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VanderJagt awarded honorary degree U.S. Congressman Guy Vander Jagt (R-MI) was awarded an honorary doctor of laws degree from Hope last Friday in the DeWitt Center to commemorate Vander Jagt's service to the community over three decades. What makes the award special is that this is the second degree Hope had conferred upon Vander Jagt: The first came in 1953 when he graduated from Hope as an economics major. "This is a proud moment-but a humbling moment as well," Vander J a g t told the audience of mostly faculty and alumni.



OCTOBER iO, 1983

Homecoming '83 Festive by Buck O'Connor This y e a r ' s homecoming could be described as nothing less than perfect, as students and alumni mingled and enjoyed several attractions Saturday. Not only did we defeat Kalamazoo College, but the opening of the DeWitt Center was a pleasure for students and alumni as well. So far as the g a m e went, the half-time festivities went even better. The South Haven Band was a real pleasure to listen to and watch, as it p e r f o r m e d one of the best shows Hope has seen at Holland Stadium The most exciting part of the follies were the a w a r d s that were presented. Last y e a r ' s King and Queen. Todd Holstege and Julie Bosch, returned to crown new royalty. King Mike Spitters

and Queen Mary Lynn McNally. Both were surprised, but the crowd wasn't, as both are fine e x a m p l e s of Hope students. One of the m o r e coveted awards, given to the fraternity and sorority with the best grade points, were awarded to Kappa Delta Chi and the Arcadians. Rounding out the ceremonies was an award given to Hope College in general by the MIA A. This was the ever-socoveted All-Sports award, given to the school with the best all around sports prog r a m . This is derived f r o m a point system, each school receiving points on the basis of how high in the league each t e a m finishes. This is the fourth consecutive year that Hope has received this honor, and that is an honor well deserved.

• L Dean Dirkse speaking v at the DeWitt dedication last Friday. (Photo by Doug Lehman)

Beyond Hope

International focus in campus events

"I accept this award on your b c n a l t , " he continued, " b e c a u s e I could not have done this without your help, support, votes, and p e r h a p s most of a l l - y o u r love. I am proud of this Degree, but 1 am also very, very proud of Hope College." Vander J a g t , congressman representing Holland and the ninth destrict since 1966, is also an a l u m n u s of the Universities of Michigan and Yale. He says, however, that Hope is the one for which he holds the greatest affection. The s a m e c e r e m o n i e s which conferred honors to Vander J a g t also officially opened the renovated DeW itt Center. Victor W. E f m i c k e , C h a i r m a n of the Board of Trustee, accepted the key to the Center and r e m a r k e d , / ' O u r students d e s e r v e this: the magnificent facilities, comfortable student lounge, and fine Kletz." Vander J a g t said, "It is a joy to have it as beautiful physically as it is spiritually and a c a d e m i c a l l y . " Ceremonies celebrating the dedication of the DeWitt Center continued later Friday evening with concerts and a luncheon for alumni. Student Congress President, David A. Van Dyke, spoke briefly, and Chaplain G e r a r d Van Heest ended the ceremonies with a p r a y e r ot praise and dedication. Another c e r e m o n y honoring Cong r e s s m a n Vander J a g t is scheduled for November 1 at Grand Valley State Colleges. At that time, a p e r m a n e n t chair of professorship will be dedicated to Vander Jagt. That professorship will be given to political science and communications d e p a r t m e n t s and funded through private donations.

by L. Shanafelt There a r e two events happening this nually in Benton Harbor under the sponPM on Saturday. The van will be returnweek with an international focus. The sorship of D A N K. The trip to the fest is ing quite late, so plan accordingly. The first is the Kurosawa Koto Music Ensemsponsored by the G e r m a n Club. The Oktoberfest is open to all students, so take ble from J a p a n which is featured in conOktoberfest is a great way to learn about a lon^ study break and celebrate the way cert today, as the second event of the G e r m a n culture. Traditional G e r m a n the G e r m a n s do: with good food, lots of Great P e r f o r m a n c e Series. The second food is served along with beer and wine music and dancing, and beer! event is the annual trip to Benton Harbor for theOktoberfest. The Kurosawa Koto Music E n s e m b l e will be a unique opportunity for students to hear traditional and modern J a p a n e s e music played on traditional J a p a n e s e instruments. The koto is a type of zither and was very important in the history of both HOLLAND-A large abstract acrylic J a p a n and China. The shakuhachi is an painting by Delbert Michel of the art end-blown bamboo flute, one of the most faculty has been accepted for a m a j o r exversatile wind instruments of the world. hibition by the A m e r i c a n Academy and Finally, the shamisen is a three-stringed Institute of Arts and Letters. Instrument which looks something like a The work, entitled Handwritten Tripbanjo. The E n s e m b l e has presented con• Xtych and m e a s u r i n g eight feet high by 14 certs around the world and is presently feet in length, will be included in the touring the US under the sponsorship of *ir< Hassam and Speicher Fund P u r c h a s e Exthe Great Lakes College Association and hibition at the a c a d e m y ' s gallery in NewAssociated Colleges of the Midwest and York City from Nov. 14 thru Dec. 18. A the J a p a n Study P r o g r a m . group of paintings and drawings will be Tickets a r e available at the door or in purchased from this exhibition and given the College Relations Office. P r i c e s a r e to m u s e u m s across the country. The Kurosawa Koto music ensemble p e r f o r m s both traditional and modern $7.00 for adults. $6.00 for senior citizens, Michel h a s been a m e m b e r ol the Hope J a p a n e s e music. and $3.00 for students. The p e r f o r m a n c e faculty since 1964 and is currently chairwill take place in Dimnent Memorial tor those "of a g e . " There will be music man of the art d e p a r t m e n t . Chapel. While most music played in and polka dancing. Some people wear the Born in Libertyville. Ind., he w a s J a p a n today is much like ours, the dirndls and lederhosen, traditional Gereducated at DePauw University, the Kurosawa Koto Music E n s e m b l e pro- man dress. Meals range from about $2.50 pg. 3 University of Iowa, and the Slade School vides a glimpse into J a p a n ' s cultural past to $5.50, plus whatever you drink. Dress Nykerk and gives the Holland community an op- up if you would like, but please, no blue Student Congress pg. 4 of Art, London. He has held various pro•fessional positions with schools in the p o r t u n i t y to e x p e r i e n c e t r a d i t i o n a l jeans. Tickets a r e $3.50 and might still be Bookstore contest results..pg. 5 United States and Great Britain. J a p a n e s e culture. available at the Language Office on 2nd SAC Hitlist pg. 6 Michel has exhibited in m u s e u m s , Another big event taking place this floor Graves. Transportation will leave universities and galleries in fifteen s t a t e s Saturday is the Oktoberfest presented an- from the anchor in front of G r a v e s at 5:00 as well as Great Britain and has earned prizes for his work in national competitions.

