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Gibson cottage burns

by Kathy Fox At 10:00 on Tuesday morning, Gibson Cottage was burning. The fire department was called in as well as Public Safety and Maintenance Department. Fortunately for the College, this was not a major fire as were many of those that occured in prior years. It also occured in a building''that is slated for demolition some time next week possibly," said Fred Coates Director of the Physical Plant.

Monday night the electrician who was called in by the Maintenance Department disconnected what he thought was the fuse causing the problem. But Tuesday morning it was determined that another fuse had also overheated, caused also by an excessive current. One of the students living in Gibson said that he smelled smoke Monday night before calling Public Saftey. Tuesday morning they again smelt smoke and went to investigate. As they got closer and closer to the back of the house the smell got stronger. When they looked up at the ceiling, there was a piece of wood that was about a foot-and-a-half long that was all black and the ceiling was hot. At that point they called Public Saftey who then called the Holland Fire Department. The Dean of Students Office said that the students that are currently living in that cottage are being moved to different buildings. A couple are moving offcampus, one is moving to a cottage, and another to a dorm. The fate of the other two residents is still undecided. "The move was planned for next week to avoid the onrush of mid-term exams and papers," said Coates. He went on to say that "the move won't be completed until the latter part of this week or the beginning of next."

Wind ensemble to perform

Gibson fire (photo by Kathy Fox) Coates went on to say that the cause of the fire was over-heating of the wiring caused by an excessive current of electricity. This excessive current was caused by too many appliances plugged in on one electrical line. The fire was located in the attic space on the second floor in the back of the cottage.

The Hope College Wind Ensemble, under the direction of Michael Votta, will present a concert tomorrow at 8 p.m. in Dimnent Memorial Chapel. The public is invited. Admission is free. The concert will 'feature music for winds based on folk songs from different countries. Included on the program wi|l be Percy Grainger's Lincolnshire Posy and Children's March, Ralph Vaughan Williams' Folk Song Suite, Ukranian Folk Songs by Halsey Stevens, and marches containing folk music from Germany and the Netherlands.





March to Hope: Don't quit byAnaAguarcia "In all the world there'is nobody like me. No one reacts to any situation just as I would react. I'm the only one in all of creation who has my set of abilities. Oh, there will always be somebody who is better at one of the things I'm good at, but n6 one can reach the quality of my combination...Like a room full of musical, instruments, some "may excel alone, but no one can match the sound when all are played together. I'm a symphony. I'm s p e c i a l . I'm r a r e . . . ' ' Anonymous At first you'd think it was just a group of kids out for a week of fun. At second glance you might even think it's just a bunch of Hope students trying to get a couple of credits during the summer. But March to Hope is much more than that. For the past thirteen years, Dr. Carl Schackow, together with the Youth Contact Center in Muskegon, has gathered twenty-five kids from the Muskegon school district and put them together with an equal number of Hope students for a week. Now, these kids aren't just plain, ordinary kids; these kids are all--yes, let's say it-quitters. They are kids who

Durfee's computer center Hope's new computer by Mary Van't Kerkhoff Earlier this year, I toured Durfee's new Computer Center and found a great improvement! Hope College has replaced the old (faithful??) Sigma VI, which will not be - missed by computer. science .students, with the Dec Writer VAX-ll-750

System (a step between microcomputers and main-frames). There are three VAX computers presently: VAX1 is for administrative use, which includes billings and student payroll, as well as for outside users, including Baker Book House, Community Education, and some Reformed Churches in the Holland area. VAX2 and VAX3 are for student use, and ultimately, there may be even VAX4. However, the names VAX1, VAX2, VAX3, and VAX4 are a little dull and not too original, so the Computer Center has decided to launch a contest in which students can submit proby E. Trembley posals to name the four VAX's. The prize The anchor will begin accepting ap- may be something similar to a gift cerplications for all positions on Thursday, tificate to a restaurant of the student's November 3, for next semester. Everyone choice. is invited to pick-up an application from' The new terminals for student use are • the mailbasket outside of the anchor of- located in Kollen, DeWitt, Durfee, and fice on the first floor of DeWitt. Those per- VanderWerf Halls. A small printer is sons interested in applying for the job of situated in VanderWerf and the major Editor must contact Dave VanderWel printer is located in Durfee. Future loca(ex.2110) for more information.The tions for terminals might possibly include anchor has undergone a major restruc- Phelps and Gilmore. turing of the staff. Job descriptions will During the summer, the student probe available with the applications. Watch grammers worked hard redoing pronext week's anchor for more details. grams for use on the VAX. Jo Shull and Mike Ely redid Differential Equation pro-

anchor hiring for next semester

OCTOBER 27,1983,

grams and Tanya Taylor, John Ferribee, and Mike Ely worked on a simulation program for the microeconmics classes in which the students can control the tax level, government spending, and the real money supply in their own "economy", and thus experiment with different combinations to try and maintain a stable" economy with low interest rates, low unemployment rate, high incomes, and demand. In addition, Laura Nicholson worked hard to-computerize the king and queen balloting for homecoming court. This program enables the SAC committee to enter all votes directly into the computer, make corrections to the file of candidates, compute the printout of winners, and print out the ballots in the correct forms. Mike Ely, Jo Shull, and Laura Nicholson also wrote a "Nutritional Analysis Program" for both Western Foods and Hope's health dynamics program. Dow will also use this program for different corportions that come in. Laura Nicholson took the time to show me how the Nutritional Analysis System works. There are basically three programs involved. The first one, data continued on page 3

have never pursued a challenge, who have always befteved or been led to believe that they can't do anything, that they're worthless. It's hard to get a kid like that to believe in himself; it's even harder when there's rebellion, mistrust,, and anxiety settled deep within him. For the Hope students and Schackow, the challenge is to encourage these kids to go on, to not quit. ; "Our job starts in March," s a y s ' Schackow, "when we pair up the little kids with the Hope students. We have no structured way to pair them up, we just let the students decide what kid they would like to work with. From that day continued on page t

Mayer sculpture displayed HOLLAND: An exhibit of large-scale sculpture by art professor William Mayer is being displayed at the Holland seating plant of Herman Miller, Inc. The exhibit, which will be in place through next May, includes three outdoor and two indoor pieces as well as a display of maquettes of other Mayer works. "This is an excellent opportunity to expose our employees to another aspect of design-and design is very important to Herman Miller," said plant manager Craig Schrotenboer. "The presence of art in the work place also promotes communication," said Mayer. "Just putting the sculpture out there where people will see it every day will cause communication: opinions and arguments and all kinds of things, but it will get words to move." A member of the faculty since 1978, Mayer teaches ceramics and sculpture. He has had numerous exhibits throughout the midwest. The first major work of outdoor sculpture on campus was built by Mayer. He was also recently awarded a commission for a sculpture to be installed outside Holland's Herrick Library.

JMiored insta student congress letters DeWittch bash sports

p.3 4 .....p.6 !....p.8

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OCTOBER 27,1983


An eye for aneye makes the whole world blind All those Marines are dead. And what happens now? Twice as many have been sent in their place to continue the "peace keeping" mission. Hearty wishes for the best of luck go with them, along were sincere hopes that no more young Americans are killed. Scary, isn't it; to think about people being Just convinced enough, and just crazy enough, and filled with just enough hatred to drive truckloads of dynamite into a building and kill themselves along with the enemy. Kamikaze-style actions are always aweinspiring, though dreadful. Anyone involved with such a mission must really, really believe that they are right. And underneath the Indignation that Americans were killed, is the undeniable question, What could cause them to hate us so much? Pulling the Marines out of Beirut now would be giving in to the terrorists, right? We certainly should not leave and prove that terrorism has an effect. Of course, staying there has to be the answer, a sort of turning of the other cheek and waiting for them to slap us again. Is that truly the way of humility? Or might it not be better to take to heart that first slap and admit our errors? Are we WRONG to be in Beirut? As each of us ponders these questions (and I hope that those in charge of our armed forces will do the same), we should remember that the tragedy in Beirut was caused by terrorists, not the movement of a government, but of an unheard of group of leftist fanatics. Listening to the news reports last Sunday evening, I heard the bombing termed an act of war. Certainly not! A terrible occurance, but not cause to be shipping troups into Beirut as if countering aggression by a nation. NBC News did a special report on Sunday night, and they interviewed the Marines being sent to Beirut as reinforcements. One young man was ready to go, he said, because he wanted "to get them back" for what they did. To this 1 respond with a paraphrase of the words of Ghandi, an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind. And exactly who is that young man going to exact his revenge from? WHO? The truck drivers are already dead. I suspect that before the whole thing is over there will be more dead. More from both sides.


