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Atichot October 2002 Repressed nam Hope College •

Holland, Michigan • A student-run nonprofit publication •

S e r v i n g t h e Hope College C o m m u n i t y for 116 years

Anti-discrimination policy proposed Students, faculty and staff form committee to create guidelines Jen Troke C A M P U S BEAT E D I T O R

Issues of racism can be real problem at Hope, bul they are leading to a possible solution in a n e w antidiscrimination policy. A l f r e d o Gonzales, assistant provost and chair of the committe on multi-cultural affairs, is in charge of the process, and Richard Frost, dean of students, had the f r a m e -

work approved by the c a m p u s life board. A committee has been f o r m e d to create a policy specifically to deal with racial and ethnic discrimination. Such issues have fallen under section 2.0 in the student handbook in the past, but m a n y feel that this general policy is inadequate to deal with specific instances. "It's the creation of a hostile env i r o n m e n t , it's the creation of a h a t e f u l e n v i r o n m e n t as it relates just because a person happens to be of a different race or ethnic group... We t h i n k that this is s i g n i f i c a n t

enough that we need to have it separated out ( f r o m 2 . 0 ) / ' Frost said. The committee consists of faculty, staff and students. In addition to the core c o m m i t t e e m e m b e r s , leaders of c a m p u s groups such as the Black Student Union, the Hisp a n i c S t u d e n t O r g a n i z a t i o n and H o p e ' s Asian Perspective Association have been invited to sit in on meetings. Kelley Hutchins ('05), Student Congress member, is one of the students on the multi-cultural affairs committee. " T h e p r o p o s e d policy is quite

lengthy and will be modified, possibly many times and over a long period of time." Hutchins said. T h o u g h events of the current semester might s e e m to point toward the implimentation of a proposal such as this, this policy has been in the making f o r quite some time. "We do not have any policy that addresses race or ethnicity on this campus, and so we started talking about the need for this policy about a year ago," Gonzales said. T h e new policy will be similar to the existing policy o n sexual harrassment.

" W e ' r e very m u c h c o n c e r n e d with due process," Gonzales said. " W e are a democratic country, and due process is critically important." Several state and federal laws have been passed dealing with this issue, and Gonzales says that Hope is not exempt f r o m this example. "It just became very clear that the next step that we needed to do w a s to bring together a very clear statement for us as an institution... that this is h o w we behave, this is what we expect f r o m one another, and not let it be assumed but be very visible and very real." Frost said.

Hope hosts Iraq panels Two forums and a lecture help present ideas and raise questions. Kurt Koehler SENIOR STAFF REPORTER

Should the United States launch a preemptive strike against Iraq to oust S a d d a m Hussein and destroy his w e a p o n s of mass destruction? T h i s question sums up the national debate that has invaded Hope College. T w o f o r u m s advancing dueling viewpoints on this issue drew large c r o w d s last week. T h e first panel, promoted as a "teach-in" and titled "Lifting the Veil: W h y War is Not the Solution," was led by a panel of five professors. These included Alan Verhey, professor of religion, who spoke about the morality of an invasion and h o w M u s l i m s might react to it, and Carol Simon, philosophy professor, w h o also tackled the issue f r o m a moral

m o r e IRAQ o n 2



Jack Holmes, professor of political science, and Colman McCarthy, guest lecturer, were among those presenting opposing viewpoints about Iraq.

Local sorority sponsors breast cancer rally proceeds will benefit the American Cancer

Students called to rally together and make a difference Erin Riley GUEST REPORTER

T h i s year, nearly 4 3 . 0 0 0 w o m e n in the United States will die f r o m breast cancer. T h i s is according to the Susan G. Komen Foundation, the nation's leading catalyst in the fight against breast cancer. T h i s lifethreatening disease can be battled, but according to the K o m e n Foundation, funding f o r research and treatment programs is insufficient. T h e Delta Phi sorority will be hosting a rally on Monday, O c t o b e r 28 at 7 p.m. in Graves Hall Auditorium to increase awareness and raise support. Admission is by ticket only. Tickets are available for purchase at the Student Union Desk or f r o m Delta Phi sorority m e m b e r s f o r three dollars. All ticket

Society. T h e event will host two speakers provided by the American Cancer Society. Mary Fleck, breast cancer survivor from the Holland area, will speak about her experience and the importance of the fight against breast cancer. Craig Bade. M.D.. a local obstetrician and gynecologist will educate attendants on prevention and present statistics. In addition to the speakers, a raffle will be held at the event. Admission tickets will also serve as a raffle ticket and prizes will include: various g y m memberships, spa packages and gift certificates to assorted restaurants, shops and health f o o d stores. E a c h attendee will also receive a pink ribbon and a single rose donated by Indigo Floral. A n n e Chappel ( ' 0 3 ) . communication major and Delta Phi sorority member, is organizing the event. S h e says they are hoping for 250-300 people to attend. "It seems like everyone knows s o m e o n e

w h o has had or has breast cancer. It affects everyone." Chappel said. W h i l e there is no easy w a y to prevent breast cancer, the Susan G . Komen Breast Cancer Foundation has done its best to provide low-income women an increased chance for survival through low-cost screening. Yoplait Yogurt has partnered with the foundation and pledged a guaranteed $750,000 d o n a t i o n in addition to the m o n e y raised through their Save Lids to Save Lives c a m paign. For each Yoplait yogurt pink foil lid r e t u r n e d to Yoplait by D e c e m b e r 31 the Yoplait yogurt corporation will donate 10 cents up to $750,000. Event coordinators are e n c o u r a g i n g all those participating in the Yoplait yogurt Save Lids to Save Lives campaign to bring the lids they have collected for a mass donation to the Komen Foundation. Nancy Brinker founded the foundation in 1982. It was established in honor of her sister. Susan G . Komen. w h o died of breast can-

Inside A n c h o r ® Hope.Edu (616) 395-7877

cer at age 36. Brinker sites K o m e n ' s words at the end of her life as the inspiration for her action. " N a n . as soon as I get better, let's do something about this," Komen said, referring to the lack of research in the area of breast cancer and the treatment of the patient w h e n dealing with this threatening disease. Brinker f o l l o w e d through, and n o w the foundation works to f u n d the National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program (NBCCEDP). T h e K o m e n f o u n d a t i o n helps distribute federal and state funds by contributing additional resources for the N B C C E D P in local areas. A s well as funding the N B C C E D P , the Susan G. Komen Foundation educates w o m e n on h o w to fight breast cancer. With 204,000 women expected to be diagnosed with the disease and nearly 4 3 , 0 0 0 w o m e n predicted to die in the near future, it

m o r e CANCER o n 2


Halloween happenings Campus, Page 2

Testing at Hope Spotlight, Page 4

Grade inflation Infocus, Page 5

Ultimate frisbee Sports, Page 8

^ A j n c h o r



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Hello, Halloween Campus, local opportunities for Halloween fun abound Dave Yetter STAFF REPORTER

