strong men"If an African American women we have to abandon it now. We need to continue lo seek outstanding fac- had applied for president could we tors for women also stretches to affect the students. ulty, men and women and minori- have handled it?" Dickie said. "It's a very important change for Some believe that answering the ties." t h e the sake of the s t u d e n t s , " above question gives ihe campus an Christine Trinh ('00), co-presiNyenhuis said. " W e ' r e providing i n d i c a t i o n o f dent of W o m e n ' s Ism o r e w o m e n as role models — ^ ^ w h e r e we r e a l l y sues Organization, women w h o are combining their are in the search feels passionately professional life and having a famfor total equality. aboul ihe place of "The true test is ily. It has greatly improved the qualw o m e n on H o p e ' s not only to see if ity of the faculty and the environcampus. ment of Hope." w o m e n at H o p e " I ' d like to s e e Many members of Hope's facully have g o n e on to more women in posiand administration agree the qualh i g h e r p o s i t i o n s tions wilh more ity of education is increased by a e l s e w h e r e , " power. We have a few greater diversity of faculty. D i c k i e s a i d . "I female chairs of de" T h e p r e s e n c e of w o m e n and don't know the partments bul no feminority faculty is changing the answer lo that." males in upper manDickie also believes it is impor- n a t u r e of e d u c a t i o n , " N y e n h u i s agemenl. I think the women in positions of power are usually taken tant to notice whether women fac- said. "The institution is providing prelly seriously," Trinh said. "How- ulty have strong mentors who en- sludenls wilh richer and fuller exever, I'd like to see faculty and stu- courage them lo seek these posi- periences. It's also challenging the ways the facully see issues. dent attitudes change even more in tions. the near future." T h e gender inequality at the upper levels of the Hope staff is easy lo recognize. Of the five deans, only one is female, Nancy Miller, Dean of Social Sciences. There are no female vice presidents and of the 31 members on the Board of Trustees, only seven are women. "At the senior staff level, it's obvious that the staff is all male and all while, most of the staff has been in his position for a considerably long lime," Nyenhuis said, "which provides stability, but also limited opportunity for women to advance into the senior ranks. Wilh a few members retiring in the nexl few years, there will be opportunity for the appoinlment of women and/or minorities." T h e p r o c e s s of h i r i n g J a m e s Bultman has led some to question if Hope would be ready lo hire a woman as president.





T O 6 : 0 0 P.M.




P O S I T I O N S SEE: WWW g v s u e d u / c a r e e r s / m l f a l r h t m





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y o u r voice.

o u r voice.

Anchor should focus on pride at Hope College B l i n d f o l d i n g t h e issues A r e c o m m e n d a t i o n w a s m a d e to the C a m p u s L i f e Board to ban b l i n d f o l d s as a part of G r e e k Life N e w Member Education. Certain m e m b e r s of the C a m p u s Life B o a r d c l a i m to h a v e s t u d e n t ' s s a f e t y in m i n d w h e n p r o p o s i n g t h i s c h a n g e . T h e y a r g u e t h a t t h e u s e o f b l i n d f o l d s is not ccntral to N M E and that the elimination w o u l d be minor. W h a t is t r u l y c c n t r a l t o t h e i s s u e i s t h e p e r c e p t i o n t h a t t h e a d m i n i s t r a t i o n is p i c k i n g o n G r e e k L i f e . T h e N M E p o l i c y d r a f t e d last y e a r s t a l e s t h a t N M E s h o u l d not b e c h a n g e d unless s o m e sort of serious violation occurs. U n l e s s such a e v e n t has o c c u r r e d , the issue of b l i n d f o l d s should not even be a concern. W h a t ' s a l s o c o n t a i n e d in t h i s p r o p o s a l is t h e i s s u e o f trust, as in. H o p e C o l l e g e d o e s not trust G r e e k L i f e . A r e c o m m e n d a t i o n w a s m a d e to the C a m p u s L i f e B o a r d a s k i n g that b l i n d f o l d s no l o n g e r be p e r m i t t e d d u r i n g N M E . Since the r e c o m m e n d a t i o n w a s m a d e , the

To ihe Edilor: You asked weeks earlier tor stud e n t s lo " b e c o m e i n v o l v e d , " lo write letters to the editor. I write you now in response, to inform you of student perception of the Anchor as a campus newspaper. One of the first things I read in the Anchor, in my first weekend on campus for freshman orientation, was the editorial I have mentioned previously. In and of itself. I found the message honorable in its intents, but negative in tone. Why must one look so hard for problems at Hope? To "sell" the paper? To create c o n t r o v e r s y or malaise between staff and students? Yet. this c o l u m n a l o n e was not

If t h e r e is n o s e r i o u s v i o l a t i o n , t h e n N M E s h o u l d a l s o r e m a i n u n t o u c h e d . G r e e k L i f e t o o k it u p o n t h e m s e l v e s a year ago to d r a f t a policy that w o u l d give the s y s t e m both stability and opportunity for growth. N o w the Campus

Life Board

is u n d e r m i n i n g t h i s p o l i c y b y

focusing on a petty issue that w a r r a n t s no attention. Greek

Life has long been saddled with negative

s t e r e o t y p e s . It s e e m s t h a t t h e C a m p u s L i f e B o a r d m a y h a v e h a d t h e s e s t e r e o t y p e s in t h e b a c k o f t h e i r m i n d s w h e n they m a d e the blindfold proposal. T h e potential to h a z e a n e w m e m b e r w h o w e a r s a blindfold does exist. Blindfolds can grant one a certain s e n s e of p o w e r and that p o w e r has the potential to b e a b u s e d . B u t if a G r e e k o r g a n i z a t i o n w a n t e d t o h a z e a n e w m e m b e r , it c o u l d , b l i n d f o l d o r n o b l i n d f o l d . If t h e C a m p u s L i f e B o a r d is t r u l y w o r r i e d a b o u t s t u d e n t s a f e t y , they s h o u l d w o r r y about the a c t i o n s of individuals, not pieces of cloth. T h e C a m p u s L i f e B o a r d h a d t h e c h a n c e to s h o w G r e e k Life s o m e support by standing by the current N M E policy. I n s t e a d , t h e y s h o w e d G r e e k o r g a n i z a t i o n s little trust a n d little s u p p o r t .

m e e t the press. editor-irxJ-iief Michael production editor campusbeat editors sports e d i t o r spotlight e d i t o r intermission editor infocus e d i t o r photo editor copy e d i t o r ad representative


Paul Loodeen Carrie


Julie Green Andrew Kleczek Andrew


Sara E. iMtners Dana


Johnathan Muenk Matthew Cook Kate

Van Krimpen

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distribution mgr.



p r o d u c t i o n assistant f a c u l t y advisor



Tim Boudreau

staff p h o t o g r a p h e r s Sarah Hooker

staff r e p o r t e r s Jane Bast • Dawn Dodge • Gracie George • Melanie Lofquist Jessica Lyons • Chad Sampson

The Am Inn- is a pnnlucl o/Miulcnl effort mid is funded thnm^h the Hope College Sludenl Coiifii tss Appmprinlinns Commillee. Lellcrs io the editor art en, <inroxed. tlnni^h due to \pnce liniitotion.s the Anchor reserves the ri^ht to edit. The opinii.rs addressed in the editorial are solely those of the editor-in-chief Stories from the Hope College News Sen'ice are a product of the Public Relations Office One-year subscript ions to the Anchor ore available for S13. Wt reserve the ri^ht to accept or reject any advertising.


1 I 3, Issue 8

the• i A j i c h o r

pation in the paper is because the students of Hope d o not wish to claim ownership. A school paper should not focus on the ills of its school to the point of actively seeking problems and blowing them out of proportion. The Anchor should focus on and reflect the pride that everyone involved with this institution feels. 1 eagerly await the future years in which up and c o m i n g Anchor staff members realize the paper is not a toy, in existence for the sole purpose of showing off the writing skills of certain individuals, and bring some class to our paper.