Vander Jagt to be honored

by Kathy Fox A ceremony honoring Congressman Guy Vander Jagt is planned for next Tuesday night at Grand Valley State Colleges. At that time a permanent chair of professorship will be established in his name. The person to receive that award will be from the political science department or the communications department. The appointment will be announced after the total amount of money is raised and the Board of Trustees has formally established the chair. At that time it may have a person to recommend for the position or it may have to go through the selection procedure. No problems are anticipated, however, and the fund raising is going well with approximately $150,000 already raised since September of this year. Alumni Director Vem Skipper said "There are more donations coming in every day and the goal will soon be reached, approximately $400,000. This dinner is the culmination of a series of meetings and discussions that began more than a year ago with the formation of the Friends of Vander Jagt Committee. This committee wished to honor Vander Jagt in some way for all of his contributions to the 9th Congressional District. He has been a congressman for this district since 1966, eight consecutive terms. He has also served on the House Ways and Means committee as well as giving the Key Note Address at the last Republican convention. He is also instrumental in the Washington semester for Hope students. When the committee was first formed, it began thinking in terms of a scholarship established in Vander Jagt's name. To establish a scholarship one must start with at least $10,000. This money is the capital and the scholarship fund is established from the interest on this money. The committee quickly realized, however, that it would be able to raise more money than this. It then approachea

Nomadic Knicks move-again! h f o n h o n fLaRue . o D u a byv SStephen

Last Wednesday morning the Knickerbockers were notified by Dean of Student Housing, Sara Schmidt, that their present housing, Gibson Cottage, was to be condemned due to a crumbling chimney and faulty foundation. Apparently the chimney has been slowly deteriorating from top to bottom, crushing an exhaust pipe venting the building's two furnaces and hot water heater, increasing the possibility of carbon monoxide poisoning. The Knicks, accustomed to precarious living, were pretty lucky. As the weather grew colder, they discovered one of the f u r n a c e s was malfunctioning, so maintenance was called in to fix it. While in the basement, maintenance noticed the faulty chimney and trembling floor. That was Tuesday, and the notification came the following morning. Had It not been for this Initial visit, and had the pipe begun to leak or the house begun to crumble, the occupants could have been the victims of an awful tragedy. This is not the first time the Knicks have received abrupt notice concerning housing. After two years In the now nonexlstant Columbia Cottage, the Knickerbocker Fraternity was notified during exam week of the 'SO-'Sl Spring semester that they would spend the following year off-campus because of certain housing policy Infractlons-rather Inconvenient, considering room drawing had already taken place. O.K. So you get what you ask for, right? They spent their probationary year off-campus and returned to campus


last year In Gibson Cottage. But the question remains whether they or any student should have been put in a building that proved hazardous. Maintenance supervisor, Fred Coates, said. cottages are inspected before students arrive, usually in August. They a r e i n s p e c t e d by Hope College maintenance workers, not by a fire marshall or city housing inspector. Furnaces are lit and Inspected before they are needed, but somehow the abnormality In the Gibson furnace situation was overlooked as was the foundation problem. Maybe a more thorough system of Inspection Is needed.

maintenance noticed the faulty chimney and trembling floor According to Knickerbocker President Scott Dennison, the situation Is an outrage: 'The hazards should have been noticed upon Inspection; they didn't happen overnight. Besides being an Inconvenience as far as moving mid-semester goes. It's also a psychological let-down. We learned a lesson by getting kicked offcampus two years ago, but there's no excuse for this. I know It wasn't planned, because It Is surely an Inconvenience for administration as well, but we never should have been put here In the first place." , And the word "here" Is to be taken


seriously. . The Knicks remain in Gibson Cottage with no heat and no hot water. Cooperation in compensating for their present discomfort has been "slow a"nd less than adequate for what we've been going through," according to Dennison. "We had to go to maintenance to get space heaters, and they weren't too anxious to go out and get us some. It makes me angry to think that we're paying 1,010 dollars a year for this." He also suggested that other students take a look at their living facilities and compare them to other (newly remodeled) cvnpus facilities. Dennison also wishes, "on behalf of the fraternity," to give credit to Sara Schmidt and other administrators who have been frantically scouting out alternative housing for the Knicks. In the meantime, the Knicks await the signal to move which will be aided by the maintenance department, and which will "hopefully take place this weekend-lf we're lucky." So, as the teeth chatter and electric blankets become a luxury, the Knicks will be wondering where their next abode will be this year, next year, the year after, and the year after...

N««dfcdMiOath? See Off-Campus )obs at its new locationMain floor-De-Witt Come on over and check out our job listings!


Hope with the possibility of establishing a chair. Vera Skipper said, "The establishment of a chair serves two purposes. One, It recognized the professor receiving it as an outstanding teacher as well as person. Second, it Increases the financial support of the college. It does this by Increasing the Endowment Fund. The money in this fund is Invested, by an investment firm hired by the College, in stable securities. The interest is then used for various scholarships, endowed chairs, and other things. Vera went on to say, "The chair being established will honor Vander Jagt In two areas: the political science department for his strong support of the Washington semester and in the communications department for his speaking skills learned In high school and polished here at Hope." At the dinner he will be presented with a Hitchcock chair by President Van Wylen, as a symbol of the permanent chair of professorship to be established in his name. It is specially made by the Hitchcock company and has a turn-of-thecentury picture of Van Vleck Hall on the front and Vander Jagt's name on the back. David Van Dyke will also be honoring Vander Jagt. He speaks as president of Student Congress as well as a representative of the student body. He will present a brass key as a symbol of the key to the Student Congress offices. Vander Jagt is also being established as the Honorary Chairman of Student Congress. "What makes this especially nice," said Van Dyke,'"is that while Guy was a student at Hope, he was President of the Student Congress." Students of Hope College are also honoring Vander Jagt by serving as waiters and waitresses at the dinner. This is a two night commitment on their part. On Tuesday, October 25th, they went in for training and on Novertiber 1 they will serve at the dinner. All of the students were screened as a security precaution before they were accepted. Those expected to attend are VicePresident Bush, who is the Key Note speaker, dignitaries from Washington, as well as voters from the 9th district, and Hope College Administration and students. Publlshod weekly September through April, except during exam periods and college vacations, by and for the students of Hope College, Holland, Michigan, under the authority of the Student Communications Media Committee. Subscription price: $10 per year. Member, Associated Collegiate Press. O f f i c e located on flr$t level of the DeWitt Center, telephone 394-6578. The opinions on this page are not necessarily those of the student body, faculty, or administration of Hope College. ^'tor Elizabeth Trembley News coeditor Barbara Wester News coeditor Jane Bursma Features editor Trecy Lysaught Arts editor John North Sports editor Scott Earl Photo editor John Gardner Assistant Photo editor . Tracy Grandstaff Copy editor Ann Crooks Production mgr Shawn Carpentier Production mgr Lois Furry T yP'»t Nancy Burrink Jennifer DeVries Advertising layout Cindy Abel Business Manager Jeff Allen Advertising mgr Chris Roth Second-doss postage paid at Holland. Ml 49423. POSTMASTER: t e n d address changes to Hope College anchor, Hope ^ C o l l e g e , Holland, M l . >