Think there's nothing to do this Hallowe e n ? T h i n k a g a i n . H o p e and the H o l l a n d community have plenty of activities planned to scare you into submission. W h e n people hear the word " H a l l o w e e n , " many think of scary movies. T h e Social Activities Committee has them covered. S A C will be showing the thriller "Panic R o o m " in the Winants Auditorium in Graves Hall f r o m October 25-27. T h e movie centers on M e g Altman (Jodie Foster) and her daughter Sarah (Kristen Stewart). They have just moved in to a huge N e w York Brownstone that includes a fully self-contained safe room called a "Panic R o o m . " T h e armored hold can keep people inside for days at a time, and cannot be easily broken into. During their first night in their new home, three men break into the house, and the residents barricade themselves in the panic room. T h e only problem is that what the thieves want is located in that room. Showtimes are Friday at Saturday nights at 7 p.m., 9:30, and midnight and on S u n d a y at 3 p.m. Tickets are $2, and there will be

free popcorn for all w h o attend. Not interested in scary movies? Well, there are still plenty of events to attend. Below you will find a list of other activities leading u p to Halloween: A L L - C A M P U S PARTY T h e All-campus Halloween Party will be held Saturday in the Depree Parking Lot under the big tent. There will be a live DJ, food and c o s t u m e j u d g i n g . T h e party will get started at 8 : 3 0 p.m. and will run until about 1 a.m. Student Development would like to remind everyone that students should wear costumes that are appropriate for Hope College. Admission is $1, and all proceeds will benefit Dance Marathon. ANCHOR

VOORHEES HAUNTED HOUSE Voorhees Hall will host a haunted house in its basement from 8 until midnight on Saturday. T h o s e 12 years and older will be admitted to the haunted house, and parental acc o m p a n i m e n t is preferred f o r those under 16 years of age. Admission is $3, reduced to $ 2 if you are wearing a costume. HALL TRICK-OR-TREATING A total of 16 residence halls will be open to trick-or-treaters on Halloween night f r o m


Ben Walters ('04) prepares for Halloween the traditional way: pumpkins. 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Children f r o m the c o m m u nity are invited to visit with their parents. T h e participating halls are B r o w n s t o n e , B r u m l e r , C o l l e g e East, C o l u m b i a , C o o k , CosmoAVyckbff, Durfee, Dykstra, Gilmore, Kollen, Lichty, Parkview, Phelps, Scott, Van Vleck and V e n n e m a . C o t t a g e s with their porch lights on will also participate in the fun. Admission is free, but children must be accompanied by an adult.

SPRING LAKE HAUNTED HALL "Look terror in the eye and see if you can survive." T h i s haunted hall is open f r o m 6-9 p.m. on weeknights and from 6-10 p.m. on Friday and Saturday, Oct. 18-31. It is located at S p r i n g L a k e V i l l a g e M a l l on 102 W. Savidge St. In Spring Lake. M o r e information can be found on their website at http:// www.hauntedhall.com. Admission is $ 6 per victim; proceeds will benefit Spring Lake Boy Scout Troop 14.

Campus ups standards with 5 new books Five of Hope's own are in the publishing mode

nisi because of Pliny's worldview, which was counter-cultural for his times. Bell e n j o y s writing mystery fiction, especially with a

Anjey Dykhuis

historical background. "I love to present ideas and tell stories that will give others something to think about. T h e readers I ' v e heard f r o m have been very encouraging," Bell said. Sellers, an English professor, will have another book of poetry published in N o v e m b e r c a l l e d Drinking Girls and Their Dresses. Sellers has pubSellers lished two other books and


It's been good times, good times for four professors at Hope, as well as H o p e alumnus Gordon Brewer. Dr. Albert Bell, Jr., Dr. David Ryden, Dr. Heather Sellers, Dr. Scott VanderStoep and Brewer have all been published within the past year. Although the various books are not all the s a m e genre, they represent a high caliber of literature. Bell, c h a i r of H o p e ' s history department, wrote a m y s t e r y n o v e l set in Smyrna called All Roads Lead to Murder. Pliny the Younger, a bona fide historical figure, stars in the book. Bell wanted to write a book with Pliny the Younger as a protago-

has two more in progress. T h e collection has been called a c o m i n g of age story, a story about girls growing up in a huge world. Flipping to nonfiction, VanderStoep, associate professor of psychology, co-authored a book on h o w to succeed in college. Together with Dr. Paul R. Pintrich f r o m the Univer-


sity of Michigan, VanderStoep published Learning to Learn: The Skill and Will of College Success. T h e book stems f r o m o n e thing and o n e thing only: to teach stud e n t s h o w to learn well

and succeed. " O u r book offers practical advice for how to improve your learning, thinking, and motivation," VanderStoep said. "I decided that a practical book based on psychological research might be helpful to college students." Ryden, an associate political science professor, also wrote a nonfiction book f r o m H o p e ' s faculty. The U.S. Supreme Court and the Electoral Process. It was actually published


' n 2000, but it is now in a

second edition that includes the B u s h vs. G o r e election issues. T h e first edition w a s published shortly before the last Presidential election. In the second edition, Ryden strove to illuminate the S u p r e m e C o u r t ' s function in electoral politics with the latest election's developments. T h e last book that is g o i n g to be published is by H o p e a l u m n u s and a u t h o r G o r d o n Brewer. He wrote a book on H o p e ' s sports history between 1955 and 1 9 7 0 . H e g r a d u a t e d in 1948 and w a s a coach and member of the faculty here f r o m I956 until I988. B r e w e r ' s b o o k is titled Journey of Hope: Names


CANCER from 1

IRAQ from 1 perspective and c o n c l u d e d that a preemptive strike on Iraq would not constitute a just war. Adding a historical perspective, Janice G i b b s and Larry Penrose, professors of history, spoke about the history of Iraq and its interactions with its n e i g h b o r s and the United States. Joel Toppen, political science professor, spoke about the geopolitical consequences of a U.S. attack on Iraq and the q u a g m i r e he felt Iraq would b e c o m e for the U.S. after S a d d a m ' s removal. "In part, it (the panel) is to raise awareness about the issue and also to propose perspectives on why war is not the solution. It has a particular position or view that is being p r o p o s e d . T h e p a n e l i s t s do n o t share a single perspective, but all would agree that war is not the solution to the p r o b l e m of I r a q , " Toppen said. T h e "teach-in" w a s f o l l o w e d by the a n n u a l A . J . M u s t e l e c t u r e , named after an early 20 ,,, century hope graduate and peace activist, w h i c h w a s g i v e n by C o l m a n M c C a r t h y , retired j o u r n a l i s t and self-described "pacifist, anarchist

and Games Remembered,

A History of Intercollegiate Athletics at Hope College - 1955-1970. His book f o c u s e s not only on statistics and individual contests, but also on the events behind the statistics.

and feminist." McCarthy, w h o also opposes to an invasion of Iraq, gave a lecture entitled, " H o w to be a Peacemaker: Nonviolence in a time of war." H e emphasized that prayer, service and n o n v i o l e n c e are k e y to b e i n g a peacemaker. " P e a c e is the result of love, and if love was easy, w e ' d all be good at it. L o v e is a c o m m a n d to action, not j u s t an e m o t i o n , " M c C a r t h y said. T h e second f o r u m , held two days later, focused on supporting President B u s h ' s viewpoint on Iraq. This panel was p r o m o t e d in fliers under the title "Iraq: T h e View of the P r e s i d e n t a n d C o n g r e s s : Something Might Need to be Done. W h y ? " and w a s composed of Jack Holmes, professor of political science, and James Allis, professor of philosophy. "We would have preferred a panel with different viewpoints on it... We felt that there should be a variety advocated and that the position generally held by the President and t w o thirds or more of the Congress should be represented,"