Little things make Hope "warm, friendly place To the Edilor:

i s s u e s h o u l d b e l o o k e d a t , a n d s i n c e n o v i o l a t i o n is a p p a r e n t , it s h o u l d b e d r o p p e d .

enough to elicit this response, it was asking for student participation: no problem. Unfortunately, I later stumbled onto a sports article attacking our new president on the Hope policy against sports on Sunday. While I also disagree with the policy, some class and discretion would be in order for such a column. President James Bultman is not in a position, as a new president here at Hope, to feasibly change this age-old rule. I was embarrassed at the level of attack and the allegations that were made. It made me embarrassed to call this Hope C o l l e g e ' s c a m p u s newspaper. So I offer you this: perhaps the reason you receive so little partici-

It is the little things that Hope College does for its students that make the relationship with the college and student body so wonderful. I am writing this letter because I have noticed these little things that were not present at the large university I transferred from where the w a r m r e l a t i o n s h i p b e t w e e n the school and its students was nonexistent. I am talking about things like the coffee and cookies at class registration. the friendly relationships with professors, and I am focusing on this past weekend's Presidential

Inaugural Ball. The Inaugural Ball was phenomenal. I did not expect the classy and elegant a t m o s p h e r e that I found Saturday night at the Haworth Center. All of the students I have spoken with felt that Hope had gone the extra mile to provide something great for its students once again. I should not limit my praise of the college to its relationship with its students. I know Hope reaches out to everyone associated with the college and this was reflected at the Ball. Administration, alumni, professors and students e n j o y e d the band, food, and chance to socialize

with people from almost every corner of Hope. I cannot think of a better conclusion to President James Bultman's inaugural festivities than the Ball that brought this campus together. Hope is a warm, friendly place. 1 appreciate the little things the college does to ensure such a great relationship. From one student who speaks for many, if not the whole student body, thank you. The little things are noticed and appreciated.

Phil S t a w s k i ('00)

Milestone lacks musical coverage, majors say To the Editor: The DeWitt Center is the headquarters for many of our studentbased groups: W T H S , S A C , the Anchor, and the Milestone. Right next door lo DeWitt is a building that maybe our Milestone staff has forgotten about. Let us give you a hint: when you walk out of DeWitt you might hear someone vocalizing, a trumpet player working on an etude, or a violinist running through a difficult passage. These sounds are coming from the Nykerk Hall of Music. When we picked up our 1999 Milestones we realized that the M i l e s t o n e staff had to h a v e made a mistake. We started looking through the yearbook and realized that there has been a gross oversight of a department that is not only located in the center of campus, but is an indispensable component of the Hope C o l l e g e tradition. P e r h a p s they were misinformed or ignorant concerning the magnitude of our music department and the role it plays in the college and community. For a small town, Holland is one of the most culturally rich cities in Michigan. T h e contributions that the music department makes to our community are vital to the continuation of this unique arts experience. For example, the Collage Concert that w a s held on O c t . 14 d r e w crowds that filled the main floor of the chapel - twice in one day. The 55th annual Vespers that will take place in December will, as always, sell out in two hours. People have been calling the music office for months asking when those tickets go on sale. Every week at least two concerts

are performed by music students or two pages on the Kletz remodeling ? are sponsored by the department. If these events and topics are imp o r t a n t e n o u g h to be i n c l u d e d , Members of the Holland c o m m u nity regularly a t t e n d these pro- surely the programs offered by the g r a m s . T h e r e are certain p e o p l e music department should be as well. We want to help the Milestone who come to every single event and staff out. We aren't trying to belittle know us by name. They genuinely care about what we d o and who we your hard work, but perhaps you are. If members of the Holland com- don't realize all of the things you munity r e c o g n i z e the talent and could write about. If space is the issue, we'll help you compare edihard w o r k , why d o n ' t o u r o w n tions from years past. For example, peers? We compared Milestones from you could at least include pictures years past with the newest edition. and personnel lists of the major perWe fully understand that it is diffi- forming ensembles like the Orchescult to produce and the staff has tra, S y m p h o n e t t e , C h a p e l Choir, done a lot of hard work. However, Wind Ensemble, College Chorus. when looking at the content com- J a z z B i g B a n d , C o l l e g i u m pared to Milestones of the past, the Musicum, and Jazz C h a m b e r Ennumbers just don't add up. There semble I. How about featuring the are groups and teams who fully de- music faculty ? Robert Ritsema reserve the recognition that they have tired last year after over 32 years of received: sports teams, fraternities service to Hope and he was mentioned in one paragraph. As you can and sororities, honor societies and service groups. They all are a part see, there is a lot that the Milestone of the Hope experience and involve missed and this letter is just scratchmany students in one way or an- ing the surface. Music majors spend almost their other. What troubles us is that a deentire day in Nykerk. After classes partment that includes hundreds of are over, it's time to hit the practice students from a wide range of disciplines received a single two-page room, leach lessons, research in the spread. T h e feature covered one music library, and attend or perform concert and the three pictures in- concerts. After all this we are hard cluded were of two jazz ensembles pressed lo find lime lo be in a "Mileand the chapel choir. Excluding the stone worthy" group. Some of us chapel band and the gospel choir do, but most can't sacrifice the lime. (which are not department spon- When the time comes lo look back sored), Nykerk is home to at least on our Hope experience, we won't 15 d i f f e r e n t musical e n s e m b l e s , have something tangible lo show. ranging from full orchestras to brass If our children find our Milestones quintets. In years past, the music someday and look up our names, d e p a r t m e n t received up to eight they won't be directed to a single pages in the Milestone on different activity that made up the basis of topics and events. So what features our existence as music majors. g a v e the m u s i c d e p a r t m e n t the Paula Champion ('00) s h a f t ? H o w about two pages on Jessica Loomis ('00) finding the perfect study spot? Or,

O c t o b e r 27.


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The Legends of Hope

W h i s p e r e d in t h e dark of night, these are the tales of H o p e C o l l e g e - tales of conspiracy and the n

% S p i r i t r o a m s halls of Voorhees % V a n V l e c k haunted JAME BAST staff r e p o r t e r

When Hli/abcih Voorhees generoiisl\ donaied ihe funds lo build a residence hall, she had litfle knowledge lhai her gill would one day house a legend. Originally huili lo be an all-female dorm. Voorhees is now home lo men. women, and an inhabiiani Voorhees residents politely call Mr. Nykerk. "Apparenily Mr. Nykerk lives here and plays nicks on us." said resident Mary Asp ( 01). Nykerk is said to be responsible for the unpredictable water pressure in the showers, the dysfunctional elevators. and other strange occurrences. He turns lights on and off. he slams doors." Asp said. John Nykerk. an unmarried professor. l i v e d o n t h e f i r s t f l o o r of Voorhees when the dorm was all-female. Unmarried p r o f e s s o r s were encouraged to live on the first floor as housing was often expensive and difficult to find. Unfortunately for current Voorhees residents. Nykerk never moved out and has since taken lo pestering current residents. Chcrie Allers ( 0 1 ) has been on the receiv ing end of a Nykerk prank several times. "Our light is really moody. It turns on and off all the time. We're not sure why." Allers said. Although still unsure, Allers links the light and other pranks to Nykerk. "One time I was sitting in my room and all this water came falling down outside my window." Allers said. "It wasn't raining outside, my window was the only one with water. It made me wonder if it was him." Third floor resident Jeremy Davis


i Anchor


by J o h n a t h a n M u e n k

H A U N T E D HI A L L S : The lobby of Voorhees, the locale of at least one sighting of John Nykerk's incoproreal form. ( ' 0 3 ) d o e s n ' l wonder about Nykerk, or any other ghosls for that matter. In fact, Davis believes Nykerk isn't the only spirit wandering around Voorhees. " I ' v e spoken lo several spirits, but not Mr. Nykerk," Davis said. Mosl recently, Davis spoke with six ghosts in his room. One night while sleeping, Davis heard voices. When he opened his eyes, he saw three ladies, two gentlemen and an infant. "They wore turn of the century

clothing and talked about a festival. I got to hold the child," Davis said. Davis also spoke with a ghostly couple in the Voorhees lobby, among others. An experienced seer, Davis assures Voorhees residents that the ghosts are benign. "There's nothing to be frightened of," Davis said. Interestingly, Voorhees is also home to ahaunted house put on by students each Halloween - perhaps influenced by the Nykerk himself.