Beyond Hope by Beth Cooper After a month in Jerusalem, one begins to feel a sense of belonging: "I know my way around," "I am not a tourist!," and so forth. But after a month here, one also has to learn to deal with the frustrations of everyday life: a post office that has been closed at least half the time (holidays), military checkpoints that slow one down, and the need for a permit. ...A what?! A permlt-a magical slip of paper that allows one to go about his daily




Hope in Jerusalem basically state "to (insert any activity) one must obtain a permit," Simple enough! Actually, the situation Is far from simple. First, the very existence of the military orders is severely criticized for the MOs (as they are called) contradict the policies of the fourth Geneva Convention. Secondly, permits are difficult to obtain and cover Issues that are not connected to actual security In even a remote sense. Assuming the first statement to be common knowledge, I will concentrate on the second by offering some examples. Last week, one group was scheduled to visit Kalandia Refugee Camps. We arrived there at 8:30 a.m. Thursday to be informed a permit was required, and even with a premit we would not be allowed in as the camp was under curfew for the 13th anniversary of Nassar's death. After several hours of errands to various offices, our program director was issued a permit for a visit on Saturday. On Saturday, the camp was under curfew due to UNRWA (United Nations Relief and

business. There are some qualifications, of course. Ajjermlt is needed to Initiate . any activity pertaining to Isareli security, domestic or international. Because the occupied territories are administered by the Ministry of Defense, permits are required for a wide variety of actions. They are necessitated by a series of military orders that are promulgated to circumvent Jordanian law on the West Bank in the interest of Israeli security and

Faculty and sex on the agenda again by Kathy Fox Two major issues were discussed at the Student Congress meeting Wednesday October 19: faculty hiring and the Womens Issues Committee's concerns with the Sex Policy. The discussion of the faculty hiring began with the handing out of the procedures for recruitment of faculty. The Student Congress was the first to see this particular draft. Faculty approval is still pending. The Administrative Affairs Board wants the opinion of the faculty members before making a final decision. The discussion was begun by an explanation of the differences and similarities between this draft and the previous four. One of the two ma]or differences as Paul Hemeren saw it from talking to Professor Reynolds, chairman* of the ad hoc committe which wrote the draft, was that the candidate was now considered as a whole person. The qualities that the College seeks in the candidates it recruits are: A. Significant • academic and professional achievement; B. Demonstrated ability of potential as an outstanding teacher; The desire and ability to continue to advance as a teacher and as a professional through the pursuit of high quality scholarly and-or artistic work, and, if possible, to involve students in such work. D. A commitment to: 1. the ideals of a liberal education 2. encouraging students to develop a value system for learning coherent life. and for all of 3. the Christian faith and to fulfilling with excellence the purpose of the College as outlined above. The purpose of the College is •'to provide comprehensive literary and scientific courses o f , study, including related research and scholarly pursuits, and to do so in relation Oo the Christian faith with an overall goal of enabling students to grow and mature intellectually, spiritually, culturally, and socially, and to prepare for positions of leadership in the nation and in the world.'' "If the candidate is weak in one area and stronger in another he will not be obliterated from consideration. This draft attempts to see the person as a whole," said Hemeren. There was concern from many of the Congress members that a person who was strong in one area such as academic or professional achievement and weak in the third part of section D would be unduely discriminated against, Hemeren pointed out, as*did others, that the section on the Christian faith was only a small part of the whole and that such commitment was not the only crltera being considered. He and others also pointed out, however, that because Hope is a private Christian college* we are allowed to discriminate. The only area

that the College discriminates in the hiring of the faculty. The second major difference was that the individual department will be given a larger role in the determination of the candidates to be hired. The sections that caused problems were mainly concerned with the wording of certain statements. These were resolved by rewriting them. The whole was then passed. Another major issue that has be^n discussed quite heavily on campus in the past week is the Sex Policy. Once again it was up for consideration by the Student Congress. It was presented by the Women's Issues Committee. It had some major concerns with it and. wanted the Congress to disapprove of it as a body and present that disagreement to the Administrative Affairs Board. Ultimately, it wants the policy to be rewritten. It was concerned that the policy was not adequately representing prevailing campus attitudes of the administration and faculty. The Organization claimed that many members of the Faculty and AdministraUon quoted in the policy as believing certain things were not consulted when the policy was drafted and approved.. It especially disapproved of the concluding paragraph which reads: "the College will always strive to have an environment where those who are sexually active can re-evaluate their decision, and those who decide to change their commitment and practice are affirmed and supported. In particular, the powerful impact of forgiveness which comes through faith, the possibilities of starting a new, and overcoming guilt and fear will be upheld and affirmed as appropriate. It is in this regard that a supportive, caring, Christian community becomes particularly important." Many of the Congress members agreeded with the Organization. Emily Wang stated "this paragraph give a negative stand and is presumptions. Because of the present awareness of the students and faculty concerning this policy it should be amended or thrown out." The motion to disapprove of the Sex Policy was passed by a 13-11 vote. David Van Dyke was pleased that this organization felt able to address its concerns to the Congress and hoped others would follow suit. "That is one of the main functions of the Congress," Van Dyke said. Brian Glbbs made a report on the actlvltles of the Academic Affairs Board and the Computer Services Committee was announced. Those appointed were Chris Plnderskl and Bill Parsons. Those appointed to the Student Appropratlons Committee were Greg Olgers, Bruce Kutsche, James Karsten, Doug Lehman, Janies Shields, and Paul Hemeren.

continued on page 5

Hope for Liberty by Eric Flom The justice system of the United States has become too lax In the processing criminals. The weakest points lie in the judgment of Insanity and In sentence '. The former allows criminals to go five without punishment and the latter allows them to get free too soon. In the assumption of Innocence which our system makes, the burden of proof is gn the prosecution to prove that the abnormality of misbehavior Is present. Most people are not criminals, so it is to be assumed that this person is normal, and hence innocent until things are proven otherwise. In the insanity defense, the burden of proof Is to prove the state of normalcy. To prove that normalcy exists is a very hard thing. The burden should be to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that an abnormal condition exists. This abnormal condition, Insanity, should be to such a degree that the person was incapable of being able to conceive the wrongness of his actions. Also being under the influence of drugs or alcohol when committing a criminal act should not be allowed as a defense. The Individual made a decision to give up his rational control with a rational decision, and should be responsible for actions while taken in that state. A person is responsible for the consequences of his decisions. Sentencing should also be changed. The sentences should be made with at most a ten percent of the time to be served available for parole, and parole should only be given to the truly exceptional prisoners. There should be strict second offender laws, as well as strict laws for using firearms In the commission of a crime. The right to bear arms for selfdefense Is a good one, but the penalties for abuse should be very severe so as to Increase the safety of the population. The reason to make these changes is to Increase the safety of the population, and be sure that we do not have to live in fear of crime. The fear of crime destroys the benefits of all our other freedoms, for our fear keeps us in chains as surely as Iron. The Insurance of our freedom can be found In a strong but fair system of justice.


computer continued from page I' entry persons wfll have to enter ingredients from calorie books, along with their protein, calorie, carbohydrate, and fat content. Secondly, recipes have to be entered Into the computer and Western Foods Is going to hire people to do the data entry for this. Thirdly, students will be able to use the Nutritional Analysis Program for their health dynamics class. When a student enters his-her name, age, and sex, the computer will Indicated the recommended dally percent of total Intake (55 percent carbohydrates, 10 percent protein, 35 percent fat) along with his Ideal percent body fat (usually 12 percent for males and 21.2 percent for females). However, the student can change these statistics: for example, athletes may want a higher daily carbohydrate intake and-or less percent body fat. The student will also have to input the food he-she ate for each meal during a week, along with the activity level status for each day. From this information each student will receive a print-out indicating the daily totals of protein, iron, calcium, etc. he has taken in during the week and his excess or deficiency of each. He will also get a "Food Group Analysis", a "Calorie Analysis" for the week, and a statement saying "At this rate, your weight gain-loss will be ? lbs per week and ? lbs. per year." Some professors in the physical education department hope this will "scare" some students into eating less and eating healthier! Overall, the student programmers appear to be working on some valuable and interesting projects, and the new VAX System Is a welcome sight for computer science, physics, and other computer users.'Also, the additional terminals placed on campus should help students gain access to the computer more often when they need It, which was problem last year.