H o l m e s said in an interview before the event. "Since we thought that the original panel was not interested in presenting this, w e f o r m e d another panel. So now there are t w o panels on two different nights and times looking at t w o different viewpoints." Allis and H o l m e s presented the President's viewpoint as being that something has to be done about Iraq and S a d d a m H u s s e i n ; o n e must consider H u s s e i n ' s deceit and brutality, and the threat that Iraq could conceivably b e c o m e to peace and U.S. interests in the near future. Panelists from both events hoped that students c a m e a w a y f r o m the f o r u m s better informed about the issue and a sk i n g m o r e q u e s t i o n s about it. "I hope that they will leave the event with some of their questions answered, but my hope is that they will leave with more q u e s t i o n s , " T o p p e n said. " W h a t will a postSaddam Iraq look like? W h a t will the implications be for international peace and stability? What about the policy of preemption? Is that in the long run going to advance U.S. in-

terests or not? Is it imperialism ? If it is imperialism, is that dangerous to the world? Is that good for the United States?" Students felt that the panels had broadened the w a y they see the issue. ' T h e y brought a lot of perspectives I w o u l d n ' t have thought of, like h o w w e ' v e almost completely surrounded Iran, and Iraq is just the last link in that c h a i n , " said Joe Tolton ( ' 0 5 ) . While no further local events in support of President B u s h ' s position h a v e been s c h e d u l e d , o t h e r events dealing with the issue of Iraq will include a peace rally sponsored by the Hope Democrats on Thursday at 11 a.m. in the Pine Grove. Peace rallies will also be sponsored by the Holland Peacekeepers, a local pacifist g r o u p , which gathers every Wednesday from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. on River Avenue to protest the war. T h e y are also holding a peace rally in Centennial Park at 10 a.m. on N o v e m b e r 2, which will coincide with a protest in Washington D.C. Students are w e l c o m e to join the activities.

is important to note that a timely m a m m o g r a m for women older than 4 0 could prevent 15-30 percent of all deaths caused by breast cancer. In addition, the foundation recommends that w o m e n , age 2 0 years and older, practice m o n t h l y selfbreast examinations. According to the K o m e n Foundation, 9 0 - 9 5 percent of w o m e n who get breast cancer do not have the inherited gene. F o r m e r breast c a n c e r p a t i e n t s have a five-year survival rate of 9 7 percent. This is why research and e a r l y d e t e c t i o n are e s s e n t i a l in eradicating breast cancer as a lifethreatening disease. Linda Riley, a supporter of the American Cancer Society, has gone for yearly m a m m o g r a m s since she turned 4 0 six years ago. "I don't have any history of it in my family but my doctor started me on them every five years when I turned 30," Riley said. "It affects everyone... so I find my w a y of participating. It's a call you have to answer," Riley said. Everyone is invited to join in the rally.

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Year's first orchestra concert presented College orchestra begins its season on Friday Maureen Yonovitz A R T S EDITOR

Sixty-five students, instruments, a conductor, and classical music. This will all come together on Friday at 8 p.m. when the Hope College Orchestra presents its first concert of the year in Dimnent Chapel. "The students have worked very hard preparing this concert and 1 think it's going to be a very wonderful evening," said Richard Piippo, orchestra conductor. Works being presented in the performance will include Die Meistersinger by Richard W a g n e r , E n g l i s h F o l k S o n g s by R a l p h Vaughan Williams, and Variations for Orchestra, also known as Enigma, by Edward Elgar. ' T h e music is really quite wonderful and quite different in style," Piippo said. "1 would encourage students to come not only to support their colleagues but to be exposed to other kinds of music than they are normally used to."

Piippo notes that these pieces have been a "healthy challenge" for the students who are now ready to present their accomplishments to the rest of the Hope community. "It is important to us to see support f r o m the student body because of all the time and effort we put into creating this music," said Paul Wesselink ('04), trombonist. "We gel a lot of joy out of this music, and it's something w e ' d love to share with everyone we can." As a Distinguished Artist Award (DAA) wipner. Grant Gould ('04), percussionist, is a frequent performer and mostly looks forward to a successful presentation on his part. "I feel a sense of satisfaction when I successfully perform a work and I look forward to that," Gould said. Wesselink adds to this in stating that he looks forward to not only the finished product, but the entire concert experience. " I ' m looking forward to experiencing this music in a performance setting," Wesselink said. "The orchestra is strong this year and will no doubt perform well this Friday." There is no charge for admission to the concert and all are welcome to attend this event.

Sellers publishes poetry book

Maureen Yonovitz ARTS EorroR

Orchestra Concert Friday, Oct. 25 Dimnent Chapel 8 p.m. Free Admission

dsanipK •


The Hope College Orchestra in rehearsal under the direction of conductor Richard Piippo. The concert will take place at 8 p.m. Friday in Dimnent Chapel.

Hope Campus featured in paintings paintings in the show. The paintings cover several diff e r e n t p e r s p e c t i v e s of the s a m e buildings. In doing this, M c C o m b s was trying to capture aspects of the Maureen Yonovitz buildings that p e o p l e d o n ' t norA R T S EDITOR mally pay attention to, such as the stairs of Dimnent Chapel at night. VanWylen? Dimnent Chapel? "You take any building on camThe D o w ? All in the DePree Galpus and y o u ' v e got exterior, intelery? r i o r , n i g h t , day, s e a s o n s , " At least they will be from now M c C o m b s said. "You could probuntil N o v e m b e r 17, as Hope Art ably do 20 to 30 paintings of one professor Bruce McCombs presents building if you really wanted to." his watercolor paintings of buildMcCombs' aim for many of his ings around Hope's campus. paintings was to isolate one aspect These are not the first architecof a building and e m p h a s i z e its tural theme paintings M c C o m b s qualities. This way viewers would has created. In fact, he has been be drawn to look at it in more depainting perspectives of several diftail and gain a new perspective on PHOTO COURTESY P . R . ferent buildings over many years now. Last year, an exhibition of his Bruce McCombs' paintings something that may not be seen in just walking by it. Del Michel, art paintings of the Meyer May House, are now being featured in faculty member, comments on this w h i c h h e had been w o r k i n g on DePree. facet of M c C o m b s ' work. since the mid 1980's, was on "He opens our eyes and our display in the Grand Rapids imaginations to see the ordiMuseum. His other perspecu take any building on nary in a unique and extraorditive p a i n t i n g s i n c l u d e t h e nary m a n n e r , " M i c h e l said. Hackley House, the Cappon campus and you've got "Pausing to adjust our eyes we House, and several others. exterior, interior, night, day, suddenly realize what we are The idea f o r this exhibit seeing.. .strong patterns, exaghad a l s o been b r e w i n g for seasons. gerated perspective, visual quite some time. Over the last -Bruce McComb abstraction.. .but also a sense of 20 years, M c C o m b s took place." photographs of the different buildT h e D e P r e e G a l l e r y is o p e n T h e n , s e v e r a l m o n t h s a g o , ings around campus. Monday through Saturday from 10 M c C o m b s took out his old photo"For years I took photographs of a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sunday from 1 Hope's campus but never did any- graphs and began putting them onto canvas. He now has 40 completed p.m. to 5 p.m. thing with them," M c C o m b s said.

Watercolors by Bruce McCombs look at the familiar in a new light

"Drinking Girls and Their Dresses"

"The pleasure and weirdness of childhood.. .dark in a kind of pink way." This is how Heather Sellers, Hope English professor, describes the theme of her most recent book of poetry, "Drinking Girls and Their D r e s s e s / ' which is being published in late November by Ahsahta Press. Sellers' poems and short stories have been published in a number of literary journals, including " N e w Stories from the South," "Five Points," "Alaska Quarterly Review," and "Sonora Review." This book is a compilation of her poetry that has been appearing in literary magazines over the last ten years. T h e p o e m s are meant to be read together like a coming-ofage novel, and according to poet Barbara Hamby, include "magic incantations about being a girl, a woman, a human being in a scary, beautiful world." "I think our j o b as humans-inschool (and 1 am one) is to take in things that are hard and new and strange and practice being


P H O T O C O U R T E S Y P. R .