T H E U N H O L Y V A U L T : The ghost of A.C Van Ra. Vleck hall. His ghost is the most malicious of the spirits at Hope, int slamming doors, creaking the building without wind, and affecting <

Believe at your own risk The contents of this page are based entirely on information gained from t h e students interviewed.You must decide for yourself if any o r all of these H o p e legends are factual.

^ Belt C o t t a g e c r e a t o r still r o a m s campus JESSICA LYONS staff r e p o r t e r

Legend has it that few men have ever seen Fred Belt and lived to tell of it. The mention of his name strikes fear in those students who would dare to challenge whether or not he exists. Tim Engen CO 1) and Jesse McKey CO I) . residenis of Belt C o t t a g e , know the true story, ever since it began and unfolded right before their eyes. " M y r o o m m a t e [ M c K e y ] and I were sitting on the porch of Belt Cottage one dark and stormy night when a hooded figure approached us," Engen said. " Nary a word was spoken as he handed us a crumpled piece of paper with directions leading to the attic of Belt Cottage, where we first found the legend of Fred Belt. That is where it all began." It is believed that Fred Belt was a mighty craftsman that built Belt Cottage with his bare hands. The lucky few who survived claimed that he could down trees.

level mountains, and destroy towns firm his existence. The only evidence all with a single glance. He was nei- is the legend delivered by the hooded ther man nor messenger, and beast, alt h e w o r d s of t h o u g h he Engen and possessed McKey. the qualities One fateful of both. night, while Some say standing on the that when he roof of the colrose from lage, Fred Belt slumber, his s l i p p e d on a m i g h t y silshingle while houette was chasing a l a r g e mighty grizzly e n o u g h to that was invadblock out ing Bell the sun. Collage's propHowever, it erly. Despite was behis s t r e n g t h . lieved that Bell s u f f e r e d he could fatal w o u n d s only be seen when his head FRED BELT: This is the only at night. But w a s s p l i t in known photo of Fred Belt, the mighty t h e r e is no half by a splincraftsman who is credited with recorded tered piece of building Belt Cottage with his bare evidence of wood that was hands. anyone who later securcd was brave enough in Bell's time lo when the construction of Bell Collage venture out in the darkness lo con- was completed.

To this day, Engen and McKey claim that his spirit prowls the campus of Hope College. Many students say that they believe that he has never in fact left Hope's campus. Given thai he was a participant in the construction of Belt Cottage, it would only seem appropriate for Bell lo continue lo supervise Hope's development through the years and into the new millennium. When the wind howls through the almighty Belt, those who live there claim ihey hear his name. "Through his spirit, Fred Bell has taught us everything we know," said McKey. Bell Collage is located on 15lh street, and has been divined through the Tao Te Ching as being an area fertile for influence by the spirits that roam among the living. Although the mosl recent mystery of Bell Collage — residenis found a cow tongue delivered lo their mailbox - is yet lo be explained, it is is theorized to be an integral part of the otherworldly machinations of the spirit of Bell.

Tunnels JESSICA LYONS staff r e p o r t e r

Behind the locked doors of Hope College lies a world lhat has been unknown, or perhaps undercover lo students for many years. Surrounded by recent rumors and heresay, the existence of tunnels here on Hope's campus is becoming quite controversial. Some students claim to have seen the tunnels, while others on Hope's campus say that they arc only a myth. Meryl Humphrey ('02) was walking into Lubbers when she entered an open door on her left that lead to a tunnel. "I walked down the stairs, turned right, then back and to the right again when 1 saw that behind the stairs there is a tunnel towards the Chapel. I walked up two steps and that is where I saw the passageway" said Humphrey. Howard Fitzgerald ('00) was able lo explore the basement of Lubbers while working at Hope over Ihe summer. "We were looking at the pieces of the old particle accelerator that were too heavy lo move from lo move lo Peale fron the basement of Lubbers," Fitzgerald said. "I could sec the tunnel near the stairs." Filzgerald also believes that the other end of the tunnel connects lo the area of the Chapel that houses the Opus office.


O c t o b e r 27, I 999



icorporeal, of those both bigger t h a n life and devoid of it.

by a p p a r i t i o n of A . C . V a n Raalte JANE BAST" staff reporter

Âťhoto by J o h n a t h a n Muenk

e is rumored to haunt Van fering with the lives of students: ctronic devices.

Van Vlcck Hall, ihe cenlcr of Hope College's campus and history, is also Ihe home of ihe supernatural. The allfemale dormitory has always been shrouded in legend and rumor, the most famous involving historic resident A.C. Van Raalte. " W h e n you walk in Van VIeck you know it's like no other dorm on campus. You get a strange feeling from it," said resident Katie Gipson ('02). " S o m e people attribute it to other things, but if you live in Van Vleck you know it's Van Raalte." Legend states that the spirit of Van Raalte, the founder of both Holland and Hope College, haunts the atticabove Van Vleck's third floor. From his attic perch. Van Raalte unleashes a torrent of pranks upon the unsuspecting females below. " D o o r s slam r a n d o m l y without wind or anything, the floors creak. It's him," Gipson said of Van Raalte's practical jokes. Occasionally, the ghost is m o r e malicious. " O n e t i m e my r o o m m a t e and I were listening to a C D , " Gipson said. "Suddenly, the C D started skipping violently and the whole C D player started shaking. We called a friend w h o k n o w s e v e r y t h i n g about C D players and he couldn't figure out w h a t w a s w r o n g with it, but w e knew." G i p s o n and r o o m m a t e C a t h y R o b a r t ( ' 0 2 ) a l s o w i t n e s s e d the

frightening Happing of a " D o Not Disturb" sign above their neighbor's door. O n c e again, no wind was present at the time of the event. But these frightening occurrences both p a l e in c o m p a r i s o n to the night Gipson was visited by the ghost. "I was in my room," Gipson said. "It was late night and all of a sudden I felt an ominous presence fill the room. I have no explanation for what I felt. Something other-worldly was with us." Robart is quick to squash any notion that Van Raalte is a friendly ghost. "I don't think he's friendly. He's b a d . I f i n d h i m very n e g a t i v e , " Robart said. Robart's accusation is hardly blind, but based on Van Raalte history. "Van Vleck is an all-female dorm. I think Van Raalte is upset because he was so vehemently opposed to the Women's Rights Movement." Robart said. " H e doesn't like to see women at his college." O n e m a y ask w h y Van Raalte c h o s e to h a u n t Van V l e c k o v e r Dykstra or Gilmore, two larger allf e m a l e dorms, but Gipson has an explanation. Van Vleck is the oldest building on c a m p u s . It used to be the only building. Everything started here so I think he wanted to stay after his death." The Vault is also on a hill at the center of campus, and could serve as a central focus of Van Raalte's haunting of the entire college.