Michel painting accepted for exhibition

anchored inside

OCTOBER 20,1983

H O P E COLLEGE anchor

Nykerk/Pull-Criticisms, but no suggestions? Since publishing the last anchor on October 6 containing the article b y Kim Japinga on stereotyping in the Pull and Nykerk, people have been wondering just who is Prof. Luidens and many have responded angrily to his statements against both traditional v V v l l lo •

There is little need to reprint Luiden's views on Nykerk-Pull in depth. In review, he objected to Nykerk because 1) it made women into girls, 2) it presented antifeminist material, and 3) it forced women into an unnatural competetiveness. His views on the Pull were 1) it focused on brawn, not brains, 2) it involved militarism and 3 ) morale girls were subserviant objects chosen on the basis of their sex appeal. Each student on campus can do what he or she will with u w u e n A C 0 , m m e n t s B u t t h e m o s t Prominent objection raised was Why didn t Luidens make any suggestions?" In speaking with Nykerk and Pull coaches and participants, all expressed an interest in hearing suggestions for ways to improve the activities. LMscussion has taken place among the Nykerk council for modest but specific changes in response to objections raised by paricipants and non-participants. But Luidens never had any help to offer, only criticism. Pity the man who can only bear the fruits of criticism, and do nothing constructive for the world or people around him. As a parting note, Luidens was invited earlier in the year to write his views and suggestions for the anchor and he refused. Any man with as great a concern as his, especially a man in the position of professor to young adults should not only be able to think a problem through to its solution, but be willing to print such beliefs as well, if only for the betterment of the college comLuidens is again invited to submit such a statement to the PubIication on Editorial Page. And, in case he missed the Pull, Luidens is also invited to attend Nykerk, and see if it's really as demeaning as he seems to believe

Thanks for the coverage To the E d i t o r : I'd like to thank the a n c h o r and Kim J a p i n g a for covering the Nykerk-Pull discussion sponsored by Women's Issues. It is encouraging to know that we a r e finally looked upon as an established group at Hope and to know that we h a v e the support of the c a m p u s newspaper. The article w a s clear on the facts of the meeting and w a s written in an objective m a n n e r , which is often difficult to achieve. Many things w e r e left out of the article, though. The way it w a s presented m a d e it appear a s though Dr. Luidens 1 presenta-

Urban semester recommended D e a r Editor, I a m s u r e a lot of you have heard about our recent incident here in Philadelphia. The reason behind this letter is to prevent any n e g a t i v e feelings t o w a r d s the Philadelphia U r b a n Semester. We were victims of a c r i m e that could have happened to anyone. It Just so happens that we w e r e at the wrong place at the wrong time. Many people h a v e told us that it w a s a very f r e a k o c c u r a n c e and that it is not indicative of city life. I hope that any of you who a r e considering this p r o g r a m do not rule it out b e c a u s e of what happened. The p r o g r a m h a s so m u c h to offer including a g r e a t staff and a chance to gain some work experience. If possible t a k e a d v a n t a g e of this p r o g r a m , we at Hope a r e lucky to be p a r t of it. E d d i e Moriarty

Editor's Note: Eddie and Tom Knoebber were s t a b b e d while walking down the street on the night of September 8,1983.

tion w a s the main purpose of the meeting and lasted for the m a j o r i t y of the hour. In reality, though, 1 asked Dr. Luidens to present his views as a c a t a l y s t for discussion, and he only spoke for a p p r o x i m a t e l y fifteen minutes. The purpose of the meeting w a s to explore Hope's traditions to see if they a r e sex role stereotyping and to suggest w a y s of modifying the events to o v e r c o m e these aspects. We wanted to give people a chance to voice their opinions so that all of us could be m o r e Informed. I w a s pleased with the turn out and with the honest questions and c o m m e n t s . Many suggestions w e r e m a d e at the meeting that w e r e n ' t mentioned in Ms. J a p l n g a ' s article. I feel they d e s e r v e to be printed, since they a r e all valid and m a y very well e n h a n c e the e x p e r i e n c e of Nykerk and Pull. They were: - t o c h a n g e the d r e s s code of Nykerk - t o allow the song w o m e n to move around instead of sitting still for two hours : ^ - t o h a v e one co-ed tradition Instead©? two single-sex traditions - t o open Pull to women and Nykerk to men - t o choose plays and songs which promote the good in women a n d in people in general Instead of ones which promote m e n and belittle women. These a r e a s a m p l e of the m a n y suggestions m a d e . If there a r e others, or If anyone is Interested In implementing one of those listed, I would be very Interested in h e a r i n g so. Now you k n o w - t h e rest of the story. J e n n y Heitman Vice P r e s i d e n t Women's Issues Organization


Is sex more important than world issues? Dear Editor: Six weeks ago I h a d m y first opportunity of r e a d i n g the anchor. In It w a s an article by E r i c Flom, entitled: l 4 Hope for L i b e r t y . " I w a s appalled at the narrowness of view expressed in this article and t h e r e f o r e expected reactions In the next anchor. However, no reactions w e r e to be observed and the article w a s followed by m o r e In the s a m e line of thought. In another anchor I r e a d an article by Steven P o p e entitled: " F o r g i v e us F a t h e r for we've had s e x . " This article w a s bombarded by reactions of people claiming to have a Christian concern. I w a s s t a r t l e d by this discrepancy. I am reacting out of my own Christian convictions and as a non-American. F i r s t , I would like to react to Eric F l o m ' s articles. In one of his earlier articles he went as f a r as saying that if the Soviet Union should invade Europe, the US should start open w a r f a r e in E u r o p e in order (and this is the reason) to prevent having w a r f a r e on US territory. Do you think that any E u r o p e a n country would like to have nuclear missies on its territory if this is the reason? I personally would resent having m y home country sacrificed for US interest, or for that matter any country sacrificed for any other country. In the October 6 issue of the anchor he s t a t e s that the g o v e r n m e n t should spend money on defense but not on w e l f a r e . People who c a n ' t support themselves for one reason or another, he wrote, should de dependent on c h a r i t y . There a r e people who want to work but can't. T h e r e a r e people who work sixty hours p e r week and don't e a r n onehundredth of what a m o r e fortunate person gets, the e t c e t e r a s here a r e innumerous! Leave all these people to the humiliation of charity and you can be sure that the gap between rich and poor will widen at a f a s t e r rate. It is m y conviction that God is not a social Darwinist. Also on his r e m a r k about defense expenditure I would like to react. Spending money on defense for the US m e a n s spending money on nuclear build-up. P l e a s e consider the d a n g e r s here. Sure, t h e r e is the d a n g e r that the Soviet Union will invade, but t h a t ' s not the only d a n g e r In-

Board of trustees meets by J a n e B u r s m a The Board of T r u s t e e s met this p a s t " W s d a y and F r i d a y under the chairmanship of Dr. Victor W. E l m l c k e . T h e Board is composed of the people who own and o p e r a t e the college. It Is responsible for the running of the College. T h e B o a r d is m a d e up of 30 people: 12 elected by the R e f o r m e d Church, two faculty m e m b e r s . President Van Wylen. t h r e e Alumni Board nominations, and 12 people elected by the Board. It m e e t s t h r e e t i m e s a y e a r to consider what Its four standing c o m m i t t e e s bring up. During this m e e t i n g the Budget w a s prepared, reviewed, and then approved. The Board decided to p u r c h a s e the Parkview A p a r t m e n t s instead of leasing them. It w a s also decided to h a v e a J a m e s M. Vermeulen endowed chair and e n d o w ed professorship In economics and business administration. This w a s given by Mr. and Mrs. R a y Ward of Newport Beach, CA. It will be a w a r d e d next y e a r . The Board also reviewed housing and advised continuing p r e l i m i n a r y work a f t e r reviewing the p r o g r a m s t a t e m e n t for the new library.