Sellers' poetry is soon to be published. in their presence," Sellers said. In closing. Sellers offers her opinion of how poetry is often interpreted, and what this means for both the poet and the reader. "Being a poet is like being und e r w a t e r , " Sellers said. "You swim around and shout to other people underwater, but it's mysterious, what you say, where it comes from, who hears. Thai's why I do it. I write about things that scare us-who wants to be scared?" " D r i n k i n g G i r l s and T h e i r Dresses" will be available upon p u b l i c a t i o n f o r $ 1 2 . 9 5 at the Hope-Geneva Bookstore, as well as at other area bookstores.


What's Hangin'? " B M O C : Bruce M c C o m b s on Campus' Through November 17 DePree Gallery Free Admission

•:"Miss Julie" Student Theater Production Friday- Saturday, Oct. 25-26 DeWitt Studio Theater 8 p.m. Admission $2 at the door

Dave Liebman Jazz Saxophonist Wednesday, Oct. 23 Knickerbocker Theater 8 p.m. Free Admission

Faculty Recital Series Sunday, Oct. 27 Wichers Auditorium 2 p.m. Free Admission



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Stress this: Learning to cope at Hope Here are some tips for testing after a hard week of midterms Nicole Lantz SPOTLIGHT EDITOR

T h e library was filled to capacity, students were making J.P. runs at midnight, and the usual Nintendo theme songs w e r e n ' t heard as loud throughout the d o r m s . A n y o n e could tell that last week was midterms. And though midterms have


C o l l e g e , had s o m e advice: " F i n d some time to take care of yourself, even if it's only 5 to 10 minutes," she said. "You need to break up the stress." Breaking up stress can be done in a variety of different ways. D o whatever works best f o r you. Take a walk, watch a television show (a recommendation f o r T V ? ) , call up a friend you haven't talked to in a f e w days just to say you wish y o u ' d rather be spending time with them. Heidi D y k e m a ('04), a music performance major, puts this idea into practice. " I like to go for a walk or read a book f o r pleas u r e t o let m y : >\ mind wander," 1? D y k e m a said. S O n c e in study m o d e , however, a five minute break could mean disaster. Five m i n u t e s b e c o m e s an hour and suddenly the night is over. With this in mind, procrastination w o n ' t help stress. Take a break w h e n you need one. "If y o u ' v e been r e a d i n g the same line over for 15 m i n u t e s . . . . if you c a n ' t concentrate, it's time to take a break," D o c k said.

passed, fiFind plndst some time to take are care of yourself, even if looming. However, it's only 5 to 10 minutes. now is a -Ziyah Dock, counsel good time to think about

testing, when students aren't so stressed out about tests. As daunting as exams and papers may be, there are ways to make life e a s i e r d u r i n g e x a m t i m e s . Stress d o e s n ' t necessarily have to be accepted as a normal part of college life, but it is easy to get caught u p in everything that you have to get done. Ziyah Dock, a counselor at H o p e

Patrick Glaub (402), concentrating hard at the Kletz.

h e a d _ _ _ _ aches. It's been said before, b u t it i s better to study less time more often than all at o n c e . Studying at different times leaves m o r e possibilities open, like finding p e o p l e to share y o u r m i s e r y

deadlines, taking a moment to glare at your hectic schedule could reveal a f e w open time slots to study. "I say to students, ' L e t ' s sit d o w n a n d m a k e a plan so this d o e s n ' t s e e m so o v e r whelming/" D o c k said. Curtis Gruenler, an E n glish professor at H o p e , also had some insights into studying. "Relax, e n j o y the learning process " Gruenler said. "I asked m y self [when I w a s a student] questions that I ' d expect the professor

with. "I like to study in groups and I try to start at least 4 or 5 days ahead of time," D y k e m a said. "I learn a little bit each day." Despite the desperate feeling of

to ask." There are, of course, other factors that effect test taking and studying h a b i t s , l i k e g e t t i n g e n o u g h sleep, eating the right food, taking vitamins, and exercising.

Filled libraries at certain times lead to the suspicion that students have a tendency to try to write a paper or study for a test all at one time. T h i s often leads to frustration and

4Try. 4 to keep the goal of learning in sight. -Professor Curtis Gruenler


Endless homework left unfinished, sprawled out on the table.

7 7


O n c e in a while, staying u p late is inevitable. Schoolwork piles up. T h e only w a y to get it d o n e is to sacrifice sleep, but eventually no sleep a f f e c t s h o w well the brain thinks. " O n e all-nighter is okay, but after a while, no sleep c o u l d p l a y h a v o c on the b o d y , " D o c k said. " F o o d is like gas we put in a car. If we don't put anything in, h o w far will we g e t ? " And although ordering pizza or running to the Kletz is easy, eating the right f o o d s is essential. "Are you getting what you need f r o m a bag of chips and a C o k e ? " D o c k said. T h e most important thing to rem e m b e r is that school is not about tests, but what w e learn f r o m them. ' T r y to k e e p the goal of learning in sight," Gruenler said. After all, that is what w e ' r e here for.

Don't sprain your brain, treat it right; check out these helpful hints Sarah Dunlop GUEST WRITER

Doing your best on a test means knowing yourself, your habits, and your needs. Midterm grades came out last week giving Hope students an idea how they are doing in classes. With only a month and a half of the semester left, there is a lot of studying and tests to take. What can you do? Below are simple tips that can help you improve study habits and test grades. Paula Wassink, a Hope graduate of 1973, has put in hundreds of hours studying brain research for the past 15 years. She has studied numerous techniques on how the brain learns. Wassink, a teacher of 30 years, currently is teaching 6th grade science at Hamilton schools. In her classroom she has experimented using the research she has studied. Her suggestions can help all types of learners. Wassink said, "Cramming is ineffective because it only takes the information into the short-term memory." She recommended, "short bursts of studying." This is repetition for the brain and alows the information to move from the short-term memory to the long-term memory. She said adequate sleep is important because "memory is created during sleep. The last two hours of sleep are the strongest encoding time." Below are tips to help your brain and body focus to the best of its ability. Try them out and see if you can improve your scores. Test taking y More day light in the room can increase your score 25%. y Drinking water during a test decreases stress chemicals that your body produces. S Chairs that are close when taking a test increase anxiety and result in lower scores. S Brain freezes are real: 1st - identify it is a brain freeze. 2 ^ - scan the test, fill in or write down what you do know. 3rd - relax.

Brain food y A daily vitamin can boost learning, memory, and intelligence, y Working memory, attention, and motor functions can be increase by eating food that has glucose, such as fruit. y If you fail to give the nutrition your body needs to make energy; your brain is the first to suffer. y More challenging the work requires more fuel for your body. Hittino the books... y Study in short 15-20 minute bursts, and then take a 2-3 minute break. Your mind will continue to process the information while you're relieving stress. y Talking is the single most important memory device. A person who talks more learns more. y Know your learning style: visual, auditory, kinesics. y Humor increases retention 15-50%. Make studying funny. y Use different colors, such as highlighters and colorful paper and note cards. y Mnemonics is a way to reduce large information into a shorter form. Example: HOMES for the great lakes - Huron, Ontario, etc.) y Use visual clues such as drawing pictures. "Pictures are so many words," says Wassink. Awav from the books... y Exercise increases memory. y SLEEP 7-9 hours. Memories are created during sleep. If you miss the last two hours of sleep, you have just forgot some of information you have studied. How smart are vou? "The IQ only accounts for 20% of one's success rate. The ' I will' counts for the 80%," said Wassink.