Âťn Hope's campus: fact o r fiction? Christa Van Dort ('02) was also n the tunnels when she was here for ast year's May Term. "Over May Term I lived in Durfee ind I knew the Residential Assistant ind the Residential Director, so we A'ent down into the basement where here was a tunnel big enough for )eople to walk through. [The Resiiential Assistant and Residential Director] said that there were homeess p e o p l e living in them in the )ast" Van Dort said. The Physical Plant categorically lenied the existence of the alleged u n n e l s , i n c l u d i n g the o n e s that Humphrey, Fitzgerald, and Van Dort

have walked through. The Physical Plant will only admit to the existence of one tunnel running from Voorhees to Graves which was built in the early 1900's and is now occupied by hot water lines. "I think they're all over campus, but 1 know for sure that there is one from Durfee to Graves and another from Graves to the Chapel" Van Dort said. In the Winter, it is possible to see patterns in the way that the snow melts. Around Lubbers, for instance, heat is trapped underground in the tunnels and c a u s e s the ground to ramain warmer than normal, result-

ing in the melted snow tracks that cross campus. However, not all students are aware of the existence of tunnels at Hope. If they are aware of the tunnels, they are not sure why they are there. "They should take people through the tunnels and let them know why they are there and what the history is b e h i n d t h e m " said B a r b Truer ('02).

T h e idea of underground passageways adds to the mystery of Hope's campus. "It's weird that all this time I've been walking over [the tunnels] and I had no idea" Truer said.

T h e Power of H a l l o w e e n door myself. With each In first grade, 1 was He-Man for Halloween. It was a good Rainbow Brite or G.I. Joe that came to the door, I was torn follow-up to the Cookie Monster of kindergarten. I was between my desire to do what out of the world of little kids: is fun, and my rising desire not to have girls laugh at me when Sesame Street, nap-time, and apple juice in colored cups with 1 passed in the hall. those clear-plastic sip-lids that That night I lost a bit of my became deformed with teeth Halloween spirit, and many marks were long gone. bits have followed it since. This Halloween, I am deterFirst grade was the big time: the Halloween party, cupcakes mined to regain the spirit of with skeletons drawn in mischief and excitement that frosting, and a pumpkin carving once filled me when I was contest instead of social studies. sprawled on our living room floor, the remnants of my I was ready. 1 had a plastic shirt that Dracula make-up still clinging to my face, sorting my candy imposed He-Man's rippling into piles. And I hope that muscles over my slender frame, a plastic sword with the two those of you who have felt this spaces on the side that defined same loss of joy in Halloween do it too: let's revive the an authentic He-Man sword Halloween spirit within us, and from its cheap imposters, and enjoy this holiday like we used most importantly, I had the power of Grayskull. to. We must rekindle the Somewhere after first grade, flames that burn within all of us, the excitement and fire of arguably the pinnacle of my Halloween. Halloween career, I got off It's not a matter of dressing track. up and trick-or-treating or When I was six, I cared about rubbing soap on our friends' ghosts and goblins and things that hid under my bed. I was windows. It's a matter of thinking the way we used to invigorated by the flicker of remembering when life was candles in Jack O ' Lanterns. I fun, an adventure. Classes, dreamed of being a warlock with boiling cauldrons and the homework, and activities are ability to turn school yard sucking our lives dry like bullies into steaming heaps of vampires. This Halloween weekend, let beef stroganoff, the grossest yourself escape. Walk through thing I could conceive of in first campus late at night and grade, and now for that matter. The magic of the closing days wonder about the shapes that lie in the blackness. Watch of October flooded my little movies like the "Blair Witch Converse sneakers and carried me toward the night of ghoulish Project" or the "Exorcist" - let fun and bellies bloated with them scare you. Dare to believe that the hairy guy who candy. At one time the spirit of lives in your hall turns into a Halloween was strong in me, wolf with the full moon. If but now it is weak, if not lost your dorm is open to trick-orforever. I think it happened in the year treaters, scare them silly when you open the door. Bring back that it became "un-cool" to go trick-or-treating. I already had the mysticism, the fear, the horror and amazement of braces, glasses, and a gawky Halloween. Lift a pumpkin height. I didn't need to go any over your head and yell, "By deeper into the pit of geekery. the power of Halloween, I am So I gave it up, and handed out candy instead of going door-toyoung again!"

L e g e n d a r y V o o r h e e s h a u n t e d h o u s e scares u p f u n GRACIE GEORGE staff reporter

Halloween is approaching giving students a great opportunity to get involved in the"spooky" Halloween activities on Hope's campus: a haunted house. "It's freaky, but it's fun knowing the rumors of it (Voorhees) being h a u n t e d , " said Stacy Baker (40l).

The Voorhees Haunted House will feature several rooms where students will see a new variety of ghoulish sights. O r g a n i z e r s plan to include a clown room with fun house spooks

in it. " T h e final stage of the haunted house will scare you out of your shoes," said Leland Webb ('02). T h e h a u n t e d h o u s e in eludes a pitch black maze where "monsters" scare the people who are going through. T h i s is the seventh year that the haunted house has taken over the Voorhees b a s e m e n t . In past years, rooms have included such things as a spooky wax museum, a butcher's shop, floating hangman's

victims, and an insane asylum. One favorite was a white room lit only by a black light. Inside Voorhees r e s i d e n t s p a i n t e d w h i t e scared guests with disappearing tricks. "Last year around 700 people a t t e n d e d , " said Christina Gauthier ('00), organizer of the event. Those who have worked in the haunted house have comm e n t e d that it's a different perspective going through it for the first time. "It's real exciting because when you actually go through it, it's a

rush," said Peter Kim ( 4 00), who worked in the house his sophomore year, and went through it his junior year. "You don't know what to expect, or who is playing what part," Kim said. The haunted house has been advertised all around c a m p u s to increase participation. " I ' v e heard lots of good things about it. I'm looking forward to part i c i p a t i n g this y e a r , " said M i k e Brown ('03). Organizers of the house look forward to this year's house. They plan to have it be the scariest house ever to come to Hope's campus. Helping out with something when nearly ev-

eryone is participating in is gratifying. You get to see things get built and have f u n , " said John S h o e m a k e r ( ' 0 0 ) , who helped during his freshman and sophomore years. The Voorhees Haunted House includes the Holland community as well - all are welcome. "It gives us a chance to be creative while also trying to scare people out of their wits," said Jer emy Buege (*01). G h o u l s and ghosts will raid Voorhees Hall on Saturday, Oct. 30, from 8 to 12 p.m. in the basement. The cost is $3 with a costume, and $2 without a costume.





I 999

ART AND SOUL Sara E. Lamers

Reflection t i m e This past weekend was one of ihc besi I have had in a while. While ihe resi of eampus was caught up in a bustle of Homeeoming fesliviiies - enjoying Ihe social alntosphere of the Hoedown and football game or mingling with alumni al ihe Inaugural Ball. I passed ihc hours lucked inside my collage. 1 spent ihe majorily of my lime alone, locking my bedroom door lo my housemales and ignoring ihe ringing telephone. This is nol lo say lhal ihe social environment of the campus was nol enjoyed by many, because I am sure it was. Bui for me, this time gave me a much appreciated escape. It was a lime to focus on me, to tell myself that it was okay to be just selfish enough to reserve this lime for me. 1 assured myself that my friends would understand and respect why I refused their offers for companionship in exchange for a quiet space in which lo write and paint and think and breathe. As college students, our lives are beyond busy. We pack each minute tightly with h o m e w o r k , sports, extracurriculars and jobs. Our lives overflow with meetings, deadlines, and responsibilities and are controlled carefully by outlines, schedules and day planners. In many cases, we live for the weekends, willing ourselves to endure through the week's routine in order to gain thai much-earned space of time lo escape. And for many, this time is used to catch up with friends, to enjoy their company. It is

difficult to pul! away from this kind of pastime. Wc don't want our friends to feel lhat they arc nol an inlrical part of our lives, so we donate a great deal of our spare minutes to them. We j o k e about those that choose lo spend their Friday and Saturday nights alone, assuring ourselves that we will never be caught without a predetermined place to go or thing lo do. But amid this fast-paced social atmosphere, it is easy to become lost, to blend into the noise and bustle. It takes strength and courage to admit one needs time away from the usual movie night or party. Maybe we could become a little less stressed, less overwhelmed, less burnt out, if we look more time for ourselves. I realize that it is difficult lo carve out an ample space from our already overflowing routines. But by slowing down and laking time lo examine our inner selves we can set ourselves back on track and gain a new energy and peace. Friends and social circles can give our lives an important balance and relief, bul by choosing ourselves once in awhile should nol be seen as selfish or cruel. When presented lo us, we should seize any opportunity to escape from the hustle of daily routine, to retreat into ourselves for awhile. Everyone deserves a lime and space to themselves, to regroup and refocus; a space to grow and breathe in.