volved: the potential to destroy In Itself is an e n o r m o u s d a n g e r . T h e only t r u e law in dealing with technology is t h a t a mistake Is to be m a d e sooner or l a t e r . Another d a n g e r is the increasing availability ot n u c l e a r a r m s that goes hand in hand with the build up of technical knowledge Would you like an Amin or K a d a f i to have nuclear arms? Finally all the labor and r a w m a t e r i a l s spent on a r m s c a n ' t be spent on establishing a long-lasting and real peace, which can only be achieved by dividing the world's r e s o u r c e s equally a m o n g rich and poor countries In this respect we can conclude that the so-called equilibrium between the US and Soviet Union powers is non-existant, the w a r f a r e is only indirect and is killing the underpriveledged of this world by depriving them of their rightful s h a r e of the world's resources. To proceed with the reactions on Steven P o p e ' s article, when he r e a c t s on the * paternalistic and moralistic writings in the student handbook, the reactions on this article a r e numerous. I read the student handbook and a g r e e with Steven Pope that the controversial p a s s a g e was indeed h a r d to swallow for s t u d e n t s who feel adult and who feel that they have a thinking and Judging ability of their own. Then why all these reactions? T h e only reason that I can think of is that it involved an apparently very touchy s u b j e c t : sex. And a p p a r e n t l y what E r i c F l o m is writing about, how he w a n t s to establish a society based on the survival of the fittest principle with all the implications, is not very touchy. In this writing I would like to challenge the people, who perceive t h e m s e l v e s a s C h r i s t i a n s and who r e a c t e d negatively to P o p e ' s article (in mind or actually) and who did not react to F l o m ' s article, to shift their priority from Judging about other people's sexual p r e f e r e n c e s to e n g a g e m e n t in the discussion of how to design a m o r e f a i r and peaceful society. I look forward to r e a d i n g r e a c t i o n s J a n Kees den B a k k e r

/ Published w—kly September through April, except during exam periods ood college vocotioni. by and for the students ot Hope College. Holland. Michigan, under the authority of the Student Communications Media Committee. Subscrip. hon price: $10 per .year. Member. Associated Collegiate Press. Office located an first level of the DeWitt Center t«l*phon« 394-6578. The opinions on this page are not necessarily those of the studeinf body, faculty, or administration of Hope College. Newscoeditor News coedltor Features editor Arts editor

Elizabeth Trembley Barbara Wester Jane Bursma Trecy Lysaught John North

Z0"***** Scott Earl Photo editor John Gardner Assistant Photo editor . Tracy Grandstaff Copy editor Ann Crooks Production mgr Shawn Carpentier Production mgr Lois Furry Nancy Burrink Jennifer OeVries Advertising layout Cindy Abel Business Manager Jeff Allen Advertising mgr Chris Roth P 0 4 1 0 ®* P 0 ^ Holland. Ml 49423. POSTMASTER: send address changes to Hope College anchor. Hope College. Holland. Ml. /



Preparation or panic? The choice is yours Dear Editor : '• I'm shocked...no, I'm appalled at the apparent apathy among seniors regarding job seeking efforts. What's going on here, seniors? Are you naive enough to think someone will hand you the perfect $21,000 a year job In May

Hope for Liberty by Erik Flom A government by the people can quickly become a government In which the majority of the people dictate the decisions about a m a j o r portion of the lives of the minority. The encroachment is not uncommon. The area in which It Is done most subtly Is in education. Recently, education has become a top issue again and one in which we should be interested, Merit pay Is a simple Issue for me. I believe that everyone should be paid on a merit pay basis, teachers included.. My chemistry teacher in high school left the teaching job he liked because he needed more money to send his daughter to college. He went and got a job which started at $8,000 more than his teaching job. If science and math teachers were paid more, then perhaps there would not be a shortage in the schools. My conclusion Is that teachers should be paid a comparable wage to what their skills a r e worth to other employers. The big losers in the present system a r e the high school students interested in the sciences. Parents who seek to find a better schools than the public ones are penalized for seeking the best education for their children by being forced to pay for two educations at the same time if they send their children to a private school. Because of this 1 believe in a tax deduction for those that send their children to private schools. It gives the parents the freedom to choose how their children will be educated without excess financial burden. There are those that argue that only the rich will benefit from such a change. That Is not true. The rich will always be able to afford to send their children to a private school, but not so for the middle class. Such a change will make the freedom of choice In education available to more Americans. This policy should also be extended to colleges, t r a d e schools, and day care centers. The biggest Issue In colleges right now. Is draft registration and government guaranteed loans. The government h a s taken quite reasonable action o n ' t h i s Issue. In guaranteeing the loan, the government Is coslgnlng with a person It cannot trust to obey It. Since the law Is the only means by which It can Insure collection, lawbreakers should not be loaned the money. These people do not respect one law why should they respect others? (Like the one to pay the money back). This type of government action should be extended to all forms of government aid. The Government should only be responsible for those responsible to It. The government and Its citizens should have a minimum of responsibility to each other. This Includes education. This way peoples lives are manipulated minimally. The freedoms of thought and word which we hold dear rest upon our freedom In education. Our founding fathers depended on a relatively well educated populace at the beginning, and we need it as much, If not more now. Only through good judgment and restraint can the liberties which we hold dear be insured for all of us.

along with your diploma? Wake up and smell the coffee. It takes a genuine, thorough, organized job search to result in a treasured entry-level position. ' Either most of Hope's senior students have already received employment promises and will begin working In May or they obviously are sitting on a time bomb. Frankly, seniors should be panic-stricken about this time of year. Juniors should be anxious. Sophomores should only be concerned and freshmen should, be uncomfortable. In this way, I mean the job search Is critical and It can take several years to develop the proper techniques to interview effectively. I am emphasizing job search techniques and not necessarily career planning for underclassmen. Why then are seniors waiting unfril the last few months or weeks of college life to begin this crucial Interviewing process? I'm referring to the poor attendance at the senior orientation meeting on September 29 and the horrendously low senior population at the Senior Sequence offered during fall break. The Sequence was a two-day workshop geared to helping the senior student prepare for employment and-or graduate school. It should not have been missed in my opinion. Why, then, was last year's Sequence attended by more than twice the people w b o attended the Sequence this year? I hope you all have good excuses for missing it or you've already made appointments with Dar Topp and Dale Austin at

the Office of Career Planning and Placement. Believe me, nothing would make me happier than for all you seniors to write a response to this letter telling me you already have jobs waiting or have been Interviewing. But, then, it's not my problem...or will It be when you aren't employed? Karla L. Vander Kolk Senior

Nykerk begins another year by VlckiBnmn What Is Nykerk? It Is freshman and sophomore women, coaches, morale guys, fun laughter, tears, friendshipsnew ones made, old ones strengthened. Nykerk Is song, play, oration and much, much more. Nykerk began In 1936 when the women of Hope College felt they need an activity as a counterpart to the guys " P u l l " . First, powderpuff football was chosen. However, the faculty and administration felt that the activity should be more feminine. So an English professor, John B. Nykerk, formulated the song, speech, and d r a m a competition for the freshman and sophomore classes. Nykerk has been a tradition and part of Hope ever since. This year the tradition of Nykerk has already begun with the classes of 1986 and continued on page 7