O c t o b e r




2 0 0 2

Grade inflation: Handing out the A's? College grading practices under scrutiny David Gutierrez INFOCUS E D I T O R

Hope College has a reputation for its graduates that leave this institution in high a c a d e m i c s t a n d i n g . N e v e r t h e l e s s , these h i g h m a r k s have b e c o m e the focus of a debate over how high is too high. National concerns over grade inflation are starting to raise question about the grading system within the college community. G r a d e inflation occurs w h e n a student receives a grade f o r course work unwarranted by the level of work or achievement demonstrated. Some may call this trend an attempt to d e - e m p h a s i z e c o m p e t i t i o n within the college environment, or a response to fears over a student's self-concept, but many would agree that the effect of such practices is a devaluing of undergraduate degrees and an inaccurate representation of a student's actual performance. In a national study beginning in 1969, seven percent of college stud e n t s reported e a r n i n g an A - o r h i g h e r and 25 percent e a r n e d C grades or below; by 1993, the numbers had reversed themselves. Over 25 percent of students w e r e receiving grades of A- or higher, and those

receiving C ' s lowered to less than 10. T h e s e trends are not restricted to only a few campuses, and some think the time m a y arrive for Hope to address this issue. H o w has this imbalance in grading developed over the past years? A number of theories exist. Some point b a c k to the V i e t n a m War, c l a i m i n g that g r a d e s w e r e being raised to prevent students from failing school and being drafted. M u c h debate revolves around the role of society, as well as the evaluating practices that take place at schools li)ce Hope. "1 think a lot of it has to do with the mindset of the society," said Jack Holmes, professor of political science. "People want to know that everybody is doing well, and somet i m e s the educational institutions don't make enough distinctions between the levels of students than they used to." End of semester professor evaluations is something Hope practices and is seen by some of the c o m m u nity as a potential cause. "I think that part of it m a y stem f r o m [teacher evaluations]," said John L u n n , e c o n o m i c s professor. ' T h e r e have been statistical studies that h a v e shown tougher grading leading to unfavorable teacher evaluations." Such a study, compiled in 2000, c l a i m e d t h a t the e x i s t e n c e of a h a r d e r g r a d i n g s y s t e m in certain


Students try to stay a cut above the rest by holding a late night study session. c l a s s r o o m s m i g h t n o t be in a professor's best interest. Tougher grades can lead to lower professor ratings, which can lead to smaller class sizes, and possibly the loss of their teaching position. However, some of the "inflation" may not be due to p o o r grading t e c h niques, but rather an improvem e n t within the student body, and the technological tools available within the academic realm. "1 think students know more fully what a professor wants than they used to," said H o l m e s. "With all the technology that is out there, students tend to have more imagination and resources w h e n it c o m e s to their studies." N e w m e t h o d s of t e s t i n g a n d grading students' performance might also create some of this 44in-


" T h e r e ' s been an increasing emphasis on finding a variety of w a y s to e v a l u a t e s t u d e n t s w i t h i n t h e classroom," said Lunn. "Students w h o d o n ' t do exceptionally well with one method have an opportunity to improve through another. T h i s m a y reflect itself a s grade inflat io n , but peril a p s it's because we're learning h o w to evaluate students better than w e used to." W h a t d o e s this m e a n f o r t h e Hope and national college c o m m u -

\f everybody gets A's, how is^omeone to differentiate themselves as an exceptional student? -John Lunn, profe of economi


nity? "I think it is something that w e ' r e g o i n g to h a v e to a d d r e s s , " L u n n said. " W h e n there's grade inflation it makes it harder f o r the good students to demonstrate that they were really a good student. If everybody gets A's, h o w is s o m e o n e to differentiate t h e m s e l v e s as an e x c e p -



Do you think grade inflation is an concern at Hope?

Heard \n



I I "Yes. I think people worry too much about the letter gradeprofessors included." --Angela DiFuccia ( ' 0 5 )


" N o , I think people get the grades they deserve." —Kristine Umlauf ( ' 0 3 )




tional student?" Although concern lies within the Hope community, blame d o e s not lie with one particular party. "It needs to be addressed in the context of the entire society, and we are part of it," H o l m e s said. "It's a problem that goes beyond one campus and o n e situation." W h e n dealing with reaction to the controversy, a universal application is suggested to serve as a balance between the different institutions. "If j u s t o n e school deals with grade inflation, the society might not be ready to understand that they have toughened grading while another school h a s n ' t , " H o l m e s said. "They tend to look at the grades f r o m various institutions as reasonably comparable." T h e college community has been noted as one that displays itself as having a mission of discovering the truth, w h i l e retaining pride in its social responsibility. If H o p e and the rest of the college world want to remain institutions of academic excellence, it might be a good first step to ensure the grading practices within the c l a s s r o o m reflect this distinction.




Seen eard


"I h o p e not. I want the grades I deserve: A's." - C h r i s t Koopmans ('04)



"I saw it in high school, but I h a v e n ' t seen it here at H o p e . " - J i m Hile ( ' 0 4 )

Heard J p

"I don't think that the grades are handed out. We pay tuition to work hard." - L a u r a Rippberger ( ' 0 6 )







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— — n j m - u u W F .

Editor s voiceEmtor

v o i c e J -

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s voice

I would like to expand upon the testing theme of our InFocus and Spotlight pages in this week's issue. There are tests for every class. Not all of these tests, however, are what most people conjure up when they hear the word: the foreboding sheet of paper in front of you on your desk that has been the only barrier between you and sleep for the past two nights. All your preparation comes down to this one moment. You pick up your pencil, and begin. For some students, however, their preparation does not lead up to that proverbial sheet of paper. Their assessment comes, but they do not pick up a pencil or sit down at a desk for it. Of course, I am talking about art students. For students involved in the arts programs here at Hope, stress mounts and tensions rise as they approach a public display of their abilities. Seniors in the visual arts program display their work all around DePree. Juniors and seniors in the music program are expected to put on a recital where they are the showcased performer. Dance students choreograph their own works, which is performed by their peers. After four years of instruction, theater students get to try their hand at directing a play. This is not even mentioning the many concerts, art displays, and theater performances that take place throughout the year. These kind of performance-based tests can be more stressful than a "normal" paper and pencil test. After all, you are not only showing what you know about the last unit, you are laying your very soul before your audience. For months, these students toil endlessly to achieve their moment in the spotlight. And this spotlight, can be very lonely. Having attended these recitals and performances, I have noticed one thing: attendance is surprisingly poor. These students have done a tremendous amount of work to entertain an audience, and then that audience only turns out to be half or even a quarter of the size that they expected. As you can imagine, this can be disheartening. After all, they have been working hard, and their friends know that, but even some of their closest friends don't spare the time away from their busy lives to come and see the final result. I would encourage everyone to attend at least a f e w of these events. They can be some of the best y o u ' v e ever see, and will hold special meaning for you, because the person giving it is a peer, someone your age. If you do not know where or when to start, I would suggest Peter Beck's student-directed play, "Miss Julie," Friday and Saturday, at 8 p.m., in the DeWitt Studio Theater. It has been highly recommended to me by friends. If you cannot make this play, schedules of all these events are available either on Knowhope or through the sponsoring departments.