P h o t o c o u r t e s y of Public R e l a t i o n s

A C T IX O U T : The acting troupe ACTER, which consists of Matthew Ranford, Paul Bhattacharjee, Claire Marchionne, Lucy Tregear, and Christopher Saul, will perform Shakespeare's ''Twelfth Night1' as the next installment of the Great Performance Series.

Troupe stages Shakespeare D A W N DODGE staff r e p o r t e r

A C T E R . a group of acclaimed actors from London, will perform Shakespeare's popular comedy "Twelfth Night" as the third event in the Great Performance Scries. The performance will take place on Thursday, Nov. 4 and Friday, Nov. 5 at 8 p.m. and Saturday, Nov. 6 at 2 p.m. in the DeWitt Theatre. The cost is $6.50 for Hope students. "This is a great opportunity lo see a q u a l i t y play at an a f f o r d a b l e price," said Arts Director Derek Emerson. "Everyone should see a Shakespearan play staged." A C T E R stands for "A Center for Theatre, Education and Research." It is a non-profit organization which lours the United Stales each year with a different group of highly acclaimed actors. A C T E R was founded by Patrick Stewart, who later came to the attention of Star Trek p r o d u c e r s w h e n he played Shakespeare on an A C T E R tour. This troupe consists of five ac-

C o n c e r t looks t o lift spirit SARA E LAMERS intermission editor

Cornerstone Chorale and Brass will provide a blend of vocal and instrumental music not often performed on H o p e ' s c a m p u s when they present "I Will Lift Up Mine Eyes" on Tuesday, Nov. 2. The group is made of 34 people, including professional vocalists, instrumentalists, and narrators. They travel for five weeks a year performing in the United Slates and Canada. Brad R i c h m o n d , p r o f e s s o r of music, noted the performance will be unique in that it will showcase music spanning several eras. "There will be several different centuries of praise-oriented music," he said. "The audience can expect everything from present-day styles lo music that dales back lo the sixteenth century, the era when brass instruments became popular." Cornerstone was created by con-

ductor Dr. Bruce Vantine, who was an associate professor of music at the University of Missouri at St. Louis until 1993. Some of the music p e r f o r m e d by the g r o u p are Vantine's original compositions. " C o r n e r s t o n e offers a message encouraging unily and hope in a time when many Americans are often discouraged by the difficulties we face as a nation," Vantine said. "It helps us see lhat it is within our power as individuals to make a difference, and lhat we have many opportunities lo work together to respond lo human need." Each year, Vantine chooses a specific theme for the concerts, often pulling it directly from scripture. The themes generally touch on religious, family and patriotic ideals and address issues such as poverty, homelessness, children's issues. racial and religious tolerance, and spiritual development. Vantine then builds ihe instrumental and choral music around the

theme, collecting quotations from both secular and sacred sources to further develop each arrangement. "I hope that many who haven't experienced music in this type of worship selling before will appreciate its complexity and find it spiritually uplifting," Richmond said. Since its existence, Cornerslone has received several positive reviews nation-wide from publications such as "The New York Concert Review." Richmond hopes lhat even those who have little knowledge of classical music will find the concert enjoyable. "Il is my hope thai many will discover that there is a wide range of ways music can be performed and shared," he said. Tickets are available at the music department in Nykerk Hall and are $12 for adult admission, $8 for senior citizens, and S3 for sludenls. T h e c o n c e r t will be h e l d in Dimnent Memorial Chapel at 8 p.m.

tors with experience in classical the- an actor will perform more than one ater. T h e y have d o n e work with role in the same play. Often, the companies like the R o y a l actor will change costume right on Shakespeare Company, The Royal stage to transform into a different character. National Theatre, and the BBC. "To see them c h a n g e roles on "Their credentials are amazing," stage is like, ' w o w ' , " Emerson said. Emerson said. | " W h e n they perIn addition to formed "The performing A.C.T.E.R. T e m p e s t " this "Twelfth •A five person acung croup perform s u m m e r there N i g h t , " ing Shakespeare's "Twelfth Night." was a point A C T E R will on Thursday, Nov. 4, Friday. Nov. 5 w h e r e an a c t o r visit o v e r 2 0 at 8 pm. and Saturday, Nov 6 at 2 p was actually arclasses at Hope, guing with himdemonstrating acting techniques and discussing self." This type of performance is typiShakespeare. "They are here to educate people, cal of those from S h a k e s p e a r e ' s they aren't just here for the perfor- lime, and is much more dependent on the actual abilities of the actors, mance," Emerson said. According to Emerson, the way rather than sets and costumes. The play, a c o m e d y about a A C T E R p e r f o r m s its p l a y s is unique. Instead of using elaborate tangled web of love, focuses on resets and fancy costumes, the actors lationships, how we view others, use simple cues and body move- and also involves gender roles. " I t ' s a h i l a r i o u s play," said ments to tell the story. "This type of performance shows Emerson, "It's a play people will good acting," Emerson said. Actors laugh at, and at the same time they also double up on roles, meaning will be able to relate to it."


Looking for a place t o worship? Then come to Breakaway! Breakaway is a n o n - t r a d i t i o n a l w o r s h i p c e l e b r a t i o n f e a t u r i n g a praise b a n d , d r a m a , p r a c t i c a l t e a c h i n g f r o m t h e Bible. It's h e l d every Sunday a t 10:30 a . m . W e d o n ' t t h i n k y o u ' l l c o m e j u s t once! A v a n d e p a r t s f r o m o u t s i d e Phelps a t 10:10 a . m . a n d r e t u r n s t o H o p e a b o u t noon.


C o m m u n i t y R e f o r m e d Church 10376 Felch S t r e e t , Holland

The Clothesline Project A d i s p l a y of t-shirts that b e a r s w i t n e s s to v i o l e n c e a g a i n s t w o m e n W e d n e s d a y , O c t . 2 7 f r o m 1 to 8 p . m . in M a a s A u d i t o r i u m

O c t o b e r 27,


I 999

I ntermission

Exhibit keeps tradition with alumni a r t w o r k KATE V A N KRIMPEM ad representative

The '99 Alumni Exhibition, w h i c h f e a t u r e s w o r k f r o m 39 f o r m e r Hope s t u d e n t s f r o m the Class of 1944 to the Class of 1997, opened on Friday, Oct. 22 at the