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OCTOBER 27,1983

Letters Lauding Luidens Dear Editor In response to your article ^NykerkPull, Criticisms but no Suggestions?," I have a few things to say. As a paper you have done a great disservice to an excellent and extremely articulate professor. Dr. Luidens is perhaps the most thought-provoking teacher I have ever had. You call his statements criticism, I disagree. These are his conceptions of Nykerk-Pull strictly from a sociologist's point of view. When he spoke-up at the Women's Issues meeting he wore the title "Professor". How can you rationally disprove a professor who has excelled at his Job and really caused a stir in an event close to home? He has acted in a way fitting to his profession and should be applauded. He has provoked some very interesting discussions and if people can't argue intelligently without taking it personally then they should really take a long, hard look at themselves. 1 disagree with Dr. Luidens on some points but I will discuss these with him, not use this publication as an impersonal forum for discussion. Andy Bowen 487

Erik flopsonce again Dear Editor, In reading the political column (the term being used very loosely in this case) "Hope for Liberty" each week I come to the same conclusion-Mr. Flom lacks intelligent arguments and logical progression within his writing. In the October 20, 1983 anchor, Mr. Flom was at his zenith of imcompetency in dealing with political issues. He dealt with the problems of education and its inability to educate students of today. Mr. Flom within his column gives three "simple" solutions to three very complex problems which education is facing: 1) low salaried educators, 2) private school tuition tax deductions, 3) draft .registration as a prerequisite for financial aid. In the event that I neither have the time nor would be allowed the type needed in addressing all of Mr. Flom's simple solutions I will only deal with his solution of merit pay. Mr. Flom states, "Merit pay is a simple issue for me." This however is only the belief of an individual who is not familiar with the issue itself. A prime example which portrays the difficulties of merit pay is the Civil Service Reform Act of 1978 (CSRA). This Act proposed merit pay for General Service employees in grades 1315. Since the CSRA was instituted there have been many major problems. For example; the difficulty of establishing various payout mechanisms; problems of defining the appropriate size pay pools; and the' difficulty of determining fair reward ratiosto ensure sufficient motivation. The merit pay provisions within the CSRA are based on a widely accepted perspective on motivation, which fs drawn from Vroom's expectancy theory.(Work and Motivation, Vroom, Victor H.(New York: John Wiley, 1964)). In its simplified form, the theory posits that if individuals expect to receive a valued reward for high performance, they are more likely to strive for this level of performance than if there were no payoff. However, even though the theory may be sound there are problems with the present merit program of the CSRA. One, it fails as a motivational program because of the methods used in measur-



equivalent value to a student, their ing performance. Managers report that salaries are roughly comparable. effort is less likely to lead to a good perSimilarly, if one's philosophy teacher was formance rating. Therefore, these more valuable to a student than other managers believe that merit pay does not philosophy teachers, then his-her salary encourage them to perform their jobs should be correspondingly higher. well or contribute to their agency's effectiveness. Perhaps, Mr. Flom, the reason merit pay is such a simple issue for you is that A second problem is the use of "gamyou never really understood It. Merit is ing". Managers focus their ambitions toward obtaining good ratings rather defined as "to be worthy of, deserve." To suggest that enumeration be based on an than good management. "Gaming" is a exogenous demand for one's services is to form of goal displacement; i.e., when the misunderstand the concepts behind the goal is no longer effective but a good score on the statistics. idea of merit pay. Even when correctly defined, I have Finally, there is the problem in which some problems with the concept of merit the appraisal system was inadequately pretested. Thus, exacerbating unknown pay for it presupposes that one's value to problems. All these unpredicted prostudents can be empirically calculated. blems created stress for those being Who is to do the evaluating? Adevaluated under the system. For under ministrators? The teachers themselves? normal circumstances managers can Students? Inadequacies can be found in assume that their supervisors would be any method of evaluating teachers. A aware and understanding of temporary teacher's true value to a student cannot imperfections within a new system. be adequately evaluated until the student However, under merit pay supervisors is older and far from the classroom. It are obligated to withhold salient rewards would be ludicrous to say to a teacher, from managers who were cursed with "You have to wait 20 years for your first unanticipated problems within the paycheck, because only then can we fully system. Judge your merit." Of course by using the example of the The implications of Mr. Flom's second problems and deficiencies of the CSRA of • argument (tax credits for parents who 1978 I am by no means stating that the send their children to private schools), equivalent will be true of a merit pay protaken in the context of Mr. Flom's first gram within public education. However, policy recommendation, follow In the each bureaucracy has its similarities and footsteps of President Reagan's policy of parallels and this example can be used in cut taxes, increase defense spending and showing the complex problems which do wonder why the deficit is so high. Mr. exist with this type of motivational Flom argues for proposals which would system, and a vehicle to ameliorate our Increase teachers' salaries while knowledge of the system itself. But to simultaneously eroding the tax base from blantantly state as Mr. Flom did, that it is which to pay those salaries. uncomplicated, is simply an act of igThe flaw in Mr. Flom's argument for norance. j . h. Doele tax credits lies in the assumption that taxes are user fees for services rendered. Since parents of children in private Merit pay a 'simple' issue? schools are already paying one fee, they should be exempted from paying two. Dear Editor: Those who have no children in school are One danger of immersing oneself In a dogma is the possibility of (ailing to see still required to pay property taxes (the primary source of funding for education). inconsistencies within that belief. Erik Flom, in his weekly sermons defending Should they too receive a tax credit? the Gospel according to Ronald Reagan, Similarly, if I build an MX missle and put it in my backyard, should I receive a tax . is a victim of this pitfall. His suggestion that teachers "should be credit from the Pentagon? After all, I paid a comparable wage to what their shouldn't have to pay for two defenses. A further objection to Mr. Flom's tax skills are worth to other employers," credit proposal is one of equity. Accepting seems so implausible and indefensible to me that I will do Mr. Flom the favor of Mr. Flom's questionable assertion that redefining his argument before attacking the middle class will choose to ^end its children to private schools, what then will it Ask any economics-business professor the public school system look like? One what he-she could make if he-she went to attended and financed by the poor. This work for private industry and you will result hardly seems congruous with Mr. rarely find one who could not at least dou- Flom's contention that, "The government ble his-her salary. A similar survey of the and Its citizens should have a minimum philosophy department will be lucky to responsibility to each other." Mr. Flom, If this weekly drivel is an exfind one philosophy professor who is able ample of new conservatism, then I agree to equal his Hope paycheck (let's fact it, American industry is not that interested with the Kinks in the song, "Young Conin Plato's allegory of the cave or inter- servatives," that, "We have to stop it JohnMcMillan pretations of Rousseau's view of the before It goes to far " General Will). Is this to suggest that economics-business professors should be paid more because industry values their services more? To push the argument one step further, suppose for some reason Exxon corporation wanted to increase the number of employees who have blond hair. They come to Hope College and offer ^very blond-haired Hope professor $1,000,000 per year to work for Exxon. Should Hope College match Exxon's offer because that is how much they are worth to another employer? I think not. If one Is going to present merit pay as an argument, the only defensible argument is to base teachers' salaries on their value to the student. Since the philosophy teacher and the economics-business teacher both contribute a roughly