Anchor Staff

Anchor Staff

Anchor Staff

editor-in-chief production editor campus beat editor arts editor sports editors spotlight editor infocus editor photo editor copy editors business manager distribution manager production assisstant advertising manager advisor

Nick Denis Chad Sampson Jen Troke Maureen Yonovitz Ben DeHaan John Rodstrom Nicole Lantz David Gutierrez Rob Ondra Rebekah Oegema Abbie Matthews Danielle Koski Ellen Vigants Ryan Graves Ana Santibanez Zamora Mark Lewison

Senior Staff Reporters: Anjey Dykhuis, Kurt Koehler Staff Reporters: OHmAHmov, Sarah Dun lop, Jared Gall, Erin RHey David Yetter Photo Assistant: Anneke Meeter The Anchor is a product of sludenl effort and is funded through the students of Hope College, funding which comes through the Hope College Student Congress Appropriations Committee. Letters to the editor are encouraged, though due to space limitations the Anchor reserves the right to edit. The opinions addressed in the editorial are solely those of the editor-in-chief Stories from the Hope College News Service are a product of the Public Relations Office. Oneyear subscriptions to the Anchor are available for $20. We reserve the right to accept or reject any advertising.



2002 fall semester,

Issue #B of 25

Y o u r Y o u r

i n v 'c 7imrt>

Support your peers in the arts

Anchor Staff

O c t o b e r



l o u r

v o i c e } (11.!}'

23, 2 0 0 2 v

voice 7

i ll) I ( t

Homosexuality should not be an issue at Hope To the Editor: Homosexuality is not a problem. Homosexuality is not an issue. Homosexuality is not a debate. H o m o sexuality is not about what the Bible says. Homosexuality is not about keeping up with m o d e m times. Homosexuality is not about believing something is right or wrong. Homosexuality is not about the adminis-

tration. Homosexuality is not about donations. Homosexuality is not about fostering discussion and sharing. Homosexuality is about love. Love is the greatest of all things. Whether that love exists between a man and a w o m a n , a man and a man, or a woman and a woman, it is something to treasure, cherish, and defend. I have been in a very m e a n i n g f u l relationship for over

two years that has changed my life and made me a better person. I believe in love. I believe that two people have the right to fall in love, to be in love, and to celebrate that love. People are people and love is love, that's all that matters. There is no issue.

Andrew Wells ('05)

A war with Iraq is not justified To the Editor: Our nation, as we heard many times last week, is on the brink of entering into an unjust war. We could be weeks, months, possibly even days away from executing preemptive attacks on Iraq that could affect each and every one of our lives. Besides the fact that this war could take the lives of thousands of Americans and Iraqis, it would be

illegal by definition of the UN Charter (of which the United States is a signatory). Further, it will undoubtedly contribute to the anti-American sentiment in the mid-east region that fuels terrorism and radical Islamic movements. Will we truly be safer w h e n we have awakened a sleeping enemy? We could go on and on with reasons to oppose this war. To learn more or to voice your own opinion, join us in a campus-wide peace rally

this Thursday at 11 a.m. in the Pine Grove. Although the rally is sponsored primarily by the Hope Democrats, it will feature student and faculty speakers, and will reach beyond party lines. The more voices we have, the louder our message will be.

A b b e y S t a u f f e r ( 4 0 4 ) and Julie Wilcox( 4 04) Hope Democrats

CIS does no good if we will not take it to heart To the Editor: Since there is no CIS this year, take this simple quiz to see if you learned anything f r o m last y e a r ' s CIS. How much energy and money

is wasted by Hope College each day because students, faculty and staff n e e d l e s s l y leave lights on, and doors and windows open? L e t ' s not f l a t t e r o u r s e l v e s by l e a r n i n g about critical issues if

we re not going to act on it.

Tim Pennings, Dept of Mathematics

The war with Iraq is not justified, come to protests To the Editor:

If you went to the teach-ins last Tuesday and Thursday, you have probably learned what I have learned in the last year - we taught Osama bin Ladin how to kill, we funded Saddam's first years of hum a n rights abuses, and we first made and used chemical weapons. Under our nurture and support, we have created some of the worst violators of human rights in the 20th century. And, in the next couple of months, unless President Bush is convicted that Iraqi lives are as important as US< lives, we will officially join the ranks of "aggressor" countries by breaking International Law and starting a war. A week ago Thursday, the congress gave up its constitutional right to declare war and gave it to the president. Representative Hoekstra called Joint Resolution 14 a chance for our "peace-loving" country to better "exercise leadership." I do not believe that abnegating one's

c o n s i t u t i o n a l r e s p o n s i b i l i t i e s or starting a war is an "exercise" of "leadership," nor do I believe that it is one of the p r o o f ' s of our selfproclaimed status as a "peace-loving" country. Yet, the resolution passed, and now the only person who decides whether my tax dollars will be bulldozing more Iraqi h u m a n beings into the sand is President Bush. I believe Bush is a sincere man, but his rhetoric of " T h e US=Good, the Iraqi's=Evil," is more than distressing. If the Bible and 20th century politics have taught us one thing, it should be that Saddam isn't Satan and the U S isn't the City on the Hill. Yet, even if we were in those roles, h o w does waging a physical war coincide with scripture? Taking care of the orphan, the widow, the poor, o f f e r i n g the other cheek, loving your neighbor, loving your G o d . . .all of these commands are a direct contradiction to the philosophy of "pre-emption." We're called to love, to care, to listen, to clothe, to give, and to lay down our lives

first. Not to bomb first. Yet Bush, whose self-definition as a Christian caused so many of the people in this country to vole for him, has not been communicating to his people or to the rest of the world with language that is clear, thoughtful, humble, or kind. I realize that he's been through a lot of trauma, but he should not still be speaking about revenge. If he didn't remember it on 9/11, he should have remembered it by now: "Vengeance is mine, says the Lord" (Deuteronomy 32:35). This disturbs me. If it disturbs you, e d u c a t e y o u r s e l f , speak to those around you, put yourself in healthy and happy and p e a c e f u l places, and then join me: Oct. 26, Washington DC. Nov 2, Centennial Park. Yes, Representative Hoekstra d i d n ' t listen, but p e r h a p s B u s h might - if he sees that enough of us care, perhaps he will stop this war before it starts. Christina VanRegenmorter ( 4 03)

Letters to the Editor Guidelines O p e n to anyone within the college and related communities The Anchor reserves the right to edit due to space constraints No personal attacks, poor taste or anything potentially libelous Letters chosen on a first come first serve basis, or a representative sample is taken Deadline for letters is Monday before publication date No a n o n y m o u s letters, unless discussed with Editor-in-Chief Editor-in-Chief may verify identity of writer The Anchor reserves the right to refuse publication of any letter submitted Letters over 500 words in length will not be considered for publication.

Mail letters to the Anchor c/o Hope College, drop them off at the Anchor office (located in the center of Dewitt, behind W T H S ) , or e-mail a n c h o r @ h o p e . e d u

O c t o b e r


V ^ n c l n o r


2 0 0 2

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JUST LIKE TO SHOP? You should c o m e to L a k e s h o r e


Rescued T r e a s u r e s at 3 2 n d a n d Lincoln. W e ' r e o p e n 10 am to 6 p m M o n d a y t h r o u g h Friday a n d

G r a m m e r m a n - W h y ain't y o u

from 10 a m to 5 p m Saturday, we


Free M u m i a ! ! !