OCTOBER 20,1983

Where was the Pull? Dear Editor : 1 would like to comment on your fine coverage of the Pull! I must admit that an average group of sixth graders would have trouble getting some Interesting photos and a relevant article to sum up the three weeks of practice by two elghteen-man teams, their morale girls, and coaches. Your coverage, however, proves that your paper Is done by a group of people better than an average sixth grader. An Interesting paradox has been formed here. A few weeks ago this paper ran an article on the Pull which asked only for some of the respect it deserves. My question is, how can the Pull gain the respect of the faculty when it doesn't even get the respect of this paper? In this traditionbased college community, the Pull (one of its oldest traditions), gets two small photos and a derogatory article by Dr. Luidens. Finally, I wish to express my deep sympathy to Dr. Luidens. If he spends all of his time worrying about whether the activities he does turns him into a masculine militant or a little boy (as he stated that Nykerk transforms women into little girls), it is obvious that he will never do anything just for the aspect of having fun or good fellowship. Mark Snyder '85'

Student comment on proposed hiringpolicy by Steven W. Pope Today our society values leisure and comfort more than ever before. The bulk o f t e c h n o l o g i c a l breakthroughs over the past 25 years have been geared toward alleviating the discomfort of living. Everyone has benefited Incalculably rom the Innovative Ingenuity of the 20th century. The housewife, for example, no onger washes clothes on a scrub-board, nor hangs clothes on a clothes-line, nor washes out diapers In the toilet. Things have changed! We now have washing machines, dish washers, and disposable diapers. The net result Is that the housewife's job has become much e a s l e r now she can have more leisure time for watching TV, shopping, and playing cards with the ladles. This change in our society can be readily detected in institutions of higher learning (lijte Hope College). Out of Hope's obsession with the superiority of the Christian religion comes strides to promulgate a comfortable, sheltered environment; If the administration's intentions of practicing religious discrimination In hiring a r e not checked, then Hope will lose a great deal of credibility In the academic community. This will result because the once-acclalmed liberal arts education which was to be "...a synthesis of ALL learning... n will not be fully attainable. The recent debate between the faculty and the administration has been over the "Procedures to be Followed in the Recruitment of Persons to the Hope College Faculty." More specifically, the battle Is being fought over requirement F in the proposed policy statement, which states that persons to be hired by Hope should " h a v e a commitment to the historic Christian faith, and a desire to advance the integration of faith and learning through personal example and free intellectual inquiry." The reason this has been under such heated rumination Is that It Implies that Hope College aims to

practice a certain degree of religious ex- professors are to be involved in counseling and advising on a personal basis, then clusivity in hiring. This recent attempt by the administra- they cannot help but develop certain tion supports this social tendency of seek- biases towards those students. If this ing comfort (through having one religion should be avoided, then why should it expressed) versus stimulation. This re- matter If the faculty member has a comquirement Included In the proposed policy mitment to the Christian faith or not? Another explanation given for hiring statement shows both a narrow-minded approach in educating the leaders of the exclusively Christians at Hope is that future and a lack of confidence in allow- they will supposedly set examples in their ing other religious convictions to be aired daily lives which will be conducive to the In this academic atmosphere. Hope has Christian lifestyle which Hope wants to been recognized In the past as a leading perpetuate. There Is nothing wrong with educational Institution whose alumni wanting to maintain a Christian comhave gone on to achieve distinction in munity; but, in order to preserve such an their chosen professions. Why Is it atmosphere, It Isn't necessary to require necessary to jeopardize this on something that only Christians can be hired! This atas stifling to higher learning as religious titude assumes that all religions other than Christianity practice questionable discrimination? In an informal conversation with the lifestyles...However, this Is not true! Provost, we discussed this topic briefly, There are similar beliefs on living our and Provost Marker was open to presen- lives between Chri ^tlanlty and Taoism or ting the administration's concerns regar- Buddhism. Contrary to popular belief, I think that ding this proposal. Marker noted that professors at Hope are not here just to teach, one's religious values are ultimately but to be available to students for advice strengthened when they are exposed to and consultation In academics and per- "threatening" and "foreign" Ideals. As sonal areas. This, to him, exemplifies the Christians we must grow strong enough in mission of Hope (I.e. "to provide com- our own faith so that when confronted prehensive literary and scientific courses with other beliefs they will not seem alarof study...in relation to the Christian ming. Quite frankly, I do not see this as faith..."). Upon initial Inspection this being as much of a potential problem as sounded very amiable, but after talking some people do. After all, there a r e very with a couple professors which I have a few times when religious beliefs are great deal of respect for, I found that this discussed in the classroom setting. doesn't jive with reality. If college Is supposed to be a training I would venture to guess that the ma- ground where students can prepare for jority of professors at Hope have not been future commitments, then It musn't allow trained to serve students as counselors, Itself to become too prejudiced in the and thus, many feel unqualified to do so. religious convictions of the personnel It Although most professors are generally hires. It Is only through an exposure to s y m p a t h e t i c to s t u d e n t s ' p r o b l e m s various backgrounds and beliefs that a (intellectually, spiritually, and socially) student can ever hope to be prepared for most realize that this is beyond the the plurality of society. The college exbounds of their Jobs a s educators. Second- perience should be one of dealing with the ly, it is important not to get too close to complexities of the world, regardless if students, because this presents an we fully agree with them or not. obstacle en route to effective education. If

OCTOBER 20,1983


H O P E COLLEGE anchor

Student congress discusses sexual and hiring policies by Kathy Fox The meeting was opened in p r a y e r followed by the announcement that Greg Olgers h a s been selected to fill the empty seat. Other announced positions include those to the International Education Committee: Emily Wang and Brian Gibbs and the Student Appeals Board: Lisa E v e r s , Jeff Roelofs, and Chris Pinderski. P a r l i a m e n t a r y procedure was next on the agenda, with an explanation by Dave Randall. He said that " t h e use of parliamentary p r o c e d u r e is a logical way of regulating the d e b a t e and discussion within a m e e t i n g . " He also said that if used correctly, it is a way of providing time for each m e m b e r who wishes to speak.

Its c r e a t i o n w a s p r o m p t e d by c o n c e r n e d p a r e n t s a n d w a s n e v e r i n t e n d e d to b e seen by t h e s t u d e n t s . After reading the rules of parliamentary procedure and listening to the explanation. a motion w a s passed to accept its use. It will be in effect in f u t u r e meetings. The next item under discussion was the election procedure and the district system. Dave Van Dyke began by saying that "the use of the district system has been a problem faced by the school for the last couple of y e a r s . " He went on to say "in past y e a r s as in this one. there have been districts that have had enough people interested to hold an election, while in others there haven't been enough or no one at all." This year the Congress has the same problem and solved it by accepting all the petitions sent in. There w a s one seat left empty which has now been

filled. The question under discussion was whether to get rid of the districts -all together because of lack of interest. This sparked lively discussion in which the main complaint was that the present congress m e m b e r s do not receive election information in the mail. E a c h student on c a m p u s is supposed to receive a letter and a petition. There was strong support to keep the district system, though as Paul Hemeren said " t h e system hasn't done what it is supposed to do. Because the responsibility to Inform the students of what is going on in Student Congress lies with the r e p r e s e n t a t i v e . " Districts were established to create just such responsibility and a way for the student body to c o m m u n i c a t e its concerns and ideas to the Congress. It was generally felt that the lack of communication and lack of interest was the cause of poor elections in thi^ and previous years. It was decided that the district system would be r e t a i n e d . However, a c o m m i t t e e was formed to study, review, and m a k e proposals to the full Congress about possible changes in the system. One of these would be an amendment to the Constitution concerning the voting procedure. F u r t h e r discussion centered around the issue of faculty hiring. The Congress decided that it would be a d v a n t a g e o u s to submit a s t a t e m e n t to the President stating its stand on the issue of Critera F. The clause is currently under discussion by the administration and faculty. Student Congress has formed a committee to poll the student body and find its opinion before the writing of the s t a t e m e n t of position begins. "Hope's sex policy was accepted in its entirety by the C a m p u s Life B o a r d , " said