DePree Art Center. Alumni were informed of the opportunity to participate in the exhibition in a number of ways, according to Greg Olgers of Public Relations. "We ran ads in the Alumni newspaper, which goes out to everyone,

and we promoted the show on the college website," Olgers said. "We also did mailings specifically to those who graduated with an English or Art major, and to those who were involved in past exhibitions." Fifty-four artists submitted 150 works of art, from which the final 39 pieces were selected. Taking space into consideration, the juror limited himself to one piece per artist chosen. Contributing artists range from professionals to those who enjoy art as a hobby, representing areas across the country, from Chelsea to Washington. W o r k s in t h e s h o w i n c l u d e P h o t o c o u r t e s y of Public Relations paintings, sculptures, and photoI M L I V N G C O L O R : "Idaho Daydreamer" is an oil graphs, all of which demonstrate painting by John Killmaster ('67) of Boise, Idaho. The Alumni the unique and personal styles of each artist. With a degree from Exhibition opened on Friday, Oct. 22 and will be on display until Hope College as the only common Friday, Nov. 19 in the DePree Art Gallery. bond among the exhibiting artists, Matthews indicated that his crithe show incorporates a wide va- ber of years he's been here, the only terion for selecting the works for person he d i d n ' t know was Jack riety of artistic styles. this show was to choose the picces Krum ('44). On one wall hangs an I l-by-15 that he kept returning to as he re"For me personally, it was excitfoot head-on image of a diesel loviewed the slides. comotive, drawn in charcoal by ing to see that they are continuing The show is the fourth Alumni John R. Saurer ('89), and pieced with their art work," he said. "In together with individual sheets of some cases, I was surprised at the Exhibition in the history of Hope paper. Against another wall stands changes in style compared to years College. The others took place in 1 9 8 4 , 1 9 8 9 , a n d 1994. a 90-by-36-by-20 inch computer ago. And in some cases. I was able The DePree Art Center is located c o n t r o l l e d s o u n d s c u l p t u r e by to recognize the artistic styles of on Columbia Avenue at 12th Street. some of my former students." Daniel Wayne Miller ('94). The gallery is open from 10 a.m. The show, which was co-orga"I think it's a very strong show, to 5 p.m. Monday through Saturday, and I was pleased with the variety nized by the Alumni Association and from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. on Sunincluded," said professor of art and the d e p a r t m e n t of art, w a s D e l b e r t M i c h e l . " O v e r a l l , I juried by Henry Matthews, Direc- day. The show will be on display unthought the quality was very high." tor of Galleries and Collections at til Friday, Nov. 19 Michel said that after the num- Grand Valley State University.


P h o t o c o u r t e s y of P u b l i c R e l a t i o n s

The show also features T H E C A T ' S M EEOAAf: Bad Cat", a three-dimensional acrylic Piers George's (*68) "

Mary piece.

A e r i a l dance aims t o educate and e n t e r t a i n piece. "Les Soeurs," or "The Sisters," the first piece in the performance, T h e p e r f o r m e r s of the Aerial by professional choreographer Ray Dance Theater hope to show the Tadio. tells the story of "Cinderella" audience new ways to think about from the viewpoint of the stepsisdance with their concerts on Friday, ters. It is a piece featuring former Oct. 29 and Saturday, Oct. 30 at 8 Hope students Lara B r e m e r and Ellen Tomer. p.m. "Our mission is to provide con"It's interesting to receive this temporary dance in a way that en- well-known story from a point not tertains. educates, and stimulates usually told," lannacone said. the a u d i e n c e , " s a i d S t e v e n T h e c o n c e r t will a l s o f e a t u r e lannacone, associate professor of lannacone's "Meat," which is part of the fulld a n c e and length work "In choreograAerial D a n c e pher of sevthe Body," that •What - a m o d e m d a n c e concert lannacone proe r a l of t h e s h o w c a s e s pieces by Steven duced while in pieces. "We l a n n a c o n e hope to exBrussels, Belpand the gium. •When - Friday, Oct. 29 "It's a little on audience's at 8 p t n . a n d S a t u r d a y , O c t ways of the darker side," 3 0 at 2 p . m . a n d 8 p . m . lannacone said. thinking about dance "It came out of •Where - Knickerbocker T h e in hopes that the idea that as a this will dancer ages they must learn to adstimulate - S3 for adults them into just to the physical demands dialogue." lannacone described the choreog- dance brings. It's about pushing the raphy of the pieces as a process of body to its full capacity and discovselecting a story or theme and then ering how to develop dynamics that building the movement around that will carry and sustain you." The piece "Sideshow," which inidea. "It is a challenge to put the move- cludes slides projected onto the m e n t s t o g e t h e r as t h e b u i l d i n g dancers bodies, will be performed blocks that will shape the piece in a by a professional company and is way that promotes the theme and attributed to well-known dancer f r a m e of t h e w o r k in m i n d , " Alwin Nikolais. lannacone exlannacone said. "It is a matter of plained that this piece is a way of balancing of space, time and the keeping his ideas alive and feels it body's elements of motion and de- is generally a crowd-pleaser. termining how you are using these "It's colorful and a wild romp d y n a m i c s t o g e t h e r to m o v e the t h r o u g h human existence," SARA E LAMERS intermission editor

P h o t o c o u r t e s y of Public R e l a t i o n s

B O D I E S I N M O X I O N : The Aerial Dance Theater will showcase pieces choreographed by Steven lannacone of the dance department, such as "Garden of Earthly Delights," which traces the journey of the dancers through evolution and discovery. The concerts will feature mix of both local and professional dancers. lannacone said. "It's very visual with a lot of light and a happy sound score." T h e final piece, " D e Tuin der L u s t e n , " or " G a r d e n of Earthly Delights," was also choreographed by lannacone and will showcase four pieces of the original work. "This is an evolutionary piece that follows the dancers on a journey of discovery," he said.

The piece is built around a series of paintings in the background that were commissioned specifically for the piece and painted by Matt Morgan ( ' 0 0 ) and Joel V a n d e r K a m p ('01). lannacone described the process of incorporating the paintings into the dance. "It was a matter of balancing each entity to make sure one did not overpower the other," he said.


In addition to the evening performances, a mantinee geared toward families will be shown at 2 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 30. Tickets for the mantinee are $3 f o r a d u l t s , and t i c k e t s f o r the evening p e r f o r m a n c e are $6 for regular adult admission and $4 for senior citizens and students. The c o n c e r t s will t a k e place at the Knickerbocker Theatre.

/^Anchor s t r i c t l y classified. Browse icpl.com for spring break ••2()()()All dcslinalions offered. Trip parlicipanls, sludenl orgs & campus sales reps wanted. Fabulous parlies, h o l d s & prices. For reservalions or Rep regislralion call Inler-Campus 800-327-6013. A C T N O W ! Gel the besi S P R I N G BRHAK P R I C E S ! Soulh Padre, C a n c u n , Jamaica, Bahamas, Acapulco. Florida, and Mardi Gras. Reps needed.. .iravel free, earn $$$, group discounts for 6+. 800-8388203/ www.leisurelours.com Did you paint this s u m m e r ? Would you r a t h e r be a m a n a g e r than a painter? We are now taking n a m e s for next y e a r ' s highest paying posilions. Earn more for nexl s u m m e r by securing your j o b now. Call College Pro Palming for more informaUon ai 1-888-427-7672 exl. 533. How does $800/week extra income sound to you? Amazingly, profitable o p p o r t u n i t y . S e n d s e l f - a d d r e s s e d s t a m p e d e n v e l o p e to: G R O U P FIVE. 6547 N. A c a d e m y Blvd.. P M B - N , C o l o r a d o Springs, C O 80918. B-11: Big game this weekend - your good luck c h a r m s will be t h e r e (that's us!). A f t e r season, w e want to see a showdown between you and the b o y s a c r o s s the si reel. (And don't forget Truth or Dare weekend up at the cottage - w e ' r e finally getting all the dirt! - the Girls. M: True friends don't watch Pokemon without me. I'll forgive you this time. - A. J e r e m i a h : W e ' r e a bunch of hard w o r k e r s , w o r k i n g hard to work harder. There. - Jane.