11*| up

graduated on time? - T a j

We are all responsible for Hope's future

A group is starting for students whose lives have been touched by divorce. It may be that your parents are separated, going through the process of divorce, or have been divorced for many years. The group will focus on common experiences people have when parents make this decision. The group will meet on Mondays at 3:00 p.m. in the Counseling Center. If you believe that you may benefit from this type of group, please call Jody or Jeanne at

inBia nntkim •tn&iMtt " mmmmuMo rw

difan •!« « r t | ()«% Cfl tfw pnarami

^campus fcof Thi!^

Production Editor

R n e w g r o u p is s t a r t i n g . . .

lara $ 1 , 0 0 0 - $ 2 r 0 0 0 for your Student Group in lust i hours! ill Utria

furniture, all gently used and at prices that are gentle on your


Mardigras. TRAVEL FREE,


o f f e r a h u g e selection of clothing, b o o k s , h o u s e h o l d items, and


A C T N O W ! G u a r a n l e c the best spring break prices! S o u t h

with the H o p e body, the meeting last W e d n e s d a y

M o r a l D i s c e r n m e n t in the C o n t e x t of faith and l e a r n i n g . "

c o n s i s t e d only of s o m e p r o f e s sors, a c o u p l e of students, a n d

T h e s u b j e c t of this lecture w a s

president B u l t m a n , w h o I

the place of the Bible at H o p e College. W h e n I a t t e n d e d this

b e l i e v e d e s e r v e s a lot of credit for c o m i n g a n d j o i n i n g the

lecture I w a s very pleased at the

d i s c u s s i o n . I a p p l a u d the p e o p l e w h o s h o w e d up t o the m e e t i n g

t h o u g h t put into the discussion a n d it's i m p o r t a n c e to the f u t u r e

395-7945 for more information.


Last w e e k a very i m p o r t a n t lecture w a s g i v e n al H o p e called

of the H o p e c o m m u n i t y .

t h r o u g h the h e a d s of those w h o

For this reason I w a s very d i s a p p o i n t e d in the turn out at

didn't. It is a very s i m p l e thing t o

the meeting. We are at a point

have a strong o p i n i o n a b o u t s o m e t h i n g and just a s s u m e that

right n o w w h e r e s t e p s are b e i n g taken t o f i g u r e out the direction that H o p e is h e a d e d . T h e r e h a v e b e e n strong w o r d s the in past f e w years about H o p e ' s position


o n the GSF, diversity and the


Y c m




c = 3 cr=) tr=3 c m


for our

Roast Turtey e^ravy



Mashed Potatoes Rice



Fresh s a l a d s wssert rable

0 D

H o p e is s o m e t h i n g that is the c o n c e r n of all these g r o u p s . If e a c h o n e is not r e p r e s e n t e d then the quality of H o p e as a c o m m u nity is in s e r i o u s j e o p a r d y . M u c h of the talk at the m e e t i n g w a s s p a r k e d b y the past

v o i c e y o u r o p i n i o n , at least attend to b e c o m e i n f o r m e d . T h e m o r e that p e o p l e k n o w a b o u t an issue the m o r e that H o p e will b e n e f i t . T h e r e are plenty of opportunities. Rise and Inquiring

the y e a r there will b e s p e a k e r s a n d panel discussions t o attend.

wild sweet

and students. T h e d i r e c t i o n of

Nobody knows everything a b o u t an issue. If you d o n ' t w a n t to c o m e to a m e e t i n g to

c o n v i c t i o n s on both of t h e s e

Ok-muflL H a r v e s t L u ^ h c o w , B - w f f c t .


of faculty, staff, a d m i n i s t r a t i o n

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o*- T V i w r s d f l y O c t o b e r 2 4


e x p r e s s e d , but in the end this w o u l d not h e l p H o p e , only m e .

of the discussion can be relevant to H o p e . T h r o u g h o u t

S t u f f m 0


c o m e s f r o m t h e m , but if it d o e s

my v i e w s be the only o n e s


issues. M y q u e s t i o n is, w h e r e Refer to job posting #02-39. UHOPE

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t n e

If n o t h i n g else, write a letter to

apathetic. Instead of h a v i n g a discussion

wait until H o p e c o l l e g e is s o m e t h i n g that you d o n ' t want.

the Editor, but d o n ' t sit b y and

isjcw -


Watch this space



t&ctey toy your imrbook loefcy Utij tsd&ftvy ifitrytixxrM i tfrfay roda.j fay \f&fq*vri*x£ tod-™ bty ysvr yotp vcjaxx*


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tod-Tf M e w

if*# tddXi tm tviitu&©Rt M boo* fo&Xjt ymrtee# tedm toy boc* • twy i^yearixxrtrodty,

M i s s Julie by A u g u s t Strindberg

October 25 & 26 8 : 0 0 p.m. DeWitt S t u d i o

Directed by Peter Beck

In 2 0 0 1 , Student C o n g r e s s used $ 5 0 0 of the student activity f e e to buy this scrolling m a r q u e sign in the lobby of the D e W i t t C e n ter. A l t h o u g h active in 2 0 0 1 , the sign has yet t o display a n y t h i n g since. A s a service t o you, T h e A n c h o r will keep track of h o w m a n y w e e k s it has b e e n b l a n k since installed.



Recycle the Anchor!

are these p e o p l e ? M y initial r e s p o n s e is that they are simply




inevitable. I w o u l d love to h a v e

M i n d s are g r o u p s w h e r e m u c h

c r r r czzi c = i


w o r l d d o e s not w o r k that way. H o p e will c h a n g e ; this is

h o m o s e x u a l i t y . 1 k n o w that there are m a n y p e o p l e with strong

D J o m

H o w e v e r , for all of you w a t c h i n g f r o m the sidelines, the

a n d present d i s c u s s i o n s o n

T h e Kletz's Fall Harvest Buffet


things will g o your way.

Bible. We h a v e t h e s e d i s c u s s i o n s but in the e n d n o t h i n g really m a n y p e o p l e are angry. H o p e is a c o m m u n i t y m a d e u p

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Embark A , on an Adventure

and w o n d e r just w h a t is g o i n g

Today's Count: 5 6




s s u e 8 of 25, p u b l i s h e d



J ' f ; CJ



Sports Sport? Sports Spot Sports, . ' 1'* f~ *-*

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Men's ultimate prepares for spring season Hope scouts college competition, gains experience. John Rodstrom S P O R T S EDITOR

T h e Hope College m e n ' s ultimate team traveled to A n n Arbor last Saturday to play in the annual fall Best of the Midwest tournament. T h e Flying D u t c h m e n gave u p several close games, meanwhile gaining invaluable experience for the Spring season. T h e D u t c h m e n finished the day with a respectable 2-4 record. Hope was forced to take a young roster, lacking key players and having few subs. I think for what w e had we played very well. We definitely played better than w e expected," said Le Yang ('05), Hope ultimate team member. T h e D u t c h m e n started the day with a 13-0 drubbing of O h i o State University's B team. " W e capitalized on several of their turnovers. T h i s is the first shout out w e ' v e had this season. We usually start out pretty slow, but w e had a first round by, and that allowed us plenty of time to warm up,:" said Kaiser Shen ('04), Hope co-captain. T h e rest of the games would not be as easy, several of w h i c h were decided in the opposing teams' favor primarily because Hope was worn d o w n late in the g a m e with f e w subs.