Doug L e h m a n in his report to the Congress. He continued, however, along with Dave Van Dyke, to say that what is printed in the student handbook is onlypart of the full s t a t e m e n t . The full statement is in the handbook for the faculty. Its creation w a s prompted by concerned p a r e n t s and w a s never intended to be seen by the students. What a p p e a r s in the student handbook was never intended to be there and is only part of the total. Dave went on to say " t h a t its a p p e a r a n c e under

the section entitled ' L a w ' is also a mistake. It is not a law. R a t h e r , it is a statement of position by the Administration." Also discussed w a s the increase ot the student activities fee by $5.00. This would result in a total i n c r e a s e of $10,000. This is still under discussion, however, because it was passed at the very end of the last meeting last y e a r . It will be debated in subsequent meetings this y e a r .

Dirkse works for awareness A recent interview with Dean Dirkse dispelled some of the c a m p u s r u m o r s about his new administration. Dean Dirkse wants to m a k e the d e a n ' s office a place of support for students r a t h e r than one which handles only disciplinary problems. The Dean is hoping to become f a m i l i a r with all aspects of student life; the residential, social, physical, emotional, and spiritual. Dean Dirkse's p r i m a r y goal is to give students the best college experience possible. With the a s s i s t a n c e of his staff a schedule is being worked out to rennovate the dormitories and cottages. He wants the residence halls to provide the best possible " h o m e away from h o m e " atmosphere. Dean Dirkse is greatly concerned with the alcohol problem that exists on and off c a m p u s . It is his hope to provide alcohol a w a r e n e s s p r o g r a m s to students in order that they may m a k e a responsible decision.

When asked about his view on the issue of sex. Dirkse replied: ' i t is my responsibility to look at the issue from a Chris tian standpoint; however, this is an individual m a t t e r and I can only s h a r e my ideas." He indicated that the Health Clinic, Counseling Center, and Chaplain s Office provide s e r v i c e s and a r e very accessible if students are willing to m a k e m itial contact. R e p r j s e n t a t i v e s from these services will also meet with groups in residential halls. Dirkse believes that Greek organizations have played an important role on our campuS in the past and they can today. He is interested in working with the fraternity and sorority leaders. It is his hope that through discussion they may s h a r e their expectations and goals, from the perspective of the group and the administration. The personnel in the Student Affairs Office welcome the students to visit them in their new office on the main floor of the DeWitt Center.

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Usingdrama to challenge beliefs "Every play I direct is a religious own personal convictions.^ play," s t a t e s Diviners director John The Diviners, T a m m i ' s current play, is Tammi. He believes this is true because very religious. It deals with a small town every play deals with m a n ' s search for in Indiana during the depression. The humanity and the relation of man to a town must learn to live with tragedy and higher power. its search for a gooc good life. to contini)e\on contlnueon in Its He finds in each play a way of a s k i n g ^ ^ " ^ - — himself questions which challenge his beliefs#. His choices in directing are made from his own basic beliefs. He sees comedy as possibly the most religious because laughter is so important that it b e c o m e s closely . c o n n e c t e d to On Friday, October 22 at 8:00 PM in seriousness. Laughter is to T a m m i , 4 4 An Wichers Auditorium, Linda Strouf, harpability to breathe against unanswerable sichordist from Manistee and Wendy questions." ^ * Crawford, soprano from Holland; will He gave a presentation on religion in present their joint Sr. Recital. plays at a faculty luncheon. He felt it was Miss Strouf will perform an Italian Conimportant to issue an invitation to the certo by Bach; Concerto in F minor by faculty to talk about play choice and Bach; and two short pieces, a French and selection. Criticism occurs and should oc- Italian. She will be accompanied by a Strcur because d r a m a is public and ing Quartet consisting of Mary Jo Price, necessitates an audience. Colleagues a r e Deb Fike, Beth Bichler, and Ginger important in supporting the theatre Hawkins; department and keeping it a part of the Miss Crawford's repetoire includes a College. cycle of Italian songs: Bella Boca; UmHis response to people who have pro- bre, Voi Che Celate; and Recititive and blems with plays is that those individuals Aria from Guilio Ceseare. She will also have problems differentiating between sing Frauenliebe und Leben cycle by theatre and reality. An actor is not cor- Schumann and the Mother and Child cyrupted by a part. In fact, through explor- cle by John Ireland. Accompanying her ing the role of a less than desirable on piano will be Marjie Fabrici and on character an actor may strengthen his cello, Ingrid Dykemann.

Crawford and Strouf recitals

OCTOBER 20,1983

"The Diviners" is divine by John North


own emotional struggle, who befriends the boy. It is through this characterization that Goodman's subtle expertise as an actor becomes known. As well as Gray and Goodman, others in the cast provide a believable community in which the characters' lives evolve. Particularly noteworthy are Dan Doombos, L i n d a Miles, and S t e p h e n Schwander. On the other end of the production, the set, lighting, and costumes appeal to the audiences' sense of imagination. Two disks of unequal elevation serve as the set, brought to life by lighting and the actors dressed in gray, blue and brown. Although this is not a lavish design, the abstractions allow the audience to im-

The Diviners opened up the 1983-84 theatre season on October 14th and 15th, proving to be an outstanding production. Directed by John Tammi, the play takes place in a rural town in Indiana. It is filled with symbolism that is craftily displayed throughout the production. Jim G r a y ' s performance as Buddy Layman, a mentally and emotionally handicapped 14 year old boy, is nothing less than superb. His characterization of the young boy, obviously a difficult task to pull off, is quite believable. Through Gray's acting, the boy comes to life and the audience feels every emotion along with him. • Brian Goodman exquisitely portrayed C.C. Showers, a minister engaged in his

continued on page 6


of the Hope-Geneva


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4th Prize • Eastpack Backpack Marta Mieras Sara Renkes Mary L. Stewart Tyra Van Gilder


5th Prize Jansport Logo T-Shirt A l f ce A d a m s Amy Austin Mike Brewer A n n e Boonstra Duane Dede Randy D e V r i e s Tina d e Jong Kurt D o e d e n Linda Eickhoff M i c h e l l e Essenberg Jodl Foutch Philip G e r r i s h Angle Grochowalskl Kris L. Hanson Diane M . H l n m a n Cindy H o l l e n b e c k Clay ide Susannah Kist Kathy L. K u e h l M a r k E. Larson M a r y e t t e Lokhorst Marta Mieras

Jon P . T o p p e n Kathy M e t z g e r Lisa U e c k e r Deb M o e r m o n d Terry V a n D y k e n Jean M o r r i s Eric Vissers Mike Magee Randy W a r r e n Martha Megee Denlse M c L a r e n Dean W elsch Bruce D. M u l d e r Margie O. Klatner Fern Polma Mlchele Parker David P r e m o Jeff Roelofs Leigh A n n Schott Bill Shell Paula E. Smith M a r k Snyder Shelly Stariha Kabet Sterk K a t h r y n Surch Lorri Teper W i l l i a m Thomas Krlsten Tagg

Winners, you are also being notified by mail. Bring in the official notification letter to redeem your prize.