I would also, in my gratitude to Jan, like to offer an explanation of why no one seems to be as concerned with world issues as with sex. Although there is a rather limited concern for the question of "how to design a more fair and peaceful society" among Hope students, there are also people in our midst who express deep concern, in both thought and deed, for the issues of social justice and a lasting peace. An explanation for the apparent lack of resipnse lies 1) not in the apathy of Hope students, which is somewhat real. 2) not in the lack of importance of these issues, because they are important, but rather 3) in the authorship of "Hope for Liberty". Virtually no one takes Eric Flom seriously after reading nearly six weeks of non-creative garbage. Sorry, but that's the way it is, Eric. Most of the people with whom I've spoken read his column as a source of trivial amusement, if they read it at all. As for those of us who knew or knew of Eric Flom before he began his literary career, we were neither surprised nor thrilled when he extended his realm of expression to the anchor. But, if no one takes Mr. Flom

seriously, 1) why does the anchor continue to print his articles and 2) why am I responding at all? 1 suspect that the anchor prints his articles for the same reason it prints our responses, but I can't answer for the anchor. I, however, have a good reason to respond. Although we might not take Mr. Flom seriously, we should take note of the things he is saying, because he is a paradigm of an American type. This type is one which believes in free enterprise to such an extreme that all concern for justice and peace is swept away by the primitive, out-moded hierarchy of natural selection. This type is one which sees human beings as little more than animals which are slaves to their own lust for power and supremacy in order to survive. Money has become the weapon of such animals. I would suggest that we cautiously examine the assumptions which this type of American has used to reach this point. He or she will begin with the fantastic premise that all of the luxuries of our society are accessible to all of the people if they work hard enough. He will assert that we need only to make the pie bigger, not that we need to divide it more equally. He preaches free enterprise and equal opportunity, but is really interested in shifting the focus of government from all of the people to the.monied elite. And the most frightening thing is that there are people just like him in positions of power who can conduct this ungodly business of oligarchy in the name of freedom! Beware of statements he will use, like "the Government should only be responsible for those responsible to it," which twist and profane the ligitimate actions of those who oppose laws which are unjust. One needs only to cite the Civil Rights Movement of the 60's as an example of the ongoing dissent which changed We can learn from examples this nation for the better and the effects of Dear Editor, which are still being felt. The American Praise the Lord for an articulate Revolution didn't stop 200 years ago! Our human being who has recognized, so society was made to support such dissent clearly, the current confusion of so that we might continually progress, not priorities, not only in the cloistered haven go b^ckwords. So, the next time you read of Hope College, but in the United States "Hope for Liberty", do more than laugh as a whole! I'm referring to last week's among yourselves. Look critically at letter to the editor by Jan Kees den Bak- what the author is saying. His ideas stand ker, in which he called for more concern or fall on the accuracy of his assumptions about world issues, not instead of, but in . and the logic of his arguments. For me, at addition to concerns about sexual con- least, not only do his arguments not stand duct. Jan's enlightened response to up, they have fallen into the depths of remarks made by both Steven Pope and human depravity and selfishness and Eric Flom has encouraged me and, I they compel us to wallow In a brackish hope, others in the Hope College com- pool of thought in which nothing can live munity to think more thoroughly about or move. S i n c e r e i y a s possible, such concerns and to openly discuss John Ratmeyer them.-

OCTOBER 27.1983


PAGES Bevond Hope continued from page 3 Works Agency) elections; therefore we were asked to return on Monday at which point we did tour the camp. In this case, the need for a permit is understandable (particularly after the massacres at Sabra and Shatlla last year), but it required some work, and quite some time to obtain. A second example is that of M01015. It concerns the planting and harvesting of tomatoes and eggplants, an activity for which one now needs a permit. The produce is to be 20 percent less than last year. Now, what do tomatoes and eggplants have to do with security? At first glance, it appears the answer is "nothing", but appearances are deceiving. M01015 regulates a sector of the Palestinian economy, making livelihood very difficult for some. Other MOs limit access to other jobs, moving, obtaining money from outside sources (people in other countries), and so forth. The net result of the some 1100 MOs is to "encourage" Palestinians to leave the occupied territories and-or Israel. Though one may do many things with a permit, it should be noted that for many activities permits are not given. Jonathan Kuttab, a prominent Palestinian lawyer with Law in the Service of Man, states that Israel has threef objectives in the occupied territories: security, De-Palestinization, and Judaizationof the land. Lest you think that a biased opinion. General Matti Peled of the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) agrees. "The question (for Likud) is how to annex with the fewest number of Palestinians involvedthis means a massive reduction of Palestinian presence in the West Bank... Methods for achieving this are discussed openly (publicly)." One could argue that settlements and Israeli economic and political control of the West Bank is a de facto annexation, but the process seems far from complete in light of formal Israeli goals. MOs clearly limit the rights of the Palestinian people, and the land seizures, settlement policies, censorship. of Arab press, detentions by the military, expulsions from the country, lack of access to the judiciary (etc.) further violate their rights as citizens of occupied land and as human beings. The tragedy comes in the realization that the oppressors were once themselves oppressed. When will it be learned that the preservation of one people at the expense of another is as unacceptable now as it was forty years ago (WWII)?

The Pull's tough that's a fact We apologize for our failure to print an article on the Pull. The situation was beyond our control and was not a deliberate oversight. We, therefore, would like to give you this account of the "inch-up", then they're ready for a pull in response to Mark Snyder's letter to • "heave", and that's when they really start Huckin' in the rope. There are even the editor. two kinds of heaves: "on-rope" and "offNW| co*ditor-s rope". That doesn't mean one time they hold on and the other time they don't, it by Steve LaRue means their legs. See, on-rope means the The other day the '86 Pullers beat the fella's still got his leg wrapped around the *87 Pullers in what must be a whale of a rope, and off-rope means he can take his long line of annual contests. My grandpa leg off and put his feet anywhere on the once told me about the Pull he saw. So I dirt in front of him that feels best. Then said to myself, why not bring the canoe they "lock-in", which sounds a lot more comfortable than it is. This means they down to the river and take a look-see. I met up with some real amiable fellas straighten their backs, tilt their heads who were out in canoes, and they were back, maybe scream or grunt a bit and goin' to the Pull too, so we all paddled up just keep pullin'. There's no rest. In the contest I saw, '86 threw some together. We had some fun, and they gave me some beer that was about the same awful big heaves and took a lot of rope. color as the water-dark. Right amiable After it was over, the '86 coaches said their anchor kept fallin' on his butt fellas, those guys. We got there, and they set to drinkin' off because they took so much rope on those the keg they had towed along on a raft, so heaves; said he looked like a bobber on a I went on up to see what this Pull was all windy day. I should tell a little about about. They got one team on each side of coaches and anchors. The anchor is the the river, so I scrambed up on a bank and - last of the eighteen guys on the team. He's at the last pit, and he's different because what I saw, everyone should see once. You see, they have that tug-o-war down he stands or leans through the whole conto a science. Sure, one team wins and the test. He wraps the rope around his body other loses-there's no science there, and stands on the top edge of his pit, that's plain fact, but they've got it so strainin' and leanin' back. The anchor's a every man on either team, win or lose, big horse because he more or less holds has spent every iota of sap in his body, the rope tight for the last three pits; and all the girls yellin' at 'em and all the rather, he has to, it's his job. Now the coaches are odd. One of them people watchin' 'em end up feelin' about stands at the head of the team and gives the same way. Now that's a contest; surely no ring-around-the-rosies. You just them signals with his arms to heave or can't blame a guy if he ends up on the inch-up or whatnot. Rut the other coaches short end of the rope. First a guy's got to be damned brave about just gettin' on the rope, because once he's on, there's no tomorrow, only some hard brown dirt to lay in when he's done. See, these guys curl up around that rope, each one in a little rectangle hole in the ground called a pit, and they don't even touch the group except for a little wall of dirt they put their feet on. Why, with that rope tight and stiff as it is, that man may as well go try and pull a flagpole out the side of the Empire State Building. Same difference. There is a science, though. One thing they do is all the guys'll scrunch down toward their feet, which is called an