O c t o b e r 27. I 999

GREEKS from I 'It's not really a s i g n i f i c a n t change." T h e objections that came from the use of blindfolds was the danger that it may involve. "My priority is student safety." said Frost. "Each student is too important to place in jeopardy." Breclaw agreed that the use of blindfolds could be potentially dangerous. ' T h e r e is an element of fear," she said. "A lot of stereotypes of greeks is that they blindfold you and leave you in a field. T h a t ' s not true." M a c D o n i e l s p o i n t s out this c o u l d n ' t h a p p e n . All N M E pro-

grams have to delail every activity. Everything is looked at closely and has to be approved, she said. Since this concern did appear on an evaluation, though, it was felt that it should be looked into. ' T h e blindfold issue was in the evaluation, so we didn't want to ignore it." MacDoniels said. "I didn't feel c o m f o r t a b l e sa y i n g n o t h i n g w a s to be c h a n g e d a f t e r all the

all work with. T h e agreement will be presented to the C a m p u s Life Board for approval. "I feel a g r o u p w o u l d need to have a very good reason, in very supervised situations [to use blindfolds]," Breclaw said.


evaluations were lurned in." She also didn't feel comfortable ignoring the no-change policy that was m a d e last year. T h e four have c o m e u p with an agreement thai they fell they could

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the Anchor

I 999


Cross country t e a m s take SAAC looks to challenge in N e w York represent student athlete voices

JAIME BAST staff r e p o r t e r

T h e Hope C o l l e g e m e n ' s and women's cross country teams saw more than Niagara on their trip to New York—they also caught a glimpse of regional competi.lion. T h i r t e e n m e m b e r s f r o m both teams were invited to attend the University of Rochester Invitational over Fall Break w h e r e they ran against teams from across the Midwest and North Atlantic area. "There were good Division III schools there, however, we (the men's team) came out on top." said Hope runner Jeremiah Saier ('03). Top runner Joe Veldman ( ' 0 1 ) . who won the men's 8K with a time of 26:49. agreed. "We had a s t r o n g f i n i s h as a team," said Joe Veldman. J o e V e l d m a n fell t h e m e n ' s team's greatest challenge came not from the competition, but from the hilly course. "Rochester was a low-key meet, bin n had a lough c o u r s e . " Joe Veldman said. "It was a challenge for the team to run there." Aside from the difficulty of the course, traveling the long distance lo the meet brought additional challenges. "Anytime you have to travel and stay in a hotel overnight, it's an adjustment. It was good preparation for regional," said cross country fcoach Mark Northuis. The Invitational also prepared the w o m e n ' s team for regional competition w h e n t h e y ran a g a i n s t Baldwin-Wallace for the first time this season. "We were watching for BaldwinWallace because we knew they'd be in our regional," said runner Katie Veldman ('03). Baldwin-Wallace



c o u r t e s y E l i z a b e t h Alvesteffer

G O I N G T H E D I S X A M C E : Joe Veldman ('01) leads the pack against a Calvin runner. w o n t h e e v e n t , o p e n i n g K a t i e "We didn't bring everyone on the Veldman's eyes to the level of com- team to the race, so that was a facpetition facing the team at regionals. tor. This was one of the meets we were looking forward to all year." " T h e y ' r e tough," Katie Veldman Joe Veldman feels confident said. Katie Veldman's statements were a b o u t the m e n ' s w i n and b o t h team's chances in the upcoming reechoed by Northuis. "Baldwin-Wallace will be a team gional on Nov. 13 at Ohio Northto reckon with in the regional," Northuis said. Despite the loss, Northuis was pleased with the w o m e n ' s fourth place finish and with Jenny Ernst's ('00) overall 5K win with a time of 19:04. "We did w e l l " N o r t h u i s said,

ern. "It was nice to go and get a win as a team," said Joe Veldman. "I think we look strong for regionals. We've worked hard. As we gel to the end of the season, all the training will pay off and we'll start to come together as a team."

Defiance takes leave from M I A A , chooses Heartland trouble avoiding in-week travel," Wallace Kovalchik said. sports editor The loss of Defiance will play a big part on one Hope sport in parHope rival Defiance will disapticular — football. Without a sevpear from the regular season after enth football-participating school, the w i n t e r s p o r t s e n d as t h e Yellowjackets look to join a differ- the league champion will no longer be eligible for an automatic birth in ent conference. Michigan Intercollegiate Athletic the N C A A playoffs. " I ' m sad to see them g^ Association Commissioner Sheila Wallace Kovalchik pointed out that from the standpoint of Defiance was only in the league on we lose the automatic qualifier in football," an trial or experimental basis. " D e f i a n c e was never a full said head football Hedged member of the league. It coach Dean Kreps. was a matter of the league and the " W e d o n ' t s t a n d a very good shot at the schools seeing how the situation worked." Wallace Kovalchik said. p l a y o f f s a f t e r t h i s "They felt their needs would be bet- year without a seventh football playing ter served by joining the Heartland school. Our only hope conference." T h e H e a r t l a n d C o n f e r e n c e , next year is to go 9-0." Kreps also feels the which is w h e r e the college will move to. is based in Indiana directly loss will hurt Hope and all other M I A A coaches in recruiting to the west of Defiance. Wallace Kovalchik also pointed potential players. "Players want a shot at the playto travel and logistics as a reason offs," Kreps said. the Ohio team is leaving the league. While the league is not actively "There were some real travel lopursuing another football-playing gistics with Alma. Hope and Calvin,


kids while wearing their game jerseys, an activity that turned out to be quite popular. "Last year especially, the kids The Student Athletic Advisory Committee are nationally affili- just flocked. They thought it was ated, represent over 500 students, the coolest thing." Heydon said. but are virtually unheard of at "We try to teach them good morals." Hope College. Heydon credits m u c h of the Despite their large constituency the group is not recognized by event's success to the participaStudent Congress as a student ac- tion of the football team and head tivity. S A A C is recognized and coach Dean Kreps. " Kreps m a k e s sure t h e y ' r e funded entirely by the kinesiology (football players) always there department. Each N C A A school is required and lhat they're always keeping lo have a S A A C group according up," she said. "Him and (Anne) Irwin are our biggest supporters." lo m e m b e r A m a n d a H e y d o n Irwin and other members of the COO). "The NCAA's purpose in cre- Kinesiology department seek stuating these is to be a group of stu- dent input from S A A C on varident athletes that are there to dis- ous sport related issues. "We represenl the voice of all cuss issues in sport and give back to the community and school," student athletes. That's why we encourHeydon agC all said. athletes SAAC We represent the voice of all to a t is taking student athletes. That's why we t e n d an ambi-

A . KLECTIEK sports editor

school to join, officials aren't exactly turning anyone away either. "There are no active plans to pursue any other Division III football schools. If someone approaches us we'll certainly investigate them," Wallace Kovalchik said. She pointed to the travel distance to other independent football" u y i n g schools as a fac)r. Wallace Kovalchik stated they are currently looking into possible cooperative scheduling agreements with the Heartland Athletic Conference, the North Coast Athletic Conference and the Ohio Athletic Conferonce. "These are the type of things that are just in the talking stages right n o w , " Wallace Kovalchik said. D e f i a n c e ' s o n l y f u l l y e a r of M I A A competition came in 1998, this winter season will be their last.

tious app ro a c h to c o m munity service


them to attend meetings. S


o u r

meetings," - ^ • A m a n d a H e y d o n ('00) Heydon S A A C President said. "Withw i t h several activities planned includ- out their input we can't accurately ing a food drive and work at local represent their opinion on the department and league level." schools and hospitals. S A A C meetings are held twice "We started the food drive last winter at the Hope-Calvin m e n ' s a month on Monday nights at 9 game," Heydon said. "We haven't p.m. in the Dow and are open to decided on a date for this winter all athletes. The organization also has sevyet." The food drive, which also took eral projects planned for the fuplace at this year's Homecoming ture. "We're working on getting tofootball game, isn't the only sergether a group of students athletes vice project that's being continonce a semester to go to the hosued over from last year. pitals in Grand Rapids and visit "The other thing we started last the c h i l d ren's ward." Heydon spring and has carried over to the fall was a reading at Lincoln Elementary school during Thursday lunch hours," Heydon said. On Thursday, Oct. 21, players from the football team read to the

said. Another project they're working on is creating an Internet page for league athletes to discuss issues in sports.