OCTOBER 20,1983

Photography contest opens 6,000 dollars in prizes, including a 1,000 dollar Grand Prize, will be awarded in the World Photography Contest, sponsored by the World Photography Society. 205 .prizes will be awarded.

SAC Hitlist by J a n K e n n e y Modern T i m e s , s t a r r i n g C h a r l i e Chaplin and Paulette Goddard, has the distinction of being a lone silent film in an era already dominated by talkies. In it, Chaplin sings one song but does not speak, and the audience is treated to the [)ld cinematic devices of pantomime and subtitles. Modern Times bring to light the conflict of man vs. industrialization; in lie film Chaplin endures a score of misadventures in as many different jobs, stubbornly bucking the system with the lelp of a pretty waif (Goddard). An energetic, sometimes sentimental comedy, Modern Times revives the pleasures of early cinema. It shows Saturday night at 7:30 in Winants Auditorium. Admission is $1.00 by Linda Sprick REDS, the story of a man and a woman's tears, joys, and emotions intertwined in the times of their lives. Starring Warren Beatty, Diane Keaton, Maureen Stapelton, Jack Nicholson, and J e r r y Kosinski. Directed, written, and produced by Beatty, this movie is a compelling love story of sizzling emotion. Reds is a masterpiece of our times. Come feel, experience, and enjoy the magic of this movie. It shows Friday at 7:30 and 10:00, and Saturday at 10:00 in Winants Auditorium. Admission is $1.50.

All photographers are welcome to enter. Photographs on any theme and in any style a r e eligible for the 1,000 dollar Grand Prize and for the 204 other prizes. Special prizes will be awarded for photos on nine different themes. Photos may be color slides, color p r i n t s , or b l a c k - a n d - w h i t e p r i n t s . Photographers may enter as many photos as they wish. Aspiring or little-known photographers are especially encouraged to enter. According to Contest Director Joel Andrews, "We want to spotlight talented photographers, and help them gain greater public recognition. Photos a r e Judged on originality and photo interest, not just on technical skill." Do not send photographs yet! Interested persons should request free information and entry forms f r o m : World Photography Contest, Box 1170, Capitola, California 95010. Entry forms will also be available at many c a m e r a shops.

musicale series begins HOLLAND-The music faculty presented its first concert in the Sunday Musicale Series for 1983-84 on Sunday, Oct. 16 at 4 PM in Wichers Auditorium These concerts were formerly the Faculty Chamber Music Series. Sunday's concert featured works of Schutz, Clementi, Quantz, Druns, and Dutilleux. P e r f o r m e r s included Stuart Sharp, Robert Ritsema, Roger Davis, Mary Natvig, Mary Jo Price, Roberta Kraft, Eleanor Palma, Mary Engstrom, Gail Warnaar, Michael Votta, and Peggy Patrick.


Righteous rock-n-roil by Scott Curley Christian power-rock a n d - h i g h technology met on stage at the Holland Civic Center last Friday night, October 14th, when DeGarmo & Key and Servant c a m e to town. The evening began with a. fifteen minute solo act by Lloyd Thogmartin. He got the audience warmed up by having them snap their fingers while he played some very 'funky' rhythm and blues guitar. Following hot on Lloyds' heels c a m e the DeGarmo & Key band. It gave the audience a hot hour of professional musicianship, honest sharing, and praise to the Lord. When it j a m m e d , it rocked the r a f t e r s ; and when DeGarmo and Key spoke, they showed a humbleness of spirit and obvious love for J e s u s in their hearts. The band was tight, and had a lot of fun during its concert. It played a good mix of songs from its new album, ''Mission of Mercy" (MOM for short) and some old favorites like "Long Distance Runner" and the beautiful but energetic " M a r y " . It final song, in which DeGarmo, playing a synthesizer hung around his neck, and Dana Key, playing a cordless guitar, went into the audience and j a m m e d , was spectacular. When the audience demanded an encore, Dana Key c a m e out, gave his testimony and played, "I Have Decided to Follow J e s u s " on acoustic guitar. After a fifteen minute intermission. Servant took the stage. The atmosphere was quite different. Smoke machines covered the stage with fog, lights flashed and glowed, and a sophisticated laser setup drew the word " S e r v a n t " in huge, glowing green letters behind the band. The lead singer, clad in muscle shirt and tight pants, stomped and strutted on the

stage, leaped in the air and swung his mike with extreme vigor. This high energy approach made the teeny-boppers cheer and scream. Although DeGarmo and Key's and Servants' methods of spreading the word of J e s u s in song are quite different, each method was appreciated by individual preference and the evening was a success.

First student recital held HOLLAND -The music d e p a r t m e n t presented its first student recital of the school year Thursday, Oct. 13 in Wichers Auditorium. Participants included mezzo soprano Lauria Majchrzak, a senior from Grand Rapids; guitarist Lois Kortering, a senior from Muskegon; soprano Becky Milas, a junior from Spring Lake; mezzo soprano Wendy Crawford, a senior from Holland, and pianist Marjorie Fabrici, a junior from M e r r i l l v i l l e , Ind. i continued from page 5 a g i n e an e n v i r o n m e n t in w h i c h characters exist. The Diviners, which played last night, will run tonight through Saturday, October 22nd. Curtain is at 8:00 PM and ticket prices are: $2.00 students; $3.00 faculty and Sr. citizens; and $4.00 adults. Reservations can be m a d e by calling the ticket office located in DeWitt. For anyone interested in seeing a production of high calibur. The Diviners is the show to see.


PARENTS WEEKEND Oct. 28-30 Be on the lookout.




Hit List Movie

Oyfrt I

REDS hiodsonuille ice-credrrj


m a l l s

Salads 1 'I










tZ*OOMo*i /ItOOpM. * Sorvdap

Special Showings Fri., Oct. 21 6:30 & 10 p.m. Sat. Oct. 22 9:30 p.m.