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go up and down the line and give pointers because they've all done this before, see. The signals don't go straight to the guys, though. They go to the Morale Girls who tells each Puller, one on one, what to do The fellas are too caught up in it all, they need the help. The worst part for the coaches and the girls is that their hearts are in it too, just as much, but there's nothing physical they can do to help. Well, the first twenty minutes or so was spent stretching out the* rope, no team gettin' the edge, because the rope was new I heard. Then '86 got down to business and in about ten minutes popped an '87 pit. That means '87 had given up as much rope as they could without losin' the anchor. So the anchor moved up a pit, and the man in seventeen was out. It wasn't too pleasant when the pits started poppin', because the guys losin' rope can lose skin off their hands, and that just makes everybody scream all the more. The official time was one hour and nineteen minutes, which I heard is pretty quick. The '86 fellas celebrated by throwin' each other in the river, then they gave a holler for the '87 guys they beat. That stands good by me. But one thing I know for sure is that all those guys, win or lose, got hearts big as whales, and I've got to feel sorry for next year's freshmen lot. because they'll have to contend with some mighty anxious sophomores.

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Theatre department opened the season with The Diviners. Pictured left to right: Brian Goodman, Stephan Schwander, Dan Doornbos, and Jim Gray, (photo by John Gardner)


OCTOBER 27,1963

DeWittch bash a ball!

by David Groeneveld Energy, excitement, and enthusiasm are terms not often associated with the words basic English; however, when Basic English refers to the Grand Rapids hased band these words Just begin to express what this band communicated to its audience. A thank you should be extended to S.A.C. for bringing Basic English to the DeWittch Bash this past Friday, Oct. 20, and for all the other work it put Into making tb^event a success.

Professor and Mrs. Paul dressed for the event, serving donuts, apples, and cider. Yet with all factors taken into account, what really seemed to make the event work, as. one S.A.C. member expressed, was the campus involvement. Sally Davis commented that she Just loved the way "everyone was getting into it." So, thank you S.A.C. for pulling off another event that the majority attending enjoyed being apart of.

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DeWittch bash (photo by Doug Lehman) While the band was the highlight of the dance-with its lighting, costume changes, and versatile vocals-it was not the only entertaihment at the Bash. Watching people was a pleasure in itself. Costumes were varied and creative: featuring C3P0, a human crayon, Peter Pan and Tinker Bell, punk rockers, and Little Bo Peep complete with sheep. Prizes were awarded as follows: best costume-CSPO, most historically accurate-the 1900's bathing beauties, most humorous-Tom the Good Fairy, most tasteless-Dick and Slick, most creative-the Potato heads and the centipede, and runner up-the Doomed Face of Death. Contributing to the DeWittch Bash were the decorations and refreshments. Traditional halloween decorations set the backdrop tor the dance: white, black, and orange balloons; black and orange crepe paper; and various halloween posters. Students also had the pleasure of seeing

SAC Hitlist by Jan Kenney The Hunger, directed by Tony Scott (brother of Alien director Ridley Scott), is 1983's answer to the classic vampire tale. Catherine Deneuve stars as modern-day vampire, searching for the secret of eternal life so that her mate (David Bowie) can escape the degeneration of age. Chic and trendy, the film d i s p e n s e s with the t r a d i t i o n a l paraphinalia of countless Dracula movies (the usual crucifixes, wooden stakes, and crafty priests) and gives the vampire legend a sharp, new edge. The Hunger has a punk look -costumes and set are elaborate with a New Wave twist. The result is a bizzare and frightening combination of new and old, horror and romance, that provides the familiar Dracula format with a new look and feel However, be warned: The Hunger deserves its R rating. The Hunger shows this Friday at 7:30 and 10:00 and Saturday at 12:30. Admission is $1.50.

by Ed DeGroot Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, a 1932 classic, i a must for all serious film buffs. Frederic March won an Academy Award for his portrayal of the ill-fated doctor whose scientific experiments separate him into two distinct personalities. Gradually, the evil Hyde begins to dominate Jekyll and he degenerates into a subhuman murderer. You'll be beside yourself with terror! Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde shows Friday at a special midnight showing and again Saturday at a special time of 10:30. Admission is $1.00. Jenny Heitman laughs at an unknown rabbit man. (photo by Doug Lehman)


March to Hope continued from page 1 "What really happens beyond roasting we ask that the student try to form a rela-' tionship with postcards or phone calls. In a hot dog and having a field trip," says August we all pile into the vans and leave Schackow, 'Ms that on the first day there for Beaver Island. Once there, they can't Is a lot of mistrust, suspicion... There's quit, they must go on. We walk twenty rebellion towards authority, establishing miles that first day. My feet are steaming who's going to be the toughest. The group by the end of the day, I'm so tired, and I isn't together yet, there's very little group know those kids are tired too. Sometimes feeling or none at all. The second day. It they sit down and say they aren't going develops a little and you hear far less foul another step and they call me dirty language, more willingness to assist sonames. You try to reach them, tell them meone who Is slower. By Thursday you there's food at the end of the trail; then really have a team feeling. A wonderful, you kind of walk away... But there's no almost Indescribable attitude takes over place to go! They can't go back, they have and the meanest little kids' are showing to go on. They grumble, but they make respect and helping others. By Friday we It!" have almost completed the cycle from no Originally, the education department trust to a real team feeling. There's thought of the March to Hope mainly as a always more than one tear shed when it's benefit for the little kids, bjit throughout time to sav eood-bye." the years they have come to the concluNo one can prove that this program is sion that the students learn something. going to definitely change one of those lit"What I learned that week, I know I tle kids' lives. But there is enough could never learn from any textbook or evidence to show that because of this from any class," says Pam Mazzola. March to Hope, many of those kids have a "They learn so much/^adds Schackow, renewed self-concept. They are better "perhaps even more than the little kids, able to cope with situations, and five, about themselves as coping individuals, even eight years later, they'll remember as a caring compassionate, giving per- how someone cared for them and sons. Many times they must reach way challenged them not to quit. down inside of them to pull that last bit of I guess the best way to say what that energy, that last bit of patience, but it's week really means is to quote Valerie always there!" Anderson, another of Dr. Shackow's'marEvery day, when the group reaches its * chers: destination, the van is there to supply "Yet beyond all the exterior rethem with food for that evening and for quirements, the counselor finds her bigbreakfast and lunch of the following day. gest challenge is from within. She feels so Each person is supplied with a 10x12 sheet much for these children. She hurts when of heavy plastic and 20 feet of nylon rope they hurt, laughs when they laugh, and and the only instructions are to stay dry. seems to always wonder if she is making There's no fancy freeze dried food, just any difference at all...and at the end of plain raw carrots and potatoes, peanut the week she wishes the time had passed butter and jelly, cans of ravioli... There much slower..." are spiders, bugs, slippery rocks, poison ivy...