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Graves steps i n t o leadership role A. K L E C Z E K sports editor J.D. Graves ( 0 1 ) , stalislically one ol ihe holiest quarterbacks in D i v i s i o n III f o o t b a l l and last week's national ofTensive player of the week, almost didn'l play for Hope. "He was all set lo go lo Adrian. Sieve Molesa ("01) (a high school teammate) came and visited Hope and lold him if he liked Adrian he was going lo love H o p e , " said head football coach Dean Kreps. Kreps also said that when Graves came lo visit with his father, they paid their deposits ihe same day. Kreps is glad the talented athlete did. " H e ' s fast, he's quick, he's strong - he's one of the besi athletes al Hope." he said. " I ' m just glad he's not a few inches taller or h e ' d probably be s o m e w h e r e else right now." Besides his skill as an athlete. Graves has also s h o w n a loi of leadership ability. "We have a senior dominated offense, he's a junior and (Brian) Adloff ( ' 0 1 ) is a junior," Kreps said. "For him (Graves) lo step in the huddle and lake charge and have ihe senior laden offense respond to him is an example of (his leadership)." Graves tries lo let his actions speak louder than his words as both a leader and a player. "The biggest thing I do is lead by example in how I act on and off the field and how I slay out of trouble, not doing stupid things that I shouldn't do," Graves said. Graves has led ihe Hope foolball leam on the field this season as he's passed for 726 yards and seven touchdowns, with a 63 percent completion percentage, and

achieved a quarterback rating of 183.21 and was named M I A A o f f e n s i v e player of ihe w e e k , twice. He is also the league's lop ranked quarterback and averages more points per game than any other M I A A player with 12. G r a v e s feels that his work ethic serves as an e x a m p l e lo younger players. It's that work ethic that's helped Graves slep up despite having seen only limited playing time last year. " H e ' s i m p r o v e d immensely from last year lo this year, and from game one lo now and he knows it," Kreps said. Being a second siring quarterback early in his career may have actually inhibited his progress according lo Kreps. " H e ' s only just gotten his feel wet here in the first six weeks of the season," Kreps said. Kreps estimates that Graves only played about 20 snaps last year. An athlete that's been playing quarterback since eighth grade. Graves, was pleasantly surprised by being named national Offensive Player of the Week al the Division III level. "Il feels pretty good. I actually had no idea I had won it. I was naturally pretty surprised by it." Graves said. "The biggest thing is that we beat Alma, one ol the toughest teams we will play this year." Another tough team in Albion awaits G r a v e s and the Flying D u t c h m e n n e x t w e e k in a matchup that could determine the league championship. It's a game Graves feels that Hope can win. "As long as we don't beat ourselves I think we can play with anyone," Graves said The game is Saturday at 1 p.m.

O c t o b e r 27,

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v.. Anchor

, p h o t o by

l o h n a t h a n Mueni

ELBO>A^ R O O M : Hope running back Eric Nichols COO) looks downfieldas defender closes in during Hope's 38-15 Homecoming win, Saturday.

an Adrian

Football bulldozes Bulldogs A M D R E W KLECZEK sports e d i t o r

The weather may have been cold, but the Hope football team's offense was anything but as the team rolled to a 38-15 homecoming victory over Adrian College, Saturday, Oct. 23. The Flying Dutchmen would rack up 4 8 6 total y a r d s of o f f e n s e by game's end. Head coach Dean Kreps credited much of the offensive success lo the play of the from five. "The line played extremely well in the second half." Kreps said. Statistics agree with Kreps. Al halftime the line had lead the way lo 105 yards rushing and had been (lagged three limes; twice for holding and once for a false start. The second half was a different story as the line paved the way to 312 total rushing yards, and played penalty free. For the linemen, the second half's 38 rushing plays were a dream come true. "1 almost get mad when a pass play comes in. 1 like lo go oul there and knock my guy back — draw a line and see who's tougher," said left

tackle Dan Wegner ('00). Wegner gave much of the team's rushing credit to the team's running backs. "Our backs ran extremely well in the second half," Wegner said. Top r u s h e r s for the F l y i n g Dutchmen were Eric Nichols ('00) with 155 yards on 31 attempts and quarterback J.D. Graves ('01), who rushed for 86 yards on 14 attempts and two touchdowns. Graves was also 17-of-26 passing for 174 yards with two interceptions and a touchd o w n . Adam M a g e r s ( ' 0 1 ) a l s o added 76 yards and a touchdown. Magers' score was Hope's fourth touchdown of the afternoon. The t e a m ' s first would c o m e w h e n H o p e d e f e n s i v e l i n e m a n Ryan Gonzales ('00) deflected an Adrian pass and teammate Ross Baldwin ('00) intercepted il and raced 35yards for the touchdown. G r a v e s w o u l d add a 6 - y a r d touchdown run and Ian Fish ( ' 0 2 ) would put in a 25-yard field goal to finish out the first half scoring as Hope led 16-0. Adrian appeared poised to make a game of it during the second half when the Bulldogs came out and

capitalized on a Graves interception and closed the gap to 16-6. The Adrian threat continued when Adrian's James Cooper ('03) scooped up a fumbled extra point attempt and took it the distance for two points. Adrian would then pull within seven in the fourth quarter as Matt h e w R e h k o p f ( ' 0 2 ) hauled in a Davis pass lo make ihe score 2215, but the Bulldogs would gel no c l o s e r as the F l y i n g D u t c h m e n ground game and defense stifled any hopes of a comeback. For Adrian head coach Jim Lyall. a lot of factors went into his team's loss, i n c l u d i n g i n j u r i e s and ihe weather. "We had a really hard time gelling things going into the wind," said Lyall. He also mentioned lhal injuries to his team's starling defensive end, strong safety and tailback. The Flying Dutchmen will travel to A l b i o n in a m a t c h u p of the league's last two undefeated teams, Saturday at I p.m. Hope holds a 33 overall record, 3-0 in the Michigan Intercollegiate Athletic Association.

W o h l f i e l d takes swings in s o u t h A M D R E W KLECZEK sports editor


g r a p h i c art by C h a d S a m p s o n

O U T O F O P T I O N S : Hope quarterback J.D. Graves ('01) runs the option Saturday against Adrian. Graves finished Hope's win with two rushing touchdowns.

Rain and a lack of practice took a loll on Eric Wohlfield ('02) as he finished 20lh al the Horlon Collegiate Invitational in Myrtle Beach, S.C. "They have different grass than we have down here, they have Bermuda and the greens are so slow in comparison lo what we have here," said Wohlfield, a member of Hope's m e n ' s golf leam. "I really d i d n ' l have enough experience on them." he added. That lack of experience was hindered further when his flight was delayed causing Wohlfield lo miss much of his practice lime. Despite his difficulties with the terrain. Wohlfield sees some positive lessons coming oul of the tournament. "It's ( B e r m u d a grass) what the southern part of the country plays on. so if we do go down south I know w h a t w e will be p l a y i n g o n , " Wohlfield said. Traveling soulh is a possibility for

the men's golf leam since they won the Michigan Intercollegiate Athletic Association C h a m p i o n s h i p over rival Olivet. Il was the team's first league title since 1989 and their first under head coach Bob Ebels. Hope will have to perform well against regional opponents in the spring lo receive a bid to nationals. Two regional opponents, that attended the invitational, Wohlfield fell H o p e w o u l d need lo h a v e strong performances against were O t t e r b e i n C o l l e g e and O h i o Wesleyan. "I think their (Otterbein) top guy beat me, but that's it. No one was playing very well," Wohlfield said. He a l s o m e n t i o n e d t h a t O h i o Wesleyan looked talented. " O h i o Wesleyan played pretty solid, but I think we can hold our own with them." Wohlfield said. Wohlfield and the rest of the team will have to wait until the Spring to play collegiate golf. " I ' m looking forward to coming oul in the Spring. We'll have five

strong players," W o h l f i e l d said. Last year Wohlfield placed 19th in the N C A A championships.

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