Saturday Night Special MODERN TIMES Sat. Oct. 22 7:30 p.m.

m J





Hope stings Kalamazoo by Scott Earl

Women's Cross still in contention by Steve Underwood The w o m e n ' s cross-country t e a m raced to a 20-35 t r i u m p h over the Kalamazoo Hornets last Saturday on the s t r e e t s of Holland. The m e e t began five minutes prior to the s t a r t of the 5000 m e t e r portion of the Run-Bike-Swim e x t r a v a g a n z a . It was also contested on the s a m e course. Now with a 2-1 record the Dutchwomen were hoping that Alma knocked off Calvin yesterday. T h a t would drop the Knights into a second place tie in the MIAA standings with Hope. Then the Dutch could forge a three-way tie if they were to upset the Scots on Oct. 28. The Knights, who handed Hope a 23-33 loss on Oct. 4, a r e currently tied with Alma for first in the league. Despite having to stop for traffic on 8th street (thanks to some course management problem). Deb Heydenburg ran to her first win of the season in 19:40. Gain Bond (19:55) and Wendy Schoenmaker (19:57) took the next two places to ice it for Hope. Sue DeSanctis (sixth--20:39) and J a n e Northuis closed out the top five for the Dutch. Shelly Hegedus (12th-22:55), Carla Johnson (14th-24:09), and Gwen continued from page 3 1987. A lot of time h a s been spent in rehersajs p r e p a r i n g for Nykerk. The Nykerk committee is headed by Karen Button. Kathy Klok, senior; E r i c a Kratzer, junior; and Amy Bradley, sophomore a r e the class representatives. Mary Van't Kerkhoff is t r e a s u r e r and Vicki Brunn is in c h a r g e of publicity. This y e a r ' s sophomore coaches a r e Rhonda H e r m a n c e and Juli H a r p e r for song; Mary Lynn McNally and Melissa Most for play; and Dawn DeWitt and Carla Hedeen for oration. The sophomore orator is Kirsti Stoom. The f r e s h m e n a r e being coached by Lynette C a r t e r and Cindy Blight for song; Cindy H o f f m a n and Jennifer Tenhave for play; and Beth Archer and J e a n i n e Baisch for oration. Betsy Hutter is the f r e s h m a n orator. For the classes of 1986 and 1987, these weeks of practicing, friends, and fun will all come together Nykerk night. And finally, a f t e r each h a s given her best and the winning class is announced, the celebration will begin when we " m e e t ya in the middle." Nykerk will be held at the Civic Center, October 29,1983, at 8:00 p.m. Everyone is

, Griffen (15th-24:27) flew in shortly ' Hope also finished third of five t e a m s at thereafter. the Tri-State Invite on Oct. 8 with 57 Many of the Dutchwomen had their best points. Highlights of that r a c e included times of the season in the tough loss to DeSanctis* best clocking of the y e a r : Calvin. Among t h e m were Schoenmaker 20:25 (14th). ( s i x t h - l Q ^ ) , Northuis (eighth~20:16), Both the women's and m e n ' s crossKaren Gingras (nlntli-20:26), Hegedus country t e a m s will be at the C a r t h a g e In(1401-22:49), Johnson (15th-23:07), and v l t e l n K e n o s h a , Wise, this S a t u r d a y . Griffen (l6th-23:40).

The Flying Dutchmen bounced back f r o m a humbling loss to Albion, to record a homecoming victory against Kalamazoo, swatting the Hornets 55-0. N e x t week. the Dutch travel to Adrian to take on the Bulldogs at 2*00 PM. u seemed a s though Kazoo could not do one right thing throughout the entire conDiUdi looked invlnceable. On an(j the first play from s c r i m m a g e , Mike Sturm romped through the Hornets for a seventeen y a r d gain, leaving the Dutch at about mid-field. Only three plays later, Greg Heeres connected with J e r o m e Vite for a 29 y a r d gain, putting the Dutch at their own thirteen yard line. F r o m there, Tom Van Heest powered to the two y a r d line and Mike Sturm s c r a m b l e d in for Hope's first score. Kalamazoo got off on the right foot, in that it did m a n a g e to pick up the fumbled kickoff. F r o m there it w a s all downhill, as the Dutch defense closed the Hornet's drive down, a defensive e x t r a v a g a n z a topped off by a Steve Zeldenrust sack. The Dutch c a m e up with decent field position on the ensuing punt and proceeded to put together what w a s to be the longest drive of the game. After running The women's c r o s s country t e a m raced to a 20-35 triumph over the Kalamazoo several plays, Heeres went to the air conHornets last S a t u r d a y on the s t r e e t s of Holland. (Photo by Dan Josse) necting with Dave Van Noord at the 27 yard line. After several more runs, Heeres hit Van Heest for the touchdown, only to have it called back on a penalty. The Dutch Machine w a s not to be stopped rp., .. it u ii t , j * though, a s on the next play H e e r e s hit Van week i n 1 8 at by M. Marsters P ^ Noord for the score, and Randy Smith hit v ™ s he Flying Dutch traveled to Adrian on K a ' a m z o o on WednesdBy, and on Satur- the point a f t e r , leaving the score at 1 « . Saturday defeating the Bulldogs in front f a y ^ D u t c h ^ i 1 play at Albion. Bote 0 n ^ H o r n e t s n e x t possession, the t e a m s h a v e lost 10 H o p e e a r l l e r in of their home crowd. The Dogs fell to ^ Dutch-D c a m e t h r o u g h a g a i n as season. Newhouse came up with the sack and Hope in three straight, 15-12, 15-11, 15-8. Hope h a s now taken over third place in continued on page 8 the MIAA standings. The JV, playing aggressive ball, beat Adrian leaving Hope's JV record at 6-3. Both t e a m s played strong offensive g a m e s which a r e characteristic of Hope's wins.

Volleyball beats Adrian


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•OCTOBER 20,1983



Field hockey on a roll by Scott "John" Watson

Within the last two weeks the women's field hockey t e a m has found the team concept, a new offensive threat, and victories against Adrian, Calvin, and Olivet. The Adrian g a m e was one of the most physical of the year and the Dutch were unable to tally in the first half. The second half was a different story as the spirited Dutch began making better passes and taking much higher percentage shots, and things started to come around. At 21:00 of the half Annette " E . T . " Van Engen walked in through the left side of the Bulldog defense and took goalie Cathy Truchal left and slammed a shot right to get the game-winning goal for the Dutch. The goal was Van Engen's fourth of the year. Eight minutes and six seconds later, junior Melanie Waite was awarded a ,4 stroke n (a stroke is similar to a penalty shot in soccer). Waite stood over the ball and drove it to the pads of Truchan. The official, however, ruled that Truchan's right heal w a s not properly positioned and thus the goal was counted. The goal was the first of the year and second career goal for the Ann Arbor native. • The Bulldogs made two last minute surges but were turned away primarily by the defense of Karen Smith, Gwen Gerkey, and freshman Kathy Chandler. The Hope offense continued to play well as did the defense as the team traveled to Grand Rapids to take on arch-rival Calvin. The Dutch went into the game having never won a game on the Knights home field. That was to change.