Fabric] gives junior recita Tonight at 8:00 p.m. in Dimnent Chapel, Margorie Fabrici, pianist from Merrillville, will presnt her Junior Recital. Ms. Fabrici will perform the Sonata K310 in A minor by Mozart, Nocturne in C minor by Chopin, Visions Fugitives by Prokofiev, and Danzas Argentinas by Ginastera. Admission is free.


IRC food fair The International Relations Club is hosting a food fair in the Kletz this Friday from'6-9. Students purchase tickets which in turn buy different and interesting foods prepared. by students and faculty members Involved In IRC. Some of the foods featured will be Persian, Greek, Japanese, Costa Rican, and a variety of others. Along with the food there will be entertainment. Different countries will be represented through song and' dance along with slide presentations and representatives of different overseas programs. For students interested m travelling overseas there will be a photographer taking passport photos for a fee. .



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OCTOBER 27,1983

Hope student poet recognized Tom Andrews: Hope's budding poet Dr. Stevens, a Chiropodist, Lived in Ohio, Where He'Wrote Only The First Lines Of Poems: I. The moon smells like a fishbone. The cow II. Plotinus, Porphory, strolling the lake's III. 1925. Mountain, Table, Anchors, Navel IV. The smell of God in wood. V. "She came to him, nuzzling his chest." VI. Chaos in ochre. Time In the physical. Light VII. Past the bam, past the wormridden apple trees VIII. Organ swell. Cadence. Swedenborg with a walking stick, IX. The sun, lost X. I have never dreamed of water. XI. Will God work only in Geometry, Emerson XII. Say of me that I am living still. "The poems are fine and intelligent, Just like the young man who wrote them. He has a fine e a r - a really special ear...And then there is the keen intelligence and the special knowledge, amazing in a person so young. I am very impressed...Already his touch is very special. (Paul Zlmmer, Author.of Family Reunion,Selected and New Poems) The young man that Paul Zlmmer assesses in the above paragraph is Tom Andrews, a Hope College senlbr. Tom Is a Philosophy-English major who has written poems and prose in the past few years with much success. The . comments that Zlmmer directs towards Andrew's poems and talents are well s u b s t a n t i a t e d by t h e ac-


compllshments that Andrews has achieved thus far. In a Hope College sponsored contest, Andrews won the Eerdman's Award for a short story that appeared In last spring's Opus magazine. In another contest, sponsored by the Cranbrook


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Wm mm Tom Andrews (Photo courtesy ol College Relations) Writers Guild, Andrews secured a scholarship which allowed him to study with William Stafford, a winner of the National Book Award in 1963. Andrews success is not confined to contests, however. After meeting William Stafford at a conference in Detroit last summer, Stafford solicited poems from Andrews which he plans to Include In a collection of poems entitled, "Portfolio of Recent American Poets" in the upcoming issue of the World Order quarterly. The Ohio Journal has also taken ad-

This Editorial was taken from the 1947, October 30th issue of the anchor. by Larry Masse. Webster defines yallowe'en as "The evening preceding All-hallows, or All Saints' Day, the evening of October 31." However, if we were to ask the millions of Americans and Britishers who celebrate Hallowe'en every year, to give their definition, it is more likely to be, "Night of mystery, fun, and adventure," for these are synonymous with Hallowe'en. Hallowe'en first began as an autumn festival, marked by much feasting and revelry by the ancient Druids. Then, in the eighth century, November 1 was designated by the church as All Saints' Day, and as this day was to be observed in a solemn manner, the eve of All Saints' Day became an occasion for merrymaking and gaiety. Hallowe'en became known wherever Christian people went, and was celebrated with great enthusiasm. Hallowe'en didn't change much until the nineteenth century, when the religious emphasis virtually disappeared, and Hallowe'en became a holiday to be spent in revelry. There were more traditions and true Hallowe'en spirit during the 1800's than perhaps any other time. If we were to come across a letter telling of a Hallowe'en celebration In 1874, we would probably read something like this: "As you know, cousin Elizabeth, we celebrate All Hallow Even each year, and this year was no exception. Preparations had been made days beforehand, and farmers and others from miles around were present for the occasion.

"When darkness set in, the celebration began with a procession of the tenants and servants from the various estates. All in the procession carried huge lighted torches, and the effect as the procession moved onward, was quite wlerd. "Finally, the procession stopped, and we built an immense bonfire. As the fire roared, and the flames leaped high into the air, a figure appeared, dressed as a hobgobblin. The hobgobblin was dragging an effigy of a witch, and the two were surrounded by figures dressed as elves. "A circle was formed by the torchbearers, and one of the elves tossed the witch high in the air several times, then into the fire. "When the cremation was over, reels were begun, and we danced with great vigor the whole night through, to the stirring strains of Willie Ross, the town piper." Not much similarity between this Hallowe'en and the Hallowe'en of today Is there? The spirit of merrymaking still prevails, but too often goes to extremes. It Is to be regretted that vandalism and property damage have replaced the kindly old dustoms In niany of our communities. Hallowe'en was meant to be a festive occasion, enjoyed by all. Traditions and customs have been handed down through the centuries, and as with all our heritages, should be treasured. It Is up to us to see that Hallowe'en once again becomes an event which can be looked upon as something to be cherished, and relived again and again In our memories.

vantage of the Andrew talent. It plans to publish the poem, <(Dr. Stevens, a Chiropodist, Lived in Ohio, Where He Wrote Only The First Line Of Poems." The Journal commented that the poem was of a "witty and wise" nature. Andrews artistic background did not, surprisingly, originate with writing poetry. In high school and partly In college, writing plays was the main emphasis for Andrews. The Idea of writing poetry didn't become a reality until Andrews took a play-wrltlng course with Professor Jack Rldl. After reading the plays that Andrews wrote, Rldl observed that the plays had a more poettc, rather than dramatic quality. Because of this, Rldl suggested that Andrews read such poets as Galway Klnnel, James Wright, James Dickey, Kenneth Koch, John Ashbery, and John Berry man. Berryman was the poet who probably most Influenced Andrews to write poems. After writing poems In a similar manner of the book of poems the "Dream Songs," by Berryman, Rldl was convinced that Andrews had a talent for writing poetry. This support did not go by unnoticed: "He (Rldl) gave me the needed encouragement to do something as dellclously Impractical as writing poems." So what does the future hold for Andrews? Although he Is quick to point out that "poetry can't be planned," Andrews has some Idea of what he wants to do. In a semester program at Oberlln College next spring, Andrews will be working with staff members David Young and

Stuart Friebert of Field Magazlne.In anticipation of Andrew's internship, David Young has made the comment that Tom Andrews is a <4writer o( considerable experience and promise." Long range career goals for Andrews Include the possibility of working with Charles Wright at the University of Virginia, exploring editing or teaching at the college level. Andrews Is totally realistic about these goals, however. "Don't be surprised," he cautions, "If one day I'm the one In the blue coveralls pumping your gas."