T h e weather also w o r k e d against the Dutchm e n , preying mostly u p o n the inexperienced players on both sides. "It w a s a bad day to play to start with. T h e cold was very frustrating and the wind caused several mistakes f o r each team," Yang said. Hope fell to the University of Michigan 13-9, Michigan State University 13-4, the University of Rochester, N.Y. 13-7, and again to U of M later in the day by the same score of 13-9. The D u t c h m e n regrouped and ended the day on a positive note, soundly defeating Western Michigan University 13-4.



Left: Kaiser Shen ('04) looks for an open man downfield. Above: Eric Barendse ('03) lays out for an important grab on offense. " I ' m really glad to see the n e w g u y s step up and b e c o m e more solid and more experienced players," Yang said. T h e fall ultimate season is almost over, and the Flying D u t c h m e n h a v e only one chance left to c o m p e t e with the t o u g h e s t t e a m s , which they will face this Spring. " T h e r e will be several national qualifiers.

and even m o r e national contenders amongst the Division I schools that we will be facing this w e e k e n d , " Shen said. ' T h i s c o m i n g weekend is really important f o r us. We will h a v e the strongest team yet this fall. T h i s is our last chance to see and play the teams w e will need to beat to go to nationals," Yang said.

Men's and women's cross Swimming splits place third in Rochester, N.Y. Ben DeHaan


Hope finishes regular season strong, prepares for MIAA meet. John Rodstrom S P O R T S EDITOR

T h e m e n ' s and w o m e n ' s cross country teams both traveled to the U n i v e r s i t y of R o c h e s t e r I n v i t a tional on Saturday f o r their final regular-season meet of the year. On the m e n ' s side, Hope placed third out of eight teams. T h e final s c o r e s w e r e S U N Y - G e n e s e o 36, SUNY-Brockport 57, Hope 91, Rochester 93, Baldwin-Wallace ( O h i o ) 121, A l f r e d , (N.Y.) 151, M a n s f i e l d ( P a . ) 184 a n d F i n g e r Lakes C C 255. " W e really feel like it w a s a solid stepping stone, setting us u p for the u p c o m i n g big meets," said Ryan Weaver ( ' 0 6 ) . Leading the w a y f o r Hope was Tyson Warner ('06), w h o finished in 13th place (27:21). T h e rest of the Hope pack f o l l o w e d close behind. Peter Derby ( ' 0 4 ) took 14th

(27:21); Weaver finished 19th ( 2 7 : 3 4 ) ; Kyle Williams ( ' 0 6 ) took 22nd (27:30) and Sean Derby ( ' 0 6 ) c a m e in 25th (27:56). In t h e w o m e n ' s race, Hope also fini s h e d in 3rd p l a c e overall. T h e final results f o r the s e v e n t e a m f i e l d w e r e as follows: SUNYG e n e s e o 28 points, Baldwin-Wallace 37, H o p e 99, Roche s t e r 107, S U N Y Brockport 147,

C o m i n g off of a successful previous season, the Hope College s w i m m i n g teams opened u p the new season on Saturday with a dual meet against D e P a u w University (In.) In m e n ' s competition, the Flying D u t c h m e n were able to capture first place in eleven events, and take both of the relay races



The Flying Dutch stay in a tight pack.

Mansfield 151 and A l f r e d 186. " W e were just h a p p y that w e ran well, especially because the conditions were so poor," said Christine Alcenius ( ' 0 6 ) . T h e Flying D u t c h w e r e led by Alcenius, w h o finished 18th overall (24:33). Other Hope finishers were Kathryn Veldman ( ' 0 3 ) , 19th

(24:39); Tina Pike ('05), 22nd (24:44); Kristen Post ( 4 03), 24th (24:56); and Leticia Grandia ('03), 31st (25:13). Both teams will travel to A l m a College on Nov. 2nd f o r the M I A A championships, and to Ohio Northe r n U n i v e r s i t y o n N o v . 16 f o r N C A A Regionals.

Hockey club splits at North wood Ben DeHaan SPORTS EDITOR

T h e H o p e Ice H o c k e y club continued their season last weekend as they traveled to N o r t h w o o d (Mi.) for the Northwood Early Bird Tournament. Entering the tournament with a 2-0 record, the Dutchmen were looking to improve the f o r m that put them in fifth place at the National C h a m p i o n s h i p s last spring. H o w e v er, H o p e s u f f e r e d a f e w costly lapses on Friday night as they fell to M u s k e g o n C o m m u n i t y

College 6-5. " W e d i d n o t p l a y u p to o u r s t a n d a r d s at all on Friday," said Captain Scott Van T i m m e r e n ('03). ' T h e r e were a few ten minute spans w h e r e w e p l a y e d d o w n to their l e v e l , a n d let t h e m b a c k in the game." Jeremey Von Eitzen ( ' 0 3 ) scored a hat trick f o r H o p e , w h i l e Kai Samuelson ('06), and Mike Brown ( 4 03) each tallied one. O n Saturday, H o p e took on N o r t h w o o d University, and played a much better game, giving

N o r t h w o o d a 6-1 trouncing. " W e definitely played o n e of our better games on Saturday," said Van T i m m e r e n . "We moved the puck well, and d o m i n a t e d most of the game." H o p e s c o r e s w e r e led by Eric Terpstra ( ' 0 3 ) with two goals, while Brown, Will Farrar ('05), A.J. Stacheki ( ' 0 3 ) , and Steve Fuggit ( ' 0 6 ) each scored one. Hope will play in their first home g a m e on Saturday w h e n they host Illinois State University. Gametime will be at 9 : 0 0 pm.

to defeat the Tigers 168-135. Captains Brian Slaugh ('03) and D a n B o u w e n s ( ' 0 3 ) played an e n o r m o u s role in the D u t c h m e n victory. Slaugh took first place in the 50, 100, and 2 0 0 yard freestyle events and t e a m e d u p with Jake Taber ('04), Chris Hamstra ('04), and Travis Barkel ( ' 0 6 ) to win the 2 0 0 - y a r d f r e e s t y l e race. B o u w e n s added t w o wins f o r Hope in the 100 and 200 yard butterfly. T h e D u t c h m e n received m o r e first place finishes f r o m Ian K o b e s ( ' 0 3 ) in the 100 b a c k stroke, Matt Waterstone ( ' 0 5 ) in

HOPE COLLEGE ANCHOR 141 E 12TH ST PO BOX 9 0 0 0 H O L L A N D MI 49422-9000

the 2 0 0 medley, Ross Geuirink ( ' 0 3 ) in the 100 breaststroke, and John Wright ( ' 0 6 ) in the 3-meter dive. In w o m e n ' s competition, the Flying Dutch were able to achieve five first place finishes, but were defeated by D e P a u w by a score of 182-111.5 L e a d i n g the Flying Dutch in competition was Michelle Smith ('04), w h o w a s a double winner on the day with victories in the 2 0 0 - y a r d f r e e s t y l e and the 500-yard freestyle. Other first place finishes f o r Hope came from Erin Vanderburg ( ' 0 3 ) in the 1,000yard freestyle, Beth Fredericks ( ' 0 5 ) in the 200-yard butterfly, and Lindsay Close ( ' 0 4 ) in the 3-meter dive. T h e s w i m m i n g teams will have a f e w w e e k s off before the next c o m p e t i t i o n . T h e m e n ' s team will travel to Albion on Nov. 9th, w h i l e the w o m e n ' s t e a m will host Saint M a r y ' s on Nov. 2nd at the Dow.

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