Despite a driving wind and nearly constant rain, the Dutch were able to play aggressive and for the most part dominate the game. The first quarter of the game

goalie. With that goal. Van Engen gave Hope a one point lead and also became the team offensive leader with ten total points.

umni Field Hockey t e a m beatTiope's JV Field Hockey in last Saturday's Homecoming festivities.(Photo by Doug Lehman) Calvin was not about to be out-done by showed aggressive play, yet no goals, and the Dutch and it answered at the 26:42 it appeared as if a repeat tie was in the ofmark of the first as Diane Heinsburger fering. stuck a brisk shot to the left of goalie Beth But at 22:20 of the first half, Annette Van Engen found the loose ball in front of Beachum to even the score at one all. The half ended in a one all tie but just 32 the cage and was able to stick it past the seconds into the second half Calvin had

taken the lead for the first time in the game. The game continued in the cold rain for nearly twenty-one minutes with both t e a m s making futile attempts to taliyAt 21:34 sophomore Jenny Sharp of Worthington, Ohio, got the ball into the cage for the tying goal. The goal was her first of the year despite 15 shots on goal. The rain began to slack and the Dutch seemed a little worried that it didn't have another goal despite pleas from Head Coach M a r j Snyder that, " I t ' s ok...you're all right...lot's of time." Finally at the 26:26 mark of the second half Sharp drove the ball to the left of the Calvin goalie. As the goalie lunged, the ball trickled in giving Snyder and the Dutch the first ever victory on the Knights field. Following those two bfg wins and with a win over Olivet last Friday, Snyder feels confident that with a little help the field hockey team will be able to repeat as MIAA champions. In the Olivet victory, the only goal was scored by Jenny Sharp bringing her season total to three and career total to four. The improved play was also noticeable when looking at this weeks league stats. They find Melanie Waite at the top of the league in assists. Also Annette Van Engen is in the top ten in both scoring and total points while Mary Gaffney is near the top in both. The Dutch are in action tomorrow again at Buys Athletic Fields with a 3:30 game.

continued from page 7 Morren c a m e up with a loose ball on the Hornet's thirty-five. From there, Hope marched in with a one yard run by Vander Starre, capping off an eight play drive. It seemed as though Kazoo could not get it together, and so, holding true to form, the Hornets again lost the handle on the ball, a fumble that was recovered by the ever-present Thurland Cole. One play later, Vander Starre bulled in, rounding out the half's scoring, and leaving the Dutch in the honey, 27-0. The Dutchmen must have had a rousing half-time talk, as on their very first possession of the half, they managed to score. After a beautiful run by Van Heest which left the ball at the Hornet's fifteen, Heeres again found Van Noord grazing in the end zone, putting the score at 34-0. Again the Hornet's could do nothing with the ball, and on the punt return the not-yet-satisfied Dutch pulled off a perfect reverse, made possible by a crushing block by Mike Stewart. Heeres proceeded to stay in the air, and found senior tight end Vite on the fourteen. Sturm then scampered in for another TD, and the Dutch found themselves up by 41 points. The Hornet's fate was obvious at this point, but what was to come was even better. Enter second team. With Mendels at the wheel and frosh sensation Todd Stewart behind him, the Dutch put together yet another drive for another score. Stewart ran several plays for good yardage, but it was Mendels' passing that moved the ball in quickly. After two consecutive passes for a total of 35 yards, Mendels found Konkle in the end zone for a 30 yard scoring play. The determined Dutch were not even finished yet, as Kazoo was forced to punt. Hope took over on the 43 yard line and behind the running of Deloy and Sabin were able to add insult to injury by scoring once more. Final Score: 55-0.

Men's CO slams Kalamazoo, leads MIAA

by Steve Underwood The men's cross-country team continued its impressive drive towards the MIAA c h a m p i o n s h i p with a 15-50 whitewashing of Kalamazoo on the streets of Holland last Saturday. The rout upped the Dutch record to 4-0 with this past Tuesday's race at Adrian and a Oct. 28 meet with Alma yet to be chalked up on the dual meet ledger. Dutchman Steve Underwood took the 5mile affair in 25:23. The meet began near the Dow Center five minutes prior to the start of the 10,000 meter run segment of the Hope Run-Bike-Swim. It also followed a similar course. • Hope, in fact, took the top seven places. Simon 'happy to see you this evening" Hatley ran the r a c e of his career to take second in a fine 25:52. Then, in a span of five seconds, c a m e Scott VandeVorde (third--26:04), Lindsey Dood (fourth-26:07), and Brian Taylor (fifth-26:09). Dick Hoekstra (sixth--26:30) and Kevin Shoemaker (seventb--26:34) took the next two spots to ice the " s l a m . " The races of VandeVorde and Hoekstra were particularly impressive in light of the fact that each had been ill earlier in the week. Many other Dutchmen took advantage of the fine conditions to run outstanding times. Also among Hope's top twelve finishers were Andy Kromminga (ninth26:45), John Gardner (tenth--27 :21), Wal.ly Avis (llth--27:22), Mike McCarthy (12th"28:23), and Dan Dunn (13th-28:24). Other Dutchmen a-flyin' were Rick Krieger (15th~28:50), Mark Madler (17th-29:14), J a m e s Twining (18th--29:21), Vern Wendt (19th-29:43), Jeff Larrabee (21st-30:46), and tri-athlete Rich "early Morning" Helder (22nd--31:25). Three other meets the Dutch have run since the last issue of the anchor merit mention. The first of these was on October 4 when the Orange and Blue moved

into first place in the league with a thrilling 22-33 win over arch-rival Calvin. The win (undermined now by the fact that it is "old news") broke the Knights 30-meet winning streak which began after Hope last beat them in 1978. If Hope can defeat Calvin again in the MIAA meet, it can win its first outright conference title since that year. The margin of victory would've been even larger had Calvin's Dan Diekema

Greetings from Philly: Hope you all had a great break. Just a note of thanks for all the support






friends. It was really appreciated. I don't think I would have stuck it out without all of your support and prayers. See you in January, Ed-

N.M., C.Z., and K B.-Thanks for putting up

not outkicked everyone in the last half mile in an incredible finish. But Hope's Taylor, Underwood, and VandeVorde still took 2-3-4, and Hatley ran in with Dood for sixth and seventh as the Dutch wrapped it up. The other Hope meets over the last few weeks, the Notre Dame and T r i - S t a i & l n ^ vites will not be detailed here for rea^irrs of space and relative mediocrity. It w^s not one of Hope's better weekends.

PGM III: We love you I Your fan club from V2 J. Poele: Getting a lot of phone calls lately? Ransom notes soon to come. W A M M Craig; It s a long and dirty road but w e w i l l travel it together. Blair Jennifer: Thanks for the signs, great! WTHS staff



with me the last few weeks, you guys are the

The girls of B-l and Paula: We must get

greatest. I love ya! The New York Chick

together and discuss the mating rituals of am-

For Sale: One male, classical good looks,

phibians and the mammels of Africa. John

great body and lots of fun. Interested? Call

Sid (alias Spike), We must get together again

Centennial fQr details.

and go to the Country Kitchen but you must learn how to speak first. John

MISSING: From dance in DeWitt Sat. night: and the Fixx " O n e Thing Leads to A n o t h e r . "

LOST: B a l d w i n - W a l l a c e football. Colors are brown and gold. Of Sentimental value (it's my

PLEASE return to WTHS Office on Main Floor

d a d s ! ! ) If found call Vern at ext. 6508.

DeWitt which is open all day. No questions

Hey WTHS: GREAT Dance Saturday night I

Two albums-Bryan Adams "Cuts Like a Knife"

asked!! To whom it may concern: The key is in the mailbox, come visit u s ! ! Jan and Shawn Outstanding quality. Pica or Elite type, fast service, corrections made if needed. Only $1 per page. Call Patti: 335-2835.

Milestone Meeting; Tonight at 7:00 pm in The Milestone Office. Everyone is welcome. Jedi and Lasar: Phelps women sleep on top. Lee and Bagger WANTED:



to come

cheer the JV and Varsity Volleyball teams at

Anyone planning on Texas sometime over

Hope onto a victory over Calvin. GO HOPE!

Christmas break? Looking for a rie to and-or

LET'S BEAT CALVIN (Tues. Oct. 25 at 6 pm in Dow) GO TEAM G O

from Dallas. Would share expenses. Call x6844.

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