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Field hockey wins two

Soccer cl i nches Ml AA crown byS.W.Earl Hope soccer fans were not to be dissappointed Saturday at Kalamazoo. Even though the weather was no less than adverse, the fans were treated to what was to be the most exciting win for Hope this year. In overtime, the Dutch overtook Kalamazoo by two goals to win the game, the league championship, and serious consideration as contenders in post-seaSon play. This 3-1 win over Kalamazoo was just the tip of the 4 burg', as the Dutch have booted nearly all of their league opponents. The key to this success is easy: depth. As Coach Afman put it, "Everyone is scoring, so it's hard for defensive players to key on one player." A good example of this is the fact that the three goals scored against Kazoo were by three different people: Kevin Benham, Doug Finn, and Dave Bopf. In the Albion game, in which the Dutch eased by, Dayna Beal punched in two goals, while brother Dwight added one more for good measure. Also scoring in this game were sophomores Tom Kohl and Doug Finn. Seven goals were scored against Olivet, as almost all got in on the action in this s i l e n t m a s s a c r e . M a g n u s OJert


highlighted the day though, as his efforts yielded two goals and three assists against a more than. sickly opponent. Olivet seems to be the team doormat for the MIAA as far as soccer goes, and OJert gave them a few reasons why. Probably the best played game was against the ever present Calvin Knights, a fiasco of great play that ended in a 0-0 tie. "It was a great defensive game," said Afman, "but we missed some opportunities to score." Hope didn't miss that opportunity against CMU or Adrian, as the Dutch managed to defeat both of these teams 1-0. Afman feels that the key to this year's success thus far has been defense. The key to that defense is no other than senior goalie Al*Crothers, who has allowed only nine goals in fifteen games. Of course, the offense must come up with goals too, and that they have, as Hope has outscored it's opponents 50-13. With only two more games remaining (Alma here, and Goshen at Goshen), Hope is already being considered for postseason play in the Great Lakes Region. Not only that, but Hope Soccer may also be the key to the next All-Sports trophy.

by Scott "John" Watson The fields hockey team stayed one tallied at 29:42 to up the lead to 5-0. P. game out of first place this week with ex- Gaffney tallied the sixth and final goal for citing wins over Albion and Kalamazoo. the Dutch at 33:54, from Jenny Sharp. In the Albion game Sophomore Lynn The goal was her first of the year and seEichoff, provided the only goal, her first cond of her career. of the year (and career), to spur the Following the game Coach Marj Snyder Dutch to the 1-0 win.' said that she felt all along that the goal The Kalamazoo game was much more production would come. When asked if exciting as the Dutch sought revenge for . there were any goals saved for the next the previous encounter with the Hornets game against the first place Alma Scots that yielded but one goal. With only 3:51 she said, "Oh sure, there are a lot left, I gone in the first period, Annette hope." VanEngen scored with an unassisted The league standings show the Dutch


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Volleyball improves record by Mamie Marsters The Hope volleyball team played at Kalamazoo and Albion last week, strengthening its record to six wins and two losses. On Wednesday Hope defeated Kalamazoo in three straight games: 1510, 15-3, 15-3. On Saturday, the Dutch traveled to Albion to play the eighth ranked team. They beat Albion in four, losing only the third game of the match. The final score was: 15-12,15-12,8-15,15-9. • Hope continues to play a strong game and its third place ranking can easily advance this week as it plays Calvin on Tuesday at 6 PM and Alma on Friday night. Calvin is ranked second with a record of seven and one while Alma leads the ranking. Hope has already lost to both these teams but Shire feels Hope has a good . chance of beating them in front of the enthusiastic and loyal Hope fans that attend

Football loses to Adrian by Buck O'Connor Hope lost itslecond league game Saturday as the Bulldogs of Adrian College stomped the Dutch 124). This loss drops Hope's league record to 1-2, and all but eliminates its chances of the league championship. Next week the Dutch will host Alma College in a crucial MIAA matchup. Kickoff at 1:30 p.m. at Holland Municipal Stadium. The game appeared to be a great struggle, but no matter what Hope did, it couldn't score. Adrian's defense was a major contributor to Hope's failure to score. The Bulldog offense did move the ball, but never quite well enough for a score against the Dutch-D. By halftime, the only points on the board were by Adrian's Farrel, who managed to boot two field goals in the nasty weather. It wasn't until the fourth quarter that Adrian finally drove the ball, in, a score that was set up by a Hope fumble on its own five yard line. This was the last score of the game, and more than enough to hand a defeat to the despondent Dutch. It was definitely a battle of the defenses, and as Coach Ray Smith put it, "The best team did win."

the matches. The home crowd advantage is a big one, according to Shire, and Hope has one of the best crowds in the league. JV continues its strong season and Shire commented on its display of depth and strength in its recent wins. MIAA VOLLEYBALL STANDINGS WL Alma 7 1 Calvin 71 Hope ... 62 Adrian 53 Olivet... 27 Kalamazoo 17 Albion 18

Field hockey (Photo courtesy of Milestone, by Glen Grevenstuk) goal. Twenty minutes later Senior Captain Mary Gaffney scored on a pass from Melanie Waite to make the score 2-0. It appeared that the half would end that way when Patti Gaffney scored off a pass from M. Gaffney to give the Dutch a three goal lead at halftime. The second half started off in much the same fashion as VanEngen scored at the 8:42 mark, again without an assist. Waite

only a game1)ehind Alma with the all important confrontation held yesterday at Alma. The League stats show VanEngen in third place for goals scored; and in fourth place in total points. Waite leads the league in assists and is tied for the seventh spot, in total points. Both Mary and Patti Gaffney are tied for sixth in goals scored.

classifieds 86 Song Coaches: Thanks for the last three weeks. We couldn't have done It without you. We love you all a lot. 86 Song 86 Morale Guys; You guys have been just super this year. It wouldn't be the same without you. Thanks for all your support and for every smile you've put on our faces. We love you! 86 Song Freshmen: The class of 86 wishes you well Saturday night. We love you! Good luck and we'll meet ya IrUhe middle! The Sophomores Mama good coaches: Jeanine and Beth! You're my all time favorites. And I really mean It! Woosh! Bets MBA: Don't you realize I really Love you?JAB Ingrid: Has ET phoned home yet? Reeses pieces are running out. Please send ransom $$ to: ET Kidnappers, c-o Hope College.

Let's Nuk em now before they get us. EF SP: What will your next issue be? SEX: See, I got your attention. Rude Boy: Though the Song Remains the Same, you're still one year older. I'll be your only, your one and only. Rude Girl Mom and Dad: Thanks for coming out to see. me. I love you and have missed you so much. See you soon...love, Susan. Typing: Outstanding quality. Pica or elite type, fast service, corrections made if needed. Only $1 per page. Call Patti, 335-2835 Grace: Don't worry honey things w i l l return to normal soon. If not I've got a plane waiting to take us to Zimbabwe. Stephanie Kathy: Where for art thou Bearer? Love, LIZ and Cheryl

Good Luck with '87 NYKERK SONG. SMILE, I'm LOST: One pair of raquetball glasses near Linwatching. The RED BARON [ , coln School on Wed 10-19 at 3:30 call x6112 ask for Sue if you found them. Thanx. Diane and Cindy: 7 NYKERK ALL THE WAY. The WEATHERMAN


Pickleheod:Thit i t the end for you baby.... Punkin head: My day it finally here! I Keep the w.b. worm-.... Wotch out for thote B—uwRet Babet 11 ET: PHONE HOMEt Motherthi'p

Simon wishes h i t "Nykerk Songbirds'' all the luck in the world (even though they don't need It) THE ANCHOR WILL ACCEPT APPLICATIONS FOR NEXT SEMESTER'S STAFF FROM NOV 3 • 11. PICK UP APPLICATIONS AT A N CHOR OFFICE.

There is only one ALCO HALL' on this campus. Therefore, the men of Emersonian request the return of our dorm sign that was removed by one or more, filled with benlgltedness, and who were only daring and shameless enough to perform their feat under the cover of early morning darkness. LB: Why are VanVleck girls always on crutches? ^ Bill M: Waiting for your craiy editorials! BM: How do you recognize a biology major? By the coffee cup in his-her left hand. • Dave: Right here, right now. Beeuwkes Social Club Tuck-ln Service now available. Please call x6567 24 hours in advance for appointment. • How much for the man in Centennial?--BSC EMKHN: . How's It going? Haven't seen you around for awhile. JRPAGP Psych Up! Only one more w e e k ! Go for it Alpha P h i s ! ! ! Happy Belated Birthday B e c k y ! ! ! Jan and Connie . •; / " O.K., who stole my A r k i e bid from my Good y Stuff box